View Full Version : farm girls ********** or **********
04-25-2008, 01:51 PM
hi When I was young I saw a young bull ********* without a painkiller and thought that it was mean. as i have gotton older i have become fascinated that there are so many farm girls and cowgirls that perform castrations. gals have you ever ********* a farm animal. if so tell me about it. guys have you ever seen gals ********** farm animals
04-25-2008, 01:52 PM
I think it is strange that they have a lot of rules on rodeos and none if any on ********** animals without a painkilller Do you think that is strange too ? what aninmals have you seen ********* and how did you happen to see it . I don't think it is so bad when it is done on young animals , but I think it can be mean on older animals and their balls are too big for the elastics.. when i was young i didn't even know they ********* farm animals let alone without a painkiller. When i was 15 we moved out west where my parents were from. When i was about 15 we went to visit some friends of my parents that lived on a backyard farm and had a bull calf. seems they were waiting for an uncle to come ******** it for them. Parents went visiting other friends and I was left behind with a girl about 16. Her uncle drove up and she said "o its uncle Earl , hes come to denut the bull." I said you mean dehorn him? she laughed and said nope hes going to cut off his nuts. the calf was about 9 months old as earl had been too busy to come by sooner . he didn't even want to get up afterwards and after he was untied they had to lift his head to get him to stand up. The girl was unphased by all this and in fact found humour in the situation( something i have observed of other females) She said boy he sure has big nuts his are a lot bigger than the calf last year and giggled. karen
04-25-2008, 03:41 PM
I think it is strange that they have a lot of rules on rodeos and none if any on ********** animals without a painkilller Do you think that is strange too ? what aninmals have you seen ********* and how did you happen to see it . I don't think it is so bad when it is done on young animals , but I think it can be mean on older animals and their balls are too big for the elastics.. when i was young i didn't even know they ********* farm animals let alone without a painkiller. When i was 15 we moved out west where my parents were from. When i was about 15 we went to visit some friends of my parents that lived on a backyard farm and had a bull calf. seems they were waiting for an uncle to come ******** it for them. Parents went visiting other friends and I was left behind with a girl about 16. Her uncle drove up and she said "o its uncle Earl , hes come to denut the bull." I said you mean dehorn him? she laughed and said nope hes going to cut off his nuts. the calf was about 9 months old as earl had been too busy to come by sooner . he didn't even want to get up afterwards and after he was untied they had to lift his head to get him to stand up. The girl was unphased by all this and in fact found humour in the situation( something i have observed of other females) She said boy he sure has big nuts his are a lot bigger than the calf last year and giggled. karen
Cool story. For some reason I find it very sexy when teenage girls talk about big nuts. :D
04-25-2008, 04:28 PM
I think it is strange that they have a lot of rules on rodeos and none if any on ********** animals without a painkilller Do you think that is strange too ? what aninmals have you seen ********* and how did you happen to see it . I don't think it is so bad when it is done on young animals , but I think it can be mean on older animals and their balls are too big for the elastics.. when i was young i didn't even know they ********* farm animals let alone without a painkiller. When i was 15 we moved out west where my parents were from. When i was about 15 we went to visit some friends of my parents that lived on a backyard farm and had a bull calf. seems they were waiting for an uncle to come ******** it for them. Parents went visiting other friends and I was left behind with a girl about 16. Her uncle drove up and she said "o its uncle Earl , hes come to denut the bull." I said you mean dehorn him? she laughed and said nope hes going to cut off his nuts. the calf was about 9 months old as earl had been too busy to come by sooner . he didn't even want to get up afterwards and after he was untied they had to lift his head to get him to stand up. The girl was unphased by all this and in fact found humour in the situation( something i have observed of other females) She said boy he sure has big nuts his are a lot bigger than the calf last year and giggled. karen
very nice story hidaho2... thank you... i like farm girls ********** animals or watching-talking-joking about this... i find it soo sexy.. and when the farm girls talking about ********** of the animal, if they joke about denutting me... ohhh.. i could sacrify my eggs for this scene... :)
04-25-2008, 11:16 PM
See the thread about "Cowgirls." It's similar.
