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12-04-2009, 11:44 AM
I didn't asked you to bite anyone, just to share with us what photos or clips you have that show real bites as you are looking to find from otheres, once we see them maybe we'll add some more from our stuff.
You should contrinute as well, this is what we expect from all, to make it a good thread

12-05-2009, 10:39 PM
Bite me tender, bite me hard ;-)



I wish to thank you for your contribution, not so many does that. most do nothing and some give advices with no real contribution
See some more:
http://www.zoig.com/category/blowjobs/amateur-photos1.html (http://www.zoig.com/category/blowjobs/amateur-photos1.html)
http://www.zoig.com/view/937939-dick-close-bmow (http://www.zoig.com/view/937939-dick-close-bmow)
http://www.zoig.com/view/950272-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/950272-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/974782-blowjob-bitting-bigcock-bigdick-hot (http://www.zoig.com/view/974782-blowjob-bitting-bigcock-bigdick-hot)
http://www.zoig.com/view/974227-cop-cock-sucker (http://www.zoig.com/view/974227-cop-cock-sucker)

12-07-2009, 07:01 AM
I wish to thank you for your contribution, not so many does that. most do nothing and some give advices with no real contribution
See some more:

Thanks for your appreciation :bananajum

Here is also some more i found:

12-07-2009, 07:36 AM
I'd be in jail, and someone would be seating in the toilet from now on, if I show you how I like it:iluvu:


What would you do with a piece of manhood?:letsplay

12-07-2009, 06:08 PM
Thanks, again,
I have posted in the past many photos from Zoig, I do not know how to ripp them out of the site to my computer, can you do it for us I am sure otheres can't do it as well, and maybe you can.
Any other stuff avaliable?

12-07-2009, 06:22 PM

12-07-2009, 09:30 PM
I'd be in jail, and someone would be seating in the toilet from now on, if I show you how I like it:iluvu:


Its probably a good thing we have not met. I think I woulb be missing something right now:bananajum

12-07-2009, 09:31 PM
Thank you, I like realism, if there is no teeth marks, small cuts, bruises, or at least we can see the teeth deep inside the flesh, she is not even trying :jumpsmile


Definatelt teeth penatrating. the base preferably

12-07-2009, 09:33 PM
Just go down on her at the same time, but when she is biting really hard press on into get her the strongest orgasm she ever had, if you do it right she will forget is you between her teeth not just between her legs. Done... and by accident, so you are both excused in anyones eyes :iluvu:


by accident, okay. so what should happen to it after "The Accident":bananawin

12-08-2009, 06:07 PM
Hello everyone. I would like to introduce myself. You all can call me Tom. Cock biting has alway been the top of my fetishes. I just wish there was more site and people dedicated to it. I very nice when I get my cock bit but I just havent found that person who is willing to give it all they have when biting down. Now, I've been bruised, marked up, and even bled out a few times but no one is brave enough to see if it can accually be bitten off from the base when fully erect.
Well, Im glad to have found this forum and Im looking forward to sharing stories, images, and brave takers.

12-08-2009, 06:44 PM
How do I post pictures?

12-10-2009, 10:50 AM
Lets see some contibution in photos or clips from others, not only chats and opinions.

12-11-2009, 10:02 AM
Here are are couple personal pics of my cock being bit by two of my favorite biters. I have many more with the same and different biters.


12-11-2009, 11:52 PM
These are good bites, please send more.
I hope we'll see some morefrom many otheres that like to watch.
I myself have posted many and will continue once I'll see more from otheres as well.

12-12-2009, 12:36 AM
here are some animated bites that I also collect. I really wish I could see bites like this for real.

12-12-2009, 12:42 AM
I wish this was my cock being bit in this one. The teeth are so close to touching. A real hard bite!

12-12-2009, 12:52 AM
oops. Here are the pics I was refering to in the above quote. The size was too big so I had to shrink them alot. It seems most of my pics need shrinking before posting on here.

12-12-2009, 07:20 AM
Some new from me.
Lets see some more from you. I'll post as well hoping otheres will join us.

12-12-2009, 07:21 AM
http://www.zoig.com/view/1005485-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1005485-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1004867-blow-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/1004867-blow-job)

12-12-2009, 07:28 AM
For some reason they do not allow me to post more, I think I have passed my quota.
I'll post from direct sites like Imagefap
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=291612840&pgid=&gid=1529407&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=291612840&pgid=&gid=1529407&page=0)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1329103896&pgid=&gid=1529407&page=0\ (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1329103896&pgid=&gid=1529407&page=0/)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=720264124&pgid=&gid=1529407&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=720264124&pgid=&gid=1529407&page=0)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1736358906&pgid=&gid=1529407&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1736358906&pgid=&gid=1529407&page=0)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=678941158&pgid=&gid=1529382&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=678941158&pgid=&gid=1529382&page=0)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1256106487 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1256106487)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1272265695 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1272265695)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1844928051&pgid=&gid=1529382&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1844928051&pgid=&gid=1529382&page=0)

12-12-2009, 04:28 PM
great bites, more pics pls :DD

12-13-2009, 05:59 PM
If any one wants to exchange some high Quality pics or such via email just let me know.

12-14-2009, 02:00 AM
I am ready to exchange, on every photo you'll send me I'll send you one from me. Send it to matary13@gmail.com ( matary13 @ gmail.com)

12-14-2009, 10:47 AM
just emailed a few. I hope you like them Matary.

12-14-2009, 03:32 PM
by accident, okay. so what should happen to it after "The Accident":bananawin

She can keep it, or feed the puppies with it :iluvu:


12-14-2009, 06:37 PM
She can keep it, or feed the puppies with it :iluvu:


or maybe she could just finish it off and make it a meal :D

12-22-2009, 07:46 PM
or maybe she could just finish it off and make it a meal :D

Not enough meat :wooow


12-22-2009, 09:07 PM
Not enough meat :wooow


Was that a shot at my expense?:soomad

12-22-2009, 10:05 PM
Perhaps a snack then? :D

12-23-2009, 03:31 PM
Many thanks for these Many images in this Theard

12-31-2009, 08:51 AM
some more
http://www.zoig.com/view/1005485-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1005485-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1004867-blow-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/1004867-blow-job)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1023919-blowjobs (http://www.zoig.com/view/1023919-blowjobs)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1030665-sucking-cock (http://www.zoig.com/view/1030665-sucking-cock)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1031279-dec09 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1031279-dec09)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1030793-blowjob-milf (http://www.zoig.com/view/1030793-blowjob-milf)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1030761-blowjob-cum-swallow (http://www.zoig.com/view/1030761-blowjob-cum-swallow)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1051243-blow-eyes-sexy-smile (http://www.zoig.com/view/1051243-blow-eyes-sexy-smile)

01-06-2010, 02:53 AM
nice pics!

01-08-2010, 04:08 AM
this chicks looks like their hungry for some cock meat:D

01-08-2010, 12:51 PM
this chicks looks like their hungry for some cock meat:D
Nice pictures

01-10-2010, 07:38 AM
Just love to see it when a woman bites a cock from the side fair in the middle. Love to see the eye teeth burried deep in cock meat then bitting the tip until her teeth are nearly together.

Would love to see any pics like that. Can almost feel it myself.

Always imaggined being bitten on my cock by a sexy female vampire only to have her sucking my blood from it.


I have collected a few such pictures. Check them out at:

01-12-2010, 01:24 PM
As a member of ballbustingpornstars.com, I have sent Eric a request to see two porn stars endulge in cock biting: Penny Flame and Megan Jones.

Does anyone else agree? Maybe if we banded together to mke special requests such as this?

01-12-2010, 06:12 PM
As a member of ballbustingpornstars.com, I have sent Eric a request to see two porn stars endulge in cock biting: Penny Flame and Megan Jones.

Does anyone else agree? Maybe if we banded together to mke special requests such as this?

Special requests and donations! ;)

01-14-2010, 06:55 AM
Nice pics !!

01-18-2010, 04:27 AM
does anyone have any of the clips from this store?
if so can he post them or wish to tdrade with me.
http://clips 4 sale /studio/31626/Cat338

She just looks great and kave nice looking teeth as well

in order to get this site cancell the gaps bewteen before and after the 4

01-19-2010, 07:28 AM
does anyone have any of the clips from this store?
if so can he post them or wish to tdrade with me.
http://clips 4 sale /studio/31626/Cat338 (http://clips%204%20sale%20/studio/31626/Cat338)

She just looks great and kave nice looking teeth as well

in order to get this site cancell the gaps bewteen before and after the 4

I bought two of her videos. She does not bite very hard though.

01-19-2010, 11:41 PM
Please can you post them here or if you like trade them with me.
send them by SENDSPACE to matary13@gmail.com and I';ll send you two as well.

01-24-2010, 07:07 PM
Preferably post them here, she looks hawt. :p

01-26-2010, 12:32 PM
please contact me, I do not have your address.
You can send me photos and clips and I'll do the same once I have your address.

01-27-2010, 01:07 AM
i love cock biting

02-01-2010, 12:15 AM
As a member of ballbustingpornstars.com, I have sent Eric a request to see two porn stars endulge in cock biting: Penny Flame and Megan Jones.

Does anyone else agree? Maybe if we banded together to mke special requests such as this?

Well, I don't know who Megan Jones is, but I love Penny Flame. So, YES! I would add Lexi Belle as well. She is just so adorable that it makes it seem so much more wicked when she starts cockbiting. I love it!

02-01-2010, 10:40 AM
wasn't very sure whether i would enjoy it or not until my girlfriend actually did it, now each time i end up begging her to try and bite off the head:ibow4u:

02-02-2010, 08:24 AM
Hello, I want to put an information on the last post of dicksta (http://www.femaledom.com/forum/member.php?u=23007) about the second pic he show us. I already saw it, it' s come from a video of meninpain, this lady is Gwen Diamond, for who looking for this video. I found it excellent, she is not fake when she is bit this guy. she is really exciting, she slap his cock with the palm of her hand, but not only, she also slap him with a crop, and she suck him between some slaping and biting. I love how she is greedy. A very good dominant lady.

02-03-2010, 01:38 PM

02-10-2010, 07:06 PM
Does anyone remember that movie with the two women detectives, and toward the end of the movie, one of the detectives is ****** at gunpoint to give a guy a blowjob? The guy is leaning against a railing, holding a gun to the one detective’s head while she’s on her knees sucking him off. Her partner, the other detective, comes upon the two of them from the side and recognizes what’s going on. But she’s far enough away that the guy doesn’t notice. She draws her own gun from where she’s standing, and we know from an earlier scene in the movie that she was the best shot at the academy. Just before she shoots, the guy starts really panting and saying, “Oh God, I’m gonna cum in your mouth!” The detective off to the side fires, and for a second we don’t know what happened as the guy freezes with this stunned look on his face, and drops his gun, which the detective on her knees catches with one hand before it hits the ground. Apparently, the other detective got off such a perfect shot that she was able to have the slug sever the guy’s cock right between her partner’s mouth and the base of the assailant’s cock. Her partner gets up off the ground, glares at the guy who now has a horrified look on his face, and mumbles as if she has a chaw of tobacco in her cheek, “Let’s see you do that without your dickhead…DICKHEAD!” Then she spits out the piece in her mouth, and it bounces off the guy’s face onto the ground. I wish I could remember that movie.

