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View Full Version : For the ladies

10-19-2007, 05:34 AM
I'm new here, but I think the ladies, and perhaps the men, would like to see a man without a cock. I went a little crazy one night about 11 years ago and cut mine off. I'm bicurious, so if anyone is in the Los Angeles area, send me a private mail and we'll do lunch and who knows, I may even let you bust my balls.


10-20-2007, 10:24 PM
oh man! nice! i have this dream too

10-21-2007, 05:37 AM
I want to know one thing. Even if your cock is cut off, do you still have desire to have sex? Do you still get aroused by looking at a beautiful woman? If your balls are removed, do you still have desire for sex? Is there some one without balls and cock can answer my question?

10-21-2007, 08:06 PM
Yes, I still have a desire for sex and I can still get off without my cock. It isn't as often and it takes a bit more work, but rubbing my balls the right way gets me off in a reasonable amount of time.

Looking at beautiful women is ok, but I prefer watching couples having sex to arouse me now. Perhaps it's because I don't have a cock that I like looking at other men's cocks.

10-27-2007, 07:23 AM
if you like.
I mean, how did you come to that point, cutting it off I mean. What did you do? Did you just ..., well, slice through? What about the pain?
Do you have pictures of it, still attached?
What did you tell the people?
... :-)

I mean, just if you feel like telling. ;)

11-25-2007, 06:30 AM
It's been 11 years since I whacked the fucker off and I don't have pre-pictures. I did it slowly, sawing it off with a straight edged knife over a period of several hours. The hardest part was cutting through the eurethra, it just didn't want to cut. The knife wasn't the sharpest in the world, but it finally did the job.

During the cutting, I grabbed my rod with my right hand and cut from the bottom with my left hand so it felt like someone else was doing it. By cutting from the bottom, I retained feeling in it until the last few cuts when the dorsal nerve was severed. Bleeding wasn't a problem as I had the foresight to tie it off at the base with a plastic tie strap.

As for getting there, I knew that one day I would do this and when I realised that I didn't have any more fantasies that I wanted to live out, I decided the time was right and did the deed.

12-03-2007, 01:03 AM
that is pretty awesome

do you have more hi res images?

12-03-2007, 08:42 PM
Very intresting. It may be a good fantasy but its not something I could do, but I think its ok that you did im not trying to say that at all.