04-27-2008, 11:39 AM
No one uses painkillers when they ******** bulls, that's just silly.
For dogs, cats, horses, yes
but never for bulls, rams, or pigs
04-30-2008, 04:45 PM
becki , you are partly right some folks ******** horse, dogs and cats without a painkiller. surely it is more painful on a larger bull than on a bull calf karen
04-30-2008, 08:43 PM
I lurve Becki...I don't care what you bleeding hearts say. :)
05-01-2008, 10:08 AM
MY new friend stacy has an aunt that is a small acre farmer gal. She lives in a subdivision of places about 5 to 10 acres zoned for animals with a lot of backyard farming so to speak.
Stacys aunt is real cool. have you ever heard someone refer to ******** as cut . about a month ago 2 of helens cowgirl friends that ride in a gals horse parades etc were over to her place . one of them had a little girl about 8 the other one said to helen that she was going to keep her stallion for breeding but she was having real trouble handling him around mares so she decided to "cut " him. said she was going to have some of the other gals she rode with come over and help rope him down so she could cut him. the one gals 8 year old said mom what does cut mean. her mom said o they are going to trim his mane. the other gal laughed and said ya we are sure going to trim him and helen laughed. have you heard it called cut?
then last week end when we finally had warmer weather Helen invited Stacy and I over to watch a wild rodeo ha hawoopi ti yi yaaa what a rodeo. those cowgirls are sure mean smile. they are really aggressive. there were 3 of them on their horses when the victim was lead into the indoor arena. He seemed real tame. He had a halter on him. then the gal who lead him in said ya now you act well behaved when there aint no mares around but you aint going save your balls she stepped back and one of the gals let her rope fly and lassoed him around the neck. He immediately raired up on his hind legs pawing the air and another rope flew catching both front legs in the air and both ropers spurred their horses that jerked the stallion down from raring and . the other gal threw her lasoo right in front of his hind legs. the gal that roped his neck raced around the arena pole that was close to the horse dragging the horse forward. as soon as his hind legs stepped into the lasso that roper spurred her horse and and when the rope went tight she jerked his hind legs enough that he fell over in the soft dirt . the gal with rope around his neck jumped off her horse and wrapped the rope around the pole . the one with the rope on his hind legs just slowed down as soon as the horse fell and let out more rope as she rode to the next pole. the stallion was laying on the ground with his head tied to the one pole , and he tried with all his might to keep his hind legs from being stretched. the gal with the rope on his legs got off her horse and kept leading him forward to stretch out his hind legs. the stallion was so strong that they couldn't get his legs stretched and he was tring hard to keep them bent and under him as he was laying on his side on the ground. uptill now all of this action had happened in a few seconds and dust was flying everywhere. the stallion was getting tired and slowly his legs were getting strecthed as the horse with the rope was led to pull on it. after a few seconds one gall said , ill speed this along and ran over and kicked the stallion hard right in the nuts. he let out a squeel and his hind leg muscles relaxed momentarily and instantly his legs were stretched back and he was stretched out and the rope on his hindlegs was tied to the other pole. helen said you can ******** horses with just having their legs stretched back but there is more room to get to their balls if you make them do the splits and terry prefers that way. bulls you can just stretch as their balls are farther forward and they show up real good just stretched like this . so they went and put a rope on one hind leg and ran the rope up through the halter and tied it to a horses saddle horn. then they slipped the rope that had been on both hind legs just to the bottom leg and the they pulled his top hind leg til his foot was up by the halter and then tied it there. this of course exposed the stallions big balls . i found out he was a 3 year old . then the owner said ok you big balled bastard their mine now took out her knife and some tool to clamp the cords so he didn't bleed. she cut open his sack crimped his cord and cut off his first nut , then repeated this. the poor stallion was wide eyed scared and squeeling. . she then kinda pressesed the scrotum back together and put some blue powder on him. When they let him up he got up real slow with his head bowed. the gals laughed and said you aint so proud now are you. it was fun and exciting to watch but i did feel sorry for the poor guy afterwards karen
05-01-2008, 03:17 PM
MY new friend stacy has an aunt that is a small acre farmer gal. She lives in a subdivision of places about 5 to 10 acres zoned for animals with a lot of backyard farming so to speak.
