View Full Version : ballbusting + laughing
02-14-2008, 08:08 AM
Hi everybody =)
i searched a long time but i didnt find anything, does anyone of u has a video where a few girlz kick the balls of a men and they laugh at him? I mean the girlz make fun of him while he feels pain^^
would be nice if someone could post a video with such scene, if possible by rapidshare oder megaupload, not youtube or so....
iron horse
02-14-2008, 02:09 PM
I'm glad someone else posted this thread, as for me, it is the difference between a ballbusting I enjoy seeing, and one I don't like.
There are three scenarios we often see in ballbusting:
1. A paid session where she is obviously going through the motions because he wants the experience whereas she's there for the money.
2. A ballbusting where she screams at him as though she's very angry, calling him names, ordering him to comply and basically treating him like an insolent school boy.
3. A ballbusting where she is in control and when she delivers a hard bust, she laughs in mean delight happy with the pain and suffering she has just inflicted on his balls.
For me, without exception, #3 is by far the best. But it really takes on a higher level of eroticism when it is so convincing that you truly believe that it transcends her doing it just for the pay but really, really has enjoyed it a sadistic cruel way. Fortunately, web mistresses like Sharon of have found girls like these latter ones resulting in some truly wonderful ballbusting moments captured on film!
And my favorite of all favorites is when he is naked, exposed and vulnerable, and surrounded by several beautiful girls remaining clothed but empowered by their beauty and sex appeal, which they wield with confidence.
A number of these moments occur when the guy is attempting to avoid their painful kicks, but are distracted by one while the other delivers an excruciating painful hard surprise kick into his balls with a loud slap as he drops in agony. Then, the girls laugh hysterically knowing they've just made him out to be quite the fool by their kicking him in his naked balls hard.
Here are some examples (again, I hope the wonderful women at don't mind me promoting their excellent materials by posting these...there's lots more!):
Here she does a sneak attack by throwing a hard low blow into his balls when he's not expecting it (1 MB):
There were several clips that preceded the following clip whereby you could see the guy obviously pissing off beautiful Shania, the model, because he kept flinching and jumping out of the way, frustrating her by denying her the ability to deliver a well placed hard kick into his balls. But she gives even in this clip. She decides to play a mean trick on him and make him out to be a fool. She tells him to turn around and hop like a bunny rabbit. He complies and she delivers an extremely hard bust into his balls from behind sending him down. Sharon said it really hurt the guy. You can see her afterwards laugh hysterically turning to Sharon, who said she was also laughing her ass off at this surprise kick on the guy - it was an actual unstaged situation where the girls had a real, true life laugh at showing their enjoyment of kicking a naked man in his balls hard and bringing him down in real pain - an absolutely wonderful moment! (.9 MB):
Here she gets the same guy again in a surprise. If you like girls sneaking in a hard surprising kick into a man's balls then standing around laughing about it, you'll love this one! (15.9 MB):
If people like this stuff, you have to post and let me know. Otherwise, I won't post anymore.
02-14-2008, 02:38 PM
would it be possible to upload somewhere different that rapidshare? i don't have a premium account
02-14-2008, 08:21 PM
girls laughing may be my favorite part of ballbusting, keep 'em coming
02-14-2008, 10:47 PM
Interesting post (again) Iron Horse. For me there are differences in what I like doing with regards to ballbusting and what I like seeing.
I quite like to watch an angry woman bust balls. They tend to do it much harder when it comes with such aggression. Here’s a good (large but worth it if you haven’t seen before) example of such anger albeit faked:
Do other guys like this too?
I like to watch angry women go for the heel of Achilles but I don’t like to experience it! Angry women do not know when to stop and don’t stop! Great to watch - but not good to experience……
I set up home with a girlfriend several years back. She was (and is) great in every sense - well-balanced, well-liked, pretty, sexy, smart and horny. The only thing she didn’t do was bust my balls. I tried everything I could to introduce her to it but she just couldn’t bring herself to give anymore than a feeble slap :(.
I’m a bit of a flirt and usually have a whole bunch of (female) nurses sniffing around me at work. I accepted an invitation for a 1 on 1 drink with one of these I liked. We hit is off. She aksed me what my relationship was like and after several drinks I spilled all the beans. She told me about her kinks so I told he about BB. She said she's love to bust my balls if I'd let her and so it began.....
Our relationship developed into one where I took care of her kinks: restraint, confinement, humiliation, breath play etc. etc. and she’d bust my balls. When I was out of town she began to send me SMS txt messages about what she was going to do with my nuts when I got back. I found this aspect alone very horny and would beat myself off while reading her messages. Occasionally, we'd have BB phone sex where I’d tell her I was going to bag her until she went *********** on my return unless she busted me real good (yes she was a real perv :D).
This all went swimmingly well for several months – great life with my girlfriend and great regular sex and a ‘mistress’ that took care of my kinks. It was only going to be a matter of time before the gf found out about the mistress……..
This came about while I was on holiday with my girlfriend but keeping in touch with the kinky one by fone txt.
One evening I went to a nearby bar with a guy I’d met to watch sport and have a beer. I made the fatal mistake of not taking my fone with me……
After about an hour my girlfriend appeared in the bar. She was incandescent with rage and screamed at me to get back to our apartment. I went without question as we’d already created a scene. She fumed all the way back but said very little until we got back.
Once we were inside she started beating on me. “How long?”
“HOW LONG have you been having an affair with Kim?”
“I haven’t….. we haven’t done anything….”
“So what about this then” she said waving my fone.
She hit me in the eye with the fone and then proceeded to read from it…
“I wish I was with you so that I could stand on your balls. I love the way your face looks when I do that…..”
I grabbed the phone off her as I didn’t want her to go on.
I tried to protest but she hit me over the head with a table lamp and screamed at me “GET YOUR FUCKING TROUSERS OFF”.
I did as I was told.
“We didn’t do anything honest. It was only fone sex….”
She proceeded to grab and punch my balls repeatedly. I vomited.
“PATHETIC” she sneered.
“ON THE FUCKING FLOOR” she screamed yanking me down by my abused nuts.
“No please… please…. We didn’t do anything”
“NO! No….. she didn’t really do that its just to scare me its not for real!!!!”
Once she had my nuts between her feet and the floor she stomped with all her might…
She laughed at my agony.
“Well, you're not much use to me with with you pathetic cock and crushed balls I’m off out to pick myself up a real man.
I pleaded with her not to go as the door slammed.
__________________________________________________ _
We made up after she got back. My balls were in a bad way and ruined the rest of our holiday. She felt very sorry about what she did and gave them all the TLC she could.
