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View Full Version : some questions about bb

05-09-2008, 04:42 AM
hello guys,

i'm interested in ballbusting and have some questions about it. as i can see there are a lot of people with experience in this forum. i would be pleased if these guys could answer me.

1. how long did you already get busted? for years or just some months?

2. what kind of busting do you prefer? do you like it when your balls are lightly slapped or do you prefer hard kicks?

3. do you think that since starting ballbusting your ability to have an erection became lower as before?

thanks to all people answer this questions...

ps: antworten auf deutsch sind auch kein problem

05-09-2008, 06:39 PM
1. Most of the guys on this forum want to get busted but are not getting busting unless it is a self-ballbusting.

2. Most of the guys seem to like the hardest hits they can get or even see in a clip.

3. No, erections generally increase with ballbusting or at least it increases during a ballbusting session.

05-10-2008, 01:30 PM
1. how long did you already get busted? for years or just some months?
2. what kind of busting do you prefer? do you like it when your balls are lightly slapped or do you prefer hard kicks?
3. do you think that since starting ballbusting your ability to have an erection became lower as before?

1. My first gf did some minor stuff about 1999 to 2000, nothing really harsh. My wife has been busting me in multitudes of ways since late 2001 to present. Approximately once every two weeks or so. She is FAR harsher than most of the pay-site samples you see on the web, but she is also very shy and doesnt let me record/share too much of our sessions or with any clarity.

2. I prefer it to be totally up to my wife. I have signed numerous "contracts" (which i know are not legal or anything) that state she can do absolutely anything she wants to them, and i love that she pushes my limits. She's done full on punches to tied tight balls, stomping, squashing with hands and various tools, and put several needles deep thru multiple times.

3. We had a kid this year, so that tells you that even after several years of ballbusting its possible to maintain not only erections but virility, but this is no guarantee. If youre worried about that sort of thing you should see a doctor regularly. In my relationship we're not really worried now that we have a baby, and even before that she was especially cruel to one ball, while leaving the other totally alone, because she hoped to have a child. Since the baby, she has been much harsher in squeezing, and I do seem to have somewhat diminished ability to get an erection. Not much, just sometimes, especially when she is unwilling to make an effort to get me erect, if you know what i mean. (our free time is very limited now, so that could be part of the problem)

hope you find this informative!

05-10-2008, 10:22 PM
1. it used to be all the time but i burned the bridge with the freindship with the girl...dumb but really smart at the same time. now its only on speccial ocasions or so. its not all that bad...

2.i only like to get light to medium power kicks...just for the reason that the busting can go for a long time afterwards. the hardest kick was by a high school state champ soccer player and this tall powerfull girl kicked me with full force. i wanted to like it but it was to much for me. she actully, i kid you fucking not, broke her big toe on my balls. but no prefer to have more "playfull" kicks slaps graps steps.

3. no but i noticed if she plays with my balls or even mentions hurting my balls in a "sexuall" way it either starts the hard on, or super boosts it to where iv actully been able to hold her in the air with it alone(brief, and hurt like hell)

fuck it i usually dont do questions but ill answer just about anybody to night. im in a good mood. :):)

05-11-2008, 06:12 PM
thanks for the answers :)

my fear is to become impotent because of ballbusting. i like this fetish a lot but i also want to have a good sex life in the future and no erection problems.
i know that there is no guarantee but if i read your answers it should be no problem to do bb.

i would be pleased if more people could answer the questions...

05-23-2008, 12:40 PM
OK!!!!! It Does work, thank you for your kindless.
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05-24-2008, 06:46 AM
what works?? lol =S

06-03-2008, 04:44 PM
best answers :autogun

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why isn't this guy getting banned? this is not the first time he posted pure spam.

06-03-2008, 07:20 PM
1. i'm into it since i hit puberty, or even before that. but i didn't realize it's such an obsession for me, until about 3 years ago, when i got actually kneed in the balls in a club and it didn't want to leave my mind anymore.

2. both. i love it to get kicked multiple times in a row, with medium force, so that the pain stays monotonously the same and i'm in heaven. but i also love it to get one very hard kick or knee, after which i'm done. the first is better for sexual bb-sessions, and the second is better for real life situations.

3. in my case, when i know i'm about to get busted, when the girl teases me with her foot, right before she's about to kick, i get so aroused that my erections are the hardest. and when i then actually do get kicked, it usually keeps that way.

