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In my last post regarding the last Kinky Kicks update I was amazed to hear that there are some of you who don't like ballbusting in boots.
Well, I have compromised this week and updated the site with an update featuring Chase where she busts with boots and bare foot.
Check out this update and all other recent additions by clicking on the updates tab at www.*************** (http://www.***************).
03-14-2008, 06:44 AM
Can someone please post the high quality images, or the feature movie that can be found in the members area ?
Because the link posted here only shows tiny pictures that do not show anything !
In other words: we have been spammed again with a commercial.
It is indeed a commercial. We producers do have a right to advertise and promote our material beleive it or not.
Also some honest people will actually part with money and subscribe to the site based on this.
Unfortunately some people will always only be intrested in freebies.
If only we could make our movies for free!
There are however, 3 larger (free) pictures to view at http://www.***************/previews/stressballs/
03-14-2008, 06:40 PM
It is indeed a commercial. We producers do have a right to advertise and promote our material beleive it or not.
Also some honest people will actually part with money and subscribe to the site based on this.
Unfortunately some people will always only be intrested in freebies.
If only we could make our movies for free!
There are however, 3 larger (free) pictures to view at http://www.***************/previews/stressballs/
In case you haven't noticed, there are dozens, possibly hundreds of bb pay sites out there. What I'm leading to is a question, why should I part with my hard-earned money for you site. Yours seems just like all the others. If you were to let me see a full length clip or two, I might change my mind. Right now the only thing that would make you site better than the others would be it being cheaper. (which I don't think it is)
What a good idea. I'll post a couple of free clips here, then maybe I'll email all the ballbusting sites on the web and ask them if they will also give us all some full length free clips!!!:bananajum
Please post your email address here so we all know where to send the free clips.Spam!
03-14-2008, 07:06 PM
Well, I can say one thing about you, you can really turn on the charm for a perspective customer.
Thanks very much. I look forward to your subscription. :)
03-14-2008, 07:17 PM
You have shown me absolutely no reason why I should subscribe. You probably have a very bad site, and that's why you won't show anything beyond a small picture.
If you can be bothered to look, there are free full size images on all update info pages, and there is also more content then many bb sites provide in our free area at http://www.***************/main/free.php
03-14-2008, 07:39 PM
Wow, slightly over 1 min of video and six pics. I guess my advice was wrong, you would have had a better shot of getting my money (which was none after you had been so rude) if I had seen none of that 70 seconds of material. If this is how you treat someone who's money you don't have yet, I can only imagine how poorly you treat someone who's money you already have. Please tell me you are not representative of the rest of your company.
03-14-2008, 08:05 PM
I dont like advertising on the forum. Please don't.
03-14-2008, 08:11 PM
Thank you, I was beginning to think I was only one
I'll be polite and courteous to those who deserve it. I would certainly like to think that my members get very good service and I have never had any complaints. If you don't like the look of the site then don't join.
03-14-2008, 08:24 PM
So you’re saying I don't deserve respect because I criticized your constant spamming? Moreover, have you seen the preview section for femaledom, much better than yours. I have not joined any bb sites yet, because I have not weighed all my options. I must say, although femaledom is number one so far, you site WAS on the short list. You have a very small chance of getting my money now. Looks live your spamming cost you a customer. Femaledom, expect my money by June or July.
03-14-2008, 11:51 PM
i dont think i will get a subscription, but what fucking losers give this guy a hard time for promoting his independent site, especailly when he is giving a few (hot) clip.
its not like hes making million of dollars trying to rip you off.
03-15-2008, 12:25 AM
Okay, do you like having the forum cluttered with spam? By the way, don't seem so angry, it really makes people think you’re a nut case. :)
03-15-2008, 12:36 AM
Wow... ok people settle down. This is like follow up to a previous thread that maybe you didn't read. There was a video of girls in a stable or something busting a guy in equestrian gear and it sparked a thing that there's too many boots in bb.
Yes, he's advertising. No, it's not spam. He's even posting some pics. No, he does not owe you free hour long clips. Yes, if he allowed some free files, less people would pay for his site.
gopballbuster, you live in Missouri so don't lie, we know you don't have any money to spend. If you had any money, you wouldn't live in Missouri.
