View Full Version : Female Superiority??? wtf?
02-19-2008, 01:39 PM
Ok judging by my experiences i have encountered many dominant women who believe that women are the superior sex. How does one come to this conclusion?
This to me is just another form of discrimination and or prejudice, and it makes me sick. The same prejudice that enslaved african americans, and jews. Even GAY people are victims of this social problem.
It is my oppion that there is no element engendered in ones being that makes him/her superior or inferior. I prefer to be AMONG equals.
Does anyone here agree disagree? or see this for what it is?
02-19-2008, 01:48 PM
A fine example of an inferior male mind - not intelligent enough to work out why women are superior.
02-19-2008, 02:08 PM
Ok judging by my experiences i have encountered many dominant women who believe that women are the superior sex. How does one come to this conclusion?
This to me is just another form of discrimination and or prejudice, and it makes me sick. The same prejudice that enslaved african americans, and jews. Even GAY people are victims of this social problem.
It is my oppion that there is no element engendered in ones being that makes him/her superior or inferior. I prefer to be AMONG equals.
Does anyone here agree disagree? or see this for what it is?
I see what you're saying, I just don't agree with you!
Moreover, what are you doing here?
02-19-2008, 02:21 PM
I totally agree with u. Superiority is not engendered, and wimpy sub men who insist on me beind superior solely on my gender make me SICK. Its ok as a fantasy, but when it comes into the real world I find it a total turn off
02-19-2008, 04:08 PM
thank you julie. but those previous two posts gave no logic as to how they reached their conclusion?
As to my own logic i am aware of the many reasons why this collection of women believe they are the superior sex, however i am obliged to disagree. the argument does not support the conclusion.
this debate is also aimed at the "male supremecist" group as well.
I created this thread because this is just another form of discrimination and wanted to know what ppl thought of it? If women really are superior, then is it ok to start calling gay ppl "fags", or african americans "niggers"?
02-19-2008, 04:26 PM
I see what you're saying.
I get annoyed when women complain that men are sexist but then say things like men are stupid and women are better etc. It's no different.
A site called Femaledom is probably not the place for that discussion though ;)
02-19-2008, 05:59 PM
I agree, It's a turn on for women to be dominent, but annoying in the real world. I like that you brought up this topic, nobody is supieror except me. :)
02-19-2008, 06:11 PM
Agreed. I love the fun of ballbusting and enjoy stories/comics/etc concerning it, but when someone takes the leap to say that males are legitimately an inferior sex, I get about as mad as... well... women do when the reverse claim is made.
We're all people, dammit. Your gender does not determine your superiority/inferiority, YOU do.
It's fun to prod at in roleplay or in fictional stories, makes my eyes bleed when it's bridged to "reality".
02-19-2008, 06:37 PM
I see what you're saying, I just don't agree with you!
Moreover, what are you doing here?
What am i doing here? well Rebecca im obviously a SUBMISSIVE who enjoys ballbusting, as well as being dominated by a women, And last time i checked my personal philosophy on this topic wasent a pre-requisite for membership or being submissive. Just because i prefer to be AMONG EQUALS doesent mean im not going to be submissive.
02-19-2008, 06:42 PM
A fine example of an inferior male mind - not intelligent enough to work out why women are superior.
since when do we insult each others intelligence? since you mentioned it, i have a bachelor degree in MATHEMATICS!! so wrap your mind around that :) (not that i wanted to brag, sorry)
02-19-2008, 06:45 PM
Women have a double standard. They need to be equal sometimes then treat better in others. You can't have both. I dunno the fedish is fine but like others said in real life we are equal. I hate to break it to you ladys but in real life we can A) Defend ourselfs B) use a cup or anything else. Intellegence wise we are equal BUT DIFFERENT. Men and women think differently. Anyway no we are equal.
