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03-07-2009, 11:50 AM
how bout a skimpy nurse outfit with latex gloves, and for the tool scalpel

03-16-2009, 05:54 PM
Dragons! Ballbusting! w00t!

So here's the next chapter of Dragon Slaying, which gets back to some good ol' F/M busting. It also starts a story arc that I've been writing towards for a looooooong time, and which I'm looking forward to writing more of. I've got lots of dastardly plans for what takes place in the next chapter >:)

Anyway, hope y'all enjoy -- here you go.

I managed to make good time for most of the afternoon, thanks to whatever it was the tiger had given me. It was nice to not have to spend all my time worrying about my package. By sundown, though, the effects of the medicine had started to wear off, and the pain started catching up to me. Walking gradually went from uncomfortable to painful to downright gut-wrenching. I struggled onwards for a few more minutes before deciding to call it a day.

I picked out a spot to sleep just off the edge of the path, behind a few bushes, and made sure it was hidden enough that a passing traveler wouldn't be able to see me in the evening light. I was still rather wary of what might happen if a certain orca found me asleep in the woods, plums ripe for the popping...I wanted to wake up still a male, after all. In the end I wound up sitting with my back against a tree, looking up at the stars as I finally settled down for some rest. This was the first time I'd voluntarily gone to sleep in the last few days, so my body was more than happy to oblige, and within a few minutes I had nodded off.

Now, my subconscious had quite a bit to work through, of course. I was expecting to have some kind of twisted nightmare involving dolphins, amphibians, and a scaly creature with a big pair of...well, y'know. Things did start that way, actually, but before anything too rough could happen, my thoughts spun off in an entirely different direction, much to the joy of my libido. Lemme tell you, I'd had sex dreams before, but this was...damn. I didn't know my imagination could could be so inventive -- or so stimulating, for that matter. I could have sworn I was back on the cave floor, with Opal wrapped around my cock. (Minus the ball-crushing, of course.) Needless to say, I was a rather happy dragon, and somewhat disappointed when I finally woke up.

Upon opening my eyes, I immediately realized several things. First, that my dream was just a dream, and that there was still an orca out there who wanted to pop my balls. Second, that that orca had not snuck up on me in the middle of the night and left me a eunuch. Third (and lastly), I realized that I had several feet of dragon meat throbbing in my lap, oozing pre in a puddle onto the ground.

Morning wood? Really? I mean, not that it was all that unusual for a single dragon like me, especially after a dream like I'd had, but given the state that my junk was in, it wasn't exactly what I was expecting...particularly not like this. I couldn't remember waking up this horny since I was a teenager. Despite myself I couldn't help but thrust lightly against the air, hoping for any kind of friction against my needy length. Even a breeze would do, at this point.

I knew from previous experience back at the cave that trying to masturbate was rather painful with my half-broken balls, and I jerking off probably didnt anything to help them heal, either. At this point, though, I was so needy I didn't even care. I had to try, at least. Carefully I wrapped a hand around the pulsing length, giving it an experimental stroke--

Holy shit!

Apparently I was even more turned on than I realized, as that one stroke was just about the greatest thing I had ever felt -- so great, in fact, that my cock tensed, twitched, and exploded, sending me into an orgasm before I even knew what was happening. I gasped, moaning loudly as my member pumped out its seed, thick white ropes of cum splattering across the ground in front of me. My eyes rolled back into my head as I came, my body spasming in pleasure. Gods! Nothing had ever felt this good -- or was it just that it felt good in comparison to everything else I'd been through lately? Either way, I just groaned and enjoyed the ride, just trying to stay conscious.

I can't have been more than a few seconds, I'm sure, but what felt like hours later I finally came back to my senses, hand still wrapped loosely around my member. I sat there for a moment before realizing, with some joy, that I wasn't curling up into the fetal position and clutching my balls. They ached a little more, sure, but nothing as bad as the last time I'd cum. (Granted, at that time Opal had been sitting on them, but still...) It seemed like that medicine had done some good -- maybe they were finally starting to heal up. I gave my left nut a gentle squeeze to check--

Oh no. Nope, not healed yet.

After spending a few more minutes doubled over holding myself, I was finally able to straighten myself out and climb to my feet. I glanced down at the path, which was now haphazardly covered in my spunk -- and when I say covered I mean covered. Carefully I tried to step around the long strings of dragonseed, wondering how exactly I'd managed to spurt all the way onto the other side of the path. Well, I thought, comforting to know that my balls still work, at least.

With that I was off, headed north once more, leaving the strange events of the morning behind me -- or so I thought. After a kilometer or two, though, I came to the realization that my hard-on wasn't going away. In fact, despite having just blown my load, I was still stiff as a board, raring for another round. So of course, I did what any male would do: I stopped and blew another wad into the bushes, just as hard as the first time. Even after that, though, I felt ready for more -- eager, even. I couldn't very well keep stopping, though, not if I ever wanted to find Opal, so I decided to ignore it and just keep going. It was a bit awkward, to be walking around with my cock just jutting out for anyone to see, but the way I saw it I didn't have much of a choice, so I just kept moving, erection and all. That is, until--

"Why hello there..."

I started at the sound of a distinctly feminine voice. I turned to find a hippo lying down on a rock a short distance away, looking back at me with a grin. She was stretched out comfortably, belly-down, dressed in only a bikini -- sunbathing, clearly. She had propped herself up on her elbows to talk to me, her ample breasts sandwiched beneath her as she soaked up the sun's rays.

"Ah! Hi," I replied quickly, claws instinctively moving to cover my crotch. The last thing I needed was another female taking interest in my balls...

The female giggled. "Don't be so bashful, boy -- there's no need to hide."


"Your cock. It's not like I haven't seen one before."

"O-Oh." That's right -- I was still hard, wasn't I. Very hard, In fact. Even with my hands crisscrossed in front of my groin, there was a good foot of dragoncock left in plain sight, bobbing slightly with my heartbeat. "Sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it," she replied amiably. "Nothin' wrong with a dragon being naked. I can't imagine they make clothes in your size anyway."

"Yeah." I bit my lip sheepishly, continuing to hide my crotch. "Still, I'm not usually so..."

"Excited?" she finished. "Hey, it's spring -- I'm not gonna fault a male for being a little eager. Besides, I could use a little eye candy from time to time." The hippo grinned again, lying back down on her stomach. "Now go on, then, your girl's in need of a good screwing."

Oh, if only. "Heh. I, uh...I don't have a girl, actually."

The female raised an eyeridge. "Really? What about the dragoness who passed by here a few minutes ago?"

I blinked. "I'm sorry, what?"

"The dragoness who passed by a few minutes ago -- a little shorter than you, ruby red. She's your mate, isn't she? Dragons are so rare in these parts, I just assumed you two were together." The hippo exhaled. "Poor thing -- I don't know if I've ever seen a female in that strong a heat."

And with that, everything clicked into place. Suddenly it all made sense...there was a dragoness in heat, somewhere nearby, right now! No wonder I'd been horny all morning -- I'd been breathing in pheromones ever since I'd woken up. In fact, now that I thought about it, there was sort of a strange scent in the air...a rather pleasant one, actually, no doubt some cocktail of chemicals designed to make my body go crazy. Any worries about Opal or the orca were driven away by that maddeningly sweet smell. I could picture her body, her curves, her soft moans giving way to louder squeals as she was impaled on my cock. Oh gods, what I wouldn't give to get a piece of that tail--

"You, um...you couldn't show me which way she went, could you?" I asked, a new tone of urgency added to my voice.

She frowned. "I thought she wasn't your girl."

"Not yet, no, but damned if I'm gonna miss an opportunity like this."

The hippo looked at me for a moment, then broke out into a laugh. "Ha! I like the way you think. Come on, then, let me show you where she went."

I watched eagerly as the female hopped down from her rock, walking over to join me. Now that I got a proper look at the rhino standing up, I could see that she didn't look half-bad herself -- strong thighs, wide hips, and a rack to rival Opal's tied back behind that bikini top. If I hadn't known there was a dragoness in the area, I would've been more than happy to sit down right here and relieve some tension.

The hippo was doing some appraising of her own, as well, wolf-whistling as she drew close to me. "You've got something to be rather proud of downstairs, don't you? Come on, give me a proper look."

"Uh..." I had yet to fully lower my hands, but at her insistence I let them drop to my sides, blushing as I exposed myself.

Her eyes widened. "Well, my stars." She gave my shaft a gentle poke, earning a healthy twitch in response. "I'd say you'll be making a certain dragoness very happy, if you know what I mean."

"Thanks," I said, thoroughly embarrassed. Still, it's not everyday you get those kinds of compliments, so I let her look for a few moment longer.

"And my god, I've never seen balls that size -- you've got so much spunk stored up in those nuts of yours they look like they're ready to burst! What are you waiting for, go out and get 'er!" The hippo grinned widely, accentuating her remark with a heavy slap to my swollen balls.

Of course, my balls were swollen for an altogether different reason. I paled as I felt the ache start in my groin, my legs quivering in an attempt to keep me upright. It was useless, though. I slid to my knees with an agonized groan, my claws latched around my poor balls once again.

"Nnnrggh...why would you...nnnrgh!" I moaned, squinting my eyes shut against the wave of nausea spreading through my abdomen.

The female looked surprised. "Well gosh. Never realized males get so sensitive when they're all pent up." She frowned concernedly. "You oughta jerk it once in a while, let some tension outta those swollen nuts."

"That's not why they're swollen," I groaned in reply, trying not to completely lose my composure. I cradled my busted junk, trying to soothe the pain. So many conflicting signals...now my balls were telling me to get in the fetal position and start rocking back and forth, but my nose was still telling me there was a horny, fuckable female somewhere in the area. My member continued to throb, drooling precum. Add it all together and my groin didn't know /what/ was going on.

The hippo looked confused for a moment as she watched me struggle to stay upright, but a look of understanding slowly spread across her face. "Ohhhhh," she replied, with a quiet giggle. "I see. I'm not the first to smack me some dragon junk today, huh?"

I just groaned in reply. Great. Laugh it up. Nngh, my fucking nuts...

Gently I ****** my claws away, leaning forward onto my hands and knees. I sucked in a deep breath, ******* myself to calm down and focus. It was just a slap, nothing like the other stuff I'd been through. I could handle this.

"If you don't mind me asking..."

I looked up to see that a look of confusion had returned to the hippo's face -- she seemed fairly deep in thought, gazing pretty clearly at my crotch. "What?" I grunted, still rather distracted.

"Oh, it's just...you're a pretty big fella. I can't imagine many people could get the best of ya so easily." She laughed again. "I imagine it takes a lot of time and effort to squash a big ol' pair of dragonmakers like that."

"And that's funny?"


Suddenly I was starting to like this new 'friend' a lot less. "So what, if I stomped on your ovaries that would be funny too?"

"There's no need to be bitter." The hippo rolled her eyes. "Besides, in case you haven't noticed, mine are on the inside. I was just curious what girl's been busting you -- I might have to ask her for some tips."

For a moment I had a mental image of Opal, demonstrating the proper way to crush a dragon's eggs without breaking them outright. "Oh fuck you," I growled, turning away from the female. "Why does every girl I meet have to be such a psycho? Haven't I been through enough?"

"Relax," she replied, "I'm just asking a question."

"Well then allow me to ask you a question: why are you such a bitch?"

The hippo harrumphed, folding her arms angrily across her chest. "Fine then, asshole, don't tell me. You can take of your little problem by yourself."

"Fine." I just focused on the ground beneath me as she stomped off, disappearing from my line of vision...which is why I was unprepared for what happened next. I didn't see the female stop behind me, nor did I see her foot coming up between my legs, but I most certainly felt the impact. I pitched forward with a frantic squeak as the hippo slammed a kick up into my nutsack, crushing my spuds into my pelvis. Oh fuck. I opened my mouth to scream, but before I could even get any sound out she followed up with a knee, squarely pinning the two nuggets against hard bone before drawing back and kneeing me once more for good measure. She held her leg there, grinding her bare thigh into my trapped testes for a moment before finally letting the scaly orbs squirm away to freedom. Only then did I finally manage to get my claws around my freshly-flattened balls, tumbling onto my side with a wail like a banshee.

It's amazing how no matter how many times you've been bashed in the ballsac, each time feels like the worst pain you've ever experienced. I know that a kick and a couple of knees wasn't much compared to the original beating the orca had given me, or compared to how Opal had practically popped them when she was riding my cock, and something like this shouldn't have even registered on the pain-scale after the virtual nut-piercing my tiger friend had given me. That didn't matter so much to my body, though -- all my body knew was that someone was trying to turn my nuts into peanut butter, yet again. I lay there shrieking like a female, clutching my wounded dragonhood and trying to soothe the endless agony radiating out from my mangled jewels. It felt like my groin had exploded -- the only reason I didn't think my nuts had burst was that they were now too enormous to miss, swelling ever larger from the abuse. I rolled onto my back with a tortured moan, spreading my legs to give my aching pair some room to breathe. "Oh, my balls, my fucking balls!--"

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I do that?" The hippo gazed down at me for a moment, grinning as she watched me jerk and twitch. "Couldn't help myself. Y'know, being female and all that."

"Fuck you!" I squeaked, voice several octaves higher than normal.

She frowned. "Well that's not very nice. Good luck getting any dragoness tail with /that/ kind of attitude. Not that it really matters." I spasmed again as she bent over and gave my gonads a hard slap, the twin orbs jiggling with the momentum. "I doubt these guys still work anyway."

I looked up and opened my mouth to respond just in time to see her foot fly into my sack once more, sending me back into the fetal position with a squeal. I writhed in place, my body seeking an escape from the agony as the nausea in my abdomen continued to spread. I wrapped my claws tightly around my gonads, trying to protect them as the hippo launched a few final kicks and stomps at my groin, succeeding in crushing my right nut several times in a row before finally backing off. "My balls!" I squeaked, tumbling back onto my side. "Oh my...annnngh...!"

The female watched me for a moment before spitting on the ground beside me. "Good luck getting it up. Asshole." And with that, she walked away.

I lay there crumpled up for a good fifteen minutes before I managed to open my eyes and confirm that the hippo had left. It took at least another thirty before I could sit up and breathe again, and even then it continued to feel like my testicles were being put through a meat grinder. They were both still there, though -- as always, for better or for worse. I was starting to wonder if it was a curse or a blessing that they wouldn't just pop already. At least then I wouldn't have any balls to bust.

Of course, even while I was rocking back and forth and trying not to vomit, the dragoness continued to dominate my thoughts. I'd gone soft for a minute or two while my eggs were being scrambled, but once the hippo had left, it hadn't taken more than a few moments before my prick was standing at attention once again. Right now it was as hard as it had ever been, more than ready to perform its duty. As I looked down at the pillar of flesh sticking up between my legs, I could almost picture the dragoness sinking down on my cock inch by inch, her sex clamping down hungrily around the thick intruder--

No, no, no. Every instinct told me to go to the girl and screw her brains out, but my brain knew better. There was no way I could have sex like this -- I could barely stand, never mind fuck. I just needed to drag myself somewhere secluded for the night, forget about the dragoness, and start looking for Opal again tomorrow. And maybe jerk off a lot in the interim, if my nuts could handle it, or else I was going to wake up tomorrow with the worst case of blue-balls the world had ever seen.

With some effort I hoisted myself to my knees and then slowly to my feet, trying to cushion my testes as much as possible. I glanced around and spotted a small, somewhat overgrown path branching off of the main path -- perfect for my purposes. Carefully I waddled forwards, focusing on my feet and resisting the urge to just fall back to the ground and hold myself. Luckily the path was fairly short, and I managed to struggle onwards to the end, where it opened up into a small clearing. I staggered a few more paces before finally depositing myself at the foot of a large tree.

I let out a loud sigh, looking down at the heavy orbs cupped in my claws and wondering what I'd ever done to deserve this. My balls had been kicked, kneed, squeezed, stomped on, and now they were stopping me from having sex with a horny dragoness. Great. I shook my head and looked up--

--only to lock eyes with possibly the most attractive creature I had ever seen, her scales a deep red, one hand groping her breasts while another thrust a makeshift stone dildo in and out of her dripping slit.

"Why hello there," the dragoness purred.

03-16-2009, 08:12 PM
Woo hoo,great job Piou can't wait for the next one and the new Dragonness character's reaction to Piou^^.Left me wet and sticky.

03-16-2009, 09:15 PM
To be honest, I want more-a that hippo!

03-16-2009, 09:58 PM
Yeah, I kinda wish I could've done more with her -- there aren't nearly enough hippos around in the fandom, and she was a fun character to play around with. I might have to find a way to write her back into the story sometime later. (Or maybe I could just write something non-canon...y'know, like a deleted scene or something. Something to think about, anyway.)

03-17-2009, 03:49 PM
Yeah, I kinda wish I could've done more with her -- there aren't nearly enough hippos around in the fandom, and she was a fun character to play around with. I might have to find a way to write her back into the story sometime later. (Or maybe I could just write something non-canon...y'know, like a deleted scene or something. Something to think about, anyway.)

Hey, could just get a little background on that character like ya did with the orc. That was one-a your best!

What can I say, hippo gal seems like she could get some damage done. Big feet with a lot of weight on 'em!

03-17-2009, 05:02 PM
My thoughts exactly. Get stomped on by that kinda girl and you'd be lucky to have anything left :P

Actually, when I first started writing this whole thing, the hippo character was an elephant -- I mentioned her briefly in the very first chapter. The storyline was a little different, as well, something more like this:
- Opal (the frog) comes and has her big ballbusting sex scene with P'oiu
- Opal leaves while he's ***********, but forgets to undo the chains holding him to the floor
- The elephant stumbles in (for some reason...) and finds P'oiu helpless, scaly balls just waiting to be busted
- Nutpain ensues. (I think I had her using them like a stairmaster at one point.)

She was going to be more of a humorous ballbuster, to contrast the orca -- she breaks balls because she finds it funny, not because it gets her off or because she hates males. I think some of that made it through to the hippo character, but she deserved a bigger role. Hopefully I'll be able to come back to her later and do her justice.

03-17-2009, 06:12 PM
Please do!!!

Maybe using her trunk, she could suck on his balls, one in each nossrle hard!
And stomp on them.

Maybe afew more animals to...more exotic?
Maybe lots of pincer ants? a couple of scorpions?

Like the idea of something with big balls thinking its so big and tough getting put in its place by lots or several smaller animals.

Mmmm maybe a bear trys to steal some honey from bees but whilst greedily eating it all it then falls asleep but the honey stick and causes him to be trapped somehow and then the bees, lead by the queen take their revenge on his balls! Sting stings! :)

~I got more...my mind tends to get abit 'outthere' on this stuff if wanna hear more ideas?

03-17-2009, 11:54 PM
I'd definitely love to get some more exotic stuff in my stories -- heck, that's half the fun of having so many different species. I don't know if this is quite what you meant, but you just got me searching FurAffinity for scorpion chicks (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=bgusgp&s=5), and now I'm imagining a male spider or something, stuck to his own web and getting the spunk pounded out of his balls. I'll have to put that one up on the drawing board, see if I can turn it into something later.

It sounds like you've got some interesting ideas about this stuff -- you should try writing a story of your own sometime. I'd be thrilled to see someone else take up the pen in the name of furry ballbusting :P

03-18-2009, 05:57 PM
She was going to be more of a humorous ballbuster, to contrast the orca -- she breaks balls because she finds it funny, not because it gets her off or because she hates males. I think some of that made it through to the hippo character, but she deserved a bigger role. Hopefully I'll be able to come back to her later and do her justice.

That, I think, is a terribly unused angle: the humorous thing. I may have to take a whack at it (might as well do something with this English degree...), so maybe in the next day or so I'll toss something up here. Might borrow that hippo for m'own purposes!

03-18-2009, 08:47 PM
Feel free! I'd love to see what someone else can do with her :)

03-18-2009, 09:22 PM
Like the spider idea!
But yeah imagine the scorpion chick using their pincers and even their stings on some balls!! Ooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

Just love reading furry BB so please ANYONE get posting!!!

I may have ago...hehe

scorpion chicks (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=bgusgp&s=5), and now I'm imagining a male spider or something, stuck to his own web and getting the spunk pounded out of his balls. I'll have to put that one up on the drawing board, see if I can turn it into something later.

It sounds like you've got some interesting ideas about this stuff -- you should try writing a story of your own sometime. I'd be thrilled to see someone else take up the pen in the name of furry ballbusting :P[/quote]

03-19-2009, 09:16 AM
:o What happened to Pete Boggs? His "Barbi The Barbarienne" webcomic was probably the first thing that got me interested in both ballbusting as a fetish (not to participate of course, that seems way too painful), and webcomics!!
Where did you go, Pete? Are you still out there? One of the best mature humor-adventure webcomics I have ever seen and obviously one of my absolute favorites, (up there with the "Stone Of Adventure" site, the White Lightning Publishing site, Supermegatopia, Zorna (or Zu[m, n]a), (I'm pretty sure that's the name, {a great cg spoof of the sword-and-sandal genre}!!!
Anybody know what happened with the B T B webcomic?

03-19-2009, 11:28 AM
I'm not familiar with the comic, but it looks like a cache of most of the old page is still available through archive.org (http://web.archive.org/web/20071014004839/www.peteboggs.com/barbi/barbi.htm). You'd know better than I where the best busts are in there, but a few minutes of reading turned up at least one (http://web.archive.org/web/20071118185103/www.peteboggs.com/barbi/comics/comic02/pg05.htm)...I'll have to look more later.

03-19-2009, 02:21 PM
Shame we cant get someone like babel(check ballbusting toons) to come up with artwork to do with furry BB. We need more of it!


03-19-2009, 10:14 PM
Putzing around with some ideas. Should have something up tomorrow or the next day (I've got a lot on my plate lately). I'm not so exotic, sadly, so the character list is our hippo babe and a teenage river rat or two (take a guess why...), no scorpions or anything of that type. Just some good old fashioned terrible kicking and stomping.

03-20-2009, 12:09 AM
Sounds good to me. I wouldn't mind seeing what she could do to a couple rodents, maybe remind 'em why big balls aren't necessarily a good thing :)

The rats remind me, I'm not sure if I ever linked to this story (http://yiffstar.com/?pid=22141) on Yiffstar. It's M/M, but if you can deal with that it's a good read. (I'm not sure where the author ever disappeared to, unfortunately.)

Also, an awesome find today: UnderPressure over at FA has an ongoing list (http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/321008/) of random ball torture ideas, many of them quite good. It looks like he's going to start posting new material/reposting pictures others have done of his character, so he's definitely worth keeping an eye on.

03-23-2009, 07:04 PM
Love all these stories here!!
Aww tho poor furries!! *weg*

Nice ideas for upcoming stories to!

03-24-2009, 08:39 AM
Obviously I'm not poiu, but call this a "preview". Yeah, it's really short and I could be fleshing things out a lot better, but I've been busy as hell. Thbb.

"And it was SUCH a nice day..."

Her sunbathing ruined, the curvy hippo decided to make her way back home through the woods. As she walked, her feet thunked into the ground with even more force than her weight normally caused, subconsciously imagining that swollen pair of dragon gonads under her heels with each step. He was so rude, and she was trying to be so friendly!

Not only was she in a slightly sour mood now, but that brief bout of ballbusting had gotten her all antsy. Not in a sexual way, it had just been a while since she'd gotten the chance to bruise up a nice pair of testicles and the dragon had reminded her of the fact. Thinking over the short encounter, her mood lifted. The faces he made when her feet pounded his sack into the ground and the noises he made when she kicked them into his stoamch were just priceless. Besides, she reasoned, he was a jerk and he deserved it.

The hippo's reverie was short-lived, however, as a noise in the trees brought her back to reality. Right about then, she realized that she'd wandered further than she'd meant to. The woods looked less familiar now, and she looked around, trying to get her internal compass pointing in the right direction again, but with little luck.

A rustling in the bushes caught her attention. She turned and squinted, peering into the leaves in an attempt to see what was in there, when suddenly the answer sprang out in front of her, making her yelp in surprise.

As it turned out, she'd wandered into the outskirts of a rat clan's settlement, and a pair of males had found her. In their early teens, the two brown-furred boys sneered and stalked out of their hiding spot, circling around the plump hippopotamus in an overtly predatorial way. She'd come into their territory, and they were looking to remind her of that.

"Well well, looki' what we got here..." one snorted.

"Trespassa!" the other confirmed.

The hippo put her hands up, big palms toward the two. "Now now, I just got a little lost. No harm intended."

"Oh there's harm intended. We don't like trespassas, do we Mik?"

"No we don't, Trev."

The taller of the two, Mik, started approaching the hippo. He was slightly taller, and clearly had hit puberty earlier judging by his toned body. His blunt muzzle was quirked in a grin, those buck teeth showing and his whiplike tail snaking back and forth.

"But I'll tell ya whu'. Maybe, juuuuust maybe, we kin work out a deal..."

It was then that the hippo saw the other effect of Mik's early puberty. The pair of them were only wearing basic loincloths, and he'd gotten the signature oversized balls already, which meant she could easily see the lower curve of them below where his garment ended. Each step he made caused the pair to bounce off of his athletic thighs, and each time he turned they swayed with him. It was all she could do to avoid staring.

"Mm, a deal, you say?" she asked, still wary.

"Yeh. I think mebbe you could 'convince' us to just letcha go..."

The rat reached out and lewdly groped the hippo's bikini-covered tit, squeezing the soft flesh. Her reaction was twofold. First she was furious at the boy for grabbing her, but that was quickly replaced with a giddiness (that she had to keep hidden) upon realizing she now had a chance to work out all that antsiness the dragon had given her earlier. So, she feigned reluctance and fear, even though she was both taller and substantially heavier than her "predator".

"N-no, please. Maybe we can talk this out..." she faux-pleaded, playing up the helpless female act.

Trev nearly giggled as Mik's courage swelled along with his cock. "Oh no, we's past dat," he said, walking up even closer.

Once the rat got close enough, the hippo seized her opportunity. She gritted her big teeth, pulled her right leg back, and swung it forward. The thump her knee made up between the poor boy's legs was loud enough for Trev to nearly feel it. That sound, though, was quickly overpowered by the pathetic wail that Mik made as his heavy, plump ratmaker were flattened between the hippo's meaty leg and his own body pelvis. She put her leg down and let him fall, which he did instantly.

Curled up and moaning, the rat's feet kicked weakly at the air and both of his hands sunk to his crotch. Trev, having seen his best friend and hero of sorts racked and felled so easily, took off running like his tail was on fire. This left the hippo alone with her writhing captive, a grin on her face.

Deciding to really milk this one, she adoped a sympathetic tone to her voice. "Oh I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you up..." she held out both hands to the agonized rodent.

Brain still clouded over, the teenage rat was angrier than he was scared, not having a grasp on the situation just yet, not to mention he didn't realize he was alone. His thin fingers grasped at both of her hands, pulling himself up onto his feet again, legs bowed out.

"You are SO fuggin dead..." he muttered, eyes nearly red.

Rolling her eyes, the big hippo shook her head at Mik, almost feeling bad for how stupid he was. Before he could even realize what was happening, she gripped onto his hands tightly, pulled her leg back again and kicked up into his already bruised 'nads with all the force she had. Her big, bare foot crunched those nuts up into the young rat's body with enough power that his feet picked up off the ground. Then, before he even had the chance to fall, she kicked him again, absolutely reveling in the feel of a pair of young balls as they slapped off of the top of her foot.

This time, the pain drove into Mik's belly with such ferocity it nearly paralyzed him. He'd never been busted before, at least nothing that resembled what was happening to him now, and it was too much for him to bear. Any machismo he had quickly left him, and the rat laid on the ground, sobbing and squealing pathetically, body curled up in an attempt to protect his danglers.

The hippo looked around, making sure no one was in the area, that she wasn't being watched or was in any danger of attack. The coast clear, she bent over, hands on her knees for balance, and clucked her tongue at the beaten rat.

"You know, it's awfully rude to grope a lady without asking," she said softly, although it was unlikely the rat teen could hear her through the pain and his own wailing.

She planted her foot against his side, rolling him belly down. It took some pushing before his arms came out from under him. She sat on his back, straddling him, her big butt holding him well down. She acted quickly, but expertly, pulling the rat's loincloth around so she could use the big front flap to tie his hands to his lower back. Nice and secured, she was really set to have some fun now.

Rolling to his side and looking up at her, terrified, the rat shakily asked, "...w-whaddaya gonna do?"

She looked down at him and snickered, eyes fixated on his swollen and angry pink ballbag, all unprotected. "Whatever I want, I think," she said, winking at him.

03-24-2009, 02:12 PM
Ha, this is awesome! :P I didn't realize you'd be picking up right where I left off -- I'm glad to see that the hippo hasn't gotten her fill of ballbusting for the day, and excited to see what else she does with Mik. No rush, of course, but keep it coming!

03-24-2009, 06:57 PM
Yeah cool stuff!!

More!! More!! hehe

03-31-2009, 06:27 PM
Dang, how did this thread get bumped to the second page so quickly? Let's fix that.

http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2dj9mza&s=5 (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2129177))

03-31-2009, 08:54 PM
Dang, how did this thread get bumped to the second page so quickly? Let's fix that.

http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2dj9mza&s=5 (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2129177))

very nice! are there more like these that can be posted? where did you find these?

03-31-2009, 09:40 PM
Dang, how did this thread get bumped to the second page so quickly? Let's fix that.

http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2dj9mza&s=5 (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2129177))

Loved that pic - those big balls are about to get toasted.

03-31-2009, 11:39 PM
very nice! are there more like these that can be posted? where did you find these?

That's the only one for now -- it was posted by underpressure (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/underpressure/) at FA a few days ago. (He commissioned another artist to draw it a while back, and only recently uploaded it to the web.) I think there may be more coming soon, but I couldn't tell you exactly when -- I'll repost it if/when I see more :P

04-01-2009, 05:24 PM
Dang, how did this thread get bumped to the second page so quickly? Let's fix that.

http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2dj9mza&s=5 (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2129177))

Oooooo.....sliced in half!!!! hehehehe MMMM!!!:iluvu:

04-02-2009, 01:07 AM
Dang, how did this thread get bumped to the second page so quickly? Let's fix that.

http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2dj9mza&s=5 (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2129177))

This pic is a (kind of) remake of a scene from Goldfinger where James Bond is bound to a (gold of course) table and where a laser is slowly cutting the thick table, coming slowly up between his legs...

04-04-2009, 01:57 PM

04-06-2009, 10:59 PM
A couple of small updates from UnderPressure (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/underpressure/):

- Bad Idea #28 (http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/687554/)
- "Nice Teeth" (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2mg17k1&s=5) (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2151947))
- Aiming Low (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=30mxzba&s=5) (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2161616))

04-07-2009, 06:01 PM
A couple of small updates from UnderPressure (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/underpressure/):

- Bad Idea #28 (http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/687554/)
- "Nice Teeth" (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2mg17k1&s=5) (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2151947))
- Aiming Low (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=30mxzba&s=5) (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2161616))

Is Bad Idea #28 supposed to be an image, or just a description of a commission? I don't see any image.

04-07-2009, 06:28 PM
Bad Idea #28 is just a description at this point -- no image. He's got a whole ongoing list (http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/321008/) of them, some of which (like #2 (http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/323039/)) were eventually drawn by others.

04-08-2009, 08:18 PM
And another!

Route 66 (http://www.pornupload.com:8080/files/0/0/113/92/1239196970.underpressure_route_66_by_max_blackrabb it__inked.png) (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2168736/))

04-17-2009, 10:46 AM
:thumbup Thank for the BTB link, poiu!! Another online comic whose link has been disabled is "Liberty, The Platinum Patriot." That was another one of my favorites, while technically not necessarily dealing with ballbusting.
The comic did not necessarily technically deal with ballbusting, but this was a superheroine comic, and I'm a fan of superheroines, also.
Speaking of which, there used to be a website for the comic "Spandex Tights," a weird parody of Electra Woman and Dyna Girl. Could you see if you could find something on that comic, maybe a website that has information and pictures from the comic book, or something like that. Thanks again!

04-17-2009, 01:39 PM
Hmm...I tried a quick Google search but didn't come up with much. If there are old dead website links you have bookmarked, you might try plugging the URLs into archive.org (http://www.archive.org/) and seeing if you can recover anything.

Anyway, pulling us back on topic: more furry bb! UnderPressure continues to post good stuff:
- Bad Idea #29 (http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/705173/)
- Stud or Dud (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=6r2efc&s=5) (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2174486/))
- Cruel Sign (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=9saq0n&s=5) (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2187198/))
- Inflata-Bull (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2hz7s7d&s=5) (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2190207/))
- Pillory and Targets (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=kbemjd&s=5) (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2196734/))

And this as well: http://yiffstar.com/?pid=82363

04-17-2009, 02:22 PM
Hey nice stuff Poiu hope your Dragon stories will be here soon.But in the mean time I found two more pics from Furaffinity.

04-18-2009, 01:19 AM
That's an amazing thread !
I'd like to contribute with a link to a great set of drawings :



04-18-2009, 11:46 PM
Not immediately certain how that's related... :P

I just realized there's some really good James Corck stuff that I've never posted here! A few of these are reposts, but about half are new:


04-26-2009, 10:26 PM
Posted 2 new stories and thought i would share them here

A warning These are a continuation of my Stallion storie and have some pretty Graphic scenes.

This is a continuation to the Original Stallion story i posted. I would have posted this a lot earlier but it was lost on an old hard drive and just recently recovered.Please send me any comments on it (please note this story is unfinished )
[STRAIGHT] [PENECTOMY] [Furry,Femdom,Slavery]

This is a side story from the world of stallion, In which you get to learn more about Leria
([STRAIGHT] [WARNING] [PENECTOMY] [Furry, Femdom,Branding]

04-28-2009, 08:35 PM
Got a new picture in from UnderPressure over at FA^^.Also another new one that was too big to upload,Enjoy ^^


05-11-2009, 06:10 PM
Gah! How has the furry thread fallen so far? It's on the third page, for crying out loud...yeesh.

Anyway, I don't have anything new completed yet, but in the spirit of making sure this thread doesn't disappear off the face of the earth, here's an excerpt. I assume you'll recognize this narrator:

I was down on the docks picking up some fish for dinner that night when I first ran into him. He was this skinny little dolphin kid around my age, a bottlenose, just lounging around and wasting time. That wasn't so unusual -- there were plenty of people who hung around the dock -- but what caught my eye was what he was wearing. I guess he must have been jogging earlier or something, because he was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of running shorts that didn't leave much to the imagination. My gaze was immediately drawn to the two sizable bulges that were his testicles, parked beneath an equally-impressive bulge that could only be his cock. He certainly wasn't shy about his equipment -- and why would he be, with tackle like that?

I licked my lips. Of course, being the girl I am, I had an appreciation for a fine pair of balls, and I couldn't very well leave without giving 'em a quick feel...or a kick. He was by himself, fortunately, so I snuck up behind him as quietly as I could and tapped him on the shoulder. "Um, excuse me?" I asked, putting on my most innocent look.

"Yeah?" He turned to face me, legs wide open...perfect. Before he had a chance to do anything else, I slammed my knee up into his crotch, pulverizing that tight package. It was a great hit -- he was completely unprepared, and I got him just right, hitting so hard that I lifted him into the air. I felt the twin orbs flatten against my thigh and gave myself a mental pat on the back -- he'd be hurting for a while from that kind of a knee. He let out a startled "oomph" at the blow, his body tensing, and his eyes went sorta unfocused...pretty typical stuff for a guy who's just been racked. I waited until he locked eyes with me, then pulled my knee back in order to let him fall, waiting for him to crumple onto his knees. But he didn't.

At first I was confused -- maybe I hadn't hit him as hard as I thought? -- but when I looked down, his legs were quivering, barely supporting his weight. I'd definitely busted him good, but somehow he was staying upright. He wasn't even hunched over! Any guy in his right mind would be holding his balls, at least trying to protect himself, but he was just standing there like I hadn't even hit him. I could still see those two lumps in his shorts -- rearranged a bit by my knee, but otherwise as plump and healthy-looking as ever.

Finally the dolphin seemed to gather his thoughts, a pained but amused look spreading across his face. "Is that all you got?" he asked, grinning.

I was too stunned for a response, so I just did the first thing that came to mind: I hauled off and kicked him in the dolphinmakers, as hard as I could. I was in bare feet, and all he had on were those tight-fitting shorts, so I could feel his nuts as I made contact. I knew I'd caught 'em both, slamming them up into the pelvis, following all the way through with my kick to make sure his eggs were nice and scrambled. It was a textbook ballbust, the kind my mother would be proud of, and the look on his face said the same thing -- score one for Kayla. I held my foot there for another moment, juggling his balls with my toes before pulling back to let him drop to the ground.

I watched him struggle with himself for a moment. His eyes were bugged out just a bit as his body tried to process the pain coming from his groin, the flood of signals racing up his spine. He started to bend over, knees buckling -- then stopped and began straightening again, slowly but surely. From the way his body shook, he was obviously in agony, but somehow he managed to hold it together, his legs still spread.

Well. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed -- I hadn't met the male yet who could stay standing after a kick like that. And he still wasn't even covering himself! His fins twitched, obviously eager to cover the twin orbs between his legs before I could crush 'em again, but he managed to keep them to his sides, leaving his hefty nuts open to whatever torture I had next. Almost like he wanted me to kick 'em again. The idea was tempting.

"Mmmgh." He gasped, still grinning despite the obvious pain. "C-Come on, you can do better than that."

I had to laugh. He had guts, if maybe not brains, and I liked that. "Are you looking to get your balls popped?"

"Depends," he grunted, still fighting to maintain his balance. He gave me the best sly look he could, given the circumstances. "Will you be doing the popping?"

Y'know, it's strange -- I got compliments from guys all the time, on things like my looks or my personality, but they rarely affected as much as his little remark did. I felt a blush rising to my cheeks, which was only aided by the sight of the bow-legged dolphin boy in front of me. Damnit, he was so cute trying not to buckle over! I couldn't take it. Without another word I turned away, preparing to leave -- but not before flicking my tail up sharply between his legs, my flukes striking his ballsac with an audible smack.

That, apparently, was enough: the male lost all pretense of composure and toppled to his knees, fins moving to cup his battered groin. "Oh fuck," he groaned, curling up on the ground.

I smiled to myself and left.

C'mon people, let's bring this thread back to life! Try writing or drawing something!

05-12-2009, 09:52 PM
Awesome stuff!!

I lost the rest of mine in a hard drive failure. Haven't had the fortitude to re-write it. Somehow that's just plain discouraging to try and re-do something.

05-13-2009, 10:12 AM

05-13-2009, 07:42 PM
Awesome stuff!!

I lost the rest of mine in a hard drive failure. Haven't had the fortitude to re-write it. Somehow that's just plain discouraging to try and re-do something.

I'm sorry, man, that sucks :/ I had a similar thing happen a couple of years ago and lost a bunch of stuff, including a couple old stories. It's pretty disheartening.

On another note, I've really gotta put some time aside to write more hippo girl stuff. I haven't put anything with her down on paper since I finished the last chapter, but I've certainly had enough thoughts. Just imagine what she (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2180739/) could do to your balls...*shiver*

05-13-2009, 10:42 PM
Huttah, now I have a mental image to work with! Time to get a-working again.

05-15-2009, 09:12 PM
For the record, I shamelessly stole some ideas from poiu. Guy's just crazy creative, I am but an amateur.

Not a masterpiece, by any stretch, I'm starting to notice the limits to my vocabulary. Consider this an exercise on my part and you all are privy to it. :P

Rolling to his side and looking up at her, terrified, the rat shakily asked, "...w-whaddaya gonna do?"

She looked down at him and snickered, eyes fixated on his swollen and angry pink ballbag, all unprotected. "Whatever I want, I think," she said, winking at him.

Pausing, the curvy hippo stepped back to observe her work, making a slow circle around the fallen rodent.

Under the mistaken impression that she'd left, or at least walked far enough away, Mik made what he would later call a "really, really bad choice": he tried to get away. Arms tied behind his back, the young rat kicked at the ground, frantically attempting to get his legs under him and his body off the ground. Unable to support himself, all he could do was awkwardly lift his butt into the air, legs spread wide.

Looking more amused than anything, the hippo crossed her arms and watched Mik's display. That is to say, she kept her eyes at the joining of his lean thighs, watching his nutsack bounce and swing, ricocheting off of his thighs, waiting for the perfect opportunity to crack those ratmakers up against him again. She even circled around to keep up the illusion that she wasn't watching his every move.

It didn't take long before she got her chance. In a position that would make most gymnasts envious, Mik's left leg was bent and his foot planted on the ground, his knee against his side. The other was straight out to the side, splayed and leaving his tender plums wide open.


Taking two steps, the large gal gathered some momentum and punted Mik in the 'nads with all she had. Her broad foot caught both of the already swollen testies, flattening them into his pelvis and lifting his lithe frame right up in the air. He let out an agonized, shuddering moan, every bit of air rushing from his lungs at once. In that instant, before his brain clouded over with the pain, Mik wondered if his balls had ruptured. He'd heard it was possible but had never known of it actually happening.

Landing in a heap, curling up again, the poor and battered rat wailed and squealed, trying to cover himself up but unable to. Nearly in a fit of giggles, the hippo walked over to him again and bent over, her big hands on her knees and bending over deeply, grinning ear to ear.

"I don't remember -saying- you could go. I thought we'd already talked about asking before doing," she teased, not that her audience could hear too well.

She let him whimper and whine for a few moments before stepping in again, kicking Mik onto his back and grabbing at his bent legs, momentarily distracted by how dense the muscle felt. She squeezed and felt along his calves, pressing into the taut flesh under his fur and giving an appreciative nod. That's when Mik found his voice again, and managed to make things even worse for himself.

He spat at her, eyes and cheeks dampened down and looking as furious as ever. "W-when they find me they gonna kill you!" he sneered.

Snickering, the hippo shook her head. "I'd THINK that you'd want to get on my good side right now. After all, I got a good bargaining chip right here!" she said, wriggling a surprisingly strong arm between Mik's thighs and gripping at his plump sack.

"S-stop!! Please!!"

The hippo perked up. "Oh, suddenly it's 'please'! Five minutes ago I thought you were going to have me killed. All right, over."

She said it, but there was no need as the twisting of her hand and the pushing of her other arm roughly ****** Mik to roll onto his back. What took some more struggle was getting his legs to lie flat. Fortunately for her, his reflexive fight to keep his thighs pressed together meant one hard tug later and Mik's oversized nuts were resting on the back of his legs just under his butt. Sitting on his back and tucking his tail under her leg, the hippo used her substantial weight to keep him down while she pondered the next round.

For now, she decided to simply fiddle with her new toy. One strong finger pressed into his left testicle, making it dimple. Mik jolted and whined pathetically.

"I can't take any more!" he squealed, leg and butt muscles tensing up with each subsequent jab, poke, and finger flick.

The hippo just laughed, "I'm not even doing anything. After those kicks I'm surprised you can even feel a couple-a little pokes." She hummed, spreading her middle two fingers so the "neck" of Mik's ballbag could slide between, cradling the angry jewels in her palm. "Then again, these things are a lot bigger than most your age, must mean they're even more sensitive."

Pinching his right gonad between her thick thumb and forefinger, she started to squeeze. First it was gentle, but then the pressure increased. It was a slow escalation, letting her listen to his cries while that firm nut started to flatten out.

"Leggo!! Now!!" Mik screeched, although it had a more desperate than commanding tone.

Letting out a little sigh that would be more at home coming from an annoyed schoolteacher, the hippo did stop, but she didn't let go. "I'm starting to think your mother never taught you any manners. Now what was that again?"

Starting to get angry again, the pain fading from a sharp agony to a dull, throbbing ache, Mik's voice gradually returned. "I said leggo you fat hippo!"

"Wrong!" the hippo chimed, her free hand clapping down on that bare scrotum, the sound joined with another round of howling from the young male. She watched the heavy pouch bounce before raising her hand again. "One more time. What do you say?"

Huffing and panting, his face buried in the ground, Mik miserably responded. "...leggo, PLEASE."

Smiling and nodding. "Thatta boy! Doesn't that feel better?" Unfortunately, she didn't let go. Instead, the hippo altered her grip. She curled her strong fingers in a fist under Mik's ballsack, leaving it trapped in a stretch of skin just above it, not even able to escape to what limited extent they could a second ago. Mik was confused and frantic, struggling weakly beneath her.

"B... but I said please!!"

The hippo reached back and patted Mik on the head. "I know you did, dear, but this is to make sure you remember the lesson."

If Mik wanted to howl out in protest, he never got the chance. That big hand of the hippo's came down in a harsh slap to the right side of his trapped sack, backhanding it again on the left. She went back and forth, ears soaking up the loud meaty cracks of flesh on flesh impact and the awful cries that followed each one. After three rounds of the cruel ball slapping, she paused and looked back at him.

"You look like you were a little older than your friend. What are you? 14? 15?"

Through the fog of his pained mind, Mik thought back to the village, when puberty hit. He was indeed a little older than his friends, and his balls had dropped first out of all of them, making him the most popular male in the clan. He'd had his way with some of the girls and been the envy of the younger ones. Those weighty testicles had been his pride and joy, and they'd carried his confidence all the way up to this encounter. Now, he almost regretted having them. Verbally, though, all he could do in response was moan and feebly writhe.

Impatient, the hippo lifted her broad hips and thumped down on his back. "Hello!" she called. Still moaning and blubbering, it was obvious the rat was out of commission. She snickered. "We'll say 14."

That meant eight more agonizing slaps for the already near-*********** rat, but the hippo made good on her word to deliver each one. If anyone WAS coming to poor Mik's rescue, they'd easily be able to hear his screams no matter how far off they were. The hippo, for her part, was having an absolute blast. After that last slap, she looked back over her shoulder at him, "I'm almost tempted to take you home!"

Sensing it was about time to wrap things up, the curvy hippo lady licked her lips. "Now that's fourteen... and one to grow on!" With that, she balled her hand into a fist and gave one last thumping punch into Mik's tenderized nuts. The rodent spasmed and screeched one last time before going limp. She just snickered, rolling his balls in her hand lightly, feeling them almost gingerly.

"And they're still together. I really -should- take you home. But... I'm sure there will be plenty of girls back where you live who'll be interested in what happened." She stood up with a grunt, untied Mik's hands, and let him roll onto his back again, where she put his loincloth back where it was supposed to go. She pinched his cheek and chortled. "You're cute. I'll be keeping an eye out for you."

With that, the busty hippo squinted at her surroundings, perking up. "Oh THAT's the path back home..." she said, chuckling at herself and smacking her forehead in a "no duh" kind of way, walking on down that road. Before she'd gotten too far, her ears picked up a few sounds. She turned, listening to the gaggle of rats carefully approaching their fallen friend.

"Jeezus, didja SEE dat?"

"I thought she's gonna kill im!"

"My nuts hurt just WATCHIN..."

"I'mma tell dad, he'll teach 'er if she eva comes out here again!"

A smirk on her face, she made a mental note to "accidentally" stumble down this way some other time. For now, though, she had to get home and... reflect.

05-18-2009, 12:50 PM
Yes! So good! I think Mik learned his lesson alright. Here's hoping some of the rat girls back at the village follow after the hippo's example :P

Captain K
05-22-2009, 03:58 AM
so i herd you like ballbusting

05-22-2009, 01:23 PM
Is it bad that I read that and expected to see a Mudkip being kicked in the balls?

That reminds me, I /need/ to finish the next chapter of my Pokemon story. It's just sitting in my writing folder, 90% done...and it's been that way for at least a month. Dunno why I've got such a writing block over it :P

05-23-2009, 07:45 PM
so i herd you like ballbusting

You happen to have the full-size pic that your avatar came from? it's come from the thread and I can't find it anywhere.

Captain K
05-26-2009, 04:01 AM
Here you go.

05-26-2009, 10:03 PM
Here you go.

Ahhhh, there she be. :ibow4u:

05-30-2009, 12:37 AM
That was impressive! Moar I say! Moar! :D

i'm a furry i like ballbusting

Captain K
05-30-2009, 07:04 PM
One more for the road.

Captain K
06-02-2009, 11:42 PM
some ballbusting and cbt of the same character. the only cbt stuff ive seen lately

06-03-2009, 02:21 PM
Nothing as graphic as the last few, but still cute.

06-03-2009, 10:47 PM
"not only will he never bread again"

MAN I laughed at that for a while.

06-15-2009, 06:45 PM
I almost have something new done! It's a continuation of the Pokemon thing I did a while back, and it should be here within another day or two. In the meantime, here's a little snippet that didn't quite fit in the final version...because I can't bear to see the furry thread fall off the front page for long :P

"Spread your legs more, dear."

Leon fought back a groan as he obeyed the order, trying to ignore the leaden ache radiating from his groin as he lay on the examination table. Goddamn it.

"Now this'll only take a moment," soothed the Chansey, smiling down at her patient, "but it may not feel very pleasant, so try to focus on something else, okay? I'll be as gentle as I can."

"Got it," the Charmeleon grunted, trying to distract himself by focusing on the cracks in the ceiling. At least this time he knew what to expect.

It had been a couple of weeks now, since the whole thing had started -- since he'd been unwittingly and unwillingly dragged to the front of the classroom for a 'harmless' little demonstration. That demonstration, of course, had involved a Nidoqueen bashing his balls until he wasn't sure they worked anymore...then sucking them dry to prove that they did. His nuts had ached inside and out afterwards. That was what had sent him to the nurse's office the first time, to make sure nothing was broken. Luckily, nothing was, and after a few days Leon felt about as normal as he ever had.

Unfortunately for the Charmeleon, though, it hadn't quite ended there. Ever since, the Nidoqueen had made a habit of swatting his nuts whenever she got the chance: a playful slap after class, a backhand in the hallway, whatever she could get away with. It wasn't exactly pleasant, as any male would tell you, but Leon did his best to grin and bear it. It was meant to be flirtatious, after all...and he certainly didn't mind the 'attention' she'd occasionally give him afterwards. Besides, she never really hit him hard, not like she had that first time.

Until today, anyway, the Charmeleon reminded himself, wincing at the nurse's touch on his aching orbs. He'd dropped some books in the hallway after classes, and was on his hands and knees picking them up. Of course, he wasn't paying attention, and that was when the Nidoqueen just happened to be walking by, and...well, next thing he knew, there was a foot in his crotch and stars dancing in front of his eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry, hon, but I couldn't resist with 'em just dangling there. You've gotta learn to watch your back!"

Bitch, thought Leon to himself...anyway, he'd lay there crumpled up for a few minutes before painfully dragging himself over to the nurse's office, which was where he was now, checking once again to make sure things were operational. Because they sure didn't feel that way, with the way that kick had crushed 'em up against--

"Well," said the Chansey, interrupting his train of thought, "everything seems to be in working order."

The Charmeleon breathed a sigh of relief. "You're sure?" he croaked.

The female smiled. "You started with two, right? They're both there. They'll probably be swollen for a day or two, though, so take it easy for a little while. Sexual activity would probably be a bit painful."

Leon blushed. Not like I'm getting much anyway. "Okay."

"That's all I needed to say, so I guess we're done...are you feeling well enough to walk?"

"I think so," he replied, sitting up slowly. He glanced down at his groin, frowning at the two tender lumps for a moment before climbing to his feet, cupping his balls in one paw to minimize any jostling. He took a few hesitant steps towards the door, cringing at the dull ache in his gut as he hobbled forward. "Yeah, I think I'll be alright. Thanks."

The nurse smiled to herself for a moment, watching the male make his slow exit. "Y'know, there's a saying among Chanseys that seems strangely applicable here."

Leon paused, turning. "And that is...?"

"Take care of your eggs -- if they break, you don't get new ones." The female blushed lightly. "I mean, we're usually talking about a different kind of egg, but I think it's still useful advice in your case. Be a bit more careful, alright?"

The Charmeleon grimaced. "Thanks, I'll, uh...I'll keep that in mind."

06-19-2009, 06:16 AM
Keep your eye out for the ice age trailers, apparently the new "Scratte" Is not only mean to Scrat, but also delivers a solid kick in the nuts from behind, during one of her scenes. I attempted to find a video, but couldn't.

06-19-2009, 08:43 PM
I saw it, but it's kinda not really that good. I mean, c'mon. It's a goofy little CGI Scrat. A funny shot, to be sure, but if yer gettin' that on a sexual level I dunno what to tell ya.

06-19-2009, 10:12 PM
Okay, so here we go, next chapter of the Pokemon thing from forever ago (http://femaledom.com/forum/showpost.php?p=48101&postcount=52). I gotta be honest -- there's not a ton of BB here, at least not beyond verbal, but I'm hoping you'll forgive me given that the next chapter is set up to be one giant ballbusting party. So yeah. Enjoy!

"Hey, Leon?"

"Hmm?" He glanced up from his review sheet.

"Listen, I...uh." Kara paused for a moment. "I have a big favor to ask."

The Charmeleon nodded. "Sure, what's up?"

"Well, since the Weak Spots midterm is on Monday, my roommates and I were wondering if you could, um." The Kadabra blushed slightly. "If you could help us review over the weekend."

He smiled. "Of course! But...you realize I'm getting like a C in that class right now, right? I'm probably not the best choice in the world to help you review."

The female blushed even harder. "See, that's the thing. We were hoping you could help us with some of the earlier stuff, since you've got a...better grasp on the material."

"A better grasp on what?"

"Uh...remember the first lesson?"

Leon frowned in thought for a moment. "No, actually. Remind me what it was about?"

The Kadabra looked down at her hands. "Um...males."

"Oh." A flash of recognition. "Ohhhh."

Kara saw the look on his face and immediately regretted asking. "Yeah, um, I know it's a really awkward request, so it's totally cool if you'd rather not--"

"No, no," the Charmeleon assured her nervously, "it's, uh...it's fine, really. I'd be glad to help out."

"Really?" The Kadabra was doubtful. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "I mean...we're friends, right? That's what friends do. As long as you're not going to, like, beat the crap out of me or anything--"

"O-of course," she reassured, "I mean, we don't want to hurt you or anything."

"Then yeah." He smiled. "I'm in."

"Cool! Cool. Thanks, Leon." She grinned cautiously. "You're awesome."


"Wait," Leon asked, "how on earth did you manage to get a practice field all to yourself in the middle of midterms?"

"I didn't get it 'all to myself,' there are five of us," the Kadabra countered, unlocking the door. "Besides, Willow works here part-time, so she's got some connections. We pulled some strings and got it for the afternoon."

"Sweet deal." The male followed as she opened the door to reveal a small indoor stadium: a smooth, clay field flanked on either side by a few rows of bleachers. In the middle of the room were a trio of female Pokemon, chatting amongst themselves and stretching to loosen up. Apparently they hadn't heard the door open -- Leon blushed and politely averted his eyes from the Vaporeon still bent over in front of him, reaching to touch her toes and giving him a clear look at her rear in the process.

"Hey everybody," announced Kara loudly, tossing down her bookbag. "We're here."

