View Full Version : Busts you most wish had happened

04-28-2008, 03:21 PM
I'm sure most people on here have a most memorable bust they have 'suffered' (and they are always good to hear about!) but how about busts that *nearly* happened but for some reason didn't, but which you wish had...

Here's two from me to get us started.
(Both are from teenage so I hope no-one gets offended by the age issue - there was little or no age difference at the time)

Firstly, a girl who was in my class at school. Not the best looker now I think back on it, but with a fairly nice body, and most importantly to me at the time (I think I would have been about 13) she was developing a very nice pair. A few of us ended up in the computer room - I think it was her, me and one or two other girls. I was messing around with her and decided I'd grab her tits for a good feel. I did this one and she pulled away, the second time her knee came up at my nuts. Unfortunately, my reaction to dodge backwards kicked in and she missed. How I've wished over the years I'd just kept my hands on her tits and stood still, letting her knee my orbs until I could take no more...

The second one was maybe 2 years later. A new girl had moved in to our street, very good looking and with one of the nicest pairs I've seen to this day. Maturity was still to kick in so was taunting her, calling her shorty - even though she was taller than most! She tried to kick my nuts a few times, but once about 3 or 4 other kids in the street grabbed me and pinned me to the wall so she could get a free shot. The only trouble as far as I was concerned was that not only were we right outside my house, but my Dad was due back any time, so much as I wanted her to kick my nuts, that just wasn't the time or place... Being bigger than the rest and a year older, I pulled free but again I wish I'd either been able to stay and take it, or suggest to her we meet somewhere more private for a more intimate busting session...

(As an aside, she was good friends with my sister and I reckon it was her who put my sis up to busting my nuts for the first time... Only wish it had been her instead - saw her recently and she still looks stunning and still has the sort of boobs I'd happily bury my face in....)