03-15-2008, 07:01 AM
If this is how you treat someone who's money you don't have yet, I can only imagine how poorly you treat someone who's money you already have. Please tell me you are not representative of the rest of your company.
You sound angry here, not rational.
In case you haven't noticed, there are dozens, possibly hundreds of bb pay sites out there. What I'm leading to is a question, why should I part with my hard-earned money for you site. Yours seems just like all the others. If you were to let me see a full length clip or two, I might change my mind. Right now the only thing that would make you site better than the others would be it being cheaper. (which I don't think it is)
What other ballbusting sites give out free full length clips? And why should they? Giving too much for free = less buyers.
03-15-2008, 10:28 AM
gopballbuster, you live in Missouri so don't lie, we know you don't have any money to spend. If you had any money, you wouldn't live in Missouri.
Let's do an informal poll of all our friends that are not Americans. Which is more hick, the south (where George Bush is from, where NASCAR was born, where fundamental Christians bomb abortion clinics, ect) or the north (where Barack Obama is from, where George Bush is much more opposed, and where it would be tough to find a fundamental Christian) This should be interesting
03-15-2008, 10:30 AM
[\quote]gopballbuster, you live in Missouri so don't lie, we know you don't have any money to spend. If you had any money, you wouldn't live in Missouri.
Let's do an informal poll of all our friends that are not Americans. Which is more hick, the south (where George Bush is from, where NASCAR was born, where fundamental Christians bomb abortion clinics, ect) or the north (where Barack Obama is from, where George Bush is much more opposed, and where it would be tough to find a fundamental Christian) This should be interesting
03-15-2008, 10:36 AM
I'm sorry, for some reason my quote feature is not working, no worries though. I would like to reply to Richter:
Let's do an informal poll of all our friends that are not Americans. Which is more hick, the south (where George Bush is from, where NASCAR was born, where fundamental Christians bomb abortion clinics, ect) or the north (where Barack Obama is from, where George Bush is much more opposed, and where it would be tough to find a fundamental Christian) This should be interesting
Again, I apologize for the quote feature not working, I don't know what the problem is.
03-15-2008, 10:40 AM
03-15-2008, 10:58 AM
Witty, unless we can actually have a conversation about spam, bb, or anything even remotely close to this forum, we need to stop. Does anyone have anything intelligent to offer?
03-15-2008, 12:41 PM
Talk about blowing things out of proportion... I'm not really a great fan of it either if im honest, is well within his rights, and it takes very little effort to not subscribe.
I havn't even seen the previews, but I agree with the idea if you don't like them don't buy them. This isn't a place to play watchdog, especially without any real evidence. Its not like many sites give out much for their trailers anyway.
And Jedi, i'm sure everyone would benefit from you properly labelling threads like this. Obviously the title tells us nothing, so we're curious and we look. Clever... but you could at least call it 'new kinky kicks preview' or something like that.
Still, if it wasn't for me seeing these responses, i could have just looked in this thread, then closed it, in quite a short time. People kicking up a fuss about something so mundane must be so bored... and so am i, for moaning about it.
Thanks to the sensible guys on here.
Point taken about labeling the title, though.
Having said that, apart from promoting the sites latest update I do also include free images, or a link to where you can download free images. In this particular instance it was the latter and I asume that people who cannot or will not subscribe to Kinky Kicks may at least take some pleasure from the free pics that I provide for every update. Sometimes I'll also provide a trailer.
The pictures provided in this particular instance where small only because I rezized the animated gif to keep the file size sown and I resized the other jpeg just to make it tidy and similar size to the gif.
After the last free pictures I posted I had complaints that some people didn't likle boots, so I wanted to point out that we do listen to what people want beleive it or not and provided some barefoot action in the latest update.
My patience with people giving me agro on this particlar occasion was at a low due to girls messing me about two days before filming.
Anyway, here is one of the images which could be found in the link which I provided. Hopefully some will like it, but I'm sure some won't.
I try to please everyone but I'm sure I never will.
03-16-2008, 02:49 PM
Jedi is probably laughing his ass off :D
All the people who are against this commercial help in keeping his post on top.
