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View Full Version : Awakenings

03-20-2008, 07:01 PM
I could see the awakenings in her face of the sudden easy defeat over me. Me her older brother. Giddy with joy at finally beating me in our playful on and off little wrestling matches between us. She'd just turned 13 and me being her big strapping older 16-year-old brother who until then had always won easily dominating her with my superior strength and size. But now things had changed in her favor. Not that she was stronger or anything which was all the more humiliating for me at the time. It was because she'd just discovered the weakness of all males that lied in our balls.

I having rather big ones for my age and very proud of them, taking them as a sign of my young male strength and virilely opposed to the weaker sex which was shattered by her that Saturday afternoon.

It started with her coming into our garage which I had turned into a makeshift gym with me lying on my weight bench pressing out the last of three, one hundred pound lifts cradling the barbell with a clank above my head noticing her and also noticing for the first time her tight little T-shirt that she was growing out of, its fabric stretched thin between her small nipples which were standing out to my surprise and I think secretly she wanted me to see them kind of showing them off to me. She was a big Dukes of Hazards fan which I thought a silly stupid boring hillbilly show but of late she'd started going around dressed like Daisy Duke and now she was actually starting to look a little like Daisy. She definitely had the legs for it and now she was developing tits. I had to admit the only thing on the show worth looking at was definitely Daisy Duke and my cock twitched a little embarrassingly at seeing her standing there looking down at me.

Setting up saying sarcastically. "So Suzie. Where's your high heels? You know Boss Hoggs likes those high heels on Daisy don't you?" Getting up turning towards her kidding her some more in a southern accent. "Old Boss Hoggs wants his women with them there high heels on Daisy"! Giggling she said. "Stop making fun Bill or I might just have to teach you a lesson you won't like". "Oh yeah Daisy! Well Mr.big old Boss Hoggs gone a teach this here little Daisy Duke some respect for the laws of this here county".

It started with giddy laughter from both of us as I grabbed her, but changed when she felt my hard swollen cock through my gym shorts press against her back as she tried to break free. Releasing her she spun around looking down at it in surprise saying. "OH God Billy it's big"? Embarrassed gulping. "Sorry Suzy! Or aa~ Daisy". She started giggling again looking down at it then back to her role as Daisy Duke. "Show it to me Boss. Little Miss Daisy wants to see that big old hog leg on him."

There was a moment of indescribable sexual tension between the both of us as my fingers nervously went to my waist band watching the marvelous delightful anticipation in her face and eyes that over ruled any of my self-consciousness or embarrassment I slid them down kicking them away exposing my cock and balls to my sister's eyes for the first time. Her expression was one of first, fright, then of curiosity as my cock reared and bobbed out rudely hard. Then to under between my legs with my two big pendulous hanging testicles slowly swaying to and fro until her little giggle broke the silence between us and her expression of being impressed with my manhood fed my male libido and boldly spreading my legs further apart reached under grabbing my balls holding them up for her inspection say. "Your brothers got himself a pretty big set doesn't he"? Her mood kind of changed for a second from one of what I thought was of admiration to one of disdain them back to one of Daisy Duke looking at Boss Hoggs balls and the game again with her saying. "Boss Hoggs yous be needing a serious lesson in girl power". Grinning and nervously laughing I came at her as she turned to run grabbing her around her waist thrusting my cock between her legs with her squealing in laughter. "No don't Billy! Your too big your too big"! My hands slid up from her waist under her T-shirt to her little nipples from behind with her bending down trying to break free her arm reaching between her legs under throwing a punch into my balls which staggered me back with pain for a moment giving her enough time to spin around and step back bringing her leg and foot up into my balls hard with a sickening smacking thud my balls compressed up into my pelvis with a moaning grunt collapsing to the floor with her on top of me grabbing one of my arm pulling it back from under me away from my balls up to the middle of my back giggling in my ears. "I win. I win Billy. Billy big balls ha ha ha I win"!

From that day on there was a new sheriff in town and her name was Suzie. She goaded me into two other matches with the same results of me being ballbusted by her until I finally said. "Please Suzie no more please". She took pity on me for a few months but the awakenings of her newfound powers over me and other males by use of their testicles began to be sexually intoxicating to her she couldn't get enough until she was expelled from school for nearly ripping the balls offa bully. This is when my mother stepped in and everything came to light with what she had been doing to my balls and even how she'd been of late ******* me to eat her pussy late at night.

My mother was shocked looking at both of us especially at Suzie. "You make your big brother eat your pussy"? We both said nothing standing there in front of her. I too ashamed to say anything until she looked at me saying well Billy. "Mom is because my balls are big mom. She controls me with them I can't help it but but I~I don't mind it anymore mom really I kind of like it. I mean I like eating her pussy now". She told me to go to my bedroom and I could hear her downstairs scolding my sister. "They're not be played with young lady a males testicles are very delicate and you should be ashamed of yourself using them to control your brother like that and making him eat your little pussy what's wrong with you? and you better hadn't tell me you've used that big cock of his either, and that boy at school you nearly *********~~her voice drifted off to whispers then to loud giggling and laughter from both with my mother saying. "Just be careful handling them. You could easily ruin him".

That night tossing and turning in a dream. My sister holding my balls from behind with my mother on the edge of my bed her legs wide open Suzie squeezing my balls ******* the back of my head with her free hand into my mother's pussy. "Eat it like you eat mine Billy. Show mommy how I showed you how to eat my pussy"! Suddenly in the dream my mom was naked on a exercise bike with her big tits swaying back and forth as she pedaling looking over her shoulder at me on all fours eating Susie's pussy my balls swinging back and forth as big as grapefruit and with a businesslike tone says. "Honey his balls are getting way too big for him one of us is going to have to deball him soon I'm afraid"!~~~~~~~~NO NO NO MOM NO~~DON'T LET HER DEBALL ME MOM MOMmom mom no no~~Sweating bolting upright in my bed with my bedroom door swinging open with the sudden glare of light as my mother and sister rushed in my mother saying. "Calm down Billy. No one's going to deball you. It's just a dream Billy." "Mom you were on a exercise bike while I was eating Susie's pussy saying that my balls were getting too big and I'd have to be deballed by you or her mom"!

Suzie started laughing my mother told her to shoos saying it was okay no one was going to deball me and to go back to sleep.

But outside in the hall as my door closed I heard my mother whispering. "I'm going to have your brother beballed for your own safety young lady. He could impregnate an entire village with balls that big and it's only a matter of time before you take liberties with that equally big cock of his do you understand me"?

03-20-2008, 10:27 PM
eating your 13 year old sister out then fucking your mom....."WELCOME TO WEST VIRGINIA!"

03-20-2008, 11:13 PM
eating your 13 year old sister out then fucking your mom....."WELCOME TO WEST VIRGINIA!"

Ha ha ha ha West Virginia God's country thank you very much

03-23-2008, 03:23 AM
:thumbup Hot snippet.