The three looked up at the Kadabra's words, giving Leon a better look at who he was dealing with. Besides the curvy Vaporeon he'd just been not-ogling, there appeared to be a Jolteon, who was still in the middle of a quad stretch, and a flexible-looking Weavile, who currently had one leg up behind her head. The Charmeleon fought back a blush as the Vaporeon straightened up and started speaking.

"Hey! I'm guessing you're Leon?" The female offered a paw. "The name's Por."

"Por," he repeated. "Cool. Nice to meet you."

"You too," she replied, smiling. "Thanks so much for agreeing to help us out like this -- I know it's kind of an awkward situation, so we really appreciate it."

This time the Charmeleon did blush. "It's, uh, it's no problem. You'd do the same for me, right?"

The Vaporeon cocked an eye at the male's remark, but before Leon had time to think about why, he was interrupted. "Hey there," said the Weavile, who appeared to have untangled herself and climbed to her feet. "Glad you could make it -- I'm Willow."

Leon nodded. "Cool. And you are...?"

"Joule," the Jolteon replied, glancing over her shoulder mid-stretch. "Give me just a sec and I'll be with you."

"Come on, Joule, you can finish warming up later," replied Por. "Come say hi!"

"I said gimme a sec," the Jolteon insisted with a grunt.

"Oh, whatever." The Vaporeon rolled her eyes and gave Leon an amused look. "Forgive her; she's not the politest thing in the world."

Leon smiled. "Heh, it's no problem."

"I heard that," Joule said, finishing her stretches and coming to join the group. "Think you can talk about a girl behind her back, huh?" She mock-pouted. "My own sister bad-mouthing me...I never thought I'd see the day."

Por slapped her lightly on the shoulder. "Oh be quiet, you big whiner."

"So...you two are sisters, then?" Leon asked.

"Yep!" said Joule with a grin. "Twins, as a matter of fact."

"Identical twins, actually," Por continued. "Though it's a bit harder to tell ever since we evolved."

"Heh -- that's cool." The Charmeleon glanced quickly between the two Eeveelutions, trying to spot the resemblance, before Kara interrupted his train of thought.

"Alright," piped up the Kadabra, "looks like we've all met each other now, but just in case: Leon, these are my roommates; roommates, this is my friend Leon. He's offered to help us study today. I know Willow managed to get us the room for the afternoon, but that's still not a ton of time, so we should probably get right down to, uh...to business."

"Yeah, um, I was going to ask..." Willow scratched her head sheepishly. "How exactly are we planning to do this? I mean, I've got a lot of...questions, but Leon, I don't want to make you too uncomfortable."

"Right, right," the Charmeleon replied nervously, fiddling with his claws. "Well, uh...we might as well be up front about things, right? No point making this any more awkward than it already is. We're studying groin attacks. I'm here because I'm a male, which means I'm, uh...vulnerable in that kind of scenario." He winced as he spoke, trying not to think too hard about what he was setting himself up for.

"So then, are you okay with us trying some things out?" asked Por. "I mean, I think it would probably be helpful for all of us to get a bit of hands-on experience."

The Charmeleon felt a touch of uneasiness, wondering why exactly he'd agreed to come in the first place. "Maybe. I mean, I knew coming in you'd all probably want to try stuff." He swallowed nervously. "It's cool. Just take it easy. They're...sensitive."

"Of course," Kara agreed, nodding.

"Well...why don't we start by just looking at them?" suggested Por. "I mean, I've never really sat down and examined a guy's balls before."

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Kara glanced at Leon. "Cool with you?"

Leon nodded. "Yeah. L-lemme grab a seat and we can go from there."

"Sweet." Kara gestured to the rest of the group. "Come on, let's sit down by the bleachers."

The Charmeleon tried to quickly gather his thoughts as he walked over, the four females following closely behind him. He felt slightly queasy. They certainly seemed like a nice enough bunch...it was the thought of what they wanted to do to him that made his stomach do flips. He wondered if there was still time to change his mind and leave. Still, it was Kara who had asked him here in the first place -- the Kadabra girl he'd had a crush on since the first few weeks of school -- and it was hard to turn down that kind of request. Particularly when she gave that cute little smile...he shook his head. Not a time for daydreaming.

Leon took a seat and watched as the others formed a semicircle around him, seated on the floor so as to have a better view of the proceedings. Hesitantly he glanced at Kara -- she flashed him a quick smile of encouragement, and his fear was eased a little. Well, thought Leon, guess there's no point in backing out now. The Charmeleon took a breath to settle himself, then spread his legs and shifted forward in his seat, exposing himself to the crowd of females. Gently he lifted his cock out of the way, hefting his heavy balls in a paw.

"So uh, yeah," he said, as casually as he could. "Here are my nuts."

"Wow." Willow looked impressed. "They're bigger than I thought."

"Seriously," echoed Por.

Leon blushed. "Yeah, I'm, uh...I got a bit lucky in that department."

"Well, that just makes things easier for us," grinned Joule. "More of a pawful." She glanced up at the Charmeleon, flexing the fingers on one hand. "May I?"

"Hmm?" Leon blinked. "Oh, you mean...s-sure. Just...be careful."

"Of course," she assured, slipping her paws around the fire-type's ballsac.

Leon inhaled at the sensation as the female fondled him, gently rubbing the twin orbs. The fire-type was suddenly very glad to be holding his cock out of the way -- it twitched eagerly against his paw, responding healthily to the welcome stimulation despite whatever concerns he might have. He exhaled slowly, trying to calm his libido down. He wasn't exactly sure how his new acquaintances would react to a hard-on -- or for that matter, what Kara would think. No point in making the situation any more awkward than it already was.

Kara noticed the Charmeleon's sudden tenseness. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" she asked. "You seem really nervous."

Leon nodded slowly, hoping the Kadabra wasn't picking up on the real cause of his concern. "Yeah, it's...it's cool. It's just a weird situation, you know? It's not often you have a roomful of people checking out your junk." He inhaled again as Joule gently adjusted her grip. "Besides, last time I was involved in a demonstration like this, things got pretty painful pretty fast."

Willow frowned for a moment, and then a look of recognition spread slowly across her face. "Wait. You're...you're not the Charmeleon that the professor demonstrated on, are you? On the first day of class?"

"Y'mean the one who got his balls squeezed?" asked Por.

The fire-type blushed. "Um, yeah, actually, that was me."

"Oh wow." The Weavile's eyes widened. "That was pretty brutal -- I'm sure you were too distracted to notice, but a lot of the guys were speechless afterwards. Even a lot of the girls. Your nuts were alright?"

"Yeah...I'm surprised they're not flat," added the Jolteon, still rolling the orbs gently between her fingers.

Leon coughed nervously. "A-after a while, yeah. It hurts like you wouldn't believe, but a guy's nuts are actually pretty tough, when it comes down to it." For a moment the Charmeleon appeared to be thinking about something else, a hint of a grin on his face. "They can, uh...they can get the job done even after something like that."

"Well, I'm glad," Willow said, watching Joule play with the male's ballsac. "I was worried for you."

Por suppressed a laugh. "You? Worried?"

"I was!" the Weavile replied indignantly.

"Yeah right." The Vaporeon snickered. "Interested, maybe. As I recall, that night you gave us all a rather...detailed description of how his nuts must have popped under that Nidoqueen's tail slam."

Willow turned beet red. "We-we were doing the homework! You asked me how much damage an attack like that would do!"

Por rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and then you spent about ten minutes hypothesizing on what it'd be like to be a guy with a scrotum full of mush."

"Well I--!" the Weavile stuttered, flustered. She bit her lip. "I...I was curious, okay?"

"Girls, please," Kara said, interjecting swiftly, "can we stop talking about this? Honestly, he's sitting in the room and you're talking about popping his..." The Kadabra cut herself off, giving the male a look that was equal parts mortification and pity. "Listen, Leon, I'm sorry."

"N-no, no, it's fine," the Charmeleon reassured her shakily, swallowing at the sudden dryness in his mouth. "I mean, I, uh...I kinda thought they had popped too, for a second, so I guess I can...I can understand the curiosity."

"See?" Willow offered weakly. "I wasn't the only one."

Kara shot her an aggravated glare.

"Well, I can confirm that he's definitely got both his nuts," said Joule amusedly, letting the fire-type's testicles slip from her grasp. "Or good prosthetics, at least. Someone else want a look?"

"Don't let Willow take 'em," teased Por. "Unless you want them liquified."

Willow rolled her eyes. "Har har. Don't worry about me; I think I know how they work. Kara, you want a go?"

"Yeah." She looked at Leon, smiling. "Are you cool with me using Psychic?"

The Charmeleon thought of the last time he and Kara had practice-sparred, which had ended with her flinging him psychically into the wall. "Um. Wouldn't that hurt?"

"Oh no no no," she backpedalled, "not like when we battle. I'm not gonna do anything to 'em, it just allows me to get a better look at things."

Leon frowned. "Alright then, I guess."

"Great." The Kadabra held out her trademark spoon, the tip starting to glow with a blue light. "Just relax -- this'll only take a second."

The male had barely opened his mouth to ask what she meant when suddenly he felt...something unfamiliar downstairs. It was hard to explain -- it felt sort of like someone was groping him, with cold paws that were somehow warm at the same time. Of course, he could guess who was doing it, and a glance at his crotch confirmed that his ballsac was now surrounded by a faint blue glow. He watched for a moment as his nuts were gently moved around, trying not to squirm at the Kadabra's invisible touch.

"Urf," he coughed. "This is...different."

"Just a second," Kara muttered, her eyes closed in concentration.

And then, just as suddenly as it had started, it was over. The Charmeleon let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding, a paw moving to rub his balls.

"Thanks, Leon," said Kara, opening her eyes. "Hope it didn't hurt."

"It was, uh, it was fine," said the fire-type, stumbling over his words. He continued to feel himself, trying to shake the bizarre feeling and wondering why it hadn't been more enjoyable to be fondled by his biggest crush.

"That looked fun," commented Joule.

"Yeah, it was interesting." Kara blinked. "They're kinda slimy without the sac in the way, actually."

"My turn!" Por interjected. She slid forward, resting on her knees in front of the Charmeleon, and grinned up at the male. "I've been looking forward to this."

Leon shivered as the Vaporeon took hold of his sac, his skin tingling in response to the water-type's touch. Damn type weaknesses, he thought, trying not to gasp at the sudden jump in sensitivity. And damn Vaporeon girls for being so hot... His body seemed extra-aware of every move she made, and considering what she was doing...well, the erection he'd been worried about before was definitely back. Once again, he discreetly held it against his stomach with a hand, hoping it wasn't too obvious.

Por glanced up at the male with a hint of a smile as she weighed his balls in her paw, raising an eyebrow at their heaviness. "Man, these things have gotta be full," she muttered, rolling the twin orbs between her fingers. "You need to get off more often."

Leon blushed and tried to ignore the throb his cock gave in response. This was not the time, the Charmeleon reminded himself. Even if she was attractive. And even if she was technically naked and kneeling between his legs. Even so, he could feel his defenses slowly melting away, the heat from his tailflame increasing with each second. Already there were dirty thoughts swirling around in his mind: the Vaporeon on her hands and knees, or maybe flat on her back...

Just then, the Charmeleon was brought sharply back down to earth as Por gave his nut an experimental squeeze. "Ooogh," grunted Leon, bending slightly at the waist, "that's...mmph...warn me before you do that?"

"Por," Kara scolded.

"Sorry," the Vaporeon replied sheepishly. "Didn't mean to squeeze so hard. How's this?" She resumed her more gentle massage.

Just about perfect, thought Leon as he relaxed once more. Maybe this wasn't such a bad gig after all, not as long as it involved a crowd of female 'mon doing things like this. His eyes slipped shut as she continued her ministrations, his arms drifting lazily to his sides as he resumed his earlier daydreaming. That's right -- the Vaporeon on her back, legs spread, waiting for him. He could almost taste it--

"Well, looks like somebody likes attention." Willow smirked. "Por, you tease."

Leon snapped out of his reverie and looked confused for a moment before tracing the Weavile's look down to the pink length standing out proudly from his groin. Whoops. So much for subtlety. "S-Sorry about that," he stuttered sheepishly.

"Don't be," Por replied, smiling. "It's a compliment. And from the looks of it, a big compliment, too."

The Charmeleon blushed and looked up at the rest of the group to apologize before realizing that no one seemed upset, or even surprised. He turned to Kara with a questioning look, only to get a shy smile and a wink in reply. Willow looked like she'd been waiting for this all along; Joule looked like she was waiting for something to happen next. Leon cleared his throat, trying to gather his thoughts. "Are the rest of you alright?"

Joule grinned back at him. "Of course. Why wouldn't we be?"

"Well, y'know." He winced.

From between his legs, Por giggled. "Leon, I'm fondling your junk -- it's not a problem if you react to it. Like I said, it's a compliment." With that she climbed to her feet, leaving Leon and rejoining the rest of the group.

Despite the embarrassment of the situation, Leon couldn't help but steal another glance at the female's rear as she turned away. "Then, uh...what do we do now? I hate to be rude, but..." He swallowed. "Would you mind if I step out for a minute?"

The girls looked at each other for a moment, silently consulting, and then Joule took a step forward, quickly kneeling down and taking her sister's place. She looked up at the male. "Listen, you wanted to be up front about things, right Leon?"

"Right," he answered nervously.

She placed her hands on his knees, leaning in towards the Charmeleon. "Well then, let's be up front. You're a male and you've got four females who want to check out your junk. We all knew you were going to get hard. That's totally natural. Hell, if you weren't hard I'd be worried -- it'd mean that Nidoqueen did break your balls."

"I, uh--" Leon stuttered, searching for a response.

"Well, here's the deal," the Jolteon continued, sliding her hands slowly up the Charmeleon's thighs. "Obviously, you're a really nice guy. Nice enough to let us beat up your balls a bit without even asking for anything back, which is a pretty sweet deal for us. But...we talked about this beforehand, and we didn't really think that was a fair trade, so we'd like to do something for you, too."

"Mmm?" The male was sweating now; the female's paws were getting dangerously close to the pole of flesh jutting out from his groin.

The Jolteon looked up at him slyly, clearly enjoying his discomfort. "Well, since we're getting all 'hands-on' with you already, we figured it couldn't hurt to get a little more...intimate, as well. Let's just say this piece of meat is looking pretty tasty..." -- Leon inhaled sharply as she wrapped a paw around his straining length -- "...and the four of us haven't been laid in quite a while." The Jolteon grinned straight at him. "If you're interested in us, we're more than interested in you."

"W-what?" Leon shot Kara a stunned look; the Kadabra simply blushed and looked down at her feet.

"Oh come on," said Por, "you didn't seriously think the four of us could ask you to come let us check out your package without anything sexual attached to it, did you?"

The Charmeleon tried to process the situation. "S-so then...is this whole thing just a come-on for sex?" he asked, trying keep his voice steady as the Jolteon ran a finger along his throbbing maleness.

"Well...yes and no," Joule replied. "We actually do want to look at your balls to help prep for the Weak Spots final. We just figured that while you were here, we might as well make it an afternoon."

"And night, if you've got the stamina," Willow added.

"...It seemed fair," Kara said, looking up at the Charmeleon with a smile. "I mean, you're doing us all a huge favor, and I'm really--...I mean, we're all really into you." She blushed again. "We thought maybe we could make the whole process a little more enjoyable for everyone."

It was hard not to get caught up in the sensation of the paw gliding up and down his shaft, but the Kadabra's words and the thought of what he had originally come here to do brought Leon back to earth. "W-wait...so what exactly do you want to do right now?"

"Well," Joule replied, "that's an interesting question." She looked down at the Charmeleon's cock as she spoke, slowly pumping the length in her paw. "On the one hand, I'm already having a pretty good time playing with Leon Jr. here. On the other hand, we do actually need to study your nuts, and we've only got the room for the afternoon. So here's my proposal." She let go of his member for a moment. "First you let the four of us try out some things on your balls -- which is going to be painful, I know. Then afterwards, you come back with the four of us to our room, and we all...help you feel a bit better."

Leon tried to ignore the way his cock twitched at those last few words, or the way it ached for the Jolteon's paw to start stroking again. He swallowed. "What...what do you want to do to my balls?"

"We were thinking some kicks and knees and things," Willow answered. "Enough to see how a male really reacts. None of us have really hit a guy in the nuts before, so we were kind of hoping for some real-world experience."

"We'll play nice," Joule continued, reaching down and hefting the Charmeleon's sack in her paw. "After all, we want to be sure they still work afterwards."

Leon swallowed nervously. "I'm, uh...I'm not sure you all realize how much it actually hurts to get hit down there. I can't just let you whale on me for an hour."

"Of course not," Kara replied. "We know you've got limits -- we'll be careful."

"Yeah," Por agreed, nodding. "Safety first, right? We're not gonna let you get hurt."

The words were reassuring, but the Charmeleon was still less than convinced. "I know, I just..." He bit his lip, hesitating. "I'm still not sure."

"Tell you what," Joule interjected, letting go of the male's sack. "You're dealing with a lot of new information all at once, so it's totally understandable that you're a little confused. On top of which, I imagine this little guy is more than a little distracting right now."

Leon let out a quiet moan as the female's fingers closed once more around his member, the stiff flesh throbbing at her touch.

Joule grinned. "Yeah, I thought so. I think we should probably take care of that problem before we move on to any others. So, what do you say I get you off right now, and then we can discuss the rest of this stuff afterwards?"

"Sounds...nngh...sounds good," the Charmeleon replied breathlessly, fighting the urge to buck his hips as the female tightened her grip.

"Great." The Jolteon glanced over her shoulder at her suitemates. "Is it cool if I take this one?

Kara nodded, still looking a bit flushed at the whole situation. "Go ahead."

"Yeah, I'm enjoying the view from here," chimed in Willow.

"I mean, I could do it better," teased Por, sticking her tongue out.

"Oh shut up, sis, you'll get your chance." Joule looked back to the task at hand, just as Leon groaned and a short spurt of pre coated her paw. "Besides, he seems to be enjoying himself well enough."

"Not as much as he was enjoying my ass earlier," the Vaporeon fired back playfully. "Though really, who could blame him."

"Oh really." The Jolteon glanced up at Leon, whose eyes had squinted shut in pleasure. "So you're an ass man, huh? Y'know, Por ain't the only girl in this family who inherited some booty."

If he'd had the spare brain cells to process everything that was going on, Leon would have been blushing a deep red; of course, that blood was diverted elsewhere at the moment. "Uh...w-well," he stammered, ******* his eyes open to look at the female between his legs. "I've never really...ahhh...never really thought about it."

"Well only one way to find out, right?" Joule grinned, climbing up from her kneeling position. Before Leon had time to respond, she turned and hopped onto his lap, treating the Charmeleon almost like a chair. She sat there for a moment, waiting expectantly.

"Um." Leon blinked.

"Come on, don't be shy." The Jolteon grabbed his paw in hers and guided it to her rear, leaning forward as she did so. "I don't spend so much time on my figure just for battling, y'know. Gimme a feel."

Shy or not, Leon didn't need any more encouragement. Gently he ran his fingers through the short fur, feeling the smooth skin beneath and enjoying the quick bursts of static that crackled between his fingers. He gave the flesh a firm squeeze, his arousal spiking even higher as the female let out a contented sigh. Arceus, he thought to himself, the girls in Playmon don't even look this good. Soon Leon let his other paw fall to her behind and join the first. He cupped her rear in his claws, tracing all the curves he could see and imagining those he couldn't, wondering how she'd react if he just spun her around and started rutting--

"...yeah, I'm pretty sure he likes it," murmured Por, watching the Charmeleon's dumbly satisfied expression. "I'm surprised he hasn't creamed his scales already."

Joule smiled, her shoulders relaxing slightly as she enjoyed Leon's continued fondling. "Now now, sis, he's a fire-type -- I'm sure he's been through hotter situations. Besides, we're just getting started. Isn't that right, Leon?" she asked, scooting back to rub her ass against the thick length behind her.

Immediately Leon let out a vocal moan, tossing his head back and making a few quick instinctive thrusts against her rear. It took a moment before he could force himself to stop, and by then he was practically trembling, his cock still pressed up against her and sandwiched between her cheeks.

Joule's eyes widened and she stopped for a moment, surprised at the strength of his reaction and the strength of the pulsing she felt behind her. She turned to glance back at Leon. "Geez...you're really close, aren't you?"

"Y-yes," Leon stuttered, fighting the urge to thrust up against the female and just end it. It couldn't take more than a few seconds, and just the thought, spilling his seed all over the curvy electric-type...

"Well, I guess that makes my job easier," she quipped, setting a paw down on his thigh and giving it a friendly squeeze. "Relax, nobody's gonna think less of you if you're quick to blow. We've been teasing you for the last twenty minutes, after all." She paused, glancing down at herself. "Still, I wouldn't mind a little foreplay if you're up to it. Do you think you can hold out for a few minutes?"

Foreplay, foreplay...the Charmeleon ****** himself to calm down and focus, despite whatever feelings might be running through his body. "I can try," he replied shakily. "What do you, um...what do you want me to do?"

She chuckled. "Well, what would you normally do with a girl?"

"Uh." Leon ran through his limited list of experiences with the opposite sex, trying to remember what had worked in the past. No one thing really stuck out in particular...but it couldn't hurt to start with the basics, right? They were called erogenous zones for a reason, after all. He detached one of his paws from her rear, moving it to the swell of her hip and continuing upwards.

Joule shivered as the Charmeleon traced a claw up her stomach, taking his time to meander up her rib cage, careful not to scratch her as he continued up the underside of one breast and finally came to a stop at her nipple. She let out a little gasp as he gave it a quick tweak between his fingers, then relaxed again as he opened his palm and cupped her tit in his paw. She inhaled as he gave the mound a soft squeeze, the fire-type's touch hot against her skin. "N-not bad," she admitted. "Not bad at all."

Leon was definitely enjoying himself as well, leaning forward to look over her shoulder at the rack he was fondling. At the sight of the Jolteon's ample chest his cock twitched forcefully, stiffening even further as he continued to play with her breasts. Joule seemed to feel it, too, pressing back against his member in response and earning a short grunt from Leon for her efforts.

It was then, as the Charmeleon tried once again to distract himself from Joule's taut behind, that he suddenly remembered that they were not alone. In fact, the three other girls in the room were still sitting just a few feet away, watching with rather rapt attention. Por had her eyes locked on the pair, her tail occasionally flicking back and forth behind her and her paws folded discreetly in her lap...though from the way she was seated, Leon suspected her fingers were rather busy. The puddle developing beneath the water-type seemed to confirm that. The Weavile, Willow, was a bit more obvious, one of her long claws playing with a nipple. And Kara -- of course, Kara. Even now, Leon felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of his crush. The Kadabra was biting nervously on the end of her trademark spoon, somewhat flushed at the open display of sexuality, but still quite focused on the act.

Just as Leon was considering the romantic repercussions of hooking up with his crush's roommate -- right in front of her -- the two locked eyes. Leon felt his heart plummet like a stone. What was she going to think after this? He opened his mouth as if to say something, then thought wiser of it. What exactly was he going to say, anyway?

Relax, rang out a voice inside his head. Leon blinked once in surprise...then looked down at Kara, who smiled cautiously back up at him. She gave a short wave. Yeah, over here. Listen, I know this is a little unusual, but just enjoy yourself, alright? Me and you'll have plenty of time to fool around later...and I don't just mean tonight.

Leon's pulse quickened. She couldn't mean--

Yes that's what I mean, you silly Charmeleon! She shook her head. I've been waiting for you to ask me out all semester, so I figured it was time to take matters into my own hands. And then my roommates wanted to help, of course...speaking of which, you oughta get back to work. We can talk about this later, alright?

A-alright, thought Leon, unsure whether the Kadabra could 'hear' him. He turned his attention back to Joule, giving her tits another friendly grope and enjoying the feel of the warm flesh in his fingers. At the same time he slid his remaining free paw around the curve of her hip. After a moment he allowed his fingers to begin creeping up along her thigh, moving slowly inwards towards his next intended destination. His member throbbed once again at the thought.

Joule took notice of his renewed attention and glanced up at him with a grin. "Mmm. Go ahead, I'm not gonna stop ya." She adjusted her seat, shifting to give Leon better access.

The male blushed, his tailflame flaring slightly as the Jolteon spread her legs wider for him. From where he was seated, he could see just the slightest hint of her sex, and even that was enough to make his arousal spike once more. He spared a quick glance down at his member, still throbbing stiffly against the Jolteon's ass, and wondered how good it would feel to be inside of her. Just the thought of those tight walls milking his rod, begging for his spunk--

The Charmeleon stopped himself again, shuddering as a short spurt of pre shot from the end of his cock. He had to hold out a little longer, for her sake and for his. Carefully his claws traced along her inner thigh, moving in tentative circles but always moving closer, getting warmer, until finally his thumb brushed against something--

"That's it," Joule breathed, leaning back into the Charmeleon's chest as he brushed lightly against her clit. "See, I knew you knew how to do this."

"Th-thanks," Leon replied, trying not to lose focus again as she shifted in his lap and rubbed against his member in the process. "But I don't know how much longer I c-can...ah..."

"Yeah, I can feel it -- you're hard as fuck back there, aren't you?"

Leon groaned in assent.

Joule grinned. "Well...hang in there as long as you can, but blow when you need to. I don't wanna give you blueballs or anything."

"R-right," he stammered, his words catching in his throat again as his fingers came into contact with her outer folds. The Jolteon was wet -- very wet -- and the knowledge just made him that much hornier. Her sex crackled with electricity as he ran a finger along her entrance, short sparks playing along his fingertips.

"Nnph." Joule continued to melt back into the Charmeleon as he did his work, reaching down with her own paw to assist the male. Gently she spread her lips, inviting the male further inward. Leon needed no further prompting. Joule exhaled happily as he slipped a finger inside of her -- then let out a quiet moan as a second finger quickly followed suit. "You're hot," she exclaimed, surprised at the heat suddenly filling her.

The Charmeleon was a little too preoccupied for a witty reply. "I-I'm a fire-type, what did you expect?" Carefully he pressed onwards, fingertips stroking along her inner walls, hoping to bring the Jolteon to her peak before he reached his.

Joule let the male work for a minute, watching his fingers work their way in and out of her slit, trying not to squirm at the risk of making the oversexed Charmeleon bust a nut -- though she was more than happy to vocalize, letting out a moan as Leon pinched one of her nipples. The Jolteon found herself burning up much more quickly than she'd expected, and not just because her partner's high temperature. Either Leon had had some practice with girls before or he had one hell of a natural talent. Or both, she thought, fighting down a squeal as he continued to assault her now-dripping slit. "If you're this good with your fingers," she gasped, "I'd love to s-see what you can do with the rest of your body."

"Yeah, well." Leon panted, both paws working to tease the female into a frenzy. "Maybe later." He ran his clawtips lightly over her bust, starting with the left mound, then dipping down into the valley between her breasts before coming back up to play with the right.

"God, I hope so," she answered, biting her lip at all the stimulation. She shuddered as Leon pushed even deeper inside of her, exploring her inner depths. The Jolteon's pace quickened as he drew close to a particular spot -- a spot she had come to know quite well on her own. Her fingers tightened on the Charmeleon's thigh. "Ah, wait...L-Leon?"

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Go left." The female inhaled sharply as his fingers danced inside of her. "Good. N-now curl upwards a little bit..."

"Like this?" Leon asked, rubbing gently against her wet walls.

Her body tensed in preparation. "Yeah, y-you've almost got it...just a litt-- there, there! Oh fuck," Joule moaned, her sex clamping down tightly on the Charmeleon's digits. This time she couldn't help but squirm, grinding down into the male's lap as his fingers rubbed across all the right places. "Yes, there!"

Leon groaned weakly at the pleasurable sensation, his focus slipping as she rubbed against his rock-hard erection. At this point he could practically see fireworks going off in front of his eyes -- he felt ready to explode any second. "A-Aah--Joule!"

"Just k-keep that up," Joule replied, her voice almost a laugh due to the pleasure rippling through her insides. "Mmph. Damn you know how to show a girl a good time."

Leon's heart thumped rapidly, his breaths growing shorter and shallower. He made a few short thrusts against the female, hips bucking as the last of his self-control began to crumble. Another shot of precum fired from his prick as he rubbed up against the Jolteon's behind. "No, Joule, I--" he gasped, "I-...I'm gonna-...!"

Joule felt the length pressed up against her twitch forcefully and realized what was going on. "No no wait!" she groaned, squirming, "wait, but I'm not...you...oh just come here!"

Suddenly Leon felt not just one, but two paws join him between the Jolteon's legs, as Joule put both of her own paws to work. The female moaned as she spread her entrance wide and ****** another two fingers inside herself, joining the Charmeleon. Leon did his best to hold back the flood as her paw wrapped around his, guiding him to the proper spot, to the itch that needed scratching...

"Ah!" Joule squirmed in his lap, her walls clamping down on the thick mess of fingers as her body sought the proper touch. "Oh god--that's it, r-right there, you--aah!"

Leon knew well enough to expect the sudden spasming of her sex around his fingers, as well as her feverish grinding against his prick as she climaxed. Those sensations alone would have been enough to make the young fire-type blow his load. What he didn't expect was the sudden jolt of electricity she gave off as she came: a massive, pleasurable shock that raced through his system, strong enough to make his toeclaws curl. Instinctively he pushed his fingers deeper inside of her and thrusted up against the female, earning a second, even more powerful wave of electricity. It was too much. Leon cried out and arched his hips as his cock twitched and exploded, a hot rope of spunk firing up the Jolteon's back. The Charmeleon rubbed up desperately against the female in his lap, his pink length jerking violently as he let loose spurt after spurt of seed. He moaned loudly as his orgasm overtook him, gripping onto the female tightly as he rode out his climax.

Joule let out a squeal of her own as her orgasm ripped through her. For a few short seconds her body shook, her fur crackling with sparks as the wave washed over her -- and then it was over, her pent-up energy released in shocking fashion. The Jolteon continued to rub at her slit as she descended from her peak, grinding back against the Charmeleon she'd met only an hour ago. He was good, she had to admit -- Kara had good taste in 'mon. She rumbled contentedly as Leon squeezed her chest and the length pressed up against her throbbed in release. It was going to be a bitch to wash all the seed out of her fur, she thought, but that didn't matter right now. Not when there was so much fun still to be had...

Leon continued to frantically hump the Jolteon for a few more seconds, his hips bucking erratically, before he finally came down to join the female. As he made a few last halting thrusts, he glanced down at his handiwork and gave a tired grin. The small of her back was now painted in his essence, strings of spunk splashed across her yellow fur. Beneath that sat his cock, still stiff and eager between her cheeks, pulsing with his heartbeat. He slid his member up against her rump one more time and shivered, the stimulation too much for his spent dragonhood. Happily he slumped forward and rested his head on the Jolteon's shoulder, taking advantage of the opportunity to give her breasts another gentle squeeze. After all, he thought, how often does a naked 'mon just jump in your lap?

Joule glanced back over her shoulder and grinned. "You, uh...you feeling any better, stud?"

Leon's tongue was hanging out in lazy pleasure; it took a moment for him to summon the energy for a response. "Yes," he panted. "T-thanks."

"No problem," she replied. "Glad I could help." She tilted her head to kiss him on the cheek, smiling to herself as she heard the Charmeleon moan in response and felt one final spurt of seed fire up her backside.

The fire-type blushed at the kiss and blushed even harder at his body's own reaction, but it couldn't be helped. Even now, his member continued to throb against the naked Jolteon in his lap -- though it probably didn't help that she kept shifting her weight and thus rubbing her ass against his needy length. It was more than a little distracting. Already he felt ready for round two.

It looked like things were moving on, though, at least for the time being. "Alright, then," piped up Willow, drawing Leon's attention back to the other females in the room.

"Thanks for the show, you two, but now we need to get some actual work done..."

06-21-2009, 04:11 PM
Awesome story as always!

Hope you're working hard on the next part :D

06-21-2009, 08:28 PM
Great story

07-08-2009, 01:18 AM
Anyone know where I can get more pics from the artist "Veksihunger"

07-09-2009, 10:16 PM
FA page, perhaps? http://www.furaffinity.net/user/veksihunger/

07-18-2009, 06:18 PM
I wrote a short something yesterday based on a picture (http://1247861935fella.uploadedporn.com/) by FELLARTS (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2529622/), which was apparently based off of my Pokemon stuff :P It's only half-ballbusting (the other half is electro-play), but I think y'all should still enjoy it.

(Also, just a side note if you're into electricity: I wrote a solo female story (http://yiffstar.com/?pid=92582) a few weeks ago that might be worth a look.)

Anyway, here we go:

It had started simply enough. The Vaporeon had been walking down the street one afternoon when a colorful flyer caught his eye, advertising an opening as a teaching assistant at the Pokemon academy down the street. It was just a few hours a week, it paid well, and the application specifically asked for a water-type. The situation couldn't be more perfect.

The interview was simple -- all pretty standard questions. The previous holder of the position had quit due to exhaustion, they explained, so they were looking for a candidate with stamina, someone able to go the extra mile. The work could be grueling, but very rewarding as well, as long as an employee had the right attitude. He just smiled and assured them as best he could that he was the man for the job, and that seemed to be enough. Afterwards he met briefly with the professor -- a Flaaffy named Ambia, who seemed to like him quite a lot. By the time he left the building, the Vaporeon felt sure he had landed the job.

Sure enough, a few days later the call came. He walked down that afternoon to fill out the paperwork, a happy spring in his step. He was a little surprised at the waiver he had to sign about any potential "damage", but that had to be standard -- he'd probably be asked to battle at some point, and organizations had to cover their asses in case of some freak accident.

He began to wonder though, almost as soon as he showed up for his first day of work. The professor met him at the door of the classroom, dumping a few ropes into his arms. "Here," she said, "put these on, would you?"

"Um...on where, exactly?"

"Why on you, of course." The Flaaffy pointed to each of the ropes he was holding. "Those two are for your arms, those two are for your legs, and that one is for your tail. Just slip them on and I'll take care of the rest."

The Vaporeon did as he was told, bending to secure the first rope around his ankle. "What are we, uh...what are we teaching today?" he asked curiously.

She grinned at him, a playful glimmer in her eye. "You'll find out," she replied.

That was how he had ended up where he found himself now: suspended upside-down in an empty classroom, with very little idea what was going on. His tail had been pulled up towards the ceiling with one of the ropes -- they turned out to be restraints, of course -- while his footpaws were now drawn outwards to either side, spread wide and leaving the male rather exposed. Meanwhile his hands were planted against the ground, helping to support him in a sort of assisted handstand. Lucky I'm a flexible 'mon, he thought, or this would get uncomfortable rather fast.

Still, that didn't explain what was going on -- and the professor had left the room as soon as she'd finished tying him in place, before he could ask her any questions. Normally the male would've have tried to figure it out himself, but it was impossible to think while hanging with his tail above his paws. The Vaporeon winced as the blood in his body rushed to his head -- and to other places, judging from the unintentional hard-on that quickly materialized between his legs. He blushed. God forbid anyone but Ms. Ambia come waltzing through the door -- they'd think it was some kind of bizarre bondage scene.

The Vaporeon had been hanging there for about ten minutes, praying that he hadn't been forgotten, when the professor finally returned, slipping quietly back into the room. This time, though, she came with a friend: a Pichu, who followed happily a few feet behind her. It was hard to tell while looking upside-down, but from the look of things the Pichu was probably a student. The male bit his lip, hoping neither would point out his unfortunate erection, even if he was more-or-less presenting it to the two of them.

Ms. Ambia didn't seem to notice, though -- or if she did, she chose to ignore it. "Ellie," she said, "I'd like you to meet our new teaching assistant. Say hi."

"Hi!" The Pichu's voice was high and clear -- definitely female. "Nice to meet you, sir -- I'm Ellie."

"Uh..." The Vaporeon blinked. "Nice to meet you too, Ellie. My name's--"

"That won't be necessary," the professor interrupted, cutting off the Vaporeon with a wave of her paw. "We're trying to instill the students with a level of professionalism -- for the kind of work we'll be doing, there's no need for her to know exactly who you are."

"Ah." The Vaporeon blinked again. "O-Okay."

"Now Ellie," the professor continued, turning back to her pupil, "our new friend here is going to be your test subject for today. Do you think you're ready?"

The little electric-type looked the Vaporeon up and down for a moment, then nodded her head. "Yep! But he's...kinda tall, isn't he?"

The professor chuckled. "Don't worry, I can help you with that. Here." The Flaaffy reached down, hoisting the Pichu up into her arms, then taking a few steps forward to stand in front of her suspended assistant. "This is a little better, no?"

"Mmm, much. Thanks, professor!"

The Vaporeon watched this all with a curious eye, still unsure of what was going on. The only thing he knew for sure was that with the Pichu lifted up in the professor's arms, the pair were pretty much right on eye-level with his crotch, and only a foot or two away. Absently the water-type wished for something a little less showy than external genitalia -- though it was obviously too late now.

The male was so caught up in his embarassment that he failed to notice what the young Pichu was up to. As soon as she had been picked up, her cheeks had begun glowing with energy. Sparks crackled between her paws as she started to build up electricity. The female was eager to get started -- so eager, in fact, that a burst of static accidentally jumped from her fingers and over to the male's inner thigh, landing dangerously close to his package.

The Vaporeon let out a yelp, leg twitching at the unexpected dose of electricity. "Geez, you two, be careful!" He craned his head, looking upwards to see what was going on, but couldn't tell much from his unique angle. "Hey, what are you doing!? Tell her to stop!"

The professor ignored his comment. "Now Ellie, you remember your lesson, yes?"

"Of course!" she replied excitedly.

"Well then," said the Flaaffy, "why don't we recite the rhyme together, just to be sure you've got it?"


The Vaporeon shook his head, more confused and worried than ever, but he ****** himself to calm down and listen as the two female voices spoke in unison:

"Boys have berries,
those berries hang loose,
just shock and squeeze
and out comes the juice!"

"Very good," the professor continued. "I think you're prepared, so whenever you're ready."

The Vaporeon's mouth hung open, his heart skipping a beat. He couldn't have heard correctly. Because if he'd heard correctly, that meant--

The male's thought process was harshly interrupted as the Pichu placed her paws on his testicles and let loose. The Vaporeon let out a surprised squeal as his maleness was flooded with electricity, just as the Pichu's paws clamped down on his dangling plums. His hips bucked instinctively, trying to shake the female's grip as she dug her thumbs into the most sensitive part of his anatomy, but she hung on tight, refusing to let go. The strong current wracked his frame, and his cock bounced stiffly against his belly, the pink length twitching angrily with each wave of energy and drooling a few drops of precum. With his paws bound, the male was hopeless to do anything but writhe as he was taken advantage of in the worst way possible.

Meanwhile the Pichu worked diligently, careful to make sure the male's equipment didn't slip from between her fingers. She continued to squeeze the twin orbs, sending a steady stream of electricity as she juiced his berries for all they were worth. "More?" she asked, turning her head to glance back at her teacher.

"Of course!" the Flaaffy encouraged. "There's no such thing as too much energy -- give it all you've got."

"Alright." The little female furrowed her blow, focusing on the task at hand.

The Vaporeon hadn't realized things could get worse...at least, not until the current running through his groin suddenly doubled, and the Pichu's grip tightened even further. It would have been far too much to take even without the type disadvantage -- as it was, the pain of the sharp jolt was further amplified by his natural weakness to electricity, until the ache was the only thing he could feel. What on earth was this teaching? His whole body trembled as the female mauled his family jewels, his already frantic cry rising to an even more desperate pitch with each passing moment.

The Pichu didn't seem too happy either. "It's not working." She frowned. "Why isn't it working?"

"That's because you're not concentrating the energy," the professor answered. "Make sure all your energy is focused, instead of distributed through his whole body. Remember, you've got to shock him into release -- he's not going to let go unless you overload his system."

"Right..." She wrinkled her nose. Control was not an easy thing for a Pichu, but it had to be done. With a deep breath, she tried once again.

By now the Vaporeon had lost all sense of time, and was simply hanging by his tail, fighting just to maintain consciousness. His body tried its best to curl up and protect itself, but the ropes kept him held firmly in place, open to the whims of his female companions. The male felt another even more intense shock go through his system, centered around his aching pair, and wondered if he was going to be sterile before this torment was through. As the pain in his crotch overtook all rational thought, he prepared to simply surrender himself, praying to make it through the afternoon in one piece.

But then suddenly, before the Vaporeon knew what was happening, he felt something within himself: a flipped switch, a strange sensation unlocked deep within his body. All at once his electrified pain became something else entirely: a hypersensitivity, as if he had been brought to the edge and left there, one stroke from fulfillment. It was almost as if his pain receptors had all shut down -- the torturous current running through his body suddenly transformed into a thousand tiny tongues of static, all lapping at his straining maleness. Unbearable agony became unbearable pleasure, threatening to overwhelm the poor male. In just seconds the Vaporeon felt himself slipping, eyes rolling back into his head as the floodgates were thrown violently open...

With a ragged gasp the Vaporeon arched his hips and came, a powerful spurt of seed leaping from the end of his cock to splatter against the classroom floor below. The male jerked forcefully in his restraints, moaning loudly as he continued to be molested by the tiny electric-type. His body shook in its shock-induced orgasm, his balls emptying themselves onto the tile in thick streams of spunk. It was all the male could do not to black out, clinging to a last shred of awareness as his body blew harder than it had ever blown before.

The Pichu hung on doggedly as he spasmed, cheeks sparking as she poured her energy into the water-type's body. She adjusted her grip as well, fingers digging into the male's hefty ballsac, ******* out every last drop as she milked her male.

Ms. Ambia watched with a pleased expression, her body crackling with some static of its own as she held her pupil. Carefully she watched the little female work, observing her student, pausing once to glance down as one of the Vaporeon's orgasmic shots went wide and splashed across her footpaw.

As seconds ticked by the male began bucking even harder, twisting in place as he sought an outlet for the sensations rushing through him. He continued to thrust against the air, his member begging for more attention, still firing long, sticky ropes of cum. Already a puddle was beginning to form on the floor, as the Vaporeon's essence was forcibly extracted from his body. The Pichu just worked on, a satisfied smile on her face as she watched the results of her handy-work.

The professor let her play for a little longer -- until the male was quivering from head to tail, clearly stimulated beyond belief -- then cleared her throat to get her student's attention. "Ellie?"

The female shook her head, as if snapped out of a daydream. "Y-Yes, Ms. Ambia?"

"I think that's enough for now, dear. This is his first day, after all -- we wouldn't want to break him too soon."

"Awwww. Okay." Reluctantly the Pichu pulled her paws away, giving her subject one last good jolt-and-squeeze before she let go.

The Vaporeon spasmed in his bonds one final time, gasping breathlessly as his maleness surrendered one more mighty spurt of cream to the female -- and then he was done. The male slumped in his restraints, panting with exhaustion as his groin throbbed somewhere between pleasure and pain. His stomach crawled with the dull pain of ballache, but his member still stood out stiffly, bobbing slightly with his heartbeat. It was strange -- even after coming buckets, the Vaporeon couldn't help but wish for some kind of touch on his neglected cock. If only the Pichu would wrap her paws around it, just for a moment--

His abuser didn't seem to notice his need, however, letting the frustrated male continue to hang helplessly. "How was that?" she asked, looking to the professor for approval.

"Very good!" The Flaaffy smiled, bending to set her pupil down on the floor. "You're a fast learner, Ellie."

"Well," the Pichu squeaked proudly, landing bouncily back on her own feet, "I've been practicing on other boys, just like you told us to."

The professor smiled warmly. "Excellent -- a girl after my own heart. Keep this up and we'll have to start giving you advanced lessons."

Her eyes lit up. "Ooh, I'd like that."

"I know you would. Now, on your way!"

"Yep! Thank you Ms. Ambia!" she said, skipping to the door. She waved back quickly before closing the door behind her, scampering off down the hall until she was out of sight.

The Flaaffy watched her go for a few seconds, crossing her arms across her chest. "Oh, Ellie. Such a sweetheart, don't you think? And one of my better students."

The male coughed weakly.

"Glad you enjoyed it too," she chuckled, striding over to her desk. "Now let's see..." The female picked up a brown clipboard, making a few marks before flipping to the next page. "That's one down, twenty-nine to go. Who's next?"

The Vaporeon groaned, wincing. It was going to be a long day.

07-19-2009, 08:15 PM
I really enjoyed that story poiu. Thank you for sharing it!

07-25-2009, 10:18 AM
I found some real nice pics of The Big Bad Wolf ^^.Keep this thread alive people!

07-26-2009, 04:48 AM
Funny topic! Animal ballbusting. Where is Mickey Mouse and Minnie? (joke)
Thank you.:)

08-11-2009, 10:06 AM
Oh yes I do like it

08-14-2009, 09:52 PM
Fear not, furry thread! I come bearing senseless ballbusting pr0n! (Of course, neither of the characters involved actually has any fur, but that's besides the point...)

This picks up with our ballbusting orca gal, Kayla, after the first chapter of her story (http://femaledom.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60214&postcount=241) that I posted a while back. Enjoy...and then contribute some content of your own! This thread has been spending a lot of time on the 2nd and 3rd page lately; it could use some help :P

So my story about Deke wasn't enough to scare you off, huh? Strange people, you are. Not that I mind, of course -- I'm happy to talk about a subject like this all day.

Anyway, where was I...oh right, after the "accident". Lemme tell you, as far as accidents go that was probably the best one I ever made. Sure, I'd basically ruined my boytoy, and I was a little disappointed about that, but the knowledge I'd gained...it was pretty stimulating, to say the least. I spent pretty much the entire day after it happened locked in my room, frigging myself silly, imagining those big balls of his flattened between my toes. Then that night my mother and I had a nice long talk about the first guy she'd ever popped -- apparently some drunken turtle guy came home with her after a frat party, expecting to get lucky, and ended up going home with less than he bargained for. It was more good bonding time.

Of course, once my initial horniness from the experience started to wear off, I had to start looking for someone to replace Deke -- someone new to bust. Otherwise, until I found a new boyfriend I'd have to get my kicks elsewhere. As a result, the month or so after Deke and I broke up was pretty rough on the local male population. I'd gotten quite used to having a pair of nuts to bust whenever I wanted, and that wasn't about to change just because he was gone. Instead I took it out on just about anyone with testicles. I sent more than few people home with bruised balls, I'm sure. It was fun to be back on the market for a while.

I was a little worried, though -- a girl can only bust so many people in one village before the word gets out, and sure enough, within a couple of weeks I had started to build up a reputation. I caught at least a few boys my age purposefully shying away from me, and even the ones still willing to talk to me got a lot more careful: keeping some distance, standing at an angle, making sure that if I did hit them it wasn't likely to crush anything. One guy got so worried he started wearing a cup -- which I only discovered by slamming my knee up into his groin. (Of course, he hadn't put it on correctly, so I still managed to drop him to his knees...)

The pickings got slimmer by the day. Once in a while I'd manage to rope a guy in for a night of sex, then spend the evening making him squeal, but it got progressively more difficult to hook people as my reputation spread. Apparently even the promise of a nubile young orca gal wasn't enough to convince a male to put his nuts on the line. I mean, I still managed to get in plenty of kicks and knees walking around town, but I started to worry that I'd never find another male like Deke, someone to play with for hours on end. Until I met Will, that is.

I was down on the docks picking up some fish for dinner one night when I first ran into him. He was this skinny little dolphin kid around my age, a bottlenose, just lounging around and wasting time. That wasn't so unusual -- there were plenty of people who hung around the dock -- but what caught my eye was what he was wearing. I guess he must have been jogging earlier or something, because he was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of running shorts that didn't leave much to the imagination. My gaze was immediately drawn to the two sizable bulges that were his testicles, parked beneath an equally-impressive bulge that could only be his cock. He certainly wasn't shy about his equipment -- and why would he be, with tackle like that?

I licked my lips. Of course, being the girl I am, I had an appreciation for a fine pair of balls, and I couldn't very well leave without giving 'em a quick feel...or a kick. He was by himself, fortunately, so I snuck up behind him as quietly as I could and tapped him on the shoulder. "Um, excuse me?" I asked, putting on my most innocent look.

"Yeah?" He turned to face me, legs wide open...perfect. Before he had a chance to do anything else, I slammed my knee up into his crotch, pulverizing that tight package. It was a great hit -- he was completely unprepared, and I got him just right, hitting so hard that I lifted him into the air. I felt the twin orbs flatten against my thigh and gave myself a mental pat on the back -- he'd be hurting for a while from that kind of a knee. He let out a startled "oomph" at the blow, his body tensing, and his eyes went sorta unfocused...pretty typical stuff for a guy who's just been racked. I waited until he locked eyes with me, then pulled my knee back in order to let him fall, waiting for him to crumple onto his knees. But he didn't.

At first I was confused -- maybe I hadn't hit him as hard as I thought? -- but when I looked down, his legs were quivering, barely supporting his weight. I'd definitely busted him good, but somehow he was staying upright. He wasn't even hunched over! Any guy in his right mind would be holding his balls, at least trying to protect himself, but he was just standing there like I hadn't even hit him. I could still see those two lumps in his shorts -- rearranged a bit by my knee, but otherwise as plump and healthy-looking as ever.

Finally the dolphin seemed to gather his thoughts, a pained but amused look spreading across his face. "Is that all you got?" he asked, grinning.

I was too stunned for a response, so I just did the first thing that came to mind: I hauled off and kicked him in the dolphinmakers, as hard as I could. I was in bare feet, and all he had on were those tight-fitting shorts, so I could feel his nuts as I made contact. I knew I'd caught 'em both, slamming them up into the pelvis, following all the way through with my kick to make sure his eggs were nice and scrambled. It was a textbook ballbust, the kind my mother would be proud of, and the look on his face said the same thing -- score one for Kayla. I held my foot there for another moment, juggling his balls with my toes before pulling back to let him drop to the ground.

I watched him struggle with himself for a moment. His eyes were bugged out just a bit as his body tried to process the pain coming from his groin, the flood of signals racing up his spine. He started to bend over, knees buckling -- then stopped and began straightening again, slowly but surely. From the way his body shook, he was obviously in agony, but somehow he managed to hold it together, his legs still spread.

Well. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't impressed -- I hadn't met the male yet who could stay standing after a kick like that. And he still wasn't even covering himself! His fins twitched, obviously eager to cover the twin orbs between his legs before I could crush 'em again, but he managed to keep them to his sides, leaving his hefty nuts open to whatever torture I had next. Almost like he wanted me to kick 'em again. The idea was tempting.

"Mmmgh." He gasped, still grinning despite the obvious pain. "C-Come on, you can do better than that."

I had to laugh. He had guts, if maybe not brains, and I liked that. "Are you looking to get your balls popped?"

"Depends," he grunted, still fighting to maintain his balance. He gave me the best sly look he could, given the circumstances. "Will you be doing the popping?"

Y'know, it's strange -- I got compliments from guys all the time, on things like my looks or my personality, but they rarely affected as much as his little remark did. I felt a blush rising to my cheeks, which was only aided by the sight of the bow-legged dolphin boy in front of me. Damnit, he was so cute trying not to buckle over! I couldn't take it. Without another word I turned away, preparing to leave -- but not before flicking my tail up sharply between his legs, my flukes striking his ballsac with an audible smack.

That, apparently, was enough: the male lost all pretense of composure and toppled to his knees, fins moving to cup his battered groin. "Oh fuck," he groaned, curling up on the ground.

I smiled to myself and left.

That was our first encounter, and it was enough to keep me thinking about him almost non-stop for the next week. I went back to the dock a few times, hoping to bump into him again, but he was never there, so I had to content myself with the memory...which was more than enough to fuel a few late-night masturbation sessions. After a few days I started to fear that maybe I wouldn't see him again, but then one sunny afternoon we ran into each other in the center of town. I was out with some girlfriends to take advantage of the weather, and when I looked up, there he was, sitting on a bench and reading a magazine. I managed to excuse myself from the group and walked over to join him, scoping him out before he had a chance to notice me. I noted the crotch of his rather baggy shorts with some disappointment -- it was impossible to make anything out, even though I knew what lay just underneath.

I didn't have much time to be disappointed, though, as just then he looked up, glancing around for a moment before catching my eye. I'm sure he recognized me right away, but for whatever reason he chose not to say anything about our last encounter. Instead he just waved me over, gesturing to the empty seat beside him. He set his magazine aside as I took a seat.

"I'm think I may have seen you around here before," he started, smiling. He held out a fin. "I'm Will. Nice to meet you."

"Uh...Kayla," I replied, grabbing and shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you too."

That was how it all started -- we got to talking, and talking led to flirting, and we ended up hitting it off surprisingly well. I have interests outside of ballbusting, of course -- writing, gymnastics, swimming -- and as it turned out, we happened to like a lot of the same things. It was wonderful just hanging out and getting to know each other, swapping stories and experiences. We even got into a pretty long discussion about Eel Gaiman's latest book. Still, it was hard to focus with him sitting like he was, his legs spread, practically inviting another nutcracking. Every couple minutes I would steal a glance at the crotch of his shorts, imagining those plump spuds of his beneath my foot, or between my teeth, or squashed slowly by my fingers...

Eventually I realized that I had been sitting there for quite a while -- long enough that my friends had given up on waiting for me and left. In fact, judging from the grumbling of my stomach, it was about time to head home for some of my mother's cooking -- that or get grounded for breaking curfew.

"Listen," I said, "it's been fantastic talking to you, but I've gotta go -- we should hang out again sometime soon."

"Of course, I'd love to!" He grinned. "Same time tomorrow?"

"Sure! That sounds great." I smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, then." With that I climbed to my feet, preparing to leave, but as I turned to walk away I caught a glint in his eye that I hadn't seen before -- the same amused glint that I'd seen when we'd first met. I paused, looking back at him one more time.

He looked straight back at me, still grinning. "Seriously?" he asked.

I blinked. "Sorry?"

He chuckled, folding his arms across his chest. "It's just...you haven't tried to bust me once this entire conversation. I assumed you'd be all over me given the chance -- is something wrong?"

I couldn't help but laugh. It was so forward, after we'd both spent the entire afternoon tiptoeing around the topic -- but it was just what I'd been waiting to hear. "You mean you didn't get enough the first time?" I teased, looking down at his crotch. "I assumed the boys'd still be swollen about now. Besides, it seemed to me like a couple kicks were more than enough."

"Oh, I don't know that I could ever get enough of those legs of yours," he replied smoothly, eyes drifting downwards. "Wanna show me what else you got?"

I didn't need a second invitation. I took a step towards the dolphin, leaning in to whisper in his ear and placing a knee on the bench for support. Of course, I made sure to plant that knee in a very specific place, finding his balls in those baggy shorts and shifting my weight forward until they began to pancake outwards beneath me. I could feel the twin globes squirm, trying to escape the pressure, and -- oh god, I hadn't squashed a pair of nuts this good since me and Deke were still together. I could imagine his dolphinmakers distorting under my weight, those spunk-heavy nuggets flattening until they were ready to burst.

"How's this?" I asked, pressing down to accentuate.

He took a moment to respond, the look of pained shock on his face gradually turning into a pained smile. "G-good," he stuttered, glancing up at me. "Oh...oh god, you really know your way around a pair of nuts. Ohhh."