After that I learned that I never – NEVER EVER – want to get busted by an angry woman again. I still get a kick out of seeing it happen to others tho’ ;)
Sorry to ramble so….
iron horse
02-14-2008, 11:39 PM
Wow Colin, what a post! Sounds like you gf really went ballistic on your balls. I've never had that happen to me. What did it feel like during the recovery?
For me, I love the fantasy, but in reality, I could not take the ballbusting that I enjoy watching.
02-15-2008, 12:19 AM
Very good story!
But i prefer girls who have fun busting men in the balls.
Nothing more sexy more sexy than a girl who is aroused and amused
by seducing a man with her weapons!
02-15-2008, 01:50 AM
What did it feel like during the recovery?Having badly bruised balls as a result of an attack from a pretty female probably sounds great to most men here. Believe me its no fun at all. No amount of pain relief seems to make the sickening ache go away.
Be careful what you wish for!
02-15-2008, 03:18 AM
That was a hot story, :bananad: at least from my POV, although you might have not have enjoyed it as much at the time when the events were unfolding. LOL
Are you still with her? Did you ever get a better ballbusting relationship with her?
02-15-2008, 05:38 AM
I thought some here would like that (true) story. I'm sure I'd feel the same way if it had happened to somebody else!
Yes, we’re still together and I’ve not cheated since! I was somewhat successful in using the situation to get her to bust my balls from an “I really love you, we get on really well, everything is great ‘cept for one thing” POV.
She will squeeze fairly hard these days and slaps them about from time to time. She’s happy to apply pressure with a foot or knee but I cannot get her to cross the barrier where she’ll actually punch or kick my eggs.
The incident described above and my obvious agony afterwards hasn’t been helpful in this respect. I want her to hurt me (to a point) but she doesn’t want to go that far. Personally, I get off on the build up to being busted and the fear of being busted as much as the act itself.
Recently, I’ve managed to progress to having her sometimes talk during sex about how she’d like to remove my balls and keep them in jam jar full of formaldehyde! This was her idea that came from my question on “what was the worse thing you’d like to do to them” (read as please talk about dirty BB as it turns me on :)). She’s also discussed the idea of tying them up and then feeding the rope (and eventually my balls) into a mangle. It makes me super horny to hear her talk like this.
I’ve even had her look at a few BB movies with me. She is very turned off by all the FemDom leather and whips stuff and gets bored within a munute. I did find one movie that caught her attention – the Brother Love Penny Flame scene. She said she found that one a bit more interesting and liked the dialog.
While I can’t get her to kick me, she has developed a passion for ball biting :D. She says she likes the feel of them in her mouth and the texture of my balls as she sinks her teeth into them. I just know she’d stop doing this if she realised how much it fucking hurts! As a result, I have to take what she gives out and ask for more. FUCK it hurts sometimes. I know that if I cry out in pain and make a fuss over it then she may never do it again. It’s a case of grin and bear it. It now brings a rush of adrenaline when she asks me “would you let me bite your balls tonight”. Part of me gets shit scared by this but I always end up saying “I’d love it….. and the harder the better.”
I don’t know how I can get her to kick me. The nearest I’ve come so far is to have her stand on them (not like the first time) a couple of times when she’s returned home drunk from a night out with friends. Our most intense recent session occurred when she brought a garlic press to bed :eek: I was sore after that I can tell you. My balls were too darn big to actually get into the press itself but having her try made me shoot ribbons of spunk very quickly!
For me, this BB thing is all set around a very fine line. This line seems to be set around being hurt just a tad more than I’m actually able to take. I already know that if it goes any further than that then its not fun for days afterwards!
The still below is from a ball biting movie we made :iluvu:
I'm not really good at editing such things. We have quite a few now but I don't want to show her identity (or she'd finish my nuts off for sure!). Maybe one day I'll work it out and be able to share some of these with y'all :)
02-15-2008, 08:38 AM
Great story Colin! Please keep us posted!
iron horse
02-15-2008, 03:00 PM
Colin's stories are great!
Going back to the original theme...
There is something about a girl kicking a man in the balls solely because she enjoys it, it gives her pleasure, and sort of a taking of power and control with the girls having it over on the boys. When they laugh with delight (for real, not an act) upon seeing a guy drop in pain while he lays there in agony holding his balls and moaning, it makes it more erotic for me.
The following clips' been passed around a lot. I don't know of it's origins. As you can see, the nude guy has an exceptionally small penis and pair of balls. Folks that posted this said the ballbusting was related to the girl punishing him for his small penis and tiny balls and her kicking those balls was her punishment of him for not being a man due to his small size.
Regardless of the reasons for the kick, what I love about it is her delivering a surprise and very hard kick into his balls then laughing as he lays there in pain, happy and proud of herself playing a mean trick on him leaving him looking foolish laying on the floor naked and moaning (about 4MB).
Here's another one from the same session where you can see her (about 1 MB):
I remember Sharon of once saying the surprise kicks like the first one above is her favorite. What this tells me is that the men she gets to "act out" in her videos get the surprise. When the actor is intentionally dealt a blow the female actresses know he's not expecting, and they in turn laugh along with the ladies behind the camera, it is no longer an illusion or fantasy. It becomes a for-real demonstration of simply girls that take delight in playing a mean trick on the naked boy's balls causing him much shock and pain, and truly enjoying it solely for that reason all laughing in delight at their own cruelty on the balls of the opposite gender. Sharon concurs with the wonderfulness of such moments whole heartedly and does her best to keep creating such moments on film. Bless you Sharon! :loveeyes
iron horse
02-15-2008, 07:24 PM
Here's some great photos of girls laughing profusely after some good ballbusting from the archives. The girls break out into hysterical laughter only after they sending away the guys holding their balls in great pain and agony.
You go ladies!
iron horse
02-16-2008, 09:12 AM
Here's a long clip (about 145 MB). There's four girls that take turns kicking a naked guy in his balls. There's a lot of female laughter.
Thanks to Sandstorm, who posted it on another site.
02-16-2008, 09:29 AM
I think one of the reasons laughing is key to many bb fans is that laughing is the reaction they saw when they were first exposed to this phenomenon. When you were growing up, and saw a man get kicked in the balls by a woman on tv or in a movie, the women you were with likely laughed at it. Look at the poor boy, he's in terrible pain, and we will never have to experience that. This is just a poorly thought out theory, though. If any women disagree, feel free to kick me in the balls ;)
02-17-2008, 08:26 AM
your welcome
02-17-2008, 10:45 AM
I think one of the reasons laughing is key to many bb fans is that laughing is the reaction they saw when they were first exposed to this phenomenon. When you were growing up, and saw a man get kicked in the balls by a woman on tv or in a movie, the women you were with likely laughed at it. Look at the poor boy, he's in terrible pain, and we will never have to experience that. This is just a poorly thought out theory, though. If any women disagree, feel free to kick me in the balls ;)
There is alot of truth in your post, perhaps. I think males laugh because we're glad it wasn't us this time, even if it is a fetish in mind. "Ha ha ha ha... Look at the poor fool get his eggs cracked. It wasn't me this time!"
