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Mythical Pain
07-20-2013, 06:59 PM
Seriously tempted to write up a little woman on dragon ballbusting quickie. Or woman on gnoll and minotaur. But mostly leaning towards the dragon. Yet can't decide which of my many ideas for such a subject to go with, lol.

Mythical Pain
07-20-2013, 07:32 PM
Some of the woman ballbusting a dragon ideas in question:

Sorceress punishing her dragon minion.

Dragon playfully...or not so playfully...harrassing a girl in the forest.

Farm woman defending her meager farm/livestock from the local dragon.

Dragonslayer woman hunting the dragon.

Dragonslayer/monster hunter type woman who shows up in place of the dragon's usual tribute.

Village girl finding the local dragon all bound up via unknown magical trap.

All would be fun ideas, I think.

07-21-2013, 08:00 PM
Tsk, honestly MP, you make them all sound like rather appealing scenarios.

If I had to choose, though, I think I'd vote for the farm girl defending against a dragon. Or maybe the Dragon harassing a girl in the woods. I'm always a fan of 'the sudden reversal', and all that.

Mythical Pain
07-21-2013, 11:35 PM
Tsk, honestly MP, you make them all sound like rather appealing scenarios.

If I had to choose, though, I think I'd vote for the farm girl defending against a dragon. Or maybe the Dragon harassing a girl in the woods. I'm always a fan of 'the sudden reversal', and all that.

Lol, glad you like them all! Feel free to write your own versions of those stories, hehe.

I had another friend vote for the farm girl too, so I think I may have to do that one soon. Same with the girl in the woods, always a fun scenario. I know what you mean about the sudden reversal. I imagine the farm girl would be a bit more playful of a busting scene, unless the dragon tried to kill her, and she had to get really rough...

Speaking of rough, I ended up going with the sorceress idea just for fun. Wanted someone cruel who could give a more vicious busting. Of course in typical fashion I didn't get half as far as I expected too...she does deliver some wicked kicks and a grab, though...

I think she's going to have to do some serious dragon-squeezing, though...::Grins:: In the next part.

Mythical Pain
07-21-2013, 11:38 PM
Whipped up a little story tonight. A powerful sorceress has to punish some of her minions. Mostly her dragon. It's only a rough draft, and it leaves off with the threat of a much more intensive busting, so if people enjoy it, perhaps I'll continue it soon!


Punishing The Minions

Avira scowled to herself as she stalked across the overgrown courtyard surrounding her tower. The sorceress was angry. Her beast had failed, and worse, he was late to report back to her. The creature knew better, and she was getting sick and tired of his failings and his excuses. Today she had a mind to punish him. It was about time the dragon learned his proper place.

Avira smiled to herself a moment, then set her hands on her hips, gazing around the courtyard. The courtyard itself comprised several acres of land. It included multiple gardens and streams, an orchard, outbuildings for storage and quarters for her minions and servants. Some sections of the courtyard were kept more orderly than others, some allowed to grow wild and free, flowers and thorny bramble vying equally for space and sunlight.

The woman herself dwelled within the tower at the center of her lands. It crowned one of several rocky rises, a black monolith stretching towards the sky. Much of the obsidian structure was long since buried beneath legions of vine, bramble and ivy. Avira liked it that way, it made it seem part of the natural world. She had always held sway over nature, always thought her magic was part of the natural world. Why should her beloved tower not follow that theme? When she’d discovered the place in her youth, the tower was already standing, but she’d sculpted the vines and the gardens beyond it with her powers.

Avira had always possessed great power. She was the daughter of a woman her enemies once called a witch, born deep in the swamp. Her mother had held sway over the beasts and plants alike in that swamp, and Avira inherited those powers as well. Yet as Avira had grown into a woman, her abilities had matured into something so much greater. Her mother would have been proud, if she were still around.

Avira sighed. She missed her mother some days, but the past could not be changed. Still, she suspected her mother would have loved this place. The rugged moors in which Avira now lived far from civilization were every bit as wild and untamed as the swamp she grew up in. Yet her current home lacked the constant moisture and wetness that somehow seeped into everything. Avira thought her mother would have appreciated having so many minions here to kowtow to her every request, as well.

Even if most of those minions seemed to be in hiding today. She could not blame them. After all Avira had been voicing her displeasure with her largest servant all day. The other various beasts and creatures who served her were wise to stay well out of her way lest they suffer her wrath instead. Still, she spotted a few of them here and there. A group of small, vaguely dog-like creatures worked steadily at cleaning up all the dead leaves and downed tree limbs wrought by a recent storm. Humans called the little creatures kobolds, yet Avira knew they had other names for themselves.

Nearby sat a stolen carriage. Her minions had stolen it from some noble’s trade caravan. It was painted a beautiful sky blue, with gilded gold doors. A large, hyena-like gnoll was busy working alongside several green scaled lizard-men to unload all the chests of gold and other treasure that sat inside. When she saw the creature glance her way, she crooked a finger at him. The gnoll set down the chest he was carrying and began nervously approach the sorceress.

Avira folded her arms under her breasts as she waited for him to approach. The movement caused the silken, dark purple blouse she wore to press lightly against her breasts. Silvery runes were etched across the garment. More silver threading hemmed the sleeves and ran around the collar. The black breeches she wore clung to her just enough to hint at the feminine curves of her rump and hips. More silver threading ran down the side of each leg. Even her black leather boots bore matching silver buckles, as well as steel-reinforced toes. Her black hair spilled down her back in a long braid.

“I thought I told you all to have that carriage unloaded by the time the dragon returned,” Avira said, a hint of a snarl creeping into her voice.

“Dragon…not back yet…” The gnoll offered, trying to plead his case.

Avira smirked a little. She looked the nervous beast over a moment. The gnoll was a tall creature who stood upon two legs like a man, though the same was true of most of her minions. The details of his body were more like those of an animal than a man, though. He was covered in fur of various shades of gold and beige, with darker brown spots mottling his shoulders and his face. His head was like that of a hyena, right down to the canine muzzle filled with sharp teeth, and the pointed ears. He even had a little Mohawk like ruff of fur atop his head. He wore simple clothes, a brown leather vest and gray cotton trousers. A step up from the loincloth he’d been in when she first recruited him. The creature was leanly muscled and strong yet nonetheless it was fear that shone in his eyes rather than confidence.

Avira could not blame the creature for that. Should he so much as raise a hand against her or try to draw a blade, she’d blast him apart with her magic before he even got close. Not that she had any such intentions. She held a certain affection for her minions. Even if she felt that they owed her in many ways.

This gnoll for example. She had plucked him and his people from the mire of their tribe’s doomed existence raiding villages and travelers. It was only a matter of time before the local guards tracked them to their hidden lair and slaughtered them down to the pups. And what had she done? Brought them somewhere safe. Given them roofs and beds and foods and purpose. That was what Avira was to these creatures. She was purpose.

“No,” Avira said, her plush but pale lips twisting into a smirk. “The dragon is not back yet.” She tilted her head, grinning at the gnoll. Her eyes were a purple so dark they were nearly black. They shone with a hidden fire like the flickers inside well-cut opal. “He is not. Nonetheless, you are behind schedule, just like he is. Perhaps I should punish you, instead of him.”

“I will…work faster…” The gnoll offered. He gave a very canine sounding whimper. Despite being a good foot taller than her, he pinned his ears back in fear, not wanting to give her further excuse to punish him. “I go…do that now…ARP!”

The gnoll gave a very canine sounding yelp when Avira suddenly lashed out with her hand and snatched the beast by the testicles. His dark eyes went wide and his muzzle dropped open as the woman tightly gripped his tender eggs through his soft trousers. The gnoll doubled over a little as a bit of sharp pain ignited in his twin furry jewels. He whimpered, resisting the urge to grasp at her hand.

“You will do what I tell you to do, gnoll,” Avira said, rolling the organs around in her grasp. Avira enjoyed grabbing things by the balls. It made her feel oddly powerful in a way she couldn’t quite describe. She smirked to herself. She could clearly feel the gnoll’s testicles in her grasp. They felt like fat, oversized eggs in what she imagined to be a rather softly-furred purse. She squeezed tighter, pressing the canine glands against each other and watching the gnoll’s face scrunch up in pain. “What have I got in my grasp, gnoll?”

“My…balls!” The creature squeaked out, doubled over against the sorceress. She squeezed a little tighter, making him cry out. “AAAH! My balls!”

“Yes, that’s what I thought I had,” Avira said, laughing. “Now. As these seem to be of value to you, I suggest you start working faster. I’m in a bad enough mood as it is. If I have to discipline you again, these are going to end up in my hand for a lot longer. Do you want that?”

“No!” The gnoll wheezed, shaking his head, blinking away tears. “Please! I will…work faster!”

“You’d better.” Avira glared at him a moment, considering whether to release his jewels or not.

Soon the growing sound of wing beats drew her attention. The dragon was back. That made her decision an easy one, because that meant she had someone else to confront about his failures. She scanned the skies without releasing the gnoll, enjoying the sound of his whimpers/ When she spotted the dragon coming in for a landing, she finally decided to let the gnoll go.

Avira lifted her free hand and placed it upon the gnoll’s shoulder. As soon as she released his balls from her grasp, she stepped forward and jerked up her knee. No sooner had the gnoll’s testicles dropped back into their natural place hanging between his thighs than the woman’s knee crashed full force into them. A gleeful grin spread over Avira‘s face when she kneed the gnoll in the balls. She felt the fat glands crushed between her knee and the creature’s pelvis, and burst out laughing.

“AWWWWHHHH!” Cried the gnoll, crumpling in an instant. His eyes popped out over his snout, his tongue protruded and his ears twisted back against his head once more. As he pitched over onto the ground, he grabbed his testicles in both beige furred hands, and began to writhe around in the dirt. “Ooooh, my balls, my baaaaalls!”

Avira grinned down at him a moment. “Yes, your balls. Luckily for you, I’ve an uppity dragon to deal with now. You may lie there and squirm around until your worthless nuts feel better, and then get back to work. If I have to come over here to get you up off the ground later, your testicles shall end up in far worse shape. Understood?”

“Y…yes…Sorceress!” The gnoll moaned, rocking back and forth. Tears wet the fur of his cheeks, his face contorted by the pain. Oh, Gods did his testicles ache. “Ooooh! My balls!”


Avira stepped over the fallen gnoll and strode towards the area where the dragon always landed. All the rest of her minions she could see wisely kept their eyes averted from the angry woman. Otherwise she might well have left a string of crumpled, writhing creatures in her wake on her way to the grassy patch of courtyard where the dragon touched down.

The dragon had served her for some time, yet he remained one of her more defiant minions. Usually she was willing to let the beast get away with just about anything, because he often provided excellent results. Yet when the dragon did occasionally fail his task and continued to act obnoxiously smug Avira’s patience quickly wore thin.

As the sorceress drew near, the dragon settled himself upon his haunches, gazing over at her. The dragon was significantly larger than she was, larger even than any horse she’d seen. Still, was not the near the house-sized monstrosity some of the old legends spoke of. Much of his body was covered in ebony scales of various sizes. Across the dragon’s face and paws his scales were the finest, with an almost pebbly texture. The scales were larger along his body, with thick plates protecting his chest, and broad scutes across the front of his limbs. A few dark green highlights marked him here and there, speckled across his haunches and striping his tail. Gray mottling marked him all along his underbelly, as well as his throat.

“You’re late, Gaalvaryl,” Avira snarled through grit teeth as she approached the dragon.

Gaalvaryl lifted his wedge shaped head to glare down at the sorceress through eyes so blue they were nearly glowing. Ridged horns crowned his head, as did a circle of spiny crests. He flared out his spines, snorting. She must be mad at him. She only used his name when she was angry. Not that he cared how she felt. “Perhaps a few moments.”

“Considerably more so than that.” The woman’s purple eyes shone all the more angrily, standing out against the soft, pale skin of her face. “And you have failed me.”

“It was not my fault,” the dragon said, snorting. He shifted himself a little, settling his spined tail around his paws.

“Then who’s fault was it?” Avira growled in frustration, digging her nails into her palms.

“You bloody well know who’s fault it was,” the dragon said, snapping his jaws. He lashed his tail, the curved spines that tipped it dug into the earth near Avira’s feet. “Those idiot heroes again. I nearly had the girl in my grasp when they arrived!”

“Then why did you not kill them?” Avira could have strangled the damn beast.

The dragon cocked his horned head, baring his fangs at her. “Because I didn’t want a lance in my belly! I would not be the first dragon they have slain.” He rustled the his vast black wings a little, then smirked at the woman. “Besides, you seemed to be having fun playing with your dog’s balls again.” He smirked and gestured with a paw towards the gnoll, still rolling on the ground in the distance. “So my absence cannot have been that painful a wait.”

Avira took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. She moved a little closer to the dragon, glancing along his underbelly. “It is not so much your absence that angers me but your failure, and your refusal to acknowledge it.”

“I was not about to get myself killed for some bratty girl you wish me to capture,” the dragon said, hissing through his sharp teeth. Then he tossed his head, flicking his frilled ears back. “Besides, we shall get another shot at her. Now, if we’re about done here, I’d like to go and fill my belly.”

“Not just yet,” Avira murmured. As the dragon sat back on the ground, she could not help but notice just how wide open the beast had left the only real chink in his armor.

Gaalvaryl may be a dragon, but he was still a male. Avira had noticed the dragon’s testicles plenty of times before. After all, they looked rather like a pair of mottled gray goose eggs dangling between his hind legs. All it took was a swaying of his tail when he was walking away, and there they were. He certainly seemed proud of them, hoisting his tail as if to flash them at her minions whenever the mood struck him. Now as the dragon sat upon his haunches she could not help but notice they looked particular vulnerable, slung beneath the tube-like sheath that held the dragon’s penis. Like a lazy dog, the dragon’s balls were practically resting on the grass beneath him.

“And why not?” The dragon said, growling. He tensed himself as if preparing to take to his wings despite her admonishment.

“Because I have decided you deserve to be punished.” Avira smirked at the beast. “Unless you wish to admit you have failed, and apologize for your failings.”

“Yet I did not fail, because it was not my fault,” the dragon insisted.

Somehow, Avira knew he was going to say that. Rather than reply, she suddenly surged forward and lashed out with her booted foot, kicking the dragon in the balls as hard as she could. Her steel reinforced toe slammed directly into the dragon’s unprotected testicles, smashing them against his body. Almost as if in slow motion, Avira could see her boot hurtling through the air one moment, and colliding with the fleshy mottled gray sack the next, crushing the tender orbs within. The impact temporarily compressed the dragon’s gonads, knocking the right one aside and flattening the left one out against his scaly underbelly for an agonizing moment.

“UURRRRGGHHHH!!” The dragon gave an inhuman yet oddly familiar scream of pain as sharp agony erupted between his hind legs. His brilliant blue eyes nearly exploded from their sockets, looking as though they were about to roll down his muzzle and onto the ground. His tongue curled inside his gaping maw, his spines all flared out around his head as though they too were startled by the sheer unexpected intensity of the intimate pain. Slowly, the dragon’s eyes began to roll back, and as Avira stepped aside, the beast pitched forward onto the ground with a tremendous groan of purely male anguish. “Aaawwwwwwwwrrrrrhhhhhhh!”

As Gaalvaryl curled to cup his ferociously aching orbs in his paws, Avira burst out laughing so hard she ended up clutching her belly. “Oh, Dragon! You should see the look on your damn face. Absolutely classic. My, but that must hurt, hmm? What a shame. All that lovely armor, and yet with just one little kick I’ve sent you crashing to the ground seemingly in agony.” She smirked at him, still laughing. “I say seemingly, because as I don’t have a pair of those, I suppose I’ll never know.”

The dragon curled up as tightly as he could, clutching his testicles in both front paws. His whole face was now a mask of scaly pain, his nose scrunched up, his eyes squeezed shut. His pebbly scales looked almost wrinkled as the pain washed over him in waves, contorting the dragon’s expression. Gods, it was humiliating. He could scarcely believe that she’d just kicked him in the testicles. Nor could he believe just how badly it actually made them ache. He wanted to curse her, he wanted to threaten her. He wanted to roar and scream.

Yet all he could manage was a pitiful, laughable, whimpering moan. “Oooh, my eggs! My eggs, my poor eggs!”

“Your eggs?” Avira giggled to herself again, tossing her braided hair over her shoulder. She quirked a brow. “Oh, is that what you call them, Dragon? Your eggs? I rather like that.”

Gaalgraryl’s only answer was another groan of pain, this one deeper than the last. “Nnrrrrrrhhhhh!” The dragon began to rock back and forth on the ground, clutching his battered stones. After a few times rocking back and forth, the beast was full-on squirming. He rolled from one side of his body to the other, beat his wings against the grass a few times. Then he rolled back to the other side again, curling his tail and rubbing his hind legs together. Horrifically, the ache in his balls only seemed to grow and grow. “Oh, Gods! Oh, my eggs, my eggs, my aching eeeeeeggggggs!”

That of course only made Avira laugh even harder. She damn near fell over she was laughing so hard at the dragon’s frantic squirming and pained pronouncements. “Yes, eggs! I think I shall have to start using that. They do look a bit like eggs, don’t they. Rotten eggs in your case.” She tilted her head, grinning. “Roll onto your belly. Hoist your haunches and lift your tail, let me see how they look from behind.”

“No,” the dragon managed to snap at her, mid-squirm.

“Oh?” Avira shrugged, smiling. “In that case I shall simply force you with my power. And then I shall bust you in the eggs again.”

“Alright, alright,” the dragon said, whining softly. By now his blue eyes were wet with unshed tears. “Just…please. Don’t hurt them again.”

“If I didn’t know any better dragon, I’d say that this was a new pain for you.” Avira folded her arms beneath her breasts, propping them up against her purple and silver blouse a little. “Is this the first time someone’s kicked you in the balls?”

Gaalgraryl flashed her a hurt, confused look that told her all she needed to know. “Ah, I’m a little surprised. Smug as you are, I was certain someone would have kicked you already.” She laughed again, shaking her head. “But I bet you’re not so proud of those silly things now, hmm? Now, show them off.” She smirked. “Show your eggs, dragon.”

Hesitantly the dragon released his balls from the protective grasp of his forepaws. He slowly rolled over onto his belly, fighting rolling waves of pain and nausea that washed from his balls to his guts and back again. With a pained groan, he slowly pushed his hind end up into the air. The pain that still radiated from the dragon’s nuts caused the claws of his back feet to dig into the grass. Nervously, the lifted his tail, exposing his heavy testicles to the human woman who stood behind him.

Avira grinned to herself. “My, my, dragon. Look at them dangle.” She reached out and gently touched the scales of his inner thighs. They were warm, and pebbly. “Spread them, dragon. Hind legs apart.”

With a nervous whine, the dragon did as she asked. He slowly spread apart his hind legs, crooking his tail to hoist it a little higher and better expose the sac hanging beneath it. Now Avira had an excellent view of the dragon’s black scaled rump and the balls dangling under it. The broad scales on the outside of the dragon’s hind legs gradually gave way to finer, more pebbly scaling along his inner thighs. The black coloration also slowly gave way to the color of ash. The dragon’s genitals held no scales at all. Both sheath and testicles were simply covered in soft, smooth skin, mottled in pale shades of gray. The dragons testicles were perhaps a little larger than those of a stallion, each ball about the size of a large apple. The left orb was also clearly a little larger and hung a little lower than the right.

Brazenly, Avira reached right out and hefted the dragon’s sac in her hand. The dragon’s testicles felt heavy in her grasp, the skin of his draconic scrotum was very soft and smooth, quite warm. The dragon’s breath caught, and she realized the beast was trembling as she held his eggs. She rolled one of them around her grasp a little, causing a soft whimper to escape the dragon’s long throat.

“Do they hurt, Dragon?” Avira sneered her question, the cruelty in her voice a contrast to the currently gentle way she handled his delicate glands. She couldn‘t resist teasing the frightened and humiliated beast a little more. “Do your balls hurt? Are they just aching?”

“Yes,” the dragon whimpered. He lifted his head to peer back over his wings at the woman standing behind him. He could clearly feel her fingers against his most private parts. They still ached from the kick, every little touch seemed to make them ache just a little more. “They hurt a lot…please…just…be gentle with them.”

“Mm, it’s rather nice hearing a dragon beg me for mercy,” Avira said, laughing to herself. Avira tugged the dragon’s left testicle towards her until it was bulging out against the mottled gray sac, showing off its fat oval shape. “Do you think your balls deserve mercy?”

“Of course my balls deserve mercy,” the dragon said, growling under his breath.

“Wrong attitude, dragon!” Avira released the dragon’s privates, watching as his nuts were quick to drop back into their natural position, hanging between his hind legs.

Then just as quickly, Avira lashed out with her foot again, kicking the dragon in the balls a second time. Kicking a dragon in the nuts from behind proved almost too easy, her steel toed boot rocketed right up between his hind legs as if naturally drawn to the beast’s testicles. The already-aching glands were once more squished against the dragon’s pelvis, compressing noticeably for a moment. The impact of woman’s boot against dragon’s testicles came with a loud SMACK!

Once again the dragon screamed in agony, his eggs bouncing around between his thighs. His front paws snapped back to grab his balls as his hind end crumpled right back down to the ground. This time the dragon did not squirm so much as he simply curled up into a scaly ball, screaming his horned head off.

“AAAAAAAAHHH!” Gaalvaryl wailed, waves of unbearably sharp aching pain cascading through his fat draconic testicles and into his body. “MY EGGS! OH GOD! MY EEEGGGGS!”

Avira began laughing all over again as the dragon lay curled and screaming. Oh, this was fun. She was going to have to punish her dragon more often if it was always as much fun as this. She could practically feel her anger and stress melting away with every swift kick she delivered to the beast’s silly dangling eggs. She kicked at his paws a few times, trying to get him again, though the dragon was curled too tightly. That was alright. She could always make him expose himself again if she desired.

Soon, the dragon was making a rather distinctive new noise. A sort of strange coughing, choking, growling noise. After listening for a few moments, and watching the dragon’s wings shake, she realized that was the noise dragons made when they sobbed.

The dragon was crying.

“You’re crying!” Avira said in surprise, grinning to herself. She strode around to the front of the dragon to confirm her suspicions. Sure enough, wet tears streaked the black scales of the dragon’s face. “Oh, how delightful, I never even thought dragons could cry. Yet here you are, sobbing like a little baby over your precious balls.”

“Shut up!” The dragon moaned through his tears, trying to twist away from her. He flared out a wing as if to knock her back with it, then rolled to the other side of his body. “It’s not funny. Oh, God! They won’t stop…aching!”

“No, they won’t will they,” Avira said, laughing as she sidestepped the dragon’s wing. “That’s half the fun of kicking men and male beasts there. The pain simply seems to go on and on, and on! Isn’t it wonderful.” She smirked, tilting her head. “Well, its wonderful for me, anyway.”

“Just…go away,” the dragon said, practically pleading with her now. He tried to curl up even tighter. His balls both throbbed steadily in his paws, sending little lances of pain shooting up through the beast’s guts. Oh, he’d never thought such parts could ache so badly. His muzzle scrunched up so much his fangs were bared. His eyes were squeezed shut, eye ridges knit together and still tears squeezed their way out. “Awwwh, Gods, my poor balls. Please…just go away.”

“Go away?” Avira perked her brow, putting her hands on her hips a moment. With a thought, she drew a little magic up around herself, just in case. She could feel the warmth of it swirling around her like summer winds. “I don’t think you get to tell me what to do. Perhaps I should open you back up and kick you again, dragon. I don’t like being told what to do. Although…” She tapped her finger against her chin. “I really should go and check on that gnoll.”

“Oh, thank the gods,” Gaalvaryl murmured, relaxing just a little when Avira took a few steps away from him. His breath came in heaving pants as he struggled with the relentless ache roiling between his hind legs.

“Then after I’ve done that, I’ll come back here and show you how it feels to have your balls squeezed.” Avira started laughing as she walked off, leaving a whimpering dragon in her wake. “Perhaps now you’ll reconsider the importance of completing your tasks, and arriving on time!”

Gugle H.
07-22-2013, 02:10 PM
I like this story, it's direct, not much stuff around it but not too simple :)
However, one thing is a mistake for me... I can't believe that a dragon never got a kick in the balls before. Especially the males are often fighting, so there would be a high chance to get them busted. But it's not grave, just maybe a little idea :)

Mythical Pain
07-22-2013, 07:57 PM
I like this story, it's direct, not much stuff around it but not too simple :)
However, one thing is a mistake for me... I can't believe that a dragon never got a kick in the balls before. Especially the males are often fighting, so there would be a high chance to get them busted. But it's not grave, just maybe a little idea :)

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

Hehe, I wouldn't say that's a mistake so much as it depends on the world in which the story takes place! In this world, male dragons don't really fight each other without good reason, for example. Not a whole lot of dragons in this part of the world, either.

...Perhaps even fewer in the future if Avira keeps busting Gaalvaryl's eggs, lol.

Mythical Pain
07-27-2013, 02:12 AM
Quiet around here lately eh? Anyone else enjoy the beginning of the minion's punishment? Thinking the dragon may be getting some serious squeezing next. And then, the farm girl fending off a dragon, perhaps...

Alec Anaconda, A1
07-27-2013, 06:58 AM
Quiet around here lately eh? Anyone else enjoy the beginning of the minion's punishment? Thinking the dragon may be getting some serious squeezing next. And then, the farm girl fending off a dragon, perhaps...

Could be your http://femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17113 stole a few posts.

Also SF etc.

And it's Summer!


07-27-2013, 01:18 PM
Wonderful stuff, Mythical. Fun to see a sorceress who rules not with an iron fist, but with iron boots :P I imagine most men in her employ have spent a fair bit of time with an aching pair. A hazard of the job, I suppose.

The farm maiden vs. dragon scenario sounds promising, too. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

Also, here's a random crossover find on DeviantArt: Rarity (from MLP) bucking a Lucario in the groin. A few fun comments as well :P
Also pt. ii: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/11162647/

07-27-2013, 01:34 PM
There is a beautiful angel in this site( www.femaledom.com) (http://www.femaledom.com%29). Her name is Nancy. Nancy is very interesting, witty, beautiful. She has a lovely voice and a wonderful gesture. Her toes and sole are very lovly. and usually she play in cfnm bb. you must see with your eyes.

http://www.femaledom.com/showgal.php.../2819/3_1&s=26 (http://www.femaledom.com/showgal.php?g=groups/2819/3_1&s=26)

07-29-2013, 01:55 AM
Apologies for the delayed response, MP. I've been obsessively distracted lately by a new video game, although I suppose that's hardly any excuse. But I finally managed to drag myself away from it long enough to catch up on the forums I frequent.

Honestly, it hardly needs to be said, but the story is fantastic! Always a pleasure to read your works, and the close tie to the (early) D&D setting is a bonus. Here's hoping that we'll see more of Gaalvaryl, Alvira, and/or her minions in the future!

Also, as a vaguely related side, I feel compelled to mention that I appreciate the kobold reference. I'm not sure exactly when kobolds turned from diminutive dog-creatures to miniature dragon-warriors (okay, I do know - it was 3rd Editions fault), but it's nice to see that I'm not the only one who remembers their roots. :P

Not that there's anything wrong with the lizard-kobolds either. It's just, you know, something that's always kind of bugged me.

07-29-2013, 10:33 AM
Apologies for the delayed response, MP. I've been obsessively distracted lately by a new video game, although I suppose that's hardly any excuse. But I finally managed to drag myself away from it long enough to catch up on the forums I frequent.

Honestly, it hardly needs to be said, but the story is fantastic! Always a pleasure to read your works, and the close tie to the (early) D&D setting is a bonus. Here's hoping that we'll see more of Gaalvaryl, Alvira, and/or her minions in the future!

Also, as a vaguely related side, I feel compelled to mention that I appreciate the kobold reference. I'm not sure exactly when kobolds turned from diminutive dog-creatures to miniature dragon-warriors (okay, I do know - it was 3rd Editions fault), but it's nice to see that I'm not the only one who remembers their roots. :P

Not that there's anything wrong with the lizard-kobolds either. It's just, you know, something that's always kind of bugged me.

Long live Thaco! Long live Kobolds as dog folk!
I just ignored the whole change over and kept them as they should be.
And that's my table top geek moment of the week. =)

07-29-2013, 06:11 PM
Nice new pic over on FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/full/11217299/. Grab it while you can!

Alec Anaconda, A1
07-30-2013, 01:57 AM
Nice new pic over on FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/full/11217299/. Grab it while you can!

dragonlver13 has elected to make their content available to registered users only

08-02-2013, 09:50 AM
Hey y’all! New project!

Over the past week or so I’ve started working on a new series of shorts – lots of little snippets involving P’oiu and Lia and a few other characters, both old and new. To help stir my creative juices (and because creative constraints are fun), I’m doing one story for each letter of the alphabet, starting with A and working my way towards Z.

I’ve already started laying out a number of ideas, but I’d love both feedback and new suggestions, particularly for some of the trickier letters (Q? X?):


I’m guessing most of these blurbs will be on the short side, under 1000 words, but some may be a bit longer, including the very first one (which I’ve already started). I’m hoping I can churn out at least one or two of these a month, since they’re in nice little bite-sized chunks. Can’t promise anything, but it seems reasonable :P

As I said, would love to hear your ideas – let me know what you think!

08-02-2013, 01:11 PM
Also: here's an MLP ballbusting snippet for anyone who's interested in that (or in Doctor Who...). The world needs more ponies bucking balls! :P

“Whatever you do, DON’T BLINK.”

“What are you talking about, Doctor?” Derpy kept one eye trained on the stone pony, the other swiveling lazily to look at her companion. “It’s just a statue.”

“Only while you’re looking at it.” The stallion’s voice was taut with tension. “This is a Weeping Angel. As long as you look at it, it’s quantum-locked, frozen in stone...but the second you look away, it strikes.”

“Well then why aren’t you looking at it?”

The Doctor grimaced. “Because there’s another one behind you.”

“What?!” The mare turned with a start–


Oh Celestia. The Doctor fought to stay focused on the Angel behind Derpy, even as tears formed at the corners of his eyes and nausea blossomed in his gut. “D-Derpy?” he croaked weakly. “What did I just say?”

“S-sorry, I...” The pegasus turned to face forward once again, her eyes widening in surprise. “What the hay? D-Doctor, the statue, it–!”

Just a moment ago, the stone pegasus had been all the way across the room, standing serenely. Now it was directly behind the Doctor, in a much more dynamic pose: balanced on its front hooves, with both rear hooves lashing out into the poor stallion’s groin. Even now, the male’s hind legs were suspended about an inch off the ground. Derpy winced as she realized where the bulk of his weight was resting.

“I-It moved, yes.” The earth pony’s voice was a few pitches higher than usual, and strained with effort. Gingerly the male scooted forwards, exhaling in sudden relief as the statue’s stone legs slid out from between his thighs and his coltmakers dropped back into place. His own legs quivered beneath him, barely supporting his weight. “Now would you please keep an eye on this thing before it does any more–”


“Ohhhnngghhaaa!” The male’s eyes narrowed to slits as another crushing blow struck home, driving his testicles into his pelvis with all the strength and precision of Applejack during applebuck season. Agony exploded outwards from his groin, gripping his entire lower body. The stallion fought to keep his gaze locked on the other Angel, even as images of broken eggs and cracked walnuts danced at the edge of his vision.

His left eye twitched. “Derpy, I thought you were looking!”

“I am, I am!” The mare looked sheepish, and more than a little panicked. “But you know, with my eyes, I can’t...sometimes I can’t really focus on one spot, you know? It’s a medical condition!”

The Doctor groaned, his eyes watering.

“If we get out of this,” he squeaked, “I am taking you to an optometrist.”

08-04-2013, 03:35 PM
The first in my series of alphabetical ballbusting stories (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h3zBM-sLSykgfPO9Y2BBPyNMRp_2HRUvQsZ3YJTm0I0/edit) about P'oiu and Lia! Read on, and be sure to let me know what you think!

“I have to admit, I was rather skeptical of the claims, but your, ah...your semen is rather remarkable.” The tree frog blushed. “The antibodies it contains are like nothing I’ve ever seen – it could mean fantastic things for medicinal research, if we can reliably reproduce it.”

There were four of us sitting there in the cavern: myself, Lia, Opal, and her newly-introduced friend, Julip. The two frogs were old friends, and apparently Opal had sent her a sample of my ‘healing goo’ as a small present, shortly after Lia and I became mates. A few months later, and now the researcher was here at our cave, excitedly babbling away about her discoveries.

I just sat there and grinned. It was quite validating to hear that my balls were useful as more than just a punching bag. And I could contribute to science! (Though I still wasn’t 100% clear on what “science” actually was...it sounded like some new branch of magic, but Opal’s friend had seemed a bit offended by that description.)

“However.” The female’s voice took on a more hesitant tone. “When I examined more of Opal’s past samples, I discovered that the potency of the, ah...substance...can vary quite a bit. More specifically, it seems to correspond with glandular trauma – probably as a physiological response, to ensure your ability to pass on your genes.” She blinked. “Usually those sorts of evolutionary adaptations aren’t quite so direct, but it certainly makes sense to protect such vital organs. And it’s already proven its worth in your case, obviously, or else taking further sperm samples wouldn’t even be possible.”

My grin had faded. 80% of the researcher’s language had gone over my head, but somehow I could still sense the gist. The smile playing at Lia’s lips only seemed to confirm it. Casually the dragoness placed a hand on my thigh, and I felt my sac tighten in anticipatory fear.

“And with that in mind, well...what I'd really love is a fresh semen sample right after testicular trauma is administered. I mean, we wouldn't need a full rupture of the tunica albiginea like your previous attempt – just enough damage to trigger the immune response.” The tree frog blushed. “Normally I wouldn’t even ask something like this, but um, Opal tells me this is already a pretty regular part of your sex life?”

Uh oh.

I opened my mouth to protest, but Lia was quicker. “We’d be happy to help!” she offered, beaming. “Isn’t that right, dear?”

"Oh no no, not in a million–eep!" My eyes widened in surprise as fingers suddenly wrapped around my ballsac. Fuck, my mate was quick. I fought down a rising sense of panic as Lia adjusted her grip, tightening her claws just enough to start a distant, dull ache in my gut. By now, I’d felt her claws around my dragonmakers dozens of times, and it very rarely ended well.

The dragoness leaned close to whisper in my ear. "Either you do this now, or I'll crack your nuts twice as badly later." She paused. "Besides, it's for a good cause."

I looked back to the two frogs across from us. Julip was clearly a bit shocked, unsure of how to respond. And Opal...well, Opal was at least trying to look sympathetic, but she couldn’t fully hide the smile playing at the edges of her mouth.

“Uh...yeah,” I squeaked. “I’m down.”


“Oh please...oh god...my balls...”

I’d lost my voice from squealing a good ten minutes ago – somewhere around kick #20 – but that couldn’t stop me from croaking out the occasional plea for mercy. Not that it did any good.

“Are you sure he’s alright?” asked Julip. Her tone suggested equal parts concern and fascination.

The dragoness was balanced delicately on my groin – one foot placed squarely atop each of my plums, with her entire weight bearing down on the twin orbs. She’d been standing there patiently for the past few minutes, arms folded across her breasts as my poor spunkmakers slowly flattened and spread out beneath her. I would have had the strength to push her away, if not for the half-hour of testicular slaughter that had immediately preceeded this...but in my current weakened state, it was all I could do to clutch her legs and pray for unconsciousness. That, and stare at her ass, which was pretty much at eye level. If I was going to get my gonads stomped on, I was at least going to enjoy the view.