Jedi, consider this my contribution to your money-making plans , because I am not becomming a member at your site :D
03-16-2008, 02:50 PM
I can't believe the entitled theme of this thread.
Keep posting your stuff, as this is a BALLBUSTING board. People are free to skim past if they're not a fan of your work.
I would state that slightly larger pictures and a few free small video clips (1 min long) may entice more people to join your site - but I also know that there are far too many freeloaders out there.
03-16-2008, 04:22 PM
Yeah I don't like the other one either. You just make thread after thread advertising your site. It's bordering on criminal.
As stated it's part advertisement, but I am also providing free pictures in the proccess. I thought that people would at least appreciate the contribution!
Many people have been grateful of the many free images I have provided in the past, particulalrly on threads like the 'Grabbing and Squeezing' thread. I am still contributing significant ballbusting material here on a ballbusting forum. How many other people here are contributing their own ballbusting material?
I'll asume then it's OK to give away free images / clips of bb if it is from someone who isn't a webmaster?
I am about as active as it gets in the bb community. Unlike many of the people spouting their mouths off here I am a 'doer' and also a contibuter.
Ask your self 'what have you offered to the forum, or indeed the ballbusting community?'
At the end of the day, I was lucky enough to be busted by four very sexy young girls yesterday while you gob shites were probably just imagining what it would be like to get kicked at least once. Some of you were probably fantasizing about it with your mum or sister!!!
However, for this privaledge I spent several hundred pounds on a studio, models, hotels and other expenses. I will eventually publish this material for other people to enjoy, so why shouldn't I promote the material?
Bottom line to all you guys telling me to stop spamming and advertising your self, I have a message...
Some of you would probably never join my website in your life because you are free-loading tight bastards!
I realize that some of you may take offence to this and try and flame me some more. I really don't care and am not going to watch this thread any more.
I appolgize to Sharon for creating a thread on your site which has created so much friction, it wasn't my intention. I also appologize to all the sensible people on here that have had to read this shit!
I also appologize to potential members that have read this and assure everyone of second to none service should you ever decide to join. These days, I am one of the few people in the bdsm community who produce web material because I enjoy it and not for profit.
See ya later.:bananawin
03-16-2008, 05:51 PM
I'm willing to make peace with jedi in that he's going to label his spam in the future. I guess the only thing left to be mad about is something I'm not going to be mad about. He said things I never would expect a salesman to say. I am quite appalled at what he said to a potential customer. Of course he had no way of telling that I am very, very close to joining a bb site, and that kinkykicks was in my top five, but he should not say things like he said to anyone, because you never know who might just be in the market for what you're selling. I would also like to respond to Mick Sl8ter's comment about how jedi is laughing his ass off, I am too. They won't be getting my money, and I think most intelligent people would see how they treat people, and thus would not subscribe, how poorly to they treat customers?
03-16-2008, 06:23 PM
I also have one more question, if you’re just doing bb and bdsm for fun, why not make it free? Obviously you’re in it for money, which is great, it's what drives the world, but don't lie about it. I not so naïve as to think you will actually respond to this, but rather to everyone else on this board.
03-16-2008, 06:52 PM
whats more annoying?
richter bitching why he hates just about everyone who posts
People making a huge deal over some guy trying to promote his site?
03-17-2008, 12:40 AM
I also have one more question, if you’re just doing bb and bdsm for fun, why not make it free? Obviously you’re in it for money, which is great, it's what drives the world, but don't lie about it. I not so naïve as to think you will actually respond to this, but rather to everyone else on this board.You're obviously a fucking idiot.
How much do you think it costs to hire all these girls for the shoots?
How much do you think it costs to hire the studio?
How much do you think it costs to pay for the running of the website, including bandwidth, server, photography and video equipment?
How much do you think the travelling and transport fees cost?
If you had the slightest bit of a brain, you'd know that Jedi and other producers like him need to raise some money to offset the costs of making quality content. Nothing is free, you cheap bastard; perhaps when you're older than 18 and not trying to grab a freebie for a quick wank and have a job you'll learn this--hopefully the hard way.
