View Full Version : The sum of our fears

11-22-2007, 12:23 AM
"We are the sum of our fears"!

Deep inside every male has the fear of being exposed. He inwardly knowing the delicate nature of his sex, and of the fragile testicles that hang between his legs. Some learn early in life as I did making the road easier. Some much later, and to those the fall was all the more devastating.

Always deep in the back of our minds the focal point of our maleness, of our weakness is always their lurking.

Like any fear we pushed it away but at the same time drawn to it to know it better. Once we understand it we can except it, explore it, embrace it, to share it with the stronger opposite sex. To reaffirm our weakness as males compared to the them, to show them our sense of shame at being male, to ask her to resolve me of all my sins against all women as a man beg her to purify me with her knee into my balls to free me, to feel her empowerment over me and to know I've accepted it!