“Oh, he’s fine. In fact, this is a lot like how we met.” Lia furrowed her brow. “Or rather, it’s a lot like the first time I tried to pop one of his nuts. On purpose. Ah, memories.”

The female shifted her weight slightly, and my voice wavered up and down a few pitches before settling slightly higher than it had been before. I let out a fresh mewl of pain as my testicles rearranged themselves, seeking an escape from the terrible pressure and finding none. I couldn’t actually see what my nuts looked like at the moment – that was a small mercy, at least – but I knew from experience that they had given up on any kind of spherical shape by now. Even if the dragoness stepped away, I had no doubt there would be a pair of footprints left imprinted on my scrotum.

“Ahem. Well, I, uh...I assume that’s probably enough at this point, right?” Julip watched, wide-eyed. “I mean, I don’t want to risk an actual rupture.”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that – these things are still full of sperm.” Lia grinned. “Trust me, I can pretty much feel it sloshing around down there. But yeah, I suppose you’re right. Opal, you ready?”

“You bet! It’s been too long.” The buxom frog was standing on the sidelines, already stripped to the skin, wearing nothing but a grin from ear to ear. She turned to her friend. “You sure you don’t want to help? Come on, get naked!”

“I’ll just, uh, take notes this time,” answered Julip. “Besides...I have no idea how a guy can ejaculate right after that.”

Opal chucked. “You’d be surprised what a horny dragon is capable of. Hey P’oiu?”

I moaned something unintelligible, still wrapped around Lia’s legs.

The frog rolled her eyes. “Right, first things first. Lia, would you...?”

“Huh? Oh, right.” The dragoness stepped back, taking her weight off of my spuds. (Sadly, that did very little to ease the agony in my groin...by this point, I was going to be walking bow-legged for at least a day or two, no matter what. Still, better than getting my eggs scrambled even further.) Shakily I let go of my mate, reaching down to cup my flattened plums instead.

And flattened they were. I could have used a spatula to scrape them off of the hard stone floor. Granted, the orbs were quickly starting to re-inflate to their usual round plumpness, but that wasn’t a whole lot of consolation after they’d been so easily turned into pancakes. I didn’t even have the strength to curl into the fetal position – instead I just flopped back onto the floor, hands between my legs, mind a haze, eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.


I felt a pressure on my shoulder as Opal hopped up on to my body. I blinked – once, twice – before I managed to focus on the naked frog standing on my chest. Immediately my eyes fell to the female’s curves, tracing her full breasts, her round hips...anything to distract me from the aching pair between my legs.

“Hey – you know the drill.” The female planted a hand on her hip. “Ready to cum buckets for me, stud?”

My member gave a faint twitch...but that was it. My balls still felt like they were being actively trampled by a herd of elephants. “No,” I groaned.

She pouted. “Awwww. You’re not gonna disappoint me in front of a guest, are you? Especially after I spent the whole journey here bragging about that big, thick cock of yours...”

Another twitch, stronger this time. It had been a while since Opal’s last visit, and my libido was trying to make up for lost time. I could picture her clinging to my dragonhood, moaning in ecstasy, her whole body sliding up and down, up and down...

Lia had taken a seat beside me to watch the frog work her magic. Now she smirked as my maleness slowly began to lengthen, stiffening with each heartbeat until it stood up almost straight into the air. Casually the dragoness leaned forward, her breath hot on my member, her lips just a few inches away...and then suddenly she had closed the gap. I let out a ragged moan as she sucked down the first few inches of my length, her tongue sliding around the head.

Opal looked over her shoulder and grinned. “See? I knew you had it in you.”

I gasped and my claws scratched feebly against the floor as Lia sunk lower, a foot of dragon cock disappearing down her throat. A moment later it was back – now glistening with a layer of saliva, and harder than ever. Lia nuzzled at the rod, her breasts brushing up against me, and I felt myself throb in response, desperate for another touch. “Too easy,” she teased, eyes sliding shut as she delivered a slow lick up the length of my shaft.

“Oh fuck,” I breathed.

The frog faced me once more. “Now let’s empty those sperm tanks.”


“Well, that was, uh...more than I expected. More than enough for my research, certainly!”

“And there’s more where that came from.” Playfully, Lia flicked my left nut with a clawtip – gentle, by her standards, but still enough to make me squeak in pain and surprise.

Lia, Opal, and I were all thoroughly soaked in semen – what seemed like gallons of the stuff. When I’d finally blown my load (with Lia’s tongue on one side of my shaft and Opal’s gyrating body on the other), I had seen stars, and left a puddle of spunk that covered my groin, my chest, Lia’s face, Lia’s tits, pretty much all of Opal...

Even Julip hadn’t managed to get outside the blast radius. The tree frog was now carefully peeling off her top, which had fallen prey to a particularly large glob of dragonseed. I might have been embarassed if she hadn’t come specifically to collect the stuff.

“I warned you to get naked.” Opal’s naked body was completely drenched, from head to toe. Spunk dripped from her curves. “When a backed-up dragon explodes, it’s like a bomb going off.”

“I’ll remember that for next time,” she replied.

I groaned. “‘Next time’?”

Lia chuckled. “Give him a few weeks. I’ll make sure he’s ready.”

Great. I closed my eyes, trying to focus on the lingering pleasure of orgasm and to ignore the pulsing nausea in my groin. This was going to be a regular thing? Lucky me.

Science was HARD.

08-05-2013, 02:25 AM
Found some more pony pictures again. Someone needs to write a story about them:

http://derpicdn.net/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTMvMDYvMjQvMTNfNDFfMTlfNzk2XzM1NTg4N1 9fc3VnZ2VzdGl2ZV9jcnlpbmdfdGh1bmRlcmxhbmVfY2xvdWRf a2lja2VyX2FydGlzdF9jb2xvbl9qYW1lc2NvcmNrX2tpY2tfa2 lja2luZ19rYWxsaXN0aSJdXQ/355887__suggestive_crying_thunderlane_cloud%2Bkick er_artist-colon-jamescorck_kick_kicking_kallisti_scott%2Bpilgrim%2 Bvs%2Bthe%2Bworld_ball%2Bbusting_groin%2Battack_nu t%2Bshot.png

http://derpicdn.net/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTMvMDIvMDcvMDdfMzFfNTRfODM0XzIzNTk3Nl 9fVU5PUFRfX3NhZmVfY29taWNfYXJ0aXN0X21hZG1heC5wbmcu cG5nIl1d/235976__safe_rarity_comic_crossover_pokemon_artist-colon-madmax_keldeo_lucario_ball%2Bbusting_rotom.png

08-05-2013, 02:48 AM
As of an hour ago, I've posted Part 3 of 'The Missing Lynx' on both FA and SF. As an added bonus, I've also posted a new short in the 'Tales' section (entitled 'Idol Playthings), focusing on Kavah the Fox and those odd little golems that Rhaelyn keeps in his living room. I can repost links, as necessary.

As always, feedback is welcome. For now, though, I need sleep. I've been editing for five hours. z_z

Alec Anaconda, A1
08-05-2013, 12:19 PM
Also: here's an MLP ballbusting snippet for anyone who's interested in that (or in Doctor Who...). The world needs more ponies bucking balls! :P

You are dreadfully brave, messing with two powerful franchises at once!

Alec Anaconda, A1
08-05-2013, 12:20 PM
The first in my series of alphabetical ballbusting stories (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h3zBM-sLSykgfPO9Y2BBPyNMRp_2HRUvQsZ3YJTm0I0/edit) about P'oiu and Lia! Read on, and be sure to let me know what you think!

I love this story!

It gets straight to the action and I can pronounce three of the character’s names.

I do hope you post all of your “ABCs: The Alphabet of Ballbusting and Cockteasing” here, for I don’t want to watch yet another site.

08-05-2013, 08:38 PM
SagaDC: excellent as always! "Ruined it...or made it better?" might be my favorite line of yours yet. And in the main plotline, I sense a lot of dominoes being set up...can't wait to see them all fall.

Alec Anaconda: crossovers are definitely dangerous territory, but I'm a big fan of both franchises (and of testicular trauma), so hopefully I do it justice! Also, it was someone's request over at the Furry Ballbusting forum, and who am I to say no to that?

Very glad you like the ABCs short as well – I think my stuff tends to be pretty straight to the point, probably because I have a short attention span as an author :P I'll definitely be posting all the ABCs here and everywhere else I frequent (SoFurry (http://poiupoiu.sofurry.com/), FurAffinity (http://furaffinity.net/user/poiu), Blogspot (http://furryballbusting.blogspot.com)...)

(And yeah, P'oiu's name is a bit of a phonetic mess. Never actually decided whether it's POY-ooh or puh-OY-ooh. Also unsure why I ever added that damn apostrophe in the first place...)

08-08-2013, 03:02 PM
Mythical Pain, I'm a little late, but still ... I loved your story.

08-08-2013, 05:06 PM
Great stories and stuff lately, gang :}

Here's a pic I found by accident:


08-10-2013, 09:02 AM
Not sure why, but that particular picture really tickles me, Beaktooth. Nice find. :)

08-11-2013, 10:51 PM

08-14-2013, 02:20 PM
The first in my series of alphabetical ballbusting stories (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h3zBM-sLSykgfPO9Y2BBPyNMRp_2HRUvQsZ3YJTm0I0/edit) about P'oiu and Lia! Read on, and be sure to let me know what you think!

That is great stuff! I don't go in for the furry stuff all that often, but I have loved your dragon series from the very beginning. This is a worthy entry to be sure.

Thanks for sharing!

08-16-2013, 09:49 PM
A few recent finds:
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/11327307/ (MLP!)

08-17-2013, 09:21 AM
Not sure why, but that particular picture really tickles me, Beaktooth. Nice find. :)

eeeee glad you like ^_^
It seemed reminiscent of a telekinetic dolphin ballbust comic I saw, and also of some dolphin stuff posted here a page or two back, although I don't know if it's the same artist.
If found the shark one while researching cattle prods, of all things

08-17-2013, 01:11 PM
Good finds as always, Poui. I skim through FA and SF from time to time, in search of new material, but you always manage to ferret out a few things I've missed. :P

And Beaktooth, I assume the dolphin busting you saw was probably by FallenArts - a regular over at Poui's forum (http://furrybb.myforum.ro/). You can see several other pieces of Arts' work there, mostly focused on aquatic- or pokemon-oriented stuff. There's also an Inkbunny page that Arts maintains, but I don't have a link for that one.

08-17-2013, 06:01 PM

08-19-2013, 09:48 PM
A few more recent odds and ends:

http://dragontheshadows.tumblr.com/post/58653363525/how-bluflaym-met-shadowill-page-1 (2nd panel)

08-23-2013, 12:31 AM
Been playing this game http://social.redlightcenter.com/?trq=120455 (http://social.redlightcenter.com/?trq=120455) its one giant 3d world, Pretty cool you can find all kinds of stuff to do, like a mistress that will ******** you, or virtual ballbusting. the sex scenes are very well and you control everything. you can even make your own house and have friends over, lots of night clubs to hang out and find others into the same fetishes as you. come check it out, I hang out at Club mistress. you can even be a furry if your into that :)

08-25-2013, 08:20 PM
New ABCs Dragon Slaying story! This one's entitled "Bruised Balls and a Blowjob". Enjoy!

Also, check out these few pics if I haven't pointed 'em out already:

“Oh fuck, Lia, that feels so good…”

I opened my eyes and watched for a moment as the female slaved away between my legs, my dragonhood sliding in and out between her lips. My balls still ached from some of her earlier attentions, but that hardly mattered now – I could feel the heavy orbs drawing tight, preparing to fire their load down the female’s throat. It had been a few days since my last orgasm, and my mate had spent the better part of the afternoon teasing me: a few coy kisses, more than a few outright gropes, a lot of unnecessary bending over and arching her chest out and generally flaunting her curves. By the time she had dragged me into the bedroom, I would have done almost anything.

Which, of course, was just what she was counting on.

“Oh my god,” I breathed, eyes rolling back into my head as she sunk down and deep-throated my entire length. A shiver ran through my body, and my shaft throbbed forcefully inside the warm wetness of Lia’s mouth. “Honey, I–...I’m really close…”

Ssssslurp. With one last suck, Lia came up for air, my member popping free of her muzzle. My rod glistened with her spit, twitching visibly, just a few more moments from an explosive release. I waited for her licks, her kisses, her heavenly tongue...and waited. And waited. And kept waiting.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. Like a ton of bricks dropped directly on to my testicles, if you prefer.

“...Already?” I whined.

“That was ten minutes.” The dragoness frowned at me with mock seriousness. “You know the deal.”

I looked down at my mate – my view obscured by the thick length of dragon meat jutting up from my groin. My breath caught in my throat as she exhaled and warm air brushed against my cock, earning another strong throb from my maleness. I groaned. “Remind me why I put up with this?”

“Because you’re as horny as a hatchling. And because I give damn good blowjobs.” She grinned. “Now should I keep going, or…?”

My heart sunk as I weighed the options. If she stopped now, I was likely to end up with a hellish case of blue balls. On the other hand, if I wanted to keep going...well, that would cost me too.

“I’ll let you finish on my tiiiiits,” Lia teased, hefting her breasts in her claws.

My dragonhood twitched.

“...Five more minutes,” I grumbled.

Her grin grew wider. “Very well, then.”

The first punch slammed up between my legs before I even had time to react. A bolt of agony raced up my spine as Lia’s knuckles met my ballsac, crushing my balls up against my pelvic bone. My eyes bulged and my mouth shot open, but I didn’t have enough breath for even a squeak.

“One,” said Lia matter-of-factly.

The second punch connected even harder, driving my spunkmakers flat against my body. My body twitched with the hit. I coughed weakly as nausea spread through my gut, my gonads protesting against such violent mistreatment.


Thud thud. Punches three and four landed in quick succession, with the dragoness landing her blows like a boxer practicing on a punching bag. The leading punch was relatively gentle by Lia’s standards – just a glancing hit, with both orbs squirming out of the way before any serious impact – but the follow-up more than made up for it. I squealed as her fist found my left nut, utterly scrambling the poor egg as it took the full force of the blow. In the back of my mind, some uniquely male instinct informed me that I probably should have just lost a testicle. For the thousandth time, I thanked whatever strange twist of fate had given my species such durable stones.

“Three-four,” continued Lia, rattling off the count. “Aaand–”

On its own, maybe her last punch wouldn’t have been so bad...but after what my junk had been through in the last five seconds, even a flick of her claw would have had me on the floor. My left marble already felt like it had been split in two, but when her fist slammed home once again, I was half-convinced she had pummeled it into paste. My legs and arms shook as my brain tried to process the flood of pain signals.

“Five,” she finished, giggling. “Five more punches earns you five more minutes, stud.”

“...Oh god,” I moaned, my voice a good half an octave higher than it had been a moment ago. “Ohhhhh, my nuts–”

“Mmm, who’s a big tough dragon?” Lia leaned in close, nuzzling up to my shaft. The rod was still like a bar of iron...and it only grew harder as the dragoness delivered a long, slow lick up the underside.

“Now lie back and let me make it all better…”

08-26-2013, 01:07 AM
Entertaining as always, Poiu! And, as always, its hard to say if I should feel pity or jealousy for that poor dragon. Now you just have twenty-five more installments to go! ;)

And, as an aside, I should mention that I just put up Chapter 4 of 'The Missing Lynx' on FA and SF. There's more story than ballbusting this time (sorry!), but its all building up to something. Honest.

08-26-2013, 05:51 AM
A few recent finds:
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/11327307/ (MLP!)

Can't open, any help?

08-26-2013, 10:39 AM
this one is not too bad

Alec Anaconda, A1
09-03-2013, 03:12 AM
And, as an aside, I should mention that I just put up Chapter 4 of 'The Missing Lynx' on FA and SF. There's more story than ballbusting this time (sorry!), but its all building up to something. Honest.

It’s a good read!

Alec Anaconda, A1
09-03-2013, 03:14 AM
New ABCs Dragon Slaying story! This one's entitled "Bruised Balls and a Blowjob". Enjoy!

A most entertaining read, thank you.

I suspect that Lia is NOT this game’s inventor!

small balls
09-03-2013, 04:35 AM

small balls
09-03-2013, 04:37 AM

09-03-2013, 03:56 PM
I didn't like those clips...... :( :( :(

09-04-2013, 01:08 AM
I didn't like those clips...... :( :( :(

Well I did :thumbup
So please keep sharing them !

09-12-2013, 05:33 PM
Here's a quick MLP ballbusting snippet, just to bring us back to the first page :) Rainbow Dash/Soarin, w00t.

Also, a handful of links from FA:

https://www.furaffinity.net/view/11517751/ (use your imagination...)

“Oh come on,” complained Rainbow Dash, pawing at the ground impatiently. “It’s been like twenty minutes – it can’t be that bad.”

“You bucked me in the balls!” protested Soarin. The stallion had managed to uncurl from the fetal position at this point – mostly – but his legs were still like jelly, too weak to support his weight. He groaned at the nausea still crawling through his abdomen, trying to ignore the ache as he lay on the grass.

“I already told you, it was an accident!” The pegasus huffed, half-defensive, half-aggressive. “I was on cloud-kicking duty – it’s not my fault you chose to take a nap on a cloud at the same time. I didn’t even see you! You’re lucky I managed to catch you before you hit the ground.”

“I know, I know, I just…nggha. I feel like I just took a Sonic Rainboom to the junk.” The male closed his eyes for a moment, stifling another groan. “I might need Nurse Redheart.”

Rainbow’s face fell. “I...I didn’t break anything, did I?”

The stallion’s stomach lurched at the thought. “No, no, I...I think everything’s there. It just hurts a lot.”

She let out a sigh of relief. “Good. Er...I mean, not ‘good’, but...y’know.” She peered down at him with concern, trying un-subtly to glance between the male’s hind legs. “Should I go get the nurse?”

Soarin exhaled slowly. “No, I think that’s okay.”

“You want me to take a look at them?”

He blushed. “Honestly, I think I’ll be alright.”

Rainbow looked at him skeptically. “No offense, but you spent a good ten minutes squealing like a filly. If I really rammed your balls into your throat that badly, it seems like someone ought to take a look.”

Soarin’s blush intensified. “Fair enough. Here, just, uh...just be gentle, please?”

Reluctantly the stallion took his hooves away, spreading his hind legs to give the female access. Carefully she stepped forward, leaning in and prodding his sac with a hoof. She rolled the twin orbs around for a moment, earning a quiet moan of both pain and pleasure from the male pegasus.

“Hmm…” she said to herself after a moment. “Weird…”

Soarin’s heart skipped a beat. “What is it?”

“Oh – sorry, nothing. I just forget sometimes how weird balls are.” The female tilted her head, lifting the male’s stones in her hoof. “Definitely not aerodynamic. How do you fly with these things?”

“Ah!” His voice cracked for a moment as Rainbow gave one of his coltmakers a friendly squeeze. “Careful, they’re…nrrgh…”

“Just making sure they’re in one piece,” she replied, finishing her inspection of the stallion’s other testicle. The blue pegasus gave an embarassed grin as she let go of his ballsac. “I don’t totally know what I’m looking for, but uh, you seem alright. Sorry if that was uncomfortable.”

“Nah, it’s fine.” He let one hoof drift back to his crotch, cupping his nuts in an attempt to soothe the ache. “Glad it all checks out.”

Rainbow looked down at the ground. “And, uh...sorry for bucking you in the groin in the first place.”

Soarin shook his head. “It’s okay. You owe me, though.”

She looked up. “Buy you a pie?”


09-13-2013, 05:27 PM
I felt very bad for this poor bull wildebeest. It must have been horrible to have his balls bitten by the lioness. It seemed that this lioness knew that if she got him down and then got hold of his balls he would would not get away. She just held on till he was about passed out and then moved to the kill. She definitely targeted the balls! I think this is the first time I've been aware that this kind of overpowering of a male was done in nature. Poor animal nonetheless.

09-14-2013, 09:32 AM
This is not too bad. you can see the one on the right has hooves

09-15-2013, 10:16 AM
I felt very bad for this poor bull wildebeest. It must have been horrible to have his balls bitten by the lioness. It seemed that this lioness knew that if she got him down and then got hold of his balls he would would not get away. She just held on till he was about passed out and then moved to the kill. She definitely targeted the balls! I think this is the first time I've been aware that this kind of overpowering of a male was done in nature. Poor animal nonetheless.

Same thing I was thinking when I watched it, never actually seen anything really gender separate in the animal kingdom in terms of hunting, but that lioness was well aware of its target's anatomy.

09-15-2013, 10:58 AM
Same thing I was thinking when I watched it, never actually seen anything really gender separate in the animal kingdom in terms of hunting, but that lioness was well aware of its target's anatomy.

Most animals will do this, actually. Even male to male fighting. It's not like there's a code of honor, if they want to beat the other animal they might as well go for the most sensitive spots.

09-24-2013, 10:41 AM
this one's not too bad either

found here: https://e621.net/post/show/341420/anthro-areola-ball_fondling-balls-big_breasts-brea

09-24-2013, 10:59 AM
this one involves a little more grabbing

here for the full image: https://e621.net/post/show/218633/avian-ball_fondling-beak-bird-blue_eyes-blue_jay-b

09-26-2013, 08:13 AM
She definitely targeted the balls! I think this is the first time I've been aware that this kind of overpowering of a male was done in nature. Poor animal nonetheless.

Prepare! To see it for a second time ;}

This lioness knew what she was doing (not vorey just bitey)

Here is a wildebeest with a hyena in tow (not vorey very bitey)
Hyenas have one of the strongest bites in nature, ooof, that wildbeest deserves every medal in the book. At one point the hyena is dragging him on the ground by his nuts. Owwwwww

09-27-2013, 11:53 AM
I thought it was called ball fondling? :confused:

09-28-2013, 07:38 AM
I thought it was called ball fondling? :confused:

Yup that's the tag on e621

Good clean fun

10-01-2013, 01:18 PM
Yup that's the tag on e621

Good clean fun

Using "ball_fondling" in the search at least gets the group that has hands on the testicles/scrotum. I find that a good place to start for finding one that looks interesting, that has the right theme an expression you're looking for.

10-09-2013, 09:09 AM
this one is definitely furry

10-12-2013, 02:47 PM

10-25-2013, 06:13 PM

Here's a linkdump of a whole bunch of stuff, to get this thread going again. Some of these may have been posted before:
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/11813497/ (not actually BB, but come on, look at that knee...)

And a quick snippet of mine, based on the aftermath of that last pic:

The Blastoise looked down at him skeptically, rolling his balls beneath her foot. She could feel their warmth smoldering against her skin. “You’re sure this is what you want?”

The Charmeleon bit his lip, clearly nervous. He glanced down his body at the female’s leg, the turtle poised to crush his dragonmakers like grapes with the tiniest shift of her weight. His cock, already hard, throbbed at the thought.

“Yes,” he panted, “please. Just...could you start with a Hydro Pump?”

The water-type raised her eyebrows, but nodded. “Sure thing. You must really hate your balls...”

And then the Charmeleon’s world was nothing but white-hot agony. His mouth opened in a horrendous squeal as a deluge of water slammed down on his berries, flattening his maleness to a fraction of its usual size. His body twitched as the female focused her cannons directly between his legs, a hiss of steam rising from his groin as fire and water met.

And then, just as the male’s eyes rolled back into his head, he fired a cannon of his own: a thick shot of spunk erupting from the tip of his member and arcing through the air. The Blastoise watched with fascination as his cock twitched again, and again, and again, each time painting his chest in another splash of white. Only when she stopped her own spray did the male finally run out of juice...and even then, a hard kick to the spuds earned another spurt from the passed-out fire-type.

“Heh.” The female eyed her work with some satisfaction. “Awesome.”

Also: I've started working on the next ABC Dragon Slaying story ("C" is for "Crushed in Her Claws"). Aiming for a full-length story, with a new male character or two to play with, plus some fun with magic! If you've got any suggestions for a species you'd like to see Lia get her claws on, let me know :)

One from the Vaults
10-26-2013, 02:28 AM
Hot stuff as usual poiu! Love the use of elemental weakness.

I can't view any of the images you linked. I signed up for a FA account a while ago but it still says I don't have permission to see the images, even when logged in. Is there something I need to do?

10-26-2013, 06:56 PM
Have you set your maturity filter to view adult content? The FA user settings page (http://www.furaffinity.net/controls/settings/) has a setting ("Content Maturity Filter") where you set what kinds of submissions you want to see, and I believe you have to manually enable Mature and Adult submissions.

10-27-2013, 05:55 AM
So it's been a while (almost two months!) since I finished writing anything, but I'm easing myself back into it. TMLp5 is still in the works, but I just wrapped up a new entry in the 'Tales from the Cat House' series.

This one is a follow-up to 'Cats & Dogs', featuring Tanner Ta'nari - the masochistic tiger who was last mentioned in TMLp1. This new story is the sixth entry in my 'Tales from' series, and is entitled 'How You Play the Game'.

As an added bonus, I've also recently uploaded a scene I deleted from TMLp4 (Bring on the Bad Guys). I might still recycle parts of the scene for use in a later chapter or story, but for now I figured it couldn't hurt to post it.

The stories can be viewed at SoFurry (http://sagadc.sofurry.com/) or FurAffinity (https://www.furaffinity.net/user/sagadc/) - although I only have the deleted scene posted on SoFurry. I'm really starting to like their posting system. :)

10-27-2013, 08:17 AM
I'm digging the stuff from this artist:
er, more destruction than busting, but some nice scenarios

10-28-2013, 08:43 PM
I'm digging the stuff from this artist:
er, more destruction than busting, but some nice scenarios

these are amazing

Mythical Pain
10-31-2013, 11:54 PM
These days I'm mostly occupied by my more serious writing. But I did find the time to whip up a quick little cute story with some of my anthro characters. This time, lions! Some of you know the lioness Sarah and and her nerdy brother Max from other stories I've posted here and elsewhere.

This is Sally, Max and Sarah's younger sister. Teaching her brother Max why it isn't a good idea to tease a girl about video games.



“Why are you in your swim suit?” The young lioness scrunched her muzzle at her older brother as she wandered into the living room.

“Why are you in Sarah’s pajamas?” Max snickered to himself, folding his ears back. Her brother was plopped on the simple beige couch, focused on his video game. His eyes were locked on the TV, his hands around the controller.

Sally looked down at herself. The lioness was indeed wearing her older sister’s pajamas. Sally liked them though, they were cute. Both the top and baggy pajama pants were a powder blue color. The top had the most adorable little cartoon kitty begging for ice cream. Sally liked kitties, and Sally liked ice cream, too. Besides, the outfit wasn’t that big on her. The shirt hung down a bit further on Sally than on her sister. The pants were a little too long and enveloped her feet. That was alright, Sally thought it was a cute look. The young lioness’s curves didn’t fill out the clothing as well as Sarah’s did. Not that Sally cared. It wasn’t like she was trying to impress anyone lounging around the house at night.

“Because I like them, duh,” Sally said, giggling. “Sarah says I can wear her stuff whenever I want.”

“Whatever,” Max replied, licking his nose. He leaned to the side, jabbing his thumbs at the controller. Images from the TV reflected on the young lion’s glasses, hiding the blue of his eyes.

“So?” Sally asked. She put her hands on her hips, making a point of looking her brother over as if questioning his choice of attire.

The young lion named Max was dressed only in a pair of dark blue swim trunks despite the fact it was the middle of the evening. Just like both his sisters, Max’s body was covered in velvety soft straw-golden fur. Unlike his sisters, Max had hints of a scraggly, reddish mane just starting to come in around his neck. Max also bore a pair of wire-frame glasses perched on his short, leonine muzzle. With his glasses, love of gaming, and his scrawny frame Max was certainly the nerdiest of the three lion siblings. Nerdiness didn’t stop Max from being convinced that having a few years and a few inches on Sally meant he got to boss her around. It drove Sally crazy.

Sally was shorter than her brother, with a short but tapered feminine muzzle, rounded ears and pale blue eyes. Where her brother’s body was skinny and her sister’s was curvy, Sally was somewhere in the middle. She put her hands on her hips, glaring at her brother while he blatantly ignored her. After a moment, she stomped her foot, golden furred toes peeking from beneath the overhanging hem of her powder blue pajama pants.


“What, Sally!” Max huffed, pausing the game for a moment. He glared at his sister, his own half-rounded ears pinned back. “What is so important?”

Sally took a deep breath and let it out in a long, frustrated sigh. She rolled her eyes, stomped her foot again. “Why! Are you! Wearing! Your swim suit!”

Max blinked behind his glasses, then looked down at himself as if just realizing he was half naked. “Oh. That. Cause I might go swimming tonight with Adam and some of his friends.”

“Oh.” Well, that explained that. Max and the other nerds went night swimming a lot this time of year. “Is Sarah going?” Sometimes the older girls went swimming too.

“I dunno,” Max muttered, going back to his game. “Now leave me alone.”

Sally was about to do no such thing. She flicked her tufted tail, caught it, and began to knead it in her hands. “Is James gonna be there?”

“I dunno,” the young lion said again, growling in frustration. “Quit being annoying.”

“You’re annoying,” Sally said. She flopped down onto her knees in front of the sofa Max sat upon. The couch was beige with lightly textured cushions, nearly matching the plush beige carpeting. “What game are you playing?”

“The new Battlefield.”

Sally twisted herself around to watch the screen for a moment. Looked like a whole lot of shooting and explosions going on. “What do you do?”

“What’s it look like?” Max shook his head as if ashamed of his little sister. “You run around blasting each other!”

Sally kneaded her tail again. Looked kinda fun, actually. “Are you winning?”

“Duh.” Max flicked his own tail tufted against the couch. “Me and Adam are the nards at this game.”

Sally burst into giggles. “Nards!” That word always made her giggle. She leaned forward a bit, peering at the screen. “So Adam’s on your team?”

“That’s what I said. We’re kicking butt!”

Sally grinned, pointing to the score markers. “Looks like you’re losing to me.”

Maxwell bared his fangs. He hadn‘t expected his sister to figure that out. “Shut up.”

“Can I play?” Sally grinned at him, reaching towards the controller.

Max held it up out her reach. “No way.”

“Aww, why not?” Sally’s ears dropped, her shoulders slumped. “Just for a minute?”

“No, Sally.” Max glanced at her as he waited to respawn. “You can start your own profile and play it when I go swimming.”

“Why can’t I play on yours?”

“Cause girls suck at video games! I don’t want you messing up my profile with a million deaths.” Max grinned at her, sticking out his tongue.

Sally growled to herself, scrunching up her muzzle. She pinned her rounded, golden-furred ears back, narrowing her pale blue eyes. Her brother was such a jerk sometimes. For a moment, she just sat there feeling sorry for herself. Then she growled again, balling up her fists. What would her older sister Sarah do? She’d get back at him, that’s what. Sally wanted to get back at Max too.

Sally sat up on her knees, balling up her fists behind her back. Her eyes flicked to Max’s scrawny golden furred legs and his blue swim trunks a moment. Sally knew just where to hit a male of any species, and Maxwell had left his male lion weak spot wide open without even realizing it. She glanced back up at her brother’s face before he caught her sizing up her aim.

“You know what girls don’t suck at?” Sally giggled, swishing her tail.

“Nothing?” Max laughed to himself, not even looking at his sister.

“Actually, girls are really good at doing THIS!”

From her spot on the floor, Sally had a crystal clear shot at her brother’s crotch, and she took it. The lioness slammed her little golden-furred fist between her older brother’s legs with everything she had. There was a loud SMACK as hard lioness knuckles impacted soft lion testicles. With such an easy shot, her aim was dead on, and the young lioness’ fist buried itself into Max’s furry scrotum. Sally felt the little rubbery grapes bulge out and squish to the sides beneath her fist, blue swim trunks rippling around her hand.


The young lion yowled in sudden agony, doubling over so fast he ended up tossing the controller across the room. His hands flew to his groin, his eyes looked like two jumbo blue marbles behind his glasses. His whole face scrunched up and his ears flattened. He gasped, eyes rolling back before he flopped face-first off the couch and onto the floor.

Sally watched, breathless and wide eyed, as her brother crumpled to the floor in utter defeat. He took a few ragged breaths, and then began to groan as the sharpest pain faded and the hot ache really began to set in. Soon the young lion was squirming on the floor like a worm in the hot sun. He clutched his throbbing kitten-makers in both hands, twisting around on the carpet, muzzle scrunched and eyes squeezed shut behind his glasses.

“Nnrrrrrrhhh! NNRRRH! Uhhhrrrnnn!” It seemed all Max could utter were incomprehensible moaning sounds. “”Awrrrrhhnnnnn!”

Sally finally burst into a wicked fit of the giggles. She cupped her muzzle in both hands, bouncing in place alongside her stricken brother. It just never got old hitting boys there. “See Max? Girls are really good at hitting boys where it hurts!”

“Oooh….Oh God!” Max managed to put a few words together. He rolled back and forth, starting to cry. “Oh God! My nuts!” The young lion’s growing testicles were both aching relentlessly. “My aching nuuuuuts!”

Sally only laughed harder when she saw the tears wetting the fur of her mean older brother’s cheeks. She was practically rolling around herself, clutching her sides as she laughed and laughed. All the funny noises and faces males made when they got hit in the nards were just too much. When she caught her breath, she pushed herself up onto her feet, giggling.

“My nuts,” Max sobbed, now rolling around on the floor at her feet. Both his hands were cupped between his legs as he flopped from one side of his body to the other. His face was a mask of young male lion pain, all flattened ears and bared fangs. “My nuts, my nuuuuuuuuts!”

“I know,” Sally said as she teased him, her hands on her hips. “Your nuts, your nuts!” She leaned forward, sticking her tongue out at him. “They feel weird, you know. Kinda squishy.”

Sally stepped over her crying brother, and fetched the game controller. Then she returned to the couch, pausing to kick Max in the butt on the way. He barely seemed to notice. Sally flopped into his spot on the couch and began to play his game. Just as Max expected, Sally was terrible at it. Not that she thought he should blame her. She’d never played it before. She had to learn somehow, after all.

After about ten deaths, Sally glanced down at her still-writhing brother. “This game is hard, Max! I keep dying!“

“Stop…playing,” Max groaned.

Sally giggled, watching Max squirm. Her character soon got blown up, but she paid it little heed. It was much more fun watching the show her nut-cracked brother put on. Most of the time he just rolled from one side of his body to the other. Sometimes he bent a leg at the knee and lifted his foot, other times he pulled a knee up towards his chest. The funniest was when the nerdy young lion rolled to his belly, then arched his back and shoved his butt up into the air. Then he sat in that position for long moments, trembling in pain, his tail hanging limp. Now and then he actively caressed whatever lay inside his swim trunks. Sally could the faintly oval shape of a lion nard bulging out now and then.

“Gross,” Sally giggled. “Quit playin’ with yourself!”

“Shut up,” Max whimpered between sobs, his muzzle pressed to the carpet. Tears stained his furry cheeks. “You dunno how it feels!”

“Nope!” Sally replied, sounding quite cheerful. “Cause I don’t got those dumb things.”

“Well it’s horrible!” Max tried to shout at her, but it came out as a loud, garbled whimper muffled by the floor.