Oh, and Rebecca kindly shut it you sexist pig. Oh wait how does it feel to turn that around? :thumbup
02-19-2008, 06:57 PM
Women have a double standard. They need to be equal sometimes then treat better in others. You can't have both. I dunno the fedish is fine but like others said in real life we are equal. I hate to break it to you ladys but in real life we can A) Defend ourselfs B) use a cup or anything else. Intellegence wise we are equal BUT DIFFERENT. Men and women think differently. Anyway no we are equal.
Oh, and Rebecca kindly shut it you sexist pig. Oh wait how does it feel to turn that around? :thumbup
Frosty that last part was hilerious, LMAO. oh wait, i turned that around on fairy girl to haha.
We have feminism to thank for this level of hypocrisy. One minute they say women are superior (genetically, mentally, emotionally, etc.) the next - they're poor, helpless little victims who can do no wrong... and anytime a woman gets in trouble, she knows she can point a finger at the nearest man and everyone will sympathise with her (for being led astray) and boo/hiss him (for having dominated her into whatever she did wrong... 'cos she has no free will, apparently).
Femdom is sexual - feminism is a disease of the mind.
02-19-2008, 07:31 PM
Well, it's not MY fault if your balls are just dangling there, begging to be kicked in.
Ok, ok, seriously, though: Both genders have things they do better than others. It's a chemical thing that they've got going on there. The genders compliment each other biologically; there's no 'better' gender. I will say, though, that some people are just really, really bad at playing gender roles. If I meet one more simpering, 'sensitive' man, I'm going to fucking /wrist.
02-19-2008, 08:40 PM
I have lots of trouble finding any human superior to me...everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. I hope is just a fantasy for some people and they don't really think that anyone is their better.
BTW, for me to consider someone "superior," they would have to be better physically, mentally, and emotionally. It just doesn't happen often...I set the bar pretty high on all of those.
02-19-2008, 08:44 PM
We have feminism to thank for this level of hypocrisy. One minute they say women are superior (genetically, mentally, emotionally, etc.) the next - they're poor, helpless little victims who can do no wrong... and anytime a woman gets in trouble, she knows she can point a finger at the nearest man and everyone will sympathise with her (for being led astray) and boo/hiss him (for having dominated her into whatever she did wrong... 'cos she has no free will, apparently).
Femdom is sexual - feminism is a disease of the mind.
Well said.
02-19-2008, 10:28 PM
A woman dominating a man in the bedroom is for sexual pleasure. A man dominating a woman in the bedroom is for sexual pleasure. It's just fantasy (as someone already said here). It would be primitive and dangerous to the development of humankind to try to argue that one sex is superior to the other. Human's are beyond that. We are equal.
02-20-2008, 03:14 AM
feminism is defined by Websters as 1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2 : organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests
feminism is about equality and reducing gender roles but yes there are some extremists but every group has those *cough* KKK, neo-nazis *cough*
you are entitled to your opinion but feminism and equalism is most certainly NOT a disease of any sorts
02-20-2008, 08:39 AM
Women have a double standard. They need to be equal sometimes then treat better in others. You can't have both. I dunno the fedish is fine but like others said in real life we are equal. I hate to break it to you ladys but in real life we can A) Defend ourselfs B) use a cup or anything else. Intellegence wise we are equal BUT DIFFERENT. Men and women think differently. Anyway no we are equal.
Oh, and Rebecca kindly shut it you sexist pig. Oh wait how does it feel to turn that around? :thumbup
Pig is it? Very nice!
Funny how you say "anyway no we are equal", but at the very beginning of your post you say "women have a double-standard". Can you think of any double-standards that men enjoy or employ? If not, the insult you leveled at me applies to you as well!
I did not say that I think women are superior, I just don't agree with the assertion of the original post, that only makes a very masked implication that there are also men who think they are superior to women. I'm not a feminist, but only the most chauvinistic male would think that men have not had the upper-hand in society for a very long time.
So if all that makes me sexist, then fine! Enjoy yourself!
