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View Full Version : Fish out of water?

01-02-2008, 06:59 AM

I am a new member to this forum. But when I read the "New Members" thread, I noticed most of the entries were men wishing to have their testicles abused - and there is my problem - I have no testicles! I was forcibly ********* over a year ago.

I had been in a relationship for approx.7 years in which My Lady & I tasted of every sort of sexual experience one could think of, including bondage. Toward the end of our relationship I remained in a chastity device (CB-2000) from that summer to the winter. Finally attempts at ********** were begun, and the following summer my manliness was removed from me.

I went through a long period of difficulty in accepting what had happened, but now I feel I am coming to appreciate my role as a Eunuch, and how I can serve my current lady friend.

Due to the discrete nature of this matter, I turned to the internet in order to work though my thoughts with the assistance of others. I have only had limited success with this, however, with only a handful of individuals who are interested enough to talk with me - and only one of these was a female, and she was ****** to stop sending me messages when her husband found out about our communication!

If my experience can be of interest to anyone on this forum, please communicate with me.


01-05-2008, 06:46 AM
You mean you were forcibly ********* against your wishes by a girl? Did you report to the police? How can it happen?

01-05-2008, 03:05 PM
It was done by a professional "Cutter." She was paid by a recently ex-friend of the woman I was going with at the time.

And no, I did not report it to the police because I could not have the publicity affecting my profession. There are those who work in my field that would relish using such knowledge against me.

The most difficult part to understand is why I let this happen to me. This is what I have been struggling with for the past year, and have only recently come to have any sort of understanding. And as I mentioned in my introductory message, only a hand-full around me know what has happened. So I turned to the internet so I could work through my thoughts with strangers - but that has not been very successful - you are the first to respond to my message, although I posted it days ago.

After my **********, I purposely sent e-mails about this affair to a new acquaintance - someone with whom I was growing closer to each day. I sent her the messages in order to make her mad and drive her away - and it definitely worked!

I put these messages on a blog. If you care to read them, let me know and I will send you a link. Then you can determine if you wish to talk more with me and learn more about my **********.


01-06-2008, 06:41 AM
Professional cutter must be a surgeon. Otherwise how the stiches were done and after that your visits to a doctor for follow up? In my opinion you should have reported to the police. Because if you are not taking legal action, you may get frustrated and start thinking about taking revenge which may lead to legal troubles for you. I am really sorry for what happened.

But I have a question. Do you still have desire to have sex with a girl? Do you really get aroused when you see a beautiful sexy girl? Do you get erections as before?

01-06-2008, 10:51 AM
Wait let me get this straight.

Someone else hired someone to cut your balls off, against your own will...

I'm very skeptical tbh.

And sorry if I misunderstood, but this sounds like some guy fucking around/playing around with some fantasy of his.