View Full Version : First aid after ball strike
06-28-2008, 06:28 PM
Spoof or is this for real?
Seen the jumping up and down bit done before at martial arts tournaments.
06-29-2008, 02:43 AM
all i can say is....LOL!!
06-29-2008, 06:33 AM
i know that the first kick was by a woman. but the main part of the video is of a guy putting his foot between the guy's legs who's been kicked, and except for the first second, the woman isn't even present anymore. so pleeeaaase, before you post such a video, you could at least warn everybody that it's m/m. this is an f/m site, and seeing something like this is a huge TURN OFF....for me and (i guess) for most others here. i'm absolutely pro-gay, but i am straight and i visit this site out of sexual reasons....and now i'm disgusted.
06-29-2008, 06:44 AM
I'm a bi-guy, I enjoyed this immensely.
06-29-2008, 07:29 AM
I'm a bi-guy, I enjoyed this immensely.
you, kickme000, are a bi-guy? ok.
06-29-2008, 02:35 PM
i know that the first kick was by a woman. but the main part of the video is of a guy putting his foot between the guy's legs who's been kicked, and except for the first second, the woman isn't even present anymore. so pleeeaaase, before you post such a video, you could at least warn everybody that it's m/m. this is an f/m site, and seeing something like this is a huge TURN OFF....for me and (i guess) for most others here. i'm absolutely pro-gay, but i am straight and i visit this site out of sexual reasons....and now i'm disgusted.
I worry about ANYONE that didnt see this as the spoof it was and if any person saw ANYTHING sexual in this then I would HAVE to say that they are either a closest homosexual or a homophobe
06-30-2008, 05:13 PM
I worry about ANYONE that didnt see this as the spoof it was and if any person saw ANYTHING sexual in this then I would HAVE to say that they are either a closest homosexual or a homophobe
i think you got me wrong. of course this was a spoof. but i visit this site not to look at videos that make me laugh. if i wanted to see something to laugh my ass off, i'd go on youtube and search for silly homevideos or stuff like that. but here i'm looking for bb-related things for ONLY ONE get turned on. maybe some people here also want to see funny videos, not hot videos. but i don't think i'm completely wrong by saying that most members here come to this site because they have a SEXUAL interest in it.
like i said before, i'm absolutely pro-gay. but it's like if my girlfriend came to me with another man and said she wanted to have a threesome with me & him....i would never ever do that, cause in my personal sexlife, there are no males allowed. simply because males turn me off. is this homobhobic? no.
you're right, this video wasn't meant to be ANYTHING sexual. but when i'm on and click on links to bb-related videos, i expect not to see a male in the role of the buster, since this is still a hetero-site, right? i get horny, visit this site to find something arousing, and then i see a man putting his foot between another man's legs....for me that's like attempting to watch a porn, and then realising it's a's a turn off, and therefore the opposite of this site's main purpose i guess.
so if someone posts an m/m video, no matter if it's meant as a joke or just as an information, or whatever....this someone should at least indicate it's m/m.
my opinion.
06-30-2008, 06:50 PM
I worry about ANYONE that didnt see this as the spoof it was and if any person saw ANYTHING sexual in this then I would HAVE to say that they are either a closest homosexual or a homophobe
spoof or not this is a sexual site. Most people would say to anyone on this site how can we find ball busting sexual. But we do. So don't try to play it off as nothing sexual. I saw something sexual in it and if you want to believe i'm afraid of you i guess i can believe you are afraid of black people.
07-02-2008, 07:14 AM
like i said before, i'm absolutely pro-gay. but it's like if my girlfriend came to me with another man and said she wanted to have a threesome with me & him....i would never ever do that, cause in my personal sexlife, there are no males allowed. simply because males turn me off. is this homobhobic? no.
Actually, I think that is very homophobic. If something turns you off, it means you're averse to it, and if men turn you off, that means you're homophobic. You don't get turned off by watching normal things, you simply don't get turned on. Besides, who says you have to do the man as well in a threesome, often is is just the two of you doing the same woman at the same time.