Just a quick couple of questions to you (and others like you): You keep bitching about 'not having enough free content to make up your mind whether to join a website or not', but then Jedi goes ahead and puts up some free images and trailers and you bitch about it as being 'spam'? Eh? 2+2 = 3? :confused: Does not compute.
You say *************** was one of your 'top 5 sites' and that you were 'considering joining', but need some 'examples' of why you should join the website? Then you go ahead and immediately label the free material (aka examples) Jedi puts up as 'spam' and 'rubbish'? Not only that, but you ask if someone can illegally upload full-length clips from the members area for 'evaluation'?
Face it, you're not going to join any websites--you're looking for a cheap, quick and convenient wank. Please stop being disingenuous and please stop slagging off any content providers, especially ones as active and trustful in the community as Jedi when you yourself contribute fuck all back to that community.
I mean for fucks sake, it's only $25 for a 1 month membership--I'm sure you can afford that. I blow that much on alcohol on a night out, so why not to support someone who shares and keeps alive a fetish such as ballbusting, and website dedicated to that fetish and its respective community?
Honestly, you just need to shut the fuck up, gopballbuster.
03-17-2008, 04:23 PM
Good, I thought hate was dead. If you read all my posts, you would have read I said there was nothing wrong with making a profit. Have a nice day! Thanks for your opinion, I really got a kick out of it.
05-26-2008, 01:29 PM
Thanks to the sensible guys on here.
...apart from promoting the sites latest update I do also include free images, or a link to where you can download free images. In this particular instance it was the latter and I asume that people who cannot or will not subscribe to Kinky Kicks may at least take some pleasure from the free pics that I provide for every update
Jedi, as one who has subscribed to your site in the past, I can say it's primarily because you provided free teasers.
Your promotional material is good, and your subscription content is better.
I can't see how anyone can call your posts "spam;" it's relevant to the forum. If you were advertising for hard-on pills or hair transplants, I'd say the haters have a point.
Bottom line is that you provide free content that is fresh and new. If people are offended that you might land a subscription or two, I'd say that was cutting off the nose to spite the face.
And btw, if people need a disclaimer in order to discern spam from relevant content, I'd say they've been kicked in the balls perhaps one time too many.
Just one question: wtf with the wig AND the Elvis sideburns? :wooow
Wow, I thought this post was dead and buried, but thank you for your kind words anyway.
The guy with the nice wig and elvis sideburns is simply trying to conceal his identity. He would usually wear a hood, but that wouldn't have really been appropriate to the scene. :)
06-15-2008, 08:01 AM
Wow... ok people settle down. This is like follow up to a previous thread that maybe you didn't read. There was a video of girls in a stable or something busting a guy in equestrian gear and it sparked a thing that there's too many boots in bb.
Yes, he's advertising. No, it's not spam. He's even posting some pics. No, he does not owe you free hour long clips. Yes, if he allowed some free files, less people would pay for his site.
gopballbuster, you live in Missouri so don't lie, we know you don't have any money to spend. If you had any money, you wouldn't live in Missouri.
It is spam, but please leave my home town out of it. Thanks.:)
Just My Opinion
06-15-2008, 10:01 AM
It is spam, but please leave my home town out of it. Thanks.:)
Just My Opinion
Actually kickme000, Missouri is a state.
06-15-2008, 10:46 AM
Well, I'd like to throw my 2 cents into the whole thing if I may. I think I can understand both points to a degree. If I remember correctly, after reading some posts (another site) about having a web site like Jedi's isn't really a money making deal. It's more like just making enough to pay for equipment, models, the site etc. etc. If you have noticed we have lost some forums and sites over the years because of money or lack of even with memberships. On the other hand, it is hard to join a site if you aren't sure of the content but I think Jedi has been very generousin giving us clips every so often. There is another site that does similair methods with the initials of BBU. Does anyone remember Napster when it was free. Somebody was losing money and without the cash the business (or hobbie) is doomed. I say swallow your pride, shake hands and move on. Do you really want to waste your time bickering over something so trivial? I didn't even want to take the time to wright this but heck, both have a point to make. So now we have heard them and lets get back to ballbusting instead of busting each others balls (unless you are female of course).:)
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