Maybe the women laugh because they are glad it can't be them to ever get busted. "Ha ha ha ha... I don't have those male things, it can never happen to me!" I think secretly, women are glad to see a guy get busted, especially if he is an ass. Perhaps it gives them a feeling of being superior.
I wish more women would post in this forum. :thumbup
02-17-2008, 11:32 AM
I can understand why laughing is an important part of the whole getting kicked in the nuts thing.
Perhaps some women feel superior as a response to seeing, or even kicking a guy in the nuts, but (and this is only the opinion of one woman) it's not about a female-supremacy thing, but rather that we cannot be similarly hurt. Now I'm sure if I were to be kicked in the crotch I wouldn't enjoy it. But I do not accept that it would be anywhere near as painful as it seems to be for you guys.
I think it's the fact that an otherwise much stronger man can be taken down with relative ease by a woman, and the way we do that is by hurting the most prominent aspect of your maleness; your sexual organs.
I also think another reason why laughing is so vital a component to your enjoyment has to do with memories, and this goes into something that was discussed on another thread. The experiences/fantasies of being kicked in the nuts by girls as opposed to women.
In the thread I started "How old were you when you were first kicked" (or something like that), most of you stated that you were boys when you first experienced this, and not surprising, it was done by girls of a similar age.
We all remember our first kiss, our first time making out, and these occurred (for almost all of us) when we were girls/boys. Thus, we often make associations with those fond memories. The same is true for those of you (okay, us) who enjoy the topic of this forum. If you're 12 years old, and a girl in your class kicks you in the nuts and you realise you enjoy it as a result, that incident is going to be a major factor in your enjoyment of this topic. If that girl laughed after she kicked you, as most do (I know I did at that age), then her reaction is also going to be a significant factor into the culminating effect of the whole memory/association.
The notion that recalling, even fantasizing about being kicked by a girl that age is somehow demonstrative of some kind of pedophilia is preposterous. If, as an adult man, you seek to relive that experience with a 12 year old girl, that's one thing. but to remember, even fantasize about that girl doing it to you is NOT indicative of anything. To have a fantasy of being kicked by a 12 year old girl is also NOT indicative of anything, and certainly not pedophilia!
I often times think with delight (and not a little sexual arousal) the times I kicked boys when I was a girl, and I can assure you that I have no interest in boys that age now in any way, including kicking them. But that's also a factor of the power dynamic. If you enjoy kicking guys in the nuts (as I do), it's (among other reasons) for the reason I stated above; the transference of power. My ability to temporarily dominate and defeat an otherwise physically superior person. Were I to want/need to do so to a young boy, I wouldn't need to kick him, I am stronger then he is.
Also, if you are a man who enjoys being kicked in the nuts, the notion that a young girl can almost as easily defeat you is also an example of that transference of power. Like it or not, if you enjoy being kicked in the nuts, you are to some extent submissive, no matter how dominant or assertive you are in other aspects of your life. Being dropped by a person 1/2 your size (in this case, a young girl) would signify defeat.
Now, I'm not advocating in ANY way pursuing such endeavours with young girls, unless of course you're a young boy, but then you better not be here reading this anyway.
But if you enjoy thinking of, or reading about real or fictitious accounts/stories of girls kicking (etc.) boys/men in the nuts, it is hardly cause for concern. It isn't what we fantasize about that is an issue. It's how we deal with those fantasies that may be grounds for concern. A lot of women have fantasies of being raped, but don't think for a second that they actually wish it to happen.
Exploitation of minors (or anyone for that matter) is wrong! But if you can keep your fantasies where they belong, and you are not limited to one all-consuming fantasy, then you have nothing to worry about.
Now get on your knees and get ready for a good hard kick in the nuts!
iron horse
02-17-2008, 12:56 PM
I agree Rebecca. I think there is definitely an unfairness the girls have over the boys in kicking the boys in their balls, and when combined with the particularly great amount of pain a girl can cause a boy by a hard blow into his balls is why I think girls always seem to enjoy it so much. But then the question is why do some of us males find it so arousing to see the girls doing it and enjoying it so? I guess I shouldn't ask but simply say it's all good.
One thing worth noting is the "delta" if you will, between how hard the guy yells and moans, and how much the girls laugh. A light tap on the balls followed by a small snicker doesn't compare to a particularly hard blow to a man's balls followed by his agonizing scream while the girls bust out laughing hysterically. I find these latter types, particularly when he both stripped naked and humiliated (such as a good slap to his face if he's not complying presenting them his balls to be easily kicked) while they remain clothed, the most incredibly wonderfully erotic things!
I am again posting another older vid that shows a particularly large "delta", which were characteristic of the cruelty some of the earlier girls.
This one has another "surprise" blow as she makes him flinch a bunch of times as though she's going to knee him. After doing that a few times, he relaxes then she suddenly catches him off guard with an extremely hard and fast knee landing hard into his balls causing him to yell and drop to the ground as the two girls laugh in delight at her clever mean trick. As he's on the floor crying in pain, she answers that by a surprise slap of his face bringing more laughter. Boy those girls are MEAN! :thumbup
Also attaching another pic of three gorgeous girls laughing as he gets his balls kicked from behind.
02-17-2008, 01:21 PM
I hope this is relevant here :confused:
Three girls tie a guy to a post and then bust his balls with a giant rubber band. He gets scared as they pull it back. They piss themselves laughing after it busts him good.
Thanks to Blazing for this clip. He did all the slow mo effects too :thumbup
>>> RAPIDSHARE ( <<<
>>> MEGAUPLOAD ( <<<
02-17-2008, 01:55 PM
does anyone recall the beavis and butthead episode in which, i think beavis, was kicked in the balls outside of a mall, and they showed women in short shorts (mothers and daugthers, etc), standing around him, laughing and/or looking concerned? i've been looking for that clip for years...
iron horse
02-17-2008, 09:44 PM
I hope this is relevant here :confused:
Three girls tie a guy to a post and then bust his balls with a giant rubber band. He gets scared as they pull it back. They piss themselves laughing after it busts him good.
Thanks to Blazing for this clip. He did all the slow mo effects too :thumbup
>>> RAPIDSHARE ( <<<
>>> MEGAUPLOAD ( <<<
Relevant? It was FANTASTIC! Thanks :bananajum
02-17-2008, 10:11 PM
I can understand...
...and get ready for a good hard kick in the nuts!