02-20-2008, 08:44 AM
A woman dominating a man in the bedroom is for sexual pleasure. A man dominating a woman in the bedroom is for sexual pleasure. It's just fantasy (as someone already said here). It would be primitive and dangerous to the development of humankind to try to argue that one sex is superior to the other. Human's are beyond that. We are equal.
I agree! That's how it should be. But there are a lot of societies and cultures in the world that still very much male dominated.
02-20-2008, 10:36 AM
I sense insecurity on both the male posters bitching about women and the women posters bitching about men.
And rebecca, men have had the upper hand in society for a very long time, but the thinking that because of that women deserve to have the upper hand (i'm not saying you said that, but that is what you implied) in today's society is just stupid and will lead to only more confrontation.
Forget about it and move on.
And to the original poster: in no way do I think women are superior to men (nor do I think it the other way around) however it is a turn on sometimes in bed.
And there are women who like to be dominated by men in bed. It's just sex man... Don't take it so seriously.
02-20-2008, 11:12 AM
First, glad I found this forum. Took me a while to get here, but good to get here.
Universal superiority of one sex over the other is unprovable, and as a general subject should be left off the dias for that reason alone.
However, in the particular, women are by far the superior ballbusters. Physical size and the genitals/reproductive organs are the greatest manifestation of what makes men and women different. The dominance a woman exerts in the crushing/kicking/biting/bashing of the nads/nutz/bolas/huevos is partly mental, but is absolutely physical. Restraints of no other kinds and no other tools besides the natural tools of her body are necessary to dominate a man twice her size. Bring him to his knees begging for release on every level. She owns for that period of time those balls. And it is in part the transference of ownership that makes the activity so sexy and raw.
iron horse
02-20-2008, 11:53 AM
The challenge with the concept of female superiority in this forum is that it is being debated by folks in different realities - sexual fantasy/erotic pursuit vs. reality in society outside of all these sexual connotations. So you have to take with a grain of salt all the femdom proselytizing going on in here.
If you talk to professional domme's, they often will tell you that a good number of the male customers that enjoy being submissive and tout female superiority when in the dungeon are actually high level executives or successful and powerful owners of businesses and companies. Every day in their real lives they wield *true* power and control over others, including lower level females that work underneath them. These same men feel an erotic release of tension and stress when they reverse that 180 degrees and give a dominant female complete control over them in the bedroom. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if a number of the guys that post in here about the wonderful aspects of female superiority are of that ilk.
There are some pretty extreme fantasies that are discussed on this board. For some, they would actually want to pursue those fantasies, but for many, myself included, I'm quite happy they remain just fantasies because if they ever become real, it would be quite a different experience than that which a fantasy allows.
My point is this. Don't let your panties get tied in a knot because some guy is espousing the wonders of absolute female superiority and domination over the planet like having a perverse succubus in an Austin Powers movie take control over a society of men. Ya just don't know what the reality is for that guy, and you need to always remember most are just fantasizing on this board. And if you think there is a subversive movement going on in society to make the female gender superior, I'd suggest you've lost touch with what is fantasy, and what is reality.
The reality - women on this planet are put in a far more inferior position in most aspects. Throughout the muslim world, females must hide their faces and are not permitted to learn to read (in Iraq, the literacy rate is 53% with men being 65% but females being about 20% and Afghanistan and Pakistan are similar). Many sects of the muslim faith allow men to have multiple wives with each wife devoting her life to that male (ergo, Osama Bin Laden). In India, the birth of a male is celebrated, but a female child is far less desired (dowry issues), and sometimes are killed at birth or burned to death at a later point in time (60 Minutes did a special on Indian women being burned to death due to their burden on their families). In Japan (and much of Asia), women are only now being allowed to get jobs that come anywhere close to their male counterparts, but their culture still has strong defined roles for women to be subservient to men. In the eastern block, ****** female slavery is still a major issue.
