View Full Version : For what it's worth

02-21-2008, 06:54 PM
You would suppose having big nuts would be a point of pride for a male, and early in my life it was for me. Remembering the first time my sister had seen them accidentally while passing my bedroom, and her reaction. I'd been naked from the shower and was down on all fours looking under my bed for a ball of socks I had gotten from my dresser which I had playfully bounced off the wall but fumbled catching. Hearing a gasp and quickly looking back over my shoulder she was gone. Embarrassed beyond belief I knew she had seen me and my big naked hanging balls from behind. At the same time I felt a kind of an erotic feeling knowing that she'd seen them and that gasp from her was a kind of acknowledged in my mind that they were big, real big, which I already knew, but confirmation never hurts one's ego and my ego was growing along with the size of my testicles.

Over the next few days neither I nor her said anything about it. But there was an underlying awkwardness between the both of us until finally I said. "Sorry Suzy about you know! Well you know, seeing my balls and everything the other night". There was a kind of pleasant relief on her face with a girlish giggle saying. "God Bill are all guys that big"? Taken back a little but relieved saying. "Well I think I'm a little bigger than most Sis". She was inquisitive asking. "Does it hurt to have such big ones? I mean Jennifer told me guys with really big balls are kind of fragile somehow, I really don't know what she meant but she says guys big balls are really easy. What did she mean by that"?

Jennifer was Suzy's closest friend. Both ninth-grade sirens, both just developing into womanhood. Jennifer had bigger tits then my sisters small pouting ones which made her the authority on the subject I supposed.

A little embarrassed saying. Well I guess she means that! Well you know Susie about balls and everything. Looking at her I was flushing with embarrassment. You know. About balls and everything right? Giggling she said. "No show me Bill pleasesssss"!

Oh god Susie I can't ! "Please please please Billy! I won't tell anyone I promise! Please please Billy please I promise".

It was definitely my male ego that overrode my common sense. Because within two minutes me and her were in my bedroom with my pants down and my balls out for her examination. My head whirling in pride as the weight of my balls were taken up into her hands and of her words. "God there so big and soft and heavy. I thought they'd be hard? but they're so big and soft"! To her extra delight was my cock, it's eight inches rearing hard in contrast to my soft balls as big as her forearm she squealing with delight. "Oh my God Bill! OH MY GOD BILL LOOK AT YOU"!

I was now in the throes of a young rutting bull determined to service a bitch. My little sister felt the heat and smelled the musk, triggering the primordial synapsis in her brain signaling (DANGER) and momentary fear in her eyes as she dropped my balls and stood back looking at them and at my cock. I thrusted it forward towards her with a grunt. "Susie"! Without a word instinctively her leg swung up into my balls. Our eyes meeting for one brief second as she connected with them. With that one brief glance told the story to me between male and female and of the stronger sex. The female.

The lesson we both learned that afternoon served us both well throughout our lives. I subservient to the female, my sister Susie only finding her equal with other females as nature intended.

The End

02-21-2008, 08:24 PM


02-22-2008, 12:23 AM
Good story. Be it true or fake, I enjoyed it.

02-22-2008, 08:53 AM
You would suppose having big nuts would be a point of pride for a male, and early in my life it was for me. Remembering the first time my sister had seen them accidentally while passing my bedroom, and her reaction. I'd been naked from the shower and was down on all fours looking under my bed for a ball of socks I had gotten from my dresser which I had playfully bounced off the wall but fumbled catching. Hearing a gasp and quickly looking back over my shoulder she was gone. Embarrassed beyond belief I knew she had seen me and my big naked hanging balls from behind. At the same time I felt a kind of an erotic feeling knowing that she'd seen them and that gasp from her was a kind of acknowledged in my mind that they were big, real big, which I already knew, but confirmation never hurts one's ego and my ego was growing along with the size of my testicles.

Over the next few days neither I nor her said anything about it. But there was an underlying awkwardness between the both of us until finally I said. "Sorry Suzy about you know! Well you know, seeing my balls and everything the other night". There was a kind of pleasant relief on her face with a girlish giggle saying. "God Bill are all guys that big"? Taken back a little but relieved saying. "Well I think I'm a little bigger than most Sis". She was inquisitive asking. "Does it hurt to have such big ones? I mean Jennifer told me guys with really big balls are kind of fragile somehow, I really don't know what she meant but she says guys big balls are really easy. What did she mean by that"?