My two cents? It basically breaks down like this: Fantasize about whatever the fuck you want. That's what fantasies are for...just don't act on the fucked up ones.
I think the laughing is mainly the humiliation aspect. Ya figure, they're laughing not at the guy, but directly at his balls. It effectively turns his manhood into a shriveled, bruised joke. :Baahaha:
iron horse
02-17-2008, 10:25 PM
Here's some sexy girls laughing as they hold a guy up against the wall and take turns kicking him repeatedly in his balls (35 MB)
iron horse
02-17-2008, 10:50 PM
My two cents? It basically breaks down like this: Fantasize about whatever the fuck you want. That's what fantasies are for...just don't act on the fucked up ones.
I think the laughing is mainly the humiliation aspect. Ya figure, they're laughing not at the guy, but directly at his balls. It effectively turns his manhood into a shriveled, bruised joke. :Baahaha:
Interesting perspective, and being female, you would know...or at least what some females would think.
Gotta ask Snoodle, how do you feel about the clothes during ballbusting? Guys have voiced their opinions, but not the ladies. Do you prefer the guy to be nude and on display such as they can see those balls during the ballbusting, or wearing pants and covered? What about the you prefer them nude or clothed?
02-17-2008, 11:00 PM
Interesting perspective, and being female, you would know...or at least what some females would think.
Gotta ask Snoodle, how do you feel about the clothes during ballbusting? Guys have voiced their opinions, but not the ladies. Do you prefer the guy to be nude and on display such as they can see those balls during the ballbusting, or wearing pants and covered? What about the you prefer them nude or clothed?
Well, personally...I'd rather be clothed. I don't much care if she is or isn't. He absolutely has to be naked, though. As fun as the pain is, it loses something when you can't see them swell up and turn purple. ;)
iron horse
02-18-2008, 01:15 AM
Well, personally...I'd rather be clothed. I don't much care if she is or isn't. He absolutely has to be naked, though. As fun as the pain is, it loses something when you can't see them swell up and turn purple. ;)
I'm really glad to hear you say that. For many of us, there is an added demeaning of the man when he is ****** to strip naked, sort of as if he is also being stripped of his dignity at the same time leaving him fully exposed and vulnerable. And she exploits his naked vulnerability by kicking him in his balls. I feel she, on the other hand, should be respected and remain completely clothed emphasizing her higher standing of power over him.
It also is much more painful without his protection of being clothed. Not only does the female have the delight of seeing his penis and balls swell with pain, but also can enjoy hearing the loud slap of his balls, feeling them impacted and seeing that she did indeed deliver a very hard blow directly into his balls.
But I'm glad to hear females feel the same way in that the woman can/should be clothed, but as you say, the man is absolutely to be naked. I've always felt it was erotic to see an attractive clothed girl (such as you) humiliate and emasculate a naked man (with preferably other clothed females present watching) in such a way...followed by her wonderful laughter, of course! ;)
02-18-2008, 01:23 AM
I'm really glad to hear you say that. For many of us, there is an added demeaning of the man when he is ****** to strip naked, sort of as if he is also being stripped of his dignity at the same time leaving him fully exposed and vulnerable. And she exploits his naked vulnerability by kicking him in his balls. I feel she, on the other hand, should be respected and remain completely clothed emphasizing her higher standing of power over him.
It also is much more painful without his protection of being clothed. Not only does the female have the delight of seeing his penis and balls swell with pain, but also can enjoy hearing the loud slap of his balls, feeling them impacted and seeing that she did indeed deliver a very hard blow directly into his balls.
But I'm glad to hear females feel the same way in that the woman can/should be clothed, but as you say, the man is absolutely to be naked. I've always felt it was erotic to see an attractive clothed girl (such as you) humiliate and emasculate a naked man in such a way...followed by her wonderful laughter, of course!
I figure, people are significantly visual creatures, right? A vast majority of our interaction is through what we see. That element, I think, is what makes the clothed woman/nude man thing so effective. He gets nothing he couldn't get walking down the street and looking around, and I get to destroy his dangly parts. :Baahaha:
T-Lo G
02-18-2008, 02:47 AM
My knee is defender of the balls. Any woman or man trying to kick me in the balls will 9 times out of 10 hit a solid knee and then hold their foot or leg in pain.
Can anyone explain to me what part of being hit in the balls either by hand, foot, knee or any other object is arousing? Is ii just arousing that a woman is doing it.? Maybe Rebecca can shed some light on that for me.
02-18-2008, 09:40 AM
My two cents? It basically breaks down like this: Fantasize about whatever the fuck you want. That's what fantasies are for...just don't act on the fucked up ones.
I think the laughing is mainly the humiliation aspect. Ya figure, they're laughing not at the guy, but directly at his balls. It effectively turns his manhood into a shriveled, bruised joke. :Baahaha:
Good job Snoodle! You said exactly what I meant, except you did it in a lot less space. :-)
02-18-2008, 09:43 AM
My knee is defender of the balls. Any woman or man trying to kick me in the balls will 9 times out of 10 hit a solid knee and then hold their foot or leg in pain.
Can anyone explain to me what part of being hit in the balls either by hand, foot, knee or any other object is arousing? Is ii just arousing that a woman is doing it.? Maybe Rebecca can shed some light on that for me.
There are any number of posts here where people explain what it is they find arousing about it. Others may not even know why. They just know it arouses them.
I too have already posted on this question on another thread.
Besides, how important is the "why" anyways?
02-18-2008, 11:32 AM
I once found a video entitled "Lessons in premature ejaculation" or a title similar to that. It featured a girl wearing a set of tights slapping a man's balls with a paddle and bare hands, sitting on him, facing his feet whilst he writhed on the floor. She was giggling a lot, and it was not ****** laughing, as if she thought how ridiculous it was doing all this.....She continued and at one point he lost it and shot his load and she jumped back in surprise. Would love to see it again if anyone knows where to find it.
02-18-2008, 12:00 PM
That's a clip from Barefoot Princess...
iron horse
02-18-2008, 12:12 PM
I once found a video entitled "Lessons in premature ejaculation" or a title similar to that. It featured a girl wearing a set of tights slapping a man's balls with a paddle and bare hands, sitting on him, facing his feet whilst he writhed on the floor. She was giggling a lot, and it was not ****** laughing, as if she thought how ridiculous it was doing all this.....She continued and at one point he lost it and shot his load and she jumped back in surprise. Would love to see it again if anyone knows where to find it.
I really loved that that clip. It was an all time favorite.
In it, the guy is tightly wrapped in clear cellphone like a cocoon covering his entire body up to his nose with the exception is his penis and balls, which are left naked and protruding out of the cocoon on full display for her easy access. He is laying on the floor on his back. What I like about it is he has absolutely no defense whatsoever and can't even say anything - just muffled incoherent moans. Even his squirming around is limited.