"Why thank you," I replied, smiling sweetly. The dolphin let out another "oof" as I bounced in his lap, grinding his balls against the wood of the bench.

It was only then that I noticed something poking insistently against my thigh, something thick and...throbbing. I'm not sure how I had missed the massive tent in his pants before, but it was more than obvious now, rubbing up eagerly against my leg. I wasn't sure if he was hard because of all the flirting we'd been doing, or if it was actually because I was kneeling on his nuts, but either way, he certainly wasn't getting any softer. I figured an erection was invitation enough. Without a word, I reached down, wrapped my fingers around the straining bulge in his pants, and gave it a few quick strokes.

The dolphin tensed and, to my surprise, exploded, his cock leaping in my grip and firing thick shots of spunk into his shorts. I could feel his member twitch as he blew his load, the cum forming a huge wet spot on the front of his pants. Will bent forwards with a quiet gasp, burying his face in my chest as his body shook and surrendered its spunk. I let him stay that way for a few more seconds, moaning out his pain and pleasure as he came down from his peak. It wasn't the smoothest thing in the world, to be sure, but it was flattering in a way.

I watched him twitch for a few moments longer, resisting the urge to slip a hand beneath my own waistband. God knows I was wet enough, but that could wait. First things first.

"Tomorrow, yes?" I asked, looking him straight in the eyes.

Will ****** his gaze upwards to meet mine. "It's a date," he panted.

I leant back, taking my weight off his groin, and immediately he curled up, nursing his flattened spuds. I smiled, bending to give him a quick peck on the forehead before I turned and walked away, mind full of ideas for tomorrow.

08-15-2009, 01:38 AM
I love this site!

08-15-2009, 08:18 AM
Great story,can't to see what happens next!

Alec Anaconda
08-15-2009, 12:10 PM
An excellent narrative, Piou!

Have you ever thought of placing your work before a wider audience?

http://uk.geocities.com/alecanaconda/GetPublished.htm (http://uk.geocities.com/alecanaconda/GetPublished.htm)

08-15-2009, 02:33 PM
An excellent narrative, Piou!

Have you ever thought of placing your work before a wider audience?

http://uk.geocities.com/alecanaconda/GetPublished.htm (http://uk.geocities.com/alecanaconda/GetPublished.htm)

It's terribly flattering that you'd even suggest that, but I'd rather keep things simple: good ol' free stories on the internet. Porn writing is just a hobby for me; I'm not really interested in making it anything more :P Thanks for asking, though!

08-15-2009, 03:09 PM
Oh and hey, while I'm at it, check this out:


08-15-2009, 11:22 PM
OMG! I'm never going to be able to look at that game the same way ever again. XD

Also, the Dolphin is asking for it! (literally and figuratively!)

Alec Anaconda
08-16-2009, 12:44 PM
Porn writing is just a hobby for me; I'm not really interested in making it anything more.

That hurt, Piou.

Writing is only one of my pastimes; when people are prepared to part with a little of their hard earned cash for my work, that is sufficient praise. However, this is certainly not a way to make a living.

I like to think that I create erotic novels with interesting storylines that explore aspects of human sexuality and emotions.
My work is certainly explicit and has even been called gritty, but you will find many consecutive pages without even a nipple.

However, unlike pornography, the sex forms only part of the narrative.

I find the original Victorian concept of pornography disturbing, “sexual material only suitable for gentleman (not women or lower classes)”.

The best modern definition I can find is:
“Creative activity (writing or pictures or films etc.) of no literary or artistic value other than to stimulate sexual desire”.

I think that you debase your writing by classifying it as porn, but I respect your wishes and will not attempt to change your decision.

08-16-2009, 04:29 PM
Classify it as whatever you want, just keep writing, Piou. This one, the Dragon, the Pokemon series, they're all good. I can't wait for the next part.

08-16-2009, 04:45 PM
Sorry Alec, I didn't mean to offend with the "porn writing" comment -- I was really just referring to my own stuff. To be honest, my concerns are more with keeping the content free. I like sharing my stuff! (If anyone wants to get technical, you can consider everything I've written under a CC 3.0 Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) license, so hell, if someone wants to bundle my stories up and sell them they should feel free :P)

I'm glad you understand -- again, thanks for the opportunity :)

And thanks, everyone else! The immediate future is looking a bit crazy for me, but as soon as I finish something new it'll be here, don't you worry.

08-16-2009, 05:01 PM
Fear not, furry thread! I come bearing senseless ballbusting pr0n! (Of course, neither of the characters involved actually has any fur, but that's besides the point...)

This picks up with our ballbusting orca gal, Kayla, after the first chapter of her story (http://femaledom.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60214&postcount=241) that I posted a while back. Enjoy...and then contribute some content of your own! This thread has been spending a lot of time on the 2nd and 3rd page lately; it could use some help :P

Good story,full of adjectives to create the perfect picture,but, no colons?this work would look more elegant with some colons and dashes: this would have created a sense of style to the story. I look forward to reading more of the same hard hitting text!:) :)

08-16-2009, 10:21 PM
Writing stories is pretty fun, especially when one can create something specifically suited to one's own tastes. I wish I could draw, that'd be more fun.

08-17-2009, 10:15 PM
Oh man -- I'd kill for a good furry artist who was into bb. I'd like to think that I cover the writing side of furry ballbusting half-decently, but there's definitely a lack of good visual aids out there.

Anyway, why I'm here again: I got into a bit of a groove while writing that most recent bit of the orca's story, so I figured I'd just keep writing and see if I couldn't get another chapter of something done while I was at it. And hey, what do you know, I managed to finish the next bit of my Pokemon story -- the chapter that's about 8000 words of solid ballbusting. I'm thinking you folks'll probably enjoy it :P

Here you go: four females using Leon to "review" for the Weak Spots final. Lemme know what you think. (Previous chapters here (http://yiffstar.com/?pid=53156) and here (http://yiffstar.com/?pid=91531).)

"Thanks for the show, you two," said Willow, grinning, "but now we need to get some actual work done."

"Unless you want to spend the rest of the afternoon in Leon's lap, Joule," Por chimed in.

"Right, right." The Jolteon shook her head, glancing behind her at Leon. "Hold on a sec, I want to talk face-to-face."

The electric-type reached behind her head and grabbed hold of the Charmeleon's shoulders for support, then lifted her legs and turned in place so that she was facing the male.* The female grinned as she settled into place and looked up at Leon, who was looking back at her with a mix of exhaustion and gratitude. Almost immediately, his eyes fell downwards to the Jolteon's bare breasts. Joule played along, reaching up to cup one of her tits in a paw.

"So, you feeling alright?"

"Mmmm," he*purred, watching her play with herself as he continued to bask in the afterglow of his recent orgasm. "Hard not to enjoy that."

In fact, he was still enjoying it, with the way the Jolteon had turned around: now the head of his cock was rubbing wetly against her stomach, the base just brushing up against her swollen sex. Despite his efforts to concentrate, the male's brain raced with dirty thoughts, picturing the electric-type bent over in a dozen different position. After all, all it would take is one quick move to be inside her, where his fingers had been just a minute before--

The Jolteon interrupted him before he could daydream for too long, but not in a way that helped his arousal. Casually she reached down and wrapped her fingers around the Charmeleon's cock, giving the length a friendly squeeze and earning a quiet gasp in response. "Damn, this guy just doesn't quit, does he?" she said, feeling the sticky rod twitch in her grip. "I hope you've got that kind of stamina later."

"Just put...mmph...just put me where you want me," he replied, struggling to keep his voice steady.

She chuckled. "Will do. Speaking of which, are you ready to keep going?"

"Huh?" Leon blinked. "Oh right, the, uh...the testicles thing. Um."

"That is what you came here for, remember?" said Willow. The Weavile folded her arms across her chest. "We need to review for the Weak Spots midterm."

"I know." The Charmeleon winced. "Just give me a sec."

Kara nodded. "Sorry to make you switch gears so fast, but we've only got this room for the afternoon, so we gotta get moving. If you don't want to do it, though, you don't have to--"

"No no, I'll be fine, it's just...I'm not sure exactly how to do this." Leon scratched his head, frowning. "I mean, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to just stand still while you all kick me or whatever."

"True," admitted Por. "I guess we didn't really think that through..."

"Well there's an easy solution for that," said Joule. "Just let me shock him."

Leon blinked. "How would that help?"

"Listen," said the Jolteon, her paw still playing absently with the fire-type's spent member, "if I stun you, that'd stop you from flinching and so on while we're looking at your nuts. I know guys tend to get squirmy when you start poking around down there, so I think it's probably the best option -- it'll make things simpler for everybody."

"Uh..." Leon fought to ignore the fingers around his cock. "I...I guess that makes sense."

"Cool. Then this should just take a second." Without another word, Joule let go of his member and grabbed hold of his shoulders, her fur crackling as she built up static.

"Hold on a sec," interjected Kara, but the electric-type had no intention of waiting.* There was a flash of sparks as the Jolteon let out a short shock, Leon yelping at the sensation and then falling disconcertingly still.

"Whoops."*Joule grinned, climbing down off of the Charmeleon's lap.

"Joule!" the Kadabra scolded, glaring at the female.*"I told you to wait."

"Don't get your spoons in a twist," the Jolteon answered, rolling her eyes. "We can't look at his nuts if he's squirming around all the time, so I just Paralyzed him for a little while.* He'll be frozen for a few hours and then he'll be fine."

"Joule, you can't just Paralyze people whenever it's convenient", Kara said, exasperated.* "I don't even have any Heals or anything; we're going to have to carry him over to the Pokecenter now."

The Jolteon was nonplussed.* "Chill, alright?* You heard him say it was okay.* Besides, I've got like a dozen Cheri berries in my backpack; as soon as we're done with this we can unparalyze him."

This soothed the Kadabra's nerves somewhat, though she was still uncertain.* "Are we sure this is okay? How do we make sure we're not hurting him or anything?"

"Relax, Kara," commented Willow, placing a paw on her shoulder, "he's gonna be fine.*I mean, it's not like we're planning to crush his nuts or anything, right?"

"Besides," added Por, "doesn't Paralysis usually dull pain anyway?"

Kara bit her lip. "That's true."

Joule nodded.*"Yeah.* I mean, even if we are a little rough, a guy's balls are pretty sturdy; we're not gonna break 'em or anything."* To illustrate she gave the Charmeleon's ballsac a playful swat, the plump orbs swinging with the force of the blow.

Though his body remained motionless, Leon felt a brief wave of queasiness wash over him from the Jolteon's slap.* His post-orgasmic glow had faded, and all of a sudden the situation seemed much more threatening.* He had walked in expecting some pain -- after all, they were reviewing about the testicles as a weak point, and he had the only pair in the room -- but things suddenly seemed a lot more dangerous.* He'd been planning to let them try some things out, maybe a few kicks or squeezes as long as he was feeling alright, something to let them know how a male really reacted.* Now, though...he just prayed they didn't want to try anything too painful.

His hopes sunk, however, with what he heard next.* "Ooh, can I be first?" asked Por excitedly, hopping to her feet.* "I've been looking forward to this all week -- ever since me and Bill got in that fight I've been needing to work out some anger."

Joule chuckled. "Just be careful, sis -- try not to kick 'em into his throat, okay?"

"Aww, but what's the fun in holding back?" She frowned. "I'm not going to be holding back if I use a groin kick in a battle."

"True. Then fire away, I guess."

"...Yeah, okay," Kara said reluctantly, "but just one kick for now, alright?* I don't want us hurting him any more than we have to."

"Awww, but I've never done it before," Por complained, frowning.* "What if I screw up the first one -- I need a second kick to make sure I've got it down."

"Fine. A few kicks, but that's all." She frowned. "I don't want to be the one explaining to the school nurse why Leon's walking funny for the next week."

"He'll be fine," Joule reassured her. "Besides, nothing's going to happen at all if we just let him stay frozen to his seat over there. Come on, I need someone to help me pick him up."

The rest of the girls walked over to join her, Joule and Willow each hooking an arm with Leon and pulling him stiffly to his feet. Kara adjusted his arms and legs, while Por helped straighten his tail and torso -- taking the opportunity to cop a quick feel as she did so. "Sorry about this," she giggled into his ear, giving his pink length a firm squeeze before stepping away.

The four looked over their handiwork for a moment, examining the living doll they had just positioned. The male was stuck almost perfectly still: occasionally a finger might twitch, but as long as Leon was Paralyzed there was no way he'd be moving very far. For the moment he had been placed in a pretty normal standing position, with his legs spread slightly -- for obvious reasons.

Willow laughed. "Oh man, this is just too easy. Look, his nuts are just hanging there!"

Kara seemed a little more interested in the other half of his equipment -- the rod still throbbing proudly in front of him. "Poor guy, we teased the heck out of him. Do you think he's going to stay hard like that the whole time?"

"Well, why don't we find out?" asked Por -- and with that she stepped forward, drawing her leg back and then swinging it in a vicious arc--

Leon's body was lifted off the ground slightly as the Vaporeon's footpaw rocketed upwards into his crotch, flattening his poor balls against his pelvis.* The Charmeleon could feel his testicles distort with the force of the blow, his twin orbs caught and crushed by her bare toes, squashed flat like pancakes against hard bone. His spuds hadn't been abused like this since that Nidoqueen had decided to demonstrate on him during the first day of class. Immediately the nausea rose in his gut, alarm bells going off in Leon's head as his instincts told him to double over and protect himself--

--but his body did nothing. Leon just stood motionless, his body not responding even as the pain crawled through his abdomen. He tried to squeak or squeal, to cry out somehow and express what he was feeling, but his mouth refused to move, his vocal cords frozen. To an outside observer, it looked as if nothing had happened.

Por withdrew her footpaw with some disappointment, setting it back down on the ground. "Aww, he didn't even fall over! Sis, you Paralyzed him too well."

Joule shrugged. "Maybe you missed."

"No, I don't think so." She looked down at her foot, flexing her toes. "I guess I didn't hit hard enough."

"That looked plenty hard to me," said Kara. The Kadabra frowned. "I'd prefer you not mess up my boyfriend any more than necessary, if you don't mind."

"Oh relax, he's fine." Willow shook her head. "He didn't even fall over, Kara -- it can't have hurt that bad."

"I guess." Kara sighed. "Sorry, I'm--...I just need to relax. You're right; he'll be fine."

"Yeah," added Joule, "think about the professor on the first day of class.* She was making him squeal and he was totally fine afterwards, right?"* The Jolteon folded her arms across her chest.* "I figure as long as he isn't twitching and making mewling sounds, he's gotta be alright."

"Besides, if a Nidoqueen can't pop his balls, what's the worst that I could possibly do?" Por furrowed her brow. "Now stand back, I want another shot at this."

Leon was helpless to do anything but watch as the female took a few steps back to give herself a running start, then launched another kick up into his defenseless jewels, her paw slamming up into his basket with even more force than before. That would have been bad enough, but apparently the Vaporeon had decided to tack on an actual attack as well, judging from the splash of water that flew off her foot as she made contact. Leon could practically see the steam rising from his groin as water met fire, his manhood squashed agonizingly in-between.

The Charmeleon quivered, his knees shaking slightly as his body tried to process the flood of pain signals coming from his groin. His stomach seemed to be doing somersaults from the force of the impact. Still though, he stayed upright, frozen in position, even if he wanted nothing more than to curl up and clutch himself.

"...Better," Por said, still not entirely pleased. "I got a reaction, at least."

"That looked pretty good to me," said Joule. "Follow that up with a Hydro Pump and an opponent would be toast."

"Yeah, but I want to be able to knock someone out without using my special attacks, and I feel like all my physical attacks suck. I wish I could learn Mega Kick or something like that."

"You should try Iron Tail," commented Willow. "I imagine that'd work pretty well."

"Ooh, good point."* The Vaporeon curled her tail up around her shoulder to glance at her flukes, exposing her tight rear in the process.* "I have been working it out recently."

"Well then, show us," said Joule, grinning. "Crunch those balls."

She grinned back.*"Alright.*Somebody spread his legs a little more for me."

Leon was still reeling from the last blow, and so he hardly noticed as the females positioned him again, spreading his legs apart to steady him and to present the Vaporeon with an easier target. His balls dangled enticingly, the heavy orbs awaiting the next round of blows, his engorged cock still pulsing just above.

"He's not going soft, is he?" asked Willow, gazing at his member for a moment.

"With this many beautiful girls around? I don't think so." Joule grinned. "There's no stopping male hormones, after all."

Willow smirked. "Man, tonight is gonna be fun."

"Hey, gimme some room," interrupted Por. The Vaporeon moved into a fighting stance, her tail raised high, eyes narrowed in concentration. She paused for a moment, focusing on her target, then launched herself forward. In a graceful movement the female spun, whipping her tail behind her and up into the Charmeleon's dragonhood with a solid whump.

Leon's eyes watered, his tailflame flaring as his gonads were smashed with overwhelming force. For a moment the Charmeleon just heard a dull ringing in his ears, the raw power of the blow ******* any other thoughts from his head -- and then the pain hit. This time, not even Paralysis could keep the male standing.*Slowly and soundlessly Leon sunk to his knees, the Vaporeon's tail still trapped between his legs. Shakily his paws drifted towards his groin, trying to cup his battered babymakers and at least confirm that they were still there.

Joule chuckled. "I think you got him good, sis."

"Yes! Oh that felt good." The water-type happily withdrew her tail, once again curling it up over her shoulder. "It's really weird. I could feel his nuts, like...squished against my tail.*They're like big hard-boiled eggs or something."

"Heh...that's kind of a funny mental image," laughed Willow.*"I like that."

"Except that boiled eggs would be scrambled after that kind of a hit," said the Jolteon.

Meanwhile, Leon was still coming to grips with the adrenalized agony racing through his body. Arceus...the pain! The Charmeleon tried to force his gaze upward to look at Por, praying for some sympathy from his attacker, but he couldn't look much higher than his own eye-level. Instead, from where he had fallen on his knees, he was presented with a clear shot of the Vaporeon's ass, her tail still lifted high and exposing her toned rear to him.

Leon decided to focus on that, at least.

As he was enjoying the view, though, trying to distract himself from the agony in his gut, he noticed something a bit concerning. From his current position he could just steal the occasional glance at her slit, a hint of pink showing between those firm thighs...and from the look of things, she was absolutely dripping wet. Leon tried to reassure himself. Maybe she was still wet from masturbating earlier, or maybe just soaked from battling -- she was a water-type, after all. She couldn't actually be getting off on busting his balls, could she?

The male didn't have much time to dwell on that, though, as Joule grabbed one of his arms and quickly hoisted him back up to his feet. "Alright, let me take a crack at this," she said, positioning him once more with his legs spread. "I wanna see how fast I can drop him."

Leon watched through a haze of pain as she set his body in place. This was going to be bad.

"You need any help setting up?" asked Willow.

"Nope, I think I can handle this on my own," the Jolteon replied, grinning as she finished her preparations. The female took a few steps back to prepare herself. "Just watch this!--"

And with that Joule was a blur of motion, body rocketing forward on the offensive. Before anyone had time to react, she was in front of Leon, launching a vicious kick up into his groin -- followed immediately by a second, even more powerful kick from her other leg. Both blows struck the Charmeleon with brutal force, each crushing his aching pair into his pelvis. The Jolteon kept her foot lodged in his crotch for an extra moment, pressing his balls flat against the hard bone.

"Ooh, Double Kick," murmured Por appreciatively. "Good choice."

Immediately Leon felt the agony crawling through his gut, a wave of nausea washing over his entire body. That alone was more than enough for the Charmeleon to start sinking to the floor -- but Joule intervened, quickly grabbing one of the male's arms. Before Leon knew what was happening he had been flipped over the female's shoulder, crashing down onto the floor with a heavy thud. And then--

--and then the male was in a very compromising position, in more ways than one. As soon as he had hit the floor, Joule had sprung on top of him, pinning his arms and legs to prevent any possible counterattack, and as a result...well, as a result they were basically in a sixty-nine position. With his neck frozen stiff, Leon had nowhere to look but directly at the Jolteon's sex, the same slit he'd been plunging his fingers into just a few minutes prior. Despite the danger of the situation and the horrible ache in his abdomen, Leon couldn't help but drink in the view for a moment...almost literally. From the look of things, Joule was just as wet as her sister, if not more so. The Charmeleon felt his blood run cold for a second time. Again, Leon prayed that it was the thrill of the battle that had turned her on, or maybe his earlier performance, and not crushing his--

--but before the Charmeleon could finish that thought, something came thudding down into his ballsac, crushing its contents against the ground. Leon felt the urge to yelp as a strong shock raced through his system...followed by the urge to squeal as the wave of agony from his balls followed shortly after. What the hell was that? She was moving so fast -- before the male could even force his eyes downward, she'd hit him a second time, and then a third. Leon's eyes watered as he watched her raise her arm a fourth time, her closed fist crackling with electricity, and...oh Arceus, she was using Thunder Punch?!

Leon's body gave a short twitch as Joule landed another punch on his family jewels, the twin orbs bouncing with the impact for a moment before they were crushed again by her other fist. The female continued to alternate rapidly, treating the Charmeleon's spuds like a makeshift punching bag, sparks flying as she pummeled his package. The Jolteon hit an eighth...ninth...tenth time before finally starting to slow down, delivering a solid eleventh punch, a glancing twelfth, and a half-hearted thirteenth. She watched for another moment as Leon's balls bounced around a final time before coming to a stop, a slightly angrier shade of red-orange than they had been a few moments prior.

"Well?" Joule looked up at her female companions, breathing heavily. "What do you think? Would he be down after that?"

"Uh, yeah, I think so," replied Por, eyes wide. "Geez, sis, have you been practicing?"

"Yeah, a little, but not on actual guys -- just on the speedbag at the gym." She grinned. "It's like the professor said: as long as you hit fast and hard, you can get the advantage over a guy really quickly."

"Remind me to practice with you later," said Willow admiringly."You could teach me a thing or two."

"Sure thing!" Joule replied happily.

Beneath the Jolteon, Leon tried to cup his battered balls, or to draw his legs in, or to do anything that would help him cover up his poor gonads. His mouth opened and closed, trying to make some exclamation of pain or suffering, but try as he might nothing would come out. Every so often a leg or an arm would twitch, but that was more an involuntary reaction than anything -- Leon felt sure that if he wasn't Paralyzed, he'd be twitching quite a bit.

"Anyway, that's all I wanted to do." The Jolteon climbed back to her feet, giving the male's sac one last parting slap as she stood up. "Kara, you wanna go next?"

"Huh?" The Kadabra blushed. "Oh, uh, I dunno. I was thinking I might just watch."

"What?" exclaimed Willow. "Oh come on, psychic-girl, you need the physical training more than any of us." She smirked. "We already know you're good at playing mind games with your men -- now show us what your body can do."

Kara blushed even harder. "Well, if you insist...can you help me pull him up first?"

With that the two female 'mon each hooked an elbow with the fallen Charmeleon, struggling to pull him to his feet. After a few moments the pair succeeded in pulling him upright...but as soon as they let go of his arms, the male slid back down to the ground, his legs too weak to support his weight.

Willow looked down at Leon with a frown. "Well. Looks like you busted him pretty good, Joule."

The Jolteon beamed a satisfied smile.

"Hmm..." Por thought for a moment. "Kara, you could hold him in place with Psychic, right? Even if he can't stand up on his own, that might be enough."

"Hold him and kick him at the same time?" The Kadabra considered the proposal. "That's a lot to focus on, but I suppose I could use the multitasking practice."

"Alright, then," said Joule, folding her arms across her chest, "show us what you've got."

Leon had been slumped on the ground for a minute now, wondering if steel-type males had to deal with this kind of pain, when suddenly an unseen force began to lift him. Judging from the blue glow in his peripheral vision, it had to be Kara using Psychic again -- this time to prop him back up in a standing position. The Charmeleon felt a growing sense of dread as she nudged his legs apart, making sure his balls hung freely in the open.

Some of that dread, however, was offset by an unexpected tug at his member. Leon's eyes opened wide as something wrapped itself around his still-throbbing length, stroking gently from tip to base and back again. The Paralyzed 'mon managed to look down with some effort, trying to figure out who it was that had taken pity on him, but he was surprised to find that there was no one anywhere near him. There'd didn't seem to be anything touching him at all -- except for that soft blue glow, anyway.

Relax, rang out a voice in his head. It's just me. Leon ****** his eyes up again in time to see the Kadabra give him a coy smile, just as the unseen force around his cock gave a particularly strong squeeze. A tiny shudder ran through the Charmeleon as she gave his pride a few more quick strokes, the length straining eagerly in her invisible grip. Oh, having her as a girlfriend was going to be fun.

Por interrupted the brief moment of bliss. "So are you gonna kick him or what?"

"Right right," she replied, shaking her head. "Let's see."

Leon felt a sharp pang of disappointment as the sensation around his member suddenly melted away, leaving him throbbing in the open air. That disappointment grew much further as he watched Kara take a step closer, her eyes narrowing as her focus shifted to an even more sensitive part of his anatomy.

Kara stopped and thought for a moment, trying to focus. The Kadabra took a moment to prepare herself -- physical attacks were less than her forte -- then propelled herself forward and let her foot fly up between his legs, her instep striking a glancing blow across his danglers before hitting his inner thigh with a firm thud.

Internally, Leon let out a long groan, his knees quivering at the leaden ache in his gut...though to be honest, it could have been a lot worse. This wasn't nearly the kind of bone-crunching blow his last two attackers had delivered -- nothing like having his spunk-makers forcibly jammed into his stomach. And of course, it certainly didn't hurt when Kara quickly resumed her stroking of his cock once more, the invisible hand gliding smoothly around his shaft and picking up where it had left off...

Looking up, the Charmeleon managed to lock eyes with Kara, and as soon as he saw the apologetic look on her face he understood: she didn't want to bust his balls, at least not any more than was necessary. That explained the lackluster kick, as well as the secretive handjob, which was helping to take the edge off the pain. It was awfully effective, he noted. Leon decided that he wouldn't mind getting Paralyzed more often, if it meant that more girls would feel compelled to jerk him off.

Joule wasn't quite as pleased. "Harder!" she urged. "You need practice, Kara -- that barely hit him."

"Alright, I guess." Kara took a step back again. "Sorry -- I don't use my physical attacks very often, so they're not very polished."

Por nodded. "Not a problem. That's what this session is for."

"Exactly," said Joule. "Now focus. For now, you'll want to hit him right in the center of the sac, so that no matter which way his balls go they'll still be trapped by your foot."

Kara blushed. "Is there really that much technique to it?"

"Oh yeah," Joule replied. "If you're really precise, you can even choose whether to attack the left nut or the right nut. It's much easier to take a guy down when you're focusing on just one ball."

"Ah. Well, I think I'll stick to basics for now." The Kadabra took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing."

This time the attack landed much more squarely. Leon felt another jolt of pain rush through his body as she made contact, his balls rolling off in opposite directions to rest on either side of her foot. He felt the nausea rise in his gut for a moment, along with a brief moment of dizziness. That was a good bit more painful than her first kick...but again, it was nothing compared to some of the attacks he'd suffered through earlier. Besides, he was quickly distracted as that invisible something clamped down on his cock again, squeezing the eager flesh as if to make up for the blow to the groin. The Charmeleon shivered slightly, halfway between pain and pleasure. All things considered, this actually wasn't too bad -- this he could live with. For the first time since he'd been Paralyzed, Leon allowed himself to relax. At least he could be sure that Kara wasn't going to break anything.

The other girls, however, were not as pleased with her tactics. "Kara, you've got to give him at least one real kick," Willow complained. "You're not going to damage your boytoy, don't worry."

"I know, I know," she replied guiltily. "I just don't wanna hurt him any more than we have to, y'know?"

Joule grinned. "Hard to beat the stuffing out the boy you have a huge crush on, eh?"

"Well yeah, that too. He doesn't deserve all this crap."

"Then you'll just have to imagine he's someone who does deserve a kick in the balls," Willow interjected. "C'mon, I'm sure there's someone out there you'd love to rack. What about that pervy Scyther guy who's always spying on you through the window?"

Kara stopped, turning to face the Weavile. "Wait...what?"

"You know -- that kid in our Hand-to-Hand tactics class who's always hanging out in the tree outside our dorm room. He's been watching through your window every day for the past week. It's kind of cute, in a creepy stalker sort of way..." Willow's voice trailed off as she noticed the look on the Kadabra's face. "W-...Wait, you mean you didn't know?"

"Um, no?! Was anyone planning on telling me?!"

The other three females glanced at each other awkwardly. "We all, uh..." Por cleared her throat. "We all sorta assumed you knew. Particularly given the show you were giving him yesterday."

"You mean someone was..." Kara stopped mid-sentence, blushing furiously as she thought back to the rather intimate session she'd had with her trusty spoon the previous afternoon. She stood there processing for a few moments, mouth hanging open, until suddenly her gaze hardened into a glare, her fists clenching tightly. "Oh that bug is fucking DEAD. Son of a bitch--"

Meanwhile, Leon had spent the last few minutes trying to get his hips to move, desperate to thrust up against the invisible hand wrapped teasingly around his length. Kara's stroking had gradually slowed, but the male's libido raged on. Her touch was just enough to push him towards the edge, but not enough to push him over it -- instead his arousal just kept climbing, until the Charmeleon felt ready to explode. His tailflame roared as the heat inside continued to grow, his pride throbbing needfully in front of him, his balls boiling with seed despite their recent abuse. All it would take was a couple quick thrusts, or a few more quick strokes -- any kind of friction at all, really.

The overworked male quivered in place, riding on the edge of an orgasm, silently begging for someone to help him over the edge. Despite the agony radiating from his groin, Leon felt ready to blow his second load of the afternoon. He might even have gotten there on his own, if it weren't for the thigh that suddenly came thundering up between his legs, squashing his already-aching orbs up into his pelvis. Leon's eyes shot open in shock, searching for a moment before coming to rest on Kara, the one girl he'd trusted not to break his balls. The Charmeleon gasped wordlessly for a moment before managing a quiet squeak, as if to ask, Why?

Kara just grit her teeth. "Sorry," she growled, before drawing her leg back and slamming it upwards once again. She could picture the perv who'd been spying on her -- hell, they'd fought in a mock battle just a few days ago. Was that why he'd looked so smug the whole time? The bastard. If they ever battled again, she'd have to be sure to knock his nuts up into his throat -- or maybe just rip 'em off entirely. After crushing them flat, of course. With that thought she brought her knee up one final time, grinding it up into Leon's groin for a moment before letting it drop and ******* herself to walk away.

At the same time the Kadabra let go of her psychic restraints, letting the beaten fire-type crumple to the ground once again. Leon dropped like a stone, still unable to move, even if his body demanded he curl into the fetal position. Instead he just landed flat on his back, taking in shallow gasps of air, his legs still spread and his nutsac still open to whatever the girls had in mind next. Leon couldn't remember ever being in so much pain -- not even the professor had put him through this much agony. And of course, all the while his member continued to stand straight up from his crotch, the pink length engorged with arousal even if his nuts had been bashed to the edge of bursting.

Kara looked down at her boyfriend for a moment, panting with exertion. "Ugh. Damn Scyther."

"Done?" asked Joule cautiously.

Kara let out an aggravated sigh, turning to face her roommates with an exasperated look. "Yes...but just so you all know, we are definitely talking about this later."

Por nodded quickly. "Sure sure, of course...but how was it? The ballbusting, I mean?"

Kara actually had to stop for a moment to consider the question. "Well...actually, that felt pretty good," she admitted sheepishly.

"See? We told you so," Joule said, looking down at the male lying spread-eagle on the floor. "And he's fine -- hardly a scratch on him."

"Y-Yeah, I guess you're right. I shouldn't be so worried." The Kadabra exhaled, trying to relax after the rush of anger. "Still, I'm surprised he's in such good shape. I got a bit carried away there...I was kneeing him pretty hard. Sorry, Leon."

"I don't think he can hear you, sweetheart," Joule said, chuckling. She bent down to look more closely at the Charmeleon's ballsac. "You'd be surprised how much abuse a guy's testicles can take.* I mean, they're needed in order to reproduce, so evolution made damn sure they could take a couple hits and still work."

"Evolution, eh?" Por grinned. "You think we could bust him even harder if he was a Charizard?"

"Probably." Joule poked at the male's swollen sac with a toe. "We'd have a bigger target to work with, anyway."

Willow grinned. "I wouldn't mind bringing a Charizard to his knees. Maybe next semester. For now, though," the Weavile stated, dropping to her knees, "it is definitely my turn. Lemme see these."

Oh Arceus!* Leon felt his stomach lurch as the Weavile roughly grabbed his nutsac, pulling the orbs tight in a vicious claw-grip. "You're right, Kara, he's big," she commented, sizing up the male's package.* Experimentally she flicked each of his gonads with a claw, the Charmeleon's leg twitching each time she made contact.

This continued for a few moments before Willow let go of her grip on his balls, instead merely hefting their weight in a paw.* Leon let out a mental sigh of relief as she finally let go of his damaged dragonmakers -- but only for a moment.* Suddenly a blinding agony took over his body as she grabbed him again, this time focusing on just his left ball.* The fire-type found himself unable to scream as the Weavile pinched his nut between two claws, the pointed tips almost meeting in the middle of his distorted testicle.

"They're funny little things, aren't they?" she mused, examining the orb.* "Squishy."

Leon searched desperately for a way to signal the female to stop, but instead she merely moved on to his other ball, this time using both sets of claws to hold it in place.* The Charmeleon teetered on the edge of unconsciousness as she gave the scaly sphere a firm squeeze, stressing it to the breaking point.

"Oh wow!" she giggled.* "I felt my claws touch!* I didn't realize you could do that without popping it."

"Really?" asked Por curiously. * "Hang on, let me try."

A tortured mewl escaped the Charmeleon's throat as the Vaporeon reached over and clamped down on his other gonad, squeezing it brutally between her fingers.* Slowly but surely her fingers sunk into the trapped orb, until finally...

"Wow, you're right!" she exclaimed.* "It just sort of squishes around your fingers...that's so weird."* She glanced up at Leon's frozen face.* "Can't imagine this feels too good for you, huh?"

"Oh, he'll be fine," said Joule, arms folded across her chest.* "As long as we don't damage anything, anyway. Besides, look at his cock -- he's still hard as a rock."

"Yeah, I guess so."* Por took a moment to gaze at Leon's pulsing length, even as she continued to prod at the male's testicle.* "Still, can't say I envy him right now -- this has gotta be pretty uncomfortable."

'Uncomfortable' didn't begin to describe it. Leon had never realized it was even possible to be in this much pain -- between the paws crushing his left nut and the claws digging into his right, it felt like a Snorlax was stomping on his balls. Not that that mental image helped, imagining his balls being liquified by one 'mon instead of two. Oh Arceus, why had he agreed to this; why couldn't he just pass out already--

"I guess that's enough." Por let go of the Charmeleon's tortured nut, the orb reinflating to a distorted approximation of its usual shape. "We don't want to hurt him too bad, after all. Willow, you done yet?"

Willow frowned. "Eh, I guess." She gave Leon one more hard squeeze for good measure, his leg twitching in response to the added pressure. "I feel like I don't have the arm strength for this, though. I gotta figure out a better way to crush 'em. Maybe...hmm. Maybe I could try stomping on them?"

Kara shook her head. "Don't you remember? The professor said that's one of the easiest ways to pop one -- you're only supposed to do it if you really need the advantage."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we promised Leon he'd be leaving with both his balls," Joule added, looking down at the male.

Willow harumphed. "Well that sucks. He can't stand up any more, so I can't kick him..."

"Could you maybe just stand on them?" Por asked. "I mean, that'd give you an idea what stomping feels like, without actually having to do it."

"Are we sure that's safe?" asked Kara hesitantly.* "I don't wanna ruin him or anything."

"Oh come on," Willow replied, "they're practically made of rubber -- they can take a little weight." The female weighed the Charmeleon's balls in her paw, giving the twin orbs a rough squeeze.* "Besides, you've got a good grasp on Psychic, right?*That should let you keep an eye on his balls. You can keep a lookout, and if it gets to a point where I'm gonna break something, tell me and I'll stop.* Promise.* It'll all be alright."* The Weavile smirked.* "After all, even if something does happen, it's not like he needs both of 'em."

"Willow!" Kara said, shocked.

"Well he doesn't," she replied matter-of-factly.* "Plenty of guys lose a nut in this league and they're fine."

"Well sure," the Kadabra argued, "but that's an accident, not something you go about doing on purpose!"

Willow rolled her eyes.* "Anyway, the point is that you can keep a lookout and any time you want me to stop, I'll stop.* Deal?"

Kara glanced down at the Charmeleon for a moment, gaze hovering on his already swollen ballsac.* "Alright," she reluctantly agreed, "but you have to stop if I say so."

"But of course," she drawled sarcastically.

"This is gonna be so hot," Joule grinned.

Willow took a few steps towards the supine lizard, taking a moment to nudge his legs further apart for better access. She looked down at his scrotum for a moment, examining the twin orbs. "So...which one do you think I should step on?"

"Which one's bigger?" asked Por.

"Good question." She placed her foot atop the male's battered spuds, flexing her toes to better feel their size. "The left one, I think, though it might just be more swollen."

"Well, step on that one. It's biggest, so it can probably take the most weight, right?" Por shrugged. "That'd make sense to me, anyway."

"It's also going to be the nut with the most nerves," Joule noted.

"Perfect!" Willow grinned widely. "Then let's get this party started." Without further ado she positioned herself, resting her foot above the Charmeleon's larger left gonad and beginning to bear down...

Leon's mind was still swimming from the last round of squeezing he'd been put through -- it was hard enough just staying conscious, never mind following the girls' conversation. That being said, he definitely did notice when something began pressing down on his poor jewels once more, the gentle pressure slowly growing in intensity until alarm bells began to go off in his head.

Unfortunately for Leon, Willow was quickly getting tired of the slow and steady approach. Realizing that at the current rate this would take far too long, the Weavile suddenly shifted about half her weight onto the scaly egg, sighing with satisfaction as the spud began to flatten accordingly.

Leon's hard skipped a beat at the sudden increase in pressure -- and then a wave of nausea came crashing over him, worse than any other nutpain he'd felt that afternoon. Behind his frozen facade, the Charmeleon was almost delirious with agony: unable to protect himself, he could do nothing but watch as his gonad slowly distorted under the female's weight.*The male was ****** to lie still as the Weavile continued her work.

Willow, for her part, was reveling in the feeling of the male's nutmeat squishing slowly between her toeclaws, the rubbery orb unable to keep its oval shape under the increasing pressure. "You have got to try this sometime," she said to the other females, a stupid grin on her face as she continued to shift her weight forward.* "It feels so good between your toes -- I don't know how to explain it."

"Well then keep going!" Por encouraged. The Vaporeon was biting her lip, obviously quite excited. One of her paws had begun to drift lower, quietly making its way towards her slit.

Leon could feel his world starting to turn black as Willow continued to crush his manhood, her bare foot bringing impossible pain to his bare balls. Somewhere in the back of his mind the Charmeleon wondered how many other males had been through this kind of experience: ****** to watch as their testicles were slowly ground to a pulp under a female's foot. Hopefully not many.

Willow continued along happily, continuing to add weight to her victim's trapped spunk-maker, but Kara was beginning to worry. If her senses were right, Leon was starting to get into trouble. "Willow, you're really close to popping his nut," the psychic warned.* "I think you should probably stop."

"Oh c'mon, just a little more?" she begged.* "I've got almost all my weight on it, it's just the tiniest bit more to go."

The Kadabra bit her lip, glancing down at the paralyzed Charmeleon.* Already his ball had been squashed flatter than she thought possible. "Well...alright," she relented.* "But be careful.* Do it slowly."

"Of course," Willow replied, grinning.* "I want to savor this, after all."

Leon gurgled as the Weavile continued to shift the last of her weight onto his poor gonad, which by now had begun squishing outwards on either side of her paw. All conscious thought was ****** from his mind by the crushing force applied to the most delicate part of his anatomy. Even through his Paralysis, his hips began to spasm slightly, trying to dislodge the female and salvage whatever was left of his dragonhood. And yet despite it all, the Charmeleon's member continued to stand proudly, the stiff length denied too many times to give up now. In fact, he'd even begun to drool a thin stream of precum...though it was hard to say whether that was caused by his arousal or by Willow physically ******* it from his swollen balls.

The expression on Willow's face appeared almost orgasmic as she carefully brought the last of her weight down on Leon's poor nut, the abused orb trembling dangerously beneath the pressure. The female paused for a long moment...then broke into a huge smile. "That's it!" she exclaimed excitedly. "I'm standing on it! I'm standing on his nut!"

"Prove it!" called out Joule.

"Of course," she replied, grinning. "Wait wait, ready? Watch this." There was another moment's pause, and then...

Por whistled. "Nicely done!" exclaimed the Vaporeon.

Leon opened his eyes to a sight he would unfortunately never be able to forget: the Weavile balancing on one leg, his flattened testicle trapped firmly underfoot.* His nutflesh bulged obscenely from between her toeclaws, seeking some escape from the ungodly pressure, finding only the bare minimum of space necessary for survival. He could see several of her claws poised dangerously over bubbles of nutmeat, just millimeters from the surface of his ballsac, the razor-sharp tips ready to puncture the bloated protrusions. And as soon as one bubble was popped...well, there was no way his ball would be anything but a mushy mess.

Meanwhile, Willow was busy celebrating her victory. "Oh Arceus," the Weavile gushed, looking down with glee at her toes, "you have no idea how good this feels.* It's just...it's really satisfying, for some reason."

"Resilient little things, aren't they?" commented the Vaporeon.* "I'm still amazed they can take that much weight."

"Yeah, well, his ball's right on the edge of bursting," Kara commented, a mild look of worry on her face.* "Willow, if you hadn't skipped breakfast this morning I think Leon might be missing a testicle right about now."

"Well I guess it's a good thing I skipped, then," said the Weavile, grinning.* "Although I must say...I am kinda curious how it would feel to have one pop between my toes."

"Willow," the Kadabra warned.

"I know, I know, I wasn't going to.* I'm just...curious."* She looked down.* "Maybe in a battle someday or something. Somebody who doesn't deserve 'em. That Torterra who keeps chatting me up in math class could probably stand to lose a nut or two."

"I look forward to it," Kara replied, still with a tone of urgency in her voice. "Now would you mind getting off my boyfriend's balls?"

"Oh fine." The Weavile flexed her toeclaws one more time, grinning, before setting her other paw down, mercifully taking her weight off of Leon's dragonhood. The Charmeleon was too far gone to even notice as Willow finally stepped away, her weight coming off of his now-flattened gonad. The female frowned slightly as she set her foot back down on solid ground, disappointed at the lack of anything rubbery beneath her toes.

The rest of the group, however, was still focused on the handiwork she'd left behind. "Wow, look at it," whispered Por. "It's so flat."* Sure enough, the Charmeleon's testicle remained paper-thin, the Weavile's three-toed footprint clearly indented in the center.

"Not really a 'ball' anymore, is it?" remarked Joule with a grin.* "Willow, you might not have popped his nut, but I've got a feeling Leon here might be shooting blanks for a while."

"Do you really think it's gonna stay like that?" asked Willow, a hint of concern in her voice.* "I mean, I didn't mean to crush it or anything.* What do we do if it doesn't, y'know...reinflate?"

Kara sighed. "I can fix that," she answered, raising a spoon.

Leon could do nothing except let out a quiet squeak as the Kadabra focused her energy on his gonad, using Psychic once more in order to crush his ball back into shape.* Much to Willow's relief, the flattened orb slowly regained its original shape, albeit several sizes larger than it had been before.

"Wow...it's really swollen," giggled Por, bending down to hold the oversized nut in her paws. She compared it briefly to its brother, the ball that Willow had spared. "And I thought his nuts were swollen before. Hope that's not a problem."

"Yeah," said Kara, "as far as I can tell everything should be alright. Nothing seems to be broken, just squashed a bit. As long as he rests up, he'll be fine. Of course, that having been said, I think we should probably call it a day...for Leon's sake."

"Sounds reasonable," said Joule.

"Everyone get all the practice they need?" asked Kara

"I'm all set," said Por.

"Same," echoed Joule.

"...I wouldn't mind one more kick, to be honest," said Willow, still looking down at the Charmeleon.

Kara scowled at her.

"Oh fine," the Weavile said, relenting. "I guess I'm done too, then."

"Great. Then let's get Leon back to our room where he can rest up." The Kadabra looked up. "Joule, you said you had a Cheri berry?"

"Oh, right." The Jolteon grabbed her pack, rifling through the bag until she came across a container of large red berries. "Here we are -- instant paralysis cure. One should do it. He probably can't chew it, so just drip some of the juice into his mouth and he should start coming around in a few seconds."

"Alright." Kara took the fruit from her roommate, kneeling down beside Leon. Gently she pried his muzzle open, holding the berry about his mouth and slicing it open with a fingertips.

As soon as the first few drops had fallen into Leon's mouth, his body began moving again -- slowly but surely. The Charmeleon instantly began curling into a ball, his claws moving to clutch his tortured ballsac.*Unfortunately, the instinctual impulse to collapse into the fetal position did nothing to soothe the apocalyptic agony radiating from his gonads and overloading his nervous system -- though it did help cover them from any further attacks. There was that, at least.

"Heh." Joule chuckled. "That's your standard ballbusted male, alright -- trying to double up and protect the goods. I bet he's been dying to do that ever since we started."

Kara continued to drip berry juice into Leon's mouth, trying to restore more of his mobility -- though the Charmeleon didn't seem particularly eager to leave his current crumpled position. The Kadabra continued to administer the juice for another minute before finally stopping, confident that his paralysis was be mostly gone.

She placed a hand on his shoulder, looking down into his eyes. "Hey, Leon.*You alright?"

Leon was far beyond hearing at the moment...though he was trying to say something. At the moment, though, all he could manage was a soft, high-pitched whine

"Leon?" Kara repeated, still searching for a response. She waved a paw in front of his eyes. "Huh. He's not responding."

"He probably just a little overwhelmed," said Willow. "We've gotta give him a few minutes to loosen up again."

"Well, we only have the practice arena until...oh shit," said Kara, glancing at the clock in the corner of the room. "The next group is gonna be here any minute now -- we've gotta get moving. Where should we put Leon?"

"Well," said Por, "we were already planning on inviting him to our room later...wanna just bring him over now?"

Just then, Leon interrupted with a high, pained squeak, rocking over onto his side, paws still clasped tightly between his legs. "Ohh," he moaned. "My...my BALLS!"

"Yeah," added Joule, largely ignoring the Charmeleon, "if we take him to our room, we can make sure he's alright while he's recovering. That, and make sure no one else hears him squealing about his balls for the next hour."

"Heh. Sounds like a plan -- to our room it is." The Kadabra grabbed her bag, slinging it over a shoulder. "Let's get out of here, then."

Moments later the group was scurrying down the hallway towards their room, carrying a moaning, crumpled Charmeleon between them.

Alec Anaconda
08-19-2009, 12:15 PM
Again, an excellent narrative. Well done!

Keep on writing.

08-19-2009, 08:31 PM
I think I'm in love with Willow.

08-20-2009, 04:32 PM
What's with the turtles, dolphins, pokemon, etc? No mammals?

08-20-2009, 06:26 PM
What's with the turtles, dolphins, pokemon, etc? No mammals?

Well, dolphins are technically mammals, but I know what you mean. To be honest, it's a personal preference. Most of the things I'm into could be classified under the "furry" umbrella, but I'm not all that into actual fur -- I'm much more interested in scales or feathers or things like that. I guess I make up my stories accordingly. It's not really a conscious thing, it's just what pops into my head.

On the other hand, I do have a work-in-progress with deer that'll probably make its way here eventually. I dunno if that's quite the kind of mammal you're looking for, but maybe it's a start.

08-20-2009, 06:28 PM
Oh, and MamaJama: glad you like Willow. I started writing parts of her busting scene almost a year ago, so I'm happy to hear she's well-received :P

08-20-2009, 08:05 PM
Well, dolphins are technically mammals, but I know what you mean. To be honest, it's a personal preference. Most of the things I'm into could be classified under the "furry" umbrella, but I'm not all that into actual fur -- I'm much more interested in scales or feathers or things like that. I guess I make up my stories accordingly. It's not really a conscious thing, it's just what pops into my head.

On the other hand, I do have a work-in-progress with deer that'll probably make its way here eventually. I dunno if that's quite the kind of mammal you're looking for, but maybe it's a start.

Can I request a horse? 0:3

08-20-2009, 10:41 PM
Could I get a Wolf please,hope its no trouble

08-21-2009, 11:56 AM
Heh -- I've got plenty of my own stuff to finish before I start anything new, but I'll keep those thoughts in mind. No promises, but ya may get something eventually :P

08-22-2009, 12:58 AM
Heh -- I've got plenty of my own stuff to finish before I start anything new, but I'll keep those thoughts in mind. No promises, but ya may get something eventually :P



08-24-2009, 08:39 PM
if you want a story with a horse,bull,raccoon, i have some stories on the eunuch archives

they are more then just ball busting

ill post links but please read the warnings

Stallions dilemma


Leira's Raccoon (side story to Stallion part 2)

Minotaurs fate

again be sure to read the warnings prior to reading the stories

08-25-2009, 07:21 AM
Great stuff, thanks a lot! Much joy!

08-31-2009, 09:33 AM
I just love that pokemon 3-parter

09-13-2009, 02:11 AM
some ballbusting and cbt of the same character. the only cbt stuff ive seen lately

Oddly i cant open this atachemnts, can someone post these pics somewere plz? ^^

09-14-2009, 10:11 AM
What's with the turtles, dolphins, pokemon, etc? No mammals?
Poiu's a Scalie x3

09-17-2009, 10:43 PM
Heh -- I don't normally think of myself as such, but I guess I do tend towards things with scales :P

Speaking of which: I've almost got another chapter of Dragon Slaying done! It's taking a little longer than expected because I'm working on two different endings -- one canon, one non-canon -- but here's a snippet to keep y'all happy while I finish things up. Enjoy!

Beneath me on her hands and knees the dragoness let out a pleasurable hiss, her back arching as I sunk slowly into her sex. Her tail curled around one of my legs, trying to pull me in deeper. "Mmm...faster," she moaned, in a voice that made my cock throb.

Oh god, I wanted to, to let myself go and start rutting -- I just wasn't sure if my gonads could handle it after all they'd been through. I had to try, though. I ****** myself to pull back out, toeclaws curling from her tight grip around my pole. I paused for a moment to steel myself, then thrust in again, sighing in pleasure -- then cringing as my ballsac slapped up against her and a strong jolt of nausea shot up my spine. I let out a grunt, trying to swallow back the pain. C'mon, seriously? Fuck today was not my day. Still, the warm wet tunnel surrounding my cock remained rather compelling, so I pulled back, gritting my teeth as I prepared for another thrust...

Apparently that wasn't enough for the female. "Faster," she repeated, a little more forcefully this time, pressing her rump back to meet my thrust.

This didn't help my balls, which managed to swing up between the two of us and get squashed uncomfortably between my groin and her ass before they could squirm away to safety. "Oogh," I gasped, my grip on her sides tightening instinctively as I bent over, reacting to the sudden sickness in my stomach. "Nngh, could you...not do that?"

"Could you fuck me?" she hissed back, shooting a deadly look over her shoulder.

She did not look happy. I bit my lip and swallowed nervously as I pulled out once again, still somewhat hunched over the female. I knew what she wanted, and fuck if I didn't want to give it to her, but I also knew there was no way I could pound her without also putting myself in a world of pain. My nuts were giving off a considerable ache even while I stood still. Still, she was waiting...

I was going to be walking funny after this, but I couldn't see any better option -- she wasn't about to take 'no' for an answer. Throwing caution to the wind, I thrust in once more, my toes curling in pleasure at the sensations coming from my cock, then curling in pain as my ballsac slapped up against her. I ****** myself to keep going, pulling out and thrusting in and trying to block out the pain, but each thrust was like another slap to my already tenderized testicles. I felt my knees trembling beneath me, fighting to support my weight as the agony grew in my gut. God damn that hippo. I could feel my pace slowing, and sure enough, it was only a few moments before she interrupted yet again.

"I said faster!" she shouted, clearly frustrated. "Gods, do I have to do everything?"

I yelped as I felt a clawed hand shoot up between my legs, wrapping around my battered balls. The blood drained from my face as I realized what she was doing. Oh no...she couldn't possibly--

Any further thought process of mine was interrupted by the sudden yank on my bloated plums. My body lurched forwards to prevent the female from ripping my jewels clean off -- sure, they were low-hangers, but they didn't stretch that far. That, in turn, caused me to slam my cock into her tight slit right up to the hilt...which was of course exactly what she wanted in the first place.

I bent over the dragoness with an agonized groan just as she arched upwards with a happy moan, her sex spasming around my length. "That's it," she hissed, claws scratching at the earth. "Come on, don't you know how to fuck a girl? Let's try again."

I couldn't do much more than grunt in reply, but I breathed a sigh of relief as she relinquished her grip, letting my mangled marbles slip through her fingers. Apparently she was giving me another chance...or so I initially thought. To my horror, I felt something else curl around the neck of my scrotum, encircling my aching pair and squeezing them down tightly into their pouch. What on earth? She'd just let go of me -- I could see her hand now, briefly moving to fondle her tits before she set it back on the ground. How the hell was she grabbing me now? As far as I could tell, her whole body was busy. I could see all four of her limbs, her arms supporting her upper body, her legs on either side of mine, and that didn't leave anything but...ah.

Her tail.

I let out another squeak as I was jerked backwards by my gonads, the scaly spunk-factories squirming but failing to escape from the coils of the female's tail. Instead the two nuggets were squashed together into one enormous mass, trying in vain to escape the ungodly pressure. I squealed as my fragile eggs were assaulted once more, compressed into an ever-shrinking space; the dragoness merely let out another pleasurable rumble as I slid back out of her, my cock prepared for the next thrust.

Of course, now I could see where this was going, but I was nowhere near fast enough (or at this point, strong enough) to stop it. This time the female didn't even both letting go with her tail: she just grabbed my balls themselves, the full-to-bursting lump at the bottom of my sack, and pulled, my nutmeat squishing between her fingers as she propelled me forward. I roared in agony as my dragonmakers were crushed, even as my member disappeared once more, my hips slamming up against her gorgeous ass. Oh god, what I would've given to plow that ass any other time, any time but now -- and then I was jerked back again, my roar of pain transitioning to more of a squawk as her tail squashed my poor berries.

Beneath me, the dragoness was having the time of her life. She began to build up a rhythm, using me like some sort of organic dildo, making all sorts of pleasurable noises as she shoved my thick length in and out of her slit. I, on the other hand, was fighting to escape from a world of agony. My poor nuts, already flattened from hippo-stomping, were sending waves of nausea through my body, the slippery orbs unable to escape from her vicious grip. I could just picture them popping in her claws, the scaly spuds unable to take the pressure, and the thought of losing my boys after all we'd been through made me want to curl up and die even more than I already did.

