View Full Version : Popping?

06-21-2008, 09:57 AM
Does anyone have any drawings or stories of the balls actually popping and deflating? I know it's not realistic, but for some reason I like it. Even real life stuff that just makes it look like they popped would be good.

06-21-2008, 04:05 PM
Does anyone have any drawings or stories of the balls actually popping and deflating? I know it's not realistic, but for some reason I like it. Even real life stuff that just makes it look like they popped would be good.

There are several reality TV shows where girls did pop balls, animal balls with a real loud popping sound and everything. So I guess it can happens to human bals too.

06-22-2008, 04:34 PM
Stuff like this. The first pic isn't really related, but I'd like more of that goriness. But the second pic is a good example, see how his testicle looks almost broken?

06-22-2008, 04:53 PM
Here are some more examples, I'd like to find who draws these.

Also, here's two bits from my favorites stories on eunuch.org

"Taking a cold bucket of water she brought the man round and grabbed hold of his cock and pulled ithard stretching it to its limited. “I’ll show you what a strong little girl like I can do to your pathetic weak cock.” Purred Sister Sophia as she pulled harder and harder on his cock until she was pulling as hard as she could. She felt him pulling back in a vain attempt to pull his cock out of her hands which only served to help her as his skin stretched thin and start to split the skin on his cock. Slowly she felt his cock start to tear, as she pulled hard enough to rip it off. As his cock started to rip off Sister Sophia started to feel very powerful sensations of joy that made her giddy and dizzy with pleasure. Making one last strong pull she felt it come off in her hands giving her another orgasm. Taking his lynched cock in her hands she smiled at him and began to eat his cock as he fainted from pain and loss of blood."


"I brought my heel down again, smashing into his hands, into his groin. This little shit wasn't going to hurt me! He wasn't so big, he wasn't so tough! I moved his hands away from his crotch with my toes and put the heel on his balls, I settled my weight on them slowly, letting all one hundred and ten pounds balance on one foot on his balls. I felt them give, settling and smashing against the hard cold cement. I twisted my foot cruelly, and felt the liquid inside squishing beneath the pressure! What a little pussy! I felt so strong, so alive!! All that fear I'd felt, for what?? This lump of shit?? It made me mad!!

I lifted my foot and examined his balls by the dim light of a street lamp. My would be ****** was clutching futilly at the bloody mess between his legs and I had to slap his hands away. His sack was flat and the skin had split in several places, a large tear had formed at the base of his penis and blood and testes and who knows what was spread out in a disgusting stain. I grabbed his limp dick in my hand and yanked it hard. he moaned loudly and he tried to roll over. I twisted his cock and tried to rip it off but it wouldn't come. I let it go and grabbed him by the hair. I slapped him until his glazed eyes opened. "Thanks for the ride, asshole" i said and then I spit in his face and slammed his head down against the sidewalk. "

Anything like those examples would be appreciated.

06-22-2008, 06:41 PM
MiniBoi any idea where we cud find those videos ?

06-23-2008, 08:24 AM
hi there,

there arent many popping drawings out there, not even many ballbusting drawings. The most poppingpictures I know are from Knave/EM, you can watch them on his wooonderfull blog ;) He even got a comic with ball rupture ending. A group of girls try to pop his balls, and at the end, they make it :D

Link to the blog: http://bbtoon.blogspot.com/
Heres the link to the store: http://images4sale.com/store/8519/

I just saw that nearly all of his comics got popping balls. Most balls pop in Self Defense Night ;)

And Babel got also many Ballbusting drawings. Not a real popping one, but always very clooose!


I will also add some various poppingpictures I got.


06-23-2008, 08:27 AM
more pictures :)

06-23-2008, 08:30 AM
and the last pictures

06-23-2008, 10:22 AM
Very nice pictures! Dereknor

06-23-2008, 06:07 PM
Thanks abunch, those are pretty good. I particularly like the little girl with the bug net.

06-25-2008, 08:17 AM
MiniBoi, do you know where we can find those reality tv shows or what they were called? I am very interested as I am sure others are too. Thanks

06-26-2008, 01:31 AM
MiniBoi, do you know where we can find those reality tv shows or what they were called? I am very interested as I am sure others are too. Thanks

I had a few of them, but then my backup hard drive crashed, now I use 2 backup hard drives.
The two best ones are from the UK show "I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!", where "Sophie Anderton" popped a ball with a very loud sound.
And from the show US "Fear Factor", and the reindeer testicles episode.
If you ever get some videos, please tell me.

06-26-2008, 04:31 AM

06-26-2008, 06:21 AM
Nice pics, thanks.

07-07-2008, 04:29 PM
Come on, there's gotta be more of this stuff!

07-08-2008, 02:31 PM

07-08-2008, 02:45 PM

This is the artist's site from above.


Minor G
05-05-2010, 02:05 AM
Sorry to drag this one up but I was watching a reality show called something like "Are you Tough enough". Was British and in one episode the challenge to stay with the group was to pop both on a reindeer. The dude who was to do it and stay or get sent home tried bit it was too tough. Was in Lapland or a similar place and that was the way they desexed their herd.