I don't believe her laughing is attributable to her thinking it's silly. Instead, it seems she has fun with it as he uses all his strength and ability to squirm away and position his penis and balls such that she can't strike them, but is frustrated by the wrapping and her sitting on him such that it just results in his penis and balls flopping about and she can very easily continue to slap and spank them as much as she wants and whenever she wants despite everything he's doing. It is her continual frustrating his attempts to squirm while constantly slapping his balls that makes her laugh and enjoy it so with every single one of her slaps or punches landing perfectly square into his balls no matter what he does to avoid it - I think that is why she laughs and enjoys it so much at his painful expense.
The general theme is that she has fun jacking his dick off a bit to make him horny and hard, but as soon as she sees his penis has gotten erect and he relaxes and lays there cooing and just begins to enjoy it, she stops and then begins to slap and punch his balls making him squirm in pain, and her frustrating him while causing him such pain makes her laugh.'s very appropriate for this thread and a great here ya go, you decide! :Baahaha:
PS: I'm attaching a different picture of a similar scenario using cellophone wrap wherein she can whip his balls at will while his is denied any ability to resist.
iron horse
02-18-2008, 12:48 PM
I figure, people are significantly visual creatures, right? A vast majority of our interaction is through what we see. That element, I think, is what makes the clothed woman/nude man thing so effective. He gets nothing he couldn't get walking down the street and looking around, and I get to destroy his dangly parts. :Baahaha:
Exactly! Again, so glad to get the female perspective in agreement! :thumbup
02-18-2008, 03:51 PM
I really loved that that clip. It was an all time favorite.
In it, the guy is tightly wrapped in clear cellphone like a cocoon covering his entire body up to his nose with the exception is his penis and balls, which are left naked and protruding out of the cocoon on full display for her easy access. He is laying on the floor on his back. What I like about it is he has absolutely no defense whatsoever and can't even say anything - just muffled incoherent moans. Even his squirming around is limited.
I don't believe her laughing is attributable to her thinking it's silly. Instead, it seems she has fun with it as he uses all his strength and ability to squirm away and position his penis and balls such that she can't strike them, but is frustrated by the wrapping and her sitting on him such that it just results in his penis and balls flopping about and she can very easily continue to slap and spank them as much as she wants and whenever she wants despite everything he's doing. It is her continual frustrating his attempts to squirm while constantly slapping his balls that makes her laugh and enjoy it so with every single one of her slaps or punches landing perfectly square into his balls no matter what he does to avoid it - I think that is why she laughs and enjoys it so much at his painful expense.
The general theme is that she has fun jacking his dick off a bit to make him horny and hard, but as soon as she sees his penis has gotten erect and he relaxes and lays there cooing and just begins to enjoy it, she stops and then begins to slap and punch his balls making him squirm in pain, and her frustrating him while causing him such pain makes her laugh.'s very appropriate for this thread and a great here ya go, you decide! :Baahaha:
PS: I'm attaching a different picture of a similar scenario using cellophone wrap wherein she can whip his balls at will while his is denied any ability to resist.
Very nice ! That guy is just all wrapped in plastic and when she hits his balls, he shoots his load all over her cunt. That was actually quite nice, especially her reaction to it.
02-18-2008, 04:46 PM
That's a clip from Barefoot Princess...
Hi agoknee,
Thanks for the information
02-18-2008, 04:53 PM
I really loved that that clip. It was an all time favorite.
In it, the guy is tightly wrapped in clear cellphone like a cocoon covering his entire body up to his nose with the exception is his penis and balls, which are left naked and protruding out of the cocoon on full display for her easy access. He is laying on the floor on his back. What I like about it is he has absolutely no defense whatsoever and can't even say anything - just muffled incoherent moans. Even his squirming around is limited.
I don't believe her laughing is attributable to her thinking it's silly. Instead, it seems she has fun with it as he uses all his strength and ability to squirm away and position his penis and balls such that she can't strike them, but is frustrated by the wrapping and her sitting on him such that it just results in his penis and balls flopping about and she can very easily continue to slap and spank them as much as she wants and whenever she wants despite everything he's doing. It is her continual frustrating his attempts to squirm while constantly slapping his balls that makes her laugh and enjoy it so with every single one of her slaps or punches landing perfectly square into his balls no matter what he does to avoid it - I think that is why she laughs and enjoys it so much at his painful expense.
The general theme is that she has fun jacking his dick off a bit to make him horny and hard, but as soon as she sees his penis has gotten erect and he relaxes and lays there cooing and just begins to enjoy it, she stops and then begins to slap and punch his balls making him squirm in pain, and her frustrating him while causing him such pain makes her laugh.'s very appropriate for this thread and a great here ya go, you decide! :Baahaha:
PS: I'm attaching a different picture of a similar scenario using cellophone wrap wherein she can whip his balls at will while his is denied any ability to resist.
Hi iron horse,
Thanks for all this information. That's the video!!! WOW!! Thanks for the link. Great to see it again....:)
02-18-2008, 05:23 PM
some awesome videos!
02-18-2008, 07:48 PM
Hi Bill,
Yes, thank you for the link! Good to see the continuation....
iron horse
02-23-2008, 11:58 AM
Question: Do we see more laughter in ballbusting when there is a group of girls doing it as opposed to just one being present?
I think so, and would be interested in what others say. The girls seem to enjoy ballbusting more when they can share the experience and enjoyment with other females. It is particularly noticeable in ballbusting sessions with multiple girls present and one of the ladies delivers a particularly brutal hard blow to the man's balls that appears to have exceeded the limits of intensity normally used in the session. After they witness the extraordinarily loud slap into his balls and his screaming from it, it always seems to elicit from the girls a collective "OOOHHH!!" and their laughter - much more so than when it is delivered with less intensity. For me, these are the most wonderful moments to see as the spontaneous reaction proves it is transcends from a moment of paid actresses performing roles to simply girls taking delight in seeing a naked guy get a much harder kick into his balls than he expected and loving seeing the guy receive that extra hard blow as he grabs his balls and drops to the floor in excruciating pain. It shows group female sadism and meanness at it's best and for me they are absolutely WONDERFUL moments to see! :Baahaha:
Here are some photos showing this of beautiful Angel :iluvu: with friends kicking a naked guy in his balls and having a good time with much laughter. If she only knew how many men have fallen in love with her. Thanks goes to for bringing us these wonderful shots! :ibow4u:
02-24-2008, 03:59 AM
02-24-2008, 08:51 AM
My knee is defender of the balls. Any woman or man trying to kick me in the balls will 9 times out of 10 hit a solid knee and then hold their foot or leg in pain.