Stacys aunt is real cool. have you ever heard someone refer to ******** as cut . about a month ago 2 of helens cowgirl friends that ride in a gals horse parades etc were over to her place . one of them had a little girl about 8 the other one said to helen that she was going to keep her stallion for breeding but she was having real trouble handling him around mares so she decided to "cut " him. said she was going to have some of the other gals she rode with come over and help rope him down so she could cut him. the one gals 8 year old said mom what does cut mean. her mom said o they are going to trim his mane. the other gal laughed and said ya we are sure going to trim him and helen laughed. have you heard it called cut?
then last week end when we finally had warmer weather Helen invited Stacy and I over to watch a wild rodeo ha hawoopi ti yi yaaa what a rodeo. those cowgirls are sure mean smile. they are really aggressive. there were 3 of them on their horses when the victim was lead into the indoor arena. He seemed real tame. He had a halter on him. then the gal who lead him in said ya now you act well behaved when there aint no mares around but you aint going save your balls she stepped back and one of the gals let her rope fly and lassoed him around the neck. He immediately raired up on his hind legs pawing the air and another rope flew catching both front legs in the air and both ropers spurred their horses that jerked the stallion down from raring and . the other gal threw her lasoo right in front of his hind legs. the gal that roped his neck raced around the arena pole that was close to the horse dragging the horse forward. as soon as his hind legs stepped into the lasso that roper spurred her horse and and when the rope went tight she jerked his hind legs enough that he fell over in the soft dirt . the gal with rope around his neck jumped off her horse and wrapped the rope around the pole . the one with the rope on his hind legs just slowed down as soon as the horse fell and let out more rope as she rode to the next pole. the stallion was laying on the ground with his head tied to the one pole , and he tried with all his might to keep his hind legs from being stretched. the gal with the rope on his legs got off her horse and kept leading him forward to stretch out his hind legs. the stallion was so strong that they couldn't get his legs stretched and he was tring hard to keep them bent and under him as he was laying on his side on the ground. uptill now all of this action had happened in a few seconds and dust was flying everywhere. the stallion was getting tired and slowly his legs were getting strecthed as the horse with the rope was led to pull on it. after a few seconds one gall said , ill speed this along and ran over and kicked the stallion hard right in the nuts. he let out a squeel and his hind leg muscles relaxed momentarily and instantly his legs were stretched back and he was stretched out and the rope on his hindlegs was tied to the other pole. helen said you can ******** horses with just having their legs stretched back but there is more room to get to their balls if you make them do the splits and terry prefers that way. bulls you can just stretch as their balls are farther forward and they show up real good just stretched like this . so they went and put a rope on one hind leg and ran the rope up through the halter and tied it to a horses saddle horn. then they slipped the rope that had been on both hind legs just to the bottom leg and the they pulled his top hind leg til his foot was up by the halter and then tied it there. this of course exposed the stallions big balls . i found out he was a 3 year old . then the owner said ok you big balled bastard their mine now took out her knife and some tool to clamp the cords so he didn't bleed. she cut open his sack crimped his cord and cut off his first nut , then repeated this. the poor stallion was wide eyed scared and squeeling. . she then kinda pressesed the scrotum back together and put some blue powder on him. When they let him up he got up real slow with his head bowed. the gals laughed and said you aint so proud now are you. it was fun and exciting to watch but i did feel sorry for the poor guy afterwards karen this something you personally witnessed, or a story you came up with?
