View Full Version : farm girls castraing animals
02-29-2008, 02:59 PM
hi When I was young I saw a young bull ********* without a painkiller and thought that it was mean. as i have gotton older i have become fascinated that there are so many farm girls and cowgirls that perform castrations. gals have you ever ********* a farm animal. if so tell me about it. guys have you ever seen gals ********** farm animals
03-01-2008, 02:01 PM
I think it is strange that they have a lot of rules on rodeos and none if any on ********** animals without a painkilller Do you think that is strange too ? what aninmals have you seen ********* and how did you happen to see it . I don't think it is so bad when it is done on young animals , but I think it can be mean on older animals and their balls are too big for the elastics.. when i was young i didn't even know they ********* farm animals let alone without a painkiller. When i was 15 we moved out west where my parents were from. When i was about 15 we went to visit some friends of my parents that lived on a backyard farm and had a bull calf. seems they were waiting for an uncle to come ******** it for them. Parents went visiting other friends and I was left behind with a girl about 16. Her uncle drove up and she said "o its uncle Earl , hes come to denut the bull." I said you mean dehorn him? she laughed and said nope hes going to cut off his nuts. the calf was about 9 months old as earl had been too busy to come by sooner . he didn't even want to get up afterwards and after he was untied they had to lift his head to get him to stand up. The girl was unphased by all this and in fact found humour in the situation( something i have observed of other females) She said boy he sure has big nuts his are a lot bigger than the calf last year and giggled. karen
03-14-2008, 02:57 PM
I was 10 when i saw a young bull calf being *********. At the time i didnt even know what they were doing. Now it is such a HUGE turn on to watch girls ******** farm animals (mainly bulls and boars) or even talk about it.
I wan't to ******** a bull/boar one day. Have you ever done it before? Did the girl that was 16 ever do it or say any more about it?
03-25-2008, 06:22 PM
I never did see that girl again. my new friend stacy has and aunt that is a small acre farmer gal.
Stacys aunt is real cool. She raises goats among other things. The first time I went by with Stacy to see her aunt she told us she had weaned all the little goats and both little boys and little girls are in the same real small pasture. Helen invited us to come back the next weekend helen said that we would catch the little girl goats and throw them over the fence in the big pasture and catch the little boy goats and throw them over the fence except she said their balls won't go with them into the big pasture. the goats are anywhere from 2 1/2 to 5 months old. 3 of the older boys have big balls and were trying to hump some of the little girls while we were there. she is going to cut them as their balls are too big for the banders . she laughed and said if i brought my dog back she could do him too and we would have a real ********** party. of course I won't bring my dog back. helen said he could eat the nuts but i was afraid once she gets going she might cut him too. so he'll just skip his meal and be glad of it smile
03-29-2008, 03:48 AM
LOL, good idea about not bringing your dog over. Did that one girl ever grab or touch the bulls balls? Also, did you already ******** the goats and if so tell me about it. I want details! :bananajum
There are a few good stories on the eunuch archives that I think you might like:
that one is really good
Let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy them.
04-17-2008, 12:30 PM
yes, they did the ********** this week. the small goats got bright green bands to wear on their balls. the bigger goats had their balls cut off. under much protest i might add
04-21-2008, 04:34 PM
This my second post, only eighteen more and i will be a junior gold member or whatever it was.
Working as a jackaroo in the aussie outback on large stations I seen many jillaroos ********** livestock from lambs, calf, bulls and stallions.though less stallions as they are a bit trickier and need a bit of an expert. By watching them doing the castrations you could tell it excited the hell out of them, they might not admit it but they loved it,it gave them a sense of power or something. And it seemed to effect them the more painful the method, they loved using the burdizzos and a knife, after cutting the sack open then pulling the testicles out with their teeth, this is how all the old timers did it and the girls took to it like a duck to water.
And quite often they would be as horny as hell afterwoods even the cool ones that you wouldnt think it would make a difference too, that was the pay off for us jackaroos.
04-22-2008, 03:15 PM
You guys have to post some pictures of both the jillaroos and the goat banding :)
Tell us the details of what you did with the goats and how the ladies who ********* reacted
04-23-2008, 08:33 AM
No pictures sorry but how it works is this, you will have a yard of lamps upto 12 months old, we jackeroos would be in the yard with the lambs as catchers, the markers (castrators) would be on the out side, this was often the girls cause they liked this part of it. There is a cradle on the fence between us, you could catch hold of a ram lamb and hold him in the cradle with his legs up and back exsposing his sack for her, then using a marking knife which is a small wooden handled knife with a notch in the back of the blade, she would grasp the bottom of his sack pull down on it then with one stroke remove the bottom third of the sack, she could then strip out the testicles with her hand between thumb and fore finger, then using the notch in back of the blade she would put the cord in this and hold it in with her thumb and pull the testicle out until the cord snapped, if the ram was older she would pull it out a foot I suppose and then scrape through it with the blade until it parted. Makes me laugh when you read people say do they use painkillers, we would do two or three thousand ********** per day, 4 catchers and 4 markers, we didnt have time for painkillers, just cut their nuts out, put on some fly powder to stop maggots and release them, couple of days and they were fine.
04-25-2008, 02:46 PM
hi I am going to open this same site under ballbusting to see if we get more hits. and i mispelled ********** duh karen
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