02-11-2010, 08:02 AM
I hope they have not be posted yet

02-11-2010, 08:03 AM
The others

02-14-2010, 08:07 AM
New biting story from me here for those that enjoy them;

02-16-2010, 01:50 PM
New biting story from me here for those that enjoy them;

have to say...that's hot

02-18-2010, 02:52 PM

fcgoodwishes > My Sweet Joystick (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1611976)

Bite (http://imagefap.com/image.php?id=629574073)

Yuvutu1 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/AA274A58_5879_85A4_C1D9_297186519581.jpg) Yuvutu2 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/206CDEF8_6D58_70C1_6397_B916DDBA198C.jpg) yuv3 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/39FB9111_C74F_9589_5F50_8708A0AE22F8.jpg) yuv4 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/BAB99E7C_2AC9_D64F_C1A2_73FF30FF07DA.jpg) yuv5 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/903B8E22_9D0A_B442_D59C_CDD05D73AB3E.jpg) yuv6 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/EE110BFF_3811_4602_A782_1F13E6A864B4.jpg) DMW (http://www.domywife.com/photos/display/pos_-594067/M_cock.html)

DIt (http://imagefap.com/image.php?id=465475337&pgid=&gid=1638096&page=3) flick (http://www.flickr.com/photos/30032673@N07/4248348128/sizes/o/) fl2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/37358902@N05/3441980944/sizes/o/) fl3_ferocious (http://www.flickr.com/photos/coloradoskibumslut/4195255799/) fl4_foreskin_nibble (http://www.flickr.com/photos/46637011@N06/4278608784/sizes/o/)

fantasti (http://fantasti.cc/user/xerxes1977/images/image/243241) ft2 (http://fantasti.cc/user/freshmeat/images/image/170273) ft3 (http://fantasti.cc/user/freshmeat/images/image/235333/4) molsonice flickr bite (http://www.flickr.com/photos/13831605@N00/4290594554/sizes/l/) ifap_chompIt? (http://imagefap.com/image.php?vid=2075481478&id=2075481478&vote=10)

ifap_Asian_will_chomp?_HighResolution (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1036144537&pgid=&gid=2057918&page=0)

BUG1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/photonirvana/3720273977/in/set-72157617855431679/) BUG2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/photonirvana/3721085716/in/set-72157617855431679/) Food (http://www.flickr.com/photos/clapyour_handz/4271666282/sizes/o/) Banana (http://galleries.allinclusivepass.com/ex/wetlipfetish/pics/021/images/images/02.jpg)

Zoi (http://www.zoig.com/view/1160097-hotwife-blowjob) Zoi2 (http://www.zoig.com/view/833849-bite-job) Zoi3 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1113161-some-times-licke-grrrrrr-bite) Zoi4 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1113165-bite-hard) Zoi5 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1113169-harder)

not too hard.... (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=5702332)

Nibble (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6759076) Becky (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6583953) T (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=4842200&AT)

ht1 (http://cnt.hornythroats.com/ht_5403/tgp/DSC_0010.jpg) ht2 (http://cnt.hornythroats.com/ht_5403/tgp/DSC_0012.jpg) ht3 (http://cnt.hornythroats.com/ht_5403/tgp/DSC_0011.jpg)

Video: Stacie Wifecrazy.com Teeth on Cock (http://xhamster.com/movies/143164/stacie_wifecrazy_com_teeth_on_cock.html)

02-18-2010, 10:40 PM
some of the photos are noted fobridden
Yuvutu1 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/AA274A58_5879_85A4_C1D9_297186519581.jpg) Yuvutu2 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/206CDEF8_6D58_70C1_6397_B916DDBA198C.jpg) yuv3 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/39FB9111_C74F_9589_5F50_8708A0AE22F8.jpg) yuv4 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/BAB99E7C_2AC9_D64F_C1A2_73FF30FF07DA.jpg) yuv5 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/903B8E22_9D0A_B442_D59C_CDD05D73AB3E.jpg) yuv6 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/EE110BFF_3811_4602_A782_1F13E6A864B4.jpg) ht1 ht2 ht3
Also can you advice if there is a way to dowload the Zoig photos?
Many thanks.

02-19-2010, 07:21 AM
some of the photos are noted fobridden
Yuvutu1 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/AA274A58_5879_85A4_C1D9_297186519581.jpg) Yuvutu2 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/206CDEF8_6D58_70C1_6397_B916DDBA198C.jpg) yuv3 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/39FB9111_C74F_9589_5F50_8708A0AE22F8.jpg) yuv4 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/BAB99E7C_2AC9_D64F_C1A2_73FF30FF07DA.jpg) yuv5 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/903B8E22_9D0A_B442_D59C_CDD05D73AB3E.jpg) yuv6 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/EE110BFF_3811_4602_A782_1F13E6A864B4.jpg) ht1 ht2 ht3
Also can you advice if there is a way to dowload the Zoig photos?
Many thanks.


It is because the site does not allow external linking to photos. Just copy the link and paste into a new browser widow.


02-21-2010, 04:07 PM
Any of thw guys here feel like their lover almost went through with chomping it off? Any if the ladies ever feel they could have or were close?

02-23-2010, 05:45 AM
Can anyone download these photos from the Zoig site for us, I do not know how. if you can' please upload them here. Thanks,

http://www.zoig.com/view/1065179-sucking (http://www.zoig.com/view/1065179-sucking)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1078673-licking (http://www.zoig.com/view/1078673-licking)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1086193-bj-head-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/1086193-bj-head-job)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1090411-blowjob-cock-eyes (http://www.zoig.com/view/1090411-blowjob-cock-eyes)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1101133-sucking-cock (http://www.zoig.com/view/1101133-sucking-cock)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1109369-biting-teeth-balls-sack-nuts-cock-pearls-mouth (http://www.zoig.com/view/1109369-biting-teeth-balls-sack-nuts-cock-pearls-mouth)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1106569-cock-mask-biting-teeth-blowjob-sucking-milf-wife (http://www.zoig.com/view/1106569-cock-mask-biting-teeth-blowjob-sucking-milf-wife)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1106559-cock-mask-wife-milf-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1106559-cock-mask-wife-milf-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1113169-harder (http://www.zoig.com/view/1113169-harder)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1113165-bite-hard (http://www.zoig.com/view/1113165-bite-hard)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1113161-some-times-licke-grrrrrr-bite (http://www.zoig.com/view/1113161-some-times-licke-grrrrrr-bite)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1124047-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1124047-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1137027-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1137027-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1139109-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1139109-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1160097-hotwife-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1160097-hotwife-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1169551-cocksucking-blowjob-mature-women (http://www.zoig.com/view/1169551-cocksucking-blowjob-mature-women)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1179785-uncut-cock-blowjob-bite (http://www.zoig.com/view/1179785-uncut-cock-blowjob-bite)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1183213-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1183213-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1193149-blowjob-cocksucking-dick-oral (http://www.zoig.com/view/1193149-blowjob-cocksucking-dick-oral)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1160097-hotwife-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1160097-hotwife-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/833849-bite-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/833849-bite-job)

02-23-2010, 09:23 AM
Nice finds

02-23-2010, 10:35 AM
Ballbusting Pornstars is still going strong. I bought another membership a few days ago and it's improved even more! In the cockbiting at least. :D Plenty of ball biting too.

If you do join, be sure to write in the forum. They take and do requests, no matter how specific, as well and pay attention to feedback.

Alas, someone replied to one of my posts but my membership is over so I can't see it :( ...but still. :D

02-28-2010, 03:40 PM

fcgoodwishes > My Sweet Joystick (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1611976)

Bite (http://imagefap.com/image.php?id=629574073)

Yuvutu1 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/AA274A58_5879_85A4_C1D9_297186519581.jpg) Yuvutu2 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/206CDEF8_6D58_70C1_6397_B916DDBA198C.jpg) yuv3 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/39FB9111_C74F_9589_5F50_8708A0AE22F8.jpg) yuv4 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/BAB99E7C_2AC9_D64F_C1A2_73FF30FF07DA.jpg) yuv5 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/903B8E22_9D0A_B442_D59C_CDD05D73AB3E.jpg) yuv6 (http://apps1.yuvutu.com/prod/gallery/images/EE110BFF_3811_4602_A782_1F13E6A864B4.jpg) DMW (http://www.domywife.com/photos/display/pos_-594067/M_cock.html)

DIt (http://imagefap.com/image.php?id=465475337&pgid=&gid=1638096&page=3) flick (http://www.flickr.com/photos/30032673@N07/4248348128/sizes/o/) fl2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/37358902@N05/3441980944/sizes/o/) fl3_ferocious (http://www.flickr.com/photos/coloradoskibumslut/4195255799/) fl4_foreskin_nibble (http://www.flickr.com/photos/46637011@N06/4278608784/sizes/o/)

fantasti (http://fantasti.cc/user/xerxes1977/images/image/243241) ft2 (http://fantasti.cc/user/freshmeat/images/image/170273) ft3 (http://fantasti.cc/user/freshmeat/images/image/235333/4) molsonice flickr bite (http://www.flickr.com/photos/13831605@N00/4290594554/sizes/l/) ifap_chompIt? (http://imagefap.com/image.php?vid=2075481478&id=2075481478&vote=10)

ifap_Asian_will_chomp?_HighResolution (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1036144537&pgid=&gid=2057918&page=0)

BUG1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/photonirvana/3720273977/in/set-72157617855431679/) BUG2 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/photonirvana/3721085716/in/set-72157617855431679/) Food (http://www.flickr.com/photos/clapyour_handz/4271666282/sizes/o/) Banana (http://galleries.allinclusivepass.com/ex/wetlipfetish/pics/021/images/images/02.jpg)

Zoi (http://www.zoig.com/view/1160097-hotwife-blowjob) Zoi2 (http://www.zoig.com/view/833849-bite-job) Zoi3 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1113161-some-times-licke-grrrrrr-bite) Zoi4 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1113165-bite-hard) Zoi5 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1113169-harder)

not too hard.... (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=5702332)

Nibble (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6759076) Becky (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6583953) T (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=4842200&AT)

ht1 (http://cnt.hornythroats.com/ht_5403/tgp/DSC_0010.jpg) ht2 (http://cnt.hornythroats.com/ht_5403/tgp/DSC_0012.jpg) ht3 (http://cnt.hornythroats.com/ht_5403/tgp/DSC_0011.jpg)

Video: Stacie Wifecrazy.com Teeth on Cock (http://xhamster.com/movies/143164/stacie_wifecrazy_com_teeth_on_cock.html)

do you have any more photos like these? they are nice.

03-04-2010, 03:09 PM
18x cock and ball biting from ballbustingpornstars.com


Previews to all vids:

http://rapidshare.com/files/359015557/preview.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/359015557/preview.rar)

Enjoy guys ;)

03-06-2010, 09:57 AM
I am sure that most of us are also in other parts of the body when it comes to Biting.
Does anyone have the 3 last clips from the site:
http://www.********** . com/studio/22851/Cat338

I am reday to trade. send to matary13@gmail.com

03-06-2010, 09:57 AM
the site is **********

03-06-2010, 09:58 AM
clips 4 sale

03-06-2010, 02:48 PM
18x cock and ball biting from ballbustingpornstars.com


Previews to all vids:

http://rapidshare.com/files/359015557/preview.rar (http://rapidshare.com/files/359015557/preview.rar)

Enjoy guys ;)
Got the first - had not time to load the rest.
Please upload them again encrypted with a password (7zip can do that for free) and put it here with the files. [Changes fingerprint of the files - can't be autodetected again if "Bad file fingerprint" exists already in database]
If you don't want to put all files up manually again just make one single big encrypted file :)
Does someone know a better service than rapidshare where you can download more than 10 times? - Without creating a collectors thingy?

1 (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1547219)
(must be logged in and watch some other foto first...)A (http://www.eronity.com/image.php?gid=206817-4&n=6) B (http://www.eronity.com/image.php?gid=174539-1&n=9) C (http://www.eronity.com/image.php?gid=195685-3&n=9)

Newbienudes1 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6908004) 2 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=469204) 3 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=5510562) 4 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6485355) 5 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6632810) 6 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6789403) 7 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=4715482) 8 9 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=4694496) 10 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=4544835) 11 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=4544765) 12 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=4509378) 13 14 15

Zoig1 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1197759-xxx) 2 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1124735-cock-sucking) 3 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1020263-blowjobs)
WillSheChompDown? (


03-07-2010, 12:18 AM
I have most of them in my files, if you like I'll send you by SENDSPECE it si much better system.
I am ready to exchange clips with you, contcat me to matary13 @ gmail.com

03-07-2010, 12:43 AM
Got the first - had not time to load the rest.
Please upload them again encrypted with a password (7zip can do that for free) and put it here with the files. [Changes fingerprint of the files - can't be autodetected again if "Bad file fingerprint" exists already in database]
If you don't want to put all files up manually again just make one single big encrypted file :)
Does someone know a better service than rapidshare where you can download more than 10 times? - Without creating a collectors thingy?

1 (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1547219)
(must be logged in and watch some other foto first...)A (http://www.eronity.com/image.php?gid=206817-4&n=6) B (http://www.eronity.com/image.php?gid=174539-1&n=9) C (http://www.eronity.com/image.php?gid=195685-3&n=9)

Newbienudes1 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6908004) 2 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=469204) 3 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=5510562) 4 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6485355) 5 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6632810) 6 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6789403) 7 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=4715482) 8 9 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=4694496) 10 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=4544835) 11 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=4544765) 12 (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=4509378) 13 14 15

Zoig1 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1197759-xxx) 2 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1124735-cock-sucking) 3 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1020263-blowjobs)
WillSheChompDown? (

I have loggedin to http://www.eronity.com/nocookie.php but the image is not activate for some reason

03-14-2010, 11:37 PM
I have loggedin to http://www.eronity.com/nocookie.php but the image is not activate for some reason

I get that too (sometimes). If i watch some pics from the new photos first then i can access the links...

I am ready to exchange clips with you, contcat me to matary13 @ gmail.com
I'm sure i don't have clips you don't already possess.
Maybe working with filetools / file-hashes / common database would automate to see, if someone got something new, any other people ideas for something like a hash database (for the direct clipfile, not archive files)

Would you dare to Fuck this mature mouth? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EE668xKfTE&feature=related)
Suck my pickle (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMb12QE3Kzw&feature=related)
Cherry or dick head - doesn't matter (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4003/4337076967_b142d39bec_b.jpg)

"bj babe" on newbienudes:

03-15-2010, 03:25 AM
1 Let's play this sexy Blindfold-Biting game with a dick ^.^ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56OfG0erFMA)

2 Let's play this sexy Blindfold-Biting game with a dick ^.^ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfb70TN_-8Q)

03-23-2010, 11:14 AM
I'm new here, and absolutely loving this thread.
Too bad there aint more biting pics and vids around.