05-02-2008, 09:16 AM
becki , you are partly right some folks ******** horse, dogs and cats without a painkiller. surely it is more painful on a larger bull than on a bull calf karen
You are right. I should not have said "No one" or "never" or implied that horses, dogs, and cats are always given painkillers.
There are so very many castrations - well, most domesticated males not used for breeding (by that definition I guess men are not "domesticated" yet?) - routinely performed that there is bound to be a variation in methods.
05-03-2008, 07:25 AM
No one uses painkillers when they ******** bulls, that's just silly.
For dogs, cats, horses, yes
but never for bulls, rams, or pigs
Silly? You are either very sadistic or just plain cruel
05-03-2008, 12:33 PM
Silly? You are either very sadistic or just plain cruel
No, its just the way life is.
05-03-2008, 06:18 PM
No, its just the way life is.
I'm not sure I understand your reply. I was talking about you refering to pain killers as
"silly" Is that meaning you enjoy them suffering?
05-05-2008, 06:17 PM
I'm not sure I understand your reply. I was talking about you refering to pain killers as
"silly" Is that meaning you enjoy them suffering?
No I do NOT enjoy animals suffering.
Just the opposite, I believe animals should be ********* properly.
More importantly - bulls do NOT suffer when ********* properly.
Bulls suffer MORE if given painkillers when they are ********* than if ********* without painkillers.
To use painkillers when properly ********** a bull is silly due to the physiology of the bull. Bull testicles are not as sensitive as most animals, like horses, etc and certainly not like a man's. Their nervous system does not react in the same way. To give a bull enough painkillers to make a difference can be life-threatening to the bull. Reputable vets & breeders don't use painkillers when ********** bulls. These drugs create a whole multitude of complications including, but not limied to: appetite loss, weight loss, respiratory disease, kidney damage and even death.
Painkiller drugs can be highly toxic to other species in the environment such as birds and man (who are currently experiencing kidney failure in epidemic proportions). Since ********* bulls (as well as goats, sheep, & pigs, unlike horses, dogs, cats, and men) are most likely to end up as some human's hamburger, the threat to humans as well as to the bulls is very real Thus the argument for organic, free range, PROPERLY ********* beef, pork, chevon, mutton, chicken, turkey, goose, duck, rabbit, etc.
True some people do not ******** bulls properly, such as some of the ********** clips shown on the internet which are horrible and often look like they are done that way just for show and sensation. Since bulls react less to ********** some people ******** them improperly and are unnecessarily brutal. But that does not therefore mean that painkillers should be used. It means that they should be ********* properly.
We very careful to ******** all bulls properly. Which means we use sterile conditions such as scrub bathing scrotums in antiseptic before clipping them open, minimal incisions in scrotums with sterile ********** instruments, No hacking the whole nut pod off, NO ripping nut cords from body, clamp nut cords in a proper way with surgical emasculation clamp, close ********** incisions properly, etc.
With cows in heat in adjacent pen bulls had no idea they had just lost their nuts. They had hard-ons throughout the ********** process as we took their nuts - not possible if they were suffering. They burst from ********** chute with great enthusiasnm and vigor, raced to nearest cow in heat and proceeded to mount them for their last cuming. Hardly a sign of a steer in great suffering. Some even shot their wads as they were being *********, again hardly a sign of suffering. Remaining uncastrated bulls then rushed to crowd into ********** chute fighting to be next to get the **********.
05-06-2008, 03:21 AM
Very well said! :bananajum
You presented the facts of farm life, animal biology, and nature well. You did a great job of arguing the case. You showed passion, but no undue bias or distortion of the facts.
Unfortunately too many people view nature through a prism developed in Disney movies. The movies are fine, but too often people do not distinguish reality from entertaining fiction, or worse yet fantasy.