Sally just giggled. So long as Max was going to stay in that ridiculous position, Sally was going to take advantage. She fetched her phone from the nearby table. Sally snapped a picture of the geeky young lion with his face in the carpet, his butt in the air, and his balls in his hands. She giggled at the picture, and though it was quite clear what parts of him were aching, she made sure to attach some text to the picture.

“Got him right in the boy buttons!”

Then she sent the picture to her older sister Sarah, as well as Sarah’s best friend Melissa. It didn’t take either girl long to text her back. Sarah’s text simply said “HAHAHAHA! G8t job sis!” A moment later, Melissa’s message chimed in. Sally read it, giggling to herself. “Awesome! Get him again!”

Now that was an excellent idea. She set her phone down, still giggling. Then she went back to playing Max’s game, though now she was using it for cover. At least getting killed a lot on Max’s profile amused her. She glanced over at Max now and then, waiting for him to move his hands so she could nail those silly things again. Oooh, this was gonna be fun.

After about fifteen minutes that felt like fifteen hours, Max finally stopped crying. The little lion rolled around a bit more, then began to try and rise. He started standing, flopped back down, and then made a second effort. This time Max pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. He whimpered, his tail sagging down. He bit his lip, pinning his ears back.

“Oooh…God.” Max reached back with a hand to rub his golden furred privates through his swim suit. “My friggin’ nards.”

Max crawled a few more feet away, now facing away from his younger sister. Sally sat on the couch, giggling. As Max crawled away, his trunks shifted and she could see the rounded bulges of his leonine testicles sticking out against the fabric. She clapped a hand to her muzzle, eyes wide. Nards! Well…nard outlines, anyway. The silly things looked like they were just sitting there under his butt, daring her to try and kick them into lion-berry jam. Or would that be lion nut-butter?

Either way, Sally wasn’t going to pass up such a perfect opportunity to really make her older brother’s things suffer. She hopped off the sofa, and hoisted up the bottoms of her pajama pants from around her feet so she wouldn’t trip. Then before Max had a chance to realize what was about to happen, she ran up behind him. Just as she came up behind the older lion, Sally launched her foot for the scrawny feline’s unprotected balls. Sally put her momentum into it, rocketing her bare, golden-furred foot up under her brother’s butt at nearly lion-neutering velocity. The top of the lioness’ foot smashed straight into the nerdy lion’s already aching grapes, crushing the poor things against his pelvis. Both furry balls took the brunt of the kick, squishing out to either side of her foot.

Max screamed like a little girl the moment his sister’s footpaw crashed into his privates. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!”

The lion flopped right back down onto his belly, tears springing anew and quickly soaking the fur of his cheeks. He curled up, cupping his battered kitten-makers as loud sobs wracked him. This time he didn’t roll around as much. He flopped back and forth a few times, then ended up in a tight little ball, crying his eyes out. Max’s face was so scrunched up Sally could see almost every sharp tooth in his muzzle.

“My nards! My naaaaaaaards!” Max nearly shrieked.

Sally nearly dropped to her knees herself she was laughing so hard. She clutched her aching ribs, wobbling around as tried not to suffocate amidst her giggles. “Oh my God, Max! You should have heard that scream! I think you almost shattered the TV!” She planted one of her feet atop Max’s hip, grinning down at him. “I think that was even louder than you scream when Sarah kicks you where it counts!”

Max squirmed beneath his sister’s foot, whining and crying. “It’s not funnnnyy,” the nerdy lion managed to moan out between sobs.

“Yes it is,” Sally giggled down at him, wiggling her foot against his hip. “There’s nothing funnier than kicking a boy in the nuts!” She tilted her head, giggling. “At least to me. And Sarah. And Melissa. Heck even Adam whacks James in the nards.”

“Oooooooooh,” Max groaned, cradling his battered feline nuts. The nerdy lion’s little furry jewels felt like they’d never stop aching. He curled tighter, squeezing his eyes shut again in a vain attempt to staunch the flow of tears. He rubbed his thighs together around his hands, the material of his swim trunks rustling. “Ooooh, my nuts! My nuts, my nuts! Ooooooooh, my nuuuuts!”

“Yup, that’s what I kicked!” Sally grinned, watching her brother squirm. She perked her ears, giggling. “I could feel them and everything.” The lioness lifted her foot, pulled up the leg of her pajama pants, and wiggled her golden furred toes at her brother. “They squished on my foot. They felt funny, like squishy rubber grapes!” Sally scrunched her muzzle. “Nuts are weird.”

Sally ears flicked at the sound of a buzzing phone. She turned around, and spotted Max’s phone rattling against the table at the end of the sofa. She picked it up, and a quick glance told her that Max had a message from Adam. So Sally opened it up, glancing at her brother. “Adam says they’re on their way to the pool. Don’t worry, I’ll tell them you’ll be late.”

Sally took another picture of the nerdy young lion holding his nuts on the floor, his facial fur streaked with tears. Then she sent that picture right back to Adam, along with a message that read, “Max will be there when he stops being a crybaby about getting kicked in his kitten nards.”

A moment later, Adam’s reply popped up. “No kittens for him.” And a little frowny face and one too many “LOL’s”.

Sally giggled at that, waving the phone at Max. Not that he could make it out. “See, Maxy? Even Adam thinks its funny.” She smirked at him a moment. “Maybe I should go swimming with you boys sometime. See how many males I could kick between the legs!”

Perking her ears, she glanced at the phone again. She just couldn’t help herself. Even if she didn’t get to join them at the pool, she could still get someone else in the nuts. With a little help. “Hey Adam. Is James there?”

Adam’s reply popped back soon. “Yup! Huskybutt’s here.”

Sally licked her nose, a devious grin spreading over her muzzle. “I DARE you to knee him in the balls and tell him its from Max.”

Then Sally skipped off to her own room with Max’s phone in tow. Any moment now Adam might send her a picture of a cute husky rolling around on the ground. Then maybe James would get Adam. Or Max. This was already turning into a fun night.

She should interrupt Max’s gaming more often.

Mythical Pain
11-04-2013, 03:31 PM
Slow crowd around here lately, eh? Lol.

Thinking about one with James the husky getting nailed a time or three by Melissa, too lol.

11-05-2013, 05:47 AM
Well, I can't let the go unreplied. I know I'm just speaking for myself, and maybe the opinion of a mostly-lurker like myself is unimportant, but I always prefer consensual busts. Don't get me wrong, I love some of your stories such as the princess and her pet, but I know I miss the consensual ballbusting. Then again, that's something that I find lacking with the community in general. That's why one of my favorite stories has always been Poiu's snippets such as with the venusaur experimental bust, and the ones like the mienshaw who keeps asking for more.

I general, though, I have noticed that this forum has slowed down a lot lately. Well, ta-ta, I might post again in a few months (That's about how often I post, if that).

Alec Anaconda, A1
11-05-2013, 09:15 AM
Slow crowd around here lately, eh? Lol.

Thinking about one with James the husky getting nailed a time or three by Melissa, too lol.

It’s a great short-story, MP.
So good that I finally bothered to dig up my password to sign on to this forum.
I look forward to more!

Mythical Pain
11-05-2013, 03:09 PM
Well, I can't let the go unreplied. I know I'm just speaking for myself, and maybe the opinion of a mostly-lurker like myself is unimportant, but I always prefer consensual busts. Don't get me wrong, I love some of your stories such as the princess and her pet, but I know I miss the consensual ballbusting. Then again, that's something that I find lacking with the community in general. That's why one of my favorite stories has always been Poiu's snippets such as with the venusaur experimental bust, and the ones like the mienshaw who keeps asking for more.

I general, though, I have noticed that this forum has slowed down a lot lately. Well, ta-ta, I might post again in a few months (That's about how often I post, if that).

Sorry you're not into it! I may do a consensual story one day, with a dragon, but it would have to be a dragon that's not used to it. Also have an idea for Melissa and a coyote who finds himself getting into it when she nails him, but it'll send him to the floor nearly in tears every time. I love the reactions that come from surprise hits, and love all the rolling around on the floor, the faces. Otherwise it doesn't have the same comic and female power aspect. Too many ballbusting vids where the man just stands there grunting as he's kicked over and over have put me off writing/reading that sorta thing, lol. I like it when its a total surprise, and down they go! And then she just laughs, and laughs...( Mind you, that's in fantasy/story. Wouldn't want anyone in reality to get kicked without wanting it. ) But in stories, that's what I enjoy, especially among anthros, dragons, fantasy creatures, and so on.

Thanks for the reply!

It’s a great short-story, MP.
So good that I finally bothered to dig up my password to sign on to this forum.
I look forward to more!

Awesome! Very glad you enjoyed it. Have had lions on the brain for some reason, lol. Always liked Sarah, and wanted to do something with her other family members. I figured an annoying male lion sitting on the couch, teasing his sister...wide open? ...Too easy a shot for her to resist, lol.

11-07-2013, 08:25 PM
http://img.booru.org/furry//images/108/a59521042ef4ce5446fe989e8861f10e69af09c1.jpg?12164 7 I don't know if that one's a repost or not. I looked through this section and didn't see it, but it's nearly 90s pages, its possible I missed it. I'm pretty sure there's another MLP nutshot floating around similar to this one with Rarity busting a drunk but Ive never been able to find it again.

11-21-2013, 09:47 PM
Belated kudos to Mythical Pain for another entertaining short. Always nice to see more of the Melissaverse (Sleeping Bagverse?).

And Confused Ed, that's one of James Corck's random pieces of ballbusting art. He doesn't normally draw them, but he's done a dozen or so over the years. The only other MLP themed one that I can recall features Trixie (http://jamescorck.deviantart.com/art/Fanart-Trixie-Ballbuster-Extraordinaire-297092633). The rest are generally focused on his own original characters.

I also stumbled across this particular image on a Japanese website. I'm not sure what Manga it's from, but I think it's fair to say that it qualifies as 'Furry'.


Mythical Pain
11-22-2013, 09:19 PM
Belated kudos to Mythical Pain for another entertaining short. Always nice to see more of the Melissaverse (Sleeping Bagverse?).

Lol, Sleeping Bag Universe hehe. Kinda been calling it that myself. Actually working on another longer story in that universe, featuring some new characters. Including a male arctic fox, and a female coyote. With some cameos from previously seen characters. There's a ball shot but I probably will just post it over on SF. Kind of like I mostly just post my short, ballbusting focused stories here, but don't post them on SF. Even if I was tempted to post this one with Sally and Max just to see the reaction, lol.

Poor Max lol. Probably gets it as bad as Adam...imagine what happens when Melissa spends the night, and Melissa, Sarah and Sally all get mad at the annoying little lion.

11-27-2013, 12:15 AM
Finally finished editing TMLp5 to my liking. It\'s now up at both FurAffinity and SoFurry. I\'ve got a couple of other short stories I\'ll be turning my attention toward now, but TMLp6 should hopefully be along before too long.

As always, feedback is welcome.


12-03-2013, 06:38 PM
Here's a nice one

Think his nut is deformed like the beach ball? >:}

12-04-2013, 09:04 AM
this one is not to bad either https://e621.net/post/show/340854/ballbusting-balls-breasts-claws-cock_and_ball_tort

12-05-2013, 05:27 PM
I love that one! Of course, you can't not post the follow up...
Such great pictures in fact, that I had actually edited them into the same file for a two pane comic... enjoy!

I like to think she's just working him until his most vulnerable moment, and when his guard is down she let's him have it.
Plus the way I did it, it looks like she got both balls. Notice the action bubble color is different in the pics? Perhaps one of those nards took a bit more of a beating then the other...

12-05-2013, 05:38 PM
There is a character out there called Dick Bitch Molly who really has a thing for drawing furry ballbusts. Some stuff got uploaded a day ago, including animated gif's i never saw before. Check them out:
Something about chicks with crazy eyes wringing balls around is hot. Behold:
Looks like my favorite pic of hers (?) isn't here, maybe I'll find it some day and put it up. S/he has an FA account if you want even more.

12-06-2013, 06:47 PM
Whoa, I've got some posts to catch up on. Here goes:

Mythical Pain: Nice short, man! The SleepingBagVerse is really warming me up to lioness girls (especially ones who aim for the groin). I'd wager there are plenty more nutshots in Max and Sally's future :) P.S. Is that continuation of Punishing The Minions still in the works? You know I always love to see a dragon on the receiving end of some low blows...

Saga: TMLp5 is fantastic, as always. I love the return of Kira's head voice, and Raffina's bitter ex routine, and Rhaelyn's emerging masochist streak, and the developments with Cygna at the end, and...and a lot of parts, clearly. Can't wait for TMLp6!

beaktooth: Nice MLP find – I'm always fond of stallions with their nuts in peril :P

Also, here's a big ol' list of finds from FurAffinity:
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12233783/ (no actual ballbusting, but it IS a dragon missing a testicle...)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8005021/ (I think I've posted this one before, but mmm, shark teeth...)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8224424/ (speaking of DickbitchMolly...)

Finally, y'all should come join the SoFurry ballbusting group/forum (http://www.sofurry.com/groups/view?id=536)! People have started migrating over from furrybb.myforum.ro, since that site is having some stability issues. Worth checking out – there's a good RP section, and obviously SoFurry has lots of good old BB material already.

12-06-2013, 07:34 PM
Ok, I'm not a seasoned writer but this this pic always makes me such a horny birdy something just has to be written for it *^_^*


How he managed to do it was always just beyond her. She knew it was a simple trick, for him to seem needy and helpless one moment, then, slowly and almost imperceptibly, take over the situation as soon as he got an emotional foothold. Even after she'd said it was over between them, the shy (sly) raccoon had managed to get her onto her knees one last time. Maybe he was bipolar, or just manipulative, or something. But upon undressing, nuzzling his crotch, him towering over her, and guiding himself into her mouth with a hint of impatience, she knew she could never do this again. She couldn't do it to herself.

"Mmmmm, hmmmmm, hmmmmm, hmmmm" she moaned, the throaty reverberations stimulating him further. Working his cock with her tongue and muzzle, all the feline could think was Fuck!, as his claws kneaded her ear. He liked that. And watching. But not just watching, more of a glowering, with a side of scowl. He really needed to be in control of things. Pretty bold for a guy with her twin four inch incisors on either side of his penis. Sometimes she wondered what kind of work her teeth would do to his prize parts. She wouldn't of course, and held the thought with a bit of horror, but the idea of putting him in place was always never far from mind.

"Hrk! Hrk! Unghhhhhhh....", he began to stammer and buzz, preparing to come. Fucking finally, she thought, when her mental curses where shattered by a stinging pain in her ear. Dammit! Is he trying to pierce it?!, she wondered. Watching his belly approach and retreat as she pleasured him, she wanted to punch him right in it, let him know what it's like to be hurt. She could sense his cock contracting and becoming veiny, and began to taste his fluids. Her eyes narrowed, and flicked upwards. His menacing look was gone, nose in the air, eyes closed and breathing heavily as he began to produce. Fuck this, the cat thought. And fuck him.

"Aaaah! Uhngg, uhngg, ruuhhhhh" he moaned away. She grasped his cock at the base and withdrew it from her toothy maw, and began to pump him. His knees buckled slightly, as one of his hands scritched his own thigh and the other, now done with the cat, fell away from her head. She watched a blob of his seed land on her snout, and ooze down it, almost in slow motion. Her eyes tightened on his spunk, like it was some final insult from him. A sneer that could rust a fender crossed her face. Her right hand squeezed at the base of his cock, and with a rush, she brought a left fist upward.

The fist landed with an audible thump right in his nutsack. It had hit struck the left testicle, and driven the hapless gland up into the base of his pelvis. There it deformed against his underside and her knuckles, absorbing the terrible shock with no protection at all. Her devious grin shifted upwards, almost at the speed his bucket brigade of nerves brought news of the damage to his brain. "Aaaahhhh!!!!" he cried, as he pumped out a last bit of juice.

His open mouth yell soon reverted to a tooth-baring sneer as he drew a ragged, loud breath. His legs began to give out, and he was on his way to the floor, just as she began to rise to her feet. She put a hand on his shoulder to steady herself, and with all the strength and kept momentum that she'd used to stand, brought her knee up into his crotch, landing with a deep thump.

She stared over her smeg-stained snout into his tightly clenched eyes as the second heaviest joint in her body drove his right ball into the base of his pelvis. Nothing but his testicle absorbed the shock between the two heavy bodies, and it warped accordingly. The injured nut sent another wave of paralyzing pain through his body, which had barely finished ejaculating. "Gassssssp! Uhhhnnnnggg"... he grated into a gutteral wheeze, as if he could not get enough air into him. His hands found and cupped his inflamed gonads, but the damage was done. He lost his legs and collapsed into her, sliding down her body. She looked down at his retreating form, and backed away, still glowering as he collapsed into heap.

12-16-2013, 12:17 PM
Say now, Beaktooth, that's not a bad little short at all! I give it three thumbs up! 'Though it does make me wonder just why we don't see MORE writing from someone of your obvious talent! Hop to it! ;)

As an aside, I've just finished writing the sixth chapter of my series, "The Missing Lynx". It's up on SoFurry at: https://www.sofurry.com/view/630851

I'll have it up on FurAffinity soon, too, once they get their site back up and running properly. But anyway, if you've been following the story, feel free to check out the latest installment! And, as always, feedback is welcome.

Mythical Pain
12-18-2013, 04:35 PM
Whoa, I've got some posts to catch up on. Here goes:

Mythical Pain: Nice short, man! The SleepingBagVerse is really warming me up to lioness girls (especially ones who aim for the groin). I'd wager there are plenty more nutshots in Max and Sally's future :) P.S. Is that continuation of Punishing The Minions still in the works? You know I always love to see a dragon on the receiving end of some low blows...

Thanks! Yes, Sally's a wicked little kitten. Loves aiming for a male's nards. Must have learned it at school...or likely from Sarah, hehe. Who learned it from Melissa in the first place! These days, with Sarah off with her friends...I expect Sally tags Max in the kitten-makers even more than Sarah does. Though I'm sure they gang up, hehe.

Oddly enough, there's a Christmas sale commercial on TV this day, with a jingle. One part says something like..."Ninja kicking down the halls..." and has a girl in pajamas she must have just bought at the store doing a stupid ninja kick. But I always think of..."I'll Ninja kick you in the balls!" and picture Sally jumping out and kicking an unsuspecting Max right in his furry kitten-makers then laughing her head off. Maybe I should do something with that mental image, lol.

And yes, I do think there will be more Punishing the Minions! Just so many stories to write, so little time to write them all.

Sorry your BB forum is having trouble! I've joined your SF Ballbusting group already, ages ago in fact. Thought you'd abandoned it hehe. Posted a story there, in the only thread at the time, General Discussion. Think I also posted it here, it was a while ago. I'll have to start popping in now! Maybe put a few of the other little stories from here in the forum over there.

12-21-2013, 12:38 PM
beaktooth: Really nice work! Especially for a first attempt. Seriously, you should consider writing more often – you did a great job of conveying the emotion, not to mention the physical impact of a fist and a knee :P I'm sure he'll be feeling that for a while. Also, I just sent a link to the guy who originally commissioned those pics. I hope you don't mind, just thought it deserved to be shared!

Saga: Nice work on TMLp6! To say I am anxious about Kira would be an understatement :)

Mythical Pain: Yep, the SoFurry forum is coming back to life, slowly but surely. It seems like a good place to congregate for those who want to talk furry BB without writing full stories or making art. (Though it still amazes me that there's enough interest in furry BB to support an entire forum...I can still remember when /this/ thread first started, and how I was shocked that anyone else had the same combination of interests!)

Jayfeathers stick
12-31-2013, 11:07 PM

01-01-2014, 05:27 PM
Owned! lol


Thanks for the comments on my little story, I kind of wish I can edit the mistakes, but still ok for a quick write :}
"It took an hour to write. I thought it'd take an hour to read!"

01-04-2014, 02:53 PM
What's a good place to upload videos? I made something you all have got see. But I keep seeing sites that have to be munged to post here, and femdom only allows 5megs to fit an entire fetish of files in :/
Even if someone could just host the file I would send it to them. It's 67megs of furry ballbusting goodness ^_^

01-05-2014, 07:37 AM
Youtube with unlisted setting

01-05-2014, 09:12 AM

01-12-2014, 09:43 PM
A quick update before I forget: some new MLP stuff!

Also, beaktooth: definitely curious to see whatever the hell you're working on :) I feel like ballbustingtube might be your best bet? Even if the URL does gets blocked here – just tell us the part the comes after the .com or something.

Gugle H.
02-06-2014, 01:02 AM
Some new furry ballbusting (or at least, **********...):

03-12-2014, 04:52 PM
Furry thread on the third page? Uh uh, not on my watch.

Some random recent finds:

Also, did Saga not post his new Underground League story over here? 'Cuz it's really good.

Finally, I made a bit of a mega-post on FA/SoFurry recently with links that I think other people have missed. Here's a repost of that for anyone interested:


Hey y'all! I don't have any new stories for you yet*, unfortunately, but here's something else you might like!

For a while I've been meaning to compile a post with links to lots of furry BB material that you probably missed. There's a lot of quality stuff hiding in the comments of certain posts, or in years-old forum threads, and I figure the next-best thing to a new story is an old story that you've never read! (Feel free to contribute your own links in the comments, as well – I'm sure there are things that I've missed, too!)

For starters, here are about a dozen snippet requests by Aekrilos on FurAffinity, all of them really excellent:

There are a handful of other snippets in the comments of my journals on FurAffinity, as well. Here are two by HandofBlades:

Anyone who's missed UnderPressure's Bad Ideas index is really missing out: he's got 50+ scenarios, almost all involving ballbusting.

An MLP ballbusting fic by Felagund that I think a lot of people missed:

The FemaleDom.com furry ballbusting thread is also a treasure trove - it started almost six years ago, before I even started writing. For a while it was probably the best place on the web to find furry BB. Here are a few posts in particular I remember:

Story posts from OneBadMamaJama:
http://femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?4946-Furry-Ballbusting&p=61834&highlight=#post61834 (based on my hippo character from Dragon Slaying!)
http://femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?4946-Furry-Ballbusting&p=64009&viewfull=1#post64009 (cont.)
http://femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?4946-Furry-Ballbusting&p=76091&highlight=#post76091 (cont.)

Recently by Beaktooth: http://femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?4946-Furry-Ballbusting&p=128804&viewfull=1#post128804

And finally, a few verrrrry old leftovers from LiveJournal. This might be the earliest furry BB fiction I've ever found:

Okay - sorry for the gigantic wall of text. I think that should be more than enough to start. I just didn't want to forget anything awesome :P Go check all this stuff out! And show the authors/creators some love!

* I am making solid progress on new stories, though! A new full-length Dragon Slaying story called "Caught in the Crossfire", and an untitled Pokemon fic about a Nidoqueen and Lucario. I think the Dragon Slaying story is pretty clever (with lots and lots of BB), and the Pokemon story is simple but really fun (who doesn't like a Nidoqueen smashing spuds?). It'll be a while longer, given my glacial writing pace, but hopefully it's worth the wait.

03-14-2014, 10:27 PM
Two more finds:

Both are via http://bbcapture.tumblr.com/, which I just started following. Worth a look!

03-17-2014, 08:38 PM
Ah, no, I didn't mention my pokemon-oriented story here, since its a good bit harder than the usual stuff I write. But yeah, I just finished my third story set in the Underground League setting (originally created by Poiu, of course), and it's a pretty long one. Aside from that I've got a few new Tales in the works, as well as chapter 7 of The Missing Lynx, so I'll drop a post here when those go live. :)

Now I think at least one or two of these were noted before, but just to be sure I'll relist them here. These are all from DrakenhothRepublik's deviantart gallery. He appears to favor ballbusting and scissor holds. Two of them are also massive group shots, and require a good bit of zooming to make out the details.


And these two are from his gallery as well, but appear to be commissions he requested from other artists over on FurAffinity:


04-02-2014, 12:18 PM
Found some more furry again: https://static1.e621.net/data/e4/65/e4657e0b99b89a7f8f11479fd0ae56cc.jpg

04-08-2014, 08:54 AM
this one is pretty good https://e621.net/post/show/460500/balls-bdsm-blue_hair-bound-cat-chastity-cock_and_b


04-10-2014, 07:35 AM
Some quick catch-up on the latest from E621 and FA, categorized and annotated for your convenience:

https://e621.net/post/show/437186/2014-3-anatomically_correct-anatomically_correct_p (M/F, MLP)
https://static1.e621.net/data/c1/da/c1dabe451cf475ce642355f356d78257.jpg (M/F, MLP)
https://e621.net/post/show/458640/abra-aceofabra-angry-ballbusting-blush-breast_grab (M/F, Pokemon)
http://www.furaffinity.net/full/13062437/ (F/M)
http://www.furaffinity.net/full/12174647/ (F/M)

https://e621.net/post/show/466746/2013-animal_genitalia-anthro-ballbusting-bestialit (M/M)
https://e621.net/post/show/462517/2014-abs-alabaster_tablespoon-animated-ballbusting (M/M, Animated)
https://e621.net/post/show/437341/abs-anthro-ballbusting-balls-barefoot-biceps-big_m (M/M, Light Gore)
http://www.furaffinity.net/full/12988437/ (M/M)

04-17-2014, 05:23 PM
A couple more from E621. Both F/M.


04-22-2014, 05:29 PM
A while ago someone posted a comic where a shark chick threatened to bite an alien's balls off.
That was hot, one of my favorite things is just the threat of having junk be ruined.
Anyway I found that comic on e6. The dialog is so meh, but here's where she comes up with her genious plan.
Kinda hot, and now you can read the whole goofy comic.

04-24-2014, 01:22 AM
Kinda hot, and now you can read the whole goofy comic.

Speaking of which, the latest page is very relevant to this forum (F/M):

Also stumbled across this one. No actual busting, but it's obviously very heavily implied (F):

04-28-2014, 08:32 AM
this one's not too bad - squeezing https://e621.net/post/show/471536/animaniacs-areola-ball_squeeze-balls-between_breas


04-28-2014, 08:51 AM
was this one already posted?

04-30-2014, 02:05 PM
gurochan use to have them some picture but sadly the website got taken down. For those who don't know a new web site called guroch has started up and has a furry section.

05-03-2014, 09:56 PM
God damn, I am loving some of these recent finds -- especially the shark comic update and the "by the balls" pic. Good work, all.

Here's a whole mess of links, some of them reposts for sure:

I'm continuing to work on new Dragon Slaying stuff! Got another thousand words or so done today. I debated posting a snippet here to help inject some life into this thread, but I think I'm gonna hold it back and try to release the whole thing all at once. It'll be worth the wait, I hope!

05-04-2014, 07:57 AM
Killer update poiu :}
Here's a funny nunchuck accident...


05-12-2014, 10:12 PM

05-13-2014, 04:42 PM
I sometimes wonder why the art in this thread is (or seems to be) disproportionately male-on-male.

That's not a criticism, I just wonder why it is the case (or seems to be).

05-13-2014, 08:13 PM
I sometimes wonder why the art in this thread is (or seems to be) disproportionately male-on-male.

That's not a criticism, I just wonder why it is the case (or seems to be).

Disproportionately as in like size difference between the characters? As for the m/m it's kinda in the air on that topic and with this kink being pretty rare in the furry fandom it's lucky to get anything on this material.

05-14-2014, 02:48 AM
I sometimes wonder why the art in this thread is (or seems to be) disproportionately male-on-male.

That's not a criticism, I just wonder why it is the case (or seems to be).

Honestly, I wouldn't say that it's disproportionate. In my experience, I would actually call it about a 50/50 split. While that's certainly higher than the ratio seen when it comes to non-furry ballbusting media (at least here), I'd say that can probably be tracked back to the simple fact that the furry community tends to have a somewhat higher percentage of bisexual or homosexual individuals.

Personally, I lean heavily toward M/F stuff (as can be seen in pretty much all of my stories), but I do appreciate well-crafted art or stories even if they're M/M. I always make sure to clearly mark all of the pictures or stories I track down, though, so people don't have to worry about inadvertently clicking on a link with a gender-mix they'd rather not see. I've mentioned it elsewhere, but I suppose it bears repeating here - for such a "small" fetish community, the fans of ballbusting/cbt come in a remarkably wide variety. Some people want M/M, others want F/M. Some want it light and playful, while others want the term "ballbusting" to be taken literally (or even harsher, with blood and maybe even death). Some like it to be posed as a "realistic" scenario (competitions, fighting, self-defense), while others prefer straight-up domination/submission scenarios. And of course, there are a ton of other fetishes that are often mixed in (bondage, domination, humiliation, watersports, and many others).

It's kind of funny, because I actually consider myself to be pretty vanilla when it comes to this sort of thing. But honestly, given the rather small group of folks contributing to this very specific sub-group of an already small fetish, I have to keep myself pretty flexible on what I do and don't like. I think about the only thing I really tend to object to is gore. Once blood gets involved, at least in regards to the "ballbusting" aspect, it's no longer appealing to me.

EDIT - As an aside, I've got two new stories up on FA and SF ("Bunnie's First" and "Employee Benefits"). They're both pretty good indications of the sort of thing I usually look for, when it comes to this. While some of my stories are straight up combat with a heavy dash of ballbusting, these are more akin go awkward porn - with a heavy dash of ballbusting. :P

05-14-2014, 03:30 AM
Honestly, I wouldn't say that it's disproportionate. In my experience, I would actually call it about a 50/50 split..."Disproportionate" isn't the same as "majority." It just means "more than you'd expect." Since bi- and homosexuals make up something on the close order of 10% of the population... well, 50% of the porn in a given category being homosexually oriented surprises me a bit.

While that's certainly higher than the ratio seen when it comes to non-furry ballbusting media (at least here), I'd say that can probably be tracked back to the simple fact that the furry community tends to have a somewhat higher percentage of bisexual or homosexual individuals.See, that's something that I simply did not know, and it explains a good deal.

05-14-2014, 04:02 PM
Atleast its surprising we've gotten as much out of this thread as we have given the amount of material out there. I personally just take it as it comes if I find it interesting enough, I can find pleasure in both male content and female content so I'm pretty good on the images and stories pumped out. There's been quite of a dry spot in the furry BB/********** world atm but usually you can find what you're looking for if you search long enough.

05-14-2014, 04:13 PM
Some relatively good pics from e621.


05-14-2014, 04:33 PM

05-15-2014, 09:13 AM
Nice additions papaschlumpf, https://e621.net/post/show/452565/69-amun-ball_fondling-balls-bdsm-bed-bondage-boob_ was my favorite.

Also if anyone is interested in some good stories you should look into http://www.furaffinity.net/user/konubadger 's gallery. He's got some awesome stuff a warning most if not all of it is m/m. Here are some of my favorites
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1835427/ (m/m) very good towards the end with what happens to the horse
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1841167/ (m/f)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12534113/ (m/f)

05-23-2014, 07:22 PM
Lots to share! First, some more links:

http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13503662/ (no actual BB, but the character has a known like of getting racked)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13524071/ (the finished version of an earlier link...unfortunately, no real balls in this, but use your imagination?)


Next, a snippet I wrote for the "Wouldn't it be nice..." thread on the SoFurry ballbusting forum. (If you're not a member on the forum (http://www.sofurry.com/groups/view?id=536), you really should be – there's some great stuff posted from time to time. You'll need a SoFurry account, and you may need to turn on "View adult/extreme content" in your account settings.)

http://t.facdn.net/13303885@400-1398453654.jpg (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13303885/)

"Just let go!"

"B-but I'll fall!" The red fox clutched even tighter, squeezing his arms around her waist. He'd lost his grip on the rock wall, and only a desperate grab at his climbing partner had kept him from falling already.

"And if you don't let go, we'll both fall!" The doberman's arms were aching with exhertion, and the male's panicked flailing certainly didn't help. "It's not that far a drop, just roll as you land and you can start from the bottom."

"B-b–...oh...oh god, I'm slipping, I'M SLI–...p-ppp..."

The male's panicked cry faded away as he found a secure hold once again, his claws digging into the female's pants for grip. Unfortunately, those pants had now slipped down past the doberman's hips, pulling her panties with them – and leaving his muzzle pressed up against her bare ass.

Above him, the female's eye twitched. All day, he'd been a bother, and now–...gah! Without thinking, she kicked her leg back against the clinging male, in an angry attempt to shake him loose.


Her heel met very little resistance, and the male shuddered against her. The doberman's ears perked up as her partner let out a groan...a very particular groan, and one that she recognized well. A smirk spread across her muzzle as she felt around with her foot, locating her targets, before thrusting her heel back with even more force.

"Unngh!" The fox's stomach churned as her foot slammed home between his legs, scrambling his eggs with brutal accuracy. With his whole body twisting in pain, he fought to maintain his grip, even as a third blow thundered back into his ballsac and crushed its unhappy occupants against his pelvic bone. "S-stop!" he pleaded, face still pressed to her rear, his voice lilting upwards as she smacked his kitmakers once more.

The doberman watched gleefully, relishing the male's inability to defend himself. "How they hangin'?" she teased, this time driving both feet back into his testicles at the same time. She could feel one nugget of masculinity trapped between her heels for a split second, squashed sideways before squirting away to freedom.

That, apparently, was enough to make him lose his grip. And consciousness. When he came to a few minutes later, at the base of the climb, she was quick to point out that the actual fall hadn't hurt him at all – just the repeated kicks in the groin.


And finally – a new Dragon Slaying ABCs snippet! I'm actually posting this story out of order - the next ABCs snippet /should/ be the one for the letter C ("Caught in the Crossfire"), which is currently around 60% done and sitting at about 7500 words. Still, I haven't posted something in forever, and I didn't want to wait another god-knows-how-long to finish Caught in the Crossfire, so here you go.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


"How's the view?"

"Mmm...stunning as always." I looked over the dragoness below me. Lia was face-down on the mattress, her arms stretched to the headboard, her legs close together. Her back was a sea of red scales, her shoulder muscles shifting as she settled into a comfortable position. She stretched out her legs as well, toeclaws curling as she worked the day’s soreness from her haunches. Her thighs and calves were gorgeous, sculpted things – though at this point in our relationship, I had difficulty thinking about her legs without picturing her knee buried in my groin. Still, awfully attractive.

And her ass...well, that was what I was here for. Two perfect globes, round and firm, with just the right amount of jiggle when you slapped them. (Ironically, it occurs to me that Lia would probably say the exact same thing about my two globes.) Lovingly I reached out a hand, allowing myself a quick grope as I shifted myself into position. I knelt above my mate, straddling her lower body, her legs and tail between my spread legs.

Lia grinned at the touch, wiggling her butt in response. "And how are the boys?"

I exhaled slowly, resisting the urge to lower myself and simply start penetrating the dragoness from behind. Instead I remained upright and shifted backwards a bit, until my hips were even with the backs of her knees. "They're still a bit sore, to be honest. Take it easy on me this time?"

"Hmmmm." Slowly she bent one leg behind her, raising her foot until it touched against the underside of my scrotum. She nudged my balls gently, lifting the heavy orbs and allowing them to roll off the sole of her foot. "No promises."

I shivered as her foot drifted a few inches higher, rubbing against the base of my already-throbbing cock. Letting Lia's foot near my junk was always a risky proposition, but at least in this particular situation I knew what to expect.

Sure enough, before I had time to steel myself, the dragoness had started. She lowered her foot for a brief moment before kicking it up playfully. The ball of her foot struck my hanging sac with a fleshy smack, sending my two orbs swinging forwards.