Here's a clip i found, dont think its been posted earlier:

I hope its ok that this is ball biting and not cock biting. Enjoy!

03-24-2010, 02:16 AM
Please don't post cockbiting in the ballbiting thread !
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/07-04-26LusciousVatmABM/0.jpg (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/07-04-26LusciousVatmABM/hushpass_Luscious_7_copy_2.wmv)

03-26-2010, 04:35 PM
It is so sexy to see teeth marks on a cock

04-02-2010, 04:20 PM
It is so sexy to see teeth marks on a cock

Yeah, it absolutely is!

Earlier I sometimes hung out with a girl that loved cbt, and especially biting.
I had teethmarks on my cock for a long time when she was done.
She used to laugh at my sounds as she bit harder.

Too bed I don't see her any longer - and that I don't have any pictures of it.

04-15-2010, 08:18 AM
oh my god.
Cock biting is cool.
But I prefer ********** more~

04-16-2010, 11:49 PM
Yeah, it absolutely is!

Earlier I sometimes hung out with a girl that loved cbt, and especially biting.
I had teethmarks on my cock for a long time when she was done.
She used to laugh at my sounds as she bit harder.

Too bed I don't see her any longer - and that I don't have any pictures of it.

do you have any other pictures that you can contribute here?

04-17-2010, 05:52 AM
I don't know if you have noticed this site:

http://www.cockandballbiting.com/updates.html (http://www.cockandballbiting.com/updates.html)

04-17-2010, 11:59 PM
Yes i know that site. if you go to google, you can find it easily.

04-18-2010, 05:02 PM
do you have any other pictures that you can contribute here?

No, I'm afraid not.
And I think all the vids I've found online have already been shown here..
Here is a hot one that I haven't seen before.
Not muck cock biting, but its Amber Rayne:


04-20-2010, 01:14 PM
Very nice videos there, that is one that would be worth joining, wonder if they will do a bluray or hd release?

I don't know if you have noticed this site:

http://www.cockandballbiting.com/updates.html (http://www.cockandballbiting.com/updates.html)

04-21-2010, 10:47 PM
The Images are used as icons (And not as a preview of the real link target!).





04-22-2010, 03:45 AM
Heres a clip I found.

If you jump to 15.00 you'll se the good part.


05-07-2010, 12:09 AM
Heres a clip I found.

If you jump to 15.00 you'll se the good part.


Cockbiting video here!

Anyone knows the name of this woman? and where can i buy the full clip of this?? i tried on pornaccess.com but couldnt find the movie, anyone knows? ill appreciate it! :)

05-08-2010, 11:56 PM
for some reason the download can't be done, maybe you can dounload it on SENDSPACE, they are much more friendly for useres.

05-25-2010, 06:08 AM
BBW biting foreskin: http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=515&sort=1&photo=1752421
BBW nibbling head: http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=515&sort=1&photo=1749999

05-25-2010, 10:29 AM
BBW biting foreskin: http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=515&sort=1&photo=1752421
BBW nibbling head: http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=515&sort=1&photo=1749999
Cockbiting video here!

Anyone knows the name of this woman? and where can i buy the full clip of this?? i tried on pornaccess.com but couldnt find the movie, anyone knows? ill appreciate it!

05-26-2010, 04:52 PM
nice thread... any ballbiting?

05-27-2010, 10:41 AM
nice thread... any ballbiting?





05-28-2010, 11:39 AM

Apparently the second link is a trojan...

05-28-2010, 04:33 PM
I am ready to trade with yopu, send me a mail to matary13@gmail.com and I'll send you some offeres. I have tons of material ( photos and clips all with biting ( more then 25GB)

05-29-2010, 12:01 AM
looks like fun

05-29-2010, 12:45 AM
Apparently the second link is a trojan...

Based on what data?




05-29-2010, 10:43 PM
Some very nice pictures here. Thanks!

05-30-2010, 12:49 AM
Cockbiting and CBT Ball Torture (http://www.ballbustingpornstars.com/cbt-cockbiting.html) is my hobby!


05-31-2010, 12:30 PM
Based on what data?

NOD32 Antivirus.



05-31-2010, 12:54 PM
It's only a few seconds, but here's some British pr0n:


#2 of course.

06-02-2010, 12:38 AM
word to the wise- if you want to try this at home, then dont let her bite too hard, you could cause nerve damage and have tough time getting hard on

06-09-2010, 05:31 PM
Nice pictures :)

06-18-2010, 12:50 AM
What a lucky guy.

06-18-2010, 09:04 PM
Latina babe Coco Velvett doing some Cockbiting CBT (http://www.ballbustingpornstars.com/femdom-ballbusting.html)

http://galleries.ballbustingpornstars.com/coco2-scene4k.jpg (http://www.ballbustingpornstars.com/femdom-ballbusting.html)

That hurt a lot by the way.


06-19-2010, 11:15 AM
word to the wise- if you want to try this at home, then dont let her bite too hard, you could cause nerve damage and have tough time getting hard on



06-20-2010, 05:40 AM
*High Resolution Cockbiting*

sucking, licking, and biting the hard, erect cock:

01 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4675072230/sizes/o/)
02 - Licking head, displaying teeth (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4675063414/sizes/o/)
03 - Teeth on the coronal ridge of the head (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4675054778/sizes/o/)
04 - Mouth going all teeth on the head (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4674427631/sizes/o/)
05 - Ready to nibble the head (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4622388959/sizes/o/)
06 - Feeding mouth, getting teeth (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4674411115/sizes/o/)
07 - Feeding mouth, holding dick between teeth (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4675019098/sizes/o/)
08 - Feeding mouth, getting teeth (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4675024166/sizes/o/)
09 - Biting shaft (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4643968859/sizes/o/)
10 - Biting shaft (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4644584290/sizes/o/)
11 - Biting head and shaft sideways (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4643966505/sizes/o/)
12 - Biting shaft (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4644581704/sizes/o/)
13 - Biting shaft (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4643963819/sizes/o/)
14 - Sharp teeth close to head (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4622992338/sizes/o/)
15 - Licking the tip (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4622386841/sizes/o/)

More of her:
by Pixelated Pygmalion (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/) on flickr

06-20-2010, 04:23 PM
It's only a few seconds, but here's some British pr0n:


#2 of course.

I am rteady to trade, contact me to matary13@gmail.com and we'll trade, I have more then 20GB of photos and clips.

06-21-2010, 12:41 AM
*High Resolution Cockbiting*

sucking, licking, and biting the hard, erect cock:

01 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4675072230/sizes/o/)
02 - Licking head, displaying teeth (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4675063414/sizes/o/)
03 - Teeth on the coronal ridge of the head (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4675054778/sizes/o/)
04 - Mouth going all teeth on the head (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4674427631/sizes/o/)
05 - Ready to nibble the head (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4622388959/sizes/o/)
06 - Feeding mouth, getting teeth (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4674411115/sizes/o/)
07 - Feeding mouth, holding dick between teeth (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4675019098/sizes/o/)
08 - Feeding mouth, getting teeth (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4675024166/sizes/o/)
09 - Biting shaft (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4643968859/sizes/o/)
10 - Biting shaft (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4644584290/sizes/o/)
11 - Biting head and shaft sideways (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4643966505/sizes/o/)
12 - Biting shaft (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4644581704/sizes/o/)
13 - Biting shaft (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4643963819/sizes/o/)
14 - Sharp teeth close to head (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4622992338/sizes/o/)
15 - Licking the tip (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/4622386841/sizes/o/)

More of her:
by Pixelated Pygmalion (http://www.flickr.com/photos/pixelatedpygmalion/) on flickr
How can pone find these photos pn flickr? what is the searching way to find these biting stuff?

06-29-2010, 12:20 AM
where is everbody?

06-29-2010, 06:05 AM
Remove the spaces from the URL.

Sexual Goddess of your dreams biting her man's cock: http://clips4 sale.com/studio/35528/Cat338/THE-SEXUAL-GODDESS-OF-YOUR-DREAM#startingpoint

Saudi Mistress biting her slave's dick: http://clips4 sale.com/studio/2867/Cat338/SAUDI-MISTRESS-FORBIDDEN-VIDEOS#startingpoint

HJ Goddess bites her dude's cock and balls: http://clips4 sale.com/studio/31626/Cat338/HJ-Goddess-TEASE#startingpoint

07-03-2010, 08:52 AM
I am rteady to trade, contact me to matary13@gmail.com and we'll trade, I have more then 20GB of photos and clips.

Last time you had pretty much what I had. I doubt that's changed, only stuff I've got since then is from ballbustingpornstars.

07-04-2010, 11:53 AM
Awesome thread! One of the best around here.

07-07-2010, 06:29 AM
I am sure we didn't checked everything, I have so many and you too, so maybe we can find something to exchange instead of buying all of them all of us.
I am also into other parts of the body in biting, but only girls biting boys...

07-11-2010, 01:21 PM
I like cock biting, but only in big penis...

07-14-2010, 09:02 AM
I am sure we didn't checked everything, I have so many and you too, so maybe we can find something to exchange instead of buying all of them all of us.
I am also into other parts of the body in biting, but only girls biting boys...

All I really have is the ball busting pornstars ones (up to a couple of months ago) and a few of the early videos of that indian one.

07-16-2010, 04:03 PM
I have send you to your mail several snepshots from some videos that I can ofefr to you, do teh same and we'll exchage, show me what are the indian clips that you have, I also have some, but only few, so there might be a ponetial there.

07-22-2010, 04:55 AM
BBW legend Wonder Tracy bites a cock head: http://top-pornstars.net/plumpertv/pics/wonder-tracy/freeones.html

07-25-2010, 04:22 PM
biting pics are `exciting; they suggest severing which we fantasize about.

any pics showing biting deep enough to bleed?

07-26-2010, 04:35 PM
I'm diggin the biting one

07-30-2010, 07:28 AM
biting pics are `exciting; they suggest severing which we fantasize about.

Er no we don't. Don't talk for people you don't know. I certainly don't get excited by the idea of having my penis severed. Quite the opposite, actually.

08-03-2010, 10:33 PM
Hello everyone. I'm new here but love what I see. I only recently developed an interest in cock biting. In my younger years the thought of any tooth contact during a blow job was a big no no. Silly me. I didn't know what I was missing. My wife playfully nibbled me one night and that got me hooked. Now it's all I can think about. I don't even really care about intercourse anymore...I just want to be bitten. Sadly, after that one episode the wife's not so into it. Maybe it freaks her out that I ask for it so often. At least I have the internet!

08-04-2010, 12:40 AM
unfortunaly, for many weeks we do not see any contibution. only few participating in the thread, I believe that what we have to do is to continue to exchange between ourselves.

08-06-2010, 12:09 AM
On that second clip, the first biting is at 1:30, then again at 5:00, 6:20 and 7:25. Some nice chewing.

08-11-2010, 02:21 PM
I wish I could contribute to this thread but the only biting pictures I have are with my ex and we agreed not to post them online. Sorry to be a tease :(

08-12-2010, 09:25 AM
The fact that you have biting material and you do not wish to show doesn't help us to get more maerial.
There 3 ways to get stuff, to buy, to search and search in the web and to exchange with otheres. You do not have to show it in the web, you can exchange with otheres and get also home made clips and photos in return.
We usually do nt put in teh web personal material, but we are ready to exchange with otheres on one to one base.
I can put a lot of material in this thread, and I did so many times, but I am waiting for otheres to contribute as well, it should be an effort of many, not few.

08-12-2010, 09:46 AM
I never said I didn't want to contribute, don't put words in my mouth. I promised her that I wouldn't post them, and I don't break my promises.

08-13-2010, 05:56 AM
So contribute...lets see what you can offer to this thread.
This massage is to all of the visitors that wish to get, but do not contribute The fact that you tell us that you have something that you can't offer to us worth nothing to us. (and I appriciate the reason why you do not show them.)

08-13-2010, 09:39 AM
Some new stuff (too quiet here *whine*)

bite it off:


### next time it's your dick!
Very short nibble at Pos.: 02:05

08-13-2010, 03:47 PM
Sorry cloudman but I gotta agree with Matary, posting that you have cock biting pics with your ex but that you can't post them and then posting nothing else is like telling someone you have the most delicious cake at home but they can't have any. You're telling them that to be a tease and for no other reason.

That being said BEHOLD a video of my ex biting my cock (the last minute of the video is the biting)

I didn't promise shit to my ex and even if I did the bitch cheated on me so she deserves this.

08-13-2010, 04:50 PM
Thanks guys for the contribution.
Anyone have any photos or clips of girls biting cock like eating food ( hotdog...) that will be nice, if you like to find some you can look a thread :

08-16-2010, 01:03 AM
For some reason these didn't make it last time I posted.

http://platinumfetish.com/content/p0020_s0008/p0020_s0008_0029scarlettpain_flasher_ballbusting_p romo/fhg_video3/index.php?nats=MzI3MTA5OTo3OjQx,0,0,0,


Don't let the title of the second one fool you. There's some great biting in there!