P.S.: ich hätte auch auf deutsch antworten können, aber ich wollte es für alle verständlich schreiben....;)

06-04-2008, 01:22 AM
Hi karlsruher,

mal kurze Antworten auf deutsch:
1. seit der Grundschule. Erstes Erlebnis war im Schwimmbad, als mir ein Mädchen die Eier grün und blau unter Wasser quetschte...
2. Ich steh eigentlich nur auf Squeezing, da hat frau die größte Kontrolle über einen. Bin auch schon mal richtig hart getreten worden. War super schmerzhaft...
3. Bis jetzt hab ich keine Probleme, Meine Freundin ist aber auch nicht so hart drauf. Bei richtig harten Tritten und Schlägen, wär ich aber vorsichtig, da kann vielleicht doch was kaputt gehen.
Beste Grüße!

06-04-2008, 03:10 AM
1. I have been busted for over 10 years. First by my previous girlfriend and then by my wife. I introduced both of them to it. They were both hestitant at first but enjoyed it after I talked them into trying it.

2. I prefer to be busted medium before sex. Then some more afterwards. I like a second session because that often takes me past my normal pain threshold. After that it is less sore and I can take harder busting. I become helpless to stop my wife after a while who is less than half my size. I'm almost like a boxer knocked out on my feet. Not exactly but similar. I like punches or kicks that make my balls swing i.e. standing over her and she kicks me while laying down or something similar with punches while I'm on my hands and knees over her while she is laying down.

3. It helps my erections when I get busted. My ability to get erections are actually negatively impacted when I have not been busted for a while.

06-04-2008, 10:08 AM
I am sixty years old and have been busted since my twenties and I haven't noticed any permanent damage. You just have to be smart and take care that things don't get carried away. The two of you must communicate clearly to each other what you want and understand the limits. I never understood those who wanted one big powerful blow that would finish them - I always go for the light kicks that build sensually! Having a foot slapping me between the legs for an hour gives me a chance to really enjoy the pain as it builds and as the kicks get harder my hard on grows until I finally can't take anymore. Another advantage is that I can recover quicker and take more punishment longer - I want the pleasure of being kicked to last as long as possible!

06-04-2008, 10:17 AM
hi bob..how are you?
i hope all is ok!
i am online now in yahoo messenger..


06-05-2008, 06:44 AM
thanks for the new answers :)

06-05-2008, 09:40 AM
Well, I'm in my mid 40's and have been doing this since about 12 or 14. Ball standing, kicking and squeezing have been my main interest and have had some full weight ball stands. I have fathered 4 children and no damage. I have been checked out by a few Urologists as recent as last year for a vasectomy which my wife watched with pleasure. Fortunately no problems except it takes much more to actually cause pain now that it used to. This is my only real complaint because the full weight ball stands are very common now and she even bounces on them and it has got to be close to rupturing them. I love it though and hope they can withstand the abuse. We shall see.

06-11-2008, 01:21 PM
1- two months
2-when my balls are lightly slapped
3- no at all

06-17-2008, 04:09 PM
Ich antworte auch einfach mal auf Deutsch...
Meine ersten erlebnisse hatte ich mit einer guten Freundin (Helena). Sie hat mir ein paar gezielte tritte verpasst. Ansonsten hab ich noch ein paar Erlebnisse mit meiner Ex-Freundin gehabt, nachdem ich ihr von meinem Fetisch erzählt habe : treten ohne schuhe, Flache Hand, Faust und einmal hat sie meine Eier mit der Fernbedienung verklatscht :)
Meine jetzige Freundin will mir nichts kaputtmachen oder mit wehtun also entweder kann ich meinen kleinen Fetisch nicht mehr ausleben oder sie überlegt es sich anders :D
Mfg B. Ps.: Wenn ihr mögt dann posted doch mal was ihr so erlebt habt ;)

06-17-2008, 10:49 PM
1. how long did you already get busted? for years or just some months? I have been into it for a few years now.

2. what kind of busting do you prefer? do you like it when your balls are lightly slapped or do you prefer hard kicks? My preference is having them punched hard, but good kicks or knees are great too.

3. do you think that since starting ballbusting your ability to have an erection became lower as before? I haven't noticed any effect on my ability to gain or maintain an erection.

06-17-2008, 11:56 PM
[quote=Snakelinux;45667]1. Most of the guys on this forum want to get busted but are not getting busting unless it is a self-ballbusting.

Hit the nail on the head but i disagree with, at least for me:

2. Most of the guys seem to like the hardest hits they can get or even see in a clip.

I'm not really into "busting" as much as handling/grabbing/slapping(favorite)/and squeezing. the other stuff is okay but usually too extreme for me. also, probably isolating myself on this or any other busting forum, but i hate latex, think strap ons are gay(to be offensive and non-pc) and do not like ropes, strings, torture, or any other items and gadgets. but just me, since this seemed the place to tell