View Full Version : True Stories of **********

01-15-2008, 12:20 PM
We all know of the Lorena Bobbit incident of the early 1990's, but many years ago in Japan there was a true story of ********** that shocked the nation, and the young woman became a celebrity.

In 1936, a woman named Sada Abe became the mistress (as in lover) of a wealthy Tokyo merchant named Kichizo Ishida. He left is wife and moved into a hotel room with Sada, were it is said they only left their room to eat or bathe. Sada expressed that she would rather kill Ishida rather than let him return to his wife, and fearful that he would she made true her words. One evening she got Ishida drunk on sake, and then strangled him to death. Then, as she confessed, to possess his spirit and sexuality, she ********* him posthumously. She wrapped his severed penis and testicles is a silk cloth, and put it in the sleeve of her kimono. She wandered around Tokyo for four days before she was arrested, and very relunctly surrendered her lover's male parts to the police.

She was sentenced to 6 years in prison, but strangely the public felt sympathy for her and her sentence was commuted -- she served little time in jail. After her short stay in prison, she became a national celebrity and many magazines and newspapers sought her out for interviews.

It is said she died around 1987, as that was the year she stopped putting flowers on the grave of Ishida, the man she strangled and *********.

In 1975 a film was made about the incident by famed director Nagisa Oshima, the English title is called "In The Realm Of The Senses." This film was first shown in America at a 1976 NYC film festival, and after only a few showings it was banned for the controversial ending which shows the ********** of Ishida. In 1987 the film was released on DVD for American audiences.

Here is the controversial ending if you wish to see it. I don't know if anyone else has ever posted it before.


02-16-2008, 12:32 PM
Some years ago I was fishing around the 'net and came across a story that I found deeply, erotically disturbing as it was the realization of some of my deepest darkest fantasies.

First, I should explain that removal of the penis, by any of a wide variety of means, is my basic long-held kink. Second, my orientation is strongly heterosexual so all the fantasies involve a woman doing it. Third, it's an erotic fantasy; the penis under threat knows this is its deepest hottest fantasy, in spite of its imminent doom - so it's aroused - fully erect in anticipation of this ultimate act of cock abuse.

The story was deep in a document investigating atrocities during the Serbian conflict (see http://www.ess.uwe.ac.uk/comexpert/IV_E-V.htm ).

A lot of terrible stuff went down then, primarily rapes as a regular event, and torture and murder. There is a short section on sexual abuse and mutilation of men, a far less frequent event. But there I came across the following:

"Another incident related in an interview involved prisoners lined up naked while Serb women from outside undressed in front of the male prisoners. If any prisoner had an erection, his penis was cut off. The witness saw a named Serb woman thus ******** a prisoner."

This story sends a shock of arousal through me every time I read it - having just about all the elements of my darkest fantasies: the woman's attention to the man's penis; the deliberate effort to arouse him to erection, and her watching closely as his penis, untouched, involuntarily rises with each beat of his heart, to full erection. All this, carefully planned in advance. And then, she approaches him with a knife (or other tool? not specified), grasps his erection firmly with one hand, and deliberately cuts off his erect penis with the other.

I wrote up a 2nd-person version of the story in Eunuch Archives, titled Bosnian **********. You can also search for it under my handle, Finder.

I would like to hear from others who find this story arousing ... as well as shocking and disturbing.

Was thinking of writing a new version from the woman's point of view. Somewhere in Bonsia / Serbia is a woman perhaps with the dame deep dark fantasy - who will remember, for the rest of her days, actually doing it - cutting off an erect penis.

- Finder

03-12-2009, 07:31 AM
yeah, this film is one of the best ********** and penectomy scenes i ever seen, very good made, very really like the knife goes through sac and cock of the man....:bananajum


06-13-2010, 11:24 AM
I find penectomy stories get me harder than any other kink, the idea that this orgasm could be my last