I tried to think of what I'd done to deserve this -- if maybe this was karmic repayment for something I'd done before -- but I couldn't remember a time I'd ever put anyone through this much pain. No, this was just plain sadism. I wondered briefly what merciful god could possibly allow this to happen. Then I pictured Mother Nature, sitting back and laughing her ass off at me. Hell, it was her who designed us guys with our nuts on the outside. Maybe this was her idea of a practical joke.

Anyway, one way or another my family jewels were being crushed, and within a few seconds I had all but collapsed on top of the dragoness. I was draped across her back and writhing in pain, her strength holding up the two of us as she continued to use me as a fucktoy. "My BALLS," I croaked, "what are you doing tooooaaAANNNRRGGHH!"

"That's it, moan for me," she grinned, her fist clenching tightly around her badly-busted handful. "Oh god that makes me hot."

I could only screech in reply as my guts continued to turn themselves inside-out. My nuts were putty in her grip, her fingers digging deeply into the center of each orb, the scaly organs quivering on the edge of rupture. If she kept this up much longer, my dragonhood was either going to be reduced to goo or skewered on her claws. Either way I was going to spend the rest of my life in the fetal position, weeping.

I had to make it stop before it was too late. With the small part of my rational mind I still had left, I tried to reason with her. "Please," I squealed desperately, "you're going to pop my balls -- don't you want to have kids?"

"No, actually," she shot back, "I just wanna get fucked. And if you can't do that, maybe I'll find someone with the stones to do the job." She pulled back again with her tail, murmuring pleasantly to herself. I could feel the walls of her passage ripple around my rod, gripping my shaft tightly as it slid out...not that that made up for the stranglehold on my nutsac. And then she was reversing direction, squashing my plums between her fingers as she pulled me back in--

Oh god, the nausea. A dragon's testicles were never meant to be treated like this. I think the only thing that kept me from throwing up is that I was too weak to go through that much effort. I just lay sprawled across her back, twitching weakly as my cock slid in and out of her sex. Traitor...it was still rock-hard, too, even as the rest of my body went limp. I guess the scent of a dragoness in heat was just too much to resist. Pity I couldn't enjoy my first proper fucking.

I was pretty much ready to give up at this point, to let her do what she wanted and just hope I was still in one piece when she finished, but unfortunately it wasn't going to be that simple. All the twitching I'd been doing while draped across the female's back had caused me to slump to one side, leaning towards the right. Thus, when she suddenly squeezed with her hardest squeeze yet -- I guess I'd hit a good spot, because she moaned at the same time -- my limbs spasmed once again, and it was just enough to push me off the dragoness and let me tumble towards the ground.

Before hitting the dirt, though, I came to an abrupt and unfortunate stop. See, just because I'd fallen off the girl's back didn't mean she'd let go of my nuts -- in fact, her tail was still wrapped quite tightly around my ballsac, and as a result I found myself in a rather uncomfortable position. I let out a choked gasp as for a split second my lower body was suspended by my balls, the dragoness refusing to let go, still crushing the rubbery lumps in the coils of her tail...until she released me, allowing me to crash the remaining few inches to the ground.

For the time being I just lay there, too battered even to curl into the fetal position. I couldn't even think with the waves of pain washing over me. It felt like my groin was on fire -- except that fire probably would've hurt a lot less. In my state, having my eggs boiled seemed a lot more pleasant than having them crushed.

The dragoness, on the other hand, reacted immediately...and she was not happy. Her lustful panting turned into a frustrated groan and then into an angry growl as my thick length slid out of her, leaving her empty. She glared back at me over her shoulder, then climbed to her feet, brushing the dirt off her knees. The female folded her hands beneath her breasts as she stood over me, her red scales shining with a light sheen of sweat.

"What do you think you're doing? I'm not done with you yet!"

09-21-2009, 05:15 AM
Great story Piou, found some more Furry BB pics.


09-22-2009, 12:34 PM

I drew a picture of Furry Ballbusting(**********?). Please teach a good method to show it here.

Sorry, I am not good at English.

09-23-2009, 11:09 AM
I drew the picture of the Furry Ballbusting(**********?).
Is there the good method to show here?

sorry, I'm not good at English.

09-25-2009, 12:47 AM
Looking forward to it, Poiu. You said that dragon testicles don't rupture- with a partner who knows that, things could get very... interesting.

09-25-2009, 10:04 AM
Funny you should mention that, FlattenMe...that's sort of an important plot point over the next few chapters, which are all spent with this dragoness. Things definitely get "interesting" for our dragon friend.

On that note, the next chapter of Dragon Slaying is below! Sort of, anyway. I decided to write this chapter with two endings: an official ending where P'oiu is badly busted but survives intact, and a different, non-canon ending where he's not quite so lucky. For now I'm posting the non-canon version, since I finished it first :P

Read it and enjoy -- I'll post the version with the official ending sometime soon. (I want to keep writing this series, after all...it's hard to do that if my main character is a eunuch.)

It took a moment or two before the scene in front of me really sunk in. "Uh...hello," I said simply, as my brain attempted to process what was going on.

Sitting about ten feet away from me was the dragoness I had been looking for, the female in heat whose scent had been driving me crazy since this morning -- and from where I was, I could see every ruby-red scale on her naked body. She was leaning back against a tree with her legs spread, one hand squeezing and groping a pair of firm, luscious breasts while the other drove an improvised stone dildo in and out of her sex. Already she was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, glistening slightly in the afternoon sun, body splayed out wantonly as she took care of her needs. She continued to pleasure herself even as she looked back at me, grinning as she caught my eye.

My god. My member twitched at the sight -- I'd seen pin-up models that didn't look this good. Granted, it probably didn't hurt that she was the first female dragon I'd seen in months, that she was openly masturbating in front of me, or that she was giving off enough pheromones to keep me horny for the next week, but even ignoring that she was something to see. Exotic, too -- I'd heard of red dragons, but this was the first one I'd seen in the flesh. I must have travelled farther from home than I'd realized.

"Come to join the festivities?" she purred, interrupting my train of thought. Her gaze slipped down to the pole of dragoncock jutting happily from my crotch, and the dragoness licked her lips, sliding the stone dildo from her dripping slit and setting it down beside her. "You certainly kept me waiting long enough..."

My length gave a forceful twitch, beyond stiff at the female's suggestive approach. "I, uh--" I stuttered, searching for a response. "That is--"

"Don't be shy," she replied, smiling. Already she had moved onto her hands and knees, starting to crawl towards me. "All I'm looking for is a fuck."

Oh god -- the smell of her heat got even stronger as she drew closer, until my head swam with the scent. My member ached for some kind of touch...but just beneath it my swollen nuts were giving off an even stronger ache, still recovering from the trauma they'd just been put through. If I busted a nut in this condition, I'd probably spend the next week curled in the fetal position. I couldn't do this. Despite every instinct to the contrary, I cleared my throat and tried to decline. "N-no, you don't understand. I, uh..."

But the dragoness wasn't listening -- in fact, she was looking hungrily down at my cock, bending forward and quickly closing what little gap was left between us. She grinned once more, her gaze falling to my groin. "Well you look like you could use a hand. Or maybe a tongue..."

Before I even had time to respond, her head was in my lap, her lips wrapped around the first few inches of my pride. I let out a shuddering exhale, the air rushing from my lungs as she rapidly worked her way down my shaft. Her tongue snaked along the throbbing length, my member disappearing down her throat before I could protest. Not that I really could protest, given that I was in the middle of a long, lustful moan...I couldn't remember the last time anything had felt this good. The only recent sexual experience I had besides my own hand was my experience with Opal, the frog, but not even having her magnificent rack squished up against my cock could compare to this. I wondered if all females in heat were this good at giving head.

I leaned back, melting into the tree trunk behind me as the dragoness I'd met just a few minutes prior slaved away at my dragonhood. She grabbed the base of my shaft in her hand, and my toeclaws curled as she began squeezing and stroking the length that wasn't already in her mouth. God, I could feel the heat radiating off of her -- she had to be in the thick of her cycle. No wonder she was so eager to jump my bones. I couldn't help but reach down and place a hand on her head, feeling her rise and fall as she bobbed up and down on my thick length. To think -- had I really tried to turn this down? Sure, the ache in my balls was still there -- in fact, it was there pretty strongly -- but it was more than drowned out by the heavenly tongue dancing around my shaft.

Or at least it was drowned out, until my new female companion decided to switch tactics. I didn't initially notice when she hefted my ballsac in her claws, but I definitely noticed when she decided to give me a friendly squeeze. "Ah!" I gasped, bending forward, "ah, not so--not so rough, please!"

My comment actually made her stop, and for a moment I feared that I'd offended her -- especially when she pulled up on my shaft, allowing the length to slip from her muzzle and back into her hand. She gave me an inscrutable look, then began to reposition herself. She had been kneeling in front of me so far, but now she lay down on her stomach, propping herself on her elbows to ensure her tongue remained in range of her target.

One fortunate side effect of this was that I got my first glance at her backside, including the her rear: deep red scales covering taut flesh that looked infinitely squeezable. Granted, the view was partially blocked by her tail, but I could see more than enough to get the idea. Of course, an even more fortunate side effect of her new position was that her magnificent rack -- which I'd been a little too distracted to admire so far -- was now pretty much presented for my viewing pleasure. Hell, the girl had tits to rival Opal, and that was saying something. I could feel my length give another strong throb as my eyes traced over her cleavage, imagining the twin mounds wrapped around my rod...

But the position she was in now didn't exactly lend itself to titfucking, and the female had other plans in mind. She craned her neck forward, opening her mouth once more, but instead of resuming her blowjob she went lower, sucking one of my swollen balls between her lips.

For a moment I was absolutely terrified -- fuck fuck fuck, oh god, not those teeth! -- but that fear was quickly laid to rest as she continued sucking, rather than chomping down and making me squeal like a hatchling. I watched with bated breath as she rolled the scaly orb on her tongue, trying to force myself to relax. I still wasn't convinced she wasn't about to do something awful, but when she was only a bite away from making me half a male, I wasn't about to argue. Besides, after having my balls bashed up by half a dozen women, it was nice to be reminded that they could be used for pleasure, too. It certainly helped relieve some of the pain from the stomping that hippo had given me just a little earlier. I shivered as she suckled on the oversized egg for a few more moments before letting it slip back into the open air. She then gave my other nut the same treatment, wrapping her long tongue around the bruised spud and gently playing with it. By the time she had finished I was panting, slumped back blissfully against the tree.

"Better?" she asked.

"Yes," I groaned back. Maybe having balls wasn't such a bad deal after all.

"You'd better be," she replied. "You're not getting off that easy."

I didn't have time to consider what she meant before the dragoness suddenly resumed her ministrations on my cock, gulping down the throbbing pole even faster than she had before. I let out a loud, throaty moan, eyes rolling back into my head as her tongue danced skillfully around my shaft. I watched her straighten out her neck to take more of my length as her lips moved down, down, down, until finally her nose bumped up gently against my groin. It was a hell of a sight, watching this goddess of a female go down, working feverishly to swallow down every last inch of my dragonhood, and despite all I'd been through I could feel my balls starting to rise.

I could easily have busted a nut right there, given another minute or two, but instead the female chose to pull back once more. I watched entranced as she slowly came up on my shaft, several feet of dragoncock reemerging into the open air, now glistening with her saliva. I couldn't help but shudder weakly as she gave one more lick along the underside of my length, earning a short spurt of pre in response that splashed across her face. God this girl was good. It was all I could do not to just melt into a puddle of hormones where I sat.

Of course, my partner had much more planned. Without another word she turned away, climbing to her knees. For a moment I thought she was leaving -- seriously, after all I'd been through I had to meet a cocktease? -- but no, no, she was just crawling a few feet away, that gorgeous ass swinging back and forth as she moved. I watched her rear sway seductively for a few more seconds before she came to a stop, bending forward to let her upper body rest against the ground, presenting me with a clear view of...oh. Duh.

"Well then." She looked back over her shoulder, tail raised invitingly. "Why don't we get started?"

I knew even at the time that this was a bad idea, with my balls basically broken and all, but I'd challenge any male with a pulse to turn down what I was seeing -- particularly any other male as pent up as me. You have to understand: there are very few species out there in the natural world that are the size of us dragons, and even fewer that are equipped to handle the kind of rod that us male dragons keep between our legs. That wasn't a problem back a few hundred years ago, back before we were an endangered species, but now that our numbers have dwindled, it can be hard for a guy to find a dragoness in need of a fuck. Combine that with an extremely active sex drive and you get an entire race of sexually frustrated dragons, ****** to "take matters into their own hands", as it were. I couldn't tell you how many loads I've blown imagining a scene like the one I was in right now.

Anyway, my point is that there are very few females out there who are even capable of having sex with me, at least in the traditional sense. I'd gotten my rocks off with smaller fems before -- most recently with Opal, of course -- but never actually, y'know...

So yeah, I was a virgin.

Now you tell me: if you'd never had sex before, and a naked, horny, needy dragoness was begging you for a fuck, you'd do it, right? Busted balls or no, it's not like you see this kind of opportunity every day. Carefully I rose to my knees, trying not to disturb the swollen seedsacks hanging between my legs as I crawled forward. I was a little worried, sure, but what was the worst that could happen? After all I'd been through, getting screwed silly by a female in heat wasn't exactly torture. My balls could take a little bumping...as long as I was careful, anyway.

I placed a hand on her scaly rump, giving the flesh a firm squeeze, my heart pounding as I settled into position. To think, soon my hips would be slamming up against that ass...I shook my head, ******* myself to focus. I shifted forward a bit further on my knees, one hand reaching down to guide my member, until the tip brushed up against something warm and wet...

I might have savored the experience for a moment longer if I'd had the choice, but the female was eager to get started. As soon as she felt me press against her entrance she pressed back, the first few inches of my length disappearing into that tight slit, and...my god. Was this what sex actually felt like? Every instinct in my body told me to just thrust the rest of the way inwards, but I ****** myself to calm down, trying to keep a level head. After all, my balls were still throbbing in pain from their earlier abuse -- I didn't want to get too eager and accidentally bust myself. I wasn't about to blow this kind of opportunity. Carefully I continued to push inwards, trembling with pleasure at the smooth walls that gripped my member, until finally my hips met hers, the full length of my dragonhood surrounded by her warm sex.

Beneath me the dragoness let out a pleasurable hiss, her back arching as I sunk slowly into her sex. Her tail curled around one of my legs, trying to pull me in deeper. "Mmm...faster," she moaned, in a voice that made my cock throb.

Oh god, I wanted to, to let myself go and start rutting -- I just wasn't sure if my gonads could handle it after all they'd been through. I had to try, though. I ****** myself to pull back out, toeclaws curling from her tight grip around my pole. I paused for a moment to steel myself, then thrust in again, sighing in pleasure -- then cringing as my ballsac slapped up against her and a strong jolt of nausea shot up my spine. I let out a grunt, trying to swallow back the pain. C'mon, seriously? Fuck today was not my day. Still, the warm wet tunnel surrounding my cock remained rather compelling, so I pulled back, gritting my teeth as I prepared for another thrust...

Apparently that wasn't enough for the female. "Faster," she repeated, a little more forcefully this time, pressing her rump back to meet my thrust.

This didn't help my balls, which managed to swing up between the two of us and get squashed uncomfortably between my groin and her ass before they could squirm away to safety. "Oogh," I gasped, my grip on her sides tightening instinctively as I bent over, reacting to the sudden sickness in my stomach. "Nngh, could you...not do that?"

"Could you fuck me?" she hissed back, shooting a deadly look over her shoulder.

She did not look happy. I bit my lip and swallowed nervously as I pulled out once again, still somewhat hunched over the female. I knew what she wanted, and fuck if I didn't want to give it to her, but I also knew there was no way I could pound her without also putting myself in a world of pain. My nuts were giving off a considerable ache even while I stood still. Still, she was waiting...

I was going to be walking funny after this, but I couldn't see any better option -- she wasn't about to take 'no' for an answer. Throwing caution to the wind, I thrust in once more, my toes curling in pleasure at the sensations coming from my cock, then curling in pain as my ballsac slapped up against her. I ****** myself to keep going, pulling out and thrusting in and trying to block out the pain, but each thrust was like another slap to my already tenderized testicles. I felt my knees trembling beneath me, fighting to support my weight as the agony grew in my gut. God damn that hippo. I could feel my pace slowing, and sure enough, it was only a few moments before she interrupted yet again.

"I said faster!" she shouted, clearly frustrated. "Gods, do I have to do everything?"

I yelped as I felt a clawed hand shoot up between my legs, wrapping around my battered balls. The blood drained from my face as I realized what she was doing. Oh no...she couldn't possibly--

Any further thought process of mine was interrupted by the sudden yank on my bloated plums. My body lurched forwards to prevent the female from ripping my jewels clean off -- sure, they were low-hangers, but they didn't stretch that far. That, in turn, caused me to slam my cock into her tight slit right up to the hilt...which was of course exactly what she wanted in the first place.

I bent over the dragoness with an agonized groan just as she arched upwards with a happy moan, her sex spasming around my length. "That's it," she hissed, claws scratching at the earth. "Come on, don't you know how to fuck a girl? Let's try again."

I couldn't do much more than grunt in reply, but I breathed a sigh of relief as she relinquished her grip, letting my mangled marbles slip through her fingers. Apparently she was giving me another chance...or so I initially thought. To my horror, I felt something else curl around the neck of my scrotum, encircling my aching pair and squeezing them down tightly into their pouch. What on earth? She'd just let go of me -- I could see her hand now, briefly moving to fondle her tits before she set it back on the ground. How the hell was she grabbing me now? As far as I could tell, her whole body was busy. I could see all four of her limbs, her arms supporting her upper body, her legs on either side of mine, and that didn't leave anything but...ah.

Her tail.

I let out another squeak as I was jerked backwards by my gonads, the scaly spunk-factories squirming but failing to escape from the coils of the female's tail. Instead the two nuggets were squashed together into one enormous mass, trying in vain to escape the ungodly pressure. I squealed as my fragile eggs were assaulted once more, compressed into an ever-shrinking space; the dragoness merely let out another pleasurable rumble as I slid back out of her, my cock prepared for the next thrust.

Of course, now I could see where this was going, but I was nowhere near fast enough (or at this point, strong enough) to stop it. This time the female didn't even both letting go with her tail: she just grabbed my balls themselves, the full-to-bursting lump at the bottom of my sack, and pulled, my nutmeat squishing between her fingers as she propelled me forward. I roared in agony as my dragonmakers were crushed, even as my member disappeared once more, my hips slamming up against her gorgeous ass. Oh god, what I would've given to plow that ass any other time, any time but now -- and then I was jerked back again, my roar of pain transitioning to more of a squawk as her tail squashed my poor berries.

Beneath me, the dragoness was having the time of her life. She began to build up a rhythm, using me like some sort of organic dildo, making all sorts of pleasurable noises as she shoved my thick length in and out of her slit. I, on the other hand, was fighting to escape from a world of agony. My poor nuts, already flattened from hippo-stomping, were sending waves of nausea through my body, the slippery orbs unable to escape from her vicious grip. I could just picture them popping in her claws, the scaly spuds unable to take the pressure, and the thought of losing my boys after all we'd been through made me want to curl up and die even more than I already did.

I tried to think of what I'd done to deserve this -- if maybe this was karmic repayment for something I'd done before -- but I couldn't remember a time I'd ever put anyone through this much pain. No, this was just plain sadism. I wondered briefly what merciful god could possibly allow this to happen. Then I pictured Mother Nature, sitting back and laughing her ass off at me. Hell, it was her who designed us guys with our nuts on the outside. Maybe this was her idea of a practical joke.

Anyway, one way or another my family jewels were being crushed, and within a few seconds I had all but collapsed on top of the dragoness. I was draped across her back and writhing in pain, her strength holding up the two of us as she continued to use me as a fucktoy. "My BALLS," I croaked, "what are you doing tooooaaAANNNRRGGHH!"

"That's it, moan for me," she grinned, her fist clenching tightly around her badly-busted handful. "Oh god that makes me hot."

I could only screech in reply as my guts continued to turn themselves inside-out. My nuts were putty in her grip, her fingers digging deeply into the center of each orb, the scaly organs quivering on the edge of rupture. If she kept this up much longer, my dragonhood was either going to be reduced to goo or skewered on her claws. Either way I was going to spend the rest of my life in the fetal position, weeping.

I had to make it stop before it was too late. With the small part of my rational mind I still had left, I tried to reason with her. "Please," I squealed desperately, "you're going to pop my balls -- don't you want to have kids?"

"No, actually," she shot back, "I just wanna get fucked. And if you can't do that, maybe I'll find someone with the stones to do the job." She pulled back again with her tail, murmuring pleasantly to herself. I could feel the walls of her passage ripple around my rod, gripping my shaft tightly as it slid out...not that that made up for the stranglehold on my nutsac. And then she was reversing direction, squashing my plums between her fingers as she pulled me back in--

Oh god, the nausea. A dragon's testicles were never meant to be treated like this. I think the only thing that kept me from throwing up is that I was too weak to go through that much effort. I just lay sprawled across her back, twitching weakly as my cock slid in and out of her sex. Traitor...it was still rock-hard, too, even as the rest of my body went limp. I guess the scent of a dragoness in heat was just too much to resist. Pity I couldn't enjoy my first proper fucking.

I was pretty much ready to give up at this point, to let her do what she wanted and just hope I was still in one piece when she finished, but unfortunately it wasn't going to be that simple. All the twitching I'd been doing while draped across the female's back had caused me to slump to one side, leaning towards the right. Thus, when she suddenly squeezed with her hardest squeeze yet -- I guess I'd hit a good spot, because she moaned at the same time -- my limbs spasmed once again, and it was just enough to push me off the dragoness and let me tumble towards the ground.

Before hitting the dirt, though, I came to an abrupt and unfortunate stop. See, just because I'd fallen off the girl's back didn't mean she'd let go of my nuts -- in fact, her tail was still wrapped quite tightly around my ballsac, and as a result I found myself in a rather uncomfortable position. I let out a choked gasp as for a split second my lower body was suspended by my balls, the dragoness refusing to let go, still crushing the rubbery lumps in the coils of her tail...until she released me, allowing me to crash the remaining few inches to the ground.

For the time being I just lay there, too battered even to curl into the fetal position. I couldn't even think with the waves of pain washing over me. It felt like my groin was on fire -- except that fire probably would've hurt a lot less. In my state, having my eggs boiled seemed a lot more pleasant than having them crushed.

The dragoness, on the other hand, reacted immediately...and she was not happy. Her lustful panting turned into a frustrated groan and then into an angry growl as my thick length slid out of her, leaving her empty. She glared back at me over her shoulder, then climbed to her feet, brushing the dirt off her knees. The female folded her hands beneath her breasts as she stood over me, her red scales shining with a light sheen of sweat.

"What do you think you're doing? I'm not done with you yet!"

I let out a low, agonized keen, rocking slowly on the ground. "Oh my god," I moaned, claws moving shakily to cradle my nutsack. "You...oh, my balls."

"Oh come on." The dragoness frowned down at me, watching as I tried feebly to protect myself. "They're just bashed around a bit, you're still intact." She placed a foot on one of my calves, sliding it up along my leg until it rested on my upper thigh. She nudged my arm with her toes. "Now come on, move your hands."

I whimpered in pain, refusing to budge. "Oh...oh god," I moaned, claws wrapped tightly around my tortured package. "Oh god, please, no, not...nmgh...not my balls, not my balls!"

The female scowled at me, placing her foot on top of my hands. "I would advise you to move your hands," she growled softly, "unless you want me to stomp your balls into jelly right now."

I cried out as the dragoness pressed down on my hands, pushing my already tenderized testes into my pelvis. "Alright, alright!" I squealed, ******* my hands to my sides, "oh my...ANNgh!"

"Very good." The dragoness poked a bare toe at my scaly scrotum, smiling as my hips twitched in painful response. "I wouldn't want to have to ruin a perfectly good set of dragon testicles." She slid her foot up farther, rubbing it against my limp member. "Especially when they're attached to a cock like this."

Despite the immense pain, I felt some stirring of pleasure in my groin as the female rubbed her sole against my dragonhood, her toes splaying around the head. God that felt good -- and despite the pain, I still felt practically ready to blow. If I hadn't been so worried about having her foot that close to my nuts, I probably would've been spurting precum like a blue-balled teenager.

"Now," she continued, speaking very carefully. "Are you going to fuck me, or what?"

I shuddered, trying to focus despite the rubbing at my cock and the nutpain still throbbing in my gut. No...there was no way I could do this, no way I could screw her in this condition. It had been a bad idea from the beginning. I had to get out now, find some medical attention and hope my balls were still functional. Opal was supposed to be nearby -- maybe she'd have a potion that could help.

"N-no," I replied, "I...I wish I could help you, but I can't, I--"

That was not the answer she wanted to hear. I let out a squeak as the heel of her foot came crashing down into my family jewels, my pleasant footjob abruptly terminated.

"Are you kidding me?!" she exclaimed, grinding her foot down into my balls to emphasize her statement. "All I'm asking for is a fuck -- can't you at least give a lady that?!"

I couldn't even string together a reply at this point -- I just lay on my back, gazing weakly at the towering female as I tried not to vomit. Between my legs, my testicles felt like bowling balls, swollen to impossible proportions.

Her expression darkened even further. "I swear, you are the most useless male I've ever met," she seethed. With an aggravated huff she pulled her leg back, then let her foot fly at full speed into my swollen plums. I didn't even have time to react before she did it again, her toeclaws slamming into my bare balls with all the strength of a full-grown dragoness and all the fury of a female scorned.

"MY BALLS!" I squealed, curling double to protect myself -- but she was faster. First she fell to a kneeling position -- her knee landing directly on top of my balls, of course, squashing them into the dirt under her weight. Then, while I was still twitching from that blow, she reached down and scooped my nuts up in her hand, wrapping her fingers around the neck of my ballsac. She fired a punch into my trabbed orbs to get my attention, making me cry out as my body quaked in pain.

"Look at me!"

I cracked open one of my eyes to face the demoness between my legs, her face warped with an almost possessed fury and her claws wrapped oh-so-tightly around my naked gonads.

"Now are you going to fuck me," she growled, "or should I just pop these now?" Immediately she clamped down, my balls losing any sort of spherical shape as my nutflesh squished out sideways between her fingers.

I could feel my reproductive future on the edge of bursting in her grip. "STOP STOP STOP!" I screamed, limbs flailing, "PLEASE, I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, JUST STOP!"

"That's more like it." She eased off on her grip, my testicles springing back into some semblance of their usual shape. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it? Just give the girl what she wants and we'll be done in no time."

I couldn't do anything but wheeze for breath as she let my sac slip from her fingers, instead wrapping her hands around my cock and giving the rod a tight squeeze. Apparently she was unwilling to let me rest for even a second, stroking me quickly to bring me back up to my full hardness. What on earth had I gotten myself into? All I wanted to do at this point was curl up and nurse my aching spuds, but despite myself, I couldn't help but throb at her touches, my length pulsing eagerly for the female. I think my gonads had been through too much to know what was going on anymore, and the pheromones still swirling around me were messing with my head -- despite myself, I was feeling hornier by the second. I craned my neck to look down at the naked dragoness and coughed. I wondered if she'd let me keep my balls if I just came on her tits and called it a day.

The dragoness, however, had something else in mind. I watched as she crawled forward a few steps and straddled my waist, my pole pressed up against her stomach as she grinned down at me. She gave the length a few more quick strokes to make sure I was ready, then without any further delay she raised her hips, positioning herself over me. "Ready?" she asked -- but the question was rhetorical. Immediately she pressed down, her hand holding my cock steady as she slid it into her tight slit once again. Dazedly I watched her as she hissed quietly in pleasure, her knees sliding out from either side of my body as she began working her way down my dragonhood. Despite everything, I'd be lying if I said the sight was anything less than sexy.

Of course, once she'd sunk down on the first few inches of my shaft, her hand moved away from the base of my shaft to a much less sexy place. I wanted to weep as I felt her claws encircle my dragonmakers once more, poised to crush away--and sure enough, I felt her fingers begin to tighten, her grip instinctively closing as she let out a moan and her sex rippled around my member.

"Uh, please," I squeaked quietly, "could you just let go of my--"

But apparently she was busy focusing on other things, as just then she decided to spear herself on my length, hips slamming down the remaining foot between her body and mine. The female let out a shuddering gasp as suddenly she was filled with dragoncock, my member buried to the hilt inside of her. I let out a gasp too, as her ass came crashing down in my lap and her fingers tightened even further, both serious blows to my already traumatized testes. The nausea shot through my gut, like something feasting on my insides, and automatically my chest shot upwards, my body trying once more to protect its precious cargo.

The dragoness was having none of it, though -- she just placed a hand on my chest and shoved me back down against the ground. Then with a dreamy sigh she brought her hips up again, her body gripping desperately at every inch of my pride as it slid from her passage. She paused about 2/3 of the way up for just a moment before slamming back down once again, this time letting out an audible cry as she plunged my length back inside of her.

I let out another squeak as my scaly spuds were squashed even further, beginning to lose their oval shape, but there was little I could do as she rose up yet again, even more quickly than before. To my dismay the dragoness began to build up a rhythm, riding my throbbing pole, each bounce in my lap bringing her closer to the orgasm she desperately needed -- and bringing me one step closer to **********. The female wasted no time in ramping things up, and within just a few more seconds she had begun thumping up and down on me with abandon, moaning with lust as she rolled her hips against mine.

Similarly, it was only a few more thrusts until I was squealing as loudly as I had been before, bolts of pain racing up my spine as my eggs were scrambled for the umpteenth time. The dragoness had a death grip around my balls, the poor orbs all but obliterated between her claws as she squeezed away, and my body reacted accordingly. I jerked and twitched madly beneath the female, wave after wave of agony radiating outwards from my groin. I kept trying to curl up or to roll over -- to somehow protect my tortured plums -- but the dragoness just kept ******* me back down, using my body however she wished. Despite my pleas she continued to piston up and down my shaft, her tunnel milking my length like there was no tomorrow -- which there might very well not be, at least not for me. Within a minute or so my gonads were no longer anything but a misshapen lump in the dragoness's fist, crushed beyond recognition. Somewhere in the back of my mind came the realization that I was about to blow my final load: one last shot of spunk before my nuts just caved in completely. At least there was some chance I'd be passing on my genes. I prayed for a daughter -- for her sake.

I bucked desperately as her grip somehow continued to tighten, my poor nuts on the edge of bursting as she continued to frantically ride my cock. I squealed like a hatchling as she threatened to destroy my dragonhood -- squealing an even higher pitch than she was as she sunk down on me once more. She seemed completely lost at this point: her head rolled back in pleasure, groping herself with her free hand, her cunt squeezing around my shaft like she wanted to pull it right off. Even through the soul-crushing pain, there was a tiny part of me that couldn't help but appreciate her looks -- the way her body glistened with sweat, the way her breasts bounced on her chest as she continued to ride every inch of my length. It was amazing to think that I somehow stayed hard through all of this, though I guess on further consideration it wasn't that strange. After all, if you took out the whole 'testicles-being-squashed-like-grapes' thing, this was basically a sex fantasy come true. I tried to focus on the tiny kernel of pleasure that lay beneath everything, even as I was about to black out from the pain.

And that was when I realized it: the one thing that still might let me keep my balls and save me from a life of therapy and testosterone shots. As I had come to realize by this point, this dragoness was fucking insane. Nothing in the world was going to stop her until she got what she wanted -- and right now, all she wanted was more pleasure, no matter what she did to me in the process. Even now she was milking me for all I was worth, her sex spasming around the pillar of flesh between my legs. I would've blown my load in a second, if not for the pain.

So maybe...maybe if I could focus on the good stuff and block out the pain, if I could get her off the way she wanted, then maybe she'd let me go. I mean, she was in heat, and that was driving her body up the wall -- I'm sure she wasn't such a bitch under normal circumstances. I had to assume so, at least, or else me and my balls were fucked.

With what was left of my functioning brain, I concentrated on thrusting, trying to reciprocate however I could. I managed to get my hips twitching in the right direction, at least, jerking upwards to meet her as her perfect behind continued to bounce up and down in my lap, but the dragoness continued to squeeze away, crushing my nuts as if she wanted to grind them into peanut butter. She was so lost in her own world that I don't think she had even noticed my feeble attempt.

Obviously I needed to do more -- to do something that would get her attention. Maybe some groping would do it. Her hips were within arms reach, as were her tits -- and hell, I'd wanted to squeeze those ever since I'd first seen her. I decided to take the opportunity, one hand moving jerkily to the curve of her hip, the other reaching shakily upwards to cup one of her breasts.

My fingers closed around the scaly mound, and immediately I felt my cock throb in response -- how many lonely nights had I spent imagining this, groping some busty female as she rode me into release? Trembling -- with pain or arousal, I'm not sure whice -- I gave the warm flesh as firm a squeeze as I could, fingers sinking into the supple flesh--

Just as I'd expected, that got her attention. On top of me the dragoness's eyes shot open, her body stopping mid-thrust. "Oh!" she exclaimed breathlessly, "ah!"

And then -- then she slammed herself back down in my lap, crying out lustfully as her body milked my rod for all it was worth. My eyes rolled back into my head as her sex rippled around my dragonhood, like a million little tongues slurping at my shaft, a dozen dragonesses on their knees with hands wrapped around my throbbing length. This was it -- there was no way I could resist that tight tunnel. I could feel the biggest load of my life rising from my balls, preparing to fire--

Unfortunately for me, her sex wasn't the only thing that tightened. Just as I felt sure that I had passed the point of no return, she let out another loud cry, throwing her head back as she finally reached orgasm. I felt an immense relief as her body squeezed down on mine, her pussy going into overdrive, my gonads ready to surrender their juice -- but then her fist tightened as well, and suddenly I wasn't nearly as joyful. To my horror, her grip grew even tighter around my dragonmakers, the vice closing even further, until her fingers began digging back into her palm, her claws halfway embedded in my balls. I squealed louder than I ever had before, hips bucking with renewed panic, but nothing I did could stop her. She just kept going, the pressure increasing, the tips of her claws digging into my tortured left nut -- and then suddenly it gave way. Even through her cries of pleasure, I could hear the quiet *pop*, the sudden explosion of pain that rocketed through my gut as half of my dragonhood was reduced to pulp between her fingers.

I froze mid-grope, my mouth opening and closing silently as I tried to find the words to express what had just happened.

Not that I had time to think, or to mourn the loss -- with half of my tackle gone, suddenly all the pressure came bearing down on my one remaining nut. The scaly spud squirmed in her fingers, trying to escape, but it was trapped on all sides, the walls slowly caving inwards as her grip tightened. The dragoness just continued to bounce up and down in my lap, riding my length without a care in the world, as if she hadn't even noticed my mangled marble burst between her fingers. "Oh god yes," she gushed, her sex squeezing tightly around my rod, "oh, fuck me!" Her hips rose once again before slamming back down into my lap, my pole swallowed to the hilt by her eager sex.

Beneath her I cried out, desperate to get the female's attention now, before it was too late. In any normal situation I'd think that my frantic squealing would be enough to catch her notice, but she was almost completely gone, her eyes rolling back into her head as she continued to thump up and down on my engorged length. My hand was still resting on her chest -- I tried giving her tits a more forceful grope in order to get her attention, but she just let out another blissful cry, squeezing my ball even harder. I immediately let go, letting out a strangled sort of squawk as both hands instinctively went to my groin, my entire body shaking at the level of pain. Oh, my nut--!

But I had to keep trying to get her attention -- not that that was easy, with my arms and legs twitching uncontrollably and with my nervous system on the verge of shutting down. It took all the concentration I had to even move, trying to hit her or push her off of me -- but in my condition, I basically just flailed at her side, landing a few ineffective blows on her side as she continued to gasp in pleasure. Her face didn't register anything but pure joy as she rode my staff, her inner walls clamping down hungrily around the thick intruder. Despite everything, I could feel a moan bubbling up in the back of my throat, my tortured body still eager to deliver its gift to the female...if only she would give me a chance!

Another flailing blow slid uselessly down her side, and I could feel the world starting to close in on me. I knew it wasn't working, but I had to try once more. With a final surge of adrenaline I struck at her one more time, throwing all my strength behind my flailing arm and praying that it would catch her attention.

Of course, in hindsight it might have been a good idea to aim where I was hitting a little more carefully. As it was, I ended up delivering a firm spank to her rear, my open palm landing on the one of the globes of her ass with a fleshy smack.

Three things happened as a result.

First of all, the dragoness on top of me arched her back, cried out, and came, the extra bit of rough play just too much to handle. She writhed atop my prick, her entire body contorting in ecstasy as her heat-stricken body finally got the relief it needed. Her inner walls squeezed desperately around my length, milking the thick intruder like her life depended on it, trying desperately to make me blow my top.

And so of course, I followed right after her, blasting my load up into her inner depths with a roar. I couldn't stop my hips from jerking, my cock twitching frantically as I fired thick shots of dragonseed, rope after rope of semen. It was relief of a sort, but none of the usual bliss that came with busting a nut -- after all, her fingers were still clamped around my last remaining nut, the rubbery orb squished nearly flat between her fingers. She was squeezing the juice straight out of my scaly spud, like a big overripe orange, crushing the last of my dragonhood until there was nothing left but pulp. Still, she had already hit her peak, and I'd given her what she wanted -- it couldn't get any worse from here. Right?

Oh, if only. Apparently I had forgotten the first thing about a dragoness in heat: that her body will go crazy for a dragon's seed. In fact, as soon as I let go with the first jet of my spunk she let out a scream of pleasure, her muscles tightening even further as her body demanded every last drop of my cream. Around my cock, it felt amazing...but elsewhere, I could feel her claws tighten one final notch, and the impossible agony that ripped through my stomach told me there was nothing left I could do. With a wet squelch my second nut went, the scaly orb collapsing under the impossible pressure -- and this time, the dragoness definitely noticed. On top of me she shuddered as my gonad gave way, crying out unintelligibly as it slipped through her fingers, a mangled mess of the proud orb it used to be.

Gone. My dragonhood, gone. It felt like a million knives jabbed into my gut, like some essential part of me had been forcibly ripped from my belly. All I could do was lie there, eyes frozen open in shock as the female continued to bounce up and down on my shaft. Rather than stop, the female just kept riding me, her fist tightening even further, trying to squeeze out whatever spunk might be left in my otherwise empty sac. She continued for another minute or so before starting to slow down, gradually coming to a stop.

She just looked down at me for a few seconds, with the most satisfied look on her face that I had ever seen. Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath, one hand drifting downwards to rub idly at her clit. She shifted in my lap and let out a happy moan, her sex rippling weakly around my length, still buried in her to the hilt.

"You..." I squeaked quietly. "My..."

The female grinned and glanced back at my ballsac, lifting the scaly bag in her hand for a moment before clenching it in her fist once more. I could feel one last kick of nausea as she squeezed, letting the slosh that had been my testicles just a few minutes ago squish between her fingers.

She turned back around. "Was it good for you too?" she asked, grinning down at me.

I blacked out.

09-25-2009, 07:15 PM
Aaaaand here's the canon ending. It diverges starting at the paragraph that begins with "Unfortunately for me".

Also, I realize that at a glance this ending sounds just as bad as the non-canon one, but trust me, all will be revealed :P

Unfortunately for me, her sex wasn't the only thing that tightened. Just as I felt sure that I had passed the point of no return, she let out another loud cry, throwing her head back as she finally reached orgasm. I felt an immense relief as her body squeezed down on mine, her pussy going into overdrive, my gonads ready to surrender their juice -- but then her fist tightened as well, and suddenly I wasn't nearly as joyful. To my horror, her grip grew even tighter around my dragonmakers, the vice closing even further, until her fingers began digging back into her palm, her claws halfway embedded in my balls. I squealed louder than I ever had before, hips bucking with renewed panic, but nothing I did could stop her. She just kept going, the pressure increasing, the tips of her claws digging into my tortured plums.

This was bad -- very bad. My scaly spuds squirmed in her fingers, trying to escape the impossible pressure, but they were trapped on all sides, the walls slowly caving inwards as her grip tightened. The dragoness just continued to bounce up and down in my lap, riding my length without a care in the world, as if she hadn't even noticed my mangled marbles about to burst in her clenched fist. "Oh god yes," she gushed, her sex squeezing tightly around my rod, "oh, fuck me!" Her hips rose once again before slamming back down into my lap, my pole swallowed to the hilt by her eager sex.

Beneath her I cried out, desperate to get the female's attention now, before it was too late. In any normal situation I'd think that my frantic squealing would be enough to catch her notice, but she was almost completely gone, her eyes rolling back into her head as she continued to thump up and down on my engorged length. My hand was still resting on her chest -- I tried giving her tits a more forceful grope in order to get her attention, but she just let out another blissful cry, squeezing my balls even harder. I immediately let go, letting out a strangled sort of squawk as both hands instinctively went to my groin, my entire body shaking at the level of pain. Oh, my nuts--!

But I had to keep trying to get her attention -- not that that was easy, with my arms and legs twitching uncontrollably and with my nervous system on the verge of shutting down. It took all the concentration I had to even move, trying to hit her or push her off of me -- but in my condition, I basically just flailed at her body, landing a few ineffective blows on her side as she continued to gasp in pleasure. Her face didn't register anything but pure joy as she rode my staff, her inner walls clamping down hungrily around the thick intruder. Despite everything, I could feel a moan bubbling up in the back of my throat, my tortured body still eager to deliver its gift to the female...if only she would give me a chance!

Another flailing blow slid uselessly down her side, and I could feel the world starting to close in on me. I knew it wasn't working, but I had to try once more. With a final surge of adrenaline I struck at her one more time, throwing all my strength behind my flailing arm and praying that it would catch her attention.

Of course, in hindsight it might have been a good idea to aim where I was hitting a little more carefully. As it was, I ended up delivering a firm spank to her rear, my open palm landing on the one of the globes of her ass with a fleshy smack.

Three things happened as a result.

First of all, the dragoness on top of me arched her back, cried out, and came, the extra bit of rough play just too much to handle. She writhed atop my prick, her entire body contorting in ecstasy as her heat-stricken body finally got the relief it needed. Her inner walls squeezed desperately around my length, milking the thick intruder like her life depended on it, trying desperately to make me blow my top.

And so of course, I followed right after her, blasting my load up into her inner depths with a roar. I couldn't stop my hips from jerking, my cock twitching frantically as I fired thick shots of dragonseed, rope after rope of semen. It was relief of a sort, but none of the usual bliss that came with busting a nut -- after all, her fingers were still clamped around my dragonmakers, the rubbery orbs squished nearly flat between her fingers. She was squeezing the juice straight out of my scaly spuds, like a pair of overripe oranges, crushing my dragonhood until there was nothing left but pulp. Still, she had already hit her peak, and I'd given her what she wanted -- it couldn't get any worse from here. Right?

Oh, if only. Apparently I had forgotten the first thing about a dragoness in heat: that her body will go crazy for a dragon's seed. In fact, as soon as I let go with the first jet of my spunk she let out a scream of pleasure, her muscles tightening even further as her body demanded every last drop of my cream. Around my cock, it felt amazing, but elsewhere, I could feel her claws tighten one final notch, and I knew that something terrible was about to happen. I opened my mouth to squeal, to scream, to do anything I could to make her stop...but before I could speak, there came a very audible crunch from my groin.

Pain. It felt like a million knives jabbed into my gut, like some essential part of me had been forcibly ripped from my belly. All I could do was lie there, eyes frozen open in shock as the female continued to bounce up and down on my shaft, completely oblivious to what was going on around her. It couldn't be. There was no way, with just her bare hands...it had to be--

Suddenly I felt incredibly woozy. The darkness that I'd been fighting off for the past few minutes crashed over me, my vision clouding as my body gave up on twitching and instead just went slack. The last thing I heard before slipping into unconsciousness was the dragoness crying out unintelligibly, her body tensing once more as she passed into another shuddering climax.

09-27-2009, 12:41 AM


Enjoy :)

09-27-2009, 01:35 AM
I love dragon slaying. :jumpsmile

09-27-2009, 02:13 PM
I drew this pic.

She breeds this bullock.
(Surely a sheep dog is unnecessary for this ranch:))

There is the picture which a fox castrates in another site.

09-28-2009, 10:59 AM
I love this pic!

09-28-2009, 10:27 PM
http://img256.imagevenue.com/loc195/th_36388_Scissors_123_195lo.JPG (http://img256.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=36388_Scissors_123_195lo.JPG)

[/URL][URL="http://img101.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=98775_ah_1241682884639_Nutering_Time _123_224lo.JPG"]http://img101.imagevenue.com/loc224/th_98775_ah_1241682884639_Nutering_Time_123_224lo. JPG (http://img253.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=36389_Tiger_Kick_123_600lo.JPG)

anyone else has "imminent disaster" themed pics where the hit/cut hasn' yet happened but its imminent?

10-02-2009, 09:13 AM
http://img256.imagevenue.com/loc195/th_36388_Scissors_123_195lo.JPG (http://img256.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=36388_Scissors_123_195lo.JPG)

http://img101.imagevenue.com/loc224/th_98775_ah_1241682884639_Nutering_Time_123_224lo. JPG (http://img101.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=98775_ah_1241682884639_Nutering_Time _123_224lo.JPG)

anyone else has "imminent disaster" themed pics where the hit/cut hasn' yet happened but its imminent?

I take it that the scissors are being wielded by girl furries;)

10-02-2009, 09:29 AM
I feel some more anthro equine girl on boy stuff coming on. Hooves and teeth Vs balls and cocks. No prizes for guessing the victors or should I say victrices.

10-11-2009, 12:07 AM
Stumbled across these whilst perusing DeviantArt. Not bad.

http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs47/f/2009/233/4/0/Nut_Shot_by_crocdragon89.png (http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs47/f/2009/233/4/0/Nut_Shot_by_crocdragon89.png)
http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/It-s-Everywhere-62163758 (http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/It-s-Everywhere-62163758)
http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/False-Alarm-76293004 (http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/False-Alarm-76293004)
http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/Blocked-Once-Again-70024619 (http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/Blocked-Once-Again-70024619)
http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/Batter-Up-Strike-One-84781477 (http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/Batter-Up-Strike-One-84781477)
http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/Nut-Shot-134237776 (http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/Nut-Shot-134237776)
http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/And-He-s-Out-134237985 (http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/And-He-s-Out-134237985)

10-11-2009, 12:19 AM
Missed one from the DeviantArt account, and spotted one on the associated FurAffinity. The FurAffinity one is m/m and I think it's been posted before, but here's the link anyway.

http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/Self-Defense-64690140 (http://crocdragon89.deviantart.com/art/Self-Defense-64690140)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1956475/ (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1956475/)

10-12-2009, 04:58 PM
Woo! Some good ones in there.

I think this one's old, but still.


10-17-2009, 08:19 PM
Y'know, I've got a half-completed ballbusting scorpion story kicking around in my writing folder, and it's almost entirely because of that pic :P Never thought a spider could be so sexy.

Also, check out the latest page from a current comic-in-progress (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2924558/) over at FA. I dunno if it's going to get rougher from here, but I certainly hope so...

10-18-2009, 03:40 PM
Ooh, and new content from JamesCorck! It's only a two-part series, but here's hoping this gets him back in the mood to draw some BB :P

1/2: http://i33.tinypic.com/i2lqqa.jpg [source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2929532/)] (note the ramp between the legs :P)
2/2: http://i38.tinypic.com/2dhs36d.jpg [source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2929549)]

10-22-2009, 10:32 PM
Hey,I was hoping someone could help me in recovering a few pictures posted awhile ago not here but somewhere in ballbusting world.I think somewhere in ballbusting cartoons but I've had no luck of finding them

There pictures of like a hentai scene of a cow-like or minotaur creature having sex with a girl and than wanting more,but the girl doesn't and so he charges at her gets his dick stuck in a tree or rock and that she has her fun

If anyone knows of it please help

10-23-2009, 03:11 AM
Hey,I was hoping someone could help me in recovering a few pictures posted awhile ago not here but somewhere in ballbusting world.I think somewhere in ballbusting cartoons but I've had no luck of finding them

There pictures of like a hentai scene of a cow-like or minotaur creature having sex with a girl and than wanting more,but the girl doesn't and so he charges at her gets his dick stuck in a tree or rock and that she has her fun

If anyone knows of it please help

I wanna see that, too.

10-25-2009, 05:47 PM
Hey,I was hoping someone could help me in recovering a few pictures posted awhile ago not here but somewhere in ballbusting world.I think somewhere in ballbusting cartoons but I've had no luck of finding them

There pictures of like a hentai scene of a cow-like or minotaur creature having sex with a girl and than wanting more,but the girl doesn't and so he charges at her gets his dick stuck in a tree or rock and that she has her fun

If anyone knows of it please help

Sounds familiar. I think it's an early issue of Spunky Knight.

10-26-2009, 01:58 AM
Hey,I was hoping someone could help me in recovering a few pictures posted awhile ago not here but somewhere in ballbusting world.I think somewhere in ballbusting cartoons but I've had no luck of finding them

There pictures of like a hentai scene of a cow-like or minotaur creature having sex with a girl and than wanting more,but the girl doesn't and so he charges at her gets his dick stuck in a tree or rock and that she has her fun

If anyone knows of it please help

I think it was Spunky knight, the 2# issue, probably.
you can find the whole comics here

10-26-2009, 01:34 PM
I think it was Spunky knight, the 2# issue, probably.
you can find the whole comics here

Says it can only be downloaded by a premium member. T_T

I'm not special enough. :(

10-26-2009, 01:37 PM
You have to have a paying account to download it?

10-26-2009, 06:01 PM
Not to download it, but I think the archive is password protected.

11-14-2009, 10:38 PM
Man, this thread has died :/ C'mon, people, let's bring it back to life!

I can get things started with a little content...I just rediscovered a bunch of incomplete snippets a few days ago, when I was grabbing data off an old hard drive. They're short, but hey, furry ballbusting is a rare commodity :P Enjoy.

#1: Dragoness bite. Much like the next chapter of Dragon Slaying :P

"Mmmm..." the female breathed, gazing lustfully at the dragon's swollen ballsac. "Those meatballs of yours just look delicious..."

The male let out a small squeak of horror as the female engulfed his dragonhood, pulling his testicles into her muzzle. Gently she sucked on the scaly orbs, feeling their weight and size on her tongue.

"Oh god," she moaned, free hand grasping at her generous tits, "I love tasting those big dragon nuts of yours." She sucked hard on his gonads, pulling them fully into her mouth. "I just might have to crack one open."

The dragon tried to protest but instead simply broke into a squeal as she bit down, flattening one of the orbs between her teeth. The fleshy sphere distorted, nutmeat bulging obscenely from her mouth as the male let out a shriek of guttural pain, his hips jerking as the dragoness mauled his defenseless nut.

#2: Charizard/Nidoqueen battle -- 2 versions. Pieces of this may sound familiar if you ever read my dolphin/rhino story...

Nidoqueen bent over, hands on her knees, chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath.

"Not bad," Charizard huffed, a bit short of wind himself.**"I can see why my trainer wants you."

"Shut up," she spat back, wiping the sweat from her forehead.**"This ain't over yet.**I'm not losing this battle if it kills me!"

The dragon smiled, showing a glint of his pointed teeth.**"Oh, you'll give in."

"Charizard!" the trainer shouted.**"You've got her now!**Body slam!"

Nidoqueen heard the command and started to move into a block--

--But was knocked back as the fire-type slammed into her startled frame, catching the female unprepared.**She gasped as a jolt of pain shot through her upper body, her hands moving instinctively to protect her ample breasts.

She let out a low moan and opened her eyes to find Charizard standing over her, a smug grin plastered across his face.

"Well?" he asked, placing his paws on his hipps.**"How are the twins?"

Nidoqueen's jaw dropped.**"You-- you targeted my chest on purpose?!"

The dragon grinned again.**"Yeah, what of it?"

"You...you bastard!" she yelled, trying to ignore the ache spreading through her upper body.**"You -- aanngh -- what the fuck!?"

"Sorry, babe."**He shrugged.**"All's fair in love and war."

She was shocked silent for a moment before her nostrils flared in anger.**She wanted to get up and beat the stuffing out of the dragon, hit him so hard he couldn't stand up for a week -- and then something caught her eye.**The male was standing with his legs slightly spread, the female's legs beneath him, perfectly placed for a hard kick in the--

"Oh really?" she countered, slowly drawing her legs back, rearing to strike.**Her eyes hardened.**"Then you won't mind this!"

Charizard had only a moment to be confused before her feet slammed up into his testicles, crushing them against his pelvis.**His eyes flew open as his hands instinctively went to his crotch, only to find the Nidoqueen's powerful legs pumping upwards.

"Oh...oh gods!" he finally managed to squeak, body shaking in pain.**"My balls, my balls!"

"My balls," the female growled, gritting her teeth as she pulled her feet back and launched them into his jewels again.**She could feel the dragon's orbs against her feet as she made contact: could feel the nutflesh squish between her toes as she mangled his dragonhood.

This time the dragon let out a long, keen wail, desperately clutching Nidoqueen's calf as her toes scrambled his eggs.**"My BALLS!" he screamed, clawing at her legs.**"My BALLS!"

The trainer watched in shock as the wild Nidoqueen pulverized his Charizard's testicles: he cringed at the male's frantic screams, unable to avoid the mental image of the dragon's scaly testicles popping beneath her feet.

That thought had crossed Nidoqueen's mind as well.**By now she was fondling herself while the male suffered, one hand cupping her generous tits and the other moving slowly toward her slit.**Nidoqueen bucked as she moaned in pleasure -- Charizard letting out a shriek as her legs stretched, threatening to pop his defenseless gonads.

"How does it feel?" she taunted, flexing her toes and watching the fire Pokemon twitch in response.**"Which one do you think I should pop first?"

Charizard's face was completely white as he let out a ghastly shriek, paws pulling frantically at the female's foot -- and then he froze, completely still, as a sickening crunch came from his groin.

Nidoqueen giggled.**"The left one, apparently."

Charizard let out a pathetic-sounding mewl, his eyes rolling back into his head.

Charizard whirled, ready to strike, and--

--And stopped, a look of absolute shock on his face, as he felt Nidoqueen's foot come down to rest on his unprotected balls.

"Wha--!" he stuttered, jerking instinctively backwards only to stop with an unintelligible squawk as she bore down harder on his jewels, pinning them underfoot.**His balls were stretched painfully from his crotch, nearly halfway to his knees, ******* the dragon to scuttle forwards to relieve the tension.

Nidoqueen watched with an amused smile, appraising the Charizard's package with her foot as he struggled for composure.**Her smile grew wider as she realized how well he had been endowed.**That only adds to the fun, she thought to herself.

"Well," she stated, looking down at the supine lizard.**"What have we here?"

The male fought to control both the anger and the fear in his voice as he replied.**"What the hell," he spat, "are you doing?"

She grinned.**"We're in the middle of a battle.**What does it look like I'm doing?"

The dragon snarled.**"Listen, bitch, get your paaaaaangh!" he cried out as the female pressed down, sending a wave of pain through his gut.

She scowled down at the Charizard.**"Listen, punk," she growled menacingly, "if you want me to pop 'em right now, just call me 'bitch' again."

