View Full Version : Every woman can bust
03-23-2008, 04:38 PM
I've read lots of posts on this kind of forums asking how to convince a woman (girlfriend, wife) to enter in ballbusting.
But it is quite easy!, Never talk about ballbusting in the beginning, just tell them that you like some light slapping in your balls when making love. No woman would reject that offer, they do not really know if a light slap can really make any pain to you, and that propposal will offer her an opportunity to test different things with you (you know, some men just want to play with his dick, this is really boring for most women)
Tell her that you like to play with your balls, in your sad past every women just played with your dick and you feel bad, bored, tired of it, always the same story...damn! you want to explore your body and that sensitive part of yours!
After some days she will start to practice with harder slaps and squeezes, in order to know if that turns you up. Someday she will slap harder, in a moment of madness, and she will ask you: Does it hurt?
Them tell her that.. well, sometimes it may hurt a bit, just a bit, but that in that moment you're so focused in her sexy actions and passionate movements that you do not mind at all...
That is the magic moment, when they know they can hurt you just a bit and you will not react as a rude animal!, from that moment some women will stay in that point forever, just making light ballbusting, but some others will decide to go further in order to play with their own domination fantasies, to explore that world. That is the moment in which you can tell her that you never played before with those fantasies, but now, with her, and only with her (this is very important, women like to be the ones... men too) you enjoy it very much, and start talking about new ways of ballbusting! If you want, tell her that you've been recently looking on the Internet for that kind of fantasies, that now you know a new word: "ballbusting", share videos and images with her, talk about those fantasies.
So, if you just like light ballbusting, any woman will enter on that, If you like harder experiences, you'll have wait for her reactions. But remember: if any woman says NO to harder experiences, do not try to force her to do that, she will just leave you!
03-23-2008, 06:13 PM
nice post. I bet it would work.
03-23-2008, 06:40 PM
I've read lots of posts on this kind of forums asking how to convince a woman (girlfriend, wife) to enter in ballbusting.
But it is quite easy!, Never talk about ballbusting in the beginning, just tell them that you like some light slapping in your balls when making love. No woman would reject that offer, they do not really know if a light slap can really make any pain to you, and that propposal will offer her an opportunity to test different things with you (you know, some men just want to play with his dick, this is really boring for most women)
Tell her that you like to play with your balls, in your sad past every women just played with your dick and you feel bad, bored, tired of it, always the same story...damn! you want to explore your body and that sensitive part of yours!
After some days she will start to practice with harder slaps and squeezes, in order to know if that turns you up. Someday she will slap harder, in a moment of madness, and she will ask you: Does it hurt?
Them tell her that.. well, sometimes it may hurt a bit, just a bit, but that in that moment you're so focused in her sexy actions and passionate movements that you do not mind at all...
That is the magic moment, when they know they can hurt you just a bit and you will not react as a rude animal!, from that moment some women will stay in that point forever, just making light ballbusting, but some others will decide to go further in order to play with their own domination fantasies, to explore that world. That is the moment in which you can tell her that you never played before with those fantasies, but now, with her, and only with her (this is very important, women like to be the ones... men too) you enjoy it very much, and start talking about new ways of ballbusting! If you want, tell her that you've been recently looking on the Internet for that kind of fantasies, that now you know a new word: "ballbusting", share videos and images with her, talk about those fantasies.
So, if you just like light ballbusting, any woman will enter on that, If you like harder experiences, you'll have wait for her reactions. But remember: if any woman says NO to harder experiences, do not try to force her to do that, she will just leave you!
it has always worked for me, with very hot girls as well, everything from squeezes to hard kicks in play fights
03-23-2008, 07:21 PM
I've always had pretty good success too. It seems to me that it is easier to get them to squeeze and then work up to other things.
03-23-2008, 09:25 PM
I'm fairly sure it would work
03-24-2008, 01:32 PM
Yes, very nice post!
Of course it will work, we all like to play with balls, thats what they are for (if you have any and if you don't it is always fun to play with the empty bag).
