View Full Version : dou you fantasize about an attractive ex-teacher of yours ballbusting you
11-04-2007, 03:22 PM
and do you know any sites that have lots of stories of cruel [but gorgeous!] haughty lady teachers, ballbusting their young misbehaving boy pupils?
11-04-2007, 03:54 PM
the ideal ballbuster to me has always been a younger ,weaker girl with lower social status than me- because rolling on the ground before such a girl while beeing mocked by her would add to the feeling of humiliation. a person with authority would only be second choice. ;)
however, we once had in art education a young teacher-trainee (dont know the correct english word) who had a pair of VEEEERY nice big boobs under her blouse. one day we went on a trip into the forest with her. we played a game where we had to search for the group to which she belonged. when we met some other people in the forest, one of us asked them whether they had seen some guys like us in the company of a lady "with nice big eyes", and made a gesture with both hands indicating the size of her boobs :D
since then I have always fantasized that she temporary lost her way in the forest (alone), and met a stranger who thought a lone woman would be easy prey to him. so he grabbed her boobs, and was rewarded by her with a devastating knee to the balls. then she just left him moaning on the ground and did not even bother to mention the little incident to us when we met again.
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