View Full Version : what would the consequence be of your work colleagues finding out about your B-B fant
11-12-2007, 12:37 PM
...asies? would the possibility of some of your female colleagues want to ask you about it, ever outweigh the embarassment or humiliation heaped on you by the guys?
...same goes for your would you feel about them finding out?
11-12-2007, 01:46 PM
Well I suppose it all depends how you go about it really!
I mean if you just blurt it out of nowhere one day when you're just casually talking about relationships or interests, I think most girls would be taken slightly by shock and might call you a weirdo.
But I find that if you gradually work it into conversation in relation to other similar related scenarios, a lot of girls will take a curious interest!
Take for instance a girl I used to work with at work. During or lunch breaks we talked all the time about relationships ect, and I used to talk quite a bit about how my ex-girlfriend used to enjoy teasing me and busting my balls. At first she all sympathetic like "aww, you poor thing!" but she was actually quite surprised when I confessed that I used to find it quite a turn on when my ex got all assertive and dominating.
After I should my work colleague a few sites on BB, she started to become a bit curious herself. After a while when she had spent sometime looking at BB sites herself when had time at home, she told me one day that she would quite fancy trying out busting a guys balls herself if only she had someone to practice on.
Naturally being the kind sorta bloke I am, I said to her that I would happily lend her my balls for the night if she ever fancied it! Luckily enough after sometime of considering my offer, she took me up on it it and we had our first BB session that week end. The first time she was gentle as she was scare of doing any serious damage, but after our first session she seriously racked my nuts showing no signs of mercy. No lie this girl was only 5foot something, but could deliver a seriously devestating painfull knee to the nuts and showed absolutely no sign of sympathy. If I even dared to ask for mercy, she would only respond by pulling me back off my knees, pinning me up against the wall and start kneeing me in the balls again 10 times harder.
I would definitely say that if any of you guys ever fancy approaching a girl at work about BB, give it a shot. Just make sure that you use tact and make sure she's definitely interested first.
As for my family and friends, Its better really to keep your own private interests to yourself and the people who understand the entire scene on your level.
...asies? would the possibility of some of your female colleagues want to ask you about it, ever outweigh the embarassment or humiliation heaped on you by the guys?
...same goes for your would you feel about them finding out?
11-12-2007, 01:53 PM
Luckily enough, I new that this girl was the trust worthy type and she promised to keep or BB sessions as our private secret. Unfortunately she now works for a different company, but she still txt's me every so often if she's in town to arrange to punnish my nuts (Awww, god bless her!! Lol)
11-12-2007, 04:52 PM
that sounds like a great turn of events.. even with tact, and in bits, i still think its pretty brave you managed to tell her. i dont see myself allowing anyone to bust me who i dont trust with my life. i like my balls a bit more than i like ballbusting.. i think you've definitely got the right idea...
theres no way i can contemplate anything good coming from my family. i can think of one male friend who would think me crazy, but not really give a damn, other than that, again i dont see anything not negative, unless people are very good acters... that said i do have a friend, who unfortunately im not too close to anymore, lives in america and i dont... i suspect quite alot shes into it, or definitely some kind of femdom ... not the sort of thing you say in an email though.. or face to face when you only see em every 6 months... how do you develop your thread lol.. what if i was wrong heh!
11-14-2007, 03:07 PM
Well at first when we talked about how my girlfriend use to tease me and bust my balls ect, she was more sypathetic than anything else. But the more and more she heard about it, the more funny and amusing she seemed to find it. One day she just asked me open and honestly if my ex-girlfriend was into kinky stuff ect... I told that she had always been into playing a bit dominantly with to which she asked me if this didn't freak me out or worry me in any way. When I told her that I'd become used to it and told her that I now actually find dominant women quite a turn she was like "WOW, REALLY"
If you actually take time to explain the reasons why you find dominant women a turn on and why you find BB so stimulating, a lot more women than you might expect will be intrigued.
Obviously if you just come out with it just saying I love Ballbusting when not many people have heard of it a lot people will find it a bit shocking as they have never heard of the entire scene before. However if you start by talking about more gentle forms of S&M which many couples act out playfully with Bondage Kits which you can purchase from lingerie stockist such as Anne Summers or Agent Provocature ect and then move on gradually to more heavier stuff like BB, by this point most women will kinda get what the entire buzz of practicing different S&M acts out is all about and probably be a lot more excepting than you might expect.
My only advice to anybody thinking of approaching the subject of the entire BB scene with a friend or female work colleague would be. Don't jump straight in the deep end on the first conversation, start gently and gradually introduce the topic, even if it takes months to finally reach the goal.
that sounds like a great turn of events.. even with tact, and in bits, i still think its pretty brave you managed to tell her. i dont see myself allowing anyone to bust me who i dont trust with my life. i like my balls a bit more than i like ballbusting.. i think you've definitely got the right idea...
theres no way i can contemplate anything good coming from my family. i can think of one male friend who would think me crazy, but not really give a damn, other than that, again i dont see anything not negative, unless people are very good acters... that said i do have a friend, who unfortunately im not too close to anymore, lives in america and i dont... i suspect quite alot shes into it, or definitely some kind of femdom ... not the sort of thing you say in an email though.. or face to face when you only see em every 6 months... how do you develop your thread lol.. what if i was wrong heh!
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