Here in the US, yes, equal opportunity laws are allowing women to compete head on with men. But lets face it, look at the corporate boards of all the Fortune 500 and you still see a strong dominance by men.
This forum is about sexual fantasy, period. If you want to get into social issues, this is the the wrong friggin place as the heads we are thinking with are those in our hands, not on our shoulders. If you want to debate the men vs. women superior/inferior issues as they pertain to the *real* world, you need to go to other boards where the thinking is clearer and not biased due to sexual fetish, and a discussion of actual facts and reality can be embraced.
Of course, I may get flamed by some devout female superiority types that truly believe it is the model society is moving towards. Yes, I know you're in here, and you aren't the ones that I'm arguing are fantasizing.
Now, let's get back to some good ballbusting fantasies!
02-20-2008, 01:43 PM
I agree! That's how it should be. But there are a lot of societies and cultures in the world that still very much male dominated.
Very true. What I meant is, we are all equals whether or not certain societies choose to accept it. Most societies in the world believe males are superior. It's just a matter of education and time before the majority can realize their is no superior sex.
02-20-2008, 05:29 PM
After creating this thread, i have observed two things:
1) Members have become aggressive rude, and insulted one another. And
2) Members have also been severely unclear in there statements.
Ladies and Gentleman we are all here to have FUN, lets not forget about that, and secondly be CLEAR with your statements/positions. Thirdly do not insult each other. A few of us here have taken this way to seriously, even insulting my intelligence.
I saw we forget about this all, and throw a ball busting party for spring :) hehe. Any mean bitches here?
02-21-2008, 07:00 AM
Were smarter, faster, stronger and if you wanna prove me wrong feel free :jumpsmile
02-21-2008, 07:06 AM
Yep, we're definitly stronger.
02-21-2008, 02:42 PM
First, glad I found this forum. Took me a while to get here, but good to get here.
Universal superiority of one sex over the other is unprovable, and as a general subject should be left off the dias for that reason alone.
However, in the particular, women are by far the superior ballbusters. Physical size and the genitals/reproductive organs are the greatest manifestation of what makes men and women different. The dominance a woman exerts in the crushing/kicking/biting/bashing of the nads/nutz/bolas/huevos is partly mental, but is absolutely physical. Restraints of no other kinds and no other tools besides the natural tools of her body are necessary to dominate a man twice her size. Bring him to his knees begging for release on every level. She owns for that period of time those balls. And it is in part the transference of ownership that makes the activity so sexy and raw.
Too bad if I actually get in to a REAL fight with most women that won't happen. If im not ina BB session I know plenty of ways to defend myself. First off if you punch I woman in the chest it is pretty painful for them. Hitting someone in the chest is MUCH easier then hitting someone in the crotch. In a way women have a bigger area of a weakspot. Not to mention a womans genitals are just as sensitive. True kicking a woman in the crotch wont really hurt her but grabbing will. I know these things because my female friend has experience. She is a wrestler. As bbbb said I agree with him. I have hipocracy.
In reality people if a man has ANY self defence experience he can defend himself down there from an average woman. I know this is a femdom forum but in reality a fight vs a man and a woman ALL depends on the people. Women do not really have a physical advantage. I'd say combining the chest weakspot and the fact that MOST women are generally weaker than men evens out with the sensitivity of the testicals. There is a balance.
On the other hand I love women. My girlfriend is a strong women HOWEVER...when we are not doing bb I counter her stregth with my own. We are both strong people. She BBs me and I CB her.
The battle of the sexes can NOT be won. We are different but equal.
Feminism comes down to a choice. A woman can choose equality or being treated better EI door holding ect. You can't have both or you are claiming you are better. Just because men had it better for a long time doesn't give you the right to have it better now. In the media it is portrayed to be ok for women to hit men in the nuts or anywhere else and get away with it. I would never hit a women unprovoked but if I women poses a threat to me I will defend myself. This had happened and it did not turn out good for her. Of course as soon as it was over she claimed I tried to **** her. Predictable.
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