The dragon looked up at the busty female, fear slowly spreading across his muzzle.**"But you -- you can't--"

"Oh can't I?"**She grinned down cruelly at the male, flexing her toes atop his scaly ballsac.**"I'm wild, honey.**I can do whatever I damn well want, and that includes busting your sorry balls."**The Nidoqueen folded her arms across her chest.**"Hate to break it to you, Char, but you're fucked."

Charizard tried to slow his speeding heart; he could feel the cold sweat forming on his body.**"You -- you don't have the guts!"

Nidoqueen snorted.**"I didn't survive this long by playing clean, bucko."**She caught the quick look of shock that flickered across his face.**"Yeah, I've done this before.**Usually just kicks and knees, but sometimes, well...let's just say you wouldn't be the first male I've ruined."

The Charizard's eyes grew wide.**"No -- no, please," he begged, trembling beneath the female.**"Oh gods, please, you wouldn't!"

The female laughed and leaned over, offering Charizard a perfect view of her generous tits.**"Oh," she half-growled, half-breathed, staring directly back at him, "oh, I would."

"They're my testicles!" he cried, desperate, trying to ignore the foot resting on his groin.**"You can't, please!**You're not male -- you don't understand the pain!"

The Charizard's trainer watched silently, frozen as he watched the wild Nidoqueen threaten his pokemon's masculinity.**The fire-type seemed to be begging for mercy, but judging from the female's smug smirk, he wasn't getting anywhere.

"You know," she remarked, rolling his nuts beneath the sole of her foot, "it's funny.**These little things are the source of all your strength, and yet they're so--"**Nidoqueen paused and felt his nuts for a moment, playing with the twin orbs.**She stopped.**"So vulnerable," she finished with a grin.

"Oh goaaggh!" he choked, doubling over in pain as the female applied pressure to his unprotected dragonhood.**Instinctively he reached for her calf, trying to pull her leg from his groin.

Nidoqueen laughed again as Charizard wrapped around her tree-trunk leg, letting out an agonized moan as her toes splayed around his nuts.**She savored the feeling of his gonads for a moment before increasing the pressure, causing the male to release a keener, higher-pitched wail.

"My baaalls!" he squealed, his tail whipping back and forth in agony.**"No no please anything just noAAGGH!"

The trainer watched in horror as Nidoqueen bore down on Charizard's testicles, flattening them beneath her foot.**With obvious relish she flexed her toes, reaching up to fondle her breasts as the male screeched in pain.

"I can feel your gonads," she told him, feeling his nutflesh squish between her toes.**"Your big, heavy balls.**Your dragonhood.**Everything that makes you a fire-type, everything that makes you a male, under my foot."**Her other hand found its way to her slit, slowly stroking along the swollen folds.**"Mmmmmm yes," she breathed, slipping a digit inside.**"Oh, I am going to ******** you, big boy."

Drool dripped from the corner of Charizard's mouth as his body spasmed, trying to find a way to dislodge the massive female.

"They're going to pop," she continued, roughly grabbing her own tits.**"They're going to explode.**Just like Venusaur's.**Just like Rhydon's.**Just like Scyther's and Nidoking's and Blastoise's and every male," she smirked, "who's ever tried to capture me."

The dragon's leg twitched once, twice, and then jerked straight, his jaw going slack as the female's weight suddenly shifted to one side.

"Oh."* The Nidoqueen smiled, showing her teeth.* "There goes one."

#3: Frog pops a nut. This one's funky -- I was trying to write the same story from two different perspectives, one male and one female. I never finished it, though I did write quite a bit more than this -- I'll have to see if I can rediscover the full file somewhere.

"Oh, that's nothing." The lizard crossed his arms. "You remember that frog chick, the one you had your eye on?"

The orca grinned. "What, the one with the amazing tits? Yeah, I remember her all right."

"Yeah, that one." He rolled his eyes. "Anyway, did you hear about the fight her and her boyfriend had?"

The orca blinked. "No, what happened?"

"Well..." The lizard wet his lips. "Well, apparently they were getting a bit intimate, enough so that they were both naked--"

"Mmmph," the orca grunted, slouching backwards in his seat. "Lucky bastard. Who was he?"

The male shrugged. "Some frog. I didn't know him personally. Anyway, they were in the middle of doing...something, I dunno what...and somehow they started arguing, pretty seriously."

"Idiot," the orca said, interrupting. "When you're with a girl like that you gotta just keep your mouth shut and enjoy the ride. I mean, god, she is supermodel hot. Probably does porn on the side. Hell, I'd give my left nut to see that frog chick naked."

The lizard swallowed. "Well...he did."

"Wait, what?"

The male looked down. "She got angry and they started to argue, and I guess she just decided to kick him in the balls. The combination of those big webbed feet and those super-strong legs with the fact that he was, you know, naked, just...well...she popped one of his testicles."

The orca's mouth hung open. "Wait...seriously? That ridiculously hot frog chick just...with one kick?"

The lizard nodded. "I mean, frog legs are really strong, and he was...unprotected."

"So she...so she just popped some guy's jewels?"

"One of 'em." The lizard cringed. "The other one was pretty badly smashed, from what I hear, but they cut his sack open and managed to save it."

"Wow." The orca was silent for a moment. "Just...wow. The poor guy."

"Yeah -- I hear it was pretty grisly. Apparently he just hit the ground and started screaming about his balls until he passed out."

"Can you even imagine that?" The orca shook his head. "Hooking up with the hottest frog chick you've ever seen, gettin' a little hot and heavy, she's got your cock out, you've got her tits out, probably about to blow a load, and then she just...destroys you. A foot in the crotch and your balls are mush."

The lizard shuddered. "She didn't even care, either. Apparently she stomped on him a few more times before she left."

"Stomped?" The orca looked queasy. "With those feet? Jesus, how does the guy even have one ball left? I woulda thought she pounded 'em into jelly."

"So what did you do?"

"What do you think I did?" The dragoness grinned. "I kicked him in the balls."

The frog cringed. "Ooh. That seems a little...harsh."

"I don't think so. Most males deserve a good kicking." She caught the frog's expression. "Oh come on, don't tell me you've never dropped a guy."

The frog blushed. "Yeah, I...I have."

"It just takes a male down a notch, you know?" She smiled. "They fall on the ground and roll around a bunch, but by the next day they're up again and good as ever."

"Well, unless you hurt them," the frog added.

The dragoness snorted. "Oh please, you can't really damage a guy like that. They just want your sympathy; it's all a big act."

The frog shook her head. "You know, you can actually do some pretty serious stuff to a guy."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on. You've kicked a guy in the balls before. What'd you do, pop one?"

The frog blushed even harder, mouth halfway open as she tried to think of a response.

"Oh...oh my god." The dragoness's mouth hung open. "You've popped one, haven't you?"

"I...I didn't..." The frog struggled for words. "It was an accident."

Her eyes shot open. "Holy shit, you've actually nutted a guy?"

"No, I have not 'nutted' a guy," she replied, still blushing. "I...I popped one, by accident, but the other's still working."

"That's still...oh man. You need to tell me this story."

"What?! That's awful! The whole thing was like one big nightma--"

"Are you kidding me?" the dragoness interrupted. "Busting a guy's nuts is, like...every girl's fantasy!"

"That's disgusting!"

The dragoness folded her arms across her chest. "Oh come on, you mean you've never wondered what it'd feel like to have that little orb pop between your fingers?"


"Ah. Well. I have, anyway. And I know other girls who have." She sat forward in her seat. "Now come on, tell me how it happened!'

"O-okay." She swallowed. "Well, I was...I was hooking up with this frog, and we'd gotten pretty...into things, so we were both naked. And he was..." She swallowed again. "He was hung. I mean, his cock was a good seven or eight inches, and I remember his balls were, like, the size of those jumbo chicken eggs. So he was big."

"Geez." The dragoness licked her lips. "Lucky guy."

"Yeah. Well, so we were naked, and I was, uh...I was giving him a blowjob. He started treating me like some kind of whore, and I just...I just got pissed off, I guess. We started fighting, and I ended up kicking him in the balls, and I guess I, uh...I guess I was pretty angry, because he hit the floor and didn't get up."

The dragoness nodded. "Doesn't surprise me, with feet like yours. So how did you pop one?"

The frog blushed. "Well, that...with that kick."

The dragoness blinked. "Wait, with one kick?"


"Fuuuuuuuck." She raised an eyeridge. "Those feet of yours are impressive, girl."

"Thanks, I guess." The frog looked down shyly. "I mean, I just kicked him as hard as I could, and I could feel his balls squish against my foot, and then one of them just...gave way."

The dragoness was visibly impressed. "Wow. So what happened after that?"

"Well, like I said, he just hit the ground and started screaming about his balls. And I, uh...well..." She blushed again. "I was still pretty angry, so I pulled his legs apart and gave him a couple of stomps."

"Holy fuck, girl!" the dragoness exclaimed. "I'm surprised you didn't pop both!"

"I thought I had, actually. I mean...I kept stomping, and I knew the first nut was nothing but mush, but his other nut kept slipping out somehow. He had already passed out, and I wanted to just destroy him. Finally I got really pissed and just stomped with all my might, and his legs started jerking like crazy again, so I bent down and grabbed his sack to feel around. The other nut was pretty flat, but I gave it a good squeeze just to make sure, and he had another leg spasm thing. I was pretty sure it was gone, but I heard from a friend later that they managed to save it."

That's all for now -- I'll post more if I find them. (I know I have a decent Ivysaur [F] x Blastoise [M] thing sitting around here somewhere...)

11-14-2009, 10:49 PM
Oh, and also, to spark some conversation: what is a furry ballbusting pairing or scenario that you'd like to see? I asked this question over at FA (specifically, I asked about Pokemon ballbusting), and it generated some fun responses (http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/1002557/) -- I'd be curious to see what the people here have to say.

11-15-2009, 01:33 AM
This thread is so freakin' wild that I read it to satisfy my morbid curiosity.

11-15-2009, 07:34 AM
keep posting...

11-16-2009, 05:02 PM
Ooh, found another little something. A consensual kick between an Ivysaur and a Venusaur...to see how much it hurts :P

With a deep breath, the Ivysaur pulled her foot back and slammed her hardest kick up between the male's legs.

The pain that followed was infinitely more than Venusaur had expected. As the female's foot rocketed up into his crotch, he could feel her toes sinking into his ballsack, the twin spheres distorting around the force of her blow. But what he felt was mostly just shock...that is, until her foot hit his pelvis, and his testicles were suddenly trapped between her amazing kick and his unforgiving bone. Time slowed even further as he felt his saurhood flatten, smashed flat like pancakes, his mind exploding in agony as the Ivysaur stressed them to the breaking point.

The female, too, seemed to experience the whole thing in slow motion: her foot striking upwards into the male's heavy seedsacks, the twin orbs rolling off to either side of her paw before being crushed into the Venusaur's pelvis. She could feel his tortured testes trying to escape the force of the blow, abandoning their usual spherical shape as they attempted to squirm out from between her toes, but it was useless: the Ivysaur's kick had trapped them perfectly.

Venusaur just stood there, still trying to process the pain as his family jewels re-descended from where the female had kicked them up into his throat. And then, just as he thought he might be able to survive this agony, the second wave hit, more powerful than the first: nausea ripping through his gut, the rest of the world forgotten as he collapsed to his knees, clutching his battered balls.

The male was completely silent for a moment, frozen in a tableau of pain, until finally he gave out a tiny, tiny squeak. Ivysaur started to giggle at this response but was cut off as he gave out a second, longer squeal, toppling forward into the fetal position. "My..." he managed to say, voice several octaves higher than normal. "My--"

"Your what?" the Ivysaur asked, folding her arms across her breasts.

Venusaur froze again, brain searching for an escape from the blinding agony. "My...my...my /BALLS/!" he finally screamed, doubling over anew, clutching whatever was left of his saurhood. "OH MY GOD, MY /BALLS/!"

"Relax," the female said coolly, smirking at the Venusaur as he writhed on the ground. "They're still intact. I woulda felt one pop if they weren't."

But Venusaur was still inconsolable: he jerked spastically, hands clamped over his testicles to protect them from any further injury. In the middle of his torture he tried to inspect his sack, to make sure the twin orbs were still there, but he couldn't tell through the pain, and he couldn't believe they would've survived the Ivysaur's kick. Now the kick flashed through his mind again: the mental image of her foot sinking into his groin; his testicles flattening until *pop*, they were nothing but mush; the Ivysaur's sick smile, knowing she had just ruined a male's saurhood.

11-20-2009, 12:58 PM
Ooh, found another little something. A consensual kick between an Ivysaur and a Venusaur...to see how much it hurts :P

I <3 your stories so much. :D

11-22-2009, 09:48 PM
Time for more Dragon Slaying! Enjoy, and let me know what you think :P


Pain.* Lots of pain.

Normally I think of unconsciousness as an escape from reality -- a way for the body to cope with whatever horrible things might be happening to it, by pushing those bad feelings aside and retreating into darkness. That would have been a welcome relief, after the thrashing my gonads had just received...but unfortunately, the agony in my groin was just too much to be ignored. Instead of dreaming of a pleasant blackness, I dreamt about my balls, squished between the toes of orcas and frogs and hippos and dragons and every other species my subconscious could think of. I could pictures scores of women, all lined up to take a turn pummeling my poor plums. At one point there was an elephant, using my nuts like a Stairmaster, each step bringing me further into a world of pain, until finally I heard a distinct 'pop'--

--And my eyes flew open, my heart pounding in my chest. Immediately I glanced around, preparing to defend myself from the next female in line, but after a few tense seconds I realized that I was alone. Quite alone, in fact. Currently I was reclining in the middle of a large stone room, big enough to hold a small gathering of dragons, but there wasn't another being in sight. For a brief moment I thought I was back home and the whole ordeal had been a bad dream, but a second look around confirmed that it wasn't my cave, and a quick glance down confirmed...

...well, it confirmed that I still had balls, at least, which was a huge relief. My scaly sac was now tinged a shade of purple, and my bruised plums were now even more swollen than they had been before, but at least I was intact -- and with both balls, too.* That was the important thing.* Cautiously I reached down, gently lifting my package in my claws and trying to ignore the sickness in my stomach. I gave each orb a quick one-over to check for ruptures or anything of the sort, but it seemed like I was okay, at least as far as I could tell. Of course, that didn't change the fact that it hurt like hell, and I was unable to stop myself from letting out a series of long groans as I examined my family jewels, turning the broken baby-makers in my fingers. So much pain from such little organs...although on second thought, I suppose with all the swelling they weren't so "little" anymore.

I tried to keep the moans to a minimum -- more for pride than anything else, really -- but apparently I was still loud enough to attract attention. I became aware of the clack of approaching claws on stone, but I couldn't summon the energy to look up and see who it was, at least not until--

"Oh hey, you're awake," said a female voice.

The blood drained from my face. I knew that voice far too well, and a pair of toned, red-scaled legs only confirmed it. Immediately I tried to scoot backwards, away from my captor -- only to come to an abrupt stop as my oversensitive nuts thunked back to the floor, sending another shock of pain through my gut. I doubled over once again with a squeak, hands going back to my groin.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down!" the dragoness urged, crouching down in front of me. "I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Y-Yeah right," I gasped, claws still clasped tightly between my legs. God damnit, just what I needed. How long did I have now until my testicles were mush? A minute? Thirty seconds?

"Seriously, you can relax. I'm helping you." She placed a hand on my shoulder. "Who do you think's been icing your nuts for the past day?"

Yeah right, like I was gonna believe -- oh. Wait. Actually, now that I looked, there were several discarded ice packs sitting on my left, and another held in the female's hand. And come to think of it, my balls were drawn in pretty close to my body, though that may have had less to do with feeling a little chilly and more to do with a fear of an imminent nut-cracking.

Despite my lingering terror, I ****** myself to face her. "But you--" I coughed, fingers still cupping my aching junk. "You were trying to crush them. Why would you help now?"

"Yeah, uh, about that..."* She scratched her head sheepishly.* "I can get kinda crazy when I'm in heat...I got a little carried away with your balls, I guess.* Almost popped 'em.* By the time I wore myself out and realized what I'd been doing to your tackle, you were pretty fucked up."

I let out a low groan -- 'fucked up' didn't begin to describe it.* By now my testicles had returned to a mostly spherical shape, but I could still remember how they looked crushed between her claws, the walls caving inwards. "I…I thought you'd burst them both. I remember hearing a crunch."

"Huh? Oh, right -- I broke a nail from squeezing too hard. That's probably what you heard -- it was right around the time you passed out." She glanced down at her hand, spreading out her fingers to examine them. "Like I said, I got a bit carried away."

'A bit carried away'? I thought she seemed oddly casual about the whole "almost reducing my dragonhood to paste" thing, but then again, after the revolving door of women who had brutalized my berries over the past few days, I guess that seemed almost normal. She seemed sincere, at least. Otherwise, I assumed I'd already be squealing for mercy.

Seeing me calm down a bit, the nude female continued. "Anyway, I think we got things started on the wrong foot. Er." The dragoness looked down at her toes self-consciously. "Bad choice of words, maybe."

I winced. "Yeah."

"What I mean is...I think I gave you a pretty bad first impression, so let's start over."* She held out a hand.* "I'm Lia."

"Uh...P'oiu," I replied cautiously, reaching out to shake her hand. I ****** my gaze upwards to meet hers…though it took a moment to stop staring at her generous rack and actually look all the way up at her eyes. "Nice…nice to meet you, I guess."

If she caught me looking, she didn't call me out on it.* "Nice to meet you too," she answered, smiling. "I promise, I'm really not as evil as you think. Heck, I dragged you back to my cave to take care of you, didn't I?"

I was hardly about to compliment her for helping me after the hell she'd put me through, but I had to admit, she did have a point. Maybe she could be trusted. "Yeah, I s'pose so. How, uh…how long have I been out for?"

"Overnight. I brought you back here yesterday evening and set you up with some ice to help the swelling." She knelt down in front of me. "Speaking of which, let me see those nuts of yours, would ya?"

My first impulse was to scramble backwards again, but I managed to stop myself once I realized what she intended to do and what she was holding in her hand. "Oh, right, the ice pack. Uh…sure."

"Thank you," she replied. Gently the dragoness reached out and took a hold of my ballsac, hefting the twin spheres in her claws. With her other hand, she pressed her ice pack up against the scaly orbs, trying not to jostle them any more than was necessary.

Still, I couldn't hold back a grunt -- at this point, even a careful touch felt more like a slap. The ache wormed its way through my gut for a moment, followed shortly by a colder sensation that began radiating through my groin. I shivered. As long as it would help the swelling...

"So how do they feel on your end?" Lia asked, glancing up.

"My balls?" I groaned. "Well, it feels like they've been run under a steamroller, if that's what you mean."

She shook her head. "No no -- I mean, do you think there's damage? I tried to take a look at 'em while you were passed out, but they were too swollen to really make out much."

"Oh. Uh…maybe. They feel pretty bad." I let out another pained groan. "God, I don't know if they even work anymore."

"Hmm. Well in that case, I should probably check 'em out." The female set down her ice pack for a moment. "Relax, this shouldn't take too long."

I watched as Lia took my nutsac in both hands, examining the swollen spheres. She started with my left nut, rolling the bloated orb between thumb and forefinger for a moment before giving it a quick squeeze. Instantly the pain shot through my abdomen, my body curling forward in an attempt to protect itself.* "Oh-...ah, my nuts--"

"Relax," the female purred, placing a clawed hand on my chest and ******* me gently back down to the ground.* "I know what I'm doing, now let me do my work."* After another moment she moved on to my other nut, beginning the same examination.

My stomach churned to see my balls once more between her fingers, with memories of her vice grip still fresh in my mind. Still, despite the overall unsexy-ness of the situation -- a sharp-clawed dragoness checking to see if she'd burst my balls -- I couldn't help but appreciate the scene a little. After all, she was a naked chick fondling my junk…and from the current angle, she was giving me a fantastic view of her breasts, two ruby-red spheres that bounced pleasantly on her chest with each movement. Part of me wanted to reach out and give her a squeeze, but another part of me worried about what she might squeeze in response. Instead I contented myself with just looking, and trying to selectively remember all the good moments from last night…

"You seem alright," Lia murmured. "No ruptures, no leaks, nothing serious…"

I heard her, but only dimly -- I was still busy imagining the female in more compromising positions. Sure, the first time we'd fucked hadn't worked out so well, but now that she had calmed down a bit I could picture her bouncing in my lap again, my thick pride buried to the hilt in her tight passage. Actually, screw that -- I wanted to be the one in control this time. I imagined her flat on her back, her legs up over my shoulders, moaning out my name as I slammed into her sex…

It was only when I heard a quiet giggle that I realized quite how off-track my mind my mind had wandered. I blinked, only to realize that Lia had stopped examining my nuts and was now looking with some amusement at the pole of dragoncock jutting proudly from my crotch. "Uh…sorry," I grumbled, hoping she wasn't offended.

"Oh no, don't worry," the dragoness replied, smiling. "It's a compliment. Besides, it's probably my fault -- I'm still in heat, after all. You helped take the edge off, definitely, but I'm still giving off a ton of pheromones." She looked up and grinned. "Hell, I'm surprised you didn't bust a nut while you were *********** -- you looked about ready to explode all night."

I couldn't help but turn a bit red at that comment, imagining how I must have looked while I was passed out: a throbbing cock and balls to match. Not the most dignified thing in the world. Still, I tried to push that thought aside as she resumed her fondling of my junk. There were more important things to be worried about than embarrassing myself in front of a female, even if she was the first dragoness I'd seen in years…and even if she was a fine piece of tail…and even if she'd stopped examining my balls now and had a clawed hand wrapped around my length.

"…Lia?" I asked cautiously. "What are you--ooh."

"You like that?" she said teasingly. Gently the female rubbed her thumb across my cockhead, giving the rest of the meat in her hand a firm squeeze.

I inhaled sharply. "Uh, y-yeah. But…why are you--?"

"Shh," she interrupted, gently coaxing me to be silent -- though I couldn't help but groan as she gave me a few long strokes, her fingers dancing around my dragonhood. She waited for me to quiet down before she continued. "I want to propose something to you."

I shuddered, resisting the urge to thrust up between her fingers. "I-I'm listening."

The female blushed, biting her lip. "Well you see, like I said, I'm still in heat. Which means I still have a…very strong urge to mate." Her gaze fell to my cock, the scaly length pulsing needfully in the open air. "Until now I've been able to satisfy myself for the most part, but now that you're here, it's getting a lot…harder. I can tell my scent is having a strong effect on you, too."

"Mmph," I grunted, trying to focus despite the continuing distraction. "Yeah, it's…it's definitely getting harder. Very hard."

"Mmm. Well then," she continued, "if you're willing, I'd love to…relieve those urges again, if you know what I mean."

"Ohhh yeah," I blurted out loudly, just as a spurt of precum leapt from the tip of my cock to splash across the female's fingers. Oh, I would gladly do it -- I would fuck this girl so long and hard she didn't know which way was up. I could imagine slamming into her from behind, my cock swallowed up by her tight tunnel--

The female smiled, giving my length another friendly squeeze. "I thought you might be receptive. There's just one thing I've got to ask you, then."

Despite the rapidly growing need to get my rocks off, even I could hear the change of tone in her voice. That combined with the lingering mental image of my balls trapped inside her fist was more than enough reason to make me pause. "Uh…what is it?"

"Well, see…" She blushed, letting go of my member and looking up at me. "I've never met a green dragon before -- you're from the southern ranges, yes?"

I nodded. "Yeah, that's right."

"Okay. Then I should tell you that here up north, mating is sort of a serious deal -- you're not allowed to have sex with just anybody. When red dragons mate, they mate for life."

"Oh. Uh…okay." I frowned. "But wait, we…we already had sex. Are you saying that means we're already mated?"

"Oh no no," she backpedalled quickly, "no, there are some exceptions to the rules. A female can mate to satisfy her heat, for instance." The dragoness chuckled, reaching down to roll one of my balls gently between her fingers. "Otherwise, I'd already have a couple mates by now."

"Ah." I blinked, trying not to squirm as the female fondled my sac. "So then what's the problem? Why don't we just 'satisfy your heat' some more?"

Lia smiled, but shook her head. "We've already done that. Trust me, if I was still in my full heat, I wouldn't bother asking permission. No -- if we were to do it again, we'd have to do it as mates."

It took me a few seconds to put it all together. "Wait. Are…are you asking me to be your mate, then?"

She nodded. "Bingo."

"Uh…" I stuttered for a moment, trying to figure out an appropriate response. "I…I'm flattered, obviously, but…we only just met. I mean, I barely even know you."

"True," she admitted. "But think about it for a minute. When's the last time you saw another dragoness?"

"Um. About…two or three years ago, I guess."

"See? Two or three years. There aren't very many of us dragons around any more. I'm not saying we're a perfect match, but I think we gotta grab each other while we have the chance, y'know? I could certainly use the company."

She did have a point. It could get pretty lonesome, just living in the cave by myself for weeks at a time…and I was getting pretty tired of jerking myself off every night. It certainly wouldn't hurt to have a female around.

Lia grinned, watching as my member gave a short twitch. "I can see you're thinking about the other perks, as well." She curled her fingers around my length again, giving it a few short pumps. "You know…I'd love to just wrap my tongue around this monster and suck you off until your balls were dry." She looked back up at me. "But I can't do that unless we're mates."

Just the way she was talking had me ready to cream my scales again, but I tried to keep my voice steady as best I could. "Well then, uh…l-let's do it, I guess."

Her eyes lit up. "Really? You want to be mates?"

It was crazy decision, sure, but when was an opportunity like this going to show up again? "Uh…yeah. I would be happy to be your mate." And happy to fuck her silly for the next month...

"Oh that's great!" The dragoness beamed, leaning in to plant a quick kiss on my cheek -- then another kiss on the head of my cock. "Thank god -- I was starting to wonder if I'd have to wait until my next heat to be properly fucked again."

I let out a quiet moan as she nuzzled briefly at my rod. "Y-yeah. Listen, I don't know about you, but I'm horny as fuck already -- you wanna be on top, or on the bottom?"

"Uh." She paused for a moment, letting go of my shaft. "Well, technically we're not mated until the mating ceremony is done…"

I groaned -- I wanted to get off, the sooner the better. "What do we have to do?"

"Well, traditionally the female is supposed to put her male through quite a bit before accepting him as a mate…" -- Lia glanced down at my swollen ballsac -- "…but I think I've done enough to you already. I'd rather just get this over with."

"Me too," I replied.

"Good then, we're agreed. In that case, I think I've probably done enough damage downstairs, eh?"* She smiled, rising to her feet.* "Here, spread your legs for me."

I wasn't sure exactly what she wanted to do, but if the handjob she'd been giving me was any indication, it was gonna be good.* I put my hands behind my head and lay back, closing my eyes and waiting for whatever was next...

Stupid dragon.

The next thing I felt was something slamming down onto my right testicle with so much force that my nut had to be absolutely liquified -- or at least it would've been, if it hadn't managed to slip out of the way at the last second.* My eyes shot open in shock to find a scaly red thigh in front of my face, which I quickly followed upwards to find Lia.* She was frowning down at my ballsac, a look of concentration on her face.

"Dammit, sorry," she mumbled, raising her foot again.

Before I could do anything, the female stomped down even harder than she just had, and this time my gonad wasn't so lucky.* Instead I felt the full force of her heel come slamming down onto my right nut, crushing it against the stone floor with a gut-wrenching squick.

My eyes immediately rolled back into my head with the force of blow.* It was impossibly painful, like a bolt of lightning ripping through my gut, like every unpleasant experience I'd ever had combined.* Nothing had ever felt like this -- oh god, how could one person inflict so much pain?* I kept waiting for the initial jolt of agony to subside, to turn into the duller ballache that I'd grown so familiar with, but instead it continued to surge through my body, filling every inch of my being with horrible, unfathomable nutpain.* I fought just to stay conscious as Lia ground her foot against the ground, crushing my spud like a discarded cigarette against the stone floor.* Every nerve ending in my groin screamed at me to do something, at least if I wanted to stay male for more than a few more seconds.* Instinctively my hands shot to her leg, trying to pull her off, but the dragoness continued to bear down, my scaly egg nearing the breaking point--

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I shrieked.

The dragoness cocked an eyebrow.* "I'm popping your nut, what does it look like?"


"It's the last part of the mating ceremony.* Everyone knows that."* The female had yet to take her weight off of my poor gonad -- the tortured orb continued to squirm beneath her foot, seeking an escape from the ungodly pressure.* "Why, what's the matter?"

If I wanted her off my nut, I had to keep stringing together complete sentences; if I didn't get her off my nut soon, it was going to be nothing but jelly-- "What the hell are you talking about?!"

She sighed, giving me a look that was half pity, half scorn.* "It's a customary part of the courtship ceremony for the female to pop one of the male's testicles (http://yiffstar.com/?pid=63693).* I mean, my dad's only got one, and my brother got one of his squashed when he was mated..."

"That's insane!" I squealed, still fighting feebly to pry her leg from my groin -- but time was up.* I couldn't take any more.* Say goodbye to Righty, I thought, preparing myself for the inevitable.

"Wait, really?"* The dragoness seemed surprised, leaning back onto her rear foot.* "Do they not do this where you come from?"

That shift in weight was enough to save the doomed jewel, at least for now.* I could feel it reinflate slightly, sending another wave of nausea through my stomach as its crushed contents began shifting back into place.* Of course, I still had most of the weight of a dragoness focused on the most sensitive part of my male anatomy -- the second she decided to lean forward again, I was sure that nut was mush.


With a small frown she lifted her foot, allowing my trapped testicle to finally squirt out to freedom.* Immediately I curled into the fetal position, claws flying to my ballsac to ensure that my nut was still there.* Which it definitely was, judging from the unimaginable pain gnawing its way through my gut.* It wasn't as round as before, maybe, but it was still intact, and that was the important part.

Above me the female stood with a confused look on her face, her arms folded beneath her breasts. She watched me rock back and forth on the ground for a moment, tapping her foot against the floor as she waited for me to stop gasping for breath. "So wait," she began slowly, "they really don't do this where you come from?"

"No!" I exclaimed loudly, still fighting the urge to vomit. Oh, my poor nut--

Lia frowned. "Weird. I assumed everybody did it, but maybe it's just a northern dragon thing." She raised an eyeridge. "What do you do for the mating ceremony, then?"

I groaned, both hands still clasped tightly between my legs. "I-I dunno…you make some vows, that's about it. It's not…nnrgh…it's not very complicated."

"But no nut-popping?"


"Really? That's so weird." She snorted. "So what, all the males where you come from have both their nuts?"

"YES!" I shouted, incredulous at what I was hearing. "We're born that way; why wouldn't we have two nuts?"

"Because one is supposed to be popped by your mate," she replied, the tone of her voice suggesting that this was the most obvious thing in the world. "That's why you have two: one for your mate, and one for your children."

"That's completely insane!" I repeated, still crumpled in the fetal position. "What the hell is wrong with you people?"

"Calm down," she replied patiently. "It might seem a bit strange to you as a dragon from another culture, but it's tradition -- we've been doing it this way for centuries."

I was still in disbelief. "And what, the men just let you do this to them?"

"Oh yes -- quite willingly." She met my skeptical look and chuckled. "What, you don't believe me? Like I said, it's tradition. It's considered an honor to be popped by a female -- a real moment of bonding between mates, a symbol of the male's devotion to his chosen life partner--"

"So you're telling me," I interrupted, feeling sicker by the moment, "that every mated male dragon in the Northern Territories has had one of his balls crushed."

"As far as I know, yes."

I groaned. "Oh my god, no wonder we're going extinct as a species."

Lia frowned. "Actually, you only need one to--"

"I know how it works!" I snapped, still curled up on my side. Gently I prodded at my swollen testicles, the aching pair cupped gingerly in my claws. I could still picture my nut trapped beneath the female's foot -- I shuddered to think what might happen if she pressed it any flatter than she already had. How could any male willingly put himself through that kind of torture?

Then again, maybe it was a relief. One less nut to be punted and pummeled, stomped and squeezed, flattened until you were hoarse from squealing...I shook my head. What the hell was I thinking?

"Why do guys need two of 'em, anyway?" Lia asked, interrupting my train of thought. "It's redundant, isn't it?"

I coughed. "Then…then why do females have two breasts, huh? Answer me that."

The dragoness rolled her eyes. "For symmetry, obviously. If you took away one of a girl's breasts, it would just look weird. When you take away one of a guy's nuts, on the other hand, it looks so much more natural -- he's left with one big ol' nut in the middle of his sac."

"You're insane, you know that?"

Lia ignored my comment. "Besides, in the end it's the same deal. One for your children…" -- the dragoness reached up to her chest, hefting one of her perfect tits in her claws -- "…and one for your mate. Like I said, it's all tradition."

I grunted, ******* myself back into a seated position. "Well I'm sure that all sounds fine and great to you, but we are skipping that part of the ceremony, thank you very much."

"What? No!" The female was indignant. "The nut-popping in one of the most important parts of the ceremony!"

"Oh come on! It's barbaric!"

"It's part of the ceremony!" she repeated, folding her arms across her chest. "It's a very important moment in a dragon's life, male or female.* You'll always remember losing a nut to me, and I'll always remember taking it."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.* "You...this is sick, you know that?* You can't just...I mean, you practically popped them already!* Doesn't that count?"

"No, because I didn't actually pop one."* She frowned.* "Listen, if you want to be mates you can't keep both your balls.* You do want to be mates, right?"

I looked up at the female.* She was standing with one hand on her hip, looking down at me with an eyebrow raised.* Despite myself, my gaze began drifting slowly downwards: from her face to her neck, then down to the two luscious breasts that stood out proudly on her chest, tits that just begged to be groped and squeezed.* I looked at her torso, covered in smooth red scales, sloping outwards into a pair of shapely hips that I knew supported a sinuous tail and a gorgeous ass.* I continued my journey downwards, lingering on the hint of a slit nested between her strong thighs before moving on to her sculpted calves.* And then finally, there were her feet...capped with deadly-looking claws, of course.

I swallowed nervously.* God -- even now, when she was threatening to half-******** me, she was making me hard.* Did I really want to be mates?

Listen: just say no.* All you have to do is say no, and she'll leave you alone.

Aww come on, man, how could you say no to that?* Look at that body!* Imagine coming home to that every night!

Yeah, or imagine that stomping your nuts into paste.* Come on, you don't want to be mates with her.* Just say no, that's all you have to do.

Or you could say yes, and spend every evening for the rest of your life screwing her silly. Seriously, look at her! Imagine sliding your cock between her tits, or shooting your spunk all over that rump…

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and said:

"Y-Yes. I want to be mates."


She smiled. "I thought so. I'm glad. Now again, spread your legs for me."

"What? No!"

Her gaze hardened. "If you want to be mates, then you're going to have to trust me. Now spread your legs."

"No!" I yelped. I scurried backwards to the best of my ability, which was difficult with one hand still clutching my groin and legs too weak to support my weight.* "Stay away!"

"Relax," she replied, taking a step towards me.* "Let's just get this over with, yeah?"

"No no no," I said quickly, "I--I changed my mind! You don't have to--"

But the dragoness already had her mind made up. "Calm down, this shouldn't take long." She nudged my legs apart, then leaned in to grab my arms. Almost gleefully she pulled my hands aside, took one look down at my swollen sac, and brought her foot down.

Lemme tell you: no matter how many times it happens, the sensation of having your testicles forcibly flattened beneath a female's foot is not something a guy gets used to.* It's one thing to have 'em pummeled like a punching bag, or knocked up into your throat with a vicious kick, but it's another thing entirely to watch them slowly flatten like pancakes, your nutflesh squishing out between your attacker's toes.

So it was that I watched my scaly green dragonmakers -- the spuds I used to be so proud of -- losing their shape beneath Lia's foot, spreading outwards as she bore down on the rubbery twins. Immediately I was wrapped around the female's leg, gasping and moaning as she tried to scramble my eggs underfoot. My stomach churned from the nausea, spots dancing in front of my eyes as wave after wave of agony washed over me. Even through the haze of pain, I could tell she was focusing most of her weight on my right nut, the same one she'd been trying to crush earlier. Not that she was sparing my left nut, though -- I could see the swollen orb trying to squirm out of the way, but it was currently speared on one of her toeclaws, the nail digging viciously into the center and pinning it in place.

Lia seemed to be enjoying herself, though. I let out some kind of a squawk as she raised her foot a few inches and stomped down once again, flattening my testicles into the stone floor. I'm pretty sure I heard her giggle in response, though it's possible I was confusing my own high-pitched squeaking for her voice.

The crazy thing is that even as all this was going on, my member remained hard as a rock, blissfully unaware of the torture going on just below. Her heat was still getting to me -- hell, with my face pressed up against her thigh, I was pretty much inhaling her pheromones, staring right at her sex. I could imagine how much better her feet would feel if they were caressing my cock, rather than bashing my balls -- could imagine her toes wrapped around my length, and me, shooting my cream in long ropes onto her calves.* Of course, I could also imagine myself trembling and blowing a huge load all over her legs just as my poor testicle finally burst. That mental image was…more arousing than it should have been, actually.

Lia seemed to have a similar idea. The dragoness lifted her weight from my balls once again, this time moving her foot so that it pressed my cock flat against my stomach. She paused there for a moment, the sole of her foot rubbing up against the underside of my member, and briefly I thought that she had taken pity on me: that she had seen how much pain I was in and changed her mind about her torturous mating ceremony. That hope was squashed, though -- literally -- as she set her heel down squarely on top of my right plum, immediately transferring her weight to the fragile egg. I let out another squeal as she resumed her assault of my groin, two of her toes splaying around my shaft as my testicle began to splay out beneath her heel.

Despite all the noise I was making, though, the dragoness was less than satisfied. "This doesn't seem to be working," she said after a few seconds, frowning down at her foot. She gave a few quick heel-stomps in rapid succession, each earning a loud cry of pain from my writhing body. "I expected your ball to be jelly by now."

I could only moan in response, struggling feebly at her leg in an attempt to cover up.* "Please stop," I croaked, praying for some kind of mercy.

"I guess you've just got a tough little pair."* The dragoness rolled my nuts beneath her toes for a moment, assessing the swollen orbs.* "Hmm…or maybe I'm just not heavy enough.* What if I tried something a little more forceful…?"

My muzzle contorted in agony and I let out a gurgle as the female literally hopped onto my ballsac, my scaly orbs flattening beneath her bare feet.* I could feel my brain slowing down, unable to handle the flood of pain signals coming from my mangled marbles.* I was now carrying the entire weight of a full-grown dragoness on my testicles -- I couldn't believe they didn't just give up and burst.* They probably would have, if she'd managed to balance all her weight on just one at a time, but by now she'd stopped focusing on my right nut and was just pounding the spunk out of my entire package.* I guess at this point she no longer cared which nut she popped, as long as she popped one.

"My..." I gasped, unable to finish the thought.* "My..."

"Damn."* Lia looked down at her feet and the distorted dragonmakers she was standing on.* "You've just got balls of steel, don't you?* Although I guess they're kinda squishy to be steel."* She adjusted her stance, my nuts rearranging themselves around her toes.* "Rubber, maybe?"

By now I'd managed to weakly grab the dragoness's legs, my arms shaking with the effort required as my nervous system tried to shut itself down.* "Please...get off..." I whispered, gripping Lia's ankles as tightly as I could and trying not to imagine what my gonads looked like just below.

She looked down at me with a sympathetic smile.* "I know it hurts, P'oiu, but just wait 'til I pop one, okay?* The right one feels like it might go soon.* Though I'm surprised you're not a eunuch by this point."* She reiterated her point with a quick stomp.* "Most guys can't take nearly this much -- I'm beginning to wonder if they'll ever pop."

Her words echoed in my mind for a moment, as I lay there mewling in pain -- and it was only then that the terror of the situation fully struck me. All this time I'd been worried that my nuts were about to crack, about to explode beneath Lia's onslaught...but what if that wasn't the problem? What if they didn't pop?

You see, as I've mentioned before, in the past we green dragons were renowned in the south for our strength and our imperviousness to attack. Our teeth, our scales, our claws: they were all indestructable. As far as I knew, that indestructibility extended to my internal organs as well -- and as far I knew, that included the dragonmakers hanging between my legs. Sure, they could be squashed or flattened, but I'd had my balls bashed up half-a-dozen times in the past few days, and they still seemed to be working. Hell, they'd been overproducing ever since I'd met Lia -- even now, I felt ready to paint the ceiling with my spunk.

But the red dragons from the north were different. They were supposed to be faster, sleeker, more athletic -- sexier, quite frankly. I'd always assumed that they'd been just as "indestructible" as us green dragons, but then again, I'd never actually met a red dragon before Lia -- and she'd broken a nail just squeezing my balls. Maybe…maybe the reason this barbaric nut-crushing thing existed in her culture and not mine was because it wasn't possible in my culture. It just couldn't be done.

In a way, that thought was a huge relief -- my gonads weren't goners! -- but in another way, it was a terrifying idea. It was bad enough to lose a ball to some crazy dragon, but it was even worse to think that the ballbusting might never stop. If my nut never ruptured, Lia would probably just ballbust me until my whole body shut down. And who knew what she would do trying to make it burst?

As predicted, Lia still wasn't making any progress. "God, I didn't think it'd be this hard to pop one," she grumbled, turning away from me and lining up her heel with my right testicle as she prepared to jump aboard once more. "Maybe if I add a little twist as I land."

My leg was twitching, my body shaking as my nut was compressed to about a quarter of its usual size. "L-LIA!" I shouted in as normal a voice as possible, resisting the urge to squeal her name several octaves higher.

"Relax, P'oiu," she repeated, gaze directed at her feet. "Try to ignore the pain and enjoy the view, okay? Just think about all the fun we're going to have later." The female lifted her tail, leaning forward slightly in order to show off more of her scaly rump.

It was a nice ass, I have to admit, but it was overshadowed a bit by the whole 'soul-crushing agony' thing. "LIA!" I shouted again, this time reaching up to grab hold of her tail. I gave the length a short yank. "LISTEN TO ME!"

"Ow!" The dragoness quickly pulled her tail from my weak grip, spinning on her heel to face me again. For the first time in what seemed like hours, Lia looked away from my swollen balls and looked up at me. "Hey, what was that for? Jerk."

"Just listen for a second," I croaked. "Please."

Lia looked at me suspiciously for a moment before giving a short nod. "Okay, I'm listening." The female folded her arms across her breasts again, waiting for me to start speaking -- though she still had most of her weight perched atop my groin.

I tried to swallow the ache radiating up from my gut, my toeclaws still clenching and unclenching outside of my control. "Lia…" I coughed. "Lia, what if…what if my balls don't pop?"

"What do you mean, 'if they don't pop'?"* The dragoness chuckled.* "Of course they pop -- crush 'em flat enough and they can't take it anymore, they explode. I mean, us girls have been doing that to you for centuries."

"No..." I groaned, "not...oh god, nnrgh...not green dragons. We're d-different." It was taking every ounce of my concentration to form coherent sentences, rather than just pass out. "Our internal organs don't…ah...d-don't rupture."

Lia frowned down at me for a moment before a look of comprehension spread across her face. "Oh! Oh that's right, isn't it? You're a green, so you're 'indestructable' and all that, right?"

"Right," I gasped. "And that means my balls…don't…pop."

The dragoness had to think about that for a second, and even once she was finished she shook her head. "But…no, that can't be right. They're so squishy!* I mean, they feel just like any other pair I've stomped on."

I paled even further, if that was possible. "H-How many other balls have you stomped on?

"Enough to be knowledgeable about these things." She grinned, taking her weight off my balls to roll them beneath her toes for a moment. "C'mon -- I guarantee you one of these spuds is about to give."

"No it's not!" I yelled. My muzzle contorted in pain as the female leaned forward once more, squashing my plums into the stone floor. "What can I do to -- oh*god! -- what can I do to convince you my nuts don't pop?!"

"Hmm." The dragoness paused in thought, my gonads still crushed beneath her foot. "You know, there is one thing."

"Do it," I coughed. "Anything."

"Alright then." The female took a step back, allowing my flattened testicles a brief moment to reinflate. "Spread your legs."

Despite the overwhelming urge to curl into the fetal position, I ****** my hands to my sides, spreading my legs as wide as my weak body would allow and looking up at the dragoness. I let out an internal groan. I was not looking forward to seeing those toeclaws smash into my balls yet again, but if it convinced her that this was over--

But to my surprise, the female did not pull her leg back for a kick, but instead knelt down -- no, actually lay down flat on her stomach, propping herself on her elbows. She looked at my package, eyes tracing over my still-throbbing length before settling on the two busted balls just below. Lia tilted her head sideways and licked her lips before taking ahold of my right nut, giving it a quick but brutal squeeze between two of her claws.

I let out a ragged gasp, but it was hardly the worst pain I'd felt today. "Is that it?" I asked. "A squeeze?"

"Oh no," she replied, giggling. "Squeezing's fun, but I've got something else in mind. Something I've wanted to try for a long time…"

I watched with a mix of curiosity and fear as she leaned in closer -- so close now that her warm breath blew across my crotch, making my member twitch with anxiety. Hell, she looked ready to give me a blowjob -- had she changed her mind about this whole ballbusting thing? Lia opened her mouth, and for a moment I expected to feel her tongue wrapping around the base of my shaft…but then I saw the flash of fang, and suddenly understood. By then it was far too late.

I let out a shrill squeal, my hips shooting off the ground as the dragoness bit down into the center of my nut. I may have actually squashed my other nut between my groin and her muzzle, but I was far too distracted to notice anything but the screaming, throbbing ache in my gut as she attempted to skewer my right ball on her fang. All conscious thought left my mind as the female bit -- no, not just bit, but chewed on my poor testicle, the abused orb squashed, squished, and distorted as it was crushed again and again between her vicious teeth.

I could feel Lia trying to suck my spud deeper into her mouth, her tongue coating the orb with saliva even as her incisors attempted to reduce it to jelly, but I tried my best to resist, bucking frantically in an effort to shake loose. After a few more seconds my hands found their way to her muzzle, trying to pry her jaws open, but I had lost any and all strength long ago -- I was completely at her mercy at this point. I let out another high, keen cry, babbling in some unknown language as the female did her best to scramble my scaly egg, the slippery orb squirming desperately to escape.

I don't know exactly how long this all lasted -- it's hard to judge time when you're barely clinging to consciousness -- but I do remember how it ended. Once I had stopped resisting, the dragoness decided to suck both my balls into her mouth, positioning one beneath each set of molars before chomping down with all her might. Strangely enough, I hardly even remember the pain -- what I remember is the dribble of dragonseed that began running down my length, my spunk ****** straight from my balls as Lia ground them between her teeth. Lia just grinned at me.

Somehow, though, I survived intact -- though I certainly didn't feel like much of a male at this point. Even though my cock was still bobbing at full-mast, I couldn't summon the energy to curl into the fetal position, never mind to sit up or to speak. I must have laid there for a good couple of minutes after she finally gave up her biting, because she eventually got tired of waiting for me to respond. So of course, she used the best attention-grabbing method she knew:


I let out a quiet squeak and immediately bent double around the female's foot, claws moving shakily to cover my groin.

"Alright, I believe you. I can't pop your nut." She frowned, nudging my hands away from my groin in order to look at my lumpy ballsac.* "Hell, maybe you green guys evolved indestructible balls because us girls kept stomping on 'em so much."

If that was true, I silently thanked the generations of males who had gone through this before me.

"You could have told me that before, though," she continued, climbing to her feet again. "It would've saved me a lot of trouble."

There was nothing I could do but croak wordlessly in response.

The dragoness exhaled loudly, planting her hands on her hips. "Anyway. This failed pretty miserably, huh? All that and we're still not mates."

My heart skipped a beat. She couldn't be serious. All that torture and she still wasn't going to let me tap that ass? What the fuck?! I gave a plaintive whine in her direction, hoping she wasn't really that cruel.

The dragoness turned to face me again, unable to repress a smile at the sight of me crumpled on the floor. "I'm sorry, P'oiu, but the nut-popping is important -- I don't think I could really be mated with you if I can't pop one of your balls. I'll just have to take care of my own needs, I guess."

"Oh come on," I coughed, fighting the urge to vomit. "We both want it. Just one good fuck."

"Not unless we're mates," she repeated. "You wanna try the nut-popping one more time?"

Immediately I shook my head.

"You sure?* I mean, I haven't got a ton of nut-crushing experience, but I still think one might be about to give."

I felt myself get even queasier, if that was possible. "No, I...oh god...I'm done."

The dragoness looked disappointed. "Aww. Alright, then, I'll give you a little while to pull yourself together and then we'll figure out what to do from here, alright?"

This whole discussion was infuriating, but at this point, I thought it best to just cut my losses. With some effort I ****** myself to my hands and knees, trying to ignore the gutache as my balls hung between my thighs. "F-Fine," I replied. "We'll talk about this laaaagh!"

My world exploded once more as something came flying up between my legs, smashing my defenseless nuts up into my pelvis for the umpteenth time today. I had just enough time to process the image of a red-scaled foot buried in my groin before I was writhing on the ground again, both hands between my legs.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I squealed, crumpling once more.* The pain.* It was like a dozen knives stabbing me in the gut, on top of the several hundred knives already there -- more insult than injury, to be honest, though at this point the lightest of taps probably would've sent me to my knees.* "Oh fuck, my balls!"

"Oh come on, it was worth one more shot," Lia said with a chuckle, watching me curl up on the floor.* "You never know, that could've been the kick that popped 'em.* Or it could be the next one.* You wanna find out?"

"NO!" I answered. I was tempted to follow up that exclamation with some more colorful language, but given how well that had gone in the past -- I thought back to the hippo -- I decided to bite my tongue and stay quiet. "Just -- oh god -- just please, leave me alone!"

Lia was silent for a moment, then took a few steps towards my crumpled form.*I could sense the dragoness bending over me, and I tensed, fearing the worst--

"Sorry about that," she murmured, placing a hand on my shoulder.* "Listen, I'll be back soon -- you rest up for a while, okay?"

I relaxed slightly.* "Yeah," I croaked, opening my eyes and catching a glimpse of her naked form.* I sighed inwardly as the female turned to walk away, admiring the perfect roundness of her ass and the seductive swing of her hips. *Damn it.* I had been this close to shacking up with a Playdragon model, a gorgeous specimen of the fairer sex. She almost seemed nice, even, if it wasn't for the damn obsession with crushing my nuts.

Lia paused at the door, shooting a glance back my way.* "Hey -- if you change your mind, I'd be happy to stomp your spuds some more.* Just gimme a shout, alright?"

I groaned, squinting my eyes shut again.

11-23-2009, 09:55 PM
Good gravy, poiu. You're really amazing at this. :ibow4u:

Seriously, I laughed like CRAZY at "NO! NO ONE EVER DOES THIS!!" What an EXCELLENT line.

11-23-2009, 10:22 PM
Haha, yeah, that whole exchange was fun to write. What can I say? P'oiu just has a tendency to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's not his fault that red dragons have some interesting cultural practices :P

11-25-2009, 08:26 PM
I've got a pair of new drawings off of FA, one loosely based off of my Ivysaur/Venusaur snippet, the other in celebration of tomorrow's American Thanksgiving. Check 'em out:

http://filefap.com/public/view/64670 (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3088009/))
http://filefap.com/public/view/64671 (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3089124/))

Never has turkey leg been quite so appetizing :P

Oh, and in case anyone missed Fellarts' awesome Flaaffy/Ampharos pic:

http://filefap.com/public/view/64672 (source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3005188))

12-11-2009, 08:54 PM
Quick updates from FurAffinity (requires an account to view):

- A whole (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3115198/) series (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3115223/) of (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3115237/) pics (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3115258/) from Konubadger (complete with story (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3115169/))
- A pair of suggestive (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3124710/) commissions (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3124814/) from youngblackspiraldancer

12-14-2009, 02:15 AM
Quick updates from FurAffinity (requires an account to view):

- A whole (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3115198/) series (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3115223/) of (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3115237/) pics (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3115258/) from Konubadger (complete with story (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3115169/))
- A pair of suggestive (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3124710/) commissions (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3124814/) from youngblackspiraldancer

One of the reasons I don't like Fur Affinity pics, is simply... I can't view 'em unless you provide a alternate link, the whole not having an account thing. Anyways, was looking through the attachments of Ballbusting Cartoons and found quite a few furry stuff, I was thinking of starting to export them all over, but someone added a new picture and well, I lost all my "You already clicked this link" purple color x3
On the bright side, I saved 3 pics, and I had a heck of a fun time going through all the BB Cartoon attachment pics x3
Maybe I'll go pull the rest some time, but 900 pics an all, I'ma need some time to recharge ^^;

(If anyone knows where to find the rest of the "The Furry Problem" Comics, speak up, they amuse me, so I'd like to read 'em even if they're not all bb.

12-14-2009, 06:21 AM
One of the reasons I don't like Fur Affinity pics, is simply... I can't view 'em unless you provide a alternate link, the whole not having an account thing. Anyways, was looking through the attachments of Ballbusting Cartoons and found quite a few furry stuff, I was thinking of starting to export them all over, but someone added a new picture and well, I lost all my "You already clicked this link" purple color x3
On the bright side, I saved 3 pics, and I had a heck of a fun time going through all the BB Cartoon attachment pics x3
Maybe I'll go pull the rest some time, but 900 pics an all, I'ma need some time to recharge ^^;

(If anyone knows where to find the rest of the "The Furry Problem" Comics, speak up, they amuse me, so I'd like to read 'em even if they're not all bb.

I really like the first picture. Good clear shot of the foot contacting the set of nuts.

12-14-2009, 01:42 PM
Speaking of the Furry Problem Comics, does anyone have the link to the website?

12-14-2009, 02:02 PM
Speaking of the Furry Problem Comics, does anyone have the link to the website?

The date on the photos signal that they are over 10 years old...I hope the website is still up

12-17-2009, 08:46 PM
I was able to find a rar file with the Furry Problems comic strips but you need a password to open them and I don't have a clue on how to use MediaFire

12-29-2009, 03:43 PM
Here's a furry ********** picture.

I wasn't sure if I could post pictures by Taurin Fox so I'll just post the link. Then ya all can see the picture for yourselves.


12-29-2009, 03:57 PM
wow...very nice pic, raina

01-02-2010, 03:02 AM
Jorge Garay's one and only foray into fighting art involving a furry of any sort, and it just so happens to have a bust in it. There are a few other busts scattered throughout his DeviantArt gallery, but no other furry pics.

Bioweapon by ~JorgeGaray on deviantART (http://jorgegaray.deviantart.com/art/Bioweapon-62170792)

01-09-2010, 03:59 PM
Can any artist out there make a realistic drawing of avatar doing ballbusting ?
It would be awesome if it could look like the original animation.

I am not into graphics at all, but is it possible to get your hands on the original 3D digital drawings of avatar ?
And then make them do ballbusting ?


01-11-2010, 05:01 AM
Here's a furry ********** picture.

I wasn't sure if I could post pictures by Taurin Fox so I'll just post the link. Then ya all can see the picture for yourselves.


