View Full Version : Vid link.. this takes me back to my school daze

04-29-2008, 10:52 AM

The reason I am posting this is cos when I saw it .. it immediately took me back to my school days...
I would be happily hanging out with a girl I had a huge crush on when suddenly and sometimes for no reason.. smack I would get hit in the balls..
I can remember distinctly trying weakly to get away which isn't easy when your nuts are hurting like hell and they are holding onto you.. and those were just the occasions when I wasn't floored straight off!
Sometimes I would hang around reluctant to leave the presence of the girl I loved so much .. even though she had just smashed me in the balls and made me look a right pratt.
I am certain that this is why I am into ballbusting now.. my first experiences with girls I really fancied almost always involved getting hit in the balls by them..
did anyone esle have experiences like this?

04-30-2008, 01:29 PM
hey this is a great video!!!