View Full Version : Grag Bags
05-15-2008, 08:26 PM
In high school we played a game called Grab Bags.
I wonder how many here played grab bags in high school or college? How did you play it, what were the rules, how did you score it, what was it like for you? It was very popular where I went to school.
05-16-2008, 02:38 AM
I don't know that game, and it doesn't turn up on google.. i've always remembered grap bags as that stuff you get given when you go to someones party as a brat :confused: ... i am from england though...
do enlighten us
05-16-2008, 07:02 AM
never heard of it either. Highly interested though ^^
05-16-2008, 08:21 AM
Tanya...can you give us a description of how it was played?
05-16-2008, 10:04 AM
I probably played it with my GF in high school but didn't call it anything. BTW Tanya, i didn't even realize you were right in San Francisco. That's awsome, it's about time another N.Californian (and female to boot) posted on this forum. Glad to see you here. My sister lives in SF.
05-16-2008, 10:40 AM
Yes, we played GrabBags. We had to Bag guys in the halls during class change. We scored 1 point for each time we hit a guy in the balls. I hear a lot of the schools now have so much security that they don't get to play it so much.
05-16-2008, 10:50 PM
Never heard of it, must be a California thing. It's a shame I didn't go to high school in California!
05-21-2008, 01:17 PM
In the GrabBags game we played the goal was for us to grab or hit guys in the nuts so that they would make a reaction such as a sound (grunt, etc) or movement (double-over).
We got started doing this in the crowded hallways during class changes to guys that would pinch us on the butt or cop a boob feel. When it was so crowded these things could be done sometimes without knowing who did it.
You had to do GrabBags where other girls saw you do the Tag on the guy (a Tag was a successful hit in the nuts so that the guy reacted).
You had to use your bare hand for it to count.
The guy had to make a response such as some sound like a grunt or something or movement like double over or cover his nuts with his hands for the tag to count.
The scoring was 1 point for each "Tag":
It was interesting because most guys were really embarrassed when a girl “Tagged” them, but others seemed to enjoy it.
05-21-2008, 02:28 PM
Hm, we used to play a game we called "greedy grab", but it was when we were 10 years old and unfortunately only the guys played it. What we do would be call-out "greedy Grab" to let people in the area know we were going to play. We put one hand over our crotch and use the other whack another guy in the nuts and then laugh at him when he doubled up. I was the champion of our class. No one ever doubled me up, but now I would play with no protection and only with women.
05-23-2008, 03:10 PM
We played this game in high school quite a bit.
I am surprised so few has heard of this or played it.
05-24-2008, 06:50 AM
I guess Australia is a lot more boring than the United States lol. Or if you wanted to take it a step further again you could probably look at Japanese High Schools
05-24-2008, 09:34 PM
i never heard of grab bags. but the boys played a game of squirrel whne ever they got a boy unsuspecting they would say squirrel after the nuts and squeeze th eother boys balls. i was a tomboy and would play in the neighbor hood foot ball games. all boys were about 11 to 13 but their was one boy a bully that was 14. he wasn't stronger than boys his age but was stronger than than these neighborhood boys. any way he was usually tht one who would instigate it. if a smaller boy fell on the ground he would jump on top and yell squirell and squeeze the boys balls. one day he was wearing shorts and he was hicking me the ball so his feet were spread out and my hand were right there. he had carried the game to far earlier and hurt a younger boy rather than it just being fun. so i couldn't help my self i slid my hand up the leg of his shorts grabbed his balls and yelled squirell. he fell forward onto the ground with me on top and behind him squeezing his balls real good he was beggging and then trying to hide he was crying. i let go and laughed like it was just all in good fun. he said i couldnt play squirell as i didn't have any balls to grab. he didn't play any more that day and went much easier on the younger boys after that. that was a real power trip i really had him by the balls smile and he deserved it karen
05-24-2008, 10:02 PM
I never hear of this game before now. But this post remind me of past my youth.
I was a boy grow up in Japan, Osaka, Minami Kawachi-gun area and that time I have alot of very pretty girl cousins, older and younger than me. I try to play with them in the house garden or a play ground. I was 7 to 10 years that time and made my own game to take away the girls things; like hair pins, jewelry, toy, and put it in my pants. I make a promise, the girl can get it back only if she take it from my pants with her hand. I always put it under my penis or balls to be sure I get a touch there. This always work for me, the girls did it to get their things back (and I think they curious to feel a cock-n-balls too ;) ). But we never make a word for this game.
I miss the childhood days of innocent Curiosity. :)
05-26-2008, 12:02 AM
Oooo... Me and my friends Samantha and Shandi used to always play this. I'd have to put a string around my balls so they were easier to grab. They'd hind under a table or something like that and I'd go and find them, and if I did, they'd simply punch them (in a punchingbag style) or grip then really hard.
05-26-2008, 09:05 AM
Oooo... Me and my friends Samantha and Shandi used to always play this. I'd have to put a string around my balls so they were easier to grab. They'd hind under a table or something like that and I'd go and find them, and if I did, they'd simply punch them (in a punchingbag style) or grip then really hard.
You claimed to be a woman, but forgot to post in character!! You cracked out of turn. You crumbed the play! (extra points if you get the movie reference)
I would like to be squeezed. I always squeeze my man so i want to find out how it'd feel. :bananad:
And lol, if you're wondering about my name, my boyfriend made this thing for me. My real name is Lucy. I got kinda mad at him for the name :soomad But i luv's him :loveeyes
05-26-2008, 10:18 PM
That was Lucy you idiot. She is me ladyfriend.
05-26-2008, 10:19 PM
Yeah see look. You even quoted that one of her telling it to you guys.
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