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View Full Version : Psuedo psychology book with "domination" causes....

07-15-2008, 07:40 PM

This "reverend" woman is some kind of new age sex therapist. In this book (p 55, 56, 58) the case of a man who wants women to torture his genitalia is discussed. Therein, it talks about how his sister's friend kicked him in the balls, how his sister asked his mother "If she could