Anyway, before I get too polemical: Great job! :ibow4u:
05-06-2008, 08:08 AM
[quote=becki2shoe;45383]No I do NOT enjoy animals suffering.
Me too becki2shoe, and I appreciate Your professional approach to the discussion... but the reason why we are all here... is different... is because farmgirls doing something noughty between animals legs is... let say.... arousing ? :p
05-08-2008, 12:13 PM
[quote=becki2shoe;45383]No I do NOT enjoy animals suffering.
Me too becki2shoe, and I appreciate Your professional approach to the discussion... but the reason why we are all here... is different... is because farmgirls doing something noughty between animals legs is... let say.... arousing ? :p
Yes, I agree - arousing is a good thing!
05-08-2008, 04:15 PM
becki, I'd love to shoot my wad as you ******** me:iluvu:
05-09-2008, 09:11 AM
becki, I'd love to shoot my wad as you ******** me:iluvu:
You sound very AROUSED! by **********, like a lot of guys, I find that very interesting! Seems to be a good thing, but not sure I fully understand it yet.
Most guys seem more interested in the "roundup" part and the "shooting their wad" part than in their actual **********. Sort of like taking their bat & ball and going home so they can live to play another day? Practice makes perfect?
One from the Vaults
05-09-2008, 01:20 PM
You sound very AROUSED! by **********, like a lot of guys, I find that very interesting! Seems to be a good thing, but not sure I fully understand it yet.
Most guys seem more interested in the "roundup" part and the "shooting their wad" part than in their actual **********. Sort of like taking their bat & ball and going home so they can live to play another day? Practice makes perfect?It's the fear and taboo/stigma that makes it arousing. That is, they're turned on by it because it's something to be afraid of.
Castratrix's pet
05-09-2008, 01:51 PM
Does anyone here have any pictures or videos they could post here of farm girls performing castrations?
05-09-2008, 02:01 PM
I don't agree about the ********** of older bulls not hurting them. I have never seen a bull get a hardon while getting *********. I have seen a young bull with his eyes rolled up in his head grunting and then not even wanting to get up afterwards. there was a study done by a gal in canada. she proved that the single biggest factor in stress on a bull was how old he was when ********* not the method. she also had a theory that the older animals know too protect their balls and it stresses them some just from fear. anyway she took 12 three month old calves. 3 she ********* with a burdizzzo 3 with a knife and 3 with a bander. the other 3 she threw down and held a squeezed their balls just a little bit to make them fear for their balls if they knew what was going on. she then mesure white blood cells for stress and how much food they ate and how much weight they gained each day compared to 3 three month old steer ********* earlier. the calves that just had their balls queezed a little bit were normal the next day. the ********* calves were normal in 2 days . she repeate the tests with 9 month old bulls. those with their balls threatened but not ********* were stressed for 2 days. those ********* were stress for 5-7 days and it was 7 to 10 days befor they were back to gaining weight her conclusion was it hurt much more if they are older and stressed them regardless of the method and should be done earlier if the farmer wanted maximaum weight gain. karen
05-09-2008, 02:08 PM
one time i was at helens and she was ********** small calves so not much excitement going on when a tom cat wander into the mix. helen laughed and said it was the neighbors cat and he must want his balls cut off too cause he came over hear for it. I asked how you could even hold a cat still . hele laughed and said the old farmer method. stacy grabbed the cat and held him while helen went and got an old boot from her back porch and the hand pruners. she stuck him down head first in the boot with just his tale and balls sticking out. she laughed and said i am going to prune his little plums. cat squalled like crazy they just threw the boot on the ground and it took the cat a little while to figure out how to get out of the boot. helen lauged and said i don't know if he was sreeching about his balls or how bad the boot smelled.