Can anyone explain to me what part of being hit in the balls either by hand, foot, knee or any other object is arousing? Is ii just arousing that a woman is doing it.? Maybe Rebecca can shed some light on that for me.
I'm a french woman who i'm laugh to destroy nuts and dicks
I'm explain
What is your interest if a woman or a man you do not destroyed your balls?
It would be a shame to lose such a pleasure to two or several
All is good for explose your nuts by a woman or an man
02-25-2008, 12:15 PM
I think the laughing is mainly the humiliation aspect. Ya figure, they're laughing not at the guy, but directly at his balls. It effectively turns his manhood into a shriveled, bruised joke. :Baahaha:
I can relate to the quote above. For myself the humiliation would be that a girl laughs at the tiny shriveled manhood of a big, strong man (like the bullfighter in my sign). But let's face it, eventually there comes a moment in every man's life when he starts to realise that the only contribution he will ever make to this world is by having to carry a tiny wothless worm under his fat belly that makes him a joke for the rest of the world.... (at least for the female part of the world) forever and ever.
02-25-2008, 02:11 PM
hallo26nl: I just did a little "bullfight gone wrong" story you might find interesting, but as it is only remotely related to the topic of this thread I put it there:
02-25-2008, 02:44 PM
Hello, folks. I joined this site, ultimately because I hope to arrange a ball busting my 1 or more lovely ladies. (I would particularly like to hear from BallbustingPrincess). Lacking that for now, I'd like to see what there is to see. Unfortunately, besides being brand new to this site, I am not very skilled in any but the most basic pc operations. Can somebody walk me through (real, slowly and by the numbers) how to access some of these great clips from RapidShare? I haven't got a clue. Thanks.
02-25-2008, 03:30 PM
Great fantasy ChiefSoreballs! I can relate to it. I posted my fantasy there
too. That's my all-time fantasy I guess. Funny to see so many people
share the same passion.
iron horse
02-25-2008, 03:42 PM
Hello, folks. I joined this site, ultimately because I hope to arrange a ball busting my 1 or more lovely ladies. (I would particularly like to hear from BallbustingPrincess). Lacking that for now, I'd like to see what there is to see. Unfortunately, besides being brand new to this site, I am not very skilled in any but the most basic pc operations. Can somebody walk me through (real, slowly and by the numbers) how to access some of these great clips from RapidShare? I haven't got a clue. Thanks.
The first thing to note is that certain Internet Service Providers won't allow access to Rapidshare ("RS"). AOL was like that for a long time, but may have gotten better.
To access an RS document, click on the link. When the RS page comes up, look at the tables at the bottom. You will see a promo for the RS Premium accounts, but don't do that. You want it free, so just click on the big FREE icon at the bottom right. You are then automatically redirected to another page and there is a countdown number that begins to run. They make you wait to give you an incentive to pay for their service, which doesn't have any wait. When the countdown finishes, another box pops up and you type in the code presented. When submitted, it will ask you where on your hard drive to store the file. Browse around and then click save. It then saves it to that folder on your hard drive.
02-26-2008, 10:51 AM
The laughing is just another one of those things that girls can do to mock us after busting. For a guy, hearing a girl laugh at his testicle pain has a deep impact because she's not just laughing at the pain, but she's also laughing at the fact that she'll never have to experience that pain. So she's laughing in confidence.
That can be a huge blow to a male's ego.
02-26-2008, 12:42 PM
the ladies are smoking hot and there are a couple free bb vids Varla's beat down is pretty awesome. There are other acts of femdom savagery. Not my cup of teabag but to each their own.
02-27-2008, 12:55 AM
they have fun ...
02-27-2008, 07:46 AM (
the ladies are smoking hot and there are a couple free bb vids Varla's beat down is pretty awesome. There are other acts of femdom savagery. Not my cup of teabag but to each their own.
yes, that was great.
02-28-2008, 03:53 AM
I hope this is relevant here :confused:
Three girls tie a guy to a post and then bust his balls with a giant rubber band. He gets scared as they pull it back. They piss themselves laughing after it busts him good.
Thanks to Blazing for this clip. He did all the slow mo effects too :thumbup
>>> RAPIDSHARE ( <<<
>>> MEGAUPLOAD ( <<<
Very Good Idea - Wonderful
02-29-2008, 02:52 PM
the first few vids in this are great
03-03-2008, 11:38 AM
Finally a thread that I can really get into. The video with the three girls and the rubber band was great. Four people just having fun with a set of nuts. I just wish I could find a few people who would like to get together just for some playful fun.
Maybe someday.
03-06-2008, 03:25 PM
Ooh, I think the first video is a bit too much for my taste.
03-07-2008, 10:14 PM
love to women laugh at the pain of men
03-07-2008, 10:23 PM
they have fun ...
that was awesome!!! do you know where that clip came from?
03-09-2008, 02:16 PM
One of my favorite aspects of ballbusting is the satisfaction the girls have doing it. I prefer ballbusting for fun as opposed to self defense or torture. The leather and whips doesn't do anything for me. ********** and rupture is unsettling.
The laughing at or gloating over the recent bustee is the biggest turn on for me. I don't even care if there is nudity. But I prefer the girl nude.
Here are some pics I found in the mypace groups that really capture what I like.
03-09-2008, 06:42 PM
hey tedkord,
what video is that second picture from? i remember seeing a clip from it & hardly believing my eyes. that woman is amazing, especially her taunting...
03-10-2008, 12:00 AM
hey tedkord,
what video is that second picture from? i remember seeing a clip from it & hardly believing my eyes. that woman is amazing, especially her taunting...
I believe it's an old Vulneraballs video. Not %100 sure.
03-10-2008, 07:10 AM
The laugh after bust is the best to me. Not the pain but the humiliation. Woman can also smile maliciously or tease and make all kinds of comments. The woman must enjoy it, not neccessary sexually but like to dominate and humiliate men.
05-12-2008, 01:26 AM
Here is great one from Mistress Monika. She really seems to enjoy her work.
05-12-2008, 07:09 PM
Here is great one from Mistress Monika. She really seems to enjoy her work.
Mistress Monika is great
05-12-2008, 11:11 PM
i have one of her videos...doese anyone have anymore? because, damn, 10/10
05-13-2008, 03:55 PM
Here's some slapping with some laughing thrown in for good measure (
05-13-2008, 05:28 PM
Here's some slapping with some laughing thrown in for good measure (
Not bad, but what's that high pitched noise in the background? I don't think it's the man, is it?