Good pic but what's with him having been allowed to ejaculate? now if a female had been doing the job......;)

01-11-2010, 06:07 PM
Can any artist out there make a realistic drawing of avatar doing ballbusting ?
It would be awesome if it could look like the original animation.

I am not into graphics at all, but is it possible to get your hands on the original 3D digital drawings of avatar ?
And then make them do ballbusting

I approve. Someone should do this.

01-12-2010, 02:49 AM
I liked it. I would continue the story. Id like to see that.

sorry, ballmasher, still no furry ballbust, though I DID search for it. but from what I found, I created some sort of "substitute":

http://img40.imagevenue.com/loc1001/th_33292_Test1_123_1001lo.jpg (http://img40.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=33292_Test1_123_1001lo.jpg)

Hello Mr. Fox, suprised to see me here ? You probably expected your dominatrix, who has wrapped you so artfullly, to return and continue with your naughty little game, right ? I'm afraid you will not see her anytime soon - I have locked her in the bathroom. So you will have to be content with me - and the way you stare at my titties and the pre-cum that drools from your cock tell me that you like what you see.

It's a really pitty that its too late for you now. If you had not killed my sisters and had them for lunch, you could have seen a lot of those titties. And if you just had asked them nicely, you would have received a lot of very fine blowjobs from them. Have you ever felt two little mousetongues tickle your peehole at the same time ? No ? Thats very sad, now you never will.

Well, enough of the past. But frankly said, after telling you all this, right now I have a LOT of agression in me. Now, for me there is just no better way to get rid of agressions than to sink my fists for a few hours into a pair of big, furry, cum filled fox balls ! Hm... are there accidently any fox balls nearby ? Oh yes, I see some - and they are really, really big ones ! I will have a lot of fun with them - I just hope it will be as nice for you as for me.

Hm... judging from the way you keep whining into your gag, you dont think very much of my idea, do you ? OK, I will do you one last favour, although you certainly do not deserve it. I will take off my overall, just to show you what you will be missing forever. So.... do you like what you see ? Enjoy the view and the feeling in your cock - because this is the last erection you will ever have in your life.....

01-15-2010, 09:29 AM
She's a good girl really!

01-16-2010, 01:43 PM
Piou, keep up the good work. I love your stories. My scanner still isn't working but as soon as it does I'll upload some of the stuff my ex drew. She was very talented in the art of drawing catgirls that ******** their boyfriends and then eat the nuts afterwards. >__> But yeah, this thread needs more posts!

Peace out,

01-18-2010, 02:18 AM
A lustful fool is put firmly in his place by a member of the superior sex and most importantly BEFORE he gets to ejaculate.

01-19-2010, 08:41 AM
Speaking of the Furry Problem Comics, does anyone have the link to the website?

Probably the best way to find them would be to search around some older art archive sites for Eric Schwartz. He also had the Furafterdark website, not sure if that's still around at all though. I can try digging through my old hard drives but chances are Ive only got like 1 or 2 of them.

01-19-2010, 11:39 AM
I just found something:


01-21-2010, 11:37 PM
More busted dragon balls! This is really more like half a chapter, but I figure it's better to post it now than to make y'all wait another two months :P Enjoy, and comments always appreciated!

I was down on the floor for a good long while before I could summon the energy to get up again, but eventually the agony radiating from my groin subsided enough for me to uncurl from the fetal position. With a groan I managed to roll over and get my legs under me, struggling to my feet, one hand still held carefully between my legs. My poor nuts felt like they'd been run over by a steamroller -- even the lightest jostling was enough to make me wince.

"Lia?" I called out, keeping my claws carefully wrapped around my ballsac. The last thing I needed now was another surprise kick in the spuds… "You around?"

I waited a moment, but there was no response -- she must have gone elsewhere. I was pretty sure she hadn't left, or she probably would have told me first, but then again it was possible I'd missed something while I was crumpled up on the floor. Either way, it couldn't hurt to explore the cave a bit more. Tenderly I cupped my heavy orbs in my claws and started limping my way towards the next room.

I had to admit, Lia had quite a nice place. I took myself on a brief tour: out towards the cave entrance, then back and into the kitchen (where I paused for a snack), then down the hall, eventually winding up down towards the bedrooms. There I discovered Lia: curled up on a rather soft-looking bed, her chest slowly rising and falling, her tail curled up between her legs. She had lay down for a nap, apparently -- no doubt tired after her little nutbusting "workout". I probably could have stood there all day letting my eyes trace up and down her body, particularly given the faint scent of her heat still wafting from the room, but after a moment I managed to tear myself from the doorway. I'd spent a lot of time chasing that tail recently, and so far it had only brought me trouble.

Luckily, I managed to distract myself from the nude dragoness lying in the other room with another discovery: the washroom. Lia had picked her home well -- one of her rooms contained a natural hot spring, which she had corralled into a custom-built hot tub. With nothing else to do, I was all too eager to sink into the warm water, my legs spread just about as far apart as possible in order to give the pair of bowling balls between my legs some room.

Difficult as it was, I willed myself to relax, my muscles slowly loosening, my body sinking deep into the tub. God knows I'd spent enough time over the past couple days contorted in various positions of agony, so it was nice to stretch out my limbs for once -- better than the fetal position, anyway. With each passing second, I could feel the ache in my muscles melting away. And my junk -- well, I think this was the first time my package had been treated gently since that orca had stumbled into my life. After a couple minutes' soak in the warm water, my sac was so loose that even my massive marbles had room to breathe.

As I got more comfortable and I had a moment to myself, my mind began to drift…and with the female pheromones still swirling in the air, there was only one place it could go. My member quickly rose to attention, still eager to bust a nut after all the cock-teasing I had endured from Lia. I would have stroked one out myself, if I wasn't so worried about jostling my broken balls -- it wasn't worth the risk of spending another hour curled up in pain. Still, I couldn't stop my libido from running wild, imagining the female's tongue wrapped around my pride, or her sex stretching to take my thick length…I swear I could almost feel her fingers running up and down my cock.

I must have sat there for a good ten minutes, resisting the urge to start pounding my meat like there was no tomorrow, before I finally ****** myself to calm down. I sat up straighter, trying to distract myself -- but as soon as I did, I came to realize why I was so horny. There were underwater jets! Glorious, tantalizing, toe-curling underwater jets. Immediately I sank back into my seat with a shuddering groan, my eyes sliding shut as the currents swirled around my groin. A little scoot to the left, a little raise of the hips, and-- oh god!

My head rolled back with throaty moan as the water wormed its way around my cock, a dozen different jets tickling the underside of my shaft. It was so warm and wet, and yet such an impossibly light touch -- it felt like I was getting a blowjob from a ghost. I started to rock my hips against the stream in short thrusts, and although my body insisted that I thrust even faster, it did nothing to increase the stimulation. Still, I could picture Lia kneeling between my legs, her head bobbing up and down, sucking down inch after inch of dragonmeat…

Before long I had both arms gripping the edge of the tub, my claws gouging scratches in the stone as I teetered on the edge of climax. My hips jerked up and down, sending little jolts of pain up my spine as my balls bounced against my seat, but even that wasn't enough to stop me. I felt ready to paint the ceiling in my spunk, if only I could get…a little…closer…!

But of course, just then a voice came echoing from down the hall.

"P'oiu? You in there?"

I opened my eyes and turned just in time to see the red dragoness come through the doorway, newly refreshed from her midday nap. If anything, the sight of the naked female just spurred my libido to even greater heights, but I managed to stop my frenzied thrusting…even if I couldn't completely get rid of the pre-orgasmic shudders racing through my body. "Oh, h--…hi, Lia."

"There you are." The female came to a stop, folding her arms beneath her breasts. "Well you look like you're doing better. You managed to crawl your way over here, at least."

I grunted my agreement. Apparently she hadn't noticed what was going on. "Uh…y-yeah, a bit. Still pretty sore, though."

"I'll bet." Lia chuckled. "I'm assuming you don't want to try again, then?"

I winced. I wasn't eager to think about my earlier experience, but the mental image of my nutsac crushed beneath her heel did help bring me down from the edge a bit. "No no," I said quickly, "no, I'm done trying. At this point, I just wanna get home."

"Aww." She frowned. "That's too bad. I haven't had that much fun with a guy in a long time."

I groaned. "Glad you enjoyed it, at least."

"Nothing like a male's marbles beneath your feet. Squishy little things." Lia grinned. "Anyway, considering the bruising I gave you, I think the very least I could do is accompany you back home. Y'know -- make sure no other girls decide you're in need of a good ballbusting."

"Uh…" I really wasn't sure if I wanted to spend so much time with someone so hellbent on destroying my dragonhood. Then again, I had no idea where I was in the forest, and given my luck, I was bound to stumble across another half-dozen angry females on the trek home.

"…Alright," I said begrudgingly. "As long as you promise to leave my junk alone."

That just made her grin wider. "I'll do my best. Why don't you rest up for today -- we'll leave tomorrow."

I nodded -- and shivered, as a jet of water brushed the head of my still-twitching cock. "Sounds gooooh…s-sounds good."

"Alright then." Lia hovered at the doorway for another moment, her gaze flicking from my face down to the water. "You know, you've got a pretty nice cock on you."

I blushed. "Uh…thanks."

"Just don't spend too long with that water jet -- it's an awful tease. Trust me, I know." She stuck her tongue out. "Besides, with the state your balls are in right now, I'm guessing that an orgasm would feel more like a steel-toed boot to the groin. Probably best to leave it."

My blush deepened by about five shades, and I swallowed nervously. "R-right."

Lia smiled once more. "I'll be in bedroom if you need me."

"Okay," I mumbled, my eyes falling to her backside as she turned to walk away. What an ass. I looked down sadly at the pole of dragonflesh throbbing between my legs -- and the twin seedsacks throbbing just beneath it. She was right, of course…I could feel the ache intensifying in my nuts as they got ready for release, and actually blowing my load would probably be ten times worse. Even if the image of Lia's gorgeous rack was permanently burned into the back of my eyeballs. Oh what I wouldn't give for a titfuck…

I let myself sink into the water once again, lowering my hips and bringing my shaft away from the underwater currents. It took a supreme force of will not to just grab myself and start jerking off, but I managed to keep my hands at my sides, even as my member continued twitching in my lap. I assured myself the frustration was worth it. Better to rest up for the journey ahead than to spend another hour clutching my gonads.

Little did I know just how much trouble I was getting myself into...


"Well that's weird."

"What?" I croaked. As if I didn't already know.

Lia rolled my nuts carefully between her claws, examining them closely. "It's just…it's been almost a week now, and you're still not showing much improvement. I haven't done anything since we left, so the bruising really should've cleared up by now." She frowned. "They're still pretty purple, though."

"Mmm," I grunted in assent, trying my best to ignore her continued fondling. Oh when was this doctor's appointment going to be over...

"Maybe we should try more of that salve...hang on, let me check my bag." The dragoness turned away from me for a moment, bending down to rifle through her belongings, and...yep. There was the problem.

You see, it had been several days now since we'd started the journey home…and Lia, as it turned out, was just about the biggest unintentional cocktease the world had ever seen. Every day I would walk behind her for hours, following the seductive sway of her hips and tail; every evening, she'd sit down and examine my balls, feeling up my junk and leaving me as hard as a rock; and every night, she would sleep next to me, the perfect swell of her breasts rising and falling with each breath and making it impossible for me to do anything but fantasize. Even worse were the nights where the last of her heat would strike and she'd creep away to masturbate, leaving me alone to hear her blissful moans and catch occasional glimpses of her body through the trees. Afterwards she'd come back and lie down as if nothing had happened, while her pheromones swirled around my head and drove me half-way insane.

The situation might have been manageable if I'd had a lot of alone time and a box of tissues, but on the contrary, I had no such chance. Lia had specifically forbidden me from jerking off, on the grounds that it might further damage my already battered balls. After a few days of her accidental torture, I was more than willing to ignore her and take that risk, but any time I tried to sneak away Lia would inevitably find me just as I was about to start stroking one out. It was agonizing. I'd never been blue-balled this badly...so badly that my sac had actually taken on a blue-ish hue, and my balls had started swelling again with unspent seed. Hell, at this point just the sight of Lia was like a kick in the groin.

Which brings me back to where I was, with Lia looking through her pack for meds. The moment she bent down, I was treated to a glorious view of her ass: round and firm, swaying ever so slightly as she shifted her weight back and forth. She was just a few feet in front of me -- I could have reached out and squeezed that ruby-red behind, if I didn't think she would've ********* me afterwards. As it was my cock immediately began to stiffen, and I had to stifle a groan as the ache in my balls intensified.

"You alright?" Lia asked, not bothering to turn around.

"Fine," I moaned, trying to ignore the hint of a slit peeking out from between her legs. "Just...I'm fine."

"Ah, here we go." Lia held up a small bottle filled with a blue substance, shaking it briefly and examining its contents. "This oughta help." She unscrewed the top, splashing some of the liquid onto her palms, then crouched down in front of me.

"What is this stuff?" I asked -- now trying to distract myself from the pair of ample breasts sitting in front of my face. Nnrgh.

"An old family recipe," she answered. "Now spread your legs again, would you?" She nudged my thighs wider, lifting my halfway-hard member out of the way with one hand as she applied the salve with the other hand.

My eyes widened in surprise as I instantly I felt the effects...though perhaps not in the area she had intended. "Uh, what does it do?" I asked, as my dragonhood quickly started to grow to its full length.

Lia didn't seem to notice. "It enhances blood flow."

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered, watching my rod continue to stiffen in her grip. My breath caught in my throat as she began absent-mindedly rubbing a finger up and down against the underside of my shaft, a drop of pre appearing at the tip. "Ohhhh yeah it does."

It took Lia a moment to note the tone of my voice, and another moment to realize what was going on. With a gasp she pulled her hands away, glaring up at me accusingly. "Oh come on, P'oiu, you're getting off on this?!"

I winced as she suddenly dropped my junk, grunting as my heavy nuts thunked unceremoniously back to earth. "Excuse me? You're rubbing my cock and I haven't cum for days! Of course I'm getting off on this!"

"I thought we agreed about this!" She planted her hands on her hips. "First of all, we're not mates, and even if we were, your nuts are still really swollen from before. Black and blue, even!"

"That's not why they're swollen," I grumbled. "Or blue."

"Oh really?" she said, raising an eyeridge. "Well then, care to explain? Somebody else kick you in the balls while I wasn't looking?"

"No, it's just...you..." I winced, looking aside. "You know what, forget it."

Lia glared at me grumpily, crossing her arms across her chest. "Well then, fine. If you're not going to talk to me, I think this examination is over." She screwed the cap back onto her bottle of salve, turning to place it back in her bag, bending down and...oh dammit, that ass again. God, it was just so juicy -- just looking I felt ready to bust a nut all over her backside. She was still in heat, right? Maybe she wouldn't mind a round of quick sex...or several rounds...or non-stop fucking until we were both to exhausted to move...

I guess I must have gotten lost in my fantasizing, because the next thing I heard was Lia snapping me out of my reverie:


I blinked, and there was Lia -- still bent over, still shoving that scaly rear in my face, but also peering backwards between her legs, looking at me curiously. I ****** my gaze downwards to meet hers. "Uh...yeah?"

"Are you alright?" She blinked. "Normally I'd be mad at you for staring at my ass, but you've been looking for, like...a full minute."

"O-Oh," I stammered, trying to gather my thoughts. "Well I'm, uh...well..."


"...I'mreallyfuckinghorny," I finally finished, almost stumbling over the words in my rush to say them. My eyes darted back and forth between her face and her behind as I spoke. "You...you're walking around naked all the time, and you're really fucking hot, and you're in heat, and all I want to do is fuck you, but I can't fuck you, and I can't even jerk off because of my balls, but I'm still hard all the time, and now you're bending over and all I can see is dragoness booty, and I just wanna cum all over you, and I haven't gone this long without blowing a load since I hit puberty--"

"Whoa whoa whoa, slow down, slow down." She chuckled. "Geez...you're really pent-up, aren't you? You sound like you're about to explode or something."

"I have the worst case of blue balls," I groaned, "that a dragon has ever had."

I watched the look of understanding slowly spread across her face. "Oh, you mean...ohhh. So that's why they're swollen."

"Yes!" I replied, thrilled that she finally understood.

"And that's why they're still that funky shade of blue." She frowned, straightening back up to a standing position. "Damn. I was taking that as a compliment to my ballbusting -- I thought I'd gotten better at my nutstomping."

I winced at the memory . "No, you're just a horrible cocktease."

"Eh, that's not too bad either. I guess I have been blue-balling you pretty bad, huh?" She looked back and gave her rump a squeeze, and my cock leapt in response. "Hmm."

"Well then maybe could you, um....?" I cleared my throat. "You know."

Lia blinked. "I'm sorry?"

"Y'know..." I struggled to present my case politely, and not just flip her onto her back and start rutting. "I'm...extremely horny, and you've been teasing me all week, so could you...maybe..."

"Get you off?" she finished, turning to face me.

"Yes," I answered, relieved that she understood where I was going. "Yes, please."

She shook her head. "I told you before -- I gave you the choice to be mates and it didn't work out. I'm not looking for just a friend with benefits, so unless you're willing to try things again..."

I had the mental image of my testicles skewered on her claws. "I'll pass."

"...then no, I'm not getting you off." She frowned. "Sorry, you'll just have to deal with it."

"Oh c'mon, just a blowjob? A titfuck?"


I sighed -- it had been worth a shot. "Well in that case, if you'll excuse me..." Without further delay I reached down and wrapped a hand around my straining shaft, leaning back and looking up at the nude female. God, those tits were to die for...

"What are you doing?" she asked.

I cocked an eyeridge, shuddering lightly as I gave myself a first experimental pump. "What does it look like? I'm jerking off."

"Um, not while looking at me you're not." Indignantly she folded her arms across her chest, turning away...which of course just exposed her backside. I grinned and focused on her rear, imagining my length grinding up against those firm cheeks.

"God damnit, stop it!" she shouted, spinning back around with an angry glare. "Stop it right now or I am kicking you in the balls."

The words sent a chill down my spine, though I felt pretty sure it was an empty threat. "You wouldn't," I replied, continuing to stroke as I zoned in on her long legs.

"Oh?" And suddenly her leg was pulled back, then flying forward in a vicious arc--

"OKAY FINE STOP!" I yelled, claws shooting to protect my crotch. Luckily her foot stopped just a few inches shy of my groin, sparing me another hour curled up in pain. I groaned and looked up at Lia. "My god, haven't you done enough damage already?"

"I'm serious! I'm not some porn star and I'm not your mate, so I don't want you looking at me while you jack off."

I rolled my eyes. "Well even if I jerk off elsewhere, I'm still going to be fantasizing about you, so I might as well be looking at the real thing. What do you care?"

That was not the right thing to say, apparently. Instantly her face darkened, and she gave me a stony glare. "P'oiu, you try jerking off over me and I promise I will kick you in the balls, no matter what state they're in." She harrumphed, folding her arms across her chest.

Geez. "Fine," I replied, climbing to my knees. "I'll go fantasize about someone else. Maybe someone less bitchy."

"Oh no you won't."

I stopped. "What?"

"Oh come on, we both know that's a lie." Lia exhaled in frustration. "The second you get out of my sight, you're going to start thinking about me again, and I'm not letting that happen."

"Well then what am I supposed to do, Lia? I'm either jerking off in front of you or I'm jerking off somewhere else -- which do you prefer?"

"Neither," she replied. "I don't think you need to jerk off at all."

I growled, aggravated with the female. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm a fucking dragon. We're probably the most virile things on the planet. You realize dragons are supposed to jerk it, like, at least once a day, right? You realize my balls are turning purple because I need to cum?"

"So do it when we get back to your damn cave."

"No!" I sat back down, then reached down and grabbed hold of myself again, giving my cock a quick pump. Even that was enough to make my claws curl. "Just give me five minutes and I'll catch up with you--"

All I saw from Lia was a narrowing of her eyes before suddenly she was on her knees and her claws were wrapped around my balls. I gave a yelp of surprise and tried to scoot backwards, but she gave me a warning squeeze that stopped me in my tracks.

"If you want me to try popping one again, I'll do it." Her voice was surprisingly calm. "And if I actually burst one, I will gladly fuck you silly. But otherwise, I don't want you jerking off around me. Alright?"

I nodded silently.

"Do you want me to try it?"

I whined, trying to ignore the tight clawgrip around my testicles. Already my stomach was crawling. "No, but I really need to cum--"

"I told you," she interrupted. "You can do it when we get to your damn cave." She let my nutsack slip from her fingers, climbing back to her feet and taking a few steps to retrieve her bag. "This conversation is over. Now come on, let's go."

"Oh come on, you're being such a bitch!" I stayed seated, refusing to move -- and stealing another look at her rump while she bent over to pick up our gear. "You know what? Maybe I'll just give you a facial while you're asleep -- see how you like that."

Lia stopped, then turned to me with a stony glare. "P'oiu," she growled, "you do that and I'm going to make you wish I'd popped your balls back at the cave. Now unless you'd like me to invite some friends over to take turns stomping the sperm out of your nuts, I advise you to shut up already. Understood?"

I hadn't seen her this angry since I'd first met her -- and the thought of what she'd done to my gonads then sent a chill down my spine. "Y-yes ma'am," I stuttered, my arousal temporarily forgotten. Quickly I climbed to my feet, hoping I hadn't pissed her off too much.

That seemed to take the edge off of her anger -- though there was still a fiery glint in her eye as she replied. "Good. Then let's get moving -- we've still got a lot of ground to cover."

Without another word she turned and started down the path again, leaving me no choice but to follow. I dragged myself reluctantly along, all the while grumbling about the unresolved ache in my loins. I was still hard...and spending more time walking behind Lia wasn't going to help. Despite my best efforts, I found my gaze drawn to her rear yet again. Beneath a strong tail that flicked lazily back and forth there sat two luscious red cheeks, bouncing slightly with each step. I could imagine my length pressed up against those smooth scales -- and with my erection still bobbing between my legs, I was really only a few feet away from making that a reality. I wondered to myself if she'd ever tried anal...

Suddenly her tail flicked once again, this time more forcefully -- the tip striking me squarely in the groin. I let out a surprised grunt, bending double slightly at the unexpected attack.

"Eyes on the road," Lia warned, not even bothering to turn around.

I groaned as I continued to stumble along behind her, watching her tail much more warily as I cupped my balls in my claws. "R-right."

01-22-2010, 06:33 PM
I love this thread so much. Poiu, don't ever stop. :iluvu:

02-01-2010, 06:16 PM
One of the reasons I don't like Fur Affinity pics, is simply... I can't view 'em unless you provide a alternate link, the whole not having an account thing. Anyways, was looking through the attachments of Ballbusting Cartoons and found quite a few furry stuff, I was thinking of starting to export them all over, but someone added a new picture and well, I lost all my "You already clicked this link" purple color x3
On the bright side, I saved 3 pics, and I had a heck of a fun time going through all the BB Cartoon attachment pics x3
Maybe I'll go pull the rest some time, but 900 pics an all, I'ma need some time to recharge ^^;

(If anyone knows where to find the rest of the "The Furry Problem" Comics, speak up, they amuse me, so I'd like to read 'em even if they're not all bb.

Attached Thumbnails

That third one with the guy on the platter looks like it has Eric Schwartz's signature on the edge. He's the one who draws Sabrina Online. Maybe that might be a place to look for these.:confused:

02-01-2010, 08:11 PM
You know, piou...

You've probably written enough about Dragon Balls to write a 12 book series.



So uhh...

I guess it's about fucking time that you just... work on the 13th book!

Keep it coming, I always love reading your stories. You may be the first person to write a poem about crushing testicles... And if you're not, I'm interested in finding poetry written by a medieval woman with an urge to destroy balls :)

02-01-2010, 09:38 PM
Oh, I wish I could release this as a 12-book series. The cover illustrations alone would be worth the price of admission :P And no worries, the next chapter (#11 by my count) is underway -- with plenty of crushed nuts, of course.

02-03-2010, 07:08 AM
Oh, I wish I could release this as a 12-book series. The cover illustrations alone would be worth the price of admission :P And no worries, the next chapter (#11 by my count) is underway -- with plenty of crushed nuts, of course.

Love the way Ms dragon is so in control and always calls the shots. I trust she intends to lead him by his balls until she can indulge their ultimate destruction in the clasp of her unforgiving claws without him ever being granted the release he so craves. I mean if she really is the complete female supremacist bitch you would have us believe surely she must take his balls whilst still engorged and aching at her denial of their unloading? Anything else would be too merciful.

Great story:D

02-08-2010, 03:08 PM
tudor88 just put out another Pokemon (http://i48.tinypic.com/24voc5x.jpg) pic -- a Hitmonlee unloading upside some Kadabra's dangly bits. [source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3389497/)]

Given that Hitmonlee is known as "the Kicking Pokemon," I'm forecasting a shattered nut or two.

02-08-2010, 07:10 PM
tudor88 just put out another Pokemon (http://i48.tinypic.com/24voc5x.jpg) pic -- a Hitmonlee unloading upside some Kadabra's dangly bits. [source (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3389497/)]

Given that Hitmonlee is known as "the Kicking Pokemon," I'm forecasting a shattered nut or two.

Surprised you don't have a Hitmonlee girl in your story with Leon.

02-08-2010, 09:25 PM
Surprised you don't have a Hitmonlee girl in your story with Leon.

Yeah, that may have been an oversight...I could use a girl (http://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/39930?search=hitmonlee) with a good strong pair of legs. I'm sure there's a Hitmonlee chick somewhere at that school who's itching to drop a guy to his knees.

Speaking of which, I really need to get back to writing Battle Training -- I've hardly touched it since I finished the last chapter, and that was back in September, I think. Once I get the next chapter of Dragon Slaying done, I'll probably shift my focus back for a little while and write some more Pokemon BB.

02-09-2010, 10:02 PM
Yeah, that may have been an oversight...I could use a girl (http://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/39930?search=hitmonlee) with a good strong pair of legs. I'm sure there's a Hitmonlee chick somewhere at that school who's itching to drop a guy to his knees.

Speaking of which, I really need to get back to writing Battle Training -- I've hardly touched it since I finished the last chapter, and that was back in September, I think. Once I get the next chapter of Dragon Slaying done, I'll probably shift my focus back for a little while and write some more Pokemon BB.

Lol, I love how you got that image from Rule 34 "If it exists, there's porn of it".

02-09-2010, 11:24 PM
Lol, I love how you got that image from Rule 34 "If it exists, there's porn of it".

Heh, yeah, rule34.paheal.net is an interesting place :P

On a somewhat related note, guess who spent the afternoon being a perv? It may not be a new story, but I have a feeling some of you will like this (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/) anyway. (Suggestions welcome.)

02-10-2010, 07:01 PM
I think someone needs to make a good Little Red Riding Hood story. :loveeyes

But no death of the wolf..that ruins the whole story :|

02-10-2010, 07:58 PM
Heh, maybe. I have a story in the works with a wolf getting busted, so hopefully that will end up here soon.

Also, lots of improvements (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/) have been made to my Pokemon busting game. Pop five nuts and see what happens :P

02-11-2010, 11:54 PM
Heh, maybe. I have a story in the works with a wolf getting busted, so hopefully that will end up here soon.

Also, lots of improvements (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/) have been made to my Pokemon busting game. Pop five nuts and see what happens :P

Boss fight! Venusaur = <3

Vines and all... :D

02-12-2010, 04:32 PM
I see you 've started adding a handful of amusing pictures to the Pokebusting website, Poiu. Where are those coming from? Can we expect to see all of the current 'mon to be updated with the appropriate pictures?

As an aside, it's a very amusing website.

02-12-2010, 11:53 PM
I see you 've started adding a handful of amusing pictures to the Pokebusting website, Poiu. Where are those coming from? Can we expect to see all of the current 'mon to be updated with the appropriate pictures?

As an aside, it's a very amusing website.

An anonymous artist friend of mine liked the game idea and offered to draw up some illustrations :) I don't know if he'll end up doing all the 'mon, particularly since I plan to add even more to the list, but he is planning to do some more drawings when he gets the chance.

And thanks! It was a random little idea, but I think it's a lot of fun to mess around with :P

02-17-2010, 07:23 PM
I come bearing pictures! Mostly illustrations for the Pokemon game I've been messing with (which has been updated (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com) more; go check it out again!)

Pokemon males in distress:
Venusaur (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/images/venusaur_male_desperate.png), Blastoise (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/images/blastoise_male_desperate.png), Charizard (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/images/charizard_male_desperate.png), Raichu (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/images/raichu_male_desperate.png), Mew (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/images/mew_male_desperate.png), Lugia (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/images/lugia_male_desperate.png), Ho-oh (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/images/ho-oh_male_desperate.png)

A couple FA links (sorry, too lazy to upload them somewhere else right now):

Also, a pair of nice stories (though take note: they're both M/M):
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3403006/ (contains popping)

02-23-2010, 08:23 PM
Boss fight! Venusaur = <3

Vines and all... :D

Scratch that. I think Leafeon is my new favorite... :thumbup

02-23-2010, 09:20 PM
Scratch that. I think Leafeon is my new favorite... :thumbup

Does razor leaf cut them off?

02-24-2010, 03:00 AM
Does razor leaf cut them off?

Razor leaf wasn't on there...but I was a fan of 'helping hand' and 'giga drain.'


02-24-2010, 03:47 PM
Heh, I'm glad you enjoy the sexual attacks :P I mean, if you're gonna make it a no-holds-barred battle, you might as well get down and dirty while you're at it, right? All's fair in love and ballbusting.

I don't have much time to spend on the game this week, but it's been a couple of days since I added any new Pokemon, so I'll probably add a few tonight. Any requests?

02-24-2010, 06:32 PM
Working on another one myself. Hopefully it'll be a good 'un.

Took some ideas from a few already existing stories I've read over the years, synthesized 'em.

02-24-2010, 07:53 PM
Keep in mind this is a first try, and yes, it's a long setup. I'm a writer who happens to be into ballbusting, not a ballbusting fan who likes to write. So... yeah. This is part one. Part two will be more action packed, if the crowd enjoys.

On all accounts, Mik was an average college freshman. A slender, fresh faced, bright eyed and bushy tailed rat of 18 who was trying to get used to life on the campus. His parents had generously paid for all the amenities. He had a pretty nice room, he'd picked a roommate (an old friend from high school), a meal plan that made sure he didn't go hungry or resort to Ramen, and a brand new computer to lug to classes.

There was, though, one little issue: Mik was a virgin, and his arrival on the college scene, surrounded by all the pretty girls, was sending his hormones into overdrive. Rat as he was, poor Mik had a set of testicles sized to the point of being a handicap. The heavy pair wasn't hard to notice even when he wore jeans, and they were doing their damndest to keep his brain focused on a little release.

But Mik was a good student, and mostly kept it to eyes only. He ogled the girls during class, staring at their bare legs and exposed cleavage during class (a perk of living in a warm area), and then took care of himself when he went back to his room and his roomie wasn't around. It wasn't the best solution, but he found that rubbing one out after class made it a hell of a lot easier to get his homework done.

One night, Mik was in the locker room of the school's gym, relaxing after a nice turn on the cardio equipment. He laid on a bench, one hand idly cradling and kneading at his hefty, pink nad bag, when suddenly he heard giggling girls! He practically fell off his bench, covering himself, when he realized they weren't in the locker room, just walking past. The locker room just had some serious echo to it.

Carefully, Mik stood up and went to the door frame, listening in.

"Oh my GAWD, Lynne, did you see Perry?"

"How could I miss him? I was waiting for his suit to bust!"

"I bet you'd be happy to cover him back up!"

"Oh shut up!!"

Then the noises died off, and Mik poked his head out just in time to see a tail disappearing into the wall. Biting his lower lip, the towel-clad rat lad tiptoed down the hall to see where the girls went. To his surprise, the girl's locker room was just a hop away from the guy's. Not only that, but those two weren't alone!

"Shit. Hey, can someone gimme a hand here?"

"Are you for real, Amber? Did you REALLY pop that strap again? You've gotta get those things taken down a size, girl."

"I do not! I just need a new suit."

Mik had found a gold mine: the girl's swim team! He stood there, staring, looking through a little crack in the semi-open door at the nude and semi nude girls milling around. A curvy white rabbit, who he guessed was Amber, had apparently broken a shoulder strap on her suit and was trying to repair it with... well Mik couldn't tell. Not that he was looking, anyway, the girl was facing the door and her tits were PERFECT. Heavy, but not sagging.

Before he knew it, Mik had a hard-on that could break a diamond block, and he didn't want to change getting spotted, so he skipped his way back into the locker room and ran into a stall to jerk off. It was the best orgasm he'd had since he arrived.

From then on, Mik had his schedule. It helped motivate him to go to the gym and left him all relaxed and ready to hit the books when he got back to his room. Over time, he started to almost get to know the girls, and now and again he thought about asking one out. After all, he had a pretty good grasp of their likes and dislikes, their personalities and whatnot.

As is so often the case, though, habit led to sloppiness. Those first few days his ears were on a swivel and if one of the girls so much as glanced toward the door, he darted back to his own locker room. But over time, he got confident, he felt like he "knew" the situation, and wouldn't you know it...

"Did you need something young man?" came a stern voice from over his shoulder.

Mik nearly jumped out of his skin. He spun around, dropping his towel along the way. There he stood, his chest heaving, with a stiffy that stuck out like a flagpole, in front of Ms Stitt, the girls' swim coach. An otter, unsurprisingly, she was a fit woman, and certainly not one to fuck with. At the moment, she was giving Mik a glare that would make the devil himself shrink down.

"I asked you a question!" she snapped, stepping closer. Nearly close enough to bump into the caught male's dick.

"I... it was... I didn't..." Mik stammered, at a loss for words.

Suddenly the otter grabbed him by the ear and started storming down the hall. Mik squeaked in pain, with no choice but to follow. He was terrified. A faculty member found him with his dick out watching the girls undress!

They walked down the hall a few paces, Mik doing his best to avoid the otter's thick tail as it whipped about. He certainly didn't want that thing smacking him up between the legs! She hauled him into what he assumed was her office and shoved him in a chair. Nude, erect, and incredibly embarrassed, Mik smushed his legs together and covered himself up with his hands. Ms Stitt, for her part, barely acknowledged his nudity, and instead just glared at him with crossed arms.

"Do you have ANY idea how much trouble you're in, young man?"

Suddenly Mik found his voice, and his desperation. "Oh my god, please, PLEASE don't report me! I'm sorry, it'll never happen again! I just didn't know you were there and I was changing and I heard noises and oh my god if my parents find out..."

She cut him off by holding up her hand and pinching two fingers together. "And they ARE going to find out. If you're lucky, you'll just get a fine and you might be allowed to finish the semester. If they call each time a separate charge, you might be looking at jail time."

That was all it took for the rat's dick to shrivel up and his ears to flatten down. "No! No, oh god. PLEASE! I can't go to jail! And if my parents find out, they'll KILL me! Please! I'll do anything, ANYTHING!" He clasped his hands up near his face, begging.

"Young man, after what..." The otter paused, as if just noticing Mik's naked body for the first time. She grinned ear to ear, her eyes rather fixated on that big, plump package laying in his lap. "You know what? Okay. You come to the auxiliary gym on Saturday morning, 9am sharp, and help me with a class I teach and maybe, MAYBE I'll consider letting this slide."

Mik could hardly believe his ears. Really? After all that? He looked at her in disbelief! "I'll be there! Thank you! THANK YOU!" He didn't get up though.

"...well? Get going!"

"I uh... a pair of pants would be nice."

************************************************** **

The next few days dragged horribly for Mik. He wondered what kind of class it would be that Ms Stitt wanted his help with. Swimming? Yoga? Oh that would be PERFECT. Maybe he'd get to see all the swimming girls again, and help stretch them out and give them foot rubs at the end, and then they'd go out and have wild sex every week. It had to be!

When Saturday finally rolled around, Mik sprang out of bed and practically sprinted down to the fitness center, going down the stairs and back to the auxiliary gym. Ms Stitt was there, a grin on her face that most would see as devious, but Mik hardly noticed. She tossed him a little bundle of spandex.

"Here, put that on."

"Um... what is it?"

"It's your outfit for the class. Those bulky clothes will just get in the way. Now hurry up, the girls'll be here any minute."

Mik didn't need a second bidding. He skipped into the small bathroom and stripped down, slipping himself into what he discovered was a wrestling singlet. It took some effort to get the thing on, and it was almost comically tight around his genitals. He looked at himself in the mirror, unable to avoid some flexing and posing, all the while making sure to thrust his hips out and show off that gifted package prominently.

"Man, when the girls see this, they'll be alllll over me."

He stepped back out, and was a little surprised to see that the swim team wasn't there, and there were only four of them aside from Ms Stitt. In fact, these women looked familiar for a different reason. Then it hit him, he'd seen them around campus, but as faculty! There was Mrs Cameron, the cheery squirrel who taught intro to art. Miss Ross, a bouncy young mouse girl who taught English courses. Sitting on the floor was Mrs Butler, a skinny but toned cheetah that he'd seen wandering around the political science areas. And then, sitting and stretching, was one he didn't recognize. She was a rottweiler, and looked like she could have played football, standing taller than him and definitely heavier.

Mik chewed on his lower lip, looking at all the women in the room. He was mentally ranking them, what order he'd fuck 'em. First the rottie, she looked like she'd take the most energy and go the longest. Plus, big as she was, she had all the right curves and that was what mattered. Then that mouse, just because he's always had a thing for fellow rodents, and she was especially cute. Mrs Cameron next, followed by that cheetah. Felines were never his favorite, and she was a little too thin. Fortunately, as far as staff went, this was a young-ish crew. No grandmas or middle-agers, although that rottweiler did look around his mother's age. And each was dressed similar to him, in a tight-fitting spandex workout outfit. It was hard not to stare.

"All right ladies, here he is!" Ms Stitt called out, surprising Mik as she was standing right beside him by the bathroom. She looped an arm around the rat boy's shoulders and guided him toward the rest. The ladies cooed and clapped.

"Ooo, he's cute!"

"And he's packin', just like you said!"

"Oh this is going to be FUN!"

Ms Stitt grinned and nodded, pushing Mik forward so he was standing in front of the girls. He felt faintly awkward, as though he were on display.

"Okay, girls. So we've spent the last few months working on that practice dummy, but I figured we needed some live flesh, and... Mik, was it? ... has volunteered to be our dummy for the rest of the semester!"

Amidst the cheering, Mik's ears perked up. He turned his head toward Ms Stitt, suddenly getting a very bad feeling. This didn't SOUND like yoga. "Wait... what? What is this?"

The otter nearly giggled and pinched Mik's cheek. "I told you, this is my women's self defense course! We've been working on one of those rubber dummies, but that just doesn't work too well after a while, you know? And we're all VERY grateful for your help."

Mik swallowed again. This was more than he'd bargained for, and a whole semester of it? He paused, thinking it over. Well, that meant rubbing up against them, right? And it's not like the TEACHERS of this school would be doing anything to hurt him. So he grinned and nodded, getting his confidence back. "No problem!"

The women grinned at one another, conspiratorially. Ms Stitt, patted Mik on the shoulder. "Okay then. We'll do the same drill from yesterday. Here, Mik, I just need you to grab my shoulders from behind."

The otter turned her back to him, and Mik found himself staring RIGHT at her ass. It was perfect. Round, toned, with that sexy lift that shifted side to side with every step she took. He could just imagine what it'd be like to bend her over his desk back in his room, lift that big tail out of the way...

"MIK!!!" Ms Stitt barked.

"Oh! Oh, right. Um... sorry. Heh. Right, here we go." He wasn't quite sure what to do, so he stepped up somewhat awkwardly and put his hands on the otter's shoulders.


Before he even knew what happened, Ms Stitt had mule-kicked back into him, her bare heel catching Mik square in the 'nads. The force of her kick rattled his hips and picked him up onto his toes. Worse still, his left nut had squirted out right after the impact, leaving the left to take the remainder of the blow all by its lonesome.

In too much pain to even yell, Mik let out a terrible, shuddering moan as he slipped to the mat and curled up. He'd taken LITTLE hits to the nuts before, but never a direct kick! He laid there, wailing and writhing, looking up at the otter that had just racked him. The other women looked concerned, amused, and excited. All at the same time.

"What the fuck?!?!" he shrieked, briefly wondering if his nuts were going to have a permanent footprint on them.

Ms Stitt rolled her eyes and just turned to the class. "Remember, if the opportunity is available, ALWAYS go for the balls. One kick, one knee, one good hard squeeze can be enough to incapacitate the attacker. Miss Butler, how about you go now?"

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!" Mik yelled in protest and terror. His anger shifted to alarm when the otter suddenly grabbed him under the armpits and started hoisting him up.

"Oh be quiet, you volunteered," she said casually, 'helping' him stand again. Along the way, she whispered in his ear, "Remember, if you don't, it's right to the police and the dean."

Oh fuck, Mik thought. She was blackmailing him, and there was nothing he could do about it. If he caused a fuss, he'd have to admit that he was peeping on the girls and jerking off. If he stayed quiet, who knows how much more of... THAT there was to come. But, bad as it was to get his eggs punted around, it was better than expulsion and arrest. Besides, it wasn't going to be just a whole semester of getting his nuts kicked around, they HAD to pick other lessons.

When he was up, the mouse stood in front of him and looked hesitant. She shook her head. "I can't! It looked like it hurt!"

Ms Stitt laughed, "Well of course it hurts! That's how you know you're doing it right. But don't worry, Mik volunteered, so there's no problem about going too rough." She nodded, giving Mik a pat on the belly that only knotted up his insides worse. He groaned pathetically.

Still, the mouse was unsure, so Ms Stitt rolled her eyes. "All right, look. We'll just get you used to the idea, okay? Mik, spread your legs."

The rat was horrified. It was one thing to grab a girl from behind and get taken off guard, but now she wanted him facing her? And to just open his legs up and ASK to have his eggs scrambled? He started to shake his head when the otter's glare stopped him.

"I said... spread your LEGS."

Whining pathetically, Mik did as he was told. It took some work, but he got them apart, the spandex garment keeping his swollen and oversized ratmakers held together. Miss Butler stared at his set, her tail lashing around behind her.

"Now then," the otter continued. "Make sure to line it up. Then just let it fly, and try to kick THROUGH him. Imagine you're going to make it up to his head."

The mouse was still reluctant, but she lifted her leg up and pressed the top of her foot against the underside of Mik's scrotum. She wiggled her toes and shifted the parts around, getting a feel. He murmured and moaned, which seemed to lighten HER mood, if not his. That was when...

"Oh my GOD! He's getting HARD!"

It was inevitable. A bunch of pretty women in tight clothes, ogling and touching his manly parts? Of course he'd get a hard on! The four women were horrified, but Ms Stitt was casual. "It's natural, ladies, perfectly natural. BUT," she said, grinning at Miss Butler. "I do think it's rude. Don't you?"

The mouse nodded, her brow furrowed. She took one step back and then swung her leg up between Mik's thighs like she was trying for a field goal. The slap her foot made off of his nuts was loud enough that the otter actually winced, and Mik's already aching ballpouch got flattened again.

"CRUNCH!!" the cheetah whooped, punching at the air.

Mik squealed in agony, collapsing to the floor and writhing. He thought the first kick was bad, but getting another one so soon after was just too much to bear. He was SURE his nuts were broken, he was SURE they'd never work right again.

"F... fucking bitch!!!" he managed to croak out.


The otter nailed him from behind again, sending Mik sprawling and clapping his hands over his thrice-busted balls. "Now that's not how we speak to a lady, is it?"

Laughing, she addressed the class. "See? It's easy. Just line up and let 'er rip. Who wants to be next?"


"No me!"

"But you just went!"

"I know, but I wanna go again."

Mik listened as the women enthusiastically asked to be the next to kick his balls, and he had a feeling he was going to be in for a long, long semester...

02-24-2010, 08:04 PM
Heh, I'm glad you enjoy the sexual attacks :P I mean, if you're gonna make it a no-holds-barred battle, you might as well get down and dirty while you're at it, right? All's fair in love and ballbusting.

I don't have much time to spend on the game this week, but it's been a couple of days since I added any new Pokemon, so I'll probably add a few tonight. Any requests?

I don't really know anything about the pekomanz, so I can't really help, there. I'm having a ball with this thing, though.

Pun, unfortunately, intended.

02-24-2010, 10:11 PM
MamaJama: I always love your writing, and this is no exception. Awesome scenario, awesome characters, awesome BB. I definitely hope to see more of Ms. Stitt and the rest of the faculty -- I'm sure they'll put Mik's nads to good use :P

02-25-2010, 04:59 PM
MamaJama: I always love your writing, and this is no exception. Awesome scenario, awesome characters, awesome BB. I definitely hope to see more of Ms. Stitt and the rest of the faculty -- I'm sure they'll put Mik's nads to good use :P

Thanks, poiu! As the resident furry BB author, your opinion definitely means a lot. :jumpsmile

I'd like to have part two (the uh... "meat" of the story) finished tonight or tomorrow. When I'm on a real writing tear I can knock these things out pretty quickly. Just depends on if I can dredge up the energy.

I hope to get to it, too, because now we're hitting the fun stuff. I can definitely drag this story out!

02-25-2010, 08:51 PM
Part 2! Just a quickie.

NOTE: In Part 1 I accidentally misidentified two characters in the paragraph introducing them. Miss Butler is the mouse, Mrs Ross is the cheetah. Sorry for any confusion.

The rest of the class wasn't any easier on poor Mik. Once the girls saw Miss Butler crack his nuts, the other three were thrilled at the idea of joining in. He wanted to fight, by god how he did, but between the threat of arrest/expulsion and the fact that his balls felt like they were as big as cantaloupes, he just plain didn't have any fight left in him.

And so Ms Stitt scooped him up off the floor again and held his arms behind his back, nudging his legs apart with her foot. "Okay, Mrs Ross, you're up," the otter said, giving Mik an encouraging little pat on the tum. "You're doing GREAT, Mik! Just hang tight through the warmup and then we'll get started with the actual workout."

Mik just groaned. "A warmup??" he thought. This was already more than he could handle.

The cheetah hopped up, her lean form quickly getting into a ready martial arts stance. She wasn't nearly as hesitant as Miss Butler had been, and the visible flexing of her thighs and calves were... less than comforting. Just the sight of her sizing him up and getting ready for the kick was making his 'nads start to throb.

She lined up her shot almost like Miss Butler had, only a tad different. Instead of pulling the top of her foot up on the underside of Mik's big plums, she stood a little further back and pressed her foot flat against his crotch like a thrust kick. The cheetah's bare sole rested against that set of rat privates for an almost awkwardy long amount of time, pressing in and curling her toes. Mik gulped, eyeing her.

"Does that feel good?" she asked, all cheeky. "Well enjoy it, 'cause it's not gonna feel good in a second..."

Not only was Mrs Ross less reluctant than Miss Butler had been, she was a lot faster. Mik barely had time to register that she'd pulled her leg back before she'd already thrown it forward again, her heel smashing against his testicles with the kind of strength he'd have expected out of a guy. For a moment, he was almost impressed. Aside from that whole "nearly bursting his balls" thing.

With a pained squeal, Mik tried to pull back, only to find himself stopped by the otter holding him fast. Without even the ability to move, his poor, vulnerable sack took that kick full-on, and to add insult to injury (or actually injury to injury), Mrs Ross held her foot there for a second or two, grinding down on the battered pair of rodent gonads until she felt satisfied.

And satisfied she was. "Oh GOD, that felt amazing!! I almost WANT to get attacked on campus now!!" she said, practically glowing.

Laughing herself, Ms Stitt shook her head. "Okay, okay. But keep in mind those guys out there won't have someone holding them still. I just want to get you used to the feeling of racking a guy. All right Mrs Cameron, your turn."

"P... please... I need a break!!" Mik wailed, his nuts swollen to the point that he could almost feel the extra weight hanging off of his pelvis. He didn't even think it was possible for balls to swell up this big.

Mrs Stitt, meanwhile, just laughed and gave his oversized package a squeeze and a shake. "Aw you're a big boy, just two more girls left and then we'll take a water break."

The rat's legs barely wanted to keep him upright, the only thing that prevented him from falling was the otter behind him. Fortunately for him, she had some strength and he didn't weigh a lot. These women were excited to get their busting on, and it struck him as a potential hazard if he were to, say, fall down and curl up in a sobbing little ball of misery.

But there he was, and now Mrs Cameron had bounced her squirrel self in front of him. She was a short thing, but with some pleasant curves. He knew her from around the campus pretty well, her chittery and energetic demeanor that almost seemed like she was always coming from a comedy movie after drinking wayyyy too much coffee. But that's just how she was, and now she was giggling all over again.

"Okay! So! I just, I just pull back and, pow?" she asked rapidly.

Mrs Stitt snickered, nodding. "That's right! Quick though, I'm not sure I can keep old lug-nuts up all afternoon!"

As bad as having the "line up" was from Ross and Butler, the squirrel's fifteen thousand practice shots were infinitely worse. She'd pull her leg back and then jerk forward, stopping JUST shy of Mik's tender, tender meat sack. Each time, he'd squeak and jerk. Each time, she'd laugh and do it again.

Finally Mik lost his temper. "Just fucking kick me!!!" he barked at her. Immediately he could feel his brain screaming at him. Why the hell did he just SAY that??

All of Mrs Cameron's humor drained away. She humfed and glared at him. "Well FINE then!" and with that, she reared back and punted him between the legs with all the strength an offended little squirrel can muster, which turned out to be a lot. It made him see stars and robbed him of any and all voice he may have had previously. Instead, all he could do was gasp and sputter, his knees buckling in and his lithe upper body giving all it could to pull inward. "Fff... huhhhhh!!!" he gasped.

Instantly, the squirrel was cheery again. "Gotcha good, ratty ratty!" she said, and patted him on the head before hopping away, her turn done.

"Okay, saved our best for last. C'mon up, Trudy. Take a whack."

It was almost as if Mik had forgotten the rottweiler was in the room. Maybe he was just so horrified at the notion of getting racked by a girl that stood over him that he just blocked her out, but now was his day of reckoning. "Trudy", who he knew he didn't recognize and who apparently didn't have a last name, grinned and stepped up in front of the quivering, nearly crying, rat.

"All right girls," she said in a deep, velvety voice. "Lemme show you how a REAL woman busts some balls." From her voice, it sounded like she wasn't new to this at all.

Mik, for all his fear, couldn't help but get turned on by the big, confident rottie's presence. He DID have a thing for girls with some meat on them. Not fat, but nice, strong bodies. Her hips flared out perfectly, she had a set of tits he could fall asleep on, and her legs were just gorgeous. Even her feet, as big as they were, looked downright pretty. And as big as they were, he realized how much damage they could do to a pair of rat 'nads.

Cracking her toes on the mat, Trudy squared up. No warmups, no lining up, no practice shots. She just stepped back, and swung that big leg forward...



Mik had jolted just as she came in, his knee turning inward and blocking the shot. Trudy's foot hit the bone of his kneecap like a damn police baton, and it was HER outburst that filled the room.

The other girls gasped. Mik had just blocked the shot! And Trudy did not... look... happy.

Ms Stitt, meanwhile, just looked amused. She leaned in and whispered in Mik's ear. "Oh boy... NOW you're in for it..."

Stomping her way up to Mik, she glared at him, her chest heaving with furious breaths. It would have looked sexy under any other circumstances.

"Put him... on the floor."

Mik didn't know what that meant, but that didn't really matter since the other girls obviously did. The otter unceremoniously tugged him backwards, letting the young rat drop on his butt and then roll onto his back. The shockwave of hitting the floor didn't exactly feel awesome to his black and blue hued scrotum, and it elicited an almost adorable squeak from him.

She wasn't done, though. The otter pulled Mik down onto his back, his arms stretched up over his head. He struggled, faintly, but a rather surprising slap on the face stopped that quickly.

"Hold STILL, hon. You don't want to make this any worse."

Strangely, getting slapped hurt worse on a personal level than all those kicks in the nuts had. It was somehow more demeaning. Not that Mik had a lot of time to ruminate on the fact, since Ms Stitt was directing the cheetah and squirrel pair to grab each of his legs and hold them up vertical, then separate until he was left in an awkward V position.

Things didn't look good for the rat. On his back, his arms pinned down and his legs held wide open, absolutely nothing to protect a pair of ballooned-up gonads from a pissed off rottweiler that was staring bullets at him. She stepped up close and put one hand on the squirrel's shoulder, though her eyes didn't break from him.

"Now, you'd better hold still THIS time..."

She raised her leg, taking her time doing so. Mik almost thought she was being dramatic about it, showing off the broad, bare foot that was about to wreak havoc on his poor, young testicles. And havoc-wreaking she did, when suddenly she came down, putting all of her weight into a cruel stomp that seemed like she was trying to drive him through the floor.

The sound of her foot impacting and crushing Mik's orbs didn't hold a candle to the howling he did when it landed. As bad as everything else had been, and even understanding that his balls were extra tender at the moment, that was a fuck of a stomp.

"Well that's it, old boy," the only part of his brain that could think said. "Your nuts are gone. She done broke 'em."

She hadn't, of course. Strong as Trudy was, she wasn't putting 100% of her strength into that stomp, knowing full well what could happen. Or maybe it was because she was planning on going again before anyone could react, because that's just what she did. The solid rottweiler picked up her leg and brought down again... and again... and again. She delivered three more terrible, awful stomps on the nearly-*********** rat's package, really grinding down on the last one, reveling in the feel of his nuts squishing under her heel.

"Heyyyy!" Mrs Cameron complained. "How come she got four?"

"Yeah! I wanna go again now!"

Mrs Stitt shook her head, laughing. "Now, now. She just got to make up for him trying to cheat. But don't worry, you'll all get PLENTY of kicks in on hi-"

"What the... Oh GROSS!" Trudy suddenly barked.

The girls all turned to the rottie, wondering what she was talking about. As she lifted her foot, they saw it. Mik had cum right in the singlet, and Trudy was stepping in it!

"You little PERVERT!!" Trudy yelled, giving him yet another stomp, although this one was a little more cautious, since that last thing she wanted was more rat juices on her foot.

As the big bitch carefully walked toward the bathroom, Ms Stitt stopped her. "Hey, Mik MADE that mess, he should clean it up."

The other ladies giggled, but Trudy wasn't so amused. "No, that's all right. I'll just wipe down in the bathroom. There'll be plenty of chances to have him lick my feet later." She shook her head and stepped into the lavatory, slamming the door behind her with a grumble.

Ms Stitt hummed and looked down at Mik. The rat was murmuring, his eyes glassy and unfocused, barely making any noise at all. He'd had enough for one day, she figured, and so she broke the news to the class.

"Well, girls. I think our dummy's done for today. Come back next week and we'll start the drills."

There was a collective "awwww" from the three still in the room. They sniffed and complained under their breaths, but realized she was right. As they went about redressing and getting their things together, the otter knelt down beside Mik and patted his cheek.

"You know, you did pretty good for your first day! See you next Saturday, and if you manage to make it through the whole practice without passing out, mayyyyybe you'll get a reward!" She tweaked his whiskers and hopped up, getting herself ready for the day.