08-16-2010, 05:45 PM
Here is a vid. First there are som serious ballbusting and cockslapping.
But at about 21mins starts som good cock biting - for those who want to jump straight to the good part.

(Sorry if this is a repost.)

08-16-2010, 05:52 PM
Karrlie Dawn is really cute. It makes that video great. I'm glad I found this site. I always have trouble finding videos with this sorta stuff that are actually any good.

08-18-2010, 07:52 AM
Once I see contribution, I am glad to add some of mine:
http://www.zoig.com/view/1620585-cocksucking-oral-sex-blowjob-licking-cock-sucking-bellend-gobbling-balls-cumshots-facials-spunk-face-sperm-loadim (http://www.zoig.com/view/1620585-cocksucking-oral-sex-blowjob-licking-cock-sucking-bellend-gobbling-balls-cumshots-facials-spunk-face-sperm-loadim)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1633457-blowjob-biting (http://www.zoig.com/view/1633457-blowjob-biting)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1643517-sucking-dick (http://www.zoig.com/view/1643517-sucking-dick)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=693051100&pgid=&gid=2437500&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=693051100&pgid=&gid=2437500&page=0)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1976653412&pgid=&gid=2436504&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1976653412&pgid=&gid=2436504&page=0)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp (http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp)
http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=515&sort=1&photo=1899498 (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=515&sort=1&photo=1899498)
http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=515&sort=1&photo=1899496 (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=515&sort=1&photo=1899496)
http://www.homespyvideo.com/photon/i6246/No-Title.html (http://www.homespyvideo.com/photon/i6246/No-Title.html)
http://xapstersgalleries.com/TCG/Pimpmyblackteen/92/9.jpg (http://xapstersgalleries.com/TCG/Pimpmyblackteen/92/9.jpg)
http://xapstersgalleries.com/TCG/Pimpmyblackteen/92/8.jpg (http://xapstersgalleries.com/TCG/Pimpmyblackteen/92/8.jpg)
http://xapstersgalleries.com/Nasty/Pure18/180/8.jpg (http://xapstersgalleries.com/Nasty/Pure18/180/8.jpg)
http://www.dasandyman.com/bangbros2k7/aa3565/6/15.jpg (http://www.dasandyman.com/bangbros2k7/aa3565/6/15.jpg)
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-02-21JenniPoralEbb/11.jpg (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-02-21JenniPoralEbb/11.jpg)
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-02-21JenniPoralEbb/13.jpg (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-02-21JenniPoralEbb/13.jpg)
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-10-08BeaStellaPoralEbb/8.jpg (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-10-08BeaStellaPoralEbb/8.jpg)
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-10-08BeaStellaPoralEbb/14.jpg (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-10-08BeaStellaPoralEbb/14.jpg)
http://pix.getrightporn.com/mta/019/008.jpg (http://pix.getrightporn.com/mta/019/008.jpg)
http://gallery.soccermomscore.com/smsscenes/austinkincaid_02/image/images/austinkincaid_02_09.jpg (http://gallery.soccermomscore.com/smsscenes/austinkincaid_02/image/images/austinkincaid_02_09.jpg)

keep posting

08-18-2010, 08:05 AM
I never said I didn't want to contribute, don't put words in my mouth. I promised her that I wouldn't post them, and I don't break my promises.

Don't mind a couple of the guys here, they take their porn VERY seriously. matary has been sending me two emails a day, sometimes with pictures like he's giving a diagram, for several days cos I haven't had the time to send him something he requested yet (and don't worry, matary, you'll get it eventually).

I'm not gonna badger you to give me your 'personal' porn nor do I really want it, but then I have a girlfriend and don't live on the internet. >_>

08-23-2010, 02:15 AM
Adorable Lady Di from Femdom-World.com (http://tinyurl.com/388sxaf)in her cruel biting action

http://img222.imagevenue.com/loc851/th_50823_DiBiting3_123_851lo.jpg (http://img222.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=50823_DiBiting3_123_851lo.jpg)http://img262.imagevenue.com/loc130/th_50869_DiBiting4_123_130lo.jpg (http://img262.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=50869_DiBiting4_123_130lo.jpg)http://img259.imagevenue.com/loc385/th_50901_DiBiting5_123_385lo.jpg (http://img259.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=50901_DiBiting5_123_385lo.jpg)

Take a look this clip Cruel Biting & Milking.rar (http://www.filesonic.com/file/17506527/Cruel%20Biting%20&%20Milking.rar)


08-23-2010, 04:12 AM
nice contribution, I hope to see some more and I'll bring more from me as well.

08-23-2010, 05:24 AM
I have tried to download the clip and found out it dosen't work once it is downloaded. I think you should check it out, and if possibile upload it again ( unless someone have better expariance with it.)

08-23-2010, 09:56 AM
I have tried to download the clip and found out it dosen't work once it is downloaded. I think you should check it out, and if possibile upload it again ( unless someone have better expariance with it.)

Downlod Winrar.

08-23-2010, 01:42 PM
Done, Thanks.

08-23-2010, 02:40 PM
Done, Thanks.
glad it works ok for you and you enjoy

08-25-2010, 01:42 AM
http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=7591587&AT=U&PC=&SB=Sunset+Dream&ST=&OB=D&PT=P&CC=&p0=7591591&p1=7591599&p2=7591610&p3=7593395&p4=7593399&p5=7593402&p6=7593405&p7=7593407&p8=7608634&p9=7608637&n0=7591572&n1=7586430&n2=7586423&n3=7586360&n4=7586350&n5=7586340&n6=7509937&n7=7509934&n8=7509931&n9=7509928 (http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=7591587&AT=U&PC=&SB=Sunset+Dream&ST=&OB=D&PT=P&CC=&p0=7591591&p1=7591599&p2=7591610&p3=7593395&p4=7593399&p5=7593402&p6=7593405&p7=7593407&p8=7608634&p9=7608637&n0=7591572&n1=7586430&n2=7586423&n3=7586360&n4=7586350&n5=7586340&n6=7509937&n7=7509934&n8=7509931&n9=7509928)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=7608644&AT=U&PC=&SB=Sunset+Dream&ST=&OB=D&PT=P&CC=&p0=7608649&p1=0&p2=0&p3=0&p4=0&p5=0&p6=0&p7=0&p8=0&p9=0&n0=7608641&n1=7608637&n2=7608634&n3=7593407&n4=7593405&n5=7593402&n6=7593399&n7=7593395&n8=7591610&n9=7591599 (http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=7608644&AT=U&PC=&SB=Sunset+Dream&ST=&OB=D&PT=P&CC=&p0=7608649&p1=0&p2=0&p3=0&p4=0&p5=0&p6=0&p7=0&p8=0&p9=0&n0=7608641&n1=7608637&n2=7608634&n3=7593407&n4=7593405&n5=7593402&n6=7593399&n7=7593395&n8=7591610&n9=7591599) <o:p></o:p>
http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=7586340&AT=U&AV=Sunset+Dream&OB=D&PT=P&CC=&p0=7586350&p1=7586360&p2=7586423&p3=7586430&p4=7591572&p5=7591587&p6=7591591&p7=7591599&p8=7591610&p9=7593395&n0=7509937&n1=7509934 (http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=7586340&AT=U&AV=Sunset+Dream&OB=D&PT=P&CC=&p0=7586350&p1=7586360&p2=7586423&p3=7586430&p4=7591572&p5=7591587&p6=7591591&p7=7591599&p8=7591610&p9=7593395&n0=7509937&n1=7509934) <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>

08-25-2010, 02:03 AM
http://www.zoig.com/view/1654723-cock-bite (http://www.zoig.com/view/1654723-cock-bite)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://www.adultism.com/watch/421094/ (http://www.adultism.com/watch/421094/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.adultism.com/watch/421094/ (http://www.adultism.com/watch/421094/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.tamildirtystories.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/oombal1.jpg (http://www.tamildirtystories.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/oombal1.jpg)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.alexisbreeze.org/august032010/4.jpg (http://www.alexisbreeze.org/august032010/4.jpg)<o:p></o:p>
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:BOR6SgH1sZIJ:alexisbreeze.org/+%22bite+on+his+cock%22&cd=4&hl=iw&ct=clnk&gl=il (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:BOR6SgH1sZIJ:alexisbreeze.org/+%22bite+on+his+cock%22&cd=4&hl=iw&ct=clnk&gl=il)<o:p></o:p>

08-25-2010, 02:06 AM
http://captivemalemembers.com/harmony-mark-frenchy/ (http://captivemalemembers.com/harmony-mark-frenchy/)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp (http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.psypussy.com/galleries/hardcore-party/1070/hot-sex-15.jpg (http://www.psypussy.com/galleries/hardcore-party/1070/hot-sex-15.jpg)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.sweet-sin.com/h/dyz2/ci_004.jpg (http://www.sweet-sin.com/h/dyz2/ci_004.jpg)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.chicksdelivery.com/galleries/amateur-porn/839/teens-orgy-08.jpg (http://www.chicksdelivery.com/galleries/amateur-porn/839/teens-orgy-08.jpg)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.freechickz.com/_babr/mc6547/pic16.jpg (http://www.freechickz.com/_babr/mc6547/pic16.jpg)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.drm-fetishes.com/zz911/054/pics/pp08.jpg (http://www.drm-fetishes.com/zz911/054/pics/pp08.jpg)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.mygalleries.net/galleries/bbo/monstersofcock/19/10.jpg (http://www.mygalleries.net/galleries/bbo/monstersofcock/19/10.jpg)<o:p></o:p>

08-25-2010, 05:58 AM
Here's one I found, although a cartoon :(


08-27-2010, 05:05 AM
It seams that not all the photos come OK, but I hope mose are fine and you'll like them. I have many more to offer you, just waiting to see some contribution as well.

08-29-2010, 06:23 AM
some from the web:
http://deviantclip.com/Media-5394-995301_Delicious-dick-hot-dog.html (http://deviantclip.com/Media-5394-995301_Delicious-dick-hot-dog.html)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=124799537&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=124799537&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1323876714&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1323876714&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1368506519&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1368506519&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1393314602&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1393314602&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=792224874&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=792224874&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.myboobsite.com/photos/vix_helping_hand_10.jpg (http://www.myboobsite.com/photos/vix_helping_hand_10.jpg)<o:p></o:p>
http://galleries.adult-empire.com/56/5696//pics/022/08.jpg (http://galleries.adult-empire.com/56/5696/pics/022/08.jpg)<o:p></o:p>
http://galleries.adult-empire.com/54/5418/99/2.jpg (http://galleries.adult-empire.com/54/5418/99/2.jpg)

08-29-2010, 06:24 AM
and some more:
http://deviantclip.com/Media-5394-995301_Delicious-dick-hot-dog.html (http://deviantclip.com/Media-5394-995301_Delicious-dick-hot-dog.html)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=124799537&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=124799537&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1323876714&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1323876714&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1368506519&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1368506519&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1393314602&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1393314602&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=792224874&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=792224874&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.myboobsite.com/photos/vix_helping_hand_10.jpg (http://www.myboobsite.com/photos/vix_helping_hand_10.jpg)<o:p></o:p>
http://galleries.adult-empire.com/56/5696//pics/022/08.jpg (http://galleries.adult-empire.com/56/5696/pics/022/08.jpg)<o:p></o:p>

08-29-2010, 06:25 AM
and more:
http://galleries.adult-empire.com/54/5418/99/2.jpg (http://galleries.adult-empire.com/54/5418/99/2.jpg)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://galleries2.matureadulteress.com/NjQxOjE5OjI2,0,0,0,/3-15/07.jpg (http://galleries2.matureadulteress.com/NjQxOjE5OjI2,0,0,0,/3-15/07.jpg)<o:p></o:p>
http://galleries2.matureadulteress.com/NjQxOjE5OjI2,0,0,0,/3-15/06.jpg (http://galleries2.matureadulteress.com/NjQxOjE5OjI2,0,0,0,/3-15/06.jpg)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-03-14MayaPoralEbb/11.jpg (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-03-14MayaPoralEbb/11.jpg)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.domywife.com/photos/display/pos_-768091/ (http://www.domywife.com/photos/display/pos_-768091/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=2039801366&pgid=&gid=2457615&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=2039801366&pgid=&gid=2457615&page=0)<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=675566048&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=675566048&pgid=&gid=2452294&page=0)

08-29-2010, 03:06 PM
Mistress Di
http://img196.imagevenue.com/loc5/th_15374_MistressDi_123_5lo.jpg (http://img196.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=15374_MistressDi_123_5lo.jpg)

*unpack clip with winrar

08-31-2010, 06:14 AM
et ma contribution personnelle...

h t t p : / / w w w . c l i p s 4 s a l e . c o m / s t o r e / 4 1 0 2 0


09-06-2010, 04:07 AM
Here are a few from Lady-Sonia.com. In case you wonder, the black rubber dick is not a toy; it's a real dick inside.

09-06-2010, 04:11 AM
Here are a few from Lady-Sonia.com. In case you wonder, the black rubber dick is not a toy; it's a real dick inside.

