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View Full Version : is ballkick.com still producing new material?

11-21-2007, 03:25 PM
i ask because i like the style of the girls ive seen clips of, but every time i visit their site the front page is still the same.
also they dont seem to be very forthcoming about what exactly you get for your $29.99 !

anyone currently subscribed to this site?

11-21-2007, 05:12 PM
Never even heard of that site ..
but it does not appear to be that bad .. It says weekly updates but you are right in your plight .. No details on what benefits you receive as a member .. I have learned that sites like that usually do not have a worthy payoff .. I would stay away .. speaking of unknowns .. Has anyone ever seen any videos from www.brutalchix.com (http://www.brutalchix.com) or does anyone know if its any good ..

11-22-2007, 12:20 PM
i ask because i like the style of the girls ive seen clips of, but every time i visit their site the front page is still the same.
also they dont seem to be very forthcoming about what exactly you get for your $29.99 !

anyone currently subscribed to this site?

I subscribed over a year ago. It didn't look like it updated at all.