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View Full Version : interracial ball busting footjob movie

01-20-2008, 08:43 AM
first post here hope you enjoy.

screenshot and the movie link

01-20-2008, 08:48 AM
Nothing about an Ebony Female ballbusting/stomping a white male?
It's so rare materials...

01-20-2008, 02:40 PM
Welcome here and thank you...

01-20-2008, 11:58 PM
Thank you VERY much! That is exactly what I have been waiting for. Do you have the ballkicking one?

01-21-2008, 05:30 AM
**WARNING** This video has a virus.

01-21-2008, 06:26 AM
**WARNING** This video has a virus.

this video doesn't have a virus, I did a full system scan with avg, as well as scanned the file separately before posting it. What virus protector popped it as contaminated? I checked it again this morning and nothing. Please reply.

01-21-2008, 02:43 PM
Sorry, I use AVG too and I got a virus warning at the same time I tried to open the video. Tested it some more and it's, my bad.

01-21-2008, 03:00 PM
Nothing about an Ebony Female ballbusting/stomping a white male?
It's so rare materials...

ive been looking for some of that myself and havnt come up with anything. i think there used to be a yahoo group about it a while back, but i cant seem to find it now...

01-24-2008, 06:59 PM
You may have joined the site or not, either way possession of any of its content, gives you no right what so ever to place any of its content anywhere. You have being warned. I'm sure this profile you are using is just one of many that you have for this forum. Your actions are traceable, as are you.

01-24-2008, 07:05 PM

This is a private message from blkpatient to me a while back.

' More ballbusting vids/pics from your site?
I really enjoy the video of the lady kicking the black slaves balls. Are you going to do anymore with this theme?

BTW, I am black and love to see this theme.'

The bottom line reality of it is that you a freeloader.

Thank you VERY much! That is exactly what I have been waiting for. Do you have the ballkicking one?

01-24-2008, 07:10 PM
The one sure virus that is around is a fucking turd like yourself.
By a video camera and make a ballbusting movie. That's is if any ballbustress would wish to waste her time kicking at air as you are clearly minus the required apparatus needed to partake. :D

this video doesn't have a virus, I did a full system scan with avg, as well as scanned the file separately before posting it. What virus protector popped it as contaminated? I checked it again this morning and nothing. Please reply.

01-24-2008, 09:44 PM

This is a private message from blkpatient to me a while back.

' More ballbusting vids/pics from your site?
I really enjoy the video of the lady kicking the black slaves balls. Are you going to do anymore with this theme?

BTW, I am black and love to see this theme.'

The bottom line reality of it is that you a freeloader.Fine, asshole. I don't need you or your videos. Oh and you may wanna learn how to form sentences before trying to be a hardass. He did you a favor by posting your video since you're too much of a tight ass to give people better samples of a site that IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. It's called publicity and you needed it or the site would still be up, glad to see it failed. Also, if I wanted that posted on the forum I would have done it myself. :)

01-25-2008, 05:02 AM
The site is no longer available in its original format because I have evolved other business interests that bring forth a better return on capital employed. Anyone who distributes copyrighted intellectual property without the expressed permission of the owner of the said copyrighted material is committing an illegal act, not as you put it, 'did you a favor by posting your video'. The site was a subscription site. What he has done is to try to compromise that. Go to Rupert Murdoch and ask for free, Go to Bill Gates and ask for free. Go fuck with the all seeing eyed CBS. It is that very dick-headian notion that you and Mr WiseArse Illegal Uploader have with regards to Copyrighted Content that is going to bring forth the pre-planned solution of absolute draconian control over everything. Do you seriously think that the power brokers of the world are just meeting in Davos for the World Economic Forum. Just to sip chilled Martinis? You soon won't be able to fart unless you pay. Bad news for you who is so full of gas.:D
As for being a tight ass, perhaps you should employ some of your own money and create your own site, purchase filming equipment, invest in hiring models and performers, server space, props, etc, etc, etc. Then perhaps you will then begin to understand why so many webmasters, who run their sites for income, get annoyed when freeloaders compromise their efforts. I am very glad that you don't need me because I am Heterosexual and very much into women. As for not needing my videos, your previous posts and messages to me reveal your hypocrisies. As for more samples, the more freeloaders get, is the more freeloaders want. As for promotion and publicity, we always successfully concentrate on those who understand the importance in the commercial transaction.:ibow4u: I don't worship money but I do need to exist.

PS: If you are where you state you are from, why are you paying income tax when your constitution states that you are not to be taxed on income derived from you labour. That is if you work. Who owns you federal reserve? And why do your elected leaders give the Fed all of the nation's income?
Why is your IRS a private registered company?
Why is it that all of your leaders must show a linage back to either King Alfred of England of King Charlemagne of France?
Land of the Free?
You started out good but........?

Wake up my fellow human. These are serious times and aligning yourself to such a fool who did the posting and uploading is truly a compromise on to yourself and your integrity alone.

This forum needs to stand up to all the infiltrators and multi profilers who are trying to debase the ballbusting thing.

Peace onto you all.

Fine, asshole. I don't need you or your videos. Oh and you may wanna learn how to form sentences before trying to be a hardass. He did you a favor by posting your video since you're too much of a tight ass to give people better samples of a site that IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. It's called publicity and you needed it or the site would still be up, glad to see it failed. Also, if I wanted that posted on the forum I would have done it myself. :)

01-25-2008, 05:59 PM
guys, guys. relax. and let's try to keep threads free of swearing. peace. :ibow4u:

01-26-2008, 04:27 PM
You may have joined the site or not, either way possession of any of its content, gives you no right what so ever to place any of its content anywhere. You have being warned.

I'm sorry to have caused such a stink. In the world of porngraphy copyright laws are seldom respected, and generally fall under not being reposted for profit. Almost every forum containing adult content has some copyrighted material, it's the nature of the internet. I only recieved your message today, and by then it was already removed. I meant no harm, no disrespect, and enjoyed the video as well as the site very much. I only posted that clip as opposed to a complete site rip. I posted it to 2 other places and will remove them right away. Sorry to have caused an issue and will no longer post clips from your site.

01-26-2008, 04:40 PM
People .... give it up ! Just give it up !
There is no way you can enforce copyright !

Just stop the whole copyright issue. And lets all have fun and share hapily ever after.