"Oogh." I groaned automatically in pain, even as a clear shot of pre burst from the end of my cock to splatter on the back of her bare thigh.

"Mmm," she crooned.

We'd been trying out this routine for a few weeks now – whenever Lia wasn’t in the mood, but I still wanted her help to get off, she’d drag me into the bedroom for some quick relief. Now that we were mates, she was more than happy to be my own personal pin-up model...but as always, there was a catch. One that involved a bit of ballbusting. As with most things involving Lia and my testicles, I wasn't entirely sure why I’d ever agreed, but at least once a week I'd find myself kneeling over her in bed, stroking my dragonhood as a foot or tail smacked up between my legs. Sometimes it'd turn her on, and we'd end up having sex afterward anyway.

Most of the time, though, it was just a fancier form of masturbation. Speaking of which:

"You gonna start stroking yourself?" Lia asked, her voice teasing. She had raised her foot once more, and now it nudged up against the bottom of my balls. "Because I don't plan to stop kicking until you do."

"Yes ma'am," I grunted, wrapping my claws around my stiff length. No sooner had I done so than her foot shot upwards once again, striking my spunkmakers hard enough to make them bounce up against my hand. Another low groan left my mouth as I hunched over, planting my other hand against the mattress for support.

Lia glanced back sheepishly, blushing. "Whoops, that was maybe a bit harder than I meant." She bit her lip. "You are pretty cute when you groan, though."

I sniggered, and bent over a little further to plant a quick peck on her lower back. "Just don't break anything."

"Nnn." Her hips shifted a bit, possibly to grind her clit against the bed beneath her. "I'll do my best."

I straightened up once more, my hand moving from the bed to the dragoness's rump. Once again I gave the firm flesh a squeeze, growling in satisfaction. Beneath me, Lia murmured pleasantly, rubbing the top of her foot against against my dragonhood. Another line of pre dribbled down my length, a drop or two falling to the bedspread.

I jumped in place as Lia kicked upwards with her other foot, catching my gonads softly but squarely and sending a jolt of nutache through my gut. I moaned in arousal and discomfort as the female trapped my spuds between her feet, gently squeezing the swollen orbs as my fist continued to pump away just above.

I rarely lasted more than a few minutes like this, and today was no exception. Already I could feel an orgasm approaching – the sight of my mate spread out before me, combined with my testicles' instinctual urge to get out of harm's way as soon as possible, meant that my body was quickly preparing to blow.

"You getting close?" Lia asked, more a statement than a question.

I bit my lip. "Hnnf...yes," I admitted. I'd tried to hide my impending orgasm from her once, and she hadn't been pleased. As much as a few back kicks might sting, they were nothing like the prolonged squeezes she'd given me once for finishing without a warning.

"Mmm." The female shifted a bit, lowering her legs to the bed, and immediately afterward I saw the muscles in her backside begin to tense. Sure enough, up rose her tail between my legs, carefully moving to cradle my dragonmakers. My loose sac rested on her tail, one large plum dangling to each side. Behind me, the tip of her tail curled upwards to stroke along my back. I shuddered at the touch, and my cock gave another involuntary twitch, firing a third shot of pre that landed on one of Lia's ass cheeks.

Lia inhaled in surprise, then almost purred, shifting her hips once more to grind against the bed. "That's it, stud." Her voice was calm and steady, her touch reassuring. "Cum for me. Gimme that spunk."

Her tail lowered for a short moment before thumping up between my legs, squashing my gonads against the hard bone of my pelvis. I gasped as my left nut took the brunt of the blow, the oft-abused sphere radiating a familiar ache through my gut.

Still, aching nuts or no, I was ready to blow. My fist slid up and down, my member pulsing in my grip. "Mrrgh! Oh fuck, I–...I'm gonna–!"

Lia looked back over her shoulder, smirking as she brought her tail up several times in rapid succession: thump, thump, thump. None of the blows were very hard – just love taps by Lia's standards – but I was on the edge of orgasm, and every sensation felt magnified by a thousand. I let out a guttural groan as her thick tail slapped up against my scaly sac, sending my orbs bouncing like a pair of ping pong balls. I began to double over again, and planted my hand on her ass for support; Lia moaned and brought her tail up hard, hard enough to drive the breath out of me–

My cock throbbed and unleashed a long rope of dragonseed across my mate's rear, thick globs of white that cut across her usual ruby red. That rope was followed by a second rope, then a third – and then a fourth rope that managed to reach all the way to Lia's shoulder, thanks to some extra momentum from one last mid-orgasm kick. That final blow finally brought me down, and I collapsed on top of the dragoness, my shaft still twitching forcefully against her thigh as it delivered a few last spurts of my genetic gift.

For a long moment, I simply lay there and moaned – in pain or ecstasy, I'm not sure which. (Probably both.) Beneath me, Lia squirmed for a few seconds, one of her hands sliding down towards her sex. I could feel her body tense and relax beneath me as her fingers reached their goal, her hips starting to move against the bed again.

"Mmph." Her voice was thick with arousal now. She rolled onto her side, hand busy between her legs. "Think you can be ready again in a few minutes?"

My cock throbbed once more, and I nodded. "Hell yes."

05-26-2014, 02:09 PM
Also, a few more great pics on FA in the past day or two:

05-31-2014, 09:50 AM
Choice updates poiu! I'm sure i speak for all of us. That's quite a round up!
Excellent writings too, I'm a fan of making up stories for found art like that :}
I'm kind of waiting for more 'lenexwants' stuff on e6. Often a bit more messy then I like but s/he is obviously total furry BB and beggars can't be choosers.

It is a crying shame about
The original was heat incarnate, I'm so glad I saved that offline. The dragon thing was finely done and all that but the "give us you're jewels" line doesn't even work! (please nobody lecture me on anatomy, I know he's got nuts inside him, it ain't as naughty to me)

05-31-2014, 02:29 PM

06-01-2014, 12:08 AM

06-01-2014, 12:50 PM
Two minor finds from a new Tumblr ask blog:

beaktooth: Agreed! Would have loved to see a full finished version of the original sketch (which is still up (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13338818/), for anyone who hasn't seen it).

06-02-2014, 11:24 AM
I don't remember seeing this here: https://static1.e621.net/data/4f/b2/4fb291b2c78e4096de502c354a730fc4.gif

06-10-2014, 09:52 PM

06-13-2014, 10:10 PM
this one's not too bad: https://e621.net/post/show/478794/2014-anthro-ball_grab-balls-barefoot-beach-bed-bla

06-14-2014, 01:15 PM
this one's not too bad: https://e621.net/post/show/478794/2014-anthro-ball_grab-balls-barefoot-beach-bed-bla

Indeed, nice find ;)

06-14-2014, 01:16 PM
Found a little flash game some people might be interested in trying out


Also some new pics

06-14-2014, 07:02 PM
Found a little flash game some people might be interested in trying out


Also some new pics

i can't get in without an account. maybe you could just attach them here?

06-15-2014, 11:37 AM
You should probably an account on FA seeing how much of our contented is piped from there. That and you can look into the artist's gallery to find more of their art.

That and the fact that sometimes saving and posting the picture is a pain in the butt due to the size limit of pictures allowed to post

06-20-2014, 10:26 PM
Some recent finds from FA (just links, sorry):


Plus, a new snippet of mine based loosely on a few of UnderPressure's old (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2219258/) commissions (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2222385/):


"You know, speed bags have that shape for a reason." The lioness threw another right hook, the bag swinging sharply with the impact. "It's not like somebody thought it up from scratch. Nature perfected the design ages ago."

Above her, the bull let out a guttural groan, his abdomen rippling in barely contained agony. His knuckles were white as he gripped the edges of the chair, his legs spread wide, his rear perched on the edge of the seat to let his testicles dangle low in the open air. "Gina, please–!"

Thump thump. The female glanced upwards from her cross-legged position on the floor, a frown on her face. "Honey, I thought we agreed about this! We were going to start working out more."

"This wasn't what I had in mind," the male coughed. Sure, working out together as a couple had sounded fun – and when she had thrown in the idea of doing it in the nude, his libido had jumped at the chance. Now, though, he was beginning to wonder if his libido would ever jump again.

The stocky feline shook her head, turning back to her work. A jab-cross combination this time, earning a strained grunt from her man. "We talked through this, love. It's like a gym membership AND self-defense classes AND together time all in one. Three birds with one stone." She glanced down at her boyfriend's groin and grinned. "Er, two stones, rather."

The male started to stutter a reply, but could only get out a squeak as his naked girlfriend slammed an uppercut between his thighs. Her knuckles pounded his heavy calfmakers up against the underside of the chair, digging deep dents in the side of each orb. He could almost picture his unborn children, wiped out by the millions with each blow.

"Besides," she continued, brushing the hair from her eyes, "I read in Cosmo that all these nut-punches in a row are supposed to give you, like, CRAZY endorphins. It's like runner's high times a thousand. I'm kinda jealous."

Another punishing uppercut, and the edge of the wooden chair splintered in his grip. "STOP," he squeaked, eyes watering and unfocused.

The lioness paused, then lowered her fists reluctantly. "Oh fine, you big baby." She rolled her eyes. "You wanna work on grip strength next, or kickboxing?"


Also – I'm getting super close to finishing that new Dragon Slaying story I've been working on. It's 90+% done right now, probably? I think it's gonna be the longest story I've ever posted, with looooots of BB, so I'm excited to share. :)

06-22-2014, 07:40 AM
i just opened up a account but i still get= You are not allowed to view this image. whats gives???


Plus, a new snippet of mine based loosely on a few of UnderPressure's old (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2219258/) commissions (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2222385/):


"You know, speed bags have that shape for a reason." The lioness threw another right hook, the bag swinging sharply with the impact. "It's not like somebody thought it up from scratch. Nature perfected the design ages ago."

Above her, the bull let out a guttural groan, his abdomen rippling in barely contained agony. His knuckles were white as he gripped the edges of the chair, his legs spread wide, his rear perched on the edge of the seat to let his testicles dangle low in the open air. "Gina, please–!"

Thump thump. The female glanced upwards from her cross-legged position on the floor, a frown on her face. "Honey, I thought we agreed about this! We were going to start working out more."

"This wasn't what I had in mind," the male coughed. Sure, working out together as a couple had sounded fun – and when she had thrown in the idea of doing it in the nude, his libido had jumped at the chance. Now, though, he was beginning to wonder if his libido would ever jump again.

The stocky feline shook her head, turning back to her work. A jab-cross combination this time, earning a strained grunt from her man. "We talked through this, love. It's like a gym membership AND self-defense classes AND together time all in one. Three birds with one stone." She glanced down at her boyfriend's groin and grinned. "Er, two stones, rather."

The male started to stutter a reply, but could only get out a squeak as his naked girlfriend slammed an uppercut between his thighs. Her knuckles pounded his heavy calfmakers up against the underside of the chair, digging deep dents in the side of each orb. He could almost picture his unborn children, wiped out by the millions with each blow.

"Besides," she continued, brushing the hair from her eyes, "I read in Cosmo that all these nut-punches in a row are supposed to give you, like, CRAZY endorphins. It's like runner's high times a thousand. I'm kinda jealous."

Another punishing uppercut, and the edge of the wooden chair splintered in his grip. "STOP," he squeaked, eyes watering and unfocused.

The lioness paused, then lowered her fists reluctantly. "Oh fine, you big baby." She rolled her eyes. "You wanna work on grip strength next, or kickboxing?"


Also – I'm getting super close to finishing that new Dragon Slaying story I've been working on. It's 90+% done right now, probably? I think it's gonna be the longest story I've ever posted, with looooots of BB, so I'm excited to share. :)[/QUOTE]

06-22-2014, 07:43 AM
i just opened up a account but i still get= You are not allowed to view this image. whats gives???

06-22-2014, 08:08 AM
There's a switch on the FurAffinity account settings page (http://www.furaffinity.net/controls/settings/) to enable viewing of adult artwork – you can find instructions for that here (http://help.furaffinity.net/article/AA-00213/0/Enable-Mature-Adult-Artwork.html). (FA definitely has some odd quirks, but it's by far the most popular furry art site, so what can you do.)

There's some pretty solid stuff once you get set up, though – just go to the search page and type in "ballbusting". I can remember when there were basically no results for that search – it's nice to see how much BB has grown in the furry fandom over the past few years!

06-22-2014, 05:56 PM
thank you!!!

06-26-2014, 05:03 PM
Good tumblr find:


06-27-2014, 01:41 PM
When a pair of would-be dragon-slayers show up at the cave, Lia defends herself and her mate with low blow after low blow. But there are more factors at play than just blunt-force trauma, and P’oiu finds himself on the wrong end of a magic spell.

Hey all – I’ve got a brand-new full-length story for you, and I’m pretty damn happy with it! It’s got both some familiar stuff and some very new ideas on how to make a guy double over in agony. As it turns out, the combination of magic and ballbusting is both fun and hot. Who knew?

Also, I’m pretty sure this is the longest story I’ve ever posted (15K words!), and it’s pretty much non-stop ballbusting action throughout. That’s like 50 pages of low blows! I know my writing has slowed to a trickle in the past few years, but I hope stuff like this is worth the wait. :)

Big thanks to SagaDC for proofreading, offering suggestions, and helping me figure out some logical inconsistencies (magic makes things complicated, yo). As always, let me know your thoughts – getting comments is half the fun of writing stuff like this!

Note: if you want a version without random words getting censored, try reading on SoFurry (https://www.sofurry.com/view/723052) or Blogspot (http://furryballbusting.blogspot.com/2014/06/abcs-caught-in-crossfire.html). Hope you enjoy!


It had been a pretty relaxing Sunday so far. After a late night out, Lia and I had taken the morning to sleep in – or at least, we’d tried to. I’d woken up shortly after dawn to find myself wrapped around my mate, spooning with her backside, my cock already like a bar of iron against the smooth scales of her ass. When she wriggled closer to me for warmth, it was all I could do not to cream my scales. Luckily, Lia was a light sleeper as well, and before long we rang in the new day with some blissfully lazy sex. Hard to beat that.

After we’d both recovered (and after some more half-asleep grinding), it was time to face the day. Opal was supposed to stop by later that afternoon – strictly for a casual visit, not for “business” – so after breakfast, we spent some time cleaning the cave. After an hour or two of sweeping floors and doing dishes I found myself yawning again, so I slipped back to the bedroom for a nap. There was still work to be done, but Lia let me go – after a quick backhand to the groin, at least.

I was curled up under the covers, dreaming something about birds, when I heard the scream.


A few minutes earlier...

To be honest, there was still a lot of cleaning left to do – we hadn’t even gotten to the cave entrance yet – but P’oiu looked like he could use the rest. He’s cute when he’s tired. Plus it was an excuse for a free nutshot, and who am I to pass that up?

Besides, sometimes it’s nice for a girl to have a little alone time. Us dragons can be pretty solitary creatures – we need space to think. I was still getting used to sharing a home with my new mate. After all, I had been living by myself for years before P’oiu came stumbling into my cave...or rather, before I dragged him here, ***********, after fucking him and squeezing his balls so hard he passed out. Our first “date”. Ah, memories.

It had been six months or so now since we’d tied the knot, and a hell of a six months it had been. It’s kinda crazy moving in with a new person! We had a lot of mutual attraction, obviously, and I definitely liked him, but we’d only known each other for a few weeks, and it was hard to know in advance how well we’d get along long-term. It had taken a bit of time to really get used to being around each other, especially after such an unusual start. (“Hi there, the name’s Lia, nice to meet you, mind if I pop your gonad?”)

Honestly, the whole “indestructible testicles” thing had taken some effort to get used to. There was a time right after we’d met when it had been a huge negative. I’m sure that comes as a surprise, given how much I love flattening a nice pair of plums, but it’s true! I was raised very traditionally, and for us northern dragons that means the male is expected to give up one of his balls when he gets mated. I mean, my dad’s only got one, and I was there for the popping ceremony when my brother got mated a few years back. It was really touching! I mean, a guy has to be really devoted to his mate to let her crush one of his spuds, right?

So when P’oiu showed up, with his magic balls of steel, I was a bit...well...disappointed. He seemed cute and sexy and I liked him, but I just couldn’t pop that damn nut of his! Which was sort of a dealbreaker. Of course, I realize now that I was being kinda difficult, and kinda selfish, and kinda sorta a huge bitch. (I’ve been working on improving my attitude.) I shouldn’t have pushed him so hard so fast. Apparently ballbusting isn’t a thing in southern dragon culture – like, at all, which blows my mind – and at the time, I don’t think I grasped how new it was for him. Especially the actual popping. We’ve talked about it since, and he says he’s glad he went through with it, but I still know I could have handled it better.

Anyway – cultural differences, yada yada. Lucky for us, we found a nice solution, and I got to pop ol’ righty anyway! It grew back pretty much right away, of course, which was rather unexpected, but I can’t say I minded. Hell, that just means I might get to pop it again someday! (Which reminds me: I should start dropping hints for our anniversary. I feel like once a year might not be too much to ask…)

It would have been nice for P’oiu if the testicular ordeal had ended there, but there was still one big wrinkle to iron out: meeting my family. Like I said, I’m from a traditional background, so once P’oiu had healed up, I dragged him up north to get an official blessing from my parents and my town’s elders. The initial introductions went okay, but once they realized he had a full sac, well...things got messy.

I tried to explain that I actually had popped his nut, and that it had taken a damn month for the thing to rebuild itself, but my family was pretty skeptical. (Rightfully so...I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t actually felt the thing burst between my claws.) My mom wanted proof, and so did the town elders, and – well, anyway, that’s a story for another time. Suffice it to say that it took a lot of convincing, and that we had to extend our visit an extra week before P’oiu could make the journey home. My mom actually likes him a lot now, but I think he’s still a bit scared of her after the thing with her teeth.

So yes, those indestructible nuts of his caused a few problems at first. But now? HUGE plus. I mean, you know me – I love pounding the spunk out of some guy’s stones, and with P’oiu, I never have to worry about breaking anything. Plus he bounces back from it quicker than any male I’ve ever seen. He’s the only dragon I know who can have his balls stomped into pancakes and still have a hard-on like a bar of iron. (As a teenager, I was repeatedly disappointed by the stamina of my partners – there were more than a few boys who wanted to get handsy with me, but very few who could even stay conscious through the foreplay.)

I realize that all this is not P’oiu’s favorite thing in the world – heck, even when I dated other red dragons, who expected a punch to the groin as a standard part of making out, I tended to push guys a little too hard. But we’ve found a way to make it work. I like to threaten him with lots of low blows, and I’m constantly giving him little slaps and squeezes, but I save the really heavy ballbusting for special occasions. Most days our sex life is actually pretty vanilla, besides a bit of teasing. (Or sometimes a lot of teasing, when we’re expecting a business trip from Opal. I do enjoy making that boy squirm...) We make sure to keep each other very happy, as far as orgasms go. It’s not the only important thing in a relationship, but it’s certainly a nice perk.

(Also, P’oiu would never admit it, but I think ballbusting may be growing on him. Sure, he’s not always in the mood – but on the right day, if I clamp down on his nuts at the end of a blowjob, I swear he comes twice as hard. Believe me, I’m the one who has to swallow it all.)

Anyway – that’s probably enough chat about my favorite pair of balls for now. Where was I? ...Ah, right, cleaning the cave.

So there I was, minding my own business and tidying up the entryway to get ready for Opal’s visit. (It’s important to keep the house clean when you never wear clothes – otherwise personal hygiene can get pretty nasty pretty fast.) It was simple work, so I let my mind wander: sex, food, the weather, Opal, sex again. At some point I started humming to myself, and soon enough that progressed to singing, and soon that progressed to dancing along as well. Before long I was in my own little world, shaking my hips and doing my best rock star impression. I had just reached the real funky part of the chorus (and bent over to pick some random trash off the floor) when suddenly:

“Have at thee, foul beast! We are here to slay the...uh...the dragon?”

My mouth snapped shut immediately, embarrassed to be caught mid-song – but then, this was my own home, and that voice definitely wasn’t P’oiu or Opal. The words weren’t so comforting, either. Quickly I peered back between my legs, curious to see who had just walked through the front door.

Luckily, the visitors seemed just as offguard as I was. Two beastkin stood at the cave entrance, both gawping in surprise.

The one on the left was some kind of rodent – a rat, I think, though I’d never actually met one before. He wore a long brown robe that pooled at his feet, with the hood thrown back to show his face. A simple white belt was knotted around his waist, and an ornate emerald amulet glittered on his chest, hanging on a chain of gold. He looked like someone I’d seen in one of Opal’s books...a sorceror, probably? Certainly not a warrior. There might have been some lean muscle hiding beneath those robes, but he was too fragile-looking to constitute much of a threat.

The guy on the right, on the other hand – talk about beefcake. He was covered in a full coat of armor, but if he’d flexed his pecs I bet he could have cracked his chestplate. He was a full head-and-a-half taller than his companion, probably around 7 feet...which still only brought him to about the height of my chest. (Remember, we dragons are big.) A monstrous sword hung at his hip, long and thick and dangerous. Every inch of his body was wrapped in steel, except for the long gray trunk that stuck out from the bottom of his helm. An elephant. Interesting. My eyes flitted down to his groin. I’d heard that elephants were mightily hung – now I wondered if I’d have a chance to find out.

Carefully I straightened, watching to see if either of the two would move. They had clearly come with the intent to do harm...though for the moment, they both seemed distracted by the sight of my ass. Ah, the good ol’ male libido. Maybe I could use that to my advantage.

“Hello, boys,” I crooned, turning my head to face them directly. “You could have knocked.”

“Uhh...” The elephant was gaping – or at least, I’m pretty sure he was. It was a bit hard to tell with his trunk obscuring his mouth. “Nobody mentioned it was a she…”

Next to him, the rat finally seemed to snap out of his stupor. “Yeah,” he grumbled, shaking his head. “You’d think someone might’a mentioned that.”

“...Are we still supposed to kill it?” asked the knight uncertainly.

Okay. Shit. I could feel my adrenaline spike as the reality of the situation fully settled in.

P’oiu had told me stories about people storming into his old cave – misguided adventurers intent on battling him to the death – but those stories had always ended on a funny note, either with him chasing off the attacker or with him getting repeatedly kicked in the balls. (Kayla once told me the full story of her first visit to P’oiu’s cave, and I mayyyy or may not have jilled off to it a few times.) Still, that kind of activity was mostly restricted to the southern territories and the kingdoms in the west, where the beastkin were more populous. This was the first time I’d ever had an attacker show up at MY cave.

For a moment, I debated calling out to P’oiu for help, or yelling out to warn him...but then I took another look at my attackers, and my panic subsided a bit. The rat guy really didn’t look very threatening, and the elephant was still staring dumbly at my tits. Hardly an elite pair of dragonslayers. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“Aww, that doesn’t sound fun.” I stuck out my lower lip in an exaggerated pout. “I’m sure I could think of something a little more...exciting for all of us?

“Let’s just do the job.” The rat fiddled with his amulet, rubbing a finger against the green gemstone mounted in its center. “We’ll slay the dragon and collect our reward.”

I bit my lip and put on my best bedroom eyes. “Oh, but wouldn’t you rather lay the dragon?”

The knight scratched his head. “She is pretty hot, dude...”

“She’s trying to seduce you, you idiot,” said the rat, narrowing his eyes. “Pull out your sword.”

“Mmm, yeah,” I purred, eyes dipping to the elephant’s crotch once more. “Pull out your sword for me, stud.”

Even from across the room, I could hear the quiet metallic ding.

The rat groaned. “Stop thinking with your cock, you stupid–”

Thump. The knight raised a fist and brought it down on top of his partner’s head, hard enough to send the smaller male sprawling. The rodent let out a yelp of surprise and crumpled to the ground, his robes spread around him like a puddle of brown fabric.

“Shut up, dude.” The elephant pulled off his helm, grinning from ear to ear as he stepped forward. “She clearly wants the D.”

I bit back a laugh. What a charmer. “Oh yeah. You have no idea how lonely it gets out here, without a big strong man to please me...”

“Oh, don’t worry baby, I’ll fill you up real good.” He was right in front of me now, his eyes level with my chest. He didn’t bother to look any higher. “Nobody does it better than me. I bet I can make you squeal.”

Likewise, I thought to myself. “What about your friend?” I asked innocently, glancing over at his fallen companion. It was hard to tell, but the rodent looked like he might be out cold.

“Him?” The elephant snorted, sliding a hand around my hip to grope my ass. “He’s just a cockblock. Not even a good sorceror – he can hardly do anything without that dumb necklace of his. Total beta male.”

I eeped in surprise as the knight’s metal gauntlets made contact with my skin, the cold steel sending a chill up my spine. “Mmm...well forget him, then,” I panted. “Show me that nice, thick cock of yours.” (Not that I intended to do all that much with it, but honestly, I was curious for a look.)

The knight’s hand left my waist, and he fumbled with his buckles for a moment. The pachyderm let out a groan of relief as his codpiece finally fell to the ground, a solid ten inches of elephant meat springing out into the open air.

Immediately I slipped a hand between his legs, wrapping my fingers around the stiff length. I gave it a quick squeeze and felt it throb warmly in response, growing even harder now that it had room to breathe. The rumors were apparently true – he was pretty impressive, even with the size difference. Not quite as lengthy as P’oiu, but just about as thick. Unfortunate that such a nice cock was attached to such a dim knight.

The male groaned in satisfaction as I played with his manhood for a few moments, exploring the rod from base to tip. “Mmm, that’s right. You like that big cock, don’t you, slut? Why don’t you get down on your knees and start suckimmmphg–”

“Uh-huh.” With a roll of my eyes I pulled the elephant into my chest, smothering him between my breasts. I fished for a moment between his legs, giving his shaft a few more long strokes before letting my claws drift further south. I grinned as I found his calfmakers, wrapping my hand around the healthy pair. They weren’t quite as impressive as his penis – but then, I’d been spoiled by the big beatiful pair of gems that P’oiu always toted around. These orbs were more oranges than canteloupes.

The knight still seemed to be enjoying himself, judging from his muffled groans...but that wasn’t going to last much longer. With practiced ease I isolated his left marble, trapping it against the palm of my hand. I gave the orb an experimental squeeze, feeling the spunkmaker deform a bit between my fingers and feeling the elephant stiffen in alarm.

He wrenched his head from my breasts, gasping for air. “Hey! Be careful with thommgh–”

I pulled him close once more, one hand pushing his head into my tits, the other starting to bear down on his doomed gonad. “Hush, dear, just enjoy the ride.”


I looked up with a start. Across the room, the rat was stirring.

“Fucking...damn it, my fucking skull.” The rat worked his way to a sitting position, holding his head in his hands. “You’re a real asshole, Ed, you know that?”

I’d been hoping to enjoy myself and take my time teaching the knight a lesson, but clearly my plan would need to be accelerated. Unceremoniously I tightened my claws, flattening his left plum to a fraction of its usual plumpness.

Immediately the pachyderm’s voice jumped an octave, and he began squealing into my chest. (Which kind of tickled.) Frantically he flailed at my arm, trying to break free of my grip, but I’ve had more than a little practice with flailing men, and I held him steady. I watched carefully for a moment to see if he’d make a move for the sword at his hip, but like most males, he seemed to forget all logic and strategy once I had started turning his testicle into a pancake.

Across the room, the rat was slowly regaining his senses. “Blech.” He looked up at me, squinting. “What...what the hell are you two even doing?”

“Oh, nothing. Just...nnrgh...showing your friend here a good time.”

The rat peered back at me suspiciously. “Is that so.”

I grinned nervously, fighting to restrain the squirming elephant. I had hoped I could make the knight pass out without doing any permanent damage, but unfortunately time was short. With a silent apology I repositioned my claws, then clamped down with my full strength.

The knight’s doomed spud trembled for a moment as it fought to keep its shape, then disintegrated with a quiet squick. The muscular male bucked violently as half his genetic material was turned into jello, and it was all I could do to keep him from toppling to the floor in a writhing heap. As it was, he still managed to wrench his head free from my tits, gasping for air and shrieking in pain.

“My nut!” he cried. The elephant was pale as a ghost. “Raj, she–...oh god, my nut!”

Concussed as he was, it took the rat a moment to put it all together. “Wait...again?! Oh, for–!” The rat gave a long exhale of frustration. “For fuck’s sake, Ed, I don’t know why I even bother.”

“My nut, Raj–”

“No, seriously! First it was the pangolins, and then it was that raccoon chick, and then–...wait, is this the third time or the fourth?” The rodent scratched his head. “I can’t remember if that dolphin babe actually popped one or–”

“Please–!” he gasped raggedly. “Do the–...the…”

“Ugh, fine.” The rat jabbed a hand towards me, his voice rising. “Testiculus reconstructum!”

I looked at the rat in alarm, expecting something to spring to life between his fingers – but much to my surprise, I felt something spring to life between mine instead. A strange force began to force my claws apart...the same claws that had just turned the elephant’s left jewel into jello. I could feel something squirming into existence, fighting for space to establish itself and slowly prying my fingers open. I might have tried to resist, if not for the sudden, violent twitch that seized the elephant knight, his whole body jerking in my grip as he let out a trumpeting bellow of agony. Surprised, I let go of his sac and clutched at the weakened male, fighting to keep him restrained. Quickly I reestablished my hold on his package, one hand wrapped around his back to keep him upright, the other slipping back down to grasp his scrotum and his last remaining testicle...s.

Testicles. Plural. There were two of them.

Incredulously I hefted his sac in my claws again, re-counting, and sure enough – one, two. His burst ball had...rebuilt itself, I guess? I mean, I’d seen P’oiu’s nut do it after our mating ceremony, so it was definitely possible, but that had taken weeks. This time I’d literally felt it turn from an orb into jelly and back again, in the space of about fifteen seconds. Heck, I hadn’t even finished fully grinding his ex-testicle into paste.

I was suddenly aware of a growing warmth between my thighs. I bit my lip, mind abuzz with possibilities. Was this a recent development with magic? If so, I needed to start taking lessons now.

Not that the elephant seemed to appreciate his good fortune. The male was still shaking in agony, whimpering voicelessly into my cleavage. Apparently repairing a ruptured nut didn’t do anything to cancel out the pain. Curious, I wrapped my claws around the same nut once more, probing it with a clawtip – and earning a sick mewl in response.

Repaired but not protected, apparently. Smirking, I pulled him into my chest again. “Hmm. Interesting. Well, second time’s the charm.”

A flick of my wrist, and the brand new spunkmaker splurted between my fingers, the orb quivering on the edge for a moment before disintegrating in my fist. The elephant let out a second squeal, even more effeminate than the first. I felt the heat between my legs grow stronger.

Across the room rat groaned, rolling his eyes. “Okay, maybe I should have seen that coming. Seriously, though, I don’t know why I even bother.”

“My ball–!” moaned the elephant.

“Oh shut up,” complained his companion. “Silencium aliorum!”

With those two words, the pachyderm’s plaintive cries were suddenly cut off. I looked down at the stricken male, his mouth still moving silently even though no sound came out. “Huh. Well that’s a neat trick.”

“It’s a spell to silence any other males in the area,” replied the rat curtly. “He whines a lot when he loses a nut.”

I watched the elephant mewl wordlessly for another moment before his eyes finally rolled back into his head. “Well, I’m not sure the magic was necessary. Looks like he was about to pass out anyw–”


A bright light raced towards me. Only my reflexes saved me as a shock of blue flashed past my face, close enough that I could feel the heat on my cheek. My brain scrambled for an explanation. A spell? Was he attacking–


A tight ball of flame shot across the room, splattering across the stone floor at my feet like lava. Most of it struck the elephant’s armor, but a few bits landed on my left foot, and I hissed in pain and surprise. Quickly I pulled my leg back, shaking off the burning substance. Fire-resistant scales or not, that still stung.

Anger flared to life in my chest. What the actual fuck?!

The sorceror’s amulet glowed like torch. “Petrificus!” he repeated, snapping his arm like a whip.

Another flash of light. Instinctively, I defended myself with what I had at hand...which happened to be a fully-armored elephant. Roughly I yanked the male upwards by his remaining gonad, using his body to shield myself from the spell. And good thing, too. This time the bolt slammed home, striking the elephant with enough force to set me back on my heels. It ricocheted off the male’s armor, bouncing back towards its origin–

–and striking the sorceror himself. The rat’s eyes widened as he toppled backwards to the ground, his body as stiff as a board.

“Fuck,” he muttered.

For a long second I stood there, processing what had just happened. Carefully I lowered my elephant shield to the ground. Suddenly I was aware of just how tightly I was gripping the male’s only remaining testicle – the surge of adrenaline had me on the edge of popping it. Guiltily I let the rubbery nugget slip from my fingers, the *********** knight flopping onto the floor with an inelegant clang.

“Well that didn’t go as planned,” the rat deadpanned, still flat on his back.

I tensed for a moment, concerned that he might attack again...but he remained motionless on the other side of the room. Cautiously I drew closer, looking down at the rat. He seemed frozen. Paralyzed, maybe? Didn’t seem to affect his face, though. He watched me as I approached, his whiskers twitching in agitation.

“I don’t suppose we could pretend this whole incident never happened?” he asked.

“Ohhhh no,” I replied, gritting my teeth. As I got closer, and grew more certain that the rat was no longer a threat, I could feel rage rising to replace my fear. This asshole had barged into my home, threatened me, attacked me – he needed to be destroyed. “No...no, I’m gonna teach you a lesson. A very painful lesson. One ruptured nut at a time.”

The rat looked a bit panicked at that (or at least, as panicked as someone can look with limited motor functions). For a moment he searched for words. “T–...testi...” He cleared his throat, his voice growing more confident. “Testiculi steelum. Agonia deflectum.” His amulet shone once more.

I had closed the distance now. Roughly I grabbed him by the arm, hauling him to his feet. “Yeah yeah, keep speaking gibberish.” I hooked a claw just above his collarbone, tearing off his amulet in one quick motion and tossing it aside. “No more magic, bucko. Just your balls versus my knee.”

The rat narrowed his eyes, seemingly unafraid even as I lifted him into the air. “You can’t hurt me.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You sure?” Nonchalantly I sliced through the male’s robes, tearing the brown fabric into strips with the points of my claws. I took a second to examine the suddenly-nude rodent, my eyes dropping to his well-stuffed scrotum. “‘Cuz I’m pretty sure I’m about to pound your jewels into a fine powder.”

“Good luck with that.” His eyes darted downwards as I lifted my knee, nudging it against his heavy sac to line up my target. His plump orbs rolled loosely against my kneecap, unaware of their imminent fate. “You won’t make me squeal.”

I grinned, flashing my teeth at the smaller rodent. “Oh,” I purred, “we’ll see about that,” and brought him down onto my knee with every ounce of force I could deliver.



At first, I thought the scream had just been my imagination. I sat up groggily, blinking the sleep out of my eyes. A bad dream, maybe?

But as soon as I lay back down, the sound came again – more of a girlish squeal, this time. Curiously I listened, waiting for more noises, but I couldn’t hear anything in particular. For a few long moments I lingered, debating whether or not to get up, but finally I shook my head, grit my teeth, and swung my legs out of bed.

Even then, it took a few seconds more to muster the will to actually stand up. I stretched for a moment, working the tired out of my muscles and fighting the urge to yawn. How long had I been asleep? I could have sworn I heard voices in the other room – more than one voice, in fact. Maybe Opal had arrived already? I took a few steps towards the door–

–and immediately toppled to the floor as a burst of agony exploded in my groin. Oh fuck! My testicles squealed in protest at the sudden, violent impact, as something crashed into my crotch with enough force to make my eyes water. Wordlessly I flailed, legs turning to jelly as I crumpled to my knees. A deep ache, familiar and terrible, bloomed in my gut like ink dropped in water.