09-07-2010, 02:32 AM
some more biting from teh web:
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p> </o:p>
http://galleries.dreambabes.com/hg/content/cascalterbg/pics/10.jpg (http://galleries.dreambabes.com/hg/content/cascalterbg/pics/10.jpg)
http://galleries.dreambabes.com/hg/content/cascalterbg/pics/01.jpg (http://galleries.dreambabes.com/hg/content/cascalterbg/pics/01.jpg)
htt http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=515&sort=1&photo=1924799 p://galleries.allinclusivepass.com/ex/facialwhore/pics/045/images/03.jpg (http://galleries.allinclusivepass.com/ex/facialwhore/pics/045/images/03.jpg)
http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1826594 (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1826594)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1214591188&pgid=&gid=2460383&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1214591188&pgid=&gid=2460383&page=0)
http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1826594 (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1826594)
http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1924799 (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1924799)
http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=7658523&AT=C&PC=23&SB=&ST=&OB=D&PT=P&CC=&p0=7658524&p1=7658586&p2=7658587&p3=7658688&p4=7658695&p5=7658739&p6=7658829&p7=7658849&p8=7659032&p9=7659034&n0=7658522&n1=7658521&n2=7658518&n3=7658510&n4=7658462&n5=7658397&n6=7658363&n7=7658351&n8=7658293&n9=7658288 (http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=7658523&AT=C&PC=23&SB=&ST=&OB=D&PT=P&CC=&p0=7658524&p1=7658586&p2=7658587&p3=7658688&p4=7658695&p5=7658739&p6=7658829&p7=7658849&p8=7659032&p9=7659034&n0=7658522&n1=7658521&n2=7658518&n3=7658510&n4=7658462&n5=7658397&n6=7658363&n7=7658351&n8=7658293&n9=7658288)
http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=7663641&AT=C&PC=23&SB=&ST=&OB=D&PT=P&CC=&p0=7663682&p1=7663803&p2=7663830&p3=7663880&n0=7663608&n1=7663603&n2=7663434&n3=7663427&n4=7663419&n5=7663417&n6=7663413&n7=7663377&n8=7663364&n9=7663355http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1384694780&pgid=&gid=2466414&page=0 (http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=7663641&AT=C&PC=23&SB=&ST=&OB=D&PT=P&CC=&p0=7663682&p1=7663803&p2=7663830&p3=7663880&n0=7663608&n1=7663603&n2=7663434&n3=7663427&n4=7663419&n5=7663417&n6=7663413&n7=7663377&n8=7663364&n9=7663355http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1384694780&pgid=&gid=2466414&page=0)

09-07-2010, 02:33 AM
some more:
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1329347889&pgid=&gid=2466414&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1329347889&pgid=&gid=2466414&page=0)
http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp (http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=545225094&pgid=&gid=2467004&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=545225094&pgid=&gid=2467004&page=0)
http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=515&sort=1&photo=1928044 (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=515&sort=1&photo=1928044)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=811657871&pgid=&gid=2468046&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=811657871&pgid=&gid=2468046&page=0)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=469716510&pgid=&gid=2472171&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=469716510&pgid=&gid=2472171&page=0)
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1993862753&pgid=&gid=2471336&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1993862753&pgid=&gid=2471336&page=0)
http://www.adultism.com/watch/422733/ (http://www.adultism.com/watch/422733/)
http://www.adultism.com/watch/273172/ (http://www.adultism.com/watch/273172/)
http://www.adultism.com/watch/326877/ (http://www.adultism.com/watch/326877/)
http://www.adultism.com/watch/364163/ (http://www.adultism.com/watch/364163/)

09-07-2010, 09:34 AM
et ma contribution personnelle...

h t t p : / / w w w . c l i p s 4 s a l e . c o m / s t o r e / 4 1 0 2 0


But that's not cock biting. :/

Are you going to be doing cockbiting in future?

09-09-2010, 07:10 AM
Yes of Course...
i like that !

09-12-2010, 05:47 AM
see this site, just scroll down and see all the cock and ball biting they can offer:

09-15-2010, 01:45 AM
Attached please ind some pictures from Zoig site, the problm with it that I do not know who to download it to my files, can anyon do it for us?
http://www.zoig.com/view/1714535-hungry-whore (http://www.zoig.com/view/1714535-hungry-whore)
http://www.zoig.com/view/180431-just-nibble (http://www.zoig.com/view/180431-just-nibble)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1702135-blowjob-bite-bitting-thick-dick-fat-cock (http://www.zoig.com/view/1702135-blowjob-bite-bitting-thick-dick-fat-cock)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1674783-blowjob-bite-dick-mouth-teeth (http://www.zoig.com/view/1674783-blowjob-bite-dick-mouth-teeth)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1654723-cock-bite (http://www.zoig.com/view/1654723-cock-bite)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1416371-bite-balls-dick (http://www.zoig.com/view/1416371-bite-balls-dick)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1246875-sucking-cock-blowjob-dick-hands-bite (http://www.zoig.com/view/1246875-sucking-cock-blowjob-dick-hands-bite)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1179785-uncut-cock-blowjob-bite (http://www.zoig.com/view/1179785-uncut-cock-blowjob-bite)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1113169-harder (http://www.zoig.com/view/1113169-harder)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1113161-some-times-licke-grrrrrr-bite (http://www.zoig.com/view/1113161-some-times-licke-grrrrrr-bite)
http:// http://www.zoig.com/view/439781-bite-suck-cock (http://www.zoig.com/view/881387-bite-cock-dick)
www.zoig.com/view/881387-bite-cock-dick (http://www.zoig.com/view/881387-bite-cock-dick)
http://www.zoig.com/view/405453-little-bite (http://www.zoig.com/view/405453-little-bite)
http://www.zoig.com/view/670758-blow (http://www.zoig.com/view/670758-blow)
http://www.zoig.com/view/693814-dick (http://www.zoig.com/view/693814-dick)
http://www.zoig.com/view/693814-dick (http://www.zoig.com/view/693814-dick)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1658353-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1658353-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/346493-blow-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/346493-blow-job)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1296723-cock-suck (http://www.zoig.com/view/1296723-cock-suck)
http://www.zoig.com/view/405403-bite-sac-dick-wife (http://www.zoig.com/view/405403-bite-sac-dick-wife)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1410191-like-biting (http://www.zoig.com/view/1410191-like-biting)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1428239-cock-blowjob-oral-dick-ring (http://www.zoig.com/view/1428239-cock-blowjob-oral-dick-ring)
http://www.zoig.com/view/872625-ball-biting (http://www.zoig.com/view/872625-ball-biting)
http://www.zoig.com/view/833017-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/833017-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/832233-blowjob-big-tits-uncut-cock-biting (http://www.zoig.com/view/832233-blowjob-big-tits-uncut-cock-biting)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1498781-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1498781-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/534420-teeth-wife-blowjob-sucking (http://www.zoig.com/view/534420-teeth-wife-blowjob-sucking)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1106559-cock-mask-wife-milf-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1106559-cock-mask-wife-milf-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1106569-cock-mask-biting-teeth-blowjob-sucking-milf-wife (http://www.zoig.com/view/1106569-cock-mask-biting-teeth-blowjob-sucking-milf-wife)
http://www.zoig.com/view/368909-blow-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/368909-blow-job)

10-04-2010, 01:25 PM
Some more from teh web:
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-02TyraVoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-02TyraVoralEbb/)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-12-23AlexisVoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-12-23AlexisVoralEbb/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-01-08NatashaVoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-01-08NatashaVoralEbb/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-01-21CarolynPoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-01-21CarolynPoralEbb/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-01-30GingerPoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-01-30GingerPoralEbb/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-02-21JenniPoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-02-21JenniPoralEbb/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-03-12VeroniquePoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-03-12VeroniquePoralEbb/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-04-21CarmenPoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-04-21CarmenPoralEbb/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-06-26AnnettePoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/09-06-26AnnettePoralEbb/)

10-04-2010, 01:26 PM
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-19MiaPoralEbb/freesite.html (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-19MiaPoralEbb/freesite.html)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-11-25KalaPoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-11-25KalaPoralEbb/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-12-01AlliePoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-12-01AlliePoralEbb/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-19TyraPoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-19TyraPoralEbb/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-13SashaPoralEbb/freesite.html (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-13SashaPoralEbb/freesite.html)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-19ReganPoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-19ReganPoralEbb/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-09-30VeroniqueVoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-09-30VeroniqueVoralEbb/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-04AlexisVoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-04AlexisVoralEbb/)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-17BreeVoralEbb/ (http://www.smutguy.com/links/tgp/08-10-17BreeVoralEbb/)

10-04-2010, 01:27 PM
http://www.zoig.com/view/1604651-biting-balls-sucking-gobbling-eat-his-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/1604651-biting-balls-sucking-gobbling-eat-his-job)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/62056-head (http://www.zoig.com/view/62056-head)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/682133-cock (http://www.zoig.com/view/682133-cock)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/723154-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/723154-blowjob)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/1109369-biting-teeth-balls-sack-nuts-cock-pearls-mouth (http://www.zoig.com/view/1109369-biting-teeth-balls-sack-nuts-cock-pearls-mouth)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/1269629-head-cock-biting (http://www.zoig.com/view/1269629-head-cock-biting)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/1582139-blowjob-deepthroat-interracial (http://www.zoig.com/view/1582139-blowjob-deepthroat-interracial)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/1752049-fuck-fucking-mature-tits-milf-hotwife-orgasm-slut-wife-amateur-cumshot-cum-cumming-creampie-facial-blowjobs (http://www.zoig.com/view/1752049-fuck-fucking-mature-tits-milf-hotwife-orgasm-slut-wife-amateur-cumshot-cum-cumming-creampie-facial-blowjobs)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=202747279&pgid=&gid=2497982&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=202747279&pgid=&gid=2497982&page=0)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1599665514&pgid=&gid=2497925&page=0 (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1599665514&pgid=&gid=2497925&page=0)

10-04-2010, 01:28 PM
http://www.zoig.com/view/152302-blow-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/152302-blow-job)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/657654-blow-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/657654-blow-job)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/1120261-teasing (http://www.zoig.com/view/1120261-teasing)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/1552063-licking (http://www.zoig.com/view/1552063-licking)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/155985-blow (http://www.zoig.com/view/155985-blow)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/81782-blow (http://www.zoig.com/view/81782-blow)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/1101133-sucking-cock (http://www.zoig.com/view/1101133-sucking-cock)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/147998-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/147998-blowjob)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/1620585-cocksucking-oral-sex-blowjob-licking-cock-sucking-bellend-gobbling-balls-cumshots-facials-spunk-face-sperm-loadim (http://www.zoig.com/view/1620585-cocksucking-oral-sex-blowjob-licking-cock-sucking-bellend-gobbling-balls-cumshots-facials-spunk-face-sperm-loadim)<o:p></o:p>

10-17-2010, 01:24 PM
I love the ones you can see the guy react, wish the cock biting yahoo group was still there...it had a couple vids that were pretty cool and some great pics.

10-21-2010, 01:56 PM
Gah, how annoying that the Ballbusting Pornstars forum is private? I get replies even now, but obviously I can't see them.

10-22-2010, 01:49 AM
I am ready to trade with you, send a mail with snapshots of photos from clips that you have and I'll do teh same and we'll exchange with what we do not have. matary13@gmail.com

10-30-2010, 02:32 AM
can you post some bites off scenes?

11-02-2010, 07:46 AM
can you post some bites off scenes?

Yes, if there are any, please. This has been a fantasy of mine for a long time. The tearing of the teeth, the angry eyes...

11-03-2010, 03:25 PM
Hi all i'm new

11-04-2010, 02:54 AM

sorry if its a repost

11-11-2010, 12:21 PM
Greetings All,

If any of you are interested in some pictures of a beautiful vampiress biting an erect cock, you should visit the ********** fantasies thread here in the forum. I posted a few snaps of the brilliant Anastasia biting her boyfriend's penis there ages ago. Simply search for posts by me. Sadly, the fantastic Anastasia closed her excellent site some years back, which is a real shame. She was always willing to take the time to write, and she used to listen to all my requests and turn them into reality.

Best wishes,


11-12-2010, 05:30 AM
Some great stuff here. Many thanks to all those posting pics/links! :)

11-20-2010, 07:03 AM
If any of you are interested in some pictures of a beautiful vampiress biting an erect cock, you should visit the ********** fantasies thread here in the forum. I posted a few snaps of the brilliant Anastasia biting her boyfriend's penis there ages ago. Simply search for posts by me. Sadly, the fantastic Anastasia closed her excellent site some years back, which is a real shame.

I couldn't find any after a quick look. If I did go to the right posts, the links are dead.

But there needs to be more...well, any...vampire cockbiting on the internet.

11-22-2010, 05:14 AM
http://cum-vampires.com features Canadian girls as vampires, sucking and nibbling cocks.