05-13-2008, 06:22 PM
I think the laughing is mainly the humiliation aspect. Ya figure, they're laughing not at the guy, but directly at his balls. It effectively turns his manhood into a shriveled, bruised joke. :Baahaha:
That is does, Snoodle. That is does.
I know why girls laugh when they kick a guy in the balls. I mean they feel superior or w/e. In videos this is a turn on but in real life it is not. I makes them seem sadistic, they like causing agony to another human being with no remorse. I guess women/girls are sadistic.
05-14-2008, 10:04 AM
great videos and pics
05-14-2008, 05:05 PM
Not bad, but what's that high pitched noise in the background? I don't think it's the man, is it?
I believe it is lol
10-18-2011, 01:54 PM
does anyone recall the beavis and butthead episode in which, i think beavis, was kicked in the balls outside of a mall, and they showed women in short shorts (mothers and daugthers, etc), standing around him, laughing and/or looking concerned? i've been looking for that clip for years...
I guess I might as well ask again --- see above!
hey tedkord,
what video is that second picture from? i remember seeing a clip from it & hardly believing my eyes. that woman is amazing, especially her taunting...
vulneraballs 2005. has a bunch of short clips of her - she is still easily one of my favorites after all these years.
11-01-2011, 07:56 PM
Very Good Idea - Wonderful
Those are some cute girls with a penchant for delivering some severe pain, and loving it. I didn't know they made rubber bands that large. The slow motion, especially his groan, certainly adds to the clip.
01-08-2016, 06:52 AM
Hot blonde Cherry Morgan kicking naked Brian Balldacious' balls and laughing at his vulnerability.
Making fun of his Weakness
01-12-2016, 01:02 PM
Leyla Falcon
ballots hard
01-16-2016, 04:50 PM
Sophie Turner from GAME OF THRONES gets Steve O
01-19-2016, 01:07 PM
Vittoria Erotica discusses with a guy who is the stronger sex.
01-20-2016, 02:22 PM
Leyla Falcon
ballots hard
Amazing! She's really into it and going in hard. She destroys the first bloke, laughing all the time. Ends up severely damaging his balls and he can't carry on filming. Second bloke also gets a hard time and she's loving it :iluvu:
02-04-2016, 07:19 AM
Hot blond girl kicks and knees a guy hard and then laughs at him.
05-08-2016, 12:38 PM
Sophia Black
Busting the big balls
05-31-2016, 04:57 AM
Ballbusting Femdom - Kinky Kicks - Megara Furie - Cruel Cards
Can anyone from Great Britain tell me which accent exactly she has? Is it Scottish? Northern Irish? The intonation sounds to me also a bit like in the Northern English accent.
05-31-2016, 05:05 AM
Sophia Black
Rude Treatment
06-01-2016, 06:59 PM
Can anyone from Great Britain tell me which accent exactly she has? Is it Scottish? Northern Irish? The intonation sounds to me also a bit like in the Northern English accent.
That's Scottish, maybe from Glasgow by the sounds of it. Thanks for linking these, they're pretty hot.
06-02-2016, 12:28 AM
Van Damme punch right in the nuts and women laughing ...
06-05-2016, 01:53 AM
I really loved that that clip. It was an all time favorite.
In it, the guy is tightly wrapped in clear cellphone like a cocoon covering his entire body up to his nose with the exception is his penis and balls, which are left naked and protruding out of the cocoon on full display for her easy access. He is laying on the floor on his back. What I like about it is he has absolutely no defense whatsoever and can't even say anything - just muffled incoherent moans. Even his squirming around is limited.
I don't believe her laughing is attributable to her thinking it's silly. Instead, it seems she has fun with it as he uses all his strength and ability to squirm away and position his penis and balls such that she can't strike them, but is frustrated by the wrapping and her sitting on him such that it just results in his penis and balls flopping about and she can very easily continue to slap and spank them as much as she wants and whenever she wants despite everything he's doing. It is her continual frustrating his attempts to squirm while constantly slapping his balls that makes her laugh and enjoy it so with every single one of her slaps or punches landing perfectly square into his balls no matter what he does to avoid it - I think that is why she laughs and enjoys it so much at his painful expense.
The general theme is that she has fun jacking his dick off a bit to make him horny and hard, but as soon as she sees his penis has gotten erect and he relaxes and lays there cooing and just begins to enjoy it, she stops and then begins to slap and punch his balls making him squirm in pain, and her frustrating him while causing him such pain makes her laugh.'s very appropriate for this thread and a great here ya go, you decide! :Baahaha:
PS: I'm attaching a different picture of a similar scenario using cellophone wrap wherein she can whip his balls at will while his is denied any ability to resist.
Anyone have this file?
06-05-2016, 08:33 AM
Sounds like a really old barefoot princess video named "redfish." She now goes by Obey Melanie in her cl*ps-4-s*le studio.
Here's a possible free link to the vid...if it's the one you're looking for.
Scroll to the bottom.
07-15-2016, 09:39 AM
This one seems like genuine laughter when the woman surprised the guy with a hard hit in the balls. She asked if he's ready and he was explaining that he wasn't ready and mid sentence, she just wacks him. It clearly hurt pretty bad, but it just folded him in half, rather than dropping him to the ground.
07-19-2016, 12:56 AM
That link in the thread didn't work.
Dat wack do
08-07-2016, 03:44 AM
Ballbusting Femdom - Kinky Kicks - Megara Furie - Cruel Cards
Can anyone from Great Britain tell me which accent exactly she has? Is it Scottish? Northern Irish? The intonation sounds to me also a bit like in the Northern English accent.
She's Northern Irish. Can't help beyond that. Likely somewhere near Belfast.
10-11-2016, 06:17 PM
She's Northern Irish. Can't help beyond that. Likely somewhere near Belfast.
Thanks a lot. I love the Northern Irish accent.
10-11-2016, 06:42 PM
Slavic blonde kicks balls and laughs at guy.
Ballbusting sports
10-11-2016, 09:43 PM
Love her dialogue:
01-04-2017, 05:17 PM
Vittoria Erotica
Ballbusting Jiggly Babe
01-05-2017, 10:48 PM
Hot curvy porn star Jasmine Mendez, a.k.a. Erica Valentine
jasmine ballbust
01-24-2017, 04:22 PM
hot slim girl in a tight red dress kicks a guy's balls and mocks his weakness.
Babe Disables Male Easily Through His Balls
03-26-2017, 05:56 PM
Vittoria Erotica
GOGO ballbusting
12-10-2017, 09:55 PM
The Ballbust Show - Strip Balls Squeeze
01-22-2018, 06:00 PM
05-16-2018, 01:00 PM
Ballbusting Striptease Challange with Kendra James
08-23-2018, 04:35 PM
Ballbusting Beauties - Hot ballbusting
08-24-2018, 08:19 AM
Ballbusting Beauties - Hot ballbusting
One of the hottest video I saw in all my life. ThankYou papaschlumpf :ibow4u:
09-13-2018, 12:21 PM
One of the hottest video I saw in all my life. ThankYou papaschlumpf :ibow4u:
You're welcome.