If I hadn’t been awake before, I certainly was now.

But not awake enough, apparently. Before I’d even finished sinking to the floor, another blow came slamming home at near-neutering velocity. A spasm ran through my whole body, from my pelvis outwards, a violent shiver passing through me as the flood of pain signals raced up my spine. My claws twitched – once, twice – before I finally managed to wrap them around my battered orbs, trying to protect my eggs before they could be scrambled any further. I bent forward until my head touched the ground, my body forming an awkward tripod, both hands clasped tightly between my legs.

My nuts. Oh holy fuck. What the hell had just happened? Weakly I peered back between my legs, expecting to find Lia – it wouldn’t have been the first time she had snuck up on me and completely wrecked my gonads – but there was no one there. She could have been hiding, I suppose, but that wasn’t really her style…she was more likely to shove her tits in my face, give my cock a few strokes, and then blast me in the balls again. So where was she?

It was then that a second odd thing struck me...I wasn’t making any noise. Sure, sometimes it took me a moment to find my voice after my dragonmakers had been launched into my lungs, but this was different. I could feel my mouth moving, and as I knew all too well from experience, usually I’d be mewling like a hatchling after a blow like that. And yet, the only noise that greeted me was the sound of my toeclaws, scraping against the stone floor as I squirmed in place.

This was odd. Very odd.

A spent a few more long seconds on the floor, resisting the urge to vomit and trying to gather my wits. When I had first met Lia, a pair of hits like that would have kept me in the fetal position for a solid ten minutes...but by now, I’d been hit in the balls a thousand times. It never hurt any less, mind you, but you did start learning how to work through the pain.

Reluctantly I took one hand away from my groin, and then the other, allowing my heavy sac to dangle between my legs once more. As I raised myself onto my hands and knees, I glanced back at my package for a moment. Everything looked alright.

And that’s when my world exploded again.

My mouth opened in a silent howl as something pounded my plums flat, crushing the spunk-filled spheres to the very edge of rupture. Or at least, that’s what it felt like. I didn’t see Lia’s foot come smashing up into my stones...or anyone else’s foot, for that matter.

99% of my mind was wrapped up in impossible, soul-crushing nutpain. And the last 1%, the part that clung to rational thought, was utterly confused. What the hell was happening? Was there some goddamn ghost in our cave who wanted to turn my berries into paste? Maybe one of Lia’s ancestors? How could a ghost possibly kick me in the balls?!

It didn’t add up. I hadn’t seen a foot come swinging into my groin, or heard the thwack of something striking my sac, or seen my stones go flying with the impact. In fact, I’d been looking right at my dragonmakers, and I was pretty sure they had just...hung there. Which made no sense. It felt like Lia had just tried to kick a field goal with my scrotum, and completely crushed my gonads in the process. I swear I could feel my left nut, trying to reinflate itself after being flattened to a fraction of its normal size...but as soon as I got my claws around the poor orb, I knew it was fine. As plump and healthy as ever. It hadn’t been touched.

Not that that was a whole lot of consolation. I was still in a heap on the floor, feeling like I’d just taken a cannonball to the cajones. My entire body writhed, seeking an escape from the apocalyptic ache in my groin and finding none. If I was capable of making any noise, I’m sure I would have been moaning in an embarrassingly high octave. And despite extensive evidence that my testicles were virtually indestructible, I couldn’t help but wonder how many of my unborn children had just been ballbusted out of existence.

Worst. Wake-up. EVER.



Now, I’ve kneed a whole lot of guys in the balls over the years, with a whole lot of different reactions. Some guys moan, some guys squeal, some guys gasp for breath. P’oiu tends to mewl, in a way that’s very cute and also pretty hot. But this was the first time I had ever heard anyone chuckle.

For a moment I was at a loss. Had I imagined it? But no – the little asshole was grinning up at me like he’d just found a wheel of cheese. (Is that racist? Sorry, I say things when I’m upset.) Anyway, the look on his face just made me that much angrier, so I hoisted him up and slammed him back down on my knee again.

It wasn’t my very best work – I was used to a larger target, after all, and I don’t aim as well when I’m pissed off – but it should have been more than enough to make a male sing soprano. I could feel the rodent’s fat plums spread out across the top of my knee, crushed flat against the poor guy’s pelvis. The orbs squirmed against my skin like a pair of water balloons. The blow wasn’t hard enough to pop anything – like I said, I wasn’t really aiming – but it should have made the little guy’s eyes roll back into his head, no problem.

Instead he just kept looking at me, and grinning that STUPID GRIN. “Used to more of a reaction?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I growled and lowered my knee, still holding the rat aloft by his shoulders. Curiously I lifted him up to eye level once more, peering between his frozen legs. Sure enough, there they were: two heavy spunkmakers, hanging like a lopsided pendulum between the male’s legs. So why the lack of reaction?

“...Yes,” I admitted, finally. “So what, are your nuts fake or something? Some other girl already beat me to the pop?”

I pounded my knee up into his crotch yet again, a sharp slap echoing through the room as my bare thigh connected with his bare sac. His body shook with the impact, but the male just kept grinning. “Ha! Cute guess, but no, they’re the real deal. Functional and everything.”

Thump, thump. I drove my kneecap up into his gonads twice more, flattening the pair into his pelvis. I could feel his left nut get caught lengthwise, the oblong orb compressed down into a sphere, then into a pancake, before it finally squirted aside to safety.

The rat just smirked. “I’m afraid that’s not going to do much good, love.”

I was starting to see red. I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, hoisting him back up to eye level. “Okay, fine. You’re using a spell to block out pain or something.”

He sniffed. “To deflect pain, yes. Agonia deflectum.”

“Yeah yeah, you’re very fancy, good for you.” With my other hand I reached between his legs, closing my fingers around the neck of his scrotum. “Doesn’t mean I can’t ******** you.”

“Uh, did you not hear my other spell? Testiculi steelum. ‘Balls of–’”


He raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Go ahead then, give it a try.”

My eyes narrowed, and my grip tightened. Casually I isolated one of his balls, rolling the rubbery lump in my fingers, digging the clawtip of my thumb into the side of the sphere to test its strength. I’d done this before – in fact, P’oiu’s nut was a hell of a lot sturdier than the marble I held now, and I could still remember the feel of it rupturing in my claws. A flick of my wrist, and I could turn a testicle into paste.

I smiled, with teeth. “You asked for it.”



When you’ve been with someone for a while, you get very familiar with certain details of their behavior. You start to recognize the way they bite their lip when they’re frustrated, or squint their eyes when they’re getting a headache, or sit a little closer to you when they’re about to fall asleep.

Or, in my case, you recognize the way a certain dragoness stabs her clawtip into the side of your ball when she’s getting ready to scramble its contents.

So far, I had managed to crawl a few steps into the hallway – though not without crumpling to the ground once more, when two more inexplicable blows had crashed into my groin in quick succession. I had just managed to force myself back to my hands and knees when I felt an all-too-familiar tingle between my legs: Lia hefting my balls in her claws, weighing the orbs for a brief moment before deciding which one she wanted to crush.

Panicked, I glanced back between my legs again. There was still no one there, but I knew in my gut that it had to be my mate. Who else would want to mangle my gonads so badly? Well...a lot of people, actually, if history was any indication. But I knew Lia, and I would have bet my left nut that she was somehow behind this. Hell, I would have bet my left nut even without magical regeneration powers.

As if to confirm my suspicions, I felt her grip shift again, claws encircling my right nut as they had a hundred times before. My eyes watered as she tapped the back of my testicle, seeking the most sensitive spot to dig in. I had a sudden vivid memory: Lia riding cowgirl, squeezing my sac, growling something about turning my nuts into shish-kebabs, my cock and balls both about to burst–

And then the phantom claws bore down, and I was down like a bag of bricks.

Reader, I don’t know if you’ve ever been speared through the testicle before. I’m guessing you probably haven’t, either because (a) you’re female, or (b) you’re not mated to a ballbusting fanatic with claws, but let me tell you: it’s not super fun. Especially when your nuts are indestructible.

“Wait,” you might say, “isn’t it good to have unbreakable stones?” Well yeah, of course it is, but it’s got some ugly downsides, too. For most other males, if some chick shoved a claw through their nut, the poor thing would just pop. Losing a nut is agonizing (trust me, I know), but it’s also pretty instant, and you’d probably pass out after a few seconds. Me, though? My ball isn’t going anywhere, so Lia can just dig around and scramble my egg as much as she wants. She can’t actually puncture the thing, but she can squeeze it into a donut ‘til her claws touch in the middle, or scrape around with a clawtip until the insides are basically jelly. It’d almost be better if my gonad just burst right away – but then, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. (And when both sides of the fence involve getting your plums crushed, I guess it’s a bit of a loss either way.)

Anywho – Lia, nut-skewering, etc. I spent a long minute or so flopping around on the floor while some invisible force mixed up the inside of my right nut like a blender. I was clutching my sac the whole time, of course, and in reality both my spuds seemed perfectly fine, but it certainly felt like there was a drill being rammed into my testicle.

Finally the torture subsided, and I let out a (silent) sob of relief. I still didn’t know what the hell was going on, but now I could definitely hear Lia down the hall. She sounded angry...though I could have told you that already, given the state of my groin. With a desperate determination, I pulled myself up onto my elbows and continued dragging myself towards the cave entrance.



You know, I get a lot of enjoyment out of the physical act of ballbusting: the slap of skin on skin, the feeling of those round lumps flattening against my thigh, the way a guy’s sac starts to tighten up after a solid kick or three. It’s a pretty good workout, too, depending on your method of choice. (Tail-busting is great for your ass.) I used to joke to P’oiu that if he got me an exercise dummy with a realistic package, I’d spend an hour on it every day, and be ripped by the end of the month.

Well, it turns out that crushing nuts is a lot less fun when the guy they’re attached to doesn’t react, like, at all. It’s kind of demoralizing, actually. I pride myself on knowing exactly how to handle a male – how to tease, how to punish, how to push a pair of balls to their limit without going too far. I spent my teenage years getting intimately familiar with handling dragon testicles: pinching, prodding, fondling, stomping, juicing. And granted, this rat guy was a different species, but it’s not like I was trying to do anything nuanced to him. All I wanted to do was turn his spunkmakers into pulp. Given my difference in size and strength, it should have been trivial.

Over the past ten minutes I’d tried kneeing, squeezing, some uppercuts, more squeezing, and a couple frustrated slaps...with no success. Not that that was about to stop me. As P’oiu may have told you a few times, I’m incredibly stubborn – and I’ve never tried to pop a testicle and failed. In fact, the one time I did struggle to burst a ball, I ended up continuing to try for weeks until the damn thing finally gave way. And that’s how P’oiu and I became mates.

So I wasn’t about to give up just because Mr. Asshole Sorceror was being all stoic and snarky. No, that just meant I needed to turn it up a notch.

The rat looked at me smugly as I pounded my fist up into the crux of his legs for the fourteenth time...or was it the fifteenth? “Getting tired?” he asked.

I shook out my hand. My knuckles were starting to get sore, to be honest. “You know,” I grunted back, “that cockiness is gonna bite you in the ass eventually.” My gaze flicked downwards. “Or elsewhere.”

Mr. Asshole followed my gaze, and for a split second I could see his eyes go wide with fear. Aha! Victory! Maybe his spell’s secret weakness was dragon teeth! Confidently I lifted him up until his groin was level with my face.

“Normally I only do this for people I really like,” I teased, tracing my tongue across my teeth. Sensually I leaned forward and closed my lips around his sac, tugging down on the twin orbs until they popped from my mouth with a wet smack. “But for you, I’ll make an exception.”

The rat was trying to play it cool, but he was visibly uneasy. With relish I popped his left gonad into my mouth, rolling it around on my tongue for a moment...and then I chomped down like a hungry hippo.

A thrill ran through me as the male flinched – yes! Finally! But after a few seconds passed without any squealing or moaning or begging for mercy, it became clear that his nervous reaction had been instinct and nothing more. I sighed internally. I suppose it would be intimidating to watch your sac get lowered into a dragoness’s mouth, even if you knew logically that nothing was going to happen.

The joy I had felt a few moments ago was gone. Now I felt more like a hatchling being ****** to eat her vegetables.

Still, it couldn’t hurt to be thorough. I sucked the rest of the rat’s sac into my mouth, moving its contents around until I had one ball in each cheek. Carefully I positioned the orbs between my molars and canines, preparing to crack each nut for the creamy center inside. I closed my jaw just a bit, testing their firmness, then braced myself and fully bit down–

–and then I bit down even harder in surprise, as something grabbed hold of my leg. Hastily I spat out my mouthful, whipping my head downwards to see...


My mate gazed up at me weakly, one clawed hand wrapped around my ankle. The dragon was shaking, flat on his stomach, his muscles taut with agony. His tail twitched like a schizophrenic snake.

Immediately I dropped to one knee, setting the still-paralyzed rat back on the ground (where he prompty toppled onto his back). I placed a hand on P’oiu’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze, trying to soothe his obvious distress. “What happened? What’s wrong?”

Slowly he opened his mouth, but try as he might, he couldn’t get any words out. Still, I knew the textbook signs of a ballbust when I saw one – and sure enough, P’oiu’s free hand was buried between his legs.

Dread shot through me. Was there someone else here? Someone who had snuck past me and attacked P’oiu in his sleep? And if so, how on earth had they managed to hurt him so bady? I’d busted my mate’s balls dozens of times, and the only time I’d seen him look this shaken up was the time that I popped his...

...oh shit.

“Honey?” I tried to hide the panic in my voice, gently turning him onto his back. “Hon, I’m gonna take a look at your nuts, alright? Can you move your hand away?”

It was hard to tell if the male could even hear me, given the glazed, unfocused look in his eyes, but he did seem to get the message. Weakly he pulled his claws away, revealing–

“Oh thank god,” I exhaled, flooded with relief. His sac looked completely fine. His scaly twins were just as round and plump and healthy-looking as the day I’d first met him. Just to be sure, I reached out and slipped my claws under his scrotum, hefting his spunkmakers and counting them – one, two. P’oiu tensed for a moment, but seemed to relax as I gently cradled the heavy orbs in my fingers, rubbing them gently.

Well, I knew he was intact at least – but he was also still very much in pain. I turned my attention back to the rat, now sprawled out on the ground right next to me. “You,” I growled, climbing back to my feet. I narrowed my eyes, kicking his legs apart so that his balls lay exposed between his thighs. “Is there someone else here? Another friend of yours who’s attacking my mate?”

Honestly, the rodent seemed just as surprised as I was. He searched for words for a moment. “I don’t, uh…huh.”

Anger flared in my chest again. “I want answers, damnit!” I spat, raising my foot high before slamming it down onto his defenseless balls.

I nearly lost my balance as P’oiu suddenly clutched at my ankle anew, almost pulling my leg out from under me. The sorceror’s stones squirted out from beneath my foot as I stumbled sideways, barely managing to stay upright.

Confused, I looked down. The dragon had rolled onto his side, his free hand back between his legs, claws wrapped around his gonads as though someone had just tried to punt them into his throat. His whole body writhed in agony, eyes squinted shut, his mouth open in a silent moan.

Understanding dawned in the sorceror’s eyes. “Ohhhhhh,” he said softly. A grin cracked his features. “Oh, that’s wicked.”

I looked back and forth between P’oiu and the rat, confused and concerned and very pissed. “Tell me what you’re doing to him!” I demanded, raising my foot once again and bringing it down with enough force to crack stone.

P’oiu jackknifed at the waist, claws scrabbling at my calf so hard I thought he might break the skin. This time I did fall over, landing hard on my hip as I crashed to the ground. I yelped at the unexpected impact, groaning as pain blossomed through my side. Curves or no, that was gonna leave a bruise. Ugh.

I had bigger problems to solve, though. P’oiu was now doubled over completely, clutching himself like he’d just lost a nut. That was twice now that he had yanked my leg out from under me mid-stomp – and I’d yet to nail a solid blow on the rat. Sure, I’d still crushed his ‘nads into the dirt for a split-second, but the real joy of a good nut-stomp is in the second or two afterwards, when the guy’s testicles are squishing between your toeclaws. Unfortunately, every time I brought my foot down, P’oiu was acting like he’d just been on the receiving end of a stomp himself.

...In fact, now that I thought about it, that was pretty much exactly how he was acting. The only times I’d seen P’oiu double over so hard were when his spuds were properly flattened – not just kicked or squeezed, but really crushed paper-thin. One time I had slammed my heel down on his right nut, and he’d curled up so fast that he pulled a muscle in his back. His reaction a few seconds ago had been almost identical.

Curiously I looked over at the rat, pushing myself back up to my feet. Gently I extracted my ankle from P’oiu’s grip – I’d learned my lesson at this point – and then I stepped up between the sorceror’s legs, looking down at his pink sac. Deliberately I set my foot atop his twin orbs, rolling them around against the floor for a moment.

A few feet away, P’oiu tensed, his hands dipping low to guard his groin.

I watched my mate closely as I isolated the rodent’s right testicle, positioning it under my heel. Slowly I began to lean forward, transferring my weight from one foot to the other, feeling the plump egg start to flatten…

...and right on schedule, P’oiu began twitching: weakly at first, but with increasing agitation as I added more pressure. Just to make sure, I transfered my full weight onto the rubbery plum, the poor orb immediately losing its round shape – and sure enough, P’oiu thrashed in place, claws latched around his dragonmakers in a vain attempt to protect them from harm.

Eureka! I’d solved the mystery! I basked in the glow of discovery for a moment, before realizing that I was still standing rather nonchalantly on the rat’s right nut. Guiltily I stepped away, letting the rodent’s spud reinflate to its usual shape and granting P’oiu some relief. I watched the dragon for a moment, biting my lip as he continued to quiver on the ground. I felt all kinds of terrible...and just a little bit aroused, I’m ashamed to admit.

I tore my gaze away from my mate, looking back down at the sorceror. “So...when I bust your balls, he’s the one who feels it?” I asked, still confirming my hypothesis.

The rat grinned. “Agonia deflectum,” he repeated, smugly. “It redirects pain to other people in the area. Stomp on my goolies, and it’ll find some other poor schmuck to deal with the pain instead of me.”

“Clever.” I narrowed my eyes, glancing over at my mate again. “But I’m sure there’s a catch, right?”

The sorceror looked up at me warily. “Maybe.”

“I thought so. There’s always a catch. So…” Gears were turning rapidly in my head. I took a step towards P’oiu. “So maybe there’s a way to reverse it.”

P’oiu was quite out of it at this point. The male had elected to roll onto his back, and while most of his body was limp with exhaustion, his hands were still locked tightly around his testicles. Gently I knelt down to tug his hands away, but he fought back, trying to shield himself from any further harm.

“P’oiu?” I placed a hand on his chest reassuringly. “C’mon, hon, let me see.”

His eyes pleaded with me.

“Hey.” My hand drifted lower, curling around his limp dragonhood. I gave the length a slow stroke or two, delighted to feel it twitch lightly in response. His libido was still in working order, apparently. “I’ll make it up to you. Now c’mon, trust me.”

I could practically see the argument going on in his head. He glanced back and forth between my face, my hand, and my tits...then resignedly closed his eyes, letting his hands drop to the floor.

“Thank you.” I planted a quick kiss on the underside of his cock, the length already halfway hard.

“Now, as I was saying…” I drew back up to my full height, planting a hand on my hip and turning to face the rat once more. “When I crush your nuts, it hurts P’oiu, yes?”

The rat blinked. “I think you’ve established that fact, yes.”

“Right. Well then, logically…” I looked down at P’oiu, nudging his legs apart with my foot. His testicles sat invitingly between his thighs, two cushy green targets. “If I start crushing P’oiu’s nuts, then obviously it’ll hurt you!”

Satisfied with my ingenuity, I lifted my right foot high, then slammed it down with near-neutering force, squashing my mate’s gonads to a fraction of their normal plumpness.

Immediately P’oiu sat bolt upright, his arms wrapping around my leg with a strength born of desperation. His snout pressed up against my bare thigh, his mouth opening in a howl of agony – though still, no sound came out. His tail thrashed behind him. His eyes were wide open this time, wild with pain, staring straight up at me and begging me wordlessly to stop.

Shocked, I took a step back, almost slipping again as his massive stones squirted out from underfoot. P’oiu immediately rolled over onto his side, curling into a ball and clutching his freshly-flattened spunkmakers.

Behind me, the rat burst out laughing. “Ha! I didn’t think you were dumb enough to actually do that! Gods, are you a thick one.”

Inside me, something snapped. “Oh that is the last fucking straw!” I shouted, whirling to face my antagonist. Roughly I grabbed him by the neck, hauling him up into the air. “What the fuck have you done to my mate? And why can’t he talk?”

He coughed, struggling for breath, and I loosened my claws just enough to let him speak. “Uh, silencium aliorum? Were you not paying attention at all when you popped my partner’s nut?”

I snarled. “Fuck you and your magic. I am gonna figure this out and I’m gonna fix it. And then I’m going to ******** you. Slowly and painfully.”

He chuckled. “Not as long as I’ve got that amulet, you’re not.”

The amulet. My eyes widened, my rage forgotten. I turned to look around me, scanning the room for – there! The emerald gem was off in the corner, still gleaming with a strange inner light. Come to think of it, I was pretty sure the gem had only started glowing once the rat began casting spells...

Once again, the gears began turning in my head.

“So.” I lowered the rodent back to the floor, dropping him none too gently onto his back. “This amulet of yours...it seems pretty powerful.”

“Very,” he replied confidently.

“Mmm.” Casually I sauntered towards the discarded necklace, a new plan beginning to form in my mind. “And it’s the source of all your magic.”

The rat seemed a bit put off at that. “Well–...I mean, not all of it–”

“But most of it,” I countered, cutting him off. The amulet was at my feet now. I took my time to retrieve it, slowwwwly bending over to grasp it in my claws. (If P’oiu had recovered enough to open his eyes again, then he deserved a nice long look at my ass, the poor guy.)

“...What are you getting at?” asked the sorceror. It might have been my imagination, but I thought I heard an edge of concern creeping into his voice.

“Well, I’m just thinking out loud.” I turned to start walking back – and was satisfied to note that P’oiu had his gaze trained firmly on my body. I gave him a wink, reaching up to squeeze one of my breasts. “But if I were to say…break your amulet. That would go ahead and cancel out all those pesky spells of yours, now wouldn’t it?”

The rat furrowed his eyebrows. “That’s...not possible. You couldn’t possibly break that gemstone.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that. Believe me, it wouldn’t be the first jewel I’ve crushed in these claws.” I smiled down at P’oiu. “Isn’t that right, sweetie?”

The poor dragon went pale. I’m embarrassed to say that I felt a little thrill at the sight.

“Hmmph...good luck.” The rodent sounded dismissive, but his eyes were locked on the amulet as I sat down beside him. “That gem is protected by a powerful magical energy–”

“And so was P’oiu’s right nut,” I interjected testily, “but I still ground it into paste and made him my mate. Don’t tell me what I can’t do, asshole.”

His eyes grew wide as I positioned the gem between my claws. “I-I really wouldn’t do that!” he warned.

I glared daggers at him. “What did I literally just say? Now if you’ll excuse me...”

Carefully I turned the amulet in my fingers, tracing the edges of the jewel with my claws. It was a gorgeous shade of green: a glimmering pentagon inset in a disc of burnished gold. I’m not really a jewelry kind of girl – I prefer to be fully nude, thank you very much – but if I was, I would have killed for a rock like this. Shit looked expensive.

Some sort of writing was inscribed along the edges of the disk, but it was too small for me to make out. Magical runes, probably? Maybe Opal would have had a better idea of what the symbols meant, but she was still hours away from arriving. Not that I really cared that much – like I had said, destroying this thing couldn’t be that different than cracking any other jewel. I just had to feel out the weak points and squeeeeeeze.

I gripped the amulet in both hands, positioning my thumbclaws at the smooth center of the gemstone. Curious, I applied just a bit of pressure. The jewel felt pretty sturdy – though interestingly, it began to glow a bit brighter as I bore down. I relaxed my grip, and the glow faded to its previous level.

“Huh. Funky.” I shook my head. “Well, here goes nothing.”

And with that, I clamped down – hard, and harder with each passing second. I grit my teeth and clenched my fingers tight, focusing all my strength on the very heart of the stone. The gem shone brilliantly in response, like a fire in my hands, casting sharp silhouettes on the cave walls.

The rodent watched transfixed, a mix of awe and fear in his eyes. “What–...how are you–…?”

I grunted and adjusted my grip, glaring down at the amulet, visualizing the gem shattering into a thousand pieces. My arms bulged with effort, and the light grew brighter still. I couldn’t see any change yet – everything was still in one piece – but the amulet was warm now, and growing hotter. That had to mean I was making progress, right?

“Break, you fucker,” I growled. The rage I had been feeling was morphing into a cold, focused fury. I stared down at the dazzling gemstone, my eyes narrowing in determination. Crushing jewels was basically my job, and I was damn good at it. I thought back to my mating ceremony with P’oiu, and the supernatural effort it had taken to burst his ball. This wasn’t so different. I tried to channel some of the energy from that day. I could still remember the feel of him beneath me, his thick dragonhood buried in me to the hilt, both our bodies arching in orgasm as his testicle split in two–

Suddenly a crack blazed across the surface of the emerald, releasing a jagged line of light so bright it was almost blinding. I shut my eyes in pain, but kept squeezing, the muscles in my forearms screaming with exertion. For a moment I was nothing but claws and anger and willpower. My mate was in trouble, and I would defend him.

“Stop it!” exclaimed the sorceror, agitated. “You–...you don’t know what you’re doing!”

The gem flared like a tiny sun, scorching hot in my fingers – and then it splintered, with a crunch so loud it made my ears ring. Fragments of green shot outwards, disintegrating into a cloud of sparkling dust around me. The blinding light immediately disappeared, and the empty gold pendant that remained in my hands was suddenly cool again.

Goosebumps rose on the back of my neck, and my snout twitched. “Ah...ah–…achoo!” I exclaimed, sending a plume of emerald powder swirling in the air.

“Awwwww, come on,” the rat whimpered.

I blinked and snorted, trying to clear the dust from my nose...but still, the goosebumps persisted. I felt chilly, suddenly. If I had hair, I’m sure it would have been standing on end.

“So…” I glanced over at the rodent on my left, still apparently petrified, and my mate on the right, still curled up and clutching himself. I frowned. “Does the magic just reverse itself now, or–?”


I dropped the empty pendant, startled. That noise had come from...well, from all around me, it seemed like. It was a loud, low bass note – like someone plucking a massive guitar string. The air itself seemed to vibrate with energy.

Thrummmm. Again! A shiver passed through me. This was weird. Why–

Thrummmm. Thrummmm, thrummmm. Thrummmm, thrummmm, thrummmm. The note kept repeating, picking up speed with each repetition, until the cave was filled with the sound, low and ominous. The rock itself was almost vibrating now. Thrum-thrum-thrum-thrum-thrum–

“Nnnrghaaaa!” A tortured cry rang out to my left. “Oh, holy–...oh fuck, my balls!”

My face lit up with delight, and I spun to face the rat. “Aha! I knew it! I knew you weren’t invincible–!”

He stared straight back at me, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Actually, uh...that wasn’t me.”

“Um.” I tilted my head. “What? Then who…?”

“Oh god, my nuts–!”

I whirled my head around, searching for the source of the voice. It had come from behind me this time – and it didn’t sound anything like P’oiu or the sorceror. Had the elephant come to? No, he was still a crumpled heap in the corner. So where were these voices coming from?

As if on cue, a warbling moan came from nearby. I turned to face the sound, climbing to my feet. Curiously I crept forward, until the voice was right in my ear. I still couldn’t see anything, but if my eyes were closed I would have sworn there was a male right in front of me, doubled over in agony.

“My stones,” gasped the empty space.

I swiped my claws through the air, thoroughly confused. Invisible beastkin? Ghosts? But there was nothing. Nothing but the voices.

“Please,” groaned a gravelly voice to my right, “have mercy, they’re my nuts!”

A squeal burst forth from across the room. “My bawwwwlls!”

“Not again, not – guhhh!”

“Oh god, at least let me cum first–”

“You’re going to pop them! You’re going to pop them!”

“I’m begging you, I have a girlfriend–”

“Fuck you, you crazy bitchhhaaaAANHGGH OH GOD, OH FUCK–”

Thrum-thrum-thrum-thrum-thrum. It was cacophony – a dozen voices, then a hundred, cries of testicular agony echoing from every corner of the cave. I felt overwhelmed, and in more ways than one. First of all, this was pretty damn creepy...but secondly, it was also kind of disturbingly hot. All those men, all those balls...I clenched my thighs together, resisting the urge to reach southwards. This could go in the spank bank for later, but right now, I needed to figure out what was going on.

Suddenly, one voice in particular cut through the din – a voice I recognized well.

“Unnngh! Oh fuck, Lia, my balls!”

I spun to face P’oiu, heart leaping. Had he gotten his voice back? But no, his mouth was shut, and he looked just as confused as I was.

He looked up at me as the voice broke off into a high-pitched mewl. Protectively he cupped his nuts. Do I really sound like that? he mouthed.

I nodded. P’oiu winced.

Beside him, the rat was looking more than a little queasy – understandable, given the chorus of castrations around him. “Good god,” he muttered, “I’m feeling sympathy pains just listening to all this.” He reached down with a paw to rub at his pink balls...

...and then paused, surprised. He lifted his other hand in front of his face, flexing his fingers. “Wait. I can move again. I can move again! I’m free! Haha!” He rolled over and scampered to his feet, gazing warily at me from across the room. “You stupid cunt, breaking that amulet hardly did anything – all it did was set me free! And now I...uh...I...”

I watched the rat’s face fall, his joy replaced with dismay. “And?” I asked, peering at him curiously.

“Oh no,” he breathed. “No, that’s not fair–!”

And then his whole body contorted, his hands flying to his crotch. The rodent let out a wail of agony as he collapsed to his knees, clutching his eggs like they’d been freshly scrambled. His fingers scrabbled uselessly at his sac, trying to shield his ratmakers from some unknown torment, but it didn’t appear to be doing much good. As I watched, the rat’s head rolled back, his muzzle pointed to the heavens as he let out an ungodly screech.

“My baaaaaaaallllllsssssss!” he howled.

Now this I could get used to. I watched the sorceror writhe for a moment, his hips jerking every few seconds as if I were still pounding my knee up into his pouch. “I’m guessing that pain deflection spell of yours just caught up with you?” I asked smugly.

The male was way too far gone to hear me – but there was more to come, apparently. His shriek rose another few pitches as he was suddenly yanked downwards by the balls, his legs spreading wide as his body was ****** into a split. His testicles struck the ground with a heavy, metal clang.

I blinked a few times in confusion...and then two and two came together in my head. “Wait...wait, is that the ‘balls of steel’ spell? No way, are they really…?”

I trotted over to the shaking male, sinking down to my knees. Casually I knocked his hands away from his groin, taking his nutsac in my claws – and sure enough, the twin orbs weighed a ton. Experimentally, I gave one a hard squeeze. The solid sphere didn’t give at all, but still the rodent’s pitch wavered, an extra note of hysteria inserted into his long, drawn-out cry.

“Ha! Awesome.” I wrapped my fingers around the neck of his scrotum, continuing to apply some ‘friendly’ pressure to his metal nuts. ”Then all that’s left to undo is that silencing spell! Feeling chatty at all, stud?” I turned to look at P’oiu...

...who looked absolutely panicked. His muscles were tense, his eyes frantic, his hands latched tightly around his dragonmakers. His head snapped up to look at me, his mouth opening wide–

–and this time, out came a roar of pain. The male bucked violently in place, his tail lashing out behind him as he curled into a fetal ball. “My nuts!” he bellowed, his face a mask of agony. “Holy shit, my nuts!”

In other (consensual) circumstances, this could have been incredibly sexy – but with the eerie thrum-thrum-thrum still beating away in the background, it was quite alarming. “P’oiu!” Hurriedly I crawled to his side, dragging the drooling sorceror behind me. “Hang–...hang in there, love, it’s gonna be okay.”

“Oh fuck, oh fuck!” His teeth were bared, his eyes clenched shut. His abdomen heaved with nausea. “You’re crushing them,” he squawked, “you’re crushing them!”

“I’m not–...it’s not me!” I explained futilely. I wrapped an arm around him, trying to soothe him and hold him still. Quickly I planted my ear to his chest – his heart was beating a mile a minute.

“Liaaaaaaa,” he mewled, legs twitching. His cry morphed into a guttural moan, thick with anguish. He buried his head against my shoulder, seeking any kind of relief from his suffering.

“You’re okay, you’re gonna be okay.” Worriedly I worked my way down his body, prying his legs apart so I could inspect the situation myself. With a grunt of effort I ****** his claws away from his crotch – and sure enough, his balls looked completely fine. I would have given him a quick fondle to double-check that everything was in order, but my hands were already occupied holding back his arms, so instead I just leaned in and planted my snout in his scrotum. I nudged his scaly orbs around with my nose for a moment, giving them a lick or two as well, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

“Everything looks fine!” I shouted. I gave his limp shaft a quick nuzzle as well, hoping it would provide some measure of comfort. “Your nuts look great, hon. They’re both–”


I blinked at the sudden odd sensation against my chin. Suddenly P’oiu’s sac felt a lot less scaly and a lot more...leathery. I drew back for a better look…

...and gawped at what I saw. There between P’oiu’s legs lay one lonely, lopsided nut in a wrinkled gray sack of skin.

My mind went blank. “What.”

Bang! Another blast rang out across the room, where the elephant knight lay nearly forgotten. Still in shock, I craned my head to look – and just about fainted at the sight. The front of his armor had been blown wide open, his iron pants crumpling to make way for the massive pair of plums that had suddenly sprouted from his groin. The two scaly orbs lay in his lap like a pair of oblong bowling balls, several sizes too large for the already-large elephant.

“Did you just…” I swallowed dryly. “Did you just...swap…?”

Bang-bang! Suddenly the elephant’s sac was smaller, and pink – and next to me, the rat spasmed, letting out another choked groan of torment. I scrambled up to my hands and knees, already knowing what I would see. Sure enough, there was P’oiu’s sac, comically large between the rodent’s spread thighs. They barely fit at all – I’m pretty sure the rodent couldn’t have crossed his legs without popping a nut.

Bang! Again, a burst of sound from the elephant’s corner. Instinctually I lunged forward, wrapping my claws around P’oiu’s scaly pair – the pair currently attached to the sorceror’s body. I was not letting my mate’s testicles get away from me.

Bang! Another noise from P’oiu’s groin. I shoved my hand between his legs, checking if...yep, now he had the rat’s metal stones. My mate gasped as I roughly seized his new spuds, locking my claws around the heavy spheres. If I could just get things under control, then maybe I could reverse all this craziness.

Thrum-thrum-thrum...thrum……thrum. I had almost tuned out the eerie bass notes in the background, but now the rhythm began to slow down. I could feel the charged energy draining from the room. The last of the amulet’s power, maybe? A few more bangs came in rapid succession, a few more disembodied voices crying out in testicular torment. I held my breath and closed my eyes as the air shuddered once more, one final tone ringing through the cave...