12-02-2010, 09:12 PM
Bite dick and foreskin:
PaarFeucht on pornturbo.com - Schwanzbeissbilder für einen User (http://www.pornturbo.com/de/gallery/view/138374)
PaarFeucht on pornturbo.com - Vorhautbeissbilder (foreskin biting pics) (http://www.pornturbo.com/de/gallery/view/138375)
PaarFeucht on pornturbo.com - nibble on 14'th pic (http://www.pornturbo.com/de/gallery/view/138371)
PaarFeucht on pornturbo.com - deep blow - nibble on first and last pic (http://www.pornturbo.com/de/gallery/view/138275)

Video: this mouth lets the dick feel it's big sharp teeth (short, at the beginning) (http://www.pornturbo.com/de/video/view/35878)

toothy mature amateur (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=515&sort=1&photo=2015463)
see those teeth that dick must face? (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1922903)
You demand a blowjob? Okay, sit down and relax! *biting head* (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1927777)
Cock bite, with extra teeth ^.^ (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1949547)
i like how this might turn out *nibble* (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=2042655)
I like your cock... with my teeth marks in it! (http://www.zoig.com/view/1628035-blowjob)
Sucking your cock? Ok, let's do it my way *nibble* (http://www.zoig.com/view/1662347-blowjobs)
Biting the cock - shaft sideways (http://www.zoig.com/view/1702123-bitting-blowjob-thick-cock)
Now biting the cock in mouth on the shaft (http://www.zoig.com/view/1702135-blowjob-bite-bitting-thick-dick-fat-cock)
Bite me! Please? (http://www.zoig.com/view/1674783-blowjob-bite-dick-mouth-teeth)
feeding cock between teeth (http://www.eronity.com/image.php?gid=88778-9&n=9)
She bite him when he ****** her head down (http://www.eronity.com/image.php?gid=89849-7&n=8)
Bite down on it! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/seamonkeymags/5021298384/sizes/o)
foreskin bite (http://www.eronity.com/image.php?gid=256255-1&n=9)
Big tits, nibble (http://www.zoig.com/view/1727103-tit-suck)
nibble (http://www.zoig.com/view/1722977-sucking-dick-threesome-oral)
this asian thai gives a real bitejob on the head :-) (http://www.zoig.com/view/1728511-long-dick-small-mouth-asian-thai)
mhh... Würstchen (mhh... sausage) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/samuel91/2418181751/sizes/o/in/faves-38751729@N03)
She bites meat - next time yours may be at her mercy (http://www.flickr.com/photos/59687616@N00/489323153/sizes/l/in/faves-38751729@N03)
She got fangs - might turn out a wild blowjob *teasing lick* (http://www.flickr.com/photos/wyojones/5150641294/sizes/l)
She likes to bite rubber, so take a condom on! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/seandreilinger/133314785/sizes/o)
tiny nibble (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/188339880/Imagem-049.jpg?vid=188339880&id=188339880&vote=10)
Would you dare to feed her cock while she sleeps? (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/666405684/370343611.jpg?vid=666405684&id=666405684&vote=10)
Her teeth can't wait to finally dig in! (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/1364106165/1460294286.jpg?vid=1364106165&id=1364106165&vote=10)
teen wearing braces bites cock (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/1882809770/1092206016.jpg)
Will she bite down? (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/105662831/755162332.jpg)
on her knees, nibbling the tip with a smile (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/473332791/40.jpg?vid=473332791&id=473332791&vote=10)
Cum, give me your teeth! (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/1013190935/btjwp-image010a.jpg)
She tests new studs on her party with teeth (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/93746175/btjwp_18335_07.jpg?vid=93746175&id=93746175&vote=10)
Feeding mature mouth showing the dick some teeth (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/154981592/btjwp_18334_16.jpg?vid=154981592&id=154981592&vote=10)
mouth bites dickhead (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=7885599)
Another dick? You dangle that in and i will bite it! (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/289469864/01434_053_lg.jpg?vid=289469864&id=289469864&vote=10)
big teeth are close, will she bite? (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/771896652/pic114.jpg)
Yes, she will! (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/1994033781/pic113.jpg)
nibble (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/1468339068/pic57.jpg)
chomp it! (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/1555465494/pic55.jpg?vid=1555465494&id=1555465494&vote=10)
teeth making first contact (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/1510206650/pic76.jpg)
toothy blowjob (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/2040111045/fujiko-miles-s05-033.jpg)
redhead bites her meat (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/1281499885/251670878.jpg)
How much teeth will he get? What tell her eyes? (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/1603679524/00048.jpg?vid=1603679524&id=1603679524&vote=10)
teasing nibble (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/639250344/2.jpg?vid=639250344&id=639250344&vote=10)
Hands in my hair will bring you teeth on your dick! (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/1119341174/audeophain2DSC_0129.JPG?vid=1119341174&id=1119341174&vote=10)
BITE! - See? Told you Hands in my hair will bring you teeth on your dick! (http://www.imagefap.com/photo/1251714393/audeophain2DSC_0103.JPG)
She bites her finger, will she do it to a dick? (http://www.flickr.com/photos/andresorbea/5172859518/sizes/l)
nibble (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=1949517)
headbite (http://www.amateuralbum.net/showphoto.php?cat=500&sort=1&photo=2023359)
Vampire blowjob1 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1819109-bbc-tent-vampire-blowjobs)
Vampire blowjob2 (http://www.zoig.com/view/1819103-bbc-tent-vampire-blowjobs)
Caught your cock! Bite! (http://www.zoig.com/view/1835463-suck)
She wants to do this with your dick. (Biting strawberry &quot;head&quot;) (http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs45/i/2009/080/2/2/Strawberry_Forever_III_by_blindingeffects.jpg)
Danger! - Wild mouth wanting cockmeat! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/maradinn/566875225/sizes/l/in/photostream/)
a biter (biting finger) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/lacanzonedelsole/4454645673/sizes/o/in/set-72157622117562342/)
This MILF likes to bite the dicks fed to her cockbiting mouth (http://www.zoig.com/view/1825971-blowjob)
She gives a toothy bite to the dickhead (http://www.eronity.com/gallery.php?id=173877)
Who dares to put their dick between their mouth after they tear that sausage to pieces? (http://www.flickr.com/photos/sharronm/4779192744/sizes/l/in/photostream/)
Last view of your cockhead (http://www.flickr.com/photos/87829694@N00/262260838/in/photostream/)
Still pushing for your turn? (http://smokethisbitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/julesjordan.jpg)
Feeding dick between strong teeth (http://imagefap.com/image.php?id=2014448638&pgid=&gid=2509561&page=0)
Feeding dick means teeth (http://imagefap.com/image.php?vid=1587443648&id=1587443648&vote=10)
What do you mean, you don't want to fuck it anymore? (Vampire mouth closeup of fangy mouth) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/42254240@N05/4753470038/sizes/l/in/pool-13581195@N00/)
She is known to bite cocks, would you dare this? (http://www.extremeporngalleries.com/extremealex/pics/007xbc/images/06.jpg)
Don't pull my hair, or... (http://gallery.1000facials.com/1kfscenes/laylaexx_02/image/images/laylaexx_02_15.jpg)
What do you mean with dental testing? (http://bl.definebabe.com/1/11/10611/05.jpg)

12-11-2010, 04:37 AM
Amazing list, Squirt. Thanks a lot!!!!

12-11-2010, 03:50 PM
Amazing list, Squirt. Thanks a lot!!!!

Personally, while I appreciate the great effort, I think he should only post pics of cockbiting, rather than pictures of girls with big teeth or teeth simply touching the penis.

I figured others would feel this way, especially if the list is so long. I only clicked the ones that looked like they'd have cockbiting in it, no chance am I going to click every single picture.

12-12-2010, 01:11 AM
Squirt 45, I think you are doing great job, I do hope many otheres will contribute as well, so keep contributing for all of us. Thanks

12-17-2010, 06:48 PM
Women would you like to bite this cock?

12-18-2010, 02:47 AM
great pics Squirt45, I also like to kave my cock bitten every now and then, also the pics led me to other great forum sites .... keep the good work...:)

12-23-2010, 08:02 AM
Squirt45: Love the pictures! Keep them coming (so to speak)!

12-23-2010, 06:05 PM
Even though I'm not contributing that much, I agree. I like it best when this thread is about cock biting, and not about teeth.
But I do appreciate the effort!

Probably a repost - but a darn good one if so:

12-23-2010, 11:25 PM
Excellent post. Very hot, thanks!

12-28-2010, 07:17 AM
Ah it should pe painful as well as enjoyable..

12-30-2010, 12:08 PM
I love this black cock biter.

http://x.fap.to/images/thumb/43/104/1047033103.jpg (http://www.imagefap.com/image.php?id=1047033103&pgid=&gid=2162529&page=0)


01-08-2011, 06:20 AM
Just love to see it when a woman bites a cock from the side fair in the middle. Love to see the eye teeth burried deep in cock meat then bitting the tip until her teeth are nearly together.

Would love to see any pics like that. Can almost feel it myself.

Always imaggined being bitten on my cock by a sexy female vampire only to have her sucking my blood from it.


I like the idea of blood sucking, too, as well as ball biting. Frankly, the more aggressive, the better! This has become very exciting to me, but I seldom see material of this nature....

01-16-2011, 05:35 AM
Personally, I enjoy pics or vids where they're biting balls...That is a huge turn on for me. Does anyone have such files to share?

01-25-2011, 02:01 AM

01-25-2011, 02:32 AM

Nice. I'm envious. :)

01-26-2011, 01:42 AM
Here's the link to Tessa Taylor's picture set:


02-01-2011, 02:37 AM
<b><big>Thanks for the positive feedback :-)
I'm trying another style of presentation here.

With direct images you can faster see if you like it. But it bloats more of the article space. Plus there are only 20 images per post allowed here. Obviously as a form of spamming protection.</big>
I can create this post with the help of KompoZer (http://portableapps.com/apps/development/nvu_portable)(Html editor - more comfortable than directly writing to the board - plus you can save your work as html-file to gather new stuff worth for a new posting.). Then copy all (from the normal view, not source view) to the clipboard and posting them here - the pasting obviously autoconverts (the (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms649015%28v=vs.85%29.aspx)CF_HTML clipboard format) (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms649015%28v=vs.85%29.aspx)</b> to bbcode... (i understand that not all html tags are "compatible"/valid/translatable to bbcode).

I used greenshot (http://getgreenshot.org/)to make screenshots of the zoig pics and send them to an imagehoster. You can configure greenshot to let you select the region of your screen you want to capture when you press the "print screen" key. I set it to autosave the pictures in the folder named Screenshot on my WindowsXP desktop.

Some images have to be clicked to see in full size!
http://www.newbienudes.com/l/p/6942/184041406.jpg (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6942184)
by Kytten77 on newbienudes.com (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6942184)

http://www.newbienudes.com/l/p/7097/102143326.jpg (http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=7097102)
by moots on newbienudes.com (http://www.newbienudes.com/Photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=7097102)

http://www.newbienudes.com/l/p/6516/616232737.jpg (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6516616)
by foxilady on newbienudes.com (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=6516616)

http://www.newbienudes.com/l/p/5649/641223552.jpg (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=5649641)
by foxilady on newbienudes.com (http://www.newbienudes.com/photos/ViewPhoto.asp?ID=5649641)

http://www.freeporndumpster.com/110429/thumbs/w9e8f81ew.jpg (http://www.freeporndumpster.com/show.php?l=110429&f=w9e8f81ew.jpg) by bladen on zoig.com (http://www.zoig.com/view/1238911-facial)

http://www.freeporndumpster.com/110429/thumbs/56649.jpg (http://www.freeporndumpster.com/show.php?l=110429&f=56649.jpg)by bladen on zoig.com (http://www.zoig.com/view/1297961-sucking)

http://www.freeporndumpster.com/110429/thumbs/e651we6f.jpg (http://www.freeporndumpster.com/show.php?l=110429&f=e651we6f.jpg)by chokemedaddy on zoig.com (http://www.zoig.com/view/1126215-lips-cock-blowjob)

http://www.freeporndumpster.com/110429/thumbs/dsf465sdf.jpg (http://www.freeporndumpster.com/show.php?l=110429&f=dsf465sdf.jpg)by myymigurl on zoig.com (http://www.zoig.com/view/1215981-blowjob-sucking-dick)

http://www.freeporndumpster.com/110429/thumbs/6ds51fd6sf.jpg (http://www.freeporndumpster.com/show.php?l=110429&f=6ds51fd6sf.jpg)by freakycpl06 on zoig.com (http://www.zoig.com/view/2001319-sexy-slut-sucking-cock-blowjob-sea-beach-hot)

http://www.freeporndumpster.com/110530/thumbs/6d5f5dsf4.jpg (http://www.freeporndumpster.com/show.php?l=110530&f=6d5f5dsf4.jpg)by bisex on zoig.com (http://www.zoig.com/view/1296723-cock-suck)

http://www.freeporndumpster.com/110530/thumbs/s6df1ew6.jpg (http://www.freeporndumpster.com/show.php?l=110530&f=s6df1ew6.jpg)by amondy on zoig.com (http://www.zoig.com/view/1287633)

http://myphoto.to/Images/20110131/6231860588012639782201180.jpg (http://myphoto.to/view/20110131/6231860588012639782201180.jpg)
by sweetcheaks on zoig.com: A (http://www.zoig.com/view/1925099-cock) B (http://www.zoig.com/view/1925097-cock) C (http://www.zoig.com/view/1490841-cock-balls) D (http://www.zoig.com/view/1086193-head-job) E (http://www.zoig.com/view/1003019-cock-thick)

http://static1.pornturbo.com/files/user/gallery/2010_03/115315/proc_photo7.jpg (http://www.pornturbo.com/de/gallery/view/115315)by Hotgirl69 on pornturbo.com (http://www.pornturbo.com/de/gallery/view/115315)

http://static1.pornturbo.com/files/user/gallery/2009_07/88554/proc_photo6.jpgby Hotgirl69 on pornturbo.com (http://www.pornturbo.com/de/gallery/view/88554)

http://t2.pixhost.org/thumbs/1839/4886817_9271069.jpg (http://www.pixhost.org/show/1839/4886817_9271069.jpg)

http://www.freeporndumpster.com/110531/thumbs/9we8f4.jpg (http://www.freeporndumpster.com/show.php?l=110531&f=9we8f4.jpg)Orig.-Source (http://www.eronity.com/pic.php?gid=214497-3)

http://myphoto.to/Images/20110131/4931400612018545580201169.png (http://myphoto.to/view/20110131/4931400612018545580201169.png)
by freisein on eronity.com (http://www.eronity.com/gallery.php?id=217760)


