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View Full Version : How good BB should be, imho

11-05-2007, 09:14 AM
I was a registered member of femaledom and I really appreciated it. I hardly belive that is one of the best bb site on the net, and if we consider the amount of movies it makes avaible it comes absolutely at first. But the last videos I seen (some months ago actually) are getting, in my opinion, quite far from the original style I loved (the one of the very first videos). First of all, it's true that less quality means more imagination and less details. I'd rather prefer not a very high quality movies for a reason: actors look uglier. This is an important problem to solve and I agree that putting down the resolution of new videos is not a solution. Therefore the necessity of having good-looking actors became essential. And when I talk about actors I don't refer only to girls, which are very important, but also to men, that are in some measure underrated. An old, fat or a very ugly actor can change the way we perceive the video. I tell you I prefer young boys, and think is the opinion of most of you. No reason to talk about the beauty of the women that is basilar. And note that you get a lot more points if there are more than a girl giggling and blocking the man. The effect is wonderful. Another key point is the pain, that should be always present in boys' expression. It comes without saying that a very odd actor would ruin the whole video. It should always appears that the man is submissed and at the mercy of the mistress (that's why more than a girl is always better). For this reason I really hate the actor that was shot in Lost the shopping list, I think is the worst I've ever seen for the reason that he behaves like he's the master. Girls acting is also important, but is almost always good (as they smile, they look angry, it doesn't really matter, the important is that they don't look like they're working). Clothes are also very important, especially for girls. For the man I see more and more videos where girls strip them out. This is an intelligent way to satisfy all the preferences. But what I like most is when they're wearing underpants, lycra or whatever tight fitting trousers avaiable.
I look forward to hearing from you all.

11-05-2007, 06:12 PM
I prefer the women fully dressed ( preferablly business suits, stockings and black patent high heels and I never see that on femaledom.com) and the guys fully nude. I like to see several kicks in a row and no fighting and talking back from the guy, that's annoying. That's my opinion.