...and then, finally, the room was quiet. (Er…quiet except for the occasional groans of a rat and a dragon.)

I let out a long, slow exhale. Okay. Okay. I could feel P’oiu’s plump dragonmakers snug in one hand, and the sorceror’s spuds (still made of metal) in the other. Everything felt intact, which was a relief. There was just one problem – one major problem.

I cracked open an eye, confirming my suspicions. “Oh no. No no no no noooo–”

Their sacs were still swapped.

The sorceror groaned, lying on his back and twitching feebly. “Oh dear god,” he coughed, paws threading between my claws to clutch at his oversized plums. “What the fuck did you do? Are these…do I have scales?”

P’oiu was curled up on his side, his hands wrapped around mine. “Oh fuck, Lia, did you–...did you crush them? They feel so small–”

My mouth was dry, and my mind was blank...but anger quickly stepped in to fill the void. I leaned over the rat menacingly, until my face was directly above his.

“Reverse this,” I demanded, glaring straight into his eyes. “Reverse this, and maybe I won’t ******** you before I kick you out.”

“Reverse what?” he replied dazedly. He cracked an eye open, looking hesitantly down at his own crotch. “I–...uh...”

“You and my mate switched ballsacs.” I grit my teeth. “Switch them back. Now.”

P’oiu groaned. “W-what?”

The sorceror’s eyes were wide. “I–…I dunno how to do that! I’d need the amulet. You broke the amulet. I can’t do it on my own.”

“Then figure it out,” I growled, clenching my fist. The rodent squealed anew as nutflesh squished out from between my fingers, his scaly pair deforming in my grip.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only one affected. “Lia!” gasped P’oiu, his claws scrabbling at my wrist. “Oh fuck, stop!”

I relented for a moment, confusion and anger and worry all mixing in my chest. “But–...but I’m not squeezing your balls at all,” I said. “Well...I mean, technically I am, but–”

He moaned, tail twitching in agitation. “It sure as fuck felt like you were,” he replied, eyes squinted halfway shut. His fingers encircled my wrist weakly. “Oh god, babe, my ‘nads–”

“Huh. Then does that mean…?” I glanced back over between P’oiu’s legs, at the smaller balls of steel currently attached to his pelvis. Gently I flexed my claws, exerting a bit of pressure on the orbs – and both males groaned in concert, each trying to bat my claws away.

“Fuck,” wheezed the rat, trembling. “Enough with the claws!”

P’oiu groaned his agreement.

I looked down at the two men, trying to stay calm and figure out my options. Squeezing either pair of balls hurt both of them, apparently, so ballbusting the rat to make him more cooperative seemed like a bad idea. And even if I could hurt him, I couldn’t exactly threaten him with ********** – which pair was I supposed to pop? What if I got it wrong and neutered P’oiu by mistake? What if he was telling the truth, and really couldn’t reverse the spell?

I bit my lip anxiously, fighting the urge to clamp down on both pairs of gonads like a set of stress balls. My mind raced. How the hell had I gotten into this mess? And just what the hell was I supposed to do now?


Several hours later:

“So they literally swapped sacs?” Opal’s eyes were wide. “I assumed you were just exaggerating.”

“No, I meant what I said.” The two of us were seated at the entrance of the cave, cross-legged on the floor. Opal had arrived just before sunset, and now the last rays of daylight painted the hillside a dull orange. “Like...scales and everything. P’oiu’s balls didn’t even fit between this rat guy’s thighs. And poor P’oiu – he looked like he had a plucked chicken hanging from his crotch.”

“Oh god.” The frog suppressed a laugh. She wrapped her sari tighter around her shoulders, bracing herself against the evening chill. “So what did you do?”

“Well...that’s when I decided to wait for you.” I scratched my neck sheepishly, looking out at the forest. “I mean – the weird voices had stopped, and most of the other crazy magical stuff had sort of fixed itself, but their balls still weren’t going back to normal. I was worried it might be permanent or something. And you’re the only person I know with any magical experience, so I figured I’d just...wait for you to arrive and let you take a look.”

“Aww, you poor thing!” Opal looked up at me, her eyes filled with concern. “You must have been freaking out.”

“Yeah,” I admitted, looking down at my lap. “I mean, I had ‘em both by the balls still, so I had at least some control of the situation, but...nnrgh. I was really worried. And mad – like, really mad. I would have pulped that damn rat’s balls on the spot, if I knew which pair to crush, but I didn’t want to accidentally neuter P’oiu or anything.”

Opal half-laughed, half-winced. “Well, I’m sure he appreciates that.”

I sighed. “Yeah, he–...ugh, I feel so bad for him. Even when he got his voice back, all he could do was moan for the next hour.”

The frog placed a hand on my thigh sympathetically. “I’m sure he’ll be alright. He’s tough, right? He’s been through worse.”

I closed my eyes. “True. And he’s got his normal sac back now, thank god.”

“I was about to ask – so they swapped back eventually? When?”

“Oh, it didn’t take that long. Fifteen minutes, maybe? I guess the last of the magic just took a little longer to wear off.” I shrugged. “The whole ‘balls-of-steel’ thing eventually went away, too.”

Opal nodded. “Sounds about right. That’s usually how it works when magic goes wrong – you’ve just gotta keep things under control until the magical energy wears out.”

“Cool. And yeah, that was a huuuuuuge relief.” I let out a long breath. “I mean, I’d love P’oiu no matter what, but...ick. I prefer the stones he’s already got, thank you very much.”

She chuckled. “Fair enough. And what did you end up doing with the rat?”

“Oh, I dragged him and his buddy out to the woods and left them there. They were both pretty out of it.” I grinned. “Especially after Mr. Asshole Sorceror got his grapes stomped flat.”

Opal rolled her eyes. “Of course.”

“What? He deserved what he got. Besides,” I grumbled, “he knew I was gonna neuter him from the start – he was probably happy to be ballbusted if it let him keep his gonads intact for a little longer.”

“Yes, I’m sure he was very grateful to get his nuts kicked into his throat for half an hour.”

“Eh...more like ten minutes.” I blushed. “I was having so much fun beating on those balls of steel that I didn’t notice when they switched back to normal. I popped the left one by accident, and then, I mean...it was hard to stop myself after that. At least I left the elephant guy with one.”

Opal did her best to look stern, but she couldn’t help but giggle. “Ouch. Well, it’s probably for the best that the rat won’t be having kids.”

“Yep – not unless he grows another pair. Speaking of which…” I lowered my voice conspiratorially. “Do you know anything about that testicle-repairing spell? Because if so, I’d love to find a tutor who–”

Opal shook her head. “No, no, I’ve never heard of anything like that. All those voices are bizarre, too. From your description, I’d guess he was using some kind of rare healing crystal.”

“Ah.” I frowned. “You mean the crystal that I ground into powder.”

“That’d be the one.” Opal saw the look on my face and gave a sympathetic smile. “Aww, don’t be sad. If you still have the chain I can do some research, maybe figure out where it came from.”

I perked up. “Ooh! Yeah, that’d be wonderful.” I planted a hand on the floor and climbed to my feet. “Here, I’ll fetch it for you before I forget...”

I scampered down the hall and tiptoed my way into our bedroom, taking care not to disturb P’oiu. The poor guy had been curled up in bed for the past few hours, sleeping off his wounds after the morning’s ordeal. He seemed to be recovering quickly, though – very quickly, judging from the tent in the bedsheets. I paused for a moment, my eyes tracing the outline of his shaft. I definitely intended to show him some TLC later, and I was seriously tempted to just slip into bed with him now...

That could wait a moment, though. Quietly I retrieved the sorceror’s amulet from where I had placed it on our bedside table. Casually I hooked the chain on one claw, letting it dangle as I ambled back to the living room.

“Here we go.” I dropped down to the floor, re-taking my seat beside the smaller frog. “One magical amulet, for your inspection.”

“Great. I’ll bring this back to the city with me and–...” Opal reached out to take the heavy golden chain...and stopped a few inches short, as though someone had seized her by the wrist. She hesitated, narrowing her eyes. “Hmmmm.”

I tilted my head. “Something wrong?”

The frog furrowed her brow and paused to grab the drape of her sari, wrapping the extra fabric around her hand. Carefully she lifted the item from my fingers, squinting at the inscription around its edge and silently mouthing a few words.

Suddenly her eyes widened. “Oh geez.”

“What?” I asked.

“Uh.” The frog bit her lip. “You haven’t worn this at all, have you?”

I shook my head. “Nope – just dropped it on our nightstand. Seemed pretty useless without the gemstone.”

“Good – that’s good. Because this is...not good.” Opal turned the pendant in her fingers, examining the underside, her brow knit into a frown. “I’d assumed from your description that this was a cleric’s talisman or something, but this…this is almost definitely dark magic. Old, too. I think it might be necromantic.”

I snickered. “Well, it did bring that guy’s nut back from the dead.”

Opal was less than amused. “I’m serious, Lia. I’m not even trained in magical detection, and I can feel the cold coming off this thing.”

I shrunk back. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to make light, I just–...it’s been a long day.”

“I know. Sorry, that came off meaner that I meant it to.” She sighed. “It’s just...this is dangerous. You don’t see magical items like this very often – they’re not playthings.”

“Should I be worried?” I asked, suddenly anxious. “I mean, I left these guys stranded in the middle of the woods – I assumed they wouldn’t want to come back after I neutered ‘em and all, but maybe I’m wrong.”

Opal shook her head. “No, no, I think you’ll be okay. From the sound of it, this guy wasn’t much of a wizard. If he actually had serious talent, you’d probably be dead at this point.”

I swallowed nervously. “Oh.”

The frog smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry though – if your story’s an indication, these guys were pretty clearly amateurs. Though that raises the question – why would some clowns like that be carrying a powerful dark relic?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “And what would they want with P’oiu?”

Opal tilted her head. “How do you know they wanted P’oiu?”

“Well, they seemed pretty surprised to find a dragon with tits.” I glanced down at my chest. “Maybe they weren’t looking for P’oiu, but they were definitely expecting a male.”

“Good point. Hmm.” She pursed her lips. “When I get back to Pazar, I’ll ask around about that, too. I’ve got good contacts at most of the apothecaries – if there’s trouble brewing, chances are good that someone’s heard about it.”

“Thanks.” I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I had been holding. “You know, you’ve been a huge help today.”

“You kidding? I barely did anything – you’re the one who fought off an invasion by yourself.” The frog cracked a smile. “Though if you want to do me a favor, I wouldn’t mind crashing on your couch for the night. Those guys might still be out there, and it’s a little late to be heading back to my campsite alone.”

“Are you kidding? You can share the bed.” I licked my lips, glancing over my shoulder towards the bedroom. “Hell, I was gonna invite you to double-team P’oiu with me anyway.”

“Ooh...tempting.” Opal sat back. “You think he’d be up for it?”

I nodded. “I mean, when I left him earlier he was fast asleep, but also hard as a rock. You know how his spuds kick into overdrive after a good racking – the poor guy could probably use some relief. And it’d give you a few more gallons of dragon batter to bring back home with you…”

“Heh.” The female cracked a smile. “Honestly, you blue-balled him so badly before my last visit that I’m still overstocked back at the shop. Though...given the beating he just went through, I’ll bet he’s producing some extra-high-quality spunk right now…”

I grinned. “All the more reason for a threesome, then. I mean, I’m certainly pretty riled up...”

Opal looked surprised. “Really?”

“What? Don’t give me that look.” I folded my arms beneath my breasts. “I popped three...no wait, four balls today. How could I not be horny?”

“Oh I know, I just...I assumed you’d gotten yourself off before I got here.”

“Well, I–…” I blushed. “I mean, I did, but that doesn’t mean I’m satisfied yet. Besides, P’oiu was in too much pain at the time to join in. I want some cock in me, dammit.”

“Fair enough. I wouldn’t mind some time with that monster myself.” Opal grinned. “Lead the way, then.”

“Gladly,” I replied, climbing to my feet.

There was a bounce in my step as I headed for the bedroom, my tail curling lazily behind me. Opal followed a step behind, shedding her sari as she walked, until the stacked little frog was just as naked as I was. Already I could feel the heat growing between my legs again. It had been a very long, very exciting day. And now I wanted someone to fuck me very, very hard.

“Oh P’oiu...”

06-29-2014, 03:28 PM
New handful of assorted furry-oriented busts, mostly from DeviantArt with a couple from Tumbler.

http://virus-20.deviantart.com/art/The-Walrus-Company-P13-427615559 (M/F)
http://sashana-mizu.deviantart.com/art/Chapter-1-Awakening-the-Lost-God-2-of-2-458562147 (M/F, Implied)
http://weepingwillowakachi.deviantart.com/art/Kick-you-in-the-nuts-459909864 (F, Implied)
http://dhim.deviantart.com/art/MADONNA-KICK-461064338 (M/F, Animated)
http://mapel76.tumblr.com/image/90274267903 (M/F)

Alec Anaconda, A1
07-08-2014, 12:15 PM
ABCs: Caught in the Crossfire

Thanks for ABCs: Caught in the Crossfire, P’iou.
As you know, I’m not keen on mutilation, but this was fun.
Somehow, when injuries quickly heel, as in a cartoon, I smile rather than empathize.

07-09-2014, 08:27 AM
Same, Alec. Awesome story, but I gotta be honest, I'd REALLY like to know that the rat managed to get his amulet back to heal up. On an awesomely written story with a cohesive canon like that, permanent damage seriously bugs me. I was way on board for everything, hit that part, and then it just left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Especially when it's treated like such a "eh, no big deal, just mutilated a guy."

I'm not terribly big on the whole neutering angle to begin with, and when it's just a one-shot that doesn't feel like a real world (for those in the furry world, think Charn's stories) I can kinda go okay and move along, here though... I'm actually like, sympathizing with the rat and wondering about him after the story's over rather than enjoying the ride, LOL.

BTW I hope I don't come across as too negative here, just think of it like this: if it WASN'T an excellently written story in a great series, it wouldn't have bugged me!

07-10-2014, 01:18 PM
Y'know, I don't like being a negative nancy and just not offering anything beyond a complaint, so a question, poiu!

Would you mind if I borrowed the rat here for a little followup? Not to be part of your canon obviously, just a playful fanfic! I had an idea, could be fun...

07-10-2014, 06:48 PM
I totally get that! Different strokes for different folks, obviously – I've had a few people elsewhere complain about Dragon Slaying because P'oiu is TOO indestructible, and there's no danger of him actually losing his balls – but I definitely feel ya. For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure that Raj (rat) and Ed (elephant) will both get their nuts back pretty shortly, though I haven't tread too far into the details yet. They had to get that magical mystical amulet FROM somewhere, after all.

Also, fanfic is 110% welcome! Seriously, anyone is welcome to write literally anything with my characters at any time, from now until eternity. I'm a big advocate for CC0 (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/), and I find it totally fascinating to see other people write stories based on my random made-up ideas. OBMJ, your fic about Gracie is still one of my favorites :) So write away, I'd love to see what you come up with!

07-10-2014, 07:04 PM
I totally get that! Different strokes for different folks, obviously – I've had a few people elsewhere complain about Dragon Slaying because P'oiu is TOO indestructible, and there's no danger of him actually losing his balls – but I definitely feel ya. For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure that Raj (rat) and Ed (elephant) will both get their nuts back pretty shortly, though I haven't tread too far into the details yet. They had to get that magical mystical amulet FROM somewhere, after all.

Also, fanfic is 110% welcome! Seriously, anyone is welcome to write literally anything with my characters at any time, from now until eternity. I'm a big advocate for CC0 (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/), and I find it totally fascinating to see other people write stories based on my random made-up ideas. OBMJ, your fic about Gracie is still one of my favorites :) So write away, I'd love to see what you come up with!

Haha, that's the funny thing actually. With Charn's and one shots, even stuff I've written in the past, when they're stories in a vacuum, no big! But something about this big cohesive universe you've made, the characters don't just exist in the course of the stories themselves. While Lia and Opal are talking, I'm thinking "where ARE those two right now? Jeez, I can't imagine how they got away..."

Also, full stop confession, I absolutely LOVE rat characters. You make a rat, and I love 'em. So that was probably a big part of it, I wasn't totally concerned about Ed. :o

I'll be working on the next one tomorrow or Saturday. I have the whole dang thing mapped out in my head, hopefully you'll like it! Unless I feel like staying up and doing it now, which isn't impossible, LOL.

07-11-2014, 12:36 AM
Bah, why not. This is just a pale imitation and completely unrevised, but I feel like if I don't put it up tonight before I go to sleep I won't at all, LOL. I know I fucked up the canon a good bit along the way, please forgive!!

Warning: there ARE some poppings in here, but... just stick through. And yeah, I know I put a lot of prep into setup. Can't help it!


Raj skulked along through the woods, muttering to himself. It had been a long week.

Getting his nads stomped into jelly was only the start of his problems. After making his way back to the village (well, getting carried), he had to convince the old man to make him a new amulet and fast. With a scrotum full of mush, Raj didn’t feel like spending any longer chatting about the details than necessary, and that meant forking over all the money he had left. Even ignoring how difficult it was to make the things, Raj wouldn’t be able to afford another any time soon, so this one had to last.

Then there was the whole healing thing. It turned out that the longer you waited after the initial injury, the more agonizing the repair process was. Putting together Ed’s nut right after that dragoness popped it wasn’t too bad (you know, aside from the usual pain), but a day’s journey after being passed out for who knows how long added up to a full day of lying in bed writhing and moaning while his ruptured berries repaired, then another day of recovery. It wasn’t until the THIRD day that he felt comfortable up on his feet walking around, and then he had one goal: to get that damn dragon AND his girl. Money and revenge. Perfect motivation.

Ed, of course, was having none of it. He gave it his best, it didn’t work out, he was happy to cut his losses and try jobs that didn’t end with quite so much testicular trauma.

“Oh, you’ll just get caught and racked again!” the rat said to himself in an exaggerated, goofy voice, imitating his partner. He puffed his chest out and rocked side to side as he went. “You’re playin’ for keeps now, Raj!”

“Bah!” the rat spat in the dirt, using his normal voice. “Just means I get double the pay.” He knew what he was dealing with now. All he had to do was keep some distance, make sure the amulet stayed around his neck, and there’d be no problem.

Raj stopped at a small clearing, looking around. He scratched at his chin. This didn’t look familiar. The woods in this area were dense and the paths all looked alike. The rat wasn’t the compass, anyway. That was Ed’s job. Ed was the guide and the muscle, Raj the brains and the ball repair guy. It was a simple system! It worked!

“Ugh. Dammit, Ed…”

The rat picked at his teeth a moment, trying to see something that looked familiar. Well, there was… that tree over there. That looked kinda like a tree he saw before. And some twigs on the ground. He definitely saw twigs last time! Raj huffed and squatted down. No way around it, the rat was lost. Completely and utterly lost.

“Great. Just great.” He let out a slow breath, cheeks puffed out. “Well. Guess I should just pick a direction and go. Can’t get any MORE lost.”

Granted, that wasn’t totally true. He was in unfamiliar territory on the hunt for not one, but TWO dragons, one with a penchant for leaving guys with flattened ballbags. The last thing Raj needed was to bump into those two unexpectedly. Sneaking up on them was one thing, he really wasn’t hoping to just happen upon them out wandering.

Still, sitting wasn’t helping, so Raj got up on his feet, shook his robes out, and started mo-


Raj clapped a hand to his neck.

“The hell was that?” he barked, plucking a small sharp object from his flesh.

“Oh… oh this isn’t good.”


The fog slowly cleared from Raj’s head and light re-entered his eyes. He quickly looked around, taking a survey of his surroundings. It was a cave, that was for sure. Not the same cave as before, either. This was a lot more threadbare. There wasn’t much light, just what seemed to be coming in from an opening in what looked like to be an INCREDIBLY thick ceiling. Wherever he was, he was deep in there.

Also, he was chained up. Raj’s hands were stuck together above his head, the chains there taking most of his weight. His feet were shackled to the floor of the cave, spread out uncomfortably wide. He could put weight on them, but he couldn’t bring them together. The rat was trussed up securely, spread legged.

Aaaaaaaand, he was naked. Things were starting to fall into place.

Off in the darkness, a scraping sound caught his ear. He squinted, and saw a dragoness! A different one, red scales almost blended in with the dark stone. She had a small table in front of her, and what looked like an iron hammer in her hand, gently dragging the surface along an object. A shiny object.


Raj was in trouble and he knew it. He had to act fast. It didn’t seem like she had seen him wake up, all he had to do was paralyze her, then… well, he didn’t have any spells for the shackles, but he could think of something. The point was he had to stop her from doing anything to the amulet. He took a breath… and….


In hindsight, he probably should have guessed that she’d have tied his muzzle shut. Live and learn, right? Well, hopefully live, then worry about learning. Anyway, the dragoness’s attention was immediately grabbed, and she turned to look at him. She was an impressive figure, taller than him by half, muscled, curvy. She was definitely a physical specimen.

“Ah, you’re awake!” she said, almost looking chipper. The well built female walked on over to Raj, putting the amulet, HIS amulet, around her neck.

She continued, voice husky. “I can’t believe you were actually stupid enough to come up this way a second time. You didn’t really think word about the rat with the magic amulet WOULDN’T spread around, did you?”

Each footstep was audible on the cave floor. Her heels landed heavily. This was definitely not the position Raj wanted to be in, tied up and muzzled and stripped naked. He couldn’t say a word, and this dragoness… this sexy dragoness… hips swaying side to side…

“Now what I wa… oh COME ON!” she huffed, looking annoyed. She looked like she’d practiced a big long speech and just had it cut short. “I’ve got you all tied up and you don’t know WHERE you are, and you still… REALLY?”

Just like that, the dragoness wrapped her impressively big hand around Raj’s gonads and clamped down. This wasn’t like the last time, she wasn’t trying to rupture anything, but she definitely wasn’t being gentle. Her fingers dug in roughly, hand twisting from side to side, all the while the rat attached to them struggled and yelled into the cloth keeping him from speaking.

“Down… DOWN boy… okay. Okay, there. I swear, you males!”

Then, she coughed and regathered her composure, standing up close to Raj and tapping the gemstone on her chest, the clack of her claw to its surface making the rodent wince in memory of what happened to it last time, and the realization that if this one broke, he couldn’t get another.

“Now, let’s start again. I know that the last time you were up here, you used this to fix your nuts, shoot fireballs, and get your own dumb ass paralyzed. Nod if I’m right.”

Raj nodded.

“Thought so. So you can use this thing to regenerate your plums if they go pop, right?”

Another nod.

“Does it work on the rest of you? Like… if I were to stick a blade here,” she pressed a clawtip into Raj’s belly, “…or here,” his neck, “…or here,” a claw by his eyes, “…could you use it to fix that? Simple yes or no.”

Raj winced. He was being reminded of his magic’s limitations. He shook his head no.

The dragoness whistled. “Wow. Limited. That’s a shame. So you can shoot fire and paralyze. Can you do anything else? Like, can you turn the shackles into straw or kill me?”

This was a crossroads for the rat. He could bluff, say yes, and have her thinking he was a powerful warlock in the art of attack. On the other hand, if she thought he could kill her, she probably wouldn’t let him walk out. It was a gamble, and Raj weighed the options carefully before saying anyth-AWWUUUH!

“Hey! Mousie! Come on, answer,” the dragoness commanded, her thumb and forefinger pressing into his right nut harshly.

Finally, Raj shook his head.

“Okay, that’s what I thought. You’re just some amateur sorcerer trying to make a few bucks by slaying dragons, and you went and bit off more than you could chew.” She let go of Raj’s ball, the lightly swollen organ dangling a half inch lower than its partner and the rat slumping in his bonds.

“Let me explain where you are. This isn’t my cave. This isn’t anyone’s cave. This is a spot I found a while ago where I can take idiots like you to have a little talk about what they’re doing in places they shouldn’t be. We’re a quarter mile deep into the mountain and under it. You play along and maybe you make it out of here alive. Try anything funny and you don’t. Now I’m gonna take that off of your muzzle now, and if you try one of those nut switching spells or turning your nads into granite or whatever you did last time, I gut you. Understand?”

Hesitantly, Raj nodded. Hell, even if he DID try the paralysis spell, and it worked, he’d have no way of doing anything else. He’d die of starvation.

Once his face was free, Raj stretched his jaw out, running his tongue over his teeth. “So uh… can I get your name at least?”

“Do you really want it?” the dragoness asked, an eyeridge lifted.

“…I guess?”

She shrugged. “Sha’Ria. I already know your name, Raj. Yeah, word spreads, remember? Now look, I wanna know about this little guy here,” she said, tapping the gem once more.

Raj’s wince returned. “What do you want to know?”

Sha’Ria waved her hand vaguely. “Where’d you get it, what’s it made of, why is it all you can do is fix your nuts. Tell me everything.”

The rat’s ears folded down and he sagged on his arms again. It was a benefit of being svelte. He imagined poor Ed in the cave breaking the whole damn thing down if she’d strung him up like this. “I got it from a merchant on the outskirts of my village. I dunno what it’s made of. A sorcerer is able to affect that which is most important to him.”

She hummed. “But didn’t this already get broken? How’d you get a second one?”

Raj went through the whole thing. Crawling to the merchant, arguing with him, the money, the rare materials that took forever to get.

The dragoness blinked. “Okay, but wait a minute. You said… whatever’s most important to you… you can… oh my GOD!” she burst out laughing. “THAT’S what matters to you? THAT’S your big special gift? Your balls??”

Raj tried to draw himself up tall, at least as tall as he could with his legs yanked out wide. “Not JUST my balls!”

It took a moment for Sha’Ria to stop chuckling, she even wiped an eye for dramatic effect. “Oh yeah? What else?”


Now the tall female’s curiosity was piqued. “Hey. Remember what I said about leaving you here? Come on, you got another spell, I wanna see it.”

“Well it doesn’t work if I’m not wearing it.”

The dragoness shrugged and slipped it over his neck. “Okay, now you’re wearing it!”

Raj let out a sigh. “…phallum rigorum.”

Just like that, the rat’s dick hardened to full size. No ceremony, no slow buildup, just boop! Hard-on.

“Are you JOKING. You’re a sorcerer… and all you can do is…” Sha’Ria waved vaguely at the rat’s genitals. “THAT. Ugh. Just… UGH. Okay, we’re taking care of that RIGHT now.”

“No no no wait! Wait wait! Phallum DErigorum!”

And then, as quickly as before, Raj’s cock drooped. Now Sha’Ria WAS curious. Here she had a male tied up in her secret cave who had a spell to fix his nuts, to give himself a hard-on, and make it go away. All in an instant. She actually understood just how great a guy like that might be to have around. She could ride him for hours and he’d never not be able to get it up. Even if she pounded his balls to powder.

Not THIS guy, she meant. Some other guy. Some guy who wasn’t this rat. Ew.

Sha’Ria kept going. “Okay, now the important part.” Once again, the female’s strong, slightly toughened hand clamped on Raj’s nuts and squeezed. “Who hired you?”

Raj squeaked! “I don’t know!” He squeaked double when her fingers dug in deeper, pulling that leathery pouch downwards. “I don’t know I don’t know!!”

“What do you MEAN you don’t know? How do you not know??” Sha’Ria growled, bearing down the pressure more and more by the second. “He HIRED you!”

The rat was getting desperate. He had all the tools to protect himself, but he couldn’t use any of them. If he tried, she’d kill him. “Jobs get posted on a board in town and we signed our names on it!!”

Suddenly it made sense. These really WEREN’T hired mercenaries. The elephant and this idiot were a pair of two-bit wannabes who saw a job stuck on a board that no one in their right mind would take. If some random hired hand got himself nutted or killed trying, no big loss. Then, if anyone ever managed to pull it off, it probably wouldn’t earn them a quarter what a real warrior or warlock would charge. This rat was a chump trying to be a champ.

Sha’Ria had an idea, too. She could have the most fun she’d had in YEARS with this one.

She put the cloth back around Raj’s muzzle, to his immediate protest. Surprisingly, Sha’Ria didn’t even worry about fighting with him. Not like he could do much of anything. Instead, she just patted him on the cheek while she secured his jaw shut.

“So here’s what’s gonna happen. I am going to bust your balls.” That drew another round of struggle from Raj, which Sha’Ria quickly silenced by jabbing her knee up between his legs hard enough to make the rat’s whole body quake. Dear GODS she was strong. He groaned and his knees buckled inward, putting all his weight on his arms while his nuts bounced and jostled around freely from the blow.

“Like I said. I’m going to bust your balls. After I’m done, I’ll let you fix them. No harm, no foul, right? Of course right.”

Sha’Ria stepped back and looked at the male in front of her. He wasn’t some strapping male covered in slabs of beef, but he was in great shape. She couldn’t tell how old he was, either. He was either in great shape for his age, or a mature looking youth. Not that it mattered, either way, he had a GREAT pair of nuts to beat. They weren’t some huge pair of dragon balls, but the rat had a wonderfully droopy, dangly, pair of ‘nads, with no way to protect them.

And she could pop both of them without feeling guilty! Oh gods, what a feeling! She almost got wet at the thought of it. Popping nuts was usually a big deal, it meant picking a mate or a way to punish criminals. She could do it this time and he’d just put ‘em back! How to START…

Raj watched the dragoness in front of him, her almost giddy expression as her eyes locked on his nuts. He tried to shrink back against the wall behind him, hide his danglers, do SOMETHING. But no, no. This was happening and he had no way to stop it.

Sha’Ria pulled her leg back, and… POW! The top of her impressively broad foot SMACKED Raj’s balls from the underside, sending them right up into his pelvis. Then she did it again. And again. She made a rhythm with it, stepping back, squaring up, then punting the rat’s eggs with all she had and letting him swing around before repeating it. Each time, Raj tried to yell out, cry for help, but all he could do was hang there and take it.

Unlike the rat, the big female was having the time of her life! She wasn’t specifically doing anything to burst the guy’s nuts, that would be over too quick. She just wanted to try every weapon in her arsenal to beat on them and, well, if they EVENTUALLY ruptured, who cared?

“This is AMAZING!” she gushed, acting as though there weren’t a male in agony in front of her, like she was talking about a choice meal. “I’ve racked SO many guys before, but I always had to hold back unless I wanted to have a lot of questions! I couldn’t REALLY enjoy it! Oooh! I’ve always wanted to try this…”

Sha’Ria got down on her knees and gripped Raj’s hip with her left hand, pulling her right back and laying a punch on his balls that made them swing back and smack himself in the ass, and when the big pair came down center she did it again. Two smacks, first from her knuckles and then from his buttcheeks, Raj’s testes ricocheted back and forth, back and forth.

It was the worst pain he’d even been in. Well, it was up there. He couldn’t say it was worse than the last dragoness that brutalized his ratmakers. Then again, at least then she was out to crush them! This bitch was just having FUN! She punched his balls, kicked them, kneed them, squeezed them, slapped them back and forth, bit them! She fucking BIT them!!

The last thing was what did it. Sha’Ria tucked his balls into her mouth, well, one at a time, and clamped her jaws down, grinding her teeth into all that tenderized nutmeat until they finally gave way. The right went first. The second it did, Raj found the voice that had gone missing somewhere during that second round of football punts, his eyes flashing wide and his whole body seizing up. Then, she stared at him while he got his wits about him.

“One more, then you can say your little spell! Aw, don’t be like that, you’re a trooper! Look at you, still awake! You HAVE been busted before, haven’t you? Sheesh, most guys would have passed out after they got kneed like that. I should know, I’ve seen it!”

Then, pop! Two nuts gone.

Raj dangled feebly in his chains, the energy to fight in him pretty well gone. He could barely see, if he’d had anything his belly he would have tried to wretch it up, and he had a pile of pain in his scrotum the likes of which he’d never dealt with before. True to her word, though, the big female pulled off the muzzle.

“Okay, do your thing.”

The spell evaded Raj’s memory for a moment. His body was fighting just to keep all the systems going. Finally, though, it came back.

“T… testiculus… recon…structum!”

Fascinated by the spell, and having heard rumors about it, Sha’Ria squatted down again and scooped Raj’s pulverized nutsack into her hand. She poked around in it with her thumb, getting a whole new set of adorable twitches and whimpers from the guy attached… and slowly they started to rebuild! It was INCREDIBLE, all that nut mush drawing in toward the center until there were two fully formed, perfectly intact testicles!

Sha’Ria’s eyes went wide. “Woooowww…” she cooed, poking at them again. Since they were back to normal, the jabs didn’t have that hellish agony of having his post-busting bag jabbed into, but it still hurt, and Raj was STILL dealing with everything he’d been through.

The dragoness whistled, “I don’t know how it works, but I’m glad it does!” She picked up the cloth muzzle. “You want this on or off?”

Raj’s brow furrowed in confusion. “F… on or off for WHAT?” he asked.

Sha’Ria rolled her eyes. “For round two!”

The rat blanched, at least as much as he could through fur. “B… but you said!”

“Hey!” the dragoness silenced him with another rough kick in his freshly repaired nutsack. She continued, like she was explaining to a child why they had to eat their vegetables. “Last time, you were out to kill one dragon and got your nuts popped. You came out to kill TWO dragons, so you get your nuts popped twice! That’s just fair.”

Raj gaped at her. For the first time in his life, he regretted having the amulet. If he hadn’t, if he’d just been out without it, maybe she would have beat his balls for a while until they were good and swollen, then let him limp home to think about it. Or just ruined ONE. No male deserved to live through getting neutered twice in a row.

Another foot smacking him in the babymakers got Raj groaning and coughing, his belly tensing. “Off… off!! he squealed. At least with the thing off he could breathe more easily.

The fact that this answer made Sha’Ria VISIBLY happy worried him. She clapped her hands like a little girl. “Oooh, now I can hear what kind of noises you make!” There was a pause, and she shook her don’t. “Don’t worry, no one can hear anything. It’ll echo a bit, but we’re WAY too deep in the mountain for anyone walking buy to pick up on it.”

Great, he thought. He can scream and scream, and she can pound his cherries all day long, and no one will even know it’s happening.

Round two hardly went better than round one. In fact, it was worse. Sha’Ria had put a lot of energy into the first round and was pretty tired for the second. She needed an extra breath between kicks and her punches didn’t land as hard. Normally that’d be a good thing, but since Raj had to sit through them all until his balls finally gave way, he was left in the uncomfortable position of ROOTING for his nuts to pop, just so he could fix them and be out of this hellhole.

“Fff…. oh FUCK… my FUCKING BALLS…” he mewled pathetically for the umpteenth time. He’d passed out and just got woken up again to a splash of cold water in his face. Tragically, she hadn’t just kept going and finished the job. On the other hand, the *********** spell had dulled the ache somewhat, although now it was replaced by that awful swollen feeling, like he had a pair of watermelons crammed into his sac.

“Ah ah ah, no fair napping through it. This is IMPORTANT. But it DID give me a chance to reposition you!

Raj HAD noticed he wasn’t hanging from his wrists any more. Dangling upright was hell on his shoulders and he was starting to feel the metal digging into his wrists. Now, he was flat on his back, legs still held out wide and arms still over his head. It… wasn’t exactly an improvement, but at least he wasn’t fighting gravity!

Then, the sight of the dragoness in between his legs made him tremble. Standing in front of her was bad enough, lying down at her feet was terrifying. She looked like a statue. Sha’Ria pressed the sole of her bare foot atop Raj’s furiously swollen plums and rolled them against the hard stone floor.