02-03-2011, 01:57 PM
http://www.zoig.com/view/682133-cock (http://www.zoig.com/view/682133-cock)
http://www.zoig.com/view/648109-balls (http://www.zoig.com/view/648109-balls)
http://www.zoig.com/view/723154-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/723154-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/62056-head (http://www.zoig.com/view/62056-head)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2024999-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2024999-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1628035-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1628035-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1920371-deepthroat (http://www.zoig.com/view/1920371-deepthroat)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2032517-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2032517-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2032143-cock-sucking-lick-mouth-boobs (http://www.zoig.com/view/2032143-cock-sucking-lick-mouth-boobs)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2031291-blowjob-sucking-oral-dick-cock-biting (http://www.zoig.com/view/2031291-blowjob-sucking-oral-dick-cock-biting)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1620585-cocksucking-oral-sex-blowjob-licking-cock-sucking-bellend-gobbling-balls-cumshots-facials-spunk-face-sperm-loadim (http://www.zoig.com/view/1620585-cocksucking-oral-sex-blowjob-licking-cock-sucking-bellend-gobbling-balls-cumshots-facials-spunk-face-sperm-loadim)
http://www.domywife.com/photos/display/pos_-872188/ (http://www.domywife.com/photos/display/pos_-872188/)
http://www.domywife.com/photos/display/pos_-872187/ (http://www.domywife.com/photos/display/pos_-872187/)
http://www.domywife.com/photos/display/pos_-872214/ (http://www.domywife.com/photos/display/pos_-872214/)
http://www.domywife.com/photos/display/pos_-871798/Yumyum.html (http://www.domywife.com/photos/display/pos_-871798/Yumyum.html)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2003057-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2003057-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/62056-head (http://www.zoig.com/view/62056-head)
http://www.corruptedamateur.com/dirtywivesexposed/coupleshavingsex/images/13.jpg (http://www.corruptedamateur.com/dirtywivesexposed/coupleshavingsex/images/13.jpg)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2045071-cock-mask-bite-wife (http://www.zoig.com/view/2045071-cock-mask-bite-wife)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2072817-blow-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/2072817-blow-job)

02-04-2011, 12:36 PM
There is nothing more sexy than a dominant woman getting me hard trough sucking me, and then suddenly, deliberately baring those teeth...

02-08-2011, 10:15 PM
Best part about teeth is you think you are in charge and she can take that away with just a tiny amount of effort. :D

02-17-2011, 05:12 PM
From December 2010

Thai Woman Bites Off Husband's Penis Then Kills Him

Western men often think Thai women are subservient. Nothing could be further from the truth, as evidenced in the latest news out of Thailand. On December 19th in Pattaya, Mrs. Mali Siritham, aged 40, bit off her estranged husband's penis after he ****** her to have oral sex with him. Then she stabbed him and killed him.

Unfortunately, a similar story appears in Thailand's newspapers every week. The only difference in this case, where normally the Thai woman chops off the man's penis with a knife and feeds it to the ducks, this poor woman let her teeth do the work and then she killed him.

The story begins when Khun Mali Siritham was confronted with her estranged husband, who appeared at her home drunk and demanding to have sex with her. Forty seven year old Mr. Pairoj Farkgai had been married to Mrs. Mali for five years but after his affairs with other women increased, Mrs. Mali kicked him out and was filing for divorce. Mr. Pairoj still came to see their two young daughters a couple of times a week.

On the evening of December 19th, Mr. Pairoj, a high-level official at the Thai Ministry of Defense, showed up at Mrs. Mali's house drunk and demanded to have sex with her. She refused and he beat her, then ****** her to have oral sex. Mrs. Mali says, she was so upset she bit off his penis and, in return, her husband grabbed a knife and stabbed her in the arm. Mrs. Mali managed to get the knife off him and stabbed him once in the stomach. He died almost immediately. Mrs. Mali and her 70 year old father then called the police.

While probably shocking to many western readers to me, an expat who's lived in Thailand for years, it's somewhat of a normal news story. It's also a reminder of how, although they may look beautiful, exotic and delicate, many Thai women won't take abuse lying down and some do retaliate. The chopping off of the husband, boyfriend or lover's penis is so common, many in Thailand barely bat an eye. The reason this made national news is the simple reason the allegedly abusive husband's penis was bitten off and then he was killed.

02-17-2011, 06:10 PM
And... the point to this information is...?

T-Lo G
02-19-2011, 03:03 AM
Right on Linus!!! That story isn't sexy at all. It was more of a self-defense struggle rather than a woman dominating a man and biting his cock because she wants to do it. That's what I want. A woman that loves to bite as much as I love to be bitten!!!

02-27-2011, 04:13 AM
Here's a few nice pictures from Tyrannized (http://www.tyrannized.com) that I stumbled across on ImageFap. There's just nothing like a being bitten by a dom... :iluvu:

02-27-2011, 12:33 PM
And... the point to this information is...?

Reading stories like that related to my own fantasies often leads to arousal. The apparently reality of ********** as a common punishment in some parts of world speaks of the dark desire in the female psyche...personally I am fascinated by this, so I do get some value from reports like these....each to their own, I suppose :thumbup

T-Lo G
02-28-2011, 03:31 AM
The latest scene from www.ballbustingpornstars.com (http://www.ballbustingpornstars.com) has the hardest cock biting I've seen on the net. Here's a photo

02-28-2011, 01:46 PM
I do not think any of the ballbustingpornstarts clips are real hard biting, you never see any bite marks after, they are "going faces" as if it is hard and the men are crying as if it is hard, but you see it is not.
Anyway I have seen some nice biting with deep bitemarks after from other sites.

T-Lo G
02-28-2011, 02:57 PM
now normally you'd be correct, matary, but not this clip. his cock is hard the entire time. while she's biting down her teeth are almost touching. she's fucking him up. it's pretty intense.

03-01-2011, 03:36 PM
My wife likes to bite down on the end of my cock and then shake her head back and forth like she is tearing it off of me. She really gets going after a couple of glasses of wine. She loves it!

T-Lo G
03-01-2011, 10:45 PM
My wife likes to bite down on the end of my cock and then shake her head back and forth like she is tearing it off of me. She really gets going after a couple of glasses of wine. She loves it!

You're one lucky guy!!!

03-02-2011, 12:49 AM
I do not know how to rip the photos out or Zoig, if anyone can, please do for all of us:
http://www.zoig.com/view/2083331-blow-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/2083331-blow-job)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1276701-blowjob-sucking-cock (http://www.zoig.com/view/1276701-blowjob-sucking-cock)
http://www.zoig.com/view/950272-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/950272-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/947769-breakfast (http://www.zoig.com/view/947769-breakfast)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2115337-thick-cock-sucking-blowjob-head-viens (http://www.zoig.com/view/2115337-thick-cock-sucking-blowjob-head-viens)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2140547-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2140547-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2129825-cock-sucking-licking-handjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2129825-cock-sucking-licking-handjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2137381-blowjob-dark-italian-cock (http://www.zoig.com/view/2137381-blowjob-dark-italian-cock)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2136897-young-sucking (http://www.zoig.com/view/2136897-young-sucking)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2121995-blowjob-bitch-milf (http://www.zoig.com/view/2121995-blowjob-bitch-milf)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1497707-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1497707-blowjob)

03-11-2011, 11:16 AM
I do not think any of the ballbustingpornstarts clips are real hard biting, you never see any bite marks after, they are "going faces" as if it is hard and the men are crying as if it is hard, but you see it is not.
Anyway I have seen some nice biting with deep bitemarks after from other sites.

Serena, Mya, Luscious Lopez...dang, I forget the names, I listed a load on the ballbusting pornstars forum...they all disagree with you. Their videos of biting are great, hard and on the head.

(BTW I forgot to list Luscious Lopez on that list. Mr Jover, if you give a shit and are reading this: MORE LOPEZ NOW... please)

Serena's two films are certainly the wildest, though not the best of the best (but that's down to the annoying limpdick some of the actors prefer to have for some reason).

Hard cockbiting doesn't leave teethmarks unless there's clamping down or many bites on the same area. Cockbiting just leaves red, even bruised, marks.

My wife likes to bite down on the end of my cock and then shake her head back and forth like she is tearing it off of me. She really gets going after a couple of glasses of wine. She loves it!

Ha yeah, my gf shaked her head for a laugh and it was great, so I said do it again and I came. >_>

03-11-2011, 08:09 PM
[/quote] Ha yeah, my gf shaked her head for a laugh and it was great, so I said do it again and I came. >_>[/QUOTE]

Your girl must give incredible...ahem...head;)

Tooth N. Nail
03-20-2011, 11:40 AM
"That story isn't sexy at all. It was more of a self-defense struggle rather than a woman dominating a man and biting his cock because she wants to do it. That's what I want. A woman that loves to bite as much as I love to be bitten!!!"

I disagree. The psychologies differ widely from person to person as to what fascinates them about any fetish. Ballbusting Pornstars regularly offers scenarios of self-defense or retribution. The possibility of what a woman COULD do if she's a biter is arousing to some. Complaining because a post doesn't cater to our specific preferences only discourages participation. Unless a post is off topic, we shouldn't criticize postings just because they aren't designed specifically for ourself.

T-Lo G
03-22-2011, 12:54 AM
You're entitled to your opinion, Tooth. I'm glad you liked it. I didn't find it arousing. I don't like stories of women being abused and mistreated to the point where they do something like that. She may be emotionally scarred from that. That aspect took the thrill out of it for me. With BBP, the guy in the role usually never gets the upper hand, or if he does it's not for very long at all. Plus that's role play. You're right about one thing though, I may have come off harsh in my reply. I wasn't intending to discourage anyone. By all means post!!!! Our fetish is not as popular as I would like it to be so we need all the support we can get.

04-09-2011, 08:42 PM
I do not know how to rip the photos out or Zoig, if anyone can, please do for all of us:
http://www.zoig.com/view/2083331-blow-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/2083331-blow-job)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1276701-blowjob-sucking-cock (http://www.zoig.com/view/1276701-blowjob-sucking-cock)
http://www.zoig.com/view/950272-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/950272-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/947769-breakfast (http://www.zoig.com/view/947769-breakfast)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2115337-thick-cock-sucking-blowjob-head-viens (http://www.zoig.com/view/2115337-thick-cock-sucking-blowjob-head-viens)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2140547-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2140547-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2129825-cock-sucking-licking-handjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2129825-cock-sucking-licking-handjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2137381-blowjob-dark-italian-cock (http://www.zoig.com/view/2137381-blowjob-dark-italian-cock)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2136897-young-sucking (http://www.zoig.com/view/2136897-young-sucking)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2121995-blowjob-bitch-milf (http://www.zoig.com/view/2121995-blowjob-bitch-milf)
http://www.zoig.com/view/1497707-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/1497707-blowjob)

Thanks for the pictures. I personally find pictures of girls gnawing on a cock hot. Although I personally wouldn't want anything more than a light nibbling to happen to mine.

04-15-2011, 08:51 AM
Not much happening here...
Found this on Xhamster, but part from that its pretty boring having our interest right now.
A little biting at the beginning...

T-Lo G
04-15-2011, 10:26 PM
it is pretty boring in here man

T-Lo G
04-15-2011, 10:35 PM
here are some new photos of the latest babe from BBP

04-19-2011, 06:41 AM
Hopefully cockbiting will be a bit of a slow build, until we realise it's really popular. Bit like how feet seems to have replaced tits, and it's only girls who don't truly realise it.

There is the odd ordinary blowjob video where a girl will bite, and I don't know if that's something that would've crept in normal videos 15 years ago.

I wonder how popular cockbiting is at the moment, and how well it sells, and whether porn makers feel it's worth doing because of that.

One day, we'll have that double biting or one biting + one busting video, I believe, but who's willing to do it? Would everyone else be as eager to buy it or subscribe as us?