05-11-2008, 01:28 AM
Most guys seem more interested in the "roundup" part and the "shooting their wad" part than in their actual **********. Sort of like taking their bat & ball and going home so they can live to play another day? Practice makes perfect?[/quote]
Well yes, except in the real thing it only happens once and I'm a eunuch fior the rest of my life. I do think about both and the idea of getting my rocks off for the last time is irresistable. Perhaps it's for the better that a nice castratrix is so hard to find, but I think not.
becki, if/when you ******** me would you keep my balls or scrotum as in a collection or just disgard them after you ******** me?
05-13-2008, 01:26 AM
Most guys seem more interested in the "roundup" part and the "shooting their wad" part than in their actual **********. Sort of like taking their bat & ball and going home so they can live to play another day? Practice makes perfect?
It's depent becki, everyone has his own way to feel the ********** fantasy. Personally I find it very kinky and the most exciting issue is thinking that the female is amused and aroused by the idea.
I found an italian group discussing about the possibility of ********** or not their horses and what was the better choice. One owner, a 40 years hold lady said she would have done a "late **********" to her stallion. I'm not practise about horse life but all other members were suggesting early ********** to avoid the sex drive growth in their horses. On the opposite she was preferring to wait her horse knew the female heat and the sexual attraction before having him *********.
I found this cruel project terribly kinky and arousing.
05-14-2008, 02:53 AM
Yes, I agree - arousing is a good thing!
05-14-2008, 09:41 AM
It's depent becki, everyone has his own way to feel the ********** fantasy. Personally I find it very kinky and the most exciting issue is thinking that the female is amused and aroused by the idea.
Yes, I find the variety of ways guys fantasize about ********** to be very interesting and a wonderfully exciting and arousing thing to play with. Depending on the situation, ********** play can also be amusing.
********** is a powerful and deep subject so the possibilities are almost limitless as it can be combined with most other fantasies and/or fetishes such as BB or whatever.
05-14-2008, 09:51 AM
Yes, I find the variety of ways guys fantasize about ********** to be very interesting and a wonderfully exciting and arousing thing to play with. Depending on the situation, ********** play can also be amusing.
********** is a powerful and deep subject so the possibilities are almost limitless as it can be combined with most other fantasies and/or fetishes such as BB or whatever.
I do agree (100 %)!:bananawin
05-15-2008, 12:36 AM
I don't beleive what becki2shoe said at all.
I've been looking at some articles online.**********_cattle_bgnd.asp**********_cattle_bgnd.asp
I like selftailer's photo.
05-15-2008, 12:39 AM
I don't agree about the ********** of older bulls not hurting them. I have never seen a bull get a hardon while getting *********. I have seen a young bull with his eyes rolled up in his head grunting and then not even wanting to get up afterwards. there was a study done by a gal in canada. she proved that the single biggest factor in stress on a bull was how old he was when ********* not the method. she also had a theory that the older animals know too protect their balls and it stresses them some just from fear. anyway she took 12 three month old calves. 3 she ********* with a burdizzzo 3 with a knife and 3 with a bander. the other 3 she threw down and held a squeezed their balls just a little bit to make them fear for their balls if they knew what was going on. she then mesure white blood cells for stress and how much food they ate and how much weight they gained each day compared to 3 three month old steer ********* earlier. the calves that just had their balls queezed a little bit were normal the next day. the ********* calves were normal in 2 days . she repeate the tests with 9 month old bulls. those with their balls threatened but not ********* were stressed for 2 days. those ********* were stress for 5-7 days and it was 7 to 10 days befor they were back to gaining weight her conclusion was it hurt much more if they are older and stressed them regardless of the method and should be done earlier if the farmer wanted maximaum weight gain. karen
That's interesting.
Castratrix's pet
05-18-2008, 09:42 AM
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I guess then that a video is worth a million words. Does anyone have any more pics or videos of girls and women performing castrations?
I love to see pictures and videos of girls and women performing castrations and I imagine that I am the male she is ********** and I imagine what it would be like laying there helpless as she cuts my nuts out.