Mik just laid on the floor, his hands creeping up between his legs to cradle his lumpy, swollen, and undoubtedly discolored ballbag. Through the fog of his pain-addled brain, suddenly started to wonder if maybe going to jail would be easier than THIS.

02-26-2010, 10:34 PM
Wow, there's more than one author in this subject... The great subject of Furries and Ballbusting are quite the mix.

I should definitely participate in this while itś still relatively young. I shall read the great classics of Piou, and take example from MamaJamaś great work, and then Iĺl crank out some of my own material.

Perhaps I have found a good use for my newly built computer(built out of old shit parts). Unlike my Laptop, it is stationary. (Thanks Cpt. Obvious) The only thing I need to fix is the way it accents when I try to use an apostrophe. My desk setup here is appealing to a writer.

I must say the previous stories are very intimidating, I`ll definitely get some shit cranked out in my spare time. (Granted that spare time is when Iḿ not sleeping, eating, or ... Wow, I just realized how much time I have every day and nothing gets accomplished!)

Anyway, itś time for a smoke and to find a suitable place to sleep, Tschuss!

02-26-2010, 11:27 PM
That's the thing, just write! Have a good time, write what you'd like to see in a story.

Ever been reading one and thought "man I wish this story went in THIS direction" or "I wish this character acted like THIS"? If so, write it YOUR way! That's how this all starts.

02-28-2010, 10:26 AM
That's the thing, just write! Have a good time, write what you'd like to see in a story.

Ever been reading one and thought "man I wish this story went in THIS direction" or "I wish this character acted like THIS"? If so, write it YOUR way! That's how this all starts.

I never really liked writing my own, but I always love to read these.

This subject is interesting and very unexpected.

02-28-2010, 03:28 PM
Heh, I'm glad you enjoy the sexual attacks :P I mean, if you're gonna make it a no-holds-barred battle, you might as well get down and dirty while you're at it, right? All's fair in love and ballbusting.

I don't have much time to spend on the game this week, but it's been a couple of days since I added any new Pokemon, so I'll probably add a few tonight. Any requests?

Charizard has no freaking arms, How does he get Fire Punch instead of the classic FireBlast? x.x

Oh and.... PROTIP: If you copy the attack number at the top, you can make any Pokemon do any attack, which is how I wound up with this delightfully accurate test run.

Charizard used Iron Tail!

Snorlax used Bounce!
Snorlax shoves Charizard on to his back, hopping atop the prone male, and begins bouncing up and down in his lap.
Snorlax grins as she feels both of Charizard's baby-makers explode in their sac!
Charizard topples heavily to his knees, letting out a pathetic mewl before collapsing to the ground.
Charizard lets out a choked groan of pain and pleasure as the Snorlax grinds against him, his abused baby-makers pounded beneath the female's ass.
Charizard passed out!

It makes for more fun with with single attack type Pokemon that are otherwise hopeless, such as any grass Pokemon against Charizard.

02-28-2010, 04:16 PM
I was wondering if/when someone was going to discover that little trick :P It may cause some weird behavior when used with certain attacks, but generally it should work just fine.

(Also: Charizard totally has arms (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/7/7e/006Charizard.png/765px-006Charizard.png)! Though in hindsight, I probably should've given him Flamethrower or something.)

MamaJama/Drei/etc: I totally agree, just start writing and see what comes out. I find that stories are a lot more fun when you get to decide everything that happens :P

02-28-2010, 09:04 PM
I would just like to say to the creator of the new and improved pokemon game that you have done a wonderfull job creating new and interresting ways to play the game and destroy your opponents. You continue to make the experiance interesting and exciting. For creating and constantly upgrading the first furry/ballbusting game, for that on behalf of the entire forum community and myself, we thank you. Your work we be appreciated for years to come.

02-28-2010, 11:27 PM
I was wondering if/when someone was going to discover that little trick :P It may cause some weird behavior when used with certain attacks, but generally it should work just fine.

(Also: Charizard totally has arms (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/7/7e/006Charizard.png/765px-006Charizard.png)! Though in hindsight, I probably should've given him Flamethrower or something.)

Look at the thickness of Charizards legs vs his arms. If anything s/he should get a stomp, however FireBlast was originally created for Charizard and it was my fave attack, so forgive the bias.

But yeah, can't base much off of my biases or you'd wind up with a screwed up game, for instance, I'm a purist, I believe in only the original 152.(Ho-Oh as seen in episode 1 included)

Also, Toxicroak had some issues with Flatter earlier today, but it seems to be taken care of now.

03-01-2010, 02:24 AM
I was wondering if/when someone was going to discover that little trick :P It may cause some weird behavior when used with certain attacks, but generally it should work just fine.

(Also: Charizard totally has arms (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/thumb/7/7e/006Charizard.png/765px-006Charizard.png)! Though in hindsight, I probably should've given him Flamethrower or something.)

MamaJama/Drei/etc: I totally agree, just start writing and see what comes out. I find that stories are a lot more fun when you get to decide everything that happens :P

Charizard looks like he should have absolutely gigantic nuts.

03-01-2010, 02:26 PM
Charizard looks like he should have absolutely gigantic nuts.

Well, Charizard is quite the manly Pokemon. All of that testosterone has to come from somewhere.

03-01-2010, 03:07 PM
Well, Charizard is quite the manly Pokemon. All of that testosterone has to come from somewhere.

Heh, true :P That just means more fun for the females, I suppose.

A couple quick updates (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/): there's now a possible "mercy" option on the results page, and about a dozen new 'mon have been added in the last 48 hours. I'm not sure I'll be able to do much else with the site this week, but I'm hoping to get a bit of work done on the next chapter of Dragon Slaying instead.

03-02-2010, 05:44 AM
Heh, true :P That just means more fun for the females, I suppose.

A couple quick updates (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/): there's now a possible "mercy" option on the results page, and about a dozen new 'mon have been added in the last 48 hours. I'm not sure I'll be able to do much else with the site this week, but I'm hoping to get a bit of work done on the next chapter of Dragon Slaying instead.

You might wanna alphabetize the pokemon. That list is getting hella long. Not a bad thing, but it can be tricky finding your favorites, at times.

Also, I can't wait for the next chapter!

03-02-2010, 10:59 AM
You might wanna alphabetize the pokemon. That list is getting hella long. Not a bad thing, but it can be tricky finding your favorites, at times.

Also, I can't wait for the next chapter!

By default things are sorted by Pokedex #, but if you click one of the table headings (e.g. Species, Win-Loss, etc) it should re-sort accordingly :)

03-02-2010, 03:34 PM
By default things are sorted by Pokedex #, but if you click one of the table headings (e.g. Species, Win-Loss, etc) it should re-sort accordingly :)

Ah ha! I see!

03-02-2010, 05:05 PM
By default things are sorted by Pokedex #, but if you click one of the table headings (e.g. Species, Win-Loss, etc) it should re-sort accordingly :)

Iḿ still in the process of figuring out that website. Iĺl have my bf look at it later. Maybe itś this damn computer he built, it does weird stuff all the time. ¨But it functions!¨... Whatever lol.

03-02-2010, 05:16 PM
By default things are sorted by Pokedex #, but if you click one of the table headings (e.g. Species, Win-Loss, etc) it should re-sort accordingly :)

I was going to say have some way to recognize new Pokemon. I've made sure that Charizard has had at least 1 ball popped by every female since the beginning and it takes a bit of time to figure out which ones are new sometimes. Maybe an update list, or something.

03-02-2010, 06:28 PM
I was going to say have some way to recognize new Pokemon. I've made sure that Charizard has had at least 1 ball popped by every female since the beginning and it takes a bit of time to figure out which ones are new sometimes. Maybe an update list, or something.

I've actually been keeping an update list/changelog over at FurAffinity (http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/1202968/) -- you should be able to read it even without an account. That's probably the best place to look if you want to know when and how things have been updated.

03-02-2010, 07:41 PM
Ive just recently gotten to playing that Pokemon game thatś all the rave lately.

I must say: It is amazing and fun, like those old Goosebumps books that let you choose what to do. Spectacular.

03-02-2010, 08:26 PM
I'm working on a story for here. I've outlined the basic plot. It is starring a lioness named Savannah whose family was poached. She attacks only males and eats only the genitalia. She leaves the ball-less dick-less corpses as a warning to others.

I don't want to make it into a strictly killing and ********** story. I am trying to capture the sexuality of furries and include sexual and romantic scenes as well as violent scenes. I think the story's going to come off a bit far-fetched, just remember it's fiction.

I'm playing off of Piou's dragon theme, but instead of the main character being a comical male who can't avoid being busted, it is a female who busts constantly. I'll also be reading Piou's work for examples and as a guide for my writing, I hope he won't be offended. I want it to be a masterpiece, so it will take a few days to write a suitable story, I'm currently on the first few paragraphs of a rough draft... And I refuse to publish anything less than my absolute best.

Just thought I'd share my progress since I've come across what I think to be a great idea and I've been saying I would write something for this thread. Slowly but surely it will come.

03-02-2010, 08:36 PM
Can't wait to see what you come up with!

And if poiu didn't mind me straight-up ganking a few of his characters for one of my little attempts, I doubt he'll mind you using him for inspiration. :thumbup

03-02-2010, 08:37 PM
Can't wait to see what you come up with!

And if poiu didn't mind me straight-up ganking a few of his characters for one of my little attempts, I doubt he'll mind you using him for inspiration. :thumbup

Thanks for the support, mate. :).

03-02-2010, 08:59 PM
Can't wait to see what you come up with!

And if poiu didn't mind me straight-up ganking a few of his characters for one of my little attempts, I doubt he'll mind you using him for inspiration. :thumbup

Yeah, use my stuff however you'd like! I think I've said this before, but I consider all my stories to be under a CC-BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/), so you're free to repost them, edit them, use them for inspiration -- hell, sell them if you want :P

Drei: sounds awesome! I've always wanted to see a lioness do some busting. Look forward to it!

03-02-2010, 09:29 PM
Yeah, use my stuff however you'd like! I think I've said this before, but I consider all my stories to be under a CC-BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/), so you're free to repost them, edit them, use them for inspiration -- hell, sell them if you want :P

Drei: sounds awesome! I've always wanted to see a lioness do some busting. Look forward to it!


Selling them would be a big stretch. I'm a bad salesman anyway. If I were to make any money off of my work ever, it would be through minimal advertising and donations. I can see how some people make money with it and have no problem, but it wouldn't be for me. I wouldn't want to feel like someone paid their hard earned money for something that they wouldn't like. I would like all of my work available to he who can find it. And if someone doesn't like it, they can move on without a feeling like they wasted money or something... This is why I try to stream music online before I pay for it. I absolutely won't buy music from WMG because of the youtube thing. WMG has decided that instead of taking advantage of YouTube for publicity like Universal has successfully done, they would go insane removing every bit of their music from YouTube. It's ruined countless videos that use WMG audio, mainly because of a grudge they hold against Google.

The reason I am so angry is not because I want to hear their music and don't want to pay for it... It's because they're getting in the way of the meaning of YouTube. YouTube was made so that people from anywhere in the world could put their ideas on film and share them with the world. Normal people can't afford to hire a composer or pay a music corporation for their clips. And since the videos made by these creative people don't make much money at all versus their hollywood counterparts, I don't see the harm. When people are given an opportunity to utilize their creative side, it shouldn't be ruined by a major corporation that is concerned about money.

Example: Star Wars Cops (I'm not sure if this was made for profit or not, or by whom, but it shows what I'm talking about) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zYOw7v6TFE&feature=related
Blocked by WMG for the 15 seconds of the song "Bad Boys" from the intro.

Since it's worth watching, here's a link to a working video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5351101160052590481#

Here's a comment that I enjoyed reading:
"I have to completely back [WMG] up. i mean if i had a product, and someone was willing to give me free advertising, i would totally slap them in the face. if i wanted to advertise i would spend millions for a fifteen second clip during the super bowl like everyone of my other ceo friends."

03-02-2010, 11:43 PM

I totally hear you, man. That's why I'm a big proponent of Creative Commons and similar copyleft licenses -- they encourage the sharing, reuse, and adaptation of content in new and interesting ways. (That's what I spend a lot of time working on in my professional life, actually :P)

03-03-2010, 06:36 PM
Species/Win-Loss/Balls Lost

http://www.pokemondb.co.uk/images/sprites/diamond-pearl/icon/charizard.pngCharizard (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/pokemons/2)/588-1780/666

And why no update for Sofurry? x3

03-05-2010, 10:49 PM
Why no update for Sofurry? x3

I'm just too lazy to post the changelog in more than one place :P As long as I'm here, though, I might as well tell y'all that I just added about a dozen new species from the original 151. Here's the full list:


Go bust some nuts! (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/)

03-20-2010, 06:38 AM
I'm just too lazy to post the changelog in more than one place :P As long as I'm here, though, I might as well tell y'all that I just added about a dozen new species from the original 151. Here's the full list:

KabutopsGo bust some nuts! (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/)

Does the female always win using "go for the balls"?

03-20-2010, 08:03 PM
Yeah, that's about it -- the girls always go for the groin. I maybe could have built a more nuanced battling system, but I figured if I was going to build a ballbusting game, it might as well be all ballbusting all the time :P

I've added a bunch more new Pokemon (http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/1202968/) from the 2nd generation (as well as Slowbro, randomly :P) since my last post, so if you're interested go check it out (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com)!

03-21-2010, 12:05 AM
Also, another big update to the Pokemon website: user signup! (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/users/new) Right now it doesn't do much more than gather some basic stats and keep track of your achievements, but at least it lets you see where you stack up on the leaderboard :P If you're using it a lot, sign up for an account!

03-21-2010, 02:53 AM
Also, another big update to the Pokemon website: user signup! (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/users/new) Right now it doesn't do much more than gather some basic stats and keep track of your achievements, but at least it lets you see where you stack up on the leaderboard :P If you're using it a lot, sign up for an account!


03-21-2010, 03:02 AM

It will be soon! There's still a good bit of work to do before it's all ready, but I'm making steady progress :P

03-25-2010, 11:17 AM
If anyone was having trouble battling last night: sorry, my fault, I broke the site while updating some stuff. The problem should be fixed now.

Also, just added a bunch of lower evolutions, including all the original starters and Pikachu :)

03-26-2010, 10:59 PM
So: my weird little Pokemon ballbusting site (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/) has kind of exploded over the past month, way more than I thought it would. Woo yay hooray etc :P Well, this story takes place in that weird little universe, where going to watch a male 'mon get his nuts knocked in has somehow become an acceptable pasttime. No, it doesn't make much sense, but that didn't stop me from writing it :P Anyway, I know y'all are the proper twisted audience to enjoy this sort of thing, so here you go! Enjoy :)



"Darla has fainted and is unable to battle! The victory goes to the male, Warren!"

The Feraligatr gasped in pain as his name was announced, one paw still shielding his groin as he looked down at his fallen opponent. The female Umbreon was clearly ***********, but the adrenaline coursing through his system said otherwise. Maybe she was just faking, playing dead until he dropped his guard so she could slam her paw up into his nuts yet again--

My nuts! Warren's attention immediately shot to his ballsac and its battered cargo, both paws moving to cup the injured orbs. Another wave of nausea rose in his gut as he clutched at his aching spuds, trying to make sure they were both still intact. They seemed alright for the time being, but that did little to soothe the agony radiating from his groin, the nutpain that had been growing ever since his opponent had first sent her knee crashing up between his legs. He bent double, fighting just to stay upright, but it seemed to be a losing battle.

"Oh fuck," the gator groaned, feeling his legs start to give out beneath him -- but before he could topple to his knees, something caught his arm. The dazed male looked up, locking eyes with the female Machamp who had grabbed him.

"Come on, big boy," she huffed, "let's get you to the locker room..."


The next ten minutes or so were a bit of a blur for the Feraligatr -- a struggle to get off the field, a trek down to the stadium's Pokecenter, a none-too-gentle examination from the Chansey nurse, and then another trek over to the male locker room. Though he was unsure exactly how it all happened, eventually Warren found himself at the entrance to the men's showers, a towel clutched in one paw, a pair of tender orbs clutched in the other.

With a grunt the male hobbled forward, reaching to hang his towel on an empty hook before stepping fully into the room. Much to his relief, there was no one else to meet him: just the dozen-odd shower heads poking out from the walls. The naked gator took a few more steps towards the nearest shower, wincing at the jolts of nausea that shot up his spine with each step, his sore balls still throbbing with every tiny bounce. Biting his lip to stifle another groan, the Feraligatr turned the water on, shivering at the cold spray for a moment before it reached a more comfortable temperature.

In his native element of water, with the sweat and dirt of a hard-fought battle being rinsed from his body, Warren finally had a moment to think about what had happened. Sure, he'd known what he was getting into beforehand, but it was one thing to expect it and another thing to actually feel the ache in his abdomen. Even having heard all the rumors about the Underground League, he hadn't quite expected to have his balls blasted up into his throat like that…

Everyone had heard the stories by now, of course, or seen the fights for themselves -- the Underground League had already been around for several years, and it only got more popular with each season. Supporters considered it to be battle at its purest: two 'mon, one male and one female, fighting with nothing but their own two naked bodies. Protesters considered it barbaric: a pornographic, no-holds-barred battle of the sexes, with none of the usual reprieves or courtesy rules given by the regulation Pokemon League. There had been a few legal challenges to the whole thing, but so far it had all stood up. As long as they had the paperwork to show that everyone involved was willing, then they were good to go.

Regardless of the controversy -- or maybe because of it -- the League had seen nothing but success since it had first opened. Quickly it outgrew its initial home, moving into a larger stadium, but even then the stands were packed, tickets sold out weeks in advance. Initially the crowd had been mostly male -- lots of teens and young adults, hoping to catch a good fight and some live porn as a bonus -- but in the past year or so, there had been a shift in the demographics. A cult following had developed around some the league's female fighters, who had begun applying their generic battle skills to a much more specific and effective kind of attack: going for the balls.

What started as a few isolated Mega Kicks to the groin gradually became a near-endless procession of low blows: male after male brought to his knees in battle, crumpled in testicular agony. Female viewership tripled and 'mon packed the stands, supporters of a new "girl power" movement, cheering on the women in the hopes of seeing a few nuts cracked. Some fems were no-nonsense fighters, going straight for the gonads from the opening whistle, while others took a more sensual tact, teasing their male opponents to the brink of orgasm before delivering the finishing blow. The League made a small fortune on best-of tapes, showing hours of footage of kicks, knees, stomps, squeezes, and anything else a female could do to her opponent's berries. Online followers began swapping "ball-breaking" compilations with the most extreme material, showcasing popped plums and shattered nuts, proud males turned into eunuchs in the blink of an eye. Some of the most prolific ballbusters became sexual icons, modern-day Amazonians, featured in pin-ups and lusted after by fans.

Of course, the League had no trouble attracting plenty of paying spectators, and plenty of females were willing to try their luck in the ring…but the real difficultly came in attracting male participants. Not too many men were eager to step up and have their spunk-makers flattened, so the compensation for male fighters was generous, to say the least. The risks were enormous, but so were the rewards.

Which is what Warren reminded himself as he stood in the shower, both paws still cradling his battered family jewels. Gingerly the Feraligatr rolled his swollen nuts between his fingers, trying to ignore the leaden ache in his gut as he examined the rubbery orbs. They hurt, sure, but at least they seemed to be in one piece -- and that one battle had just paid a month's rent. He might be walking funny for the rest of the day, but it would definitely be worth it to come back in a few weeks' time.

Right now, though, the thought of another kick in the junk just made the gator feel nauseous. It was funny to think he'd been almost excited when the match had begun -- though to be fair, the female Umbreon he'd been facing was curvy in all the right places, and he hadn't seen any action for quite a while. When she'd wrapped her paw around his cock, he'd almost let himself think that he was going to get lucky, but then she got her fingers around his balls, and that…well, he'd never seen his testicles bulge like that before, and if possible he'd prefer not to see it again. He still wasn't entirely sure how he'd managed to squirm away without the Umbreon at least ripping one off, or how he'd managed to keep fighting without just crumpling into the fetal position. It was only the sheer adrenaline that kept him on his feet, and even then his legs were still quivering beneath him.

Warren let out another quiet groan, gently trying to massage the ache from his busted pair. His nutsac had loosened in the heat of the shower, letting its vulnerable contents dangle a bit more freely, but that did nothing to relieve the pain in his gut. The gator tried to distract himself by thinking of something pleasant, but that just conjured an image of his naked opponent, and that just conjured an image of his testicles squashed between her toes--

The Feraligatr winced and shook his head, trying to stop his imagination before it could go any further. "What on earth have I gotten myself into?" he grumbled, carefully rolling the sensitive spheres between his fingers. "How do guys do this week after week?"

"First time, huh?"

Warren jumped at the unexpected voice, his surprised gasp transitioning to a strangled moan as he accidentally swatted his already aching spuds. The gator couldn't help but hunch over, resisting the urge to fall to his knees once more as another wave of nausea spread through his body. "Nngha, my…nnrf."

The other male had to stifle a laugh at the sight. "Geez, man, relax -- you're hardly the first guy I've seen in here holding himself after a fight. Hell, half the guys they drag in here are still on the floor groaning." He took a few more steps into the showers, toeclaws clacking on the tile floor. "You alright?"

The Feraligatr let out a pained exhale and opened his eyes in time to see a slim but fit-looking Lucario step over to the shower across from him, turning on the water. "Uh…y-yeah," he replied, stomach still churning from the self-inflicted blow, "yeah, I'm alright."

"Still in one piece then, I assume." The Lucario grinned before turning and stepping into the warm shower spray. "How'd it go?"

The gator did his best to straighten up while the other male wasn't looking. "I-it went okay. I was fighting an Umbreon, and I sorta let her get the upper hand at first, but I pulled it out in the end."

"Oh, so you won, then?" The Lucario looked over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow. "Not bad. Y'know, most of us guys don't win until we've got a few battles under the belt. Or below the belt, if you know what I mean."

"Heh," said Warren half-heartedly, "yeah, I definitely know what you mean."

"Just remember: you've got one thing they don't. Well, two things." The canine chuckled. "And that's why they've got the advantage."

"Right," murmured the Feraligatr, glancing down at his aching package. That wasn't something he would forget anytime soon.

"Sounds like you got off pretty easy, though," the Lucario continued, turning to face his companion while the water ran down his back. "I mean, some rookies get roughed up pretty bad out there. A couple days ago there was a Nidorino paired up against a Marowak -- she popped both his nuts in his first fight. Five minutes, stud to dud."

"Yeah, I heard about that…" Warren shivered, trying not to picture it even if the video was all over the web. Better to change the subject… "I'm, uh...I'm Warren."

"Sam." The male held out a paw. "Nice to meet ya."

"You too," the gator replied, carefully peeling a paw from his groin to shake hands. "So, um…you sound pretty knowledgeable. How long have you been doing this?"

"Me?" The Lucario gave a chuckle, running a paw through his wet headfur. "Long enough. See for yourself."

The Feraligatr had to fight back a bit of a blush as he watched the male reach down, lifting his limp cock out of the way to expose the berry pouch underneath -- and to expose the lone lump rolling at the bottom of that pouch. It took a moment for Warren to process what he was seeing, but when he did he swallowed, his paws unconsciously drawing tighter around his own bruised pair. "Wait, s-so you've actually…"

"Yep -- lost it about a month ago." The fellow male looked down wistfully at his groin. "I let my guard down, this Blaziken babe gave me one hell of a kick, and that was about it. They tried to save it, but the nurse said it was basically liquefied."

"Arceus." Warren's eyes were wide. "But you're still here fighting."

"Yep." He chuckled. "You think your paycheck is ridiculous now? Wait 'til you see how much they offer you when you've already lost a nut. Not to mention the bonus you get for having one crushed in a battle."

"Well yeah, but…" The Feraligatr bit his lip. "Aren't you worried that you're gonna, y'know… pop the other one?"

The male winced. "Yeah, it is just a matter of time. Just last week I fought a Zangoose chick that almost finished the job -- one more Crunch and I swear my ball would have burst. But see, I don't mind because me and my girl are looking to get rid of 'em anyway. Neither of us wants kids, so this seemed like an easy alternative to a vasectomy." He grinned. "Besides, I'd rather get paid for providing a good fight than have to pay a surgeon to cut me open."

"I-I guess," Warren replied, his gaze still locked on the Lucario's solitary testicle as it dangled in the warm locker room air. The Feraligatr frowned, his stomach churning at the thought of losing a nut. "Didn't it hurt, though?"

"Oh, like you wouldn't believe. I can't even remember the first couple minutes after it happened -- the doctor said I was just crumpled up on the ground, mewling like a pup. Hell, I thought for sure she'd popped both of 'em at once." The male reached down to roll his remaining nut between his fingers. "This guy swelled up pretty badly for a few days afterward, but after a week or so it was pretty much back to normal. Though I imagine my sperm count is pretty low at this point."

Warren managed a nervous laugh, glancing down at his own package. "Y-…yeah, I'm kind of worried about that myself. I get the feeling that after a couple more battles I'll be shooting nothing but blanks."

The Lucario nodded. "Sounds about right. You been to a sperm bank yet?"

"Uh…no, actually."

"Well, do it now -- spend your first paycheck and go get some of your spunk frozen. Better safe than sorry." The male shook his head. "Believe me, all it takes is one well-placed Stomp and your eggs are scrambled for good."

"Oh, I believe you," he replied, glancing back up at the Lucario's sac and feeling his own spuds ache sympathetically. "Maybe I'll do that this afternoon, once I'm feeling a little less…sick."

The male chuckled. "Yeah, I know how it is after a battle -- hard to focus on much else while your boys are throbbing. Spend the night at home with a good cold ice pack and you'll feel a lot better. You got a girl to take care of you?"

"Ah, no," Warren replied sheepishly, "kinda between girlfriends right now."

"Mmm, that's too bad. In that case," the canine continued, dropping his voice and leaning in, "you know what the best thing to do is? Once you've had that ice pack on for a while and your nuts are good and numb, find some really good porn and blow a load or two. It lets you make sure that everything's working and it'll make you'll feel much better, trust me."

"I…u-um, okay," the Feraligatr stuttered, now blushing quite a bit. "I-I'll keep that in mind."

"Good." The Lucario grinned, reaching back to turn off his shower. "Well then, I should probably get going -- I've got a fight with a Sceptile in half an hour and I'm not even dressed yet. Wish me luck, yeah?"

"O-of course," Warren replied. "I'll…see you around then, I guess."

The canine nodded, grabbing his towel off of the rack. "Definitely. Later!"

"Later," the Feraligatr replied, watching as the Lucario disappeared around the corner. The gator frowned for a moment before glancing back down at his sac, the two large orbs that were still sending pangs of pain into his gut. Well, at least I've still got both of 'em, he thought, giving himself a cautious fondle. That's gotta count for something.

With a few more seconds to compose himself, Warren turned off the water and hobbled over to the towel rack, wrapping the dry cloth around his waist. Carefully he began the slow trip to his locker, trying not to upset the tender spheres hanging between his legs, and wondering if he still had the link to that lesbian Latias video…

03-27-2010, 01:27 AM
Um... Question.

How can Lucario have to get dressed if the battles are done naked?

03-27-2010, 01:34 AM
Thaaaat would be an error :P I could have sworn I corrected that line to be about stretching/warming up -- maybe I forgot to copy it between the draft and the version with forum markup. Whoops.

04-12-2010, 12:38 AM
I just added the capacity for 2-on-2 double battles, which includes the option of M/M busting for those of you who enjoy that. There have also been a number of smaller additions since my last post, like some new sex attacks and more species to choose from, so go check it out (http://pokemonbusting.heroku.com/)!

Relatedly, if you like Pokemon BB: a guy called Thaddeus Quill has an excellent series going with at least two very hot BB scenes in it, and possibly more to come. Check 'em out:

http://sofurry.com/?pid=135431 (M/M/F, 3/4 of the way down)
http://sofurry.com/?pid=136839 (M/F, 3/4 of the way down, and crazy hot)

04-14-2010, 08:21 AM
any Japanese photos??

04-19-2010, 01:18 PM
Since my last post, there have been not just one (http://sofurry.com/page/139550/watchlist), but two (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3723012/) new Pokemon ball-popping stories written. Apparently my little website has unleashed the ****** of evil. Go read 'em!

Also, I've finally gotten back to work on Dragon Slaying! I'm still writing the ending for the next chapter, but I've finished the first two-thirds...so rather than make you wait any longer, here's what I've got so far. Plenty of dragon-on-dragon ballbusting/cockteasing goodness :P More to come, comments always appreciated, and enjoy! (Here's the previous chapter (http://sofurry.com/page/121402/), if you need a refresher.)

After our little argument, my journey with Lia became a bit more tense. Normally the dragoness was a pretty chatty partner -- humming to herself, making small talk, occasionally pointing out random facts about the plant life -- but after our confrontation she clammed up a bit. I guess I'd given us both something to think about.

Of course, pretty much all of my thoughts were focused one thing: the dragoness walking in front of me. Just because the issue was out in the open now didn't make it any easier to distract myself from the sight of that bodacious body. Despite my best efforts, my eyes were drawn like magnets to Lia's backside, her hips rolling with each step, her tail flicking lazily back and forth above her luscious ass. It was enough to drive any male crazy, even one who hadn't been teased for days on end. After Lia's latest round of threats, I'd been quite understandably turned off, but with all those unsatisfied hormones pumping through my blood, it was only a matter of minutes before my now-permanent erection came back, more eager than ever.

That was pretty much how things had been all day, trudging along behind the red dragoness while my libido did its best to drive me mad. I glanced down at my dragonhood with a quiet whine, my aching member bobbing needfully between my legs. After several days of constant tease and denial, my cock felt like it was made of steel, and my balls felt like they were about to explode. What I wouldn't give for for a good hard fuck, or a long, slow blowjob…hell, I'd gladly settle for my own hand, if I thought I could get away with it. Lia had made her position rather clear, though: if I so much as touched myself, she was more than happy to pound my plums into pudding.

Speaking of my plums…I looked past my hard-on for a moment, to the two swollen orbs dangling below. It had been a couple of days now since Lia's last beat-down, which had given my gonads a chance to heal up from the various ordeals they'd been through, but despite that my balls still throbbed with each step. The twin spheres were so swollen with spunk that they were tender to the touch, even without some female trying to crush them into oblivion. Every step felt like another slap as I stumbled along, every bump and jostle sending a little jolt of pain up my spine. My scaly scrotum, normally a healthy green, had taken on a darker hue that corresponded to the horrible blue-balling I'd received.

And it was only getting worse. It was bad enough having to spend all day around a dragoness straight out of my wet dreams, but it was even worse to be stuck with her while she was still giving off pheromones from the last of her heat. Every so often the wind would swing in my direction, carrying with it that tantalizing scent -- and when it did, I swear, it was all I could do not to trip over my own feet. My nuts ached so fiercely that it felt like I'd been on the wrong end of one of her stomps, and my cock was so stiff it hurt -- hell, I'm surprised I didn't pass out from all the blood redirected to my groin. I needed relief now, but Lia estimated that we were still at least two days' hike away from my cave -- which meant that I'd have to wait another 48 hours before getting any kind of release. Assuming I didn't spontaneously combust at some point before then. It was nothing short of torture, but there was nothing I could do but stagger along behind the dragoness, feeling sorry for myself. Why me? Why did I have to be the one stuck traveling with the world's biggest cocktease?

So distracted was I by my internal monologue of self-pity that I failed to notice Lia come to a stop ahead of me in the middle of the path. Something had apparently caught the female's interest, as she bent down to examine the forest floor, letting her bag slip from her shoulder for a moment to rest on the ground. If I'd bothered to look up, I would been treated to a perfect view of her firm behind, the ruby-toned ass I'd been worshipping all week -- I probably could have gotten a good look at her sex, too.

Of course, me being me, I failed to notice until I walked straight into the female. Not that that was such a bad deal either -- suddenly my cock was pressed up against two gorgeous rumpcheeks, the warm flesh rubbing against my length. Before I even thought about it, I pressed myself closer, my instincts telling me to start grinding away--

--but then I heard a gasp of surprise, and with a feeling of dread suddenly I remembered who that ass belonged to. I hardly had time to blink before Lia snapped a back kick up between my legs, her bare heel catching my bruised dragonmakers and slamming them both up into my throat.

My body bent double instantly, the air driven from my lungs as my two most fragile organs were once again crushed into my pelvis. Time seemed to slow down as my spunk-filled orbs were squashed to their limits, already swollen and aching from their denial, now flattened like pancakes across Lia's heel. Despite the utter agony, my member gave a weak, involuntary twitch, firing a short spurt of pre that was no doubt propelled straight out of my poor plums.

With a high-pitched moan both hands shot to my groin, trying to clutch my busted balls but instead finding the female's ankle, her foot still lodged in my groin. For a moment I was frozen in place, my legs trembling beneath me as I stood hunched over the nut-cracking dragoness, but finally after a moment she withdrew her leg and let me crumple mercifully to the ground.

It was several seconds before I could find the presence of mind to put any words together -- and even once I did, it was hardly intelligible. My voice was somewhere between a rooster's squawk and a hummingbird on helium, my muzzle pressed into the dirt as I lay there on the ground, fighting the urge to vomit. I let out a long, low moan, my eyes squinted shut against the nausea churning in my gut. "My--…oh, my balls! Oh god, why did you--…nnrrgh!"

"P'oiu! Oh damnit, I really hit you good, didn't I?" The female crouched down beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Shoot, I'm sorry -- I didn't mean to kick you, it was just reflex. You shouldn't have snuck up on me like that."

I was only dimly aware of Lia's presence -- most of my attention was still focused on the ungodly ache coming from my groin. With another agonized moan I rolled onto my side, my tail curled between my legs as I clutched my bruised berries in my claws. The pain seemed even worse than usual…a fact which no doubt had to do with the horrible teasing I'd endured lately. An image flashed through my mind of all those unborn baby dragons, millions of sperm sent flying by the force of that awful foot. "Oh fuck, Lia, my nuts…you just had to kick me in the junk. Nngh--"

"I told you, I'm sorry." Her tone was a little less apologetic this time. "You bumped into me and I was startled, that's all. It certainly didn't help when you started grinding against me like--" A pause. "Oh god damnit, P'oiu, that's gross."

I gasped for breath, nose still pressed into the dirt. "W-What?"

"You…spurted on my tail." The dragoness reached back to wipe the pre from her body, grimacing as she flicked the thin liquid from her hand onto the ground. "What the hell were you trying to do, exactly?"

Uh-oh. Through the haze of agony, I managed to crack one eye open. "N-Nothing, Lia, I swear. It…unngh…it was an accident."

"I hope so, or you deserved a lot harder of a kick than you just got. I could leave a footprint in those eggs of yours." She frowned, climbing back to her feet. "I know you're horny, but please, contain yourself."

"Easier said than done," I groaned. Even with my dragonmakers throbbing painfully, my member was still hard as a rock, giving off the occasional twitch as I lay crumpled on the ground. I cast my gaze up to Lia and felt it twitch again, stronger this time as I tried not to stare up between the female's legs. My cock ached at the sight of that tight, inviting slit...

"Yeah, well." Lia scratched at the back of her neck, looking further down the path. "We're just a day or two from the southern hills now -- once we get to your place you can jerk it 'til it falls off, for all I care. If we get going now and keep a good pace for the rest of the day, we might be able to make it by tomorrow night."

I coughed and rolled on to my back, claws still latched around my badly-busted pair. "Lia, I…ohhh…I don't think I can walk at all right now."

"Oh come on, you wuss, I didn't hit you that hard." The dragoness folded her arms across her chest, looking down at me. "Besides, I know for a fact that you got off easy -- I felt both your boys squirm out of the way before they could really get flattened. There's no fooling a girl when she's barefoot."

My eyes fell to the dragoness's feet, and I moaned aloud at the mental image still fresh in my mind. "That certainly felt like a full-force kick."

"Believe me, if I'd hit you full-force you'd still be curled up and mewling. That, and missing a testicle." She chuckled. "Not that that's an issue for you, Mr. Balls-of-Steel. I could pound on your plums all night and still have something to play with in the morning."

"Please don't," I croaked, my claws tightening protectively around my gonads.

"Aww, it'd be fun! Those little nuggets trapped between my toes…" The dragoness sighed. "Males are so sensitive about their testicles."

"For good reason," I grumbled, mostly to myself.

"Anyway," she continued, "if you really can't walk, I suppose we should try and make the best of it." Lia sat down on a nearby rock, dragging her bag over until it was between her legs. She bent down to rifle through its contents. "You feeling well enough to eat, at least?"

"Uh." I glanced down at myself, my legs spread wide to give my balls some room to breathe. "Yeah, I could do that."

"Alright then, time for an early dinner."

Without looking up, the female tossed a few things my way -- a hunk of bread, an apple, a canteen of water. Carefully I detached one hand from my groin, planting it against the ground and ******* myself up into a sitting position, then reached out and grabbed the apple. I wasn't really hungry, but if it would distract me from the ache in my groin, I was more than happy to chow down.

I sat there for a few minutes with my head down, taking bites from my apple and trying to make sure I didn't somehow hurt myself any more than I'd already been hurt. Thankfully, eating was a pretty safe activity -- as long as I didn't drop anything in my lap, I was fine. Eventually the ache in my sac eased off enough that I could just let my swollen spuds rest on the ground, the heavy orbs dangling in their scaly sac. With both hands free, I turned to grab the canteen beside me, my eyes flicking briefly upwards to glance at Lia--

Oh, wow.

The ruby-colored dragoness had packed herself a similarly simple lunch, with one key difference. Rather than an apple, she had grabbed herself a banana -- and rather than taking bites out of it, she had elected to just swallow the whole thing at once. That's the sight I was treated to: a gorgeous specimen of female beauty, her eyes sliding shut as one end of the banana disappeared between her lips, her tongue coiling seductively around the rest of the fruit as she sucked it deep into her throat. It almost seemed like she was trying to coax an extra bit flavor from her snack, slurping hungrily on the long yellow length, her jaws completely stuffed with banana.

I'd never been jealous of a fruit before, but I'm pretty sure my heart skipped a few beats as I watched the dragoness go down on her meal, giving it the kind of oral treatment that I'd only seen in wet dreams. My god -- where the hell was her gag reflex? If the length between my legs had been eager before, now it felt like a firework about to go off. Just the thought of the female on her knees, grinning up at me, then leaning in to swallow down my stiff cock, cupping my nuts in her claws, her tongue sliding along the underside of my thick shaft--

I had to suppress a moan as my member twitched of its own accord, a thin spurt of pre splashing across my stomach. Already my breath was fast and shallow -- if I continued on this train of thought, I might just cream my scales without even touching myself. And if I came right now, right in front of Lia, while watching her deepthroat her dinner…well, I could only imagine what sort of damage she might do to me. If I valued my dragonmakers, I needed to find myself someplace private, and fast.

"L-Lia?" I stuttered.

"Mmrph?" It took a moment for the female to extract the banana from her throat, the length slipping wetly back into the open air. "Yeah, what's up?"

I tried not to stare at the yellow fruit, still glistening with her saliva. "I-I, uh…I need to go to the bathroom. It'll just take a minute."

The dragoness raised an eyeridge. "I thought you couldn't walk."

"Oh. Right. I'm, uh…I'm starting to feel better."

"Mmm." The female looked back down at her banana, silent for a moment. "Alright, sure. Just be back quickly -- I want to get moving again."

That was all I needed to hear. I dragged myself to my knees and then my feet, biting back a groan as my balls bumped back and forth between my thighs. My cock stuck up like a flagpole, bobbing comically between my legs, almost painfully hard. I thought I saw Lia glance at it, but when I turned my head she was back to sucking down her fruit, a good six inches already down her throat. I felt my knees tremble beneath me -- from the seductive show or from the ache in my gut, I'm not sure.

I managed to stumble maybe 50 yards into the forest before I couldn't take it any more. I leaned back against the nearest tree, digging my toeclaws into the soil as I wrapped a hand around my straining shaft. Immediately I felt the pleasure wash over me, my head rolling back with a lustful moan as I gave myself a few firm pumps. So many days of denial, reversed in a single glorious moment! I almost wanted to cry, it was so good. How had I managed to stay away for so long? I was never going a week without masturbation again.

Normally I might have paced myself, tried to enjoy things a bit more, but I couldn't have held myself back even if I'd wanted to. From the very start my fist was a blur, my dragonhood thick and throbbing, my tongue hanging out of my mouth as my libido went into overdrive. My bruised gonads squealed in protest as they were bounced about by the violent pumping, but I was so lost in ecstasy that I didn't even care. All I could feel was the vice grip around my cock, the veins throbbing in my shaft, the bolts of pleasure shooting up my spine.

And of course, there was the image in my mind. Back at the cave there were a whole range of fantasies I used to jerk off to: trysts with gryphons, wild draconic threesomes, Opal's amazing rack. But at this point, after days of tease and denial, days spent smelling her scent, days begging for release, days stuck behind the same endlessly undulating ass, there was only one thing I could possibly think of: Lia. In my mind she was transformed into a complete nymphomaniac, her every move and touch designed to bring me to new heights of ecstasy. Her tongue coiled around my shaft like a snake; her breasts enveloped my cock like a pair of warm pillows; her sex clamped down so hard around my dragonhood that I swore she was going to pull it off. Every dirty sex move that I had ever seen or dreamed up, she did, fucking me long and hard until my balls were totally drained, gallons of dragonseed splattered across the two of us.

It was heaven -- absolute heaven. As my strokes sped up even further and my aching nuts began to rise, I could feel the orgasm I'd been waiting for starting to approach. "Oh god, Lia," I gasped, my nervous system threatening to shut down from the pleasure overload. "Fuck -- oh, fuck yes, Lia!"

"You son of a bitch."

And just like that, it all came crashing down. My eyes shot open to find my absolute worst nightmare: the dragoness herself, glaring at me from just a few feet away. And boy did she look upset.

"What the hell," she spat, "do you think you're doing?"

I'm not sure exactly what it was that made me feel so confident -- maybe the spike in arousal from seeing the female in the flesh, or maybe the fact that I was already about to explode -- but for whatever reason, I wasn't scared. I stared straight back at her, continuing to stroke myself as my gaze travelled up and down her body, taking in her curves. "I'm jerking off, okay? Because I'm sick and tired of having these damn blue balls, and I'm sick and tired of listening to what you have to say. If you're going to deepthroat a banana then the very least I deserve is a little release."

"Let me tell you something--"

"No, let me tell you something," I shot back angrily. "I am a fucking dragon, and you are a fucking dragoness who was just in heat. My balls are practically boiling with little unborn dragon babies, because every biological impulse in my body wants me to fuck you, and fuck you hard, until my balls are totally empty and neither of us can see straight. Not only have you not let me fuck you, and not only have you not let me blow at all, but instead you've tried to pop one of my nuts like a fucking balloon and teased me until I'm just about insane from horniness. So I think the very least you could do is let my blow off some steam in peace."

Lia just stared back at me with a cold rage, her eyes boring holes in my skull. "I warned you," she growled, "about what would happen if you tried to sneak away and go jerk off about me. And now I find you standing here, moaning out my name while you pound one out. I don't make empty threats, P'oiu."

"You know what? Fine then. Do what you have to." I spread my legs, one hand still pistoning up and down my cock. "Kick me in the balls. See if I care."

Of course, I didn't expect her to actually do it -- or at least, if she was actually going to do it, I expected her to take a second. But no. Before I could blink, my testicles were painfully reintroduced to her feet, as Lia slammed a kick up at full force between my legs. I froze as the initial shock of pain shot through my groin, my tortured baby-makers flattened across her foot, my mouth opening in some silent exclamation of agony. Any pleasure I'd been feeling was immediately gone, replaced with a white-hot pain that raced up my spine. Why? Why had I just invited her to do that?

But she was far from finished -- before I could answer my own question her leg was drawn back, her muscles tensing as she prepared for another ball-bursting blow. My slow reaction time meant that I got to watch that foot come up again, crashing up into my scaly sac with enough speed and momentum to lift my feet off the ground. This time it was more like slow motion, every agonizing moment drawn out into an eternity. I could see the top of her foot making contact with my dangling testicles, the two orbs rolling to either side in an attempt to minimize the damage -- only to be crushed with ungodly force into the hard bone of my pelvis, my once-proud dragonmakers launched into my throat. My spuds were more like mashed potatoes, losing any and all shape as they deformed around her toeclaws, their contents throughly scrambled by the angry female.

And oh God, the pain. If I didn't know better, I would have sworn she'd just shattered both my gonads -- hell, I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd broken my pelvis with that last kick. But no, my nuts were definitely still in one piece, judging from the waves of nausea that came crashing over me, my mating organs screaming out at their mistreatment. She'd been telling the truth earlier -- that back kick she'd given me on the path was just a friendly poke compared to this kind of abuse. This felt more like a sledgehammer, made of acid, on fire.

There was no way I could stay standing after a hit like that. The ground came up to meet me rather quickly, but even after I'd hit the floor my body was still too busy processing pain signals to curl up and start mewling. My mouth opened and closed a few times before I could form any words, but eventually a single question came:

"What the fuck?!" I squeaked, looking up at the dragoness towering above me.

"I told you!" exclaimed Lia, slamming her toeclaws up into my ballsac once again. I could see her rack bounce from the force of the impact, those two luscious orbs bouncing on her chest. "If you break my rules, then you get my punishment."

It wasn't until the fourth kick that I finally managed to regain my basic motor functions, curling double around the female's leg as she tried her damnedest to grind my jewels into jelly. I let out a high, tortured squeal as she bore down on my twins, the rubbery spheres utterly flattened beneath her bare foot, but miraculously still in one piece. Still, that was little consolation when I could see the bubbles of nutflesh squishing out from between her toes, my spunk-filled stones all but obliterated beneath the dragoness's weight.

"Damnit," Lia grumbled finally, lifting her foot up and letting me crumple mercifully into the fetal position. "You're lucky as hell you're a southern dragon -- if you were a red, I've had made you a eunuch by now. Hell, losing a nut might be good for you -- it'd definitely help your libido problem."

I just remained curled up in a ball, wishing I could will myself to die. The ache in my mangled marbles was all I could think about, all I could feel, all I could imagine. Was there anything in the universe besides this horrible ballpain? Hell, I would let her pop them if it would just stop my suffering.

Lia frowned at my lack of a response, crossing her arms across her breasts. "P'oiu, are you even listening?"

I really wasn't…at least not until she reached in between my legs and seized one of my tenderized eggs between her claws. I was too weak to fight back -- I just gave a moaning cry as she gave it a light squeeze, sending a fresh kick of nausea through my gut.

"Good. Now that I've got your attention…" She rolled my injured nut between her fingers, playing with it for a moment. "You will not cum until we've reached your cave. End of story. Understood?"

I coughed weakly, nodding my head.

"Good. Because next time," she continued, pinching my fat plum between two of her claws, "I might not be so nice."

I whined weakly, trying to show my obedience…only to let out a shrill squeal as she clamped down, digging her fingers into the center of my trapped testicle. My poor ball was like putty in her claws, squishing whichever way she squeezed it, the lumpy orb stressed to its very limits. My eyes rolled back into my head as she tightened her grip, my abused nut trembling between her fingers, right on the edge of rupture. There was pain, and there was Lia, and then there was nothing but blackness.

04-19-2010, 06:56 PM
Heh -- I actually wasn't expecting to finish this for another day or two, but I just sat down and pounded it out in no time at all. Here's the rest of chapter 11. As always, enjoy!

It was quite a while before I came to, but eventually I did, my nervous system slowly groaning back to life. Gradually I became aware of the apocalyptic ache that was radiating through my entire lower body, centered on those two bloated spheres between my legs. Despite my general wooziness I lifted my head, trying to peer down at my crotch, opening my eyes and fearing the worst--

--but I couldn't see anything. For a split second I thought I might have gone blind, but quickly I spotted the moon resting in the tree branches above and realized that it was just nighttime. Apparently I'd been out for a while, then. My eyes took a little while to adjust to the darkness, but bit by bit my sight returned, the tangle of black dividing itself into trees and bushes, sticks and stones. It looked like I hadn't moved at all since I'd collapsed -- the path was nowhere in sight, and there was no reason to believe Lia had dragged me anywhere else.

Speaking of Lia…I turned my head to the left and came face-to-face with the red dragoness, reclining on her side immediately next to me. I would have jumped in surprise, if I'd had the energy, but as it was I just sort of squeaked, my hands moving instinctively but weakly to cover my groin. I needn't have been concerned, though -- she was sleeping peacefully, head resting on her bag. It looked like she'd been watching over me while I was out, which might have been almost sweet, if she hadn't been the one to knock me out in the first place. Just a glance at her legs sent a shiver down my spine. Well, at least she hadn't just abandoned me in the middle of nowhere with a pair of busted baby-makers.

And busted they were -- oh, my poor testicles. Weakly I craned my head to look down at my groin and assess the damage…and what I saw almost made me do a double-take. Were those my nuts? Those things were huge! Gently I reached down to cradle the massive jewels in my claws, letting out a not-so-quiet moan at the nausea that rose in my gut. It felt like they had doubled in size after their latest thrashing -- and they had already been swollen with seed. It felt like someone had replaced my gonads with a pair of bowling balls. Still, at least they were intact, and at least they were vaguely spherical, and at least the agony in my crotch had died down to a dull roar.

Of course, my balls weren't the only part of my groin demanding immediate attention. My dragonhood was still as hard as a rock, sticking straight up into the air as I lay there on my back…even now I could feel it twitch with my heartbeat, begging for some kind of touch. Lia's punishment had done nothing to help calm my libido -- if anything, my interrupted climax had just made me even hornier. I let my eyes slide shut and instantly my mind conjured a thousand lewd fantasies, each more sinful than the last…and every one centered around the same ruby-red dragoness. Try as I might, I couldn't shake the image of the female's sex squeezing down on my shaft, every last inch of my pride disappearing up her tight slit, every last drop of my spunk blasted up into her womb...

With a ragged groan I looked over at Lia, the female laid out beside me, her tail curled up between her legs. Sex-crazed as I was, I couldn't help but take the opportunity to ogle her body, my eyes tracing her firm breasts, her curving hips, those long strong legs that had caused me so much harm and yet still drove me insane with lust every time I saw them. She wasn't just hot, she was on fire; she wasn't just beautiful, she was gorgeous. I doubted I'd ever see another female so perfectly and completely fuckable.

And here I was, with the biggest hard-on of my life, while she was sprawled out next to me, totally asleep and totally unaware. For once, I had the chance to bust a nut! For once, I had some good luck!

But before I could start pounding one out, I paused to think. Sure, this was an incredible opportunity…but what if it backfired? What if Lia woke up while I was in the act? What if I woke her up with my moaning? What if she found me covered in my own spunk the next morning? She had been angry enough before -- if she caught me now, jerking off while she slept just a few feet away, I was sure she'd go absolutely berserk. Only a miracle would save my dragonmakers from being completely liquified.

Still, it was so damn hard to resist, especially with the object of my lust right next to me. She was asleep! It would be so easy to just reach down and finish what I'd already started. Just a few minutes and it would be over, all that tension released. It'd probably help the massive swelling in my plums, too. After everything I'd been through, didn't I deserve a little relief?

I looked over at Lia one more time, whining softly to myself, then ****** my hands to my sides, leaving my member bobbing stiffly in the open air. It wasn't worth the risk. I could hold myself back for another 48 hours…probably.

Not that I could stop myself from fantasizing about all the things I wanted to do to her. "God damnit, Lia," I grumbled plaintively, my eyes tracing along her body once more, lingering at the junction between her thighs. "You're the biggest fucking cocktease I've ever met."


My heart stopped for a moment. Was she awake? Had she heard me? Was in for another round of punishment? But a few tense seconds passed, and I realized the dragoness was just murmuring in her sleep. Crisis averted. Sort of. Because that was the moment Lia decided to roll over on top of me.

I let out an 'oomph' of surprise as the female suddenly pressed herself against the left side of my body, wriggling for a moment to find a more comfortable sleeping position. She certainly was feeling friendly at the moment -- she rested her head on my chest, draping her arm across my body and letting one of legs slip between mine. It wasn't painful or anything, just a bit unexpected. Last time I'd talked to Lia she had tried to pound my plums into pulp, but now she was snuggling up against the left side of my body with a strange sort of affection, almost like I was her…her…

Oh no. Hesitantly I sniffed at the air…only to let out a shuddering moan as my arousal spiked even further. Her scent was strong -- either she was still giving off pheromones from her heat, or she was having one hell of a sex dream. Combine that with the soft, feminine body that was pressed up against me and the pair of scaly tits now smooshed across my chest, and suddenly it seemed a lot more difficult to keep my hands off the foot of dragoncock throbbing in my lap. And as if that wasn't enough, as the female adjusted her position against me, I felt something that I hadn't noticed before: a very definite wetness on my thigh. She wasn't just wet; she was hot, too. I let out a shaky exhale at the thought -- my cock even gave off a shot of pre, splashing across my chest and the dragoness's lower back.

This was either some cruel joke or the greatest thing that had ever happened, but either way I knew I couldn't hold back any more. As carefully as I could, I reached out with my right hand, grabbing hold of my aching length and giving it a strong squeeze. My whole body quivered at the sensation, and my heart pounded so loudly in my chest that I was worried it would wake Lia up, but she seemed perfectly content where she was, still wrapped up in whatever dream she was having. So I let my hand start to pump up and down, my member spasming wildly in my grip as it finally received some well-deserved attention. My thick shaft drooled an almost continuous stream of pre, my much-abused balls eager to unleash their messy contents.

Looking down at Lia's body I felt a hot shiver run down my spine. Right now I had a girl that could have been a porn star pressed up against me, hot and needy, her body demanding that my cock be inside of her. I wasn't brave enough to actually try that -- as much as I wanted to feel her sex clamping down around my length, I knew that would only end badly -- but on the other hand, if she was going to offer herself up to me, I could at least enjoy it a little bit. She had sort of pinned my left arm beneath her body, but with a little readjustment I was able to reach down, sliding my fingers around the swell of her hip until they rested on the supple curve of her rear. I let out a moan of appreciation as I gave her behind a gentle squeeze, her tail twitching in response. I didn't even mind that her tailtip bumped up against my aching jewels -- that little shock of pain was far outweighed by the surge of pleasure that ran through me from head to toe. I'd spent days walking behind Lia, watching her rear swing from side to side, my balls growing heavier and heavier with unspent seed. Now I finally had her ass in the palm of my hand, and it was every bit as tight and wonderful as I had imagined.

I could feel Lia's body shudder in response my groping, the dragoness grinding her hips against my thigh, a quiet moan escaping her lips. Oh, she wanted it -- she wanted it bad. I could just picture her straddling my lap, both hands planted on my chest as she thumped up and down on my dragonhood. Her sex would be tight and wet, rippling around my thick shaft like; her breasts would be round and firm in my claws, bouncing on her chest as she rode me into orgasm…

Real life wasn't quite that good, but it was plenty good enough. I let my eyes slip shut as my hand continued pistoning up and down my cock, my other hand groping the scaly goddess lying on top of me. I was out-of-control now, pumping vigorously -- so vigorously that I often hit my sac on the downstroke, sending further waves of pain and pleasure through my body. I didn't care, though. I'd been waiting for this for too long, and if Lia wasn't going to give me the orgasm I so desperately needed, then I would just have to take it from her.