“I figure this oughta do it,” she said, just as casual as ever. “Hey, do you have a favorite nut?”

“…whu?” Raj replied. It wasn’t the kind of question he expected.

“A favorite nut! Most guys do. Like if they could only keep one, they have a pick. What’s yours?”

The rat’s face screwed up. “…why?” he asked, skeptically. It felt like a trick.

She shrugged. “Just curious!”

“Um… the… right one?”

Sha’Ria chuckled. “I swear, every guy says the right. Dunno why.” She looked down at him, pressing a bit more weight onto her foot, ratnuts smushing further. “I’m still popping them, I just wondered!”

“You fucking bi-AUUUUGHH!”

The dragoness’s weight came down fully. She ground her heel into Raj’s nads like putting out a small flame, she picked her leg up and stamped down with all she had. She even jumped up and landed full weight on the rat’s brutalized pouch. All the while, Raj bucked and howled and screeched and thrashed.

“A bitch?? Really, rat? You have a woman standing over you, about to dance on your balls, and you’re insulting her? Sheesh, no WONDER you’re so bad at the mercenary business. Say goodbye to the right nut!”

With that, Sha’Ria bit on her lip for focus, rested her heel on that round organ, and made sure to focus every ounce of her weight directly on it. No slipping, no glancing blows, just her full dragoness bulk precisely on that tender egg. Raj flailed about, his hips shot in all directions, the ‘neck’ of his scrotum stretching away. But there was no escaping it, a moment later, that familiar squelch feeling and Sha’Ria’s heel hit the ground. Raj was half a male.

A moment later, he was none of one. He spasmed and shuddered, passing out for the second time.

When Raj awoke, he was praying it was from a dream. He’d dozed off in the woods that day. Yesterday? He had no idea how long ago it was, but he prayed he was still there. He’d open up his eyes and see the sun. He’d head back home, take Ed on an easier job, just make nice light money. He didn’t NEED to be a hero.

…nope. Still in the cave. There she was. Dammit.

Like a proud parent, Sha’Ria patted Raj’s cheek. “There you go. Don’t worry, you were only out a few minutes. Go ahead and fix ‘em again.”

For the second time, Raj felt like he could relax. He put his head back on the cave floor, panting quietly, and raised his voice.

“Testiculus reconstructum!” he rasped out. All the screaming had kinda taken a toll.

Just like last time, the rodent’s nuts slowly reformed. That brief snooze meant the process took a bit longer, but only by a few seconds. His limbs were like lead, he couldn’t pick himself up if he wanted to, but he’d made it.

That’s when he noticed Sha’Ria, grinning wider than ever.

“Lemme ask you somethin’, rat?”

“…yeah?” he replied, face winced with worry.

She lifted her arm, brandishing the earlier tool at him. “Ever had a girl hammer your nuts before?”

Raj froze in place. It was time for round three.

The first time she raised that hammer over her head, Raj whimpered, his voice tiny. “Please don’t.”

Sha’Ria paused, almost looking sympathetic. “At least this one will be quick.”

As predicted, round three wasn’t as long as rounds one and two. A pair of nuts, no matter how well conditioned, don’t last long when smashed between an iron hammer and a stone slab. The dragoness had hoisted one over and put it between Raj’s legs to make it easier on herself, plopping his set on top of it and just going at his gonads like a blacksmith. She pounded the hammer down over and over, completely ignoring Raj’s screams, using one hand to hold his balls in place while the other rained blows down. By the time it was over, and Raj’s nuts were paste for the THIRD time, she was exhausted. The dragoness dropped the hammer beside herself and sat down, panting quietly.

Raj, meanwhile, was in a near state of shock. His nervous system had been not one, not two, but three complete rupturings in a row. He felt each hard twitch and spasm down in his bones now. The rat’s nuts didn’t just hurt, his entire body hurt. His teeth, his toes, his tail, his ears. Everything was a white hot ball of pure agony.

Sha’Ria waved her hand. “Okay, say the thing.”


Sha’Ria looked to make sure the rat hadn’t passed out again. “Hey. Say the spell!”

Raj shook his head, defiantly. “Nuh uh!” he yiped.

That annoyed the dragoness. Beating on the rat’s balls was her weapon against him, and he wasn’t playing ball, so to speak. “I said say it!” she barked, smacking him on the belly. It made him want to wretch, but still he refused.

Raj had figured out her game. He knew she was just going to keep this up forever. Pop his nuts, repair, pop, repair, rinse and repeat. She was going to keep him in that cave as her personal punching bag, one that she could use for the rest of his life, because he couldn’t be permanently broken.

Once again, Raj shook his head. “No!!”

Sha’Ria narrowed her eyes. Silently, she slipped the amulet off of Raj and rested it on the same stone slab. The rat looked down, body unable to keep itself still. She gently rested the surface of the hammer against the sparkling gemstone.

“I know you need this or you can’t fix your nuts again. I know you had one broken before, so I know they can break. I also know you can’t get another one after this. So either you fix your nuts, or I break the amulet. Your pick.”

It pained him, not just in the physical sense, but Raj couldn’t survive another round. He bit on both of his lips, holding his mouth shut, saying nothing. He kept his eyes fixed on the hammer in the dragoness’s hand.

“Well… okay! Just remember, this was your call.” With that, she raised the hammer up once more.

Raj squeezed his eyes shut, waiting… but no sound came. The rat opened his eyes again, seeing the dragoness perched over him, a smile on her face.

“Good boy! Here, let’s get you out of those heavy irons and up on your feet.”

The rat hardly knew what was going on before Sha’Ria had his hands and wrists unshackled and she was helping him upright. Not that his body really WANTED to go upright, after all he was still sporting a crushed set of balls in an impossibly swollen nutsack between his thighs. She noticed his plight and clucked her tongue.

“Oh, right. That. Look, you might want to get that fixed now,” she said, putting the amulet back over the rat’s neck. “I don’t think you’ll make it very far without.”

Sitting on his butt, Raj looked at the drooping bag at his crotch, and the gem around his neck.

“You’re… you’re not just gonna bust me again?”

Sha’Ria shook her head. “Nope! You were willing to give up the power to repair your nuts FOREVER rather than sit through any more punishment. To me, that sounds like you learned your lesson.”

When Raj didn’t speak up, Sha’Ria snickered. “Okay, how about if I walk all… the way…” she went to the opposite end of the cave, “…over HERE.” She was far away enough that it took a little extra volume to be heard. “I can’t do anything from here. Go ahead. Fix your balls.”

The rat rubbed at his amulet. It was strange. It had always been a safeguard, but now he hated the damn thing. He’d been ready to let himself stay neutered, something that he could have let happened two poppings ago, all because of this stupid gem. He huffed, closing his eyes.

“Testiculus reconstructum.”

Thanks to the extra few minutes, repairing Raj’s balls was less pleasant than the other two. Not as bad as the day in bed before, but coming off of three full ruptures… just SAYING the spell made him feel sick. A few moments passed and Raj had a fully functional pair of testicles between his legs again. He looked up, and Sha’Ria was standing over where she was, not moving. Well, she moved a little, waving her hand, shooing him away.

“Go! Go go, rat!”

Raj got to his feet, unsteadily. It was then he realized just HOW long he’d been in that cave, his legs had almost forgotten how to work. The rat looked over his shoulder as he went, but he followed the entrance to the cave.

"One last thing, Raj."

That caught the rat's attention. She used his name.

"Er... yeah?"

Her expression went more severe. "I'm giving you a fresh chance, here. You make me regret it, if I see you sneaking around here hunting dragons, or if I even HEAR about you hunting dragons, I'll make today look like a dinner date. Ya got it?"

Raj swallowed and nodded, scurrying out. Okay, limping. Gingerly limping. He gradually made his way out.

Sha’Ria chuckled to herself. In a moment he’d find out that they weren’t THAT far in the mountain. She just needed him to know that he was stuck there as long as she wanted him to be.

Gathering up the heavy chains, the dragoness couldn’t help but get a slight pang of sympathy in her chest. That rat had sat through three bursts in a row. She didn’t know what ONE felt like, but every story she’d heard was that it was enough to make a guy want to kill himself. He gave up his nuts rather than take it again. He didn’t try one of his silly spells, he didn’t try to fight back. He actually took it.

With a determined nod, Sha’Ria let the chains clatter to the floor and marched out the front of the cave. She was gonna snag that rat and get some use out of that phallum rigamarole spell. What the fuck, the guy earned it, and she’d get something out of it, too. All that ballbusting had her all worked up anyway.

Alec Anaconda, A1
07-12-2014, 09:45 AM
Well, OneBadMamaJama, your untitled follow-on to P’iou’s “ABCs: Caught in the Crossfire”, is a very good read indeed.

07-12-2014, 10:43 AM
LOL thanks my man. I can't capture poiu's flair for the whimsical and I really don't have his skill for making the stories "vocal", but I tried to go with it.

I think what I like the most about the universe (I rarely comment, but I always read!) is that these kind of events AREN'T treated as traumatic life-enders. These guys go through ridiculous amounts of abuse and at the end of the day they can just be grumpy instead of needing therapy. I think that's why I was kinda bummed by thinking Raj was ruined permanently, I love the idea of them having almost no limits to what goes down that they can bounce back from and act more like someone just stole their phone instead of destroyed them.

Hell, I liked the idea of Raj and Poiu almost being able to grouse about their situations together, sitting at a tavern and arguing about who was the worst off.

"Dude, your balls don't break! How can you say that's worse?"

"Because you've never sat through a girl spending six hours TRYING! Let me tell you, a girl gets CREATIVE when she's frustrated."

"Okay, but I feel the need to repeat: your BALLS, don't BREAK. They don't break!"

"And I feel the need to repeat, you can get busted and then just not fix 'em for the rest of the day! Ten minutes, oops there they go, you just keep your mouth shut. That'd be like a vacation!"

I know a lot of people really like the darkness and things getting really ugly, but for this I really love the idea of no one being really psychologically wrecked by the events. Genuine consequences are a massive turn-off (to wit: whenever someone posts a news story of this kind of thing happening in the real world, I become genuinely FURIOUS). But a rat and a dragon all sulky about getting their balls busted to the extent that we have here, then sighing and saying "welp, back to my wife!" makes the whole thing SO much more appealing.

Okay, it's weird I just appeared to dump all this text and analysis, but it's all been burbling under the surface for a while, I just hadn't had the onus on me to say it out loud. So thanks again poiu for the enjoyable reads, I can't wait to see what you come up with next and I hope you don't mind me making the occasional 50 Shades to your Twilight when a character shows up that I like. XD

Alec Anaconda, A1
07-12-2014, 11:55 AM
ABCs: Caught in the Crossfire

Thanks for ABCs: Caught in the Crossfire, P’iou.
As you know, I’m not keen on mutilation, but this was fun.
Somehow, when injuries quickly heel, as in a cartoon, I smile rather than empathize.

I agree with you!

07-12-2014, 02:14 PM
I agree with you!

Haha, forgot about that quote!

I don't think it's a huge mystery either. Deep know, we all KNOW that sexual assault is a bad thing. I derive no sexual pleasure from the knowledge of someone else in actual, nonconsensual pain. YouTube videos of people being hurt or blog posts about a girl sending a guy to the hospital infuriate me rather than arouse (I am 0% one of those "women are the stronger sex!" guys). Fiction is the perfect environment. All that taboo thrill with no actual harm done.

Then you get really deep stories with characters that exist as more than just scrotums with names, poiu and MythicalPain being the two best examples, and it's not fun seeing a character written well enough that they exist as more than just on a page having any long-term harm done to 'em. Raj and Ed weren't awful people, they were just doofuses trying to go dragon slaying! I was really on board with 'em! Loved 'em learning a lesson, but not one that like, in 20 years, they'd still be sitting around with a nutsack full of regret and nothing else. XD

Like, remember when poiu had that poll about who the character should end up with? I didn't even have to think before voting Lia because dammit he deserved to have someone to make him happy, LOL. No matter how "sexy" it could be made that he got his balls ruined by that other character or Opal using him for nut-related science, I'd be irked because maaaaaaaan, the poor guy!

Yeah I'm really getting longwinded here, but TBH I love analyzing stories, even if they're silly porny stories on here. I write moderately popular stuff elsewhere (different name, not sharing) and I've always had a lot of fun picking apart what makes this story enjoyable or that one not. I could wax philosophical on what (to me) makes a good ballbusting story, and like I said before it does speak to the quality of what we've seen here that I'm in a position TO talk like that!

Depending on whether or not poiu would prefer I'd leave his characters alone, I could seriously see continuing the relationship between these two because, holy crap, just reading about 'em and writing one little story made me wanna explore them further. I might do it just for my own sake even if they never get posted, LOL.

07-13-2014, 05:02 PM
OBMJ: hot damn, that was fantastic! Sha'Ria and Raj make a hell of a pair :P Definitely feel free to write anything else you'd like – I love your take on things, and obviously I'm not the only one. (And P.S., don't take offense if I don't reply for a while: I may be without internet for an extended period coming up.)

07-13-2014, 05:46 PM
OBMJ: hot damn, that was fantastic! Sha'Ria and Raj make a hell of a pair :P Definitely feel free to write anything else you'd like – I love your take on things, and obviously I'm not the only one. (And P.S., don't take offense if I don't reply for a while: I may be without internet for an extended period coming up.)

Whew, glad you liked it! Like I said, you're el jefe of these stories, it was fun trying to do your world justice. Definitely had a moment there of "hoo boy, hope I didn't bone it up TOO bad here." XD

And yikes, where goeth thy internet? I hope that means you'll have plenty of downtime to prepare the next chapters!

As for me, I'm actually done with work early, could see if I can't make another tonight.

07-14-2014, 10:30 AM
Hey guess who got bored and did another one!

A Fresh Beginning

Sha'Ria and Raj come up with an arrangement that hopefully means fewer bustings for him and fewer hunted and busted dragons. Things get off to a bit of a rough start, though.

As always, this is just me paying homage to the intensely talented poiu (whose name I only JUST realized is the four top-right keyboard keys in right to left order, LOL) and having a little fun in the world of "no hard feelings" ballbusting he's created. If ever I were told to invent an ideal environment for guys to get racked on the regular, this would be it.

SIGNIFICANTLY less brutal this time around, so if you're more squeamish about your busting, read on worry-free. I can't say the rat with his ever-healing nutbag won't find himself in some terrible predicaments in the future, but this one's not quite so over the top.


It’s crazy how much things can change after a simple question.

After Sha’Ria caught up with Raj and dragged him back to her cave, which involved a lot of kicking and screaming and convincing the rat that she hadn’t gone back on their deal (okay, she had to knee him in the plums a few times to make him stop flailing around, but that was HIS fault), the dragoness decided to see just how effective that whole phallum rigorum incantation was.

Oh ho ho, was it EVER. She rode that rat from on top, from underneath, standing, sitting and in every possible position between. The rat was shooting dust after a while, but he still had the tool to use (all the spell did was give him a boner, it didn’t reset the clock, so to speak). Once the guy was feeling less afraid about getting his berries pounded again, he got into it, and damned if that rodent didn’t have a marathoner’s stamina. By the time it was over, both of them were wheezing and laid out on the cave floor. She’d never had rat dick before, and mayyyyybe she wouldn’t mind it again sometime.

Bathed in the afterglow, Sha’Ria idly looked over at the rat and asked, “So what’re you gonna do now?”

It caught him off guard. “…do?”

The dragoness nodded, rolling onto her side and propping her head up on one hand. “Yeah. I mean, okay we had our fun here, but I’m serious about what I said before. I catch you trying to do any of that dragon slaying nonsense and it’s gonna be ten times worse than this morning.”

The rat swallowed awkwardly, ears folding down. Somehow, he thought that since they’d fucked, and they had REALLY fucked, she would be more lenient on him. Wasn’t that how it worked? Give a girl a nice hard dicking and she’s sort of, y’know, on your side?

“Oh,” he said lamely, sitting up and crossing his legs, looking down at his ballsack as if imagining the fate that would befall it if he ventured into their area again. “Uh… I dunno.”

Sha’Ria rolled her eyes. “Let me guess. You thought you’d limp back to your village, lay low for a while, wait for us to forget about you, then start up again. That if you kept your head on a swivel you could avoid getting caught again and you’d just keep on with the amateur dragon slaying.”

Raj looked incensed! He huffed and drew his shoulders up, brow all furrowed. “No!” Then he slumped. “…yes.”

It was true, the rat didn’t have much of a backup plan. Picking up jobs back home off the board was how he’d been getting by for his adult life. Usually it was stealing some piece of treasure from a remote cave or finding another rare book for the old man who sold him the pendant, normal small-time bandit jobs. The dragon slaying was supposed to be his and Ed’s big break. They’d be REAL warriors then!

Best laid plans, right?

Sha’Ria flopped onto her back and crossed one leg over the other, bobbing her foot absent-mindedly. “You know, there is one thing you could do. It’s a little crazy, but hear me out.”

The rat looked over at her, admittedly distracted by her curvy, nude body all splayed out. It didn’t matter that he’d just spent the last few hours fucking an Indian burn onto his dick with this dragon, she was hot!

“Okay, what’s the idea?”

She glanced sidelong at him. “You could go legit.”

The words hit him like she’d just put a terrible smell under his nose. “Eugh! You mean get some… plain villager job like all the other peasants?”

The female snorted, “Well I suppose you COULD try your hand at dragon slaying again. After all, it worked SO well for you before. Hey, honest question: how many broken nuts is that pay worth, huh? You must have a terrible gonads to gold ratio going here.”

Raj huffed all indignantly. More like a pout, really. “Ed and I know what we’re doing! We just… got in a little over our heads.”

“Twice, in your case. Up here we call that a pattern.”

The rat grumbled some more. “I coulda done it! If… if you hadn’t gotten in the way! I coulda got those two dragons, no problem! We would have been fine the FIRST time, but ohhhh no. Ed sees a pair of tits and lets his guard down!” He snorted and put his elbows on his knees. “Sure HE’s fine just going back and having a few beers and laughing about it, but… I mean look at him! He’s a brick wall! No one’s gonna say anything to him about it.”

Hah, Sha’Ria thought. It always comes down to dick-waving. Rat feeling all insecure about being an amateur, not a powerful wizard or a big tough warrior and now he’s too embarrassed to go back since he failed TWICE.

Then, some pity. Yeesh, the rat risked his balls a second time because he was too stubborn to just admit defeat. She wondered what it had to have felt like marching around in the forest knowing what his nads had in store for them if he fucked up again. That was comforting. He probably wasn’t TOO surprised.

…and now he thought he’d give it a THIRD try? This stupid rat was gonna get himself nutted again or killed. Probably both. If the moron had a resurrection spell he’d probably be getting into even WORSE trouble.

She shook her head. “Okay look. I’ve got a feeling if I let you go back some part of you is gonna end up hanging off a pike in front of a cave, and that’s just fine by me,” she glanced at Raj, who was clearly dying to interject and argue, but quieted down once she caught his eye. “But I’m not risking that you actually manage to collect one of those bounties.”

The rat looked confused. “…uh, so what are you… what’s that mean?”

Sha’Ria sat up and eyeballed Raj coolly. “I’ll let you stay here with me for a little while, I’ll help you learn a trade. It can be whatever you think works best for you, smithing, tanning, whatever. I know enough and there are good dragons up here who owe me favors.”

Somehow, the word ‘let’ in that sentence didn’t sound like Raj had much of a choice. “Okay,” he said, “So then what?”

The dragoness puffed again, chuckling humorlessly. “Then you get the hell out of dragon country, get a real job, and I don’t see you and your magic dick ever again.” She cursed inwardly. Didn’t mean to say that last part. In her defense, he had a magic dick. I mean, come on. A magic dick!

But Raj didn’t notice her slip of the ribbony tongue, and simply nodded. Just like that, Sha’Ria had a houserat.

After a short, but awkwardly silent, walk, the pair arrived at Sha’Ria’s home. The dragoness’s actual cave was significantly nicer than the desolate hole in the rock she’d dragged him to before. It was fully furnished, and even had more than one “room”. Aside from being cut into a mountain, it really wasn’t drastically different from the huts back at Raj’s village. Or, in his case, the communal hotel he paid a pittance for bed space in.

Sha’Ria wasn’t much of a tour guide, waving vaguely about. “Now that’s my bed. Until we get you your own…” she began, getting a vague look of hope out of the rat. “…you can just deal with the floor.”

Raj grumped. This was looking worse and worse by the moment. He glanced back at the entrance. If he ran now… no, she’d catch him. He could paralyze her first… but then what? Go back? Try again? The scrotal sorcerer didn’t have a load of options in front of him. On the other hand, he could stay here, pretend like he’s really interested in making leather pants or whatever, and get free room and board AND probably get laid! Hell, wasn’t that what he was aiming for anyway?

Okay, sure, he’d probably be “paying” by having his nutsack worked over once in a while, but hey! Beggars can’t be choosers, and if it meant fucking Sha’Ria regularly…

“So!” he said, clapping his hands and rubbing them together. “Where do we start?”

The dragoness snickered and looked him up and down. “We go down to the market, get you some new clothes and some supplies. That robe’s GOT to go.”

Raj looked down. He sighed. He liked his robe. Made it himself and everything. It made him feel like a proper wizard, even if it wasn’t quite up to proper warlock quality. “Do we have to?” he whined.

Sha’Ria nodded firmly. “We do. Anyone sees you in that, they’ll think you’re up to no good. We need you dressed like an honest rat. So let’s go.”

Raj’s shoulders sunk, the pout in him growing. He even jutted his lip out all adorably. “Hmpf. If you say so.”

“One more thing.”


The dragoness held out her hand. “Gimme the amulet.”

Reflexively, the rat’s hands went to his chest, right over the gem on its light chain. He’d already lost it once and then almost lost it a second time. For as much as Raj complained about the trouble it had gotten him into, the amulet was his, it was really what made him special. Plus, y’know. It fixed his balls. That’s not a backup plan a guy wants to just give away.

“…why?” he asked, his rodent face a swirl of suspicious and concerned emotions. He even turned a away a bit, protectively.

“Oh relax, I’m not gonna break it,” Sha’Ria replied, amused at his sudden worry. “But we can’t have you tempted to start throwing spells around while you’re supposed to be training. Plus,” she added, a small grin on her face. “Maybe if you can’t just spit a spell out, you’ll actually try being polite and won’t risk your gonads so much.”

She tapped her broad foot, waiting. “I’m not keeping it, I’m just holding onto it! You’ll get it back whenever you need it. Promise!”

Raj squinted at Sha’Ria. She’d never lied to him before. Well, she did tell him she’d only bust his balls once and then totally lied about that. Wait, did she actually SAY she’d only do it once, or did he just misinterpret? Ugh. That whole day was a swirl. Reluctantly, the rat slipped his amulet off and passed it over. His new matriarch of sorts had to prevent a little giddy squeal. This was working out FAMOUSLY.

The local bazaar was a simple affair, but a fairly big one. A central spot for merchants and traders to sell wares and services to anyone within a day’s walk. It wasn’t like the thing was dragons only, but Sha’Ria still told Raj to stick close by. The rat had a bit of a reputation already thanks to his original journey (dragons are solitary, but they do look out for one another), and the robes weren’t helping him blend in at ALL. Long as he stayed with her, everything would be fine.

Then, haggling over the price of some leather strips, Sha’Ria’s ears picked up a familiar cry.


The red dragoness looked to her side, then the other. She sighed, rubbing between her eyes. She KNEW that damn rat wasn’t smart enough to hold still! Ugh, he must have gone wandering while she was focused on not getting ripped off by this old bastard saying his leather was more rare than anyone else’s. And now she had to pay full price because she had to go find out what mess Raj had gotten himself into.

Following the sounds of a howling rat, Sha’Ria found a small crowd gathered not terribly far from where she’d been standing. She leaned over to a older dragoness and asked what was going on.

“Ohhh that dirty rat was trying to steal from one of the merchants!” the short female said with a huff, her weathered face all screwed up. “And it looks like he’s one of those southern dragonslayers! But don’t worry, he didn’t get away with it, and I don’t think he’ll get away with his gonads, either!”

Looking up at the scuffle itself, Raj was on his back, his robe lifted up, and a rather portly dragoness was holding his legs apart and had his nuts trapped down in the dirt under her foot. Sha’Ria knew this one. Brielle, the potions merchant. Nice girl, fine prices, not TERRIBLY effective products, a bad temper and suspicious of everyone around her. Much to Raj’s dismay. She had a number of earrings, as well as other jewelry, and wore a dark colored and somewhat overly-flowy dress. Even with her extra padding, the muscle on her was evident, particularly in her legs. And thanks to that stupid robe of his getting in the way, Raj couldn’t even reach down to protect himself.

“So, rat! Thought you could steal from me AND collect on another bounty?”

“Noooo!” he pleaded, squirming on the ground. “I was just looookiii-AAUUUHHH!!”

The hefty female lifted her foot up and stamped on Raj’s nuts again, bare sole making a nice solid THUNK as it flattened the rat’s eggs down. “Liar!” she yelled, the small crowd echoing in satisfaction (well, half of the crowd, anyway). “You were caught before, yet you’re so brazen as to walk into our markets?? Just how stupid do you think we are up here?”

Brielle punctuated that sentence by rearing her leg back and kicking the rat’s drooping bag a few times, the SLAP of flesh to scaly flesh audible enough that it even made Sha’Ria wince. She was a strong female herself, but… well, this one had mass on her side. Those kicks looked bad enough to leave his pelvis bruised!

Granted, Sha’Ria could have stepped in and done something at any time. On the other hand, Raj still had a lot to learn, so why not let him learn it himself? Experience is the best teacher of all!

“Just let me explaa-aaaain!” he wailed, trying vainly to wriggle to freedom. Each time he tried, the Brielle dropped her foot again onto his tenderized testes and ground her heel onto them like she was stamping out an insect. His muscles flexed and tensed, his whole body doing everything in its power to get his leathery pouch away from the pissed off dragon, but it wasn’t working.

One particularly vigorous wiggle got him to turn onto his stomach, unfortunately the heavy female answered that by simply sitting on him, prompting an awkward WHEEEZE of breath from Raj.

Reaching a big hand under Raj’s robes and scooping up his swollen berries, Brielle turned to look over her shoulder. “I’ll ask you again, rat! What are you doing here?”

Raj was whimpering pathetically now. Where was Sha’Ria? Couldn’t she hear him?? “I was shoppiiiiiFFFUUUCK!!”

Apparently that was the wrong answer, as Raj’s nutsack had one hand wrapped around the neck of it while another slapped it mercilessly a few times. Face down in the dirt, without his amulet, all the rat could do was wail and yell and claw at the ground. Meanwhile, that fat bitch just kept slapping his balls around like she was arguing with the organs themselves.

“If you don’t answer me straight, rat, I’ll mash these right now!”

And where was Sha’Ria? Oh, she was watching, biting on her lip, doing her best not to make her enjoyment TOO obvious. She realized she was starting to LIKE the look of her little apprentice, bare from the waist down, getting his male parts worked over. There was ALWAYS something so sexy about a nice set of genitals being abused, but realizing that, if she squinted and thought about it, they were sort of her property? At least for the time being? Oooh, it was just delicious.

She looked around at the small gathered throng. The females were loving the show, and the males were all standing with their hands over themselves. They figured it was the rat’s own fault his balls were getting busted, but that didn’t make it any easier to watch. Even more funny was the majority of attendants who were ignoring it entirely, and seemed more bothered that Raj wouldn’t shut up because they had a hard time negotiating with the traders.

Raj tried again. “That WAS straaaaaight!” he protested with a voice strained from ball pain as well as a very heavy female sitting on him. Immediately he felt the big dragoness’s hands gripping his gonads, one plump nut per. Jaw tensed with anger, she lifted straight up with enough strength that the rat’s hips came off the ground. Then, to the trapped rat’s horror, she squeezed on each of those tender jewels, twisting her hands from side to side as if she were wringing out a damp cloth.

“STOOOOOPPP!! YOU’RE GONNA BREAK EMMMM!!” Raj absolutely shrieked, eyes bugged wide and his back arching. His toes were digging into the ground and his arms were feebly trying to get under him to get his nuggets free. He knew he could get his amulet back, or at least hoped, but that didn’t mean he wanted to go through with getting his balls ruptured again!

Sha’Ria decided it was time to intervene. Much as she wanted to just let the show continue, it wasn’t really fair. Those balls had been through a lot already. Er, had they? That spell didn’t really make sense. Were they like totally new balls each time or were his old balls made bigger and stronger? That got her thinking. What if she cut Raj’s nuts off? Could he get a new pair? What if they were just, like, detached inside the sack? She’d have to find out.

A fresh wave of high-pitched squealing brought Sha’Ria back from her idle contemplation. She coughed and stepped out of the crowd, tapping the dragoness merchant on the shoulder.

“WHAT?” Brielle barked, still squeezing on Raj’s nuts like she thought the answer she wanted was stuck inside them. She even started pressing the two against each other and grinding, still focusing on the female standing in front of her.

“Would you mind stopping that?” Sha’Ria said, voice elevated enough to be heard over Raj’s cries. “He’s with me.”

That confused the big dragoness. She let Raj’s rather discolored nutsack go and his legs plopped on the ground with a light clatter. She put her hands on her hips and sat upright, still kneeling straddled over Raj’s writhing form, sitting on his back.

“And just what are YOU doing with this vermin?” Brielle demanded. “He’s a bounty hunter, a would-be dragon slayer, and a thief!”

Sha’Ria crossed her arms under her bust. “Mm-hm. And just what did he steal?”

The merchant female grunted, annoyed. “Well. Nothing. But that’s only because I caught him! I saw his thieving eyes!”

Sha’Ria nodded. “So he didn’t actually steal anything. It sounds to me like you’re being a bit unfair, aren’t you?”

“Well… be that as it may,” the bigger female sniffed, indignant, “That doesn’t change who he is!”

“If you’ll excuse me,” Sha’Ria said, her voice growing cross. “I don’t believe we’re in a position to say that anyone is beyond reform, not with the reputation dragons have elsewhere, hm?” The merchant’s unhappy expression said that she knew Sha’Ria was right. “Now we’re here to get him some fresh clothes, some supplies, and to begin teaching him in a trade so he can STOP going about collecting dragon hides as bounties. So if you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you let him up so we could continue.”

The angry Brielle huffed and stood up. “Very well,” she intoned, pointing at Sha’Ria. “But I’ll be watching him, and I doubt I’m the only one! Get what you need and get him out of here.”

It took some doing to get Raj to his feet, his now well-oversized scrotum bouncing between his thighs and making him wince. The crowd, after a brief sigh of disappointment from the females and one of relief from the males, dispersed. The market was back to normal, and rat and dragon could resume their shopping.

Having well learned from his experience, Raj spent the remainder of the trip up close to Sha’Ria. The rat continued to attract suspicious glances, but fortunately his chaperone was at least fairly well respected by enough of the citizens that they were willing to trust her, even if they didn’t trust him.

By the end of the trip, Sha’Ria had a basket with food to last the week, tools that were lightweight enough for Raj to handle, and he had a pair of pants and a normal shirt on. Just having him out of the robes seemed to be a big help; Raj blended in with the crowd more and got fewer wary glances. Why, he almost looked like a normal citizen!

After a bit of silent walking, Raj spoke up.

“Where were you back there?”

Sha’Ria turned slightly, but kept her eyes in front. “Hm? Back where?”

Raj’s tone was clearly accusatory. “Back at the market. Why’d it take you so long to stop that big bitch?”

“Oh! Um… I wasn’t terribly close. By the time I heard the commotion…” she replied, a vague wave of her free hand.

The rat narrowed his eyes. “I wasn’t that far!” he argued. “You could have gotten me right away!”

“Oh pfffft,” Sha’Ria said, all casual and chipper. “Will you relax? I got you, didn’t I? And look, you didn’t even have to use any spells! For a first trip, that went pretty well!”

Raj groused, one hand drifting downward to gently touch his unhappy pouch, almost gasping. “That was WELL to you?”

She nodded. “Mmhm! I was expecting you’d have to use that nut fixing spell at least once.”

The rat grumped, lamenting the swelling in his loins (a swelling he felt was ENTIRELY unnecessary), making his gait awkward and bowlegged. “It almost would have been easier. Least then I’d have a fresh set and not a swollen and bruised one.”

The dragoness lifted an eyeridge at him. “Are you saying you’d rather get your eggs broken than not?” she asked, unable to stifle another amused grin.

“What? No!” he squeaked back, defensive. “I was just… I just meant that…”

Sha’Ria chuckled and shook her head. “I know what you meant, I was only teasing. Come on, I want to get home before dark. It looks like the weather could take a turn for the worse.”

The pair continued along and Raj’s markedly slower pace, when a husky, female voiced called out behind them. “Just a minute, you two!!”

They turned, and saw the surly Brielle marching toward them again. Sha’Ria sighed in exasperation and Raj turned his hips away defensively.

“Here,” she said, handing a small bottle over to Sha’Ria. “A few drops of that in warm water, soaked into a cloth, put it on his nuts and the swelling should go right down. And as for you…” she hesitated, looking cross. It was obvious someone had talked to her and asked her to do this. “I’m sorry I acted so rashly.”

Sha’Ria smiled brightly. “Well we thank you for your generosity, and appreciate your apology, don’t we, Raj?”

The rat was no more eager to make amends than the merchant was, but he nodded. “Er… yes. Thank you.”

“Very well. Good day then,” the larger dragoness said curtly, and the two turned and resumed their walk.

Then, a moment later, a large foot flew up between Raj’s legs from behind, flattening his bag into his hips, and sent the rat straight to the ground in a curled up, moaning, groaning heap.

Sha’Ria let out an UGH and looked down at him, then back at the round dragoness. “Was that REALLY necessary??”

Brielle shrugged and smiled, turning on her heel and marching back to the market with nearly a skip in her step. “Well, I certainly feel better.”

Sha’Ria helped Raj get upright again and harumphed. “I know who’s not getting any of MY money when we come back next week.”

The rat whimpered. This was going to be a long few months.

Alec Anaconda, A1
07-15-2014, 09:40 AM
A Fresh Beginning

Sometime one just has to finish writing the story, if only to find out how it ends.

07-15-2014, 11:34 AM
Haha, provided I'm not stepping on poiu's toes by stampeding around in his playground uninvited, I got no problem with just continuing it. I dunno where it'd all end, but I feel like there's really no end to the possibilities along the way when he's got the magic to repair himself but she's got the amulet.

Thrills! Chills! Drama! High intrigue! The "occasional" testicular rupture! Will Raj turn legit? What happens if he betrays Sha'Ria? What did Sha'Ria mean about "finding out" how the spell works? Who knows! I sure as hell don't!

07-16-2014, 04:19 PM
Can the stories be linked to a blog or something instead of posted directly? There was a lot of scrolling last page and a lot of people are here for the artwork

07-16-2014, 06:07 PM
Can the stories be linked to a blog or something instead of posted directly? There was a lot of scrolling last page and a lot of people are here for the artwork

If it makes it easier I can pastebin the stories so they don't take up any space. I don't have like a SoFurry account or anything so I can't post 'em there, but if it means not having a gigantic wall of text in the forum I figure that's fair.

07-16-2014, 06:09 PM
in the movie THE HUNGOVER GAMES there's an anatomically correct giant teddy bear and a hot girl shoots him in the dick with a bow and arrow.................just thought you might want to know

07-16-2014, 11:30 PM
Timestamp? anything else in the film?