I just hope when it is done, it isn't a major disappointment, like girls pretending to bite or biting lightly, or kneeing with no force etc. That's a waste of film and fees.

04-19-2011, 06:28 PM
here are some new photos of the latest babe from BBP

Now she is looking really hot when she bites! And it looks like she's biting hard as well...

04-20-2011, 01:00 AM
It seams only few offering clips and photos in this thread, why?
Here are some from Zoig
http://www.zoig.com/view/2186821-cock (http://www.zoig.com/view/2186821-cock)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2192351-mamon (http://www.zoig.com/view/2192351-mamon)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2211409-cock-lips (http://www.zoig.com/view/2211409-cock-lips) <o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2215881-balls-suck-dick (http://www.zoig.com/view/2215881-balls-suck-dick)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2231091-sucking-head-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2231091-sucking-head-blowjob)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/152302-blow-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/152302-blow-job)

04-20-2011, 04:58 AM
It seams only few offering clips and photos in this thread, why?

Because we've seen it all. Only BallbustingPornstars and some stores on Clips 4 Sale bring out new stuff regularly, and they cost money. Plus, BallbustingPornstars has previews and trailers anyway, so need to give out free videos.

That would defeat the point as well becuase we want people to buy when someone does a cockbiting video, otherwise they'll stop doing it and then others won't try it either.

04-20-2011, 03:30 PM
I am ready tp trade, this is the only way to get more than what you are willing to buy, I have alot. contact me at matary13@gmail.com

T-Lo G
04-21-2011, 05:30 AM
Now she is looking really hot when she bites! And it looks like she's biting hard as well...

She is biting hard in this vid. I've seen Eric in enough vids to know when he's in pain for real and when he's acting. She was giving it to him. So far this year, Melrose Fox has been the best biter in the BBP universe.

04-23-2011, 11:19 AM
I have to agree with you, T... as always. While she is not one of my favorites, I still have to give it up to her. A pity I cannot take what SHE has in ferocity and give it to Nina Devon, Kendra Starr, or Jocelyn Stone (my favorites)! She reminds me a little of Coco Velvett from back in the day. She was another one that appeared to be quite ravenous! I wonder if anyone has checked out the latest from Alexa Cruz yet? She looks as if she may have some... potential.

T-Lo G
04-29-2011, 01:24 AM
Kendra Starr is a big time favorite of mine. I see the pattern in your selection. Big teeth of course. I also like straight teeth so Nina Devon falls short on the list. I prefer Adrianna Nicole to be in her place. Perfect teeth!! I'm surprised Melrose Fox isn't one of your favorites. Her teeth aren't small. Funny I've never heard you mention Tina Tink for the girls with large teeth. She too is one of my favs. Kendra's bites are hard enough to remember you've been bitten yet so arousing with her head action it only adds to the turn-on. I wish he'd use her as much as he uses Coco Velvett. Coco is too animated and silly sometimes and it takes away.

I have the Alexa Cruz vid. It's very sexy. If I were to rate the bites on intensity (1= nibbling or faking to 5= this bitch is crazy she just might bite it off), I'd give her a 3(enough to sting but no lasting soreness). Both of Melrose Fox's vids have been 5's. Keep in mind when you see her teeth almost touching, she's biting a hard cock.

04-29-2011, 07:05 PM
That's very interesting, T! While I have not mentioned Melrose, I AM a big fan! Her teeth are not as big as Kendra or Jocelyn, but she makes up for it with intensity and skill! So you've seen Alexa Cruz in action? I will have to add that one to my collection, based on what I have seen in the photo on the site. I believe that her teeth "qualify"! A pity about Nina, though. I think that she has the biggest teeth of all the models, but her range is limited.

I think that I have pretty much every video that the site has to offer in my search for "My Personal Best", but I am still waiting for two (2) women to make a vid... Shy Love (I've seen her work in a short clip), and Satine Phoenix, whom I was told by Mistress January, WOULD make a vid. So... I will keep my eyes peeled!!

T-Lo G
05-02-2011, 11:11 PM
I think that I have pretty much every video that the site has to offer in my search for "My Personal Best", but I am still waiting for two (2) women to make a vid... Shy Love (I've seen her work in a short clip), and Satine Phoenix, whom I was told by Mistress January, WOULD make a vid. So... I will keep my eyes peeled!!

When were you told by January that Satine Phoenix would make a cock/ball biting vid? According to Eric Jover, Satine Phoenix is retired. If she's come out of retirement that makes me very excite(in my Borat voice). Eric had her booked to do a scene with BBP, but it never panned out.

05-03-2011, 10:40 AM

some friendly biting in 1st half

05-03-2011, 11:18 AM
some biting photos in thsi site.
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:y7wDIdx2rsMJ:snail.meilk.com/femdom/res/651.html+cock+biting+femdom&cd=3&hl=iw&ct=clnk&gl=il&source=www.google.co.il (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:y7wDIdx2rsMJ:snail.meilk.com/femdom/res/651.html+cock+biting+femdom&cd=3&hl=iw&ct=clnk&gl=il&source=www.google.co.il)

T-Lo G
05-03-2011, 06:32 PM
yo Matary, those first 10 photos are from Bitesex.com. They catered to our fetish a long time ago but the site has been shut down a long time ago. I want those friggin vids, but it seems nobody has them or is willing to share or trade

05-04-2011, 12:30 AM
I believe I have two of them but they are very short. ( I believe a short version)

05-04-2011, 05:01 AM
ouch, I don't wanna get my dick bit, girls are vicious lol.

05-05-2011, 06:00 PM
RETIRED??? Well... that would explain the long wait! It would've been nice of Ms. January to let me in on that little tid-bit of info before I got my hopes up! That sucks. I guess my search will have to continue. Maybe Shy Love will step up (wishful thinking)!

T-Lo G
05-06-2011, 05:27 AM
RETIRED??? Well... that would explain the long wait! It would've been nice of Ms. January to let me in on that little tid-bit of info before I got my hopes up! That sucks. I guess my search will have to continue. Maybe Shy Love will step up (wishful thinking)!

Don't get your hopes up yet, bro. According to Eric J(BBP) she shoots for certain people. January is her best friend so she'd do it for her. That's why I asked you when did January tell you Satine would make the vid. Was this a recent email? A week ago? Month ago?

I don't have a current email address for January. I'd like to ask her why they let www.cockandballbiting.com (http://www.cockandballbiting.com) fall by the wayside.

05-06-2011, 07:36 PM
To answer your question, T, it was right BEFORE that C&BB site came out... where I had hoped to see a Satine vid! After which, I went to the older CBT site where I had originally got January's addy after my disappointment to watch some old footage of Satine.

At any rate, perhaps what I seek will not elude me for much longer. There is still hope, and Mr. Jover is getting closer and closer with ladies like Jocelyn, Kendra, and the rest. One day... one day...? :)

T-Lo G
05-09-2011, 04:06 AM
Funny, that was about the same time I emailed her about it. She was going to shoot the vid with Eric J. Even had a date for it. Comes around to it and it fell through. Word was she retired from porn. I saw her on www.escapistmagazine.com (http://www.escapistmagazine.com) doing a series where various pornstars played D&D called "I Hit it with my Axe". Pretty lame. Eric booked Tessa Taylor in her place. I loved Tessa's intensity. No playing around. Solid bites every vid.

05-14-2011, 07:10 AM

Sorry if I posted it before.

05-28-2011, 10:15 PM
I began having my wife bite me years ago when we were first dating....now that she's really explored her Domme side she luvs it--maybe more than me!

We have pics to share at a later time. Some of the Men in Pain cockbite vids are the hottest I've seen, but none get me goin as much as seeing her do it to me for real.

06-01-2011, 12:27 AM
some more from Zoig:

http://www.zoig.com/view/2186821-cock (http://www.zoig.com/view/2186821-cock)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2192351-mamon (http://www.zoig.com/view/2192351-mamon)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2211409-cock-lips (http://www.zoig.com/view/2211409-cock-lips) <o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2215881-balls-suck-dick (http://www.zoig.com/view/2215881-balls-suck-dick)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2231091-sucking-head-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2231091-sucking-head-blowjob)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/152302-blow-job (http://www.zoig.com/view/152302-blow-job)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2289445-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2289445-blowjob)<o:p></o:p>

06-01-2011, 12:27 AM
Some more:
http://www.zoig.com/view/2286915-mature-whore-sucks (http://www.zoig.com/view/2286915-mature-whore-sucks)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2308877-cock-dick-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2308877-cock-dick-blowjob)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2334491-dick (http://www.zoig.com/view/2334491-dick)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2334353-cock-sucking-bbw (http://www.zoig.com/view/2334353-cock-sucking-bbw)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2346097-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2346097-blowjob)<o:p></o:p>
http://www.zoig.com/view/2346147-cocksucking-oral-sex-blowjob-licking-cock-sucking-bellend-gobbling-balls-cumshots-facials-spunk-face-sperm-load (http://www.zoig.com/view/2346147-cocksucking-oral-sex-blowjob-licking-cock-sucking-bellend-gobbling-balls-cumshots-facials-spunk-face-sperm-load)

06-05-2011, 05:13 PM
Hope its not a repost.

Pretty hot video anyhow.


07-08-2011, 04:31 AM
Cute girl biting.


07-08-2011, 06:13 PM
Bad tempo in here...
Have two new vids. Nothing spectacular, but its something:

And then some in the end of this one:

07-12-2011, 10:13 AM
4.5 min warmup of light ballspanking, followed by 9 min of constant cock & ball biting.


07-12-2011, 04:28 PM
I also enjoy when my wife uses her teeth and scapes down the length of me. Very enjoyable.

Oh, yeah, that curles your toes.

07-30-2011, 01:19 AM
http://www.zoig.com/view/2375743-blow-jobs (http://www.zoig.com/view/2375743-blow-jobs)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2382793-blowjobs (http://www.zoig.com/view/2382793-blowjobs)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2403017-sucking (http://www.zoig.com/view/2403017-sucking)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2438957-sucking-dick (http://www.zoig.com/view/2438957-sucking-dick)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2424649-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2424649-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2424667-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2424667-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2427951-dick-cock-suck-sucking-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2427951-dick-cock-suck-sucking-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2444523-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2444523-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2445541-uncut-cock-suck (http://www.zoig.com/view/2445541-uncut-cock-suck)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2438957-sucking-dick (http://www.zoig.com/view/2438957-sucking-dick)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2453469-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2453469-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2464457-deepthroat-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2464457-deepthroat-blowjob)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2470229-blow-job-head-dick-sucking-interracial-gagging-throat-fucking (http://www.zoig.com/view/2470229-blow-job-head-dick-sucking-interracial-gagging-throat-fucking)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2472301-cumming-blowjobs (http://www.zoig.com/view/2472301-cumming-blowjobs)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2334491-dick (http://www.zoig.com/view/2334491-dick)
http://www.zoig.com/view/2003057-blowjob (http://www.zoig.com/view/2003057-blowjob)

08-02-2011, 10:05 AM
Soem nice cock and ball biting

08-03-2011, 02:47 AM
Some more biting :thumbup














08-04-2011, 12:19 AM

I have the biting part of this video, if somene wish to exchane, send me mail to matary13 @ gmail. com

09-01-2011, 08:51 AM

Hum, won't let me download. Rapidshare seems to have got more complicated since I last went on there. Bummer.

09-05-2011, 08:17 PM
great posts, can't wait for more.

09-12-2011, 01:29 AM
looking girl for hard biting in czech republik

09-12-2011, 05:47 PM
looking girl for hard biting in czech republik

and you think you're gonna find her here?

09-18-2011, 10:21 AM
I have found a video in which a girl is biting hard!!
enjoy! :)

09-25-2011, 06:45 AM
Just check this video till the end. I came at least 4 times when it was over:


I liked most the part when she bites hard on the cock and at the same time threatens to cut the cock with a sharp knife.

But If we could find a video like this with another girl with very beautiful face and sexy body, it will certainly double the pleasure.

Enjoy it.


09-29-2011, 03:57 PM
I have found a video in which a girl is biting hard!!
enjoy! :)

I have no idea how to download that. Or my computer doesn't.

T-Lo G
09-29-2011, 10:33 PM
I have no idea how to download that. Or my computer doesn't.

I'm surprised you don't already have this clip, Oscy. It's pretty old. We should resume trading. You can email me at bojanglesandcab@yahoo.com. I got some new stuff.

Way to go, Alemes3. Nice clip!! I'd join their site if if wasn't $39.95 per month. Who does Vittoria think she is?

09-30-2011, 01:50 PM
I'm surprised you don't already have this clip, Oscy. It's pretty old. We should resume trading. You can email me at bojanglesandcab@yahoo.com. I got some new stuff.

What is the clip of/from?

I don't know if I'll have anything you don't have. Generally it's just non-recent BBPS, an Indian one or two, some from cockandballbiting, and a few others whose names I don't know - one's a brunette who sometimes wears glasses and the other seems to be a mature redhead who titles her videos 'Tor44', 'TOR38' etc.