"Oh Lia," I moaned, my entire body trembling with ecstasy. I let the hand on her rear drift around the side of her hip, creeping back to her stomach and then down between her legs, fingers searching until they made contact with something different, something warm and inviting. I inserted a fingertip and felt her passage squeeze down around me, the wet walls coaxing me further inwards. The dragoness began to gasp and squirm against me, and suddenly I knew that it was coming for both of us, finally, after days and weeks endless frustration, some fucking release--


Oh shit, I thought, and for a split second I froze, thinking of the kicks and the stomps and the squeezing that had come before, dreading another denied orgasm and another night spent curled in the fetal position. But no, this time she was too late! Even as I paused my member tensed, and I could feel my spunk rushing up my shaft, my toeclaws curling in ecstasy as--


--as suddenly there was an explosion of pain, and my eyes flew open to find Lia kneeling over me, her knee planted firmly in my crotch. The agony immediately ripped through my abdomen, but still, the sight of the naked female crouching over me was enough to make my dragonhood twitch, and I--


--and I let out a squeak as her knee slammed up into my balls once again, crushing the twin orbs against my pelvis. I could feel my orgasm slipping away, and desperately I grabbed hold of my cock, jerking like crazy in an attempt to make myself cum. I no longer cared what Lia would do to me afterwards. I still had a hand resting on her behind and I took full advantage of that, squeezing her scaly rump for all I was worth. Oh, what I wouldn't give to be plowing that ass -- but right now I just needed to cum, needed to blow, needed to bust a nut--


"Stop it. Stop it right now--"...thump..."--and listen to me." Lia yanked my hand away from my rod -- I was so hard, so fucking close! -- then reached back to peel my other hand off of her rear. "You can't do this, P'oiu."

"Noooo," I croaked, desperate to continue. Instinctively I reached out and grabbed hold of one of her breasts, squeezing the scaly tit in my claws and getting rewarded with another thump for my troubles.

Lia grumbled, grabbing my arm and pinning it to my side. "Listen...I've been trying to get this into your head for the past week. So maybe if I can't drive it through your thick skull--"...thump..."--then at least I can drive it--"...thump…"--through your scaly balls, you ass."

Oh god. One knee from Lia was enough, but this many was just unbearable. Already it felt like my gut was cannibalizing itself, my eyes watering as the dragoness pulled her leg back yet again.

"You have been ogling me constantly--"...thump..."--ever since we left my cave, and it's not going to do either of us any good. You need to understand something: I am not--"...thump..."--going to fuck you, no matter what you do. All you're doing is making it so your balls--"...thump..."--are even more swollen then they ought to be."

...and another thump, my testicles flattened across her knee. I could barely imagine my poor dragon eggs, scrambled beyond all recognition. I tried to cry out some kind of plea for mercy, but all I could manage was more of the high-pitched mewling I'd been making ever since she started.

"And you complain that you're 'so frustrated', that you 'need to cum'. Well fuck--"...thump..."--that--"...thump..."--shit. I don't care how pent up you are. I was just in heat, but do you see me complaining?"...thump..."I don't care if you have to walk behind me and--"...thump..."--watch my ass all day. I don't care if you have to lay there at night and--"...thump..."--watch me masturbate. Do you understand? You could eat me out for the next week--"...thump..."--and I'd still sooner kick you in the nuts than let you blow a load. Your balls can explode from the pressure, for all I care. It just saves me--"...thump..."--the trouble."

I could no longer feel my legs, but I could still see them twitch each time she slammed her knee up into my crotch. Not for the first time, I wondered if I was going to be sterile by the time Lia was through with me. For all I knew, just because she couldn't pop my testicles didn't mean she couldn't turn the insides to slush.

"And now I find you--"...thump..."--feeling me up while I sleep? Not--"...thump..."--cool. I can understand that you're horny as fuck. I can understand--"...thump..."--that you wanna 'tap that'. But it's not--"...thump..."--happening, alright? You had your chance and you said no, so for now, the only one who touches this dragoness--"...thump..."--is me. Got it?"

She looked down at me, waiting for an answer. I looked back up at her, my lips moving silently as I tried to put together some kind of audible response.

"Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"

"...my balls..." I croaked finally, fingers twitching at my sides. "You're...crushing my balls..."

"Yeah, that's sort of the point, P'oiu. You need to learn to control yourself, alright?" She glanced down at my bloated ballsac, its contents still pinned beneath her weight. "Besides," she muttered, "maybe if I bust up your nuts enough they'll stop producing all those hormones that make you go crazy."

I coughed as she brought her knee up one more time, mangling my marbles even further. To be honest, I could hardly feel the pain anymore -- at least, not the individual blows. It had all sort of blurred together into a background of nausea. Hazily I looked up at the naked dragoness towering over me, my cock twitching at the sight despite whatever else might be going on. God, even now she was hot. Her position with her knee in my groin meant her thigh was pressed up against my member, the length throbbing desperately against her leg with every tiny movement. I still felt ready to blow. My eyes drifted down to her tits as I imagined Lia taking pity on me, lying down, propping herself on her elbows as she sucked me off--

Lia looked at me and followed my gaze back to her own body. "...Aaaand even now, he's staring at my rack. Come on, P'oiu." She stopped for a moment, glancing down at her chest and lifting one of her breasts in her claws. "What is it you want exactly? They're just tits. Nice tits, but just tits." She gave the flesh a gentle squeeze, murmuring pleasantly to herself. "See?"

The endless frustration, the dragoness openly groping herself in front of me, her thigh rubbing up against my steel-hard member -- I'd been through too much cock-teasing to take it anymore. With a loud grunt I came and came hard, strings of my seed splattering across my chest as I let loose with a week's worth of dragon spunk. The whole world seemed to close in around me as my body unleashed its load, shot after shot arcing through the air, what seemed like bucket-loads of baby batter released from my swollen, permanently blue balls.

Lia looked genuinely surprised, her eyes widening as I suddenly splurted across my own stomach and across hers. She let out a short gasp as one strong shot caught her on the chin, followed by several more ropes of seed that splashed across her chest. The nude female seemed at a loss for words as my length delivered spurt after spurt of stored-up semen, enough sperm to impregnate every female dragon on the continent, my balls screaming in release after a full week of tease and denial.

Eventually, though, my body ran out of fluids, my member giving off a few last shots of seed before slumping exhaustedly to lie against my chest. I groaned happily. Sure, there was still a dull ache throbbing in my groin -- after all, my gonads had just wrung themselves dry -- but gone was the persistent need that had been torturing me night and day, the constant agony of being right next to a sex goddess and being unable to do anything about it. Man, orgasms were awesome.

Not that I could really lie there and enjoy the afterglow -- after all, that sex goddess was still kneeling over me with one knee planted in my junk. I swallowed nervously as I gave a quick glance down her body, my eyes confirming what I already knew: she was absolutely covered in my spunk. There were trails of it running down her stomach, sticky strings splattered across her thigh, great globs dripping from her generous rack…if I didn't know better, I would have guessed there were multiple men involved. But no -- it was just me, one unlucky dragon about to have his gonads ground into goo.

Lia frowned down at me for a long moment, and I tensed expectantly, waiting for that all-too-familiar nutpain as she scrambled my eggs into omelettes. But to my surprise, she broke into…well, not a smile, exactly, but more of an amused look. She reached up with a claw, wiping some of the spunk off of her chin.

"You really were pent up, huh?" she asked, watching the thick dragonseed drip from her finger.

I watched with baited breath, my heart pounding. "Y-yeah," I stuttered.

Lia seemed to consider that response for a moment, looking down at her own semen-soaked chest. "Heh." The dragoness glanced up at me, shaking her head. "You perv."

My body bent double instinctively as the female smashed her knee down into my crotch once more, my nuts flattened agonizingly into the dirt…but then it was over. Lia lifted her knee and my hands immediately shot to my groin, trying to protect my broken balls before the dragoness could change her mind. With an anguished groan I rolled over onto my side, claws latched around my flattened testicles as the pain of her earlier nut-cracking all came rushing back. "Ohhh…" I moaned, clutching the swollen orbs in my fingers, my eyes clenched shut against the pain. "Oh god, my balls…"

I heard a giggle from beside me. "Good night, P'oiu," said Lia, giving my side a friendly pat before crawling a few feet and lying down to get some rest.

I turned my head, cracking one eye open to glance at the female as she curled up to go back to sleep. It was hard to tell in the dark, but I could've sworn I saw a smile on her face…and a hand between her legs.

04-19-2010, 10:07 PM


04-20-2010, 07:11 PM
poiu, you've got a gift. Amazing story

04-21-2010, 01:12 AM
yeah, man, very well done :thumbup

05-01-2010, 01:37 AM
Not sure how accurate this information is but I was giving a friend a ride home and I overheard her talking to her friend about the new Pixar Movie "How to Train your Dragon" and I overheard something about "...the funniest part though was when the dragon stepped on the kids balls..."

Just made me think of ya Poiu...

P.S. Dunno if its actually worth seeing though.

05-02-2010, 02:43 AM
Following P'oiu getting abused all this way has been fun but I really hope he gets some kind of happy ending after all that, even if it does cost him a nut...

05-02-2010, 09:22 PM
Yeah, I'm trying to decide whether to work in a bit more relief for P'oiu before he and Lia get back to the cave, because once they do, things are going to get messy fast. There are some old characters that I've been wanting to bring back for quite a while -- say, a certain frog and a certain orca -- and I'm not sure how P'oiu's going to deal with more then one girl at once without getting his eggs completely scrambled :P

05-02-2010, 09:30 PM
Yeah, I'm trying to decide whether to work in a bit more relief for P'oiu before he and Lia get back to the cave, because once they do, things are going to get messy fast. There are some old characters that I've been wanting to bring back for quite a while -- say, a certain frog and a certain orca -- and I'm not sure how P'oiu's going to deal with more then one girl at once without getting his eggs completely scrambled :P

Dammit, I'm so far behind on your stories I was kinda glad this post wasnt a new chapter, because I need to catch up!

05-03-2010, 02:01 AM
Yeah, I'm trying to decide whether to work in a bit more relief for P'oiu before he and Lia get back to the cave, because once they do, things are going to get messy fast. There are some old characters that I've been wanting to bring back for quite a while -- say, a certain frog and a certain orca -- and I'm not sure how P'oiu's going to deal with more then one girl at once without getting his eggs completely scrambled :P

Maybe all three of them together are enough to break a nut? I find the idea of him voluntarily (if not reluctantly) acquiescing to that kind of treatment pleasing - like Lia said, it'd be fine for him afterward, heh.

05-03-2010, 05:09 PM
Heh, it's possible he could be convinced to let them do it with some appropriate persuasion. He'd probably willingly give his left nut to fuck Lia at this point...the bigger issue is figuring out exactly how to burst one of those scaly spuds. That, and convincing the orca to stop at just one :P

05-04-2010, 02:08 AM
Well he's no good to Lia with no eggs at all - maybe the two more level-headed girls could persuade her to stop at one? Or just boot her out of the place if she can't see reason...

P'oiu's internal monologue would be hilarious while these negotiations are transpiring - I imagine something to the effect of "are they seriously discussing the exact method of destroying a dragon ball? right in front of me? :S"

Anyway, here's to hoping for a happy ending!

05-04-2010, 11:14 AM
When is the Pokemon game going to get updated with more humans?

05-04-2010, 07:33 PM
I've been meaning to make another round of the updates to the Pokemon game, but work's been crazy and I haven't touched it for about a week and a half. I'll try to at least add a few new characters later this week, both Pokemon and humans -- if you've got any specific requests, send me a PM or something and let me know.

Haha, I can't wait to write all of P'oiu's internal monologues -- once he and Lia reach the cave, he's going to have some very interesting decisions to make regarding his future as a male. All three girls have very different ideas about what to do with his gonads, and whether he deserves any relief after everything he's been through. I've still got an intervening chapter to write first, but there may be a crowd vote and/or multiple endings involved :)

05-07-2010, 04:10 PM
Snoodle, I love those stories about Meg that you put up on the EA archive. Can you write some more? Preferably some bulls, dogs, or horses?

05-08-2010, 05:12 AM
Snoodle, I love those stories about Meg that you put up on the EA archive. Can you write some more? Preferably some bulls, dogs, or horses?

I'll see what I can do. ;)

05-08-2010, 07:06 AM
I'll see what I can do. ;)

I, also, will be on the line, waiting for this :)

05-08-2010, 04:52 PM
I, also, will be on the line, waiting for this :)

yes please, me three

05-09-2010, 12:55 AM
yes please, me three

Geez, wow...ok. :Baahaha:

I'll have to get to work on that. :o

05-09-2010, 07:13 PM
Geez, wow...ok. :Baahaha:

I'll have to get to work on that. :o

Haha, no pressure.

05-09-2010, 09:30 PM
Haha, no pressure.
Unless its on a pair of balls.... then... lots of pressure.

05-10-2010, 03:22 PM
Unless its on a pair of balls.... then... lots of pressure.

TONS of pressure :iluvu:

05-15-2010, 08:15 PM
TONS of pressure :iluvu:
KILOTONS of pressure.

05-18-2010, 10:16 PM
This has been bouncing around in my writing folder for quite a while, but never seems to go anywhere, so I figure I might as well post it. It's sort of a spin-off story with the hippo I had in that once chapter of Dragon Slaying. It's definitely rough around the edges, but if you're into ballbusting/popping (which you probably are) then you'll probably enjoy it anyway :)


Hey there! The name's Gracie. You may have seen me hanging about the jungle before -- I'm a pretty avid sun-bather, so you can usually find me lounging on some rock or other, trying to work on my tan. Even if you haven't met me, though, you may have heard of me, as my reputation tends to proceed me, particularly among certain segments of the male population.

Most guys I meet remember me for two reasons. First of all, I'm not ashamed to say that I've got a pretty nice body. Like most hippo girls, I was gifted with some pretty generous assets, particularly in the chest area -- "big and beautiful," as they say. Given that I tend to spend large amounts of time lying around in a bikini, it's safe to say that I turn a fair number of heads.

Of course, that's not the only reason that I'm memorable to your average guy. See, I happen to find a certain part of the male anatomy strangely irresistible -- specifically, the two nuggets that hang between every guy's legs. Aren't they the funniest little things? I've never actually seen one outside a guy's sac, but I always imagine 'em like hard-boiled eggs -- a big, squishy shell surrounding all those little spermies inside. For as long as I can remember, I've been fascinated by balls: the way they dangle in that loose sac, the way they roll around when you weigh them in your hand, and especially the way they flatten when you slam your foot up into a male's crotch.

I don't know when I first figured out that a solid kick in the nads could make any man crumple, but I do know that it's been it's been a staple of my life ever since. It never gets old, sidling up to an unsuspecting guy and thundering a knee up into his spuds, watching the expression on his face as he realizes just how much trouble he's in. It's good stress relief, and it's funny as heck, watching a male curled double around his babymakers, groaning up a storm. My day is always made a little brighter if I can floor a guy or two before the evening -- and it's made even better if I can convince a guy to come home with me for a longer playdate :) It might sound a bit frightening to your average guy, but I promise, it's all in good fun. I just want to bruise your berries up a bit, not break 'em.

Then again, accidents do happen. I usually don't try to pop a guy's nuts, but I'm not the most delicate thing in the world, and sometimes when I'm not paying attention...well, let's just say it doesn't take a lot for a hippo to do some damage. A playful stomp has gotten me into trouble on more than one occasion.

It probably doesn't help that hippo males are built to be pretty durable -- I did plenty of friendly nut-crackin' as a teenager, and it never seemed to cause any harm beyond a few minutes spent in the fetal position and achy balls when I got the guy off later. Heck, by the time I was old enough to be legal that had practically become a tradition: I'd punt some guy in the nads, then give him a blowjob afterwards as an apology. That way he got his kicks and I got mine.

With other species, though, a girl has to be a lot more careful who she busts. After all, all it takes is one well-placed kick to burst a ball or two. It's disappointing, frankly -- makes it a lot more difficult for me to enjoy myself :P I want the guy's nuts to stick around so that I can smash 'em again!

One of my more memorable accidents happened a few years back, when I was just barely an adult -- not yet twenty, I don't think. I'd gone out for a nice afternoon soak in one of the mud baths nearby. It was one of my favorite places to go on a hot summer day -- a secret spot that only me and a few friends knew about, where we'd go to relax and unwind. When I got there on this particular day it was completely deserted, and as a result I decided to turn it into a skinny dip. I took a moment to slip out of the bikini that I'd come in, hanging my top and bottom on a nearby tree branch, then lowered myself into the pool. Lemme tell you, there's little else that can make a hippo gal feel as refreshed as a good, topless soak in the mud. (And it's good for your skin, too!) I must have spent a good hour there, sprawled out, naked as the day I was born, and I probably could have stayed there all afternoon, but eventually I decided it was time to get moving again. I still had to pick some things up on the way home, and besides, I was starting to get a bit hungry. After one last moment to wriggle my toes in the mud, I climbed out.

At this point you may be wondering: how does someone get clean after something like that? Normally that's one of the big hassles about mud baths -- they're wonderful while you're in them, but when you get out, well, you're still covered in mud. Luckily, one of the things that made this particular spot so great was that there was a waterfall just around the corner, where you could go for a quick rinse before heading home -- or before putting your clothes back on, in my case.

So I left my bikini for the time being and took a short walk over to the waterfall. It's another really pretty spot -- there's a gap in the trees, so on a sunny day it looks like something out of a painting. The water's freezing of course, but in a refreshing way. I hopped in and made short work of the mud, taking a minute to wash all my various curves, bending down to get the last of it from between my toes. It's a very freeing feeling, being naked in nature -- or at least it was, until I heard a branch snap loudly behind me.

I turned and looked suspiciously, my hands instinctively moving to cover myself. What was that? I thought I heard another rustle, so I took a step closer, peering into the bushes, but I still couldn't see anything. I looked for another moment before giving up and returning to my shower, but even then, I couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling that I was being watched. I could just feel eyes roaming across my body, and the sensation was not a nice one.

Quickly I finished washing and started to walk back, hoping to get back in my clothes and get out of there as soon as possible. I turned the corner on the path that led towards the mud bath and was relieved to see that my bikini was still there -- at least it hadn't been stolen. The last thing I needed was for my mystery ogler to leave me stranded without a scrap of clothing.

But then there was another twig snap -- quieter than the first one, but much clearer, now that I was listening for it. Heck, it sounded like it was only a few yards behind me, back where I had turned off of the path. I shivered to think that someone might be watching me from that close, but if there was someone there, there was nothing to do but confront him or her. Leaving my clothes for the moment, I turned around and took a few more steps back toward the path, glancing around the corner, and--

--and walked smack-dab into whoever had been watching me. He was a wolf, apparently -- a gray-furred kid, who looked to be a couple years younger than me. At the moment his muzzle was smooshed up quite conveniently against my bare chest, his eyes crossed at the faceful of tits in front of him. His torso was pressed up against mine as well, including something…stiff…pressing up against my upper thigh.

I have to say, even though I'd suspected there was a peeping tom around, it was a little jarring to actually run into the perv -- and it certainly didn't help that I was still in the nude, with his erection jabbing into my leg. So of course, I did the first thing any girl oughta do in those circumstances: I brought my knee up as fast and as hard as I possibly could.

The face that had been gazing dreamily up at me from between my breasts instantly contorted in pain, the wolf's eyes widening in shock. With a high-pitched squeak he fell to the ground, his paws flying to his crotch as he crumpled into a twitching pile -- though not before I managed to lodge my toes in his ballsac a second time, my foot colliding with his groin with a solid thump. The wolf let out a guttural groan, rolling over onto his side as he clutched his aching pair.

With a bit of distance between us I managed to get a better look at the male. As I'd suspected, he looked to be a year or two younger than me -- not quite an adult, but definitely past puberty. In fact, his cock was currently poking out from between his legs, still hard despite the recent testicular trauma. He didn't look half-bad, actually -- under different circumstances, I might have considered fooling around with him a bit, one-on-one.

Apparently he wasn't my only visitor, though. Suddenly there came a loud rustling from the bushes on my right, and I turned in time to see a second mystery intruder step out into the open. I expected another wolf, but to my surprise out came a chestnut-colored stallion, a good half-head taller than me. If the wolf had been cautious about being discovered, this guy seemed almost eager to be seen. And with good reason -- the length jutting out from his groin was no small piece of meat, even for a horse. His size even extended below, to the heavy colt-makers that dangled pendulously between his legs,. They were one of the biggest pairs I'd ever seen, and I'd seen (and felt) quite a few pairs in my time.

I'd been put in a momentary trance by the sight of the horse's massive junk, but that was soon interrupted by his angry outburst. "Hey, you can't do that!" the stallion exclaimed angrily, walking towards me and the fallen wolf. "What the fuck did you do to my buddy?"

I glanced down at the furry form crumpled at my feet. "What's it look like? If you ask me, you and your 'buddy' here deserve a lot worse than that for peeping on a lady without her knowledge."

The stallion snorted aggressively, stepping closer to me. "Boohoo. It's your own fault for tromping around naked. Now get the hell out of here and leave us alone, or I'll give you something real to cry about."

Heh…even with his friend groaning on the ground in front of him, he seemed blissfully unaware of what he was getting in to. My gaze flicked down to his groin again, those swollen balls hanging loose in his sac. I smirked. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do, big boy -- hurt me?"

He took another step closer, nostrils flaring in anger. "You bet I am, you big-titted bi--oogh!"

I paused, my toes still embedded in the young stallion's crotch. "Now now, that's no way to speak to a lady -- especially one you've just been ogling." I lowered my leg, letting his bulging nutsac fall back into place. "Now come on, apologize."

The male quivered in place, his face turning red as he fought to stay standing. "Ohh, you…you fucking cunt…"

I frowned. "That's not much of an apology. Besides, I expect you to kneel while you're asking for forgiveness." With that I snapped my leg forward, smashing my foot up into his plums once more.

The stallion let out an agonized whinny and fell, joining his friend on the ground. "Anngh! Oh fuck, my fucking nuts--"

"Oh dear, did I do that?" I grinned, dropping down to my knees beside the wolf I'd floored earlier. "Well, let me make sure I didn't break anything."

"Unngh," moaned the wolf, fighting to keep his legs clamped shut and his paws over his balls, but it was simple work to pull his knees apart and yank his hands away. Gleefully I grabbed hold of his fuzzy nutsac, earning another moan from the male as I trapped his gonads in my fist. Now, maybe it's 'cause I was used to handling big, plump hippo sacs, but this kid's stones just seemed puny, especially in comparison to his well-hung friend. Still, they certainly seemed to hurt him plenty as I gave 'em a few friendly squeezes, watching his whole body writhe in response.

"Man, these things are like raisins," I chuckled. "Are you sure you've gone through puberty yet?"

"Let go, please," he whimpered. "It hurts!"

"Well yeah, it's supposed to." I isolated his left nut between my fingers. "I want this to leave an impression. If you want to see a girl naked, then go find yourself a girlfriend -- don't go spying on people. Understood?" I gave his spud a good strong squeeze to show him who was boss."

"Oh gawd!--" he moaned, his body spasming weakly on the ground.

"Understood?" I repeated, turning up the pressure another notch. The teenage wolf squealed in response, and I grinned down at him confidently, until suddenly…


The male let out a shrill squeak, his legs twitching frantically for a moment before he went slack and just started mewling. I blinked once or twice, surprised at the strength of his reaction, before realizing that the rubbery little sphere I'd just been playing with was suddenly a lot less…spherical. At first I assumed it had just squirted out from between my fingers, but as I probed my victim's package, I was hard-pressed to find more than one swollen nut. That didn't seem to be the only thing sloshing around in there, though…there was also something a lot like jelly. Last time I'd felt something like that was when I'd accidentally neutered that gator a few months ago.

"Did I just…?" I murmured.

"My nut!" croaked the wolf, finally regaining his voice. "Oh my god, what did you do to my nut?!"

"Uh…heh heh." I grinned sheepishly. "Sorry about that -- hippo guys can usually take a lot more pressure than that. But I guess that's why you have two, right?"

The wolf locked eyes with me for just a moment before his whole body went limp, his nervous system finally succumbing to the flood of pain signals from his groin. "Heh," I chuckled, looking down at the *********** wolf. "Whoops."

In all the excitement, I'd almost forgotten about my other victim, apparently he had been paying attention. "Holy shit!" shrieked the stallion. "What did you do to him!"

I looked back over my shoulder at the horse still doubled over on the ground. "Oh calm down, it was an honest mistake. Besides, it's not like he didn't deserve it."

"What do you mean?!? He didn't deserve that!" The male glared daggers at me. "All we wanted was a good look at your tits, you stupid bitch -- you didn't have to fucking ******** him."

"I didn't ******** him," I replied indignantly, "he's still got one left. Besides, I was just teaching him some manners. It sounds like you could use a lesson, too."

I could see the fear in his eyes as I began climbing back to my feet. "W-what are you doing?" he stuttered, trying weakly to scuttle away from me, but his legs still refused to support his weight after his earlier nut-cracking."

"Well, your friend here was definitely the more polite of you two, so I think it's only fair that you get just as rough a punishment as he did. It's only fair." I grinned down at him. "Don't worry, I'll leave you one."

His eyes grew wider with panic. "No, please -- you can't do that! I need them both! I-I'm a stud horse!"

I grinned. "Not anymore, you're not."

He tried to squirm away, but it was easy enough to just grab him by the ankles and spread his legs wide. I gave him a quick snap kick to knock his hands away from his groin, then brought down all my weight in a solid stomp between the legs. The stallion let out something between a frantic whinny and a squawk, his legs kicking reflexively as his foal-makers were flattened into the hard earth. Still, the rubbery orbs held firm, squirming between my toes in an attempt to escape.

"My balls!" he keened, his arms wrapped around my calf in an effort to pull my leg away. "Oh god, I'm sorry, not my--"

"Should've thought of that earlier," I grumbled, raising my foot again and slamming my weight back down on his fragile nut. This time was more effective -- we both heard the 'pop' as his left ball burst, the spunk-filled orb squashed beyond its limits. He let out a long, high wail of pain, and I paused for a moment to grin down at the half-male, enjoying the feel of his former testicle sloshing between my toes--

--but apparently I had underestimated my strength again, as almost immediately afterward there came a second, even louder 'pop', the stallion's hips spasming in place as suddenly my foot came to rest on solid ground. The male had time to give off one more high-pitched whinny before his eyes rolled back into his head, his body going limp on the ground.

"Dammit, that's my second mistake in five minutes." I lifted my foot, flexing my toes. "Apparently I need more practice with balls that don't belong to hippos. Sorry about that."

But the former stallion was well beyond hearing, sprawled out dumbly on the ground. And with what looked like a rope of spunk splashed across his stomach, too. Maybe he'd cum just as I'd popped him? But no, that didn't make much sense…I shrugged. I guess it was from earlier, when he'd been peeping from the bushes -- I must not have noticed when I'd started racking him. Either that, or the little perv had enjoyed me grinding his nuts into goo.

Anyway, now I was running late -- I might as well get going. I gave one more glance down at the pair of *********** males, appraising my work for a moment before turning to retrieve my clothes. Three out of four wasn't bad.

05-19-2010, 08:04 AM
Now you've got me imagining the size of hippo-nuts. :iluvu:

05-19-2010, 01:35 PM
Poor Wolfy,*wishes his balls were bigger* but it was a good side story right on ^^

05-20-2010, 06:38 AM

As always. And -man- I love the hippo gal!!

05-29-2010, 06:35 AM
Mmm always love these kinds of stories, and the pics are just as yummy <3 need to start getting harder balls irl, pretty sensitive heh X3 anyone wanna help? ;3

06-02-2010, 09:38 AM
Turtle Bites Dogs Nuts


06-02-2010, 12:31 PM
*teardrop* Piou, that was beautiful!

I feel sorry for the poor wolf and his tiny balls, though :D.

I'd love to have that much variety in my busting.

I'm in the middle of downloading this movie, "Pom Poko - The Raccoon War" ... It's a cartoon about these strange Japanese animals that have MASSIVE balls... So I can think about busting them as I watch :iluvu::iluvu:


06-04-2010, 07:58 PM
More stories! I wasn't expecting to finish this for another week or so, but sometimes you're just on a roll :)

P'oiu's ordeal is finally drawing to a close. This chapter is exciting for all the usual reasons -- some teasing, some busting, a dragon with very achy nuts -- but it's also exciting because there's some AUDIENCE VOTING involved! P'oiu has to make a choice at the end of the chapter, and I honestly haven't decided what choice he'll make. That's where you come in! Leave a comment or send me a PM to vote on what should happen. I'll tabulate the results and post the final chapter sometime within the next month or two.

In the meanwhile, enjoy!

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead."

I groaned to myself, squinting my eyes against the morning sun. My head throbbed. Where was I? And why did my whole body feel like it had been run under a steamroller?

"Seriously, P'oiu, wake up. I'm not kidding." The feminine voice sounded a bit impatient. "Don't make me do something you're gonna regret."

"Mmrgh?" I mumbled, tempted to ignore whoever it was and just go back to sleep -- until I felt a light weight come to rest between my legs. Suddenly the previous day's events came rushing back: the whirlwind of pleasure and pain, the lingering ache in my groin, and the dragoness that was responsible for it all. My eyes shot open only to find my torturess standing above me, her hands planted on her hips.

Lia smiled down at me warmly, her foot placed carefully atop my aching plums. "That's more like it. You awake now?"

"Y-yes," I stuttered. Despite the danger of the situation, I found my gaze torn between her generous rack and her sculpted, deadly legs. Stupid libido. Was it even possible to look at her without being turned on?

If she noticed my ogling, though, she didn't show it. "You remember what we talked about last night, yes?"


"And you're going to listen to me this time."

A shiver of fear went up my spine as she drummed her toes on my ballsac, poised to crush my scaly spunk-makers at a moment's notice. "O-of course. I'll listen."

"Good." Lia lifted her foot away, grinning down at me. "Because I'd love to make some good progress today, and that'd be hard to do if I had to spend all morning stomping on your spuds. As much fun as that might be."

I winced, a hand moving to protect my groin just in case the female changed her mind. "Y-yeah, I just want to get home. The sooner the better."

"Sounds good to me." The dragoness stepped over to her pack, bending down to rifle through it. "I'll get a meal ready -- there's a stream about a hundred yards to the south, if you want to go wash up. Which you probably should, since you're still covered in your own spunk."

It took a moment to process her words -- I was a bit preoccupied staring at the round, ruby-colored ass that Lia was currently presenting to me. "Uh…right." I glanced down at my chest, where the remnants of last night's activities were still covering my stomach, and where my cock was already starting to twitch back to life. "I'll…go do that."

Lia watched me as I climbed cautiously to my feet, taking a quick moment to fondle my battered equipment before turning and tromping off into the forest. "Remember," she called after me, "no jerking off! Unless you want scrambled dragon's eggs to go along with your breakfast."

I shuddered, cupping the swollen spheres in my claws in an attempt to soothe the phantom ache in my groin. "No thank you," I mumbled, trying not to imagine how the dragoness would go about turning my eggs into omelettes if she caught me again.


From there, the journey home was pretty uneventful. It was more of the same for both of us: Lia leading the way, making the occasional observation or flirtatious comment, and myself following behind, trying not to spend all my time dwelling on the female's perfect posterior. I have to admit, it was a good bit easier now that I'd released some of the tension that had been building up in my system. Then again, Lia was certainly doing her best to drive my arousal back up -- the swing of her hips seemed even more pronounced than before, and I still found myself unable to tear my eyes away from all of her smoothly sloping curves. The ache in my groin wasn't quite as agonizing as it had been before, but it was safe to say I still had a pretty powerful case of blue balls.

Luckily for me (and for my battered baby-makers), I was able to contain myself without too much difficulty. Sure, I had a pretty much constant hard-on, and I regularly found my thoughts drifting to sex-starved fantasies -- most of them involving a very horny Lia -- but I knew better than to give in to my urges, especially since we would soon be arriving at my cave. I contented myself with the knowledge that once I got home, I could spend all day just lying around and jerking off, releasing all the pent-up dragonspunk that had been accumulating in my gonads over the past week. I grinned at the thought. Finally, a chance to unwind and blow a load without worrying about my favorite dragoness trying to grind my nuts into peanut butter.

Then again, home had its dangers, too. My ordeal with Lia over the past week had been exhausting, sure, but that didn't mean I'd forgotten the threat I'd left behind: the orca who had attacked me and started this whole ball-busting mess. The warning she'd left scrawled on my wall was what had ****** me to leave my cave in the first place, worried that she would come back and try to finish the job before my mangled marbles had the time to recover. I had no idea where she was now, but unless she'd had a change of heart, there was still an orca chick out there who was hell-bent on popping my plums, whether they were indestructible or not.

And then there was Opal -- the friendly frog who had been visiting me regularly for about a year. She was a potion-maker and quite an attractive little nymph, who would stop by any time she needed a male dragon's special "ingredient" to complete one of her various elixirs. Generally it was more than a pleasure to see her, for obvious reasons, but on her most recent visit she'd been so "enthusiastic" in her collection that she'd accidentally pounded my dragonmakers just about flat. Of course, she'd also made me cum like a geyser, so I suppose she was still pretty okay in my book. She usually stopped by the cave once every week or two to gather more dragonseed for her potion-making, so it was possible that she might be waiting at the cave as well.

Of course, ideally there would be no one there at all. All I really wanted was to be left alone for a while, to spend some time on my own while my swollen sac returned to its normal size, but I doubted it was going to be that simple.

I managed to survive the day without Lia bruising up my basket any more than she already had, and by the time we stopped for the evening, I could actually recognize the area we were in. It was a huge relief to know that I was so close to home -- especially since it meant that my long ordeal with Lia was almost over. I was tempted to tell her that she could leave right now, since I could make it the rest of the way by myself, but something told me she wouldn't respond well to that kind of request, and I really didn't want to risk another evening curled up in the fetal position, or another night getting my nuts kneed into my throat. Besides, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy staring at her body all day. Those luscious tits, an ass you could bounce a quarter off of…she could stay as long as she liked, I decided, as long as she kept her word and let me blow my load as soon as we got back to my cave.

The next morning, Lia and I woke up bright and early (this time without Lia threatening my manhood), and the two of us set off on the last leg of our journey. We were only a couple hours away from my cave, so this time I allowed myself to gawk at my partner's backside a bit more openly than usual. Sure, there was always a chance that she'd flick her tail up between my legs and give me a warning smack, but I could deal with that now that my destination was just a few miles ahead. Besides, we dragons were so rare -- when was the next time I was going to see a dragoness at all, let alone one so drop-dead gorgeous? I wanted the image of her rumpcheeks burned into the back of my brain.

Eventually we got close enough that I had to take the lead, guiding the two of us along the last few trails that led to my cave. I tried to make some smalltalk as we approached my home, but my mouth was pretty much on autopilot -- my brain was already occupied with other, dirtier thoughts. With relief so close, my cock was almost painfully hard, and my balls were already churning in anticipation. I just needed to get back into my bedroom, lie back, and let myself cover the ceiling in dragonspunk.

And then -- finally! My heart leapt (as did a much stiffer part of my body) as the entrance to my cave came into view. Oh, home sweet home. I couldn't imagine any place I'd rather be. I was about ready to burst into song as we stepped into the mouth of the cave and on into the entrance room, all my worries forgotten as I thought about spending the next few hours alone with a box of tissues…

But I wasn't alone just yet. "So this is the place, huh?" Lia asked, stopping and folding her arms across her chest as we entered the main chamber. "Not bad. Though I pictured it a little…bigger, I guess."

I glanced around the room, relieved at the sight of the familiar furnishings after the week I'd spent away. "Well, I like to keep things simple, y'know? Besides, it's more than enough space for a guy living alone."

The dragoness nodded. "Yeah, I know what you mean. My place always feels really empty without another dragon around. Kinda lonely. I really don't get much company..."

There was a hint of…something in the female's voice, but in my current state, with my length begging for attention, I was a little too distracted to dwell on it. "Listen, uh, Lia…" I turned to look at the female, and, uh…buh…

The female frowned. "What is it, P'oiu?"

My cock gave off a throb as I gawked at her chest for the umpteenth time, but eventually I managed to tear my gaze from that gorgeous pair of dragontits and look her in the eye. "Um…oh, right." I shook my head, gathering my thoughts once more. "Listen, feel free to make yourself comfortable and to stay as long as you'd like, but you'll have to excuse me for a little while. I've got some, uh…some rather urgent business to--"

"P'oiu?" interrupted a new voice. "Is that you?"

I started a bit at the unexpected interruption, a quick thrill of fear going down my spine at the thought of yet another unwanted female visitor…but I recognized that voice, and it wasn't one to be afraid of. I turned toward the source of the sound, my eyes scanning the room for a moment before settling on the short green amphibian standing in the doorway to the kitchen, her body wrapped in a familiar red sari.

"Opal!" I exclaimed.

The female smiled widely, stepping forward into the room. "There you are, you silly dragon! Where on earth have you been? I've been trying to find you for a couple days now -- I was beginning to wonder if you had disappeared entirely or if…uh…" The frog stopped mid-sentence, her eyes widening.

For a moment I wondered what was wrong -- and then I realized I hadn't introduced the dragoness standing right next to me. "Oh, I'm sorry," I apologized, shaking my head. "I should introduce you two. Opal, this is Lia. She's a, uh…she's a friend."

"Pleasure to meet you," said Lia with a grin.

Opal still seemed dazed. "N-Nice to meet you too, but that's not what I'm--…I mean--…" The little female blushed, shaking her head. "Excuse me for asking, but my god, P'oiu, what happened to your balls? They're huge!"

"Huh? Oh." I glanced down at my scaly sac and its two rather large occupants. Between the many rounds of ballbusting I'd suffered and the many days of blue balls I'd endured, I guess I'd gotten used to my testicles being about twice their original size. "Oh, yeah. It's been, uh…it's been an interesting week."

Opal hardly seemed to be listening, though. Instead she stepped up between my legs, choosing to examine the battered orbs herself. She seemed to be in disbelief as she lifted one of my nuts in her hands -- which was understandable, given that my gonad was now a good bit larger than the little frog's head. "I…I've honestly never seen a pair so swollen. Who did this to you? It can't have been that orca..."

I shook my head, shivering at that painful memory. "No, I haven't run into her again. This is mostly her fault," I said, pointing a thumb back towards Lia.

"Yeah, about that…" The dragoness scratched her neck, looking a bit sheepish. "I may have kneed him a few…dozen times. Trust me, though, it wasn't anything he didn't deserve."

"Good god, P'oiu." Opal frowned, still running her hands over the surface of my massively swollen package. "I know you're good at making enemies, but I thought you were smart enough to stay away from the big girls, at least. It's a wonder she didn't rupture anything -- I'm surprised you've got anything left at all."

Lia laughed at that. "Don't be too surprised," she said, some obvious enjoyment in her voice. "They're rugged little nuggets -- they can take a whole lot of abuse before they break. And believe me, I've tried."

I groaned quietly to myself, trying to shut out the mental image of the dragoness stomping my balls into the dirt. It wasn't as if I had asked anyone to try grinding my gonads into paste, but females just kept inviting themselves to have a go…

"They're fucking heavy, too," Opal commented, still examining my aching plums. "Not just swollen, but full. If I didn't know better, P'oiu, I'd say you hadn't cum for weeks."

"Yeah, about that." I let out a tense breath. "See, I'd really love to catch up, Opal, but right now I've got the worst case of blue balls a dragon has ever had, so first I need a good hour alone in my bedroom to blow off some steam. Alright?"

I expected a quick confirmation from the spunk-loving frog, but instead the female's face fell. "Uh -- I really don't think that's a good idea right now," she replied, biting her lip. "There's something I need to talk to you about--"

"Yes, later," I interrupted. "But right now I need to jerk off. I'll be back soon -- why don't you two get to know each other?" And with that I turned on my heel, starting a brisk walk towards the hallway, towards my bedroom, towards some damn release…

"But P'oiu--!"

"Not now, Opal! You're welcome to come help if you want, but I need to cum right now, and nobody's stopping me."

"Wait!" she shouted after me. "I need to talk to you before you go in there!"

But I was already there: my room just steps away, my length already throbbing in anticipation. Gleefully I turned the corner, stepping through the doorway, ready to plop down on the side of my bed and start stroking--

--but there was already something in my bed. Something smooth and shapely, a slick black body punctuated by patches of white. Not just something, I realized, but someone. With a growing sense of dread I watched the shape yawn and stretch, uncurling from its sleeping position to reveal an aquatic female form -- one I remembered all too well.

The female blinked once or twice before breaking into a wide grin. "Well hey," said the orca. "If it isn't just who I wanted to see."

I tried to say something -- to call for help, or maybe beg for mercy -- but I was too terrified to form the words. Instead my mouth just opened and closed silently for a moment, like a fish gasping for air. All I could think of was the last time I'd seen the female, standing above me, raining down stomp after stomp on my poor plums, determined to reduce them to paste. Suddenly blue balls seemed like the least of my worries.

I tried to back away, but stumbled and fell flat on my ass. Still I tried to scuttle further away, pushing myself backwards on shaking arms and legs, but almost immediately I bumped into something that stopped my progress.

"P'oiu?" asked Lia, looking down at me as I tried to squirm between her legs and back into the hall.

"P'oiu?" rang out Opal's voice from further down the hallway.

I was trapped -- and I could feel the room starting to go dark around me. Without any other options, I curled up on the floor, wrapping my claws tightly around my dragonmakers in order to protect them from any more abuse. As consciousness slipped away from me, I just prayed that my testicles would still be there when I woke up...


"So let me make sure I've got this all straight. You want to pop both of them, because he needs to be punished for what he's done to your village."


"And you don't want to pop either of them, because you need his spunk for your potions."


"And meanwhile, I want to pop just one, so that we can be mates." A sigh. "Man. Normally I'd suggest some sort of compromise, but it sounds like that's not really gonna work here."

"Yeah…and that's assuming we can pop them at all. If a dragoness like you can't crush one of his balls, I'm not sure how someone like me could do much better…"

I groaned quietly as the room began to come back into focus. The last thing I remembered was walking into my room and finding…finding something surprising. Now I was lying down, apparently. The voices around me sounded familiar...

"Well, to be fair, I didn't try much besides stomping, and if there's one thing balls are good at, it's slipping out of the way of a female's foot. I'll bet if you really trapped one, you could get it to burst. I'd love to get one right between my claws and just squeeze…"

Yeah, I definitely knew those voices -- and even if I was woozy, I definitely knew what they were talking about. Weakly I raised my head, looking towards the source of the sound.

Standing at my feet -- or more accurately, between my legs -- were Lia, Opal, and that damn orca, the three females who had probably done the most to tease me, torture me, and break my balls over the past week or two. Opal, always the modest one, was wearing her usual attire, but apparently Lia and the orca had both opted for the nude. It would have been quite the sight, if my dragonhood wasn't in danger…but from the sound of things, I suspected they weren't done abusing me just yet.

That suspicion was confirmed when I looked down at my own body. Apparently I was lying flat on my back -- not in my bedroom anymore, but in the main chamber, the same place where Opal had had her way with me several weeks ago. And just like that time several weeks ago, my wrists and ankles had been chained and pulled away from my body, and my tail bound to one side such that my heavy sac now rested on the hard stone floor.

I trembled at the thought: myself, tied-up and spread-eagle, and three ballbusting females, all willing and able to pulverize my plums. I had to convince them to untie me, or I knew my marbles were as good as mush. Cautiously I cleared my throat, the trio turning to look at me as I began to speak. "Um…could someone please take these chains off of me? I don't--"

"Be quiet while the ladies are talking," Lia interrupted, a bit of an edge to her voice.

I opened my mouth to reply, but before I could say anything, the dragoness repositioned her foot between my legs, catching my left nut squarely beneath her heel. I exhaled with a groan as my gonad flattened slightly beneath the female's weight, my scaly spud throbbing in protest as it began to lose its oval shape.

This was definitely not what I wanted. "Fine, fine," I coughed. "I'll be quiet, just don't step on--"

"We said we're talking," Opal repeated more forcefully, shooting me a warning glance.

And just like that, the frog planted her foot on top of my right nut. Even if Opal was a lot smaller, it was still less than pleasant to have half her weight pressing down on one of my jewels. I let out another agonized groan as the nausea clawed its way through my stomach, my head rolling backwards to lie flat against the ground. God, why couldn't they just leave my fucking balls alone--

"--Anyway," the orca continued, "I hear what you're both saying, but I still think the best option is to burst 'em both. Opal, I know you need his spunk for your potions, but if Lia's telling the truth than I'd be surprised if he's not shooting blanks already. And Lia, if you want to crush one of his nuts for your mating ceremony, you can still do that -- I'll just pop the other one afterwards."

"No, no, that won't work at all!" said Lia, frowning. "He's hardly any use to me if you pop both of them. What am I supposed to do with a dragon who has no balls?"

"Yes, please," said Opal, nodding her agreement. "We've got to leave him at least one -- I know he's been bashed up a bit, but the dragonseed I gathered from him last time was still Grade A stuff, and that was after you tried to stomp his nuts into peanut butter. Otherwise I'll have to start importing dragon spunk from the Northern Reaches, and that stuff costs a fortune. And it's lower quality. No offense," she finished, glancing up at Lia.

"Oh, none taken," the dragoness replied. "I'm surprised our guys have any functioning sperm left at all, given how much we abuse 'em." She sighed. "It's just so hard to resist squashing those big scaly eggs. I remember this one male who had the nicest pair -- I used to squeeze his nuts so hard that--"

The orca cleared her throat, mercifully interrupting Lia before she could get any more graphic in her reminiscing. "Well, look at things from my perspective. I've got a whole village full of people who are demanding some sort of justice -- in fact, most of the town would rather kill him, but I convinced the council that if I ********* him that would be punishment enough. If I can't do what I came here to do, then they're probably just going to come up with something even more painful."

"Couldn't I just promise not to bother you anymore?" I asked cautiously -- earning another warning stomp from Lia and Opal.

"We told you, we're talking," said Lia, not even bothering to look down at me.

I let out another moan, my freshly-flattened jewels sending a sharp wave of nausea through my gut. "B-…but that's not fair!" I protested. "Don't I get any say?"

Lia huffed. "Really, P'oiu, I don't think that's--"

"No, no, let him speak," interrupted the orca. "This affects him as much as it affects any of us."

No, really? I wanted to say, but I bit my tongue rather than risking more abuse to my already aching sac. "Ugh…thank you, uh…orca-lady."

"Kayla." The orca cracked a smile. "The name's Kayla."

"Kayla, right." I exhaled, trying to gather my thoughts…but finding it hard to focus with the weight still squashing my nutsac. "Well…first let me say, I'd really appreciate it if you'd step off of my balls for a moment. Please?"

Opal did as I asked, lifting her foot and setting it back down on the stone floor. Lia frowned, but quickly followed suit, taking her foot away and letting my squashed jewel reinflate to its usual round shape.

I let out a sigh of relief as the agony in my abdomen faded to a dull throb. "Thank you. Now if you don't mind me asking -- how long have I been out for?"

"Only half-an-hour or so," answered Opal. "We were going to let you wake up before we did anything permanent, so we were just talking."

"Ah." I winced. "And you were discussing…what to do with me, right?"

Kayla nodded.

"Okay. Well, um…here's the thing. I understand that you all want to…do things to me, but what I'd really like right now is just to be left alone. I've been beaten up pretty much non-stop ever since I met you, Kayla, and all three of you have had a turn making me miserable, so now I really just want some time on my own to recover. Alright?"

"…but we all know that's not going to happen," said Opal. "I mean, we've got you chained up on the floor -- I guarantee you at least one of us is going to get our way before we let you loose."

I groaned. "I'm aware of that, but please, can't you respect a dragon in his own house? I mean, do you even hear yourselves talking? You're talking about…popping my testicles as if I were some kind of toy or something. You can't just go about flattening a guy's gonads without asking permission first."

"Oh can't we?" asked Lia mischievously, drumming her toes against the stone floor.

I swallowed nervously, the female's foot still just a few inches from my scaly nuts. I was well-aware that she could probably just stomp my spuds into pancakes even if I tried to stop her, but I had to stand my ground. "No, you can't," I answered, doing my best to hide the uncertainty in my voice. "They're my balls, goddamnit, and you've all had a turn thrashing them flat. This time, I think I should get to decide what you can and can't do, alright?"

"Fine then." The orca looked down at me. "You decide."

Oh thank god. I hadn't expected the orca to be the most rational female of the three, but apparently she was my savior for today. "Well, great then! You can start by untying me--"

Kayla shook her head. "No, no, silly dragon -- I don't mean you can decide on your own. I mean you can decide between us."

I blinked. "Uh…what?"

"You know what each of us wants to do to you, right?" The orca took a few steps forward, prodding at my ballsac with her bare foot. "Well, you decide who gets their way. I think that seems fair. You'd be fine with that, right girls?"

"Uh…I suppose that works," said Lia. "Sure."

Opal nodded. "I don't see why not."

I was still less than comfortable with that idea. "So…I have to choose between you three?"

"Yep," said Kayla, still toying with my nutsac. She pinned my left nut underfoot for a moment, squashing it briefly and sending a quick jolt of pain up my spine. "Just pick any one of us, and that girl gets to do whatever she wants. Me, Opal, or Lia."

"Uh…can I choose 'none of the above'?" I asked hesitantly.

All three of the females turned to scowl down at me.

"Sure," said Lia sarcastically, "if you don't mind being tied down with your legs spread while we all use your ballbag as a hackysack, then be my guest."

I winced, my stomach turning at just the thought. "No, that's okay, I'll pass. In that case…um…uh..."

"Need some time to think?" asked Opal.

What I really needed was a chance to escape…but that didn't seem likely at this point. "Yeah," I answered, hesitant. "It's just, uh…kind of a big decision."

"Well, take your time," said Lia, grinning down at me. "It's not like we're going anywhere."

And neither was I, not while my body was chained to the floor. As much as I hated to admit it, it looked like I really didn't have a way out of this one. I gave a worried glance down at the two swollen orbs between my legs, wondering how I could get out of this mess with my tackle intact. Maybe it was best just to make a choice and pray for the best.

Of course, there was one choice that probably would get me out of here in one piece: Opal. After all, all she really wanted to do was drain my balls, and that was something I was planning to do anyway -- hell, I'd gladly welcome a bit of help. She might be too small to actually fuck, but she certainly was a nice piece of eye candy, and she could still find some clever ways to put her body to use. Knowing Opal, she'd get a little overenthusiastic and thump up my nuts a bit in the process, but I doubted the little frog could pop one even if she tried.

On the downside, though, if I picked Opal I'd end up with two other pissed-off females in the room, both of whom were eager to burst my berries. For all I knew, they'd just push the frog aside and do whatever they wanted. I shuddered to think what the two could accomplish by working together…

But what if I picked Lia? Yes, she'd put me through absolute hell over the past week: pounding my balls flat on several occasions, then teasing me until they were just about ready to burst. Yes, she had put me through some of the worst agony in my life, and still wanted to pop one of my plums. Yes, she was definitely a bit of a bitch. On the other hand, she was also just about the sexiest thing I had ever laid eyes on -- and the only dragoness I'd come across in quite some time. There was nothing in the world I would rather do than fuck her brains out…and if we were mates, I could tap that ass over and over, until my balls were sore for an entirely different reason. Just the thought made my member twitch.

First, though, I'd have to let her carry out her barbaric little nut-popping ceremony. Of course, she'd tried that before, and we'd both come to the conclusion that it was impossible: my testicles were as indestructible as the rest of my body. So either she would find some new way to crush my dragonmakers -- which would be agonizing -- or she would just spend hours trying -- which would be agonizing. If she failed, she probably wouldn't even let me fuck her…I'd just be left in the fetal position, clutching my poor plums while she taunted me with that sexy body.

And then there was Kayla. My instinct was to stay as far away from the orca as possible…but maybe that was an overreaction. Sure, she scared the bejeezus out of me, and I remembered all-too-clearly the terrible things she'd done to my jewels when we'd first met, but right now, she seemed like the most rational female in the room. Maybe if I picked her, I could get her to listen to reason and let me go. We could find some other punishment for the things I'd done, something that didn't involve pummeling my jewels into jelly. And hell, even if I couldn't change her mind, how exactly was she going to pop my nuts? She was half the size of Lia -- if Lia couldn't scramble my eggs, then how could she? Maybe she could use that thick tail of hers…or that round ass…or those nice firm tits…

I shook my head, ******* my gaze away from the orca's bare breasts. It was far too easy to be distracted with so many shapely female bodies in the room. Even Opal, with her sari wrapped around her, was enough to make my heart race. I could still remember how she looked with that sari tossed aside, a playful smile on her lips, bending over to show off her every curve…

"Done thinking yet?" asked Lia, interrupting my daydream.

I let out a quiet groan, my member throbbing with need even as I considered the destruction of my spunk-makers. "Are…are you sure you wouldn't rather have an orgy instead?"

Kayla chuckled. "I think I'd rather have an answer."

I glanced between the trio of females one more time. "Ugh…alright, then." It was such a difficult decision, when all I really wanted was to be left alone…but I knew my answer. I took a deep breath, trying to steel my nerves for whatever came next. Regardless of who I chose, something told me this was going to get messy.

"I pick…"

So who's it gonna be: Opal (http://i45.tinypic.com/mmfu2v.jpg), Lia (http://i46.tinypic.com/2qntw0y.jpg), or Kayla (http://i46.tinypic.com/2l6j3m.gif)? Lemme know what you think :)

06-05-2010, 12:47 AM
It's a real hard pick. I. Wanna see him escape with his testicals but at the same time I know it can't end that way. Lia would destroy one of his balls but at least he would get to mate with her for the rest of his dragon life. And concidering his other options and what the other females will do to him Lia may be the best possible choice. Lia that is my vote.

06-05-2010, 04:02 AM
I vote for Opal. Logically, he's going to do everything he can to keep himself as "intact" as possible, and she's promising not only getting to keep both his eggs but a life of frequent releases, as well. Given his circumstances, that's got to be an amazing offer.

That said, in my opinion if she saves his balls, particularly from Kayla, they're going to belong to her, and give my proclivities I'm highly interested in what steps she's going to take to secure her property. :Baahaha:

06-05-2010, 10:12 PM
I'll see what I can do. ;)

Snoodle! You wrote a story? Where can I see it? :jumpsmile

06-06-2010, 04:15 AM
Wish to read all the 3 finals...but if i have to vote i say Opal!
Fantastic story!

06-06-2010, 09:03 AM
Got to be Lia really. (As long as she lets Opal milk them every so often...)

Whether she is actually able to crush one is another matter... (And how long she tries before accepting she can't)

06-06-2010, 12:39 PM
Snoodle! You wrote a story? Where can I see it? :jumpsmile

Eunuch archive.

Also, KAYLA! :D