05-27-2008, 08:38 PM
the stallion was so strong that they couldn't get his legs stretched and he was tring hard to keep them bent and under him as he was laying on his side on the ground. uptill now all of this action had happened in a few seconds and dust was flying everywhere. the stallion was getting tired and slowly his legs were getting strecthed as the horse with the rope was led to pull on it. after a few seconds one gall said , ill speed this along and ran over and kicked the stallion hard right in the nuts.
Although, please start using paragraphs, and punctuation.
05-31-2008, 06:31 AM
Very wonderfull:)
06-06-2008, 05:01 PM
Any more? I hope this thread can keep going!
06-21-2008, 07:45 AM
It’s a funny story, someone can like
It happened some years ago, I was in a farm with my cousin who is veterinary. The farmer needed calf crop and had a few cows, then it was easier only put a bull together the cows for mate. The farmer was a little frustrated with my cousin because she did breeding examination some months ago and had selected that bull for breed, but it was unsucessfull.
She evaluated again that bull, and it was all ok, then she said: “well, I will give to you one more opportunity… If these cows won’t be pregnant, I will to cutt-off your balls!! Im trusting you, don’t disappoint me!” :o
Well, I think the bull understood, because he did his job and the cows were pregnant… Then another day my cousin “congratulated” the bull, smiling and feeling the bull balls and swing them forth and up: “hi, big boy, almost I lightened this nice load, huh?” :wooow
06-21-2008, 07:51 AM
Melissa, I'd like to meet your cousin and the veteranarian who kicked that bull in the balls for ejaculating on her arm.:)
Mariana Mazo
06-28-2008, 03:45 PM
"She evaluated again that bull, and it was all ok, then she said: “well, I will give to you one more opportunity… If these cows won’t be pregnant, I will to cutt-off your balls!! Im trusting you, don’t disappoint me!”
Melissa, i really liked your story
I was thinking, when your cousin will want a baby, its better her husband to be fast!!
:jumpsmile :wooow
Busted Balz
06-29-2008, 12:12 PM
Yes, I find the variety of ways guys fantasize about ********** to be very interesting and a wonderfully exciting and arousing thing to play with. Depending on the situation, ********** play can also be amusing.
********** is a powerful and deep subject so the possibilities are almost limitless as it can be combined with most other fantasies and/or fetishes such as BB or whatever.
I think it’s more the threat of ********** than the act itself that’s arousing. I find the actual act would be a bloody and painful end to a fantasy.
09-09-2009, 05:25 AM
hi i am hoping we can get this subject going agan here is a video.
09-09-2009, 07:47 AM
hi i am hoping we can get this subject going agan here is a video.
No visual here, but her story is cool.
03-02-2010, 03:47 PM
Why is this forum slowing down. I am sure there are a lot of other farm girls that have helped ******** animals and had some amusing incidents
03-04-2010, 02:31 PM
My friend and her aunt and her aunt daughters recently ********* some bigger calves. The aunt was very funny as when we were ting the first one up and he was fighting she laughed and said stop it were not going to hurt you just yet anyway with a laugh. then when he was tied up and she took hold of his balls she said well you can't protect them now can you.
03-04-2010, 04:59 PM
No I do NOT enjoy animals suffering.
Just the opposite, I believe animals should be ********* properly.
More importantly - bulls do NOT suffer when ********* properly.
Bulls suffer MORE if given painkillers when they are ********* than if ********* without painkillers.
To use painkillers when properly ********** a bull is silly due to the physiology of the bull. Bull testicles are not as sensitive as most animals, like horses, etc and certainly not like a man's. Their nervous system does not react in the same way. To give a bull enough painkillers to make a difference can be life-threatening to the bull. Reputable vets & breeders don't use painkillers when ********** bulls. These drugs create a whole multitude of complications including, but not limied to: appetite loss, weight loss, respiratory disease, kidney damage and even death.