07-02-2008, 06:28 PM
[quote=Dernholm;49016] You don't get turned off by watching normal things, you simply don't get turned on.
It's not normal.
07-03-2008, 07:24 AM
Actually, I think that is very homophobic. If something turns you off, it means you're averse to it, and if men turn you off, that means you're homophobic. You don't get turned off by watching normal things, you simply don't get turned on. Besides, who says you have to do the man as well in a threesome, often is is just the two of you doing the same woman at the same time.
sorry, but that's just NOT TRUE. it's up to everyone's selves who and what turns them on. i also don't feel attracted to animals. does that mean i'm averse to animals? and i guess the thought of being intimate with your grandma turns you off, right? does that mean you hate her?
you say if men turn me off, that means i'm homophobic. that's one of the dumbest statements i've heard in a while. "homo" does not come from the latin word "homo" for "man", it comes from the greek word for "same"....homophobic means having fear of same sex relationships. according to your logic, i couldn't have any male friends, cause they turn me off.
excuse me, but what you wrote is a huge load of bullshit and totally clueless. i can't believe how dumb that was.
07-03-2008, 07:35 AM
You don't get turned off by watching normal things, you simply don't get turned on.
1.) maybe YOU don't get turned off. but when I'M with a girl and i'm turned on, and suddenly i see a man's cock, or a man is touching me in an intimate way, then i get turned off again.
2.) "normal things", ok. but for me, as a bb-fetishist, a video with ballkicks in it, whether it's meant as something sexual or not, is something special for me. and on this site, i'm only here to feed my sexual fantasies. so it's not like watching a tv-show or's a sexual act for me, and as someone who doesn't feel attracted to men, a man involved in such a thing, is completly out of place for me. period.
07-03-2008, 03:52 PM
I am quite puzzled by the hostile replies. Being a homophobe doesn't mean you hate gay people. If you fear water that doesn't mean you hate it. It just means you feel bad around water. And the origin of a word is meaningless, because in this context homophobe means the fear of having sexual relations with a person of your gender.
A friendship is hugely different from a sexual relationship, and as such homophobia has nothing at all to do with it. Also, being sexually turned off is a very different thing from disliking something in itself. And not being sexually turned on does not mean the same thing as being turned off. If I'm turned on and I look around the room, and see red walls, that neither turns me on or off, but if I see a pile of shit, that turns me off. That doesn't mean I hate or fear shit, it just means that I feel it is sexually disgusting. The word phobia has many uses and meanings.
Based on what I have said, you have homophobia from my point of view. Am I the final verdict on this matter? Of course not, and as such, as I seem to have offended you, I apoligize. Let us move on to more brighter things, shall we?
07-05-2008, 06:05 PM
I am quite puzzled by the hostile replies. Being a homophobe doesn't mean you hate gay people. If you fear water that doesn't mean you hate it. It just means you feel bad around water. And the origin of a word is meaningless, because in this context homophobe means the fear of having sexual relations with a person of your gender.
A friendship is hugely different from a sexual relationship, and as such homophobia has nothing at all to do with it. Also, being sexually turned off is a very different thing from disliking something in itself. And not being sexually turned on does not mean the same thing as being turned off. If I'm turned on and I look around the room, and see red walls, that neither turns me on or off, but if I see a pile of shit, that turns me off. That doesn't mean I hate or fear shit, it just means that I feel it is sexually disgusting. The word phobia has many uses and meanings.
Based on what I have said, you have homophobia from my point of view. Am I the final verdict on this matter? Of course not, and as such, as I seem to have offended you, I apoligize. Let us move on to more brighter things, shall we?
this time i mainly agree with you. but a straight male who gets turned off by gay sex, isn't automatically a homophobe. you're right, the origin of the word doesn't mean that much our today's society, the word "homophobia" is usually a discription for people who think that same sex relationships are wrong in general, not for people who only feel sexually disgusted by same sex intimacy in their own privat sex life. and i am definitely the latter.
07-05-2008, 06:47 PM
most members here come to this site because they have a SEXUAL interest in it.
True, so less debating, more sexual talk :)
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