09-13-2018, 12:27 PM
The video contains a lot of laughs but I like one large from 3:54
04-05-2019, 03:22 PM
Vittoria Erotica naked testing the difference between kicking with boots and with stilettos:
Goddess Dominates Boys and Their Weak Testicles
04-17-2019, 01:45 PM
Jasmine Mendez tests how much her new piggy can take:
Jasmine Mendez LatinAss Locas – Ball Bust Interview wit
04-27-2019, 03:48 PM
Jasmine Mendez kicks her hubby and stepson for not finding her outfit is not appropriate.
Office visit
Another from Vittoria Erotica. She really enjoyes to kick testicles. Fortunately is not a repost because she has a lot of videos laughing. The best part is from 00:53 and includes a boob bouncing before. Very horny. I adore when shy girls kick me and then, laugh embarrassed.
05-22-2019, 11:40 AM
05-29-2019, 03:08 PM
06-02-2019, 02:19 PM
One of my favorite ballbusters, [and actually simply my absolute favorite ballbuster], Jasmine Mendez positively loves ballbusting, and it shows quite easily, obviously, and undeniably.
[sorry for the following right here, but these just popped in my mind.]
[She knows how to make the .... diamonds in the rough even rougher.
People have never had a friend like her.
Her tiger always really comes out to play.
She reaches a whole new world of pleasure.
She's always one step ahead of the rest, when it comes to ballbusting.
Her unbelievable cosmic power quite naturally destroys any manhood's rather itty bitty living space. [not to say that her targets are small].
She uses great skill to defend her palace.
Hardened travelers need to prove their worth to even think of accessing her sacred Cave of Wonders.
She noticeably, and genuinely enjoys herself, her partners (prey, victims), and the reactions, responses, sounds, [facial, vocal, etc.] expressions, changes, and overall silliness in the situations, circumstances, groins, people, settings, plot, vulnerability, and more.
She experiences such mischief, playfulness, excitement, merriment, and humor when boxing, branding [not literally], breaking, bunting, batting, bopping, beating, and otherwise busting every part of a guy's groin.
06-06-2019, 03:40 PM
07-11-2019, 12:35 AM
Excellent!!!! :bananajum
07-12-2019, 02:02 PM
Excellent!!!! :bananajum
Yeah, good one.
Sexy ballbusting in flip flops
Bleeding starts on 7:56 and she laughs for a few minutes, even stomps his balls for more. She looks it very funny
Starts 5:45
When you bet something on a women, you will always lose. She dont stop grabbing his balls for a few seconds
08-27-2019, 02:05 PM
Bleeding starts on 7:56 and she laughs for a few minutes, even stomps his balls for more. She looks it very funny
That is wicked! :ibow4u:
I found this too erotic and humiliating ---> from minute 7 onwards
12-22-2019, 02:07 PM
01-13-2020, 06:24 PM IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzVlNTQ5YWMxLWE1N2MtNGM2NS05Mj JmLTcxYTE2YThmMjI3OFwvZGNzN3J1OC02NDQ2ZDYzNS1hMjVk LTQ2ZWQtODJmZS0yYTQzNGU2NGE4NmQuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.XLp-9d7ZAhCivECDtLyeuFwXCVQpe5a6QzrcHU63iEA
01-18-2020, 02:47 AM IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzVlNTQ5YWMxLWE1N2MtNGM2NS05Mj JmLTcxYTE2YThmMjI3OFwvZGQ3azhjci00MmFhOGFjNS02Mjdl LTQxMjYtYTk2MS0yODg5NjFiYjQzODIuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.Py2nH9G9 j3GDgtGZE10leySArqHOmaFynSiMI_riGYs
01-18-2020, 02:48 AM IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzVlNTQ5YWMxLWE1N2MtNGM2NS05Mj JmLTcxYTE2YThmMjI3OFwvZGM4eHB2bi1iYmNiOWE5ZS0xNmM2 LTQwOWMtODZkMC0zNmM0NDhiZjBmYTAuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.C5jSUD_N x3dYNa9mZNGdHGNUMsCQVVHzsV8nQQxryXc
01-18-2020, 02:51 AM
These two girls are laughing all the time:
Three girls laughing in this c4sale sample :
just write the clips for sale dot com url and copy paste the rest
04-12-2020, 08:14 PM IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzVlNTQ5YWMxLWE1N2MtNGM2NS05Mj JmLTcxYTE2YThmMjI3OFwvZGRzNzB2Ny03ZWYxMGI1MS00ZjRh LTQ4Y2EtYWI2Ny1jNzgxNzJjMGMzODYuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.V6RxQiEO oAzlzQvdc7R_Git8mZ8QCwFNXDjEM9-i8Oo
07-09-2020, 04:58 AM IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNWU1NDlhYzEtYT U3Yy00YzY1LTkyMmYtNzFhMTZhOGYyMjc4XC9kZHY5M2tpLWFh Yzg5OWFmLTM3Y2ItNDk2OS1hMWQ0LWUwYjQ4NGUyNDQ3ZS5naW YifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ._Wg6IZneq5x_LxpxD7wNEi0Oocr7FS6ojnMRNOgwKl8
01-26-2021, 05:06 PM
Domina CBT Ballbusting - Amateur BBW Herrin mit großen natürlichen Brüsten lacht über sein schmerzhaftes Stöhnen, während sie seine Eier schlägt n_lacht_uber_sein_schmerzhaftes_stohnen_wahrend_si e_seine_eier_schlagt
01-26-2021, 05:13 PM IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNWU1NDlhYzEtYT U3Yy00YzY1LTkyMmYtNzFhMTZhOGYyMjc4XC9kZWNxcjBoLWE1 ZWM4ODU3LTE5MGYtNGE0YS04NzUwLTJhYzFlZmVhYTMwNS5naW YifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.8OhTspR02Th0JUVeaY_sMJAPLW4VYQSxO5WK83ZvNqY
Ballbusting GIF - Bitch Level Mockery
04-01-2021, 08:55 AM
10-19-2022, 04:39 AM
Blonde enjoys lessons on how to ballbust properly:
10-19-2022, 04:53 AM
10-19-2022, 05:52 AM
You see? I don't have that fucking problem...
11-11-2022, 11:42 AM
Blonde enjoys lessons on how to ballbust properly:
I have just stumbled upon that video by chance:
Poor slave gets his balls busted by two Mistress
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