View Full Version : President Hillary
12-31-2007, 01:24 AM
If Hillary Clinton becomes president, and I hope she will, am I the only one who sees her as an erotic ballbuster?
That woman turns me on :)
12-31-2007, 03:50 AM
She is one of the worst candidates running for president (down there with Giulliani).
And have you actually seen pictures of her?? Here let me give you a link :D
01-02-2008, 12:13 PM
Hey don't put Rudy down on her level
01-03-2008, 02:40 PM
without getting too political, mitt romney it clearly the better choice, hillary is a disgusting person
01-07-2008, 02:54 PM
Reading your posts here, viewing the posted pictures of Hillary Clinton, I ask me: is american politic made only by pictures, or by persons with contents?! It's so easy to find disgusting pictures, but does this say anything about the person behind?
01-07-2008, 06:53 PM
One of the worst of the democratic candidates...I hope you don't vote for her because she turns you on :wooow
Not that she'll win the nomination.
01-08-2008, 08:45 AM
Reading your posts here, viewing the posted pictures of Hillary Clinton, I ask me: is american politic made only by pictures, or by persons with contents?! It's so easy to find disgusting pictures, but does this say anything about the person behind?
Unfortunately, you are right. We here in the US can be very shallow on why we pick a candidate. Looks means a lot to many people, and many are prejudice against certain people without really knowing them. Look at the mess we are in now because of the brainless twit we voted in and then re-elected! We deserve what we get!
01-12-2008, 08:29 AM
go hillary ;)
01-18-2008, 02:57 PM
I think if she was much of a ballbuster we'd have seen it show through during her husband's debacle.
01-21-2008, 09:01 AM
Hillary does nothing for me as a ball buster, I like them to be attractive. But it's funny that things are so political now that people are talking about who they like on a femdom board.
01-22-2008, 01:43 PM
Woman and afro-american? And that's the best dems can offer this year? Jesus, they are insane.
Looks like we will have another 4-8 GOP years. It's not like I'm personally against it, the more military contracts - the better for me, but country overall will suffer.
Well, since the voting is electronic now, the result have nothing to do with public opinion anyway.
So, relax and try to enjoy it. :D
01-22-2008, 06:07 PM
I understand the original poster. It is exciting to obey & serve a woman. I obey & serve my lady, & I am very satisfied; happy to obey her rules. She likes to be in control, so we are happy with our life.
I think the future belongs to women, they are the new heroes. I dont argue with this position. But, I think Hillary Clinton is a wrong choice for America. I don't live there, but many in Asian country respect America. America can make a new choice without the Bush or Clinton clans. It will benefit American to choose another than Bush or Clinton.
Sorry, don't want to make anyone angry. Can I have an opinion too?
01-23-2008, 07:34 PM
Woman and afro-american? And that's the best dems can offer this year? Jesus, they are insane.
Looks like we will have another 4-8 GOP years. It's not like I'm personally against it, the more military contracts - the better for me, but country overall will suffer.
Well, since the voting is electronic now, the result have nothing to do with public opinion anyway.
So, relax and try to enjoy it. :D
Very interesting indeed that the most powerful country in the world has to chose its president between a woman and a black man, regardless of anybody's abilities to do the job...
All Republicans are disqualified thanks to Mr Bush, and there is no one among the Democrats any close to challenging these two.
For me, this shows the very narrow limits of the American "democratic" system, and in truth, of the universal democracy farce....
01-24-2008, 12:59 PM
I understand what Raghnall was trying to say the idea of males serving females, and the leader of the free world, there is nothing more powerful than her, except a female diety. While hillary may not be my first choice, can't be any worse than bush. Personally I feel that I would make a much better president and would do a better job of keeping all the little boyz in line, shit Clinton had an affair on Hillary and he still has his balls. I think madalyn albright would be much more intimadating then Hillary. While i find condoleezza rice is much more attractive than hillary or mandy. i do kinda like Margaret Thatcher as a woman in a position of power. I find Ségolène Royal PM of france very attractive, and if she needs a first lady i would love to be her first lady, and be he minster of ball busting.
Kim Cambell PM of Canada was also a good PM. I think a woman should be in power this year, just ban all males from electing and it won't be a problem but regardless with the recent wave of first female head of states around the world i think this might be the year we take control.
01-25-2008, 09:28 AM
without getting too political, mitt romney it clearly the better choice, hillary is a disgusting person
Personally I'd really like Hillary to get in.
Although Barack Obama would probably be just as good.
As long as it's a democrat I'm not bothered!
01-25-2008, 10:31 PM
All Republicans are disqualified thanks to Mr Bush, and there is no one among the Democrats any close to challenging these two.
Well then you have not looked hard enough, because there is one. Hint Hint, it is a congressman from Texas who has been in Congress for 10 terms and he raised more money than any other Republican in the 4th Quarter (also broke the single day record... twice).
As long as it's a democrat I'm not bothered!
That is a foolish way to think. There are great people in all parties (and of course there are the bad).
02-27-2008, 06:58 AM
I thought we were talking about Hillary busting guys' balls. Would I want that? Hell yes! In my fantasy, Hillary is kicking and stomping my asshole, 'til the blood runs down my thighs, and busting my balls from behind...all to show daughter Chelsea how it's done. Then Chelsea takes over and really busts me :ibow4u: and stomps me bad.
Wow there are a lot of really really bad pics of Hillary.
Like all of them.
I don't know who I'm voting for but as for Hillary as a ball buster she doest do it for me. I like hot women busting big balls. Hillary would only be good in one of the shots that show the mans huge balls and the womans hand comes into th shot and squeeze them.
Any more of her than that and I wouldn't like it.
03-06-2008, 08:32 PM
I'm not sure, is Hillary a man (just kidding, please don't bitch at me) Anyway, I guess I'm a little skewed by my political belief, but I just don't see her as a ballbuster.
03-06-2008, 10:45 PM
Look at what someone made on YouTube.
I'm wondering, does this mean he doesn't want Hillary to win?:confused:
04-27-2008, 04:31 AM
She's not that bad.
Hilary just has a rubber face.
After all, how many faces could Bush do.
One: the dumb fish look.
04-27-2008, 07:29 AM
I'm going to vote for the Devil, because why choose the lesser evil? :D
One from the Vaults
04-27-2008, 04:41 PM
I wouldn't normally fantasize about Hillary, but as a ballbuster... hell yeah. She can step on my balls any day.
I would never vote for her, though... goddamn Conservative in Liberal clothing. Fuck her. I hope Obama takes it.
04-27-2008, 08:35 PM
...and putting us in our place. Hail Queen Hillary!!!
04-28-2008, 11:00 AM
I did a search on Hillary and found several news items that she likes "eunuch men" and has some on her staff.
05-22-2008, 03:34 AM
If Hillary gets elected, she will bust everyone's balls by going to war with Iran, etc.
05-22-2008, 07:38 PM
If Hillary gets elected, she will bust everyone's balls by going to war with Iran, etc.
I'm assuming this is a bad thing...
05-27-2008, 06:27 PM
I think she'd have made a hell of a ballbuster when she was younger. But, onna political level, she's not all that great. Better then Obama, though. Freakin' elitist secret-muslim pig..
06-12-2008, 04:39 AM
Gee, I wonder what Hillary would look like as a teenager in boots and leather miniskirt :)
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