Painkiller drugs can be highly toxic to other species in the environment such as birds and man (who are currently experiencing kidney failure in epidemic proportions). Since ********* bulls (as well as goats, sheep, & pigs, unlike horses, dogs, cats, and men) are most likely to end up as some human's hamburger, the threat to humans as well as to the bulls is very real Thus the argument for organic, free range, PROPERLY ********* beef, pork, chevon, mutton, chicken, turkey, goose, duck, rabbit, etc.
True some people do not ******** bulls properly, such as some of the ********** clips shown on the internet which are horrible and often look like they are done that way just for show and sensation. Since bulls react less to ********** some people ******** them improperly and are unnecessarily brutal. But that does not therefore mean that painkillers should be used. It means that they should be ********* properly.
We very careful to ******** all bulls properly. Which means we use sterile conditions such as scrub bathing scrotums in antiseptic before clipping them open, minimal incisions in scrotums with sterile ********** instruments, No hacking the whole nut pod off, NO ripping nut cords from body, clamp nut cords in a proper way with surgical emasculation clamp, close ********** incisions properly, etc.
With cows in heat in adjacent pen bulls had no idea they had just lost their nuts. They had hard-ons throughout the ********** process as we took their nuts - not possible if they were suffering. They burst from ********** chute with great enthusiasnm and vigor, raced to nearest cow in heat and proceeded to mount them for their last cuming. Hardly a sign of a steer in great suffering. Some even shot their wads as they were being *********, again hardly a sign of suffering. Remaining uncastrated bulls then rushed to crowd into ********** chute fighting to be next to get the **********.
I'm hoping this is truth because it is comforting to know.
Gemini 67
12-30-2012, 04:28 PM
With cows in heat in adjacent pen bulls had no idea they had just lost their nuts. They had hard-ons throughout the ********** process as we took their nuts - not possible if they were suffering. They burst from ********** chute with great enthusiasnm and vigor, raced to nearest cow in heat and proceeded to mount them for their last cuming. Hardly a sign of a steer in great suffering. Some even shot their wads as they were being *********, again hardly a sign of suffering. Remaining uncastrated bulls then rushed to crowd into ********** chute fighting to be next to get the **********.
Becki2shoe; Did the bulls actually shoot a load while being *********? That's amazing!
Gemini 67
01-03-2013, 06:40 AM
You sound very AROUSED! by **********, like a lot of guys, I find that very interesting! Seems to be a good thing, but not sure I fully understand it yet.
Most guys seem more interested in the "roundup" part and the "shooting their wad" part than in their actual **********. Sort of like taking their bat & ball and going home so they can live to play another day? Practice makes perfect?
I have always had my ********** fantasy. I don't know why I feel this way. I see you like this fantasy, too. Do you know why you have it?
01-03-2013, 11:13 AM
i do not believe the accounts of older animals getting horny while being ********* , it is very painful see vid also you can look up info on ********** wild horses in fallon nev. and see how sore the horses were afterwards. they certainly were not thinking about females
Castratrix's pet
01-05-2013, 08:16 AM
I enjoy looking at pictures and videos of farm girls performingcastrations and imagining that I'm the male she is **********.
The thing I would love most of all to see and I keep trying to find are ones where the girl doing the ********** is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
I would love to see a video of a beautiful girl wearing a long sleeve shirt and to watch her rolling up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows then to watch her perform a surgical ********** cutting the testicles out surgically.
Does anyone here know any farm girl who does the **********? Maybe she would let you make and post here a video of her in a long sleeve shirt rolling her sleeves up above her elbows then showing her performing a **********.
07-22-2014, 07:22 AM
This is becki's last post on this thread. I guess she stopped feeling that it was fun. I think another poster posted some factual material that brought everyone back down to earth and spoiled the illusion. It was fun while it lasted.
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