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"A judge has labelled a man who encouraged young girls to kick him in the groin a 'bizarre predator'.
News in from June 16th. How embarassing :o
That's why I kind of hate to be interested in bb as well. Seems like the rate of perverts is very high. I HATE to see men browsing girls places in the Internet and just randomly asking them to kick them in the balls.. It embarasses me. Can't they just leave them alone and handle it themselves?
Even if you don't have a girlfriend/whatever you can get kicked there without harrassing others if you want, that's for sure unless you're some nerd who can't even talk with girls..
"Last week, 28-year-old Jarrett Loft, of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, was sentenced to sixty days in jail simply for asking seven different women to kick him in the groin." :wooow:
06-23-2008, 11:25 AM
I agree, this kind of conduct makes us all look bad. Although, I don't think that he should have gotten the sentence that he did, for what he did (unless the women pressed charges of course). But I do think that anyone who trolls around asking women to do things to them are freaks and potential sexual predators.
There is fantasy, and there is reality, know the difference!
The sad thing is, if a lot of people who haven't heard about this only read stuff like this, "bizarre predators, pedophiles" and what not, the limit of asking even your girlfriend / similiar to kick you gets higher. Who would want to associate with those predators in the news?
If someone who hasn't heard about bb or even has thought it's funny to kick men in the groin now reads about him, she will probably think it's sick.
06-23-2008, 02:31 PM
The real issue here is not ballbusting but the fact that a man was naked with young girls while engaging in a sexual fetish. Even the judge said that if the man was with adult women this would not have been an issue. The man also paid them and gave them alcohol like they were hookers. This guy is a pedophile which is why he was thrown in jail, case closed.
The other article is about a guy asking for sexual favors from complete strangers. This could constitute prostitution but I doubt he would have gone to jail for it if somebody had not been offended and called the cops.
06-23-2008, 02:35 PM
Looks like he got off easy with those charges.
07-31-2008, 07:43 AM
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Spamming cunt.
07-31-2008, 09:49 PM
I have paid more than one outcall model (hooker) to kick me in the nuts, but none of them seemed to be into it. They would make a half-hearted attempt to kick me but it was nevert hard enough to really hurt. I need a woman who will dominate me and kick me in the nuts hard enough to make me groan and double up on the floor. Then kick me again when i am down and call me degradeing names, spit or maybe piss on me. Also she must be wearng pink or red (perferably pink my favorite color) high heeled fuck me sandals to grind into my little cock and squash it into the floor. I like women to use me, hurt me, laught at me and then take all my money.
07-31-2008, 11:28 PM
Oh my, I just love it when people post spam on web forums. As soon as I get done swallowing my hill-billy brother's semen, I'll post some more spam for you guys.
08-01-2008, 05:51 AM
what a sick legislation...
08-02-2008, 07:29 PM
The first two links were about a man who got underage children to bust him so he deserved it.
I think it was unfair on the second one though, he asked grown up women and never ****** them into anything. One of them took him up, the other 6 declined.
08-04-2008, 09:48 AM
Yeah, i agree. They should have put him in there for longer, because when he gets out as a registered sex offender, he's still a threat and cannot be trusted. I don't usually judge peoples looks, but seeing his picture in the article, the guy looks creepy. Even if I didn't know he was a pervert, I would NOT leave underage children with him.
iron horse
08-04-2008, 11:37 PM
The real issue here is not ballbusting but the fact that a man was naked with young girls while engaging in a sexual fetish. Even the judge said that if the man was with adult women this would not have been an issue. The man also paid them and gave them alcohol like they were hookers. This guy is a pedophile which is why he was thrown in jail, case closed.
The other article is about a guy asking for sexual favors from complete strangers. This could constitute prostitution but I doubt he would have gone to jail for it if somebody had not been offended and called the cops.
You're exactly right. The first situation was involvement of children in a sexual fetish. It was pedophilia - similar to if he wanted to molest them, do nude photography with them, have them watch him masturbate, etc. It just happened this guy had a BB fetish, and, exposed himself to them. It shouldn't be tagged to the fetish.
The second situation is dubious insofar as what law was broken - maybe some type of Canadian ordinance. It appeared to be about (and I'm guessing) sexual harassment of women he did not know in a public place. I think it was a bit extreme sentence as a commuted sentence, public service, probation, etc. would have been more appropriate. Again, it was not the BB fetish that was the could have been any sexual fetish or proposition that got him behind bars.
Ballbusting is becoming a more common place form of S&M fetishes and is not so strange to many anymore, thanks to the Internet that allows people to delve into their more extreme sides of sexual arousal.
08-06-2008, 09:33 PM
ya its best to know the whole story by the way...but the article is still interesting...
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