Jennifer was Suzy's closest friend. Both ninth-grade sirens, both just developing into womanhood. Jennifer had bigger tits then my sisters small pouting ones which made her the authority on the subject I supposed.

A little embarrassed saying. Well I guess she means that! Well you know Susie about balls and everything. Looking at her I was flushing with embarrassment. You know. About balls and everything right? Giggling she said. "No show me Bill pleasesssss"!

Oh god Susie I can't ! "Please please please Billy! I won't tell anyone I promise! Please please Billy please I promise".

It was definitely my male ego that overrode my common sense. Because within two minutes me and her were in my bedroom with my pants down and my balls out for her examination. My head whirling in pride as the weight of my balls were taken up into her hands and of her words. "God there so big and soft and heavy. I thought they'd be hard? but they're so big and soft"! To her extra delight was my cock, it's eight inches rearing hard in contrast to my soft balls as big as her forearm she squealing with delight. "Oh my God Bill! OH MY GOD BILL LOOK AT YOU"!

I was now in the throes of a young rutting bull determined to service a bitch. My little sister felt the heat and smelled the musk, triggering the primordial synapsis in her brain signaling (DANGER) and momentary fear in her eyes as she dropped my balls and stood back looking at them and at my cock. I thrusted it forward towards her with a grunt. "Susie"! Without a word instinctively her leg swung up into my balls. Our eyes meeting for one brief second as she connected with them. With that one brief glance told the story to me between male and female and of the stronger sex. The female.

The lesson we both learned that afternoon served us both well throughout our lives. I subservient to the female, my sister Susie only finding her equal with other females as nature intended.

The End

Good story! :) Thanks for sharing that with us!

One observation, and this applies to sooo many stories on this and other boards.
Why does the guy always have a big dick? Here, it's "eight inches", and in others I've read, it's even bigger dicks!
First off, very few guys are that big. Maybe 8 inches, but stories where the guy says he's even bigger is one of the most unbelievable parts of such stories.
Moreover, most of us women do not want a dick that big! I've been with a guy who was almost 8 inches, and it wasn't pleasant. He's the only guy I've seen in real life who was significantly bigger than average.
Personally, I prefer an average size dick, even to look at.

It's not a criticism of your story, and I appreciate people who take the time to write such stories. I just wanted to express my point of view on that matter.


02-22-2008, 10:46 AM
Good story! :) Thanks for sharing that with us!

One observation, and this applies to sooo many stories on this and other boards.
Why does the guy always have a big dick? Here, it's "eight inches", and in others I've read, it's even bigger dicks!
First off, very few guys are that big. Maybe 8 inches, but stories where the guy says he's even bigger is one of the most unbelievable parts of such stories.
Moreover, most of us women do not want a dick that big! I've been with a guy who was almost 8 inches, and it wasn't pleasant. He's the only guy I've seen in real life who was significantly bigger than average.
Personally, I prefer an average size dick, even to look at.

It's not a criticism of your story, and I appreciate people who take the time to write such stories. I just wanted to express my point of view on that matter.


Rebecca thanks for the critique about cock size. But you do understand that there are lots of guys with 8 inch cocks although I know normal size is around 6 inches more or less. I myself am one of those guys with the big old two fister some girls I've known like to call it and you're right about the size of them because the women I've known seemed to have considered it more of a novelty rather than a "Baby can't wait to get you in me" lol.

But all is not what it would seem for guys with a big cocks as with having big testicles there is a price to pay. First of all the energy expended to maintain a sizable hard erection is strength draining and having big testicles doesn't help in the least in this department the cock being is its own entity. I can tell you from experience that having a big cock can be very painful especially if buckled by a woman while on top of you this happened to me once and it took four years for it to repair itself, but within those four years I ultimately became lol one hell of a pussy eating Pro (Seriously: ) Don't know Rebecca if you've ever seen a guy with an 8 inch buckled cock or not, but it's kind of hilarious looking really and when I would try to get a hard on about 3 inches would stick out hard than the rest would kind of just hang there useless and floppy like. You can always tell if a guys cock had ever been buckled because it will always have a slight crooked look to it in the middle.

So the paradox goes as always Rebecca. Everything is just the opposite when it comes to us big strong strutting peacocks, our fragile male nature displayed for the whims of the female.