07-17-2014, 06:59 AM
yes there is also a scene where kylie richards from REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ......wherever the fuck she comes from......produces a plastic jar containing a testicle and says "i took half of everything"

07-19-2014, 11:06 PM
Oh, here's trouble!

07-20-2014, 10:21 AM
I like the horse's face in this one lol

A request to anyone who might know what I'm talking about. I'd appreciate it if someone might be able to help me find a particular picture either on this thread or ballbusting cartoons or maybe even some other thread. Its a french 3d image of the Big Bad Wolf tied up and little red holding a knife in a threatening manner. Can't seem to find it anywhere. I'd be very thankful for any kind of help with finding it.

Alec Anaconda, A1
07-20-2014, 12:14 PM
Can the stories be linked to a blog or something instead of posted directly? There was a lot of scrolling last page and a lot of people are here for the artwork

If it makes it easier I can pastebin the stories so they don't take up any space. I don't have like a SoFurry account or anything so I can't post 'em there, but if it means not having a gigantic wall of text in the forum I figure that's fair.

I think the easiest way is just to start a new thread titled “Furry Ballbusting Stories”.

Jayfeathers stick
07-20-2014, 10:19 PM
Being honest, this is for furry ballbusting in general not just stories or just artwork. It's great how it is.

07-21-2014, 07:04 AM
I kinda have to agreed with Jayfeathers, yes it is a pain in the butt to scroll past a giant text post just to find a picture post under it but I think we should contain all the furry related content to just one thread for ease of access

07-21-2014, 07:06 AM
Also sorry for my earlier link under Beaktooth's! I completely didn't notice we had the same link :p

07-21-2014, 11:34 AM
I think the pastebin idea is probably best. That way it's all here, but no pages of the thread are enormous walls of text. On the last one, poiu's story was 15,000 words and mine were 6,000 and 4,000. That's a quarter of a novel all on one page so I can understand why it'd be annoying.

07-21-2014, 04:18 PM
No problem masher :}}}
About the text thing, some forums have a "spoiler" tag that hides whatever is tagged behind a single sentence that you have to click. I think that's the fix but can't find the functionality here?

07-21-2014, 05:58 PM
Are you interested in this?

ducks collection (http://ducker005.tumblr.com/search/Yiff)

07-21-2014, 07:37 PM
Heavy on the c-tion for me, but I'm sure some might like it. I dunno. That whole angle of the fetish never quite clicked with me.

07-22-2014, 06:45 AM
Random art dump :cool:

07-22-2014, 06:46 AM

07-22-2014, 06:06 PM
I'm not a big neu'te'r fan but some of these made me wonder, lol!
Thanks for posting pics and stories gang :}
And about the text thing again I went through the BBCode and my "spoiler" idea just isn't in there. Must be on other forum software, or it's shut off here. Meh...

07-24-2014, 08:22 PM
Yeah sorry if some of the stuff I post isn't for your style but my postings will usually range from a bust to full on cast/ ration. This type of content atleast in images usually gravitates towards cas/tra/tion rather than busting,there is some but not much.

07-24-2014, 08:23 PM
Woah why can't we say cast/ration?

07-25-2014, 09:10 PM
Not sure why, it's similarly censored in other femaldom threads ~

07-25-2014, 10:24 PM
That doesn't make sense seeing on how that kinda is thrown in a lot around threads haha

07-26-2014, 12:21 AM

Was looking good, but you fucked it up with the last image !
The female should have eaten the balls herself !

07-26-2014, 07:53 AM
Was looking good, but you fucked it up with the last image !
The female should have eaten the balls herself !

Either way its still a good little series. I know afew people who preferred it the way it came out

07-26-2014, 08:28 AM
I disagree, It's best the Male eats his own Cocky Balls.....He done something wrong and deserves to eat them.

07-26-2014, 09:23 AM
I find it erotic either way! Granted I am a huge fan of femcan, but making the male eat his own nuts is satisfyingly degrading. Now if we could just get more artist to indulge on the subject of tasty male-parts. :wooow

07-26-2014, 09:46 AM
I find it erotic either way! Granted I am a huge fan of femcan, but making the male eat his own nuts is satisfyingly degrading. Now if we could just get more artist to indulge on the subject of tasty male-parts. :wooow

Yeah its kinda rare to find artists who partake in this material, the artist from the mentioned series is sueanoi. Here is a link to her page http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sueanoi/ you can see some of her other art there in her gallery. The list of furry artists who go into either ballbusting or ca*stration is kinda short sadly. I can post links to some of the main artists in this field, I might do that here in afew if anyone is interested.

07-26-2014, 05:10 PM
don't know if this counts............but in the movie TED mark wahlberg fights with the teddy bear and he kicks the teddybear into the dresser causing a television to fall into his lap and he lays there and starts crying and the teddybear asks "why are you crying?" and mark wahlberg replies "cause my dick got squished by the tv"

there's a furry and a crotch hit i don't know if it counts

07-27-2014, 10:30 AM
don't know if this counts............but in the movie TED mark wahlberg fights with the teddy bear and he kicks the teddybear into the dresser causing a television to fall into his lap and he lays there and starts crying and the teddybear asks "why are you crying?" and mark wahlberg replies "cause my dick got squished by the tv"

there's a furry and a crotch hit i don't know if it counts

No....that does not count lol

Alec Anaconda, A1
07-31-2014, 08:23 AM
I think the pastebin idea is probably best. That way it's all here, but no pages of the thread are enormous walls of text. On the last one, poiu's story was 15,000 words and mine were 6,000 and 4,000. That's a quarter of a novel all on one page so I can understand why it'd be annoying.

I don’t think that how you post the continuation is that important.

It seems such a damn shame not to continue such an excellent tale, just because someone has a little trouble scrolling down.

07-31-2014, 09:35 AM
This started as a small experiment with Gimp, but ended up with something worth posting. An amateurish edit, but the world most certainly needs more My Little Pony ballbusting:

http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/34221/d2a5f0342209728.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/d2a5f0342209728)

07-31-2014, 02:05 PM
I don’t think that how you post the continuation is that important.

It seems such a damn shame not to continue such an excellent tale, just because someone has a little trouble scrolling down.

Oh I'll be posting more once I get a minute to put it together. And I do wanna make sure poiu is cool with things, LOL.

07-31-2014, 10:19 PM
Something different, heh

07-31-2014, 11:13 PM
There is a growing epidemic in New York City of costumed guys Elmo, Grover, woody, Spiderman etc. groping women.......does anyone else think that this would be perfect opprotunity for a furry ballbusting?

08-01-2014, 08:16 AM
I wouldn't consider that exactly furry, perhaps in someone was dressed in a fursuit such as a fox or wolf sure but as for Elmo and Groover...nah

08-01-2014, 03:12 PM
Ren: nice work! I definitely approve.

OBMJ: please, continue for as long as you're interested! I definitely want to keep reading more – the dynamic between these two is great. As I mentioned, I might not have much internet for the rest of the summer (away for work) but I'd love to come back to a whole crop of new stories :)

08-02-2014, 07:26 AM
I wouldn't consider that exactly furry, perhaps in someone was dressed in a fursuit such as a fox or wolf sure but as for Elmo and Groover...nah


Mythical Pain
08-17-2014, 02:25 AM
This started as a small experiment with Gimp, but ended up with something worth posting. An amateurish edit, but the world most certainly needs more My Little Pony ballbusting:

http://thumbnails110.imagebam.com/34221/d2a5f0342209728.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/d2a5f0342209728)

Lol! That's great! Not a big MLP fan, but lovely pic. I can totally see some female dragons or gryphons using that move on an unsuspecting male dragon. While all the other females watch, laugh, and cheer! Much like the female ponies in this pic, lol. Nicely done!

08-18-2014, 12:05 AM
Mythical, just a quickie. But it is a dragon getting kicked.


08-18-2014, 05:44 AM
Mythical, just a quickie. But it is a dragon getting kicked.


I love this kind of art work!

08-20-2014, 10:03 PM
I like the smile after she gets him.

08-21-2014, 11:52 AM
Ha, nice find, Beaktooth. That's David Hopkins artwork. Used to be a pretty big fan of him waaaay back in the day, but he's become increasingly dark and bleak with his work over the years. Still, that's an entertaining page there. Always nice to see a would-be thug getting his come-uppance.

As an aside, here are some of the other recent entries on various sites (notes in parenthesis as usual):
http://bbcapture.tumblr.com/image/95285499562 (Male, reaction only)
http://bbcapture.tumblr.com/post/95100916242 (Male, reaction only)
http://bbcapture.tumblr.com/post/92242406842 (M/F)
http://fissionbase.deviantart.com/art/Foul-Play-310025578 (Pokemon)
https://e621.net/post/show/502205/ballbusting-bulge-hgastudios-hitmonchan-hitmonlee- (M/F, Pokemon)
https://e621.net/post/show/500709/ballbusting-canine-crying-fox-humor-kick-male-mamm (I think this one is new? Looks kind of familiar)
http://fastpic.ru/view/49/2013/0731/7944bcf4acc52eb1838b006e52131ca0.jpg.html (M/M, Human versus Werewolf)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14239677/ (Herm)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14258310/ (M/M)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14313307/ (M/M, Extreme)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14261960/ (M/M, Animated, Extreme)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14319528/ (F/M, Involves Anal)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14157557/ (M/M)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpRi9KFSbGU (M/F, 90-second clip, bust is near the very end after an anime-style fight - pseudo-extreme because of cyber-dismemberment)

Mythical Pain
08-26-2014, 01:52 AM
Mythical, just a quickie. But it is a dragon getting kicked.


LOL! Love it! Thanks for posting that! Would love to see more if you get the time and inclination. Awesome stuff! She's definitely teaching that old beast why you never mess with a human woman!

Mythical Pain
08-26-2014, 01:53 AM
I like the smile after she gets him.

Agreed! Love that smile!

08-26-2014, 08:13 PM
Funniest part is the end: http://www.rustedtusks.com/slop/archive/Volume_1/Issue_3/2_The%20Best%20Defense/TheBestDefense04.jpg

Mythical Pain
08-27-2014, 12:59 AM
Funniest part is the end: http://www.rustedtusks.com/slop/archive/Volume_1/Issue_3/2_The%20Best%20Defense/TheBestDefense04.jpg

LOL that's adorable.

Mythical Pain
08-27-2014, 01:02 AM
Wrote a super quick little story tonight for stress-relief reasons. My lion siblings, Sally and Max again. Might write a whole little mini-series of super short nut shots or kneeing stories, and link them together. But for now, enjoy this one!

Let me know if you like it!


The First Shower


Sally yawned, her golden-furred ears pinned back. It was far too early for the young lioness to be up. Stupid school. She missed summer already. Sally rubbed her eyes as she padded down the hallway. The lioness had only just gotten out of bed and was still dressed in her light-blue PJ's. Her favorite cartoon kitty adorned the front of her pajama shirt. Her tufted tail flicked behind her as she headed for the bathroom, ready for a shower.

"Outta the way, runt." Her older brother Max stood at the far end of the hall. "I get the shower first."

"Nuh uh." Sally murmured, still groggy. She stepped in front of the bathroom door. "I was here first."

"Well...I was up first." Max padded towards her, pinning his rounded ears back. "And I'm bigger. And older. So I get it first."

Sally's straw-colored muzzle twisted into a grimace. She didn't have the time or the patience to deal with her brother's attempts to boss her around. Not that he usually had much luck. Max might have been older, but he was also a scrawny geek of a lion with only hints of a reddish-black mane coming in around his neck. Glasses perched on his golden-furred muzzle. He only wore a pair of black boxers, and the geeky lion's skinny body hardly looked imposing.

"Get lost, Max." Sally gave him a little shove. "Wait your turn."

"You get lost, ya little brat." Max shoved her back.

Sally stumbled, yelping. "Meanie!" She hissed at him.

Max laughed, shrugging. "That's what you get. Now move it."

"No!" Sally grabbed the door knob.

"Oh no you don't." Max grabbed Sally's hand, twisting it away from the door knob. Okay, maybe he was a little stronger than his sister. "I'm taking the first shower. You'll be lucky if I leave you any hot water!"

"No, Max. You're not." Time for her favorite move. Sally smirked at her brother, then kneed the older lion in the balls as hard as she could.

"AWWWWWHH!" Max made the same silly noise he did whenever she got him in the boy buttons. His blue eyes popped out behind his glasses. His muzzle hung open, ears pinned back. Sally felt the young lion's balls crunch against her knee like a couple of oversized rubber grapes. He doubled over, face twisting into a grimace of feline agony as he released her hands to grab his crotch. "Ooooooohhhhhh!"

Sally just giggled at the look on his face. She loved doing that. Despite the force of the blow, kneeing a guy in the balls was casual as could be for her. She just lifted her knee, and guys went down. No biggie. Max wobbled, his eyes rolling back, scrawny knees knocking together as he cupped his feline privates. Sally counted down in her head. Three. Two. One.

Max dropped onto his knees right on schedule. Then he flopped forward onto his face, and curled up on the hallway floor. The nerdy young lion gave a long, whimpering groan, squirming in pain Sally would never understand. She giggled at him again. He looked so funny rolling back and forth, wearing nothing but his boxers and cupping his nards.

"Uhhhn! NNHHHR!" Max couldn't seem to make any comprehensible sounds. "Ooohhhhhhh!"

"Right in the kitten makers, huh Max?" Sally smirked, prodding at his hands with her bare footpaw. "Do they hurt? Huh? What's it feel like?"

"Shut up!" Max's voice was little more than a pained squeak as he twisted and rolled on the floor. "Oh, God! Oh! Oooooh, my nards. My naaaaards!"

Sally cupped her own crotch, scrunching up her muzzle, ears pinned. She tried to cross her eyes. "My nards, my dumb nards!" The young lioness giggled, then thrust her knee into the air. "That's what you get, Max. Mess with girls, you get kneed in the nards."

Max curled up at her feet, groaning. "Mmmrrrhhn! Urrrhhhnnh!" He uncurled again, pounded a fist against the floor, and then rocked back and forth before laying on his back, cupping himself in both hands. "Awwwrrrhhh! Unnhh....my freakin' nards!"

Sally beamed. One lioness knee, two lion nards. Nothing like giving a good knee in the balls to start her day off right. And she got the shower. Mission accomplished. She opened the door to the bathroom, glancing back at her brother. "I'm going to take my shower now. Don't expect any hot water. Have fun playing with your balls, though."

Jayfeathers stick
09-07-2014, 07:28 PM
Great story. And I hope you do decide to make the mini sereis.

Jayfeathers stick
09-07-2014, 07:30 PM

Mythical Pain
09-08-2014, 01:15 AM
Great story. And I hope you do decide to make the mini sereis.

Thanks very much! If I get a chance, I will. There's a young coyote Sally's age she's going to be kneeing, lol. And poor Max might get a knee from his older sis, next. Think James and Adam could use a few nut shots, too.


Don't follow pokemon, at all, but love the look of the creature getting busted! Love seeing that kind of animalistic quadruped getting his poor eggs scrambled!

Jayfeathers stick
09-23-2014, 08:24 PM
furry ballbusting thread

Mythical Pain
09-26-2014, 02:23 AM
Lol! It does seem a bit slowly lately. But this thread always seems to come and go in waves.

Jayfeathers stick
09-29-2014, 07:46 PM

Mythical Pain
09-30-2014, 04:02 PM
Lol, nice knee in that image. Though I'm not into super muscles or herms at all lol.

10-01-2014, 07:33 AM
Do you host your ballbusting stories on any other site(s) Mythical Pain?

10-05-2014, 12:05 PM
Great Story Mythical Pain.....I love Max and Sally....Max is so cocky, thinking he can boss his sister around because he is older, strong and Male. I'm so glad she kneed him in the Nards......his big dumb Boy-Nards! Sally put Max in his place. Foolish Boy, thinking he could dominate a girl.

10-05-2014, 12:22 PM
She kneed him in the symbols of his Boy Power!

Mythical Pain
10-11-2014, 11:56 PM
Do you host your ballbusting stories on any other site(s) Mythical Pain?

Sometimes, on SF. Have a new account there I may start posting more of my ball busting stuff.

Otherwise just here lol.

Mythical Pain
10-11-2014, 11:59 PM
Great Story Mythical Pain.....I love Max and Sally....Max is so cocky, thinking he can boss his sister around because he is older, strong and Male. I'm so glad she kneed him in the Nards......his big dumb Boy-Nards! Sally put Max in his place. Foolish Boy, thinking he could dominate a girl.

Thanks! Very glad you enjoyed it! Yup, Sally does love nailing males where it counts...especially Max! Guess that's what he gets for trying to boss her around, lol. Though...his nards aren't exactly big lol.

10-12-2014, 12:33 AM
Lol, I thought they were big.

10-14-2014, 06:35 AM

Steppy stompy

10-14-2014, 06:39 PM
And then, things got bitey.

10-16-2014, 11:18 AM
Anyone know or have the pic of Red Riding Hood holding a knife to the Big Bad Wolf's package while he's tied up? Just went through the whole Furry BB thread and couldn't find it.

Jayfeathers stick
10-16-2014, 07:28 PM
Anyone know or have the pic of Red Riding Hood holding a knife to the Big Bad Wolf's package while he's tied up? Just went through the whole Furry BB thread and couldn't find it.

Well, most of the stuff is deleted... So it might be gone.

10-16-2014, 08:51 PM
Well, most of the stuff is deleted... So it might be gone.
Ah tits! Now I'm upset that I didn't save it when I first saw it.

10-17-2014, 09:18 AM
Yes, please post.

These days I'm mostly occupied by my more serious writing. But I did find the time to whip up a quick little cute story with some of my anthro characters. This time, lions! Some of you know the lioness Sarah and and her nerdy brother Max from other stories I've posted here and elsewhere.

This is Sally, Max and Sarah's younger sister. Teaching her brother Max why it isn't a good idea to tease a girl about video games.



Out of all of your stories, this one has to be my favorite. I love how Max was so cocky at the beginning, teasing Sally about how bad she was at video games and how much girls suck at everything...and then she shut him up with a punch to his unprotected male weak spots. I love how Sally took a picture of Max, crying in male agony and rolling around on the ground clutching his precious nuts, and sent it to her friends. My favorite part though was when after Melissa's suggestion, Sally kicked Max a 2nd time in his kitten-makers as he was crawling away!

10-30-2014, 11:30 AM

11-06-2014, 06:27 PM
Here's something.
No busting as it were, but if you look at the images in reverse it's like she's wrestling his nuts out of his shorts.

11-14-2014, 07:54 AM
Thinking this thread needs at least a weekly furry/scaly ball kicking story. hopefully more often then that! So while I've not had time to do a long form story and finish up Princess/Pets 3, here's my latest swiftly whipped up quickie.

In this one, a young female tribal wolf introduces her bullying older brother to the meaning of pain. By introducing her foot to his furry puppy makers.


Great story and I'd love to read more stories about Mira busting Gorl's nuts. After Gorl bullied Mira her whole life, I think Mira is going to want more than one kick to his nuts now that she figured out the secret to dominating males. :)

Mythical Pain
11-19-2014, 02:08 AM
::Laughs:: Ooh, I'd forgotten all about that little story. That was a fun one. I think you're right. Mira will definitely want to bust those furry wolf nuts a lot more. I doubt she'll have any mercy for that bullying wolf's puppy makers!

Mythical Pain
11-19-2014, 02:10 AM
Out of all of your stories, this one has to be my favorite. I love how Max was so cocky at the beginning, teasing Sally about how bad she was at video games and how much girls suck at everything...and then she shut him up with a punch to his unprotected male weak spots. I love how Sally took a picture of Max, crying in male agony and rolling around on the ground clutching his precious nuts, and sent it to her friends. My favorite part though was when after Melissa's suggestion, Sally kicked Max a 2nd time in his kitten-makers as he was crawling away!

Lol, thanks! Yes...nothing in the world aches like twice-kicked kitten makers. Poor tender things!

Jayfeathers stick
11-20-2014, 07:35 PM
Lol, thanks! Yes...nothing in the world aches like twice-kicked kitten makers. Poor tender things!

Of course there is. Thrice kicked kitten makers.

12-18-2014, 07:04 AM
It's been fairly quiet lately, so I figured I'd poke around on FA a bit:

http://www.furaffinity.net/view/15068760/ (F/M, Implied)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/15196913/ (M/M)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/15115492/ (H/M, MLP)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14866512/ (M, Solo)

That last one is another commission for Anthrax, who had another ballbusting-oriented commission a while back:

http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14461775/ (M, Solo - kind of)

12-30-2014, 09:58 AM
This looks fun

01-06-2015, 01:57 AM
Not really "ballbusting", but simliar in topic:

11267 11268 11269

Love the middle one :)

01-12-2015, 09:52 AM
A squirrel and nuts: https://static1.e621.net/data/34/f9/34f9259826341773d68505e0b10113f4.png

01-13-2015, 10:10 AM
Look at what's in the news:

01-28-2015, 01:21 PM
Some new pokemon stuff: https://static1.e621.net/data/ad/ab/adaba1d55b4d81de2d35278720cc6344.jpg

02-02-2015, 11:04 AM
I was cleaning up my ancient porn folders when I came across this. Enjoy: http://thumbnails112.imagebam.com/38668/b57079386674632.jpg (http://www.imagebam.com/image/b57079386674632)

02-20-2015, 03:42 PM

Could of had so much more busting potential but still...

03-06-2015, 08:55 AM

This is heading in a good direction...

03-15-2015, 02:14 PM

03-19-2015, 09:40 AM
Some rough ball treatment and cockbiting
There's a few different versions if you check the parent/child posts.

04-03-2015, 10:55 AM
Self busting?

04-20-2015, 03:22 PM
The last couple added to the Mapel76 Tumbler (maintained by Pelmar76) have been furry-oriented. Both are F/M.


Jayfeathers stick
05-05-2015, 08:07 PM

05-14-2015, 09:46 PM
Oooo, Lenexwants draws another m/f....

05-17-2015, 03:37 AM
A futa-edit from MLP Season 5, getting un-futaed: https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2015/4/13/873240__twilight+sparkle_rainbow+dash_pinkie+pie_f luttershy_explicit_nudity_rarity_applejack_animate d_princess+twilight.gif

06-21-2015, 07:26 AM
It's been a slow month, but there are a few new ones that have caught my eye -

http://theroguediamond.tumblr.com/image/115205689485 (MLP, M/F - The comic before and after it elaborate on the situation, but the bust itself is the linked strip)
http://41.media.tumblr.com/cc43cc8c9d7f4217522faf7bcb6afdad/tumblr_nq1ee3EYVy1tx5uhxo1_1280.png (Kind-of-sort-of MLP, M/F)
http://41.media.tumblr.com/a70361ac1349416bae74c4b55ede6b83/tumblr_nq1cf4RUTp1tx5uhxo8_1280.png (MLP-Inspired, M/F)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16827233/ (M/M)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16679466/ (Rupture, M/M)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16874397/ (M)
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16878235/ (Anal, Branding, H)

The first three are all MLP-inspired. The latter four are new pieces up on Furaffinity, mostly M/M.

07-02-2015, 08:11 PM
Good thing I'm a man of the world...


08-11-2015, 10:17 AM
Pretty wild comic on e6 by reiger, which I think is another name for a guy that drew some great furry BB
Includes every kink in the book, even ballbusting and **********.
Here's links to a few pages of relevance here. It's by no means every BB from the comic but enough to get you started.

Dranz’ nuts get grabbed, squeezed, then ********** threat

Penectomy threat

Drake is fitted with a chastity belt that squeezes his nuts

Dranz has a problem with his chastity belt

08-11-2015, 03:46 PM
Pretty wild comic on e6 by reiger, which I think is another name for a guy that drew some great furry BB
Includes every kink in the book, even ballbusting and **********.
Here's links to a few pages of relevance here. It's by no means every BB from the comic but enough to get you started.

Dranz’ nuts get grabbed, squeezed, then ********** threat

Penectomy threat

Drake is fitted with a chastity belt that squeezes his nuts

Dranz has a problem with his chastity belt

thanks, but he dropped the comic 2 years ago, didnt he? D:

08-12-2015, 01:00 AM
Yup he did. Too bad, it was pretty good

I just wasn't sure if I'd seen it posted here or not.

08-18-2015, 01:01 PM
Mí perrita y yo

Estoy haciendo gimnasia. Cuando el perro salchica se me aperece.
“Gua gua” me lardraba “Soy el perro. Gúa gúa. El Super Perro Salchicha” continúo ladrando.
“Oh, que miedo. El perro pervertido.” grite y me preparé para la lucha.
El perro se paro en dos patas. Mostrando su grande miembro viril y sus redondos testículos. “Gúa gúa, me vengaré. Hoy me vengaré gúa gúa” me ladraba el perro salchicha.
Justo cuando me preparé para darle una patada en sus bolas. El perro dio una vuelta carnero en el aire y se tiron encima mío. Dándome una fuerte patada perrina en el medio de mí ojo derecho.
No podía ver bien. Y me caía al pizo, tropezandomé con mí colchoneta de abdominales.
Luego el perro se me subio y me quería arrancarme mí calza celeste. Intenté agarrarle las bolas pero no podía. Mi visión era nula. Yo gritaba “Perro maldito, la pagarás, cuando te agarré haré un guiso con tus bolas. Ya verás!”
“Guá guá guá” ladraba el perro salchica “Te venceré..guúa gua”
Luego pude divisar sus grande bolas. Se movían de un lado al otro como dos grandes campanas de iglesia.
Pero estaba rendida, ya no tenía fuerzas.
No tenía ninguna esperanza. El perro pervertido me arranco mí cara calza celeste. Y quería más, pero quién me podría ayudar. Pero empece a escuchar el alarido de mí perrita. “Gúa gúa gúa”
Tenía que hablar en idioma perro ya que mí perrita no había aprendido el español. No era como el perverido perro salchicha. Entonces le ladre a mí perrita “gúa gúa gúa ouch crunch ouch anch anch gúa gúa”
Y entonces mí perrita, entendio lo que tenía que hacer.
Fue corriendo, luego se dio vuelta y le pego una patada en las bolas del perro salchica.
El perro quedo tendido en el pizo, luego tendrías que ver como le daba con la cola al perro salchicha.
Luego el perro se paro en posición de lucha para enfrentar a mí perrita. Yo ya estaba recuperada de su mordiscon.
El perro estaba de espaldas, atacando a mí perrita.
Yo veía como sus testículos se sambaleaban de un lado al otro, mientras ladraba a mí perrita.
De un lado al otro iban y venían. Esos grandes testículos que parecían dos grandes campanas de iglesia.
Entonces decidí actua y salí corriendo y con toda mí fuerza logré encajarle una buena patada a los huevos del perro salchicha. Que como hélicoptero roto salió volando y golpeo contra la sombrilla.
Luego mí perrita salió corriendo hacia él.
Luego mí perrita fue corriendo hacia el perro maldito. Ella le quiso atacar sus bolas pero apareció el dueño. Un gordo rugbier maldito.
Luego mí perrita y yo nos miramos. Pensamos y luego sonreímos.
“Estas lista?” le pregunté a mí perrita y ella me contesto “gua gua gua”
Y al mismo tiempo actuamos. Yo dándole una fuerte patada al perro salchica y ella mordiendole las bolas al rugbier.
Era un escena muy graciosa. Para una foto, mucho más que interesante. Mí perrita mordiendole los huevos al rugbier y yo con mí pie clavado en las bolas del perro.
Estamos las dos muy contentas. El rugbier tenía los ojos vizcos y la cara bien abierta. Y el perro salchica estaba igual que su dueño.
Lueog yo y mí perrita nos empezamos a reír. Mientras el rugbier y su perro salchicha se agarraban las bolas.
Mí perrita inmitaba al perro salchica como se agarraba sus bolas y yo al rugbier.

08-18-2015, 01:46 PM

08-18-2015, 08:12 PM

Where do you find these pictures?

08-18-2015, 09:41 PM
Where do you find these pictures?

Check his site


08-19-2015, 09:27 AM
Estaba en el campo descansando, vestida a la moda. Ja ja. Con calza blanca, va no tan blanca, dígamos que su color era un gris muy livianito. Unos lindos zapatitos con taco alto, color cáscara de huevo y una remerita. Hacía mucho frío, bastante frío.
Como estaba muy cansada de caminar decidí sentarme arriba de algo. Pero que podría, el campo es muy sucio, el pasto esta lleno de bosta, hay muchos mosquitos.
Entonces pude divisar una grande bolas de caballo. Pero estaba parado, debía hacerle algo para dejarlo en cuatro patas en el pizo. Entonces empece atarle las piernas. Pero imposible darlo vuelta. Algo debía hacer. Entonces se me ocurrio algo. Pude ver una gran rama de árbol. Pero qué mejor idea de usarla como proyectil y darle bien duro en las bolas.
Entonces me subí al bello árbol y empce a zerruchar la grande rama. Era mucho más ancha que las bolas del caballo, no había chance alguna de errarles.
Una vez que estaba bien cortita la rama, empece a saltar sobre ella. Y a la cuenta de tres, abrace la rama del árbol y como un gran amahaca fue directa a la bolas del caballo. Levantandolo del pizo uno lindos metros. Y kaboom!!! El caballo quedo rendido en el pizo.

08-19-2015, 01:25 PM
Mí perrita y y0

Estaba caminando con mí perrita. Y de repente un perro loco la empezo a molestar. Yo estaba con una botas largas. Y un jean de color negro, con una remera de un grupo de música electrónica.
El perro loco, estaba con su dueño. Un roñoso con una remera de cumbia.
El cumbiero me dice “Vamos a bailar nena”
Mí perrita y yo nos miramos, luego sonreímos e inmediatamente decidimos actuar.
Yo levantando con todo mi furria mi alta bota, estallando la punta de mí bola contra las dos bolas del cumbiero. Y mí perrita mordiéndo los testículos del perro loco.
Que buena escena. Las dos al mismo tiempo ella con sus dientes filosos mordiéndole las bolas al perro loco y yo con mí punta filosa de mí importada bota pinchándole las bolas al cumbiero.
Después de cinco segundo quedaron rendidos en el suelo. Que grandes que somos. Tan rápido los vencimos.
Obviamente esto no debía quedar así. La diversión debía continuar. Entonces me agarre mi entrepierna y empece a inmitar al cumbiero. “Hay mís huevos” empece a decir, mientras me moría de la risa.

Sofxx, fin. Besos y patadas.

anuhsur odnet
08-21-2015, 02:05 AM
I don't remember the video with that picture. That is new, none of the videos have it.

And most of us don't speak spanish, you're going to need to write in english here.

Mythical Pain
08-23-2015, 03:54 AM
( This place needs a story lately! So...here's a super, super quick/rough one I just whipped up on the spot. Didn't read it back or edit anything but the one mistake I spotted right away, so don't mind the mistakes and typos! Let me know if you enjoy. )

"You gotta do it to the next boy...I dared you!"

"Okay, okay." Sarah giggled, her rounded lioness ears flicked back. "I'll do it."

"There's one!" The vixen pointed at a chubby, nerdy looking coyote boy emerging from the changing room at the local public pool. "Quick, kick him in the nards!"

Sarah didn't even know who he was. Just some poor coyote dork in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was a little on the pudgy side, with black glasses perched atop his tan furred muzzle. Fur the color of ash covered most of his chubby frame, fading to a sandy tan across his hands and feet. His tan-furred ears perked up at Melissa's words, but before he could even register them, Sarah was already striding towards him, intent on her targets.

Without another word, the lioness lashed out with her bare, golden furred foot, kicking the young coyote square in the balls. Sarah buried the top of her footpaw in the center of his crotch, the coyote's testicles bulging out against his swimsuit for a moment. Sarah felt them squish a little, like oversized rubber grapes. The impact sounded with a loud thwack followed immediately by a high pitched canine purely of purely male agony.

"AAARRRRPPP!" The nerdy coyote doubled over in an instant, eyes bugging out behind his glasses.

"Oh my god!" Melissa laughed so hard the vixen nearly ended up as bent over as the coyote. "He sounded just like my brother!"

The coyote soon sagged to his knees, his eyes rolling back, ears flattened against his skull. Cupping his crotch in both tan-furred hands, the pudgy 'yote slowly leaned forward till his muzzle brushed the ground. He sat in that position for a few moments, groaning. "Oooooooooohhhhhhrrrrrrr!"

Soon, Sarah was laughing just as hard as Melissa. She knew she ought to feel bad about it but dang it, it was just so much fun kicking guys there. They acted like it was the end of the world, all from one little kick.

"Wanna get him again?" Melissa flashed the lioness a wicked grin, her bushy tail swishing.

Sarah scrunched her face, tail twitching in opposite time to Melissa's. She knew she shouldn't, but... "Yeah!"

Melissa hurried to the stricken coyote, and with a little effort, wrenched his hands away, and hauled him partway back up.

He groaned, squirming weakly against the vixen's grip, shaking his head. "N...No...come on...w..wait..."

Melissa wriggled with him, giggling. "Grab his hands a sec!"

Sarah did so, a tense excitement roiling in her belly as she manipulated the unfortunate coyote into position.

The vixen slipped her hands down the coyote's body, then beamed at Sarah. "Guess what...'yote balls!" Melissa crouched down, yanking the coyote's swim suit down on his ankles.

Sarah gasped in shock, nearly releasing the coyote. Wide-eyed, she couldn't help but stare. And she could see it all, too. The chubby coyote's gray-furred sheath and ashen-furred testicles were on full display. The plump oval outlines of the nerdy coyote's testicles were clearly silhouetted against his furry scrotum, a bit snug as if trying to protect themselves.

"Oh my God, look at his stuff!" Melissa laughed and laughed as she stood up and helped hold his arms, peering over his shoulder. "Quick, Sarah, do it! Knee him right in the balls!"

Sarah just couldn't help herself. Whenever Melissa was egging her on, she always ended up doing things she knew she shouldn't. But damn it, it was fun.

"C'mon, Sarah, do it! Get him, get him! Knee him! Knee him right in his naked, nerdy 'yote balls!"

Relishing the encouragement, and the wicked thrill, Sarah jammed her knee into the chubby coyote's naked testicles with everything she had. They bulged out against the sack, lifted by her knee. The coyote coyote squealed this time, his little furry eggs jiggling back and forth from the impact.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!" As soon as the girls released the coyote, he toppled to the floor, curling up in a pudgy heap of relentless male canine anguish. He cupped his balls in both hands, sheath jutting up above them. Groaning, he slowly rocked back and forth, ankles bound by his swimsuit. "Awwwwwww....awwwww! My nards! My naaaaaards, oh, god my frickin' naaaaaards!" Tears leaked out from between squeezed shut eyelids, wetting his scrunched muzzle.

"Oh yeah, good one Sarah!" Melissa only laughed harder. "You really good him good!"

"Thanks!" Sarah giggled along with her friend, watching the poor coyote squirm in that special pain she'd never understand. She tried not to stare at his exposed sheath. She'd only seen a few of those, before. "Can't believe you pansted him though!"

"Just came to me!" Melissa glanced around, her ears perked in twisted vulpine delight. "Come on, we better go before we get in trouble...let's go back to my place. If Adam's home we can kick him in the boy nuggets too!"

08-25-2015, 06:14 AM
Hehehe nice writeup MP ^_^

Mythical Pain
08-26-2015, 01:42 AM
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!