All the women I know that like to play with penis also love to play with ball. Why make the big deals out of "ball busting" and the whole scene, what is important is what 2 people like to do for funs.
I love it when a guy takes my hand and places it on his balls - I know he loves for me to play. So just say "harders" if you need them broken!
Gemini 67
12-30-2012, 08:12 AM
Yes, very nice post!
Of course it will work, we all like to play with balls, thats what they are for (if you have any and if you don't it is always fun to play with the empty bag).
All the women I know that like to play with penis also love to play with ball. Why make the big deals out of "ball busting" and the whole scene, what is important is what 2 people like to do for funs.
I love it when a guy takes my hand and places it on his balls - I know he loves for me to play. So just say "harders" if you need them broken!
I wish you were here to play with my balls! I have no one to do that for me.
Alec Anaconda, A1
12-30-2012, 09:38 AM
Here’s another method is even more mainstream.
Tell her you’re a one-shot-wonder and would like to satisfy her fully, before you ejaculate.
Ask her to pull your balls firmly away from your body whenever she thinks you’re anywhere near to coming, and when you give a signal, (such as “Pull!”).
If she questions this, explain that the scrotum crinkles up and balls rise before ejaculation, so this pulling delays ejaculation (true).
Tell her that the longer she delays your ejaculation, the better it will be.
Don’t show any sign of pain, and you’ll soon get properly busted!
12-30-2012, 10:28 AM
I wonder, will these women continue to bust balls with their new partners ?
12-30-2012, 07:34 PM
Good advice posted ITT. Something I'll add is that I like to tell girls something like "I kinda like it when girls are aggressive".. it's something safe you can say and get a feel for her reaction. And some girls will just figure out that they should use the balls, if you encourage them to be aggressive with you. Best is when they surprise you with a bust.. sometimes I wish I never gave them the idea lol.
(Personally I'm more into light busting or manipulation, a girl who knows she's in charge. I can't always handle a rough kick haha.)
12-30-2012, 08:17 PM
Great advice! What I did with one of my ex's was start out by telling her I like them played with, and gently squeezed. Eventually we were getting rougher, she was squeezing my balls and I was squeezing her breasts and nipples. I squeezed her ladies extremely hard, and needless to say she returned the favor, turning it into a contest of who could last the longest (she won :wooow ). Ta da! A grand tradition was born. Eventually we moved on from there to punches and slapping and her favorite, kneeing, but sadly never kicking.
Ballbusting seems like one of those things you just have to ease into, but is achievable with just about anyone.
12-31-2012, 12:54 AM
For me it was extremely easy. The first time my gf and I had seen each other naked she made a comment about the size of my balls.
In a playful mood, I sort of challenged her and asked, "Hey, do you think you can get your hand around them?"
She replied, "I don't know" with a real quisitive look on her face.
I told her go ahead and try. It took her quite a few seconds to finally wrap her smallish hand completely around them, and when she had finished, not only did she have a happy look of amazement on her face, she had my balls really tight!
We both kinda looked at each other in surprise at her accomplishment, to which I said, "So now what?"
She thought about it for about 2 seconds then she totally ambushed me and brought her hand down really fast slapping my balls super hard!
She maintained her grip on my balls and continued slapping them for over an
hour. She was having a great time and I really loved that even though she had my balls aching pretty good. Loved it!
01-15-2013, 03:00 AM
I don't like to lie to a girl, telling her she is the first one when she isn't.
What usually works for me is satisfying a girl a lot, giving her lots of attention and orgasms, and when being intimate just tell them I like to have my nuts squeezed... she will squeeze very lightly at first, and you just keep telling her that light is good, but harder is also very good... sometimes putting my hands on hers and squeezing with her to make her understand how hard. If she asks whether it hurts, I say "not always, but when it does it feels really sexy and good at the same time". It has always worked when a girl feels satisfied and intimate with me. When she is already making me cry from her squeezes I can ease her into slapping, punching etc.
When I was younger I would take months before telling a girl that... nowadays I tell them very quickly.
I think the worst that can happen is that the girl discovers she isn't compatible with me sexually and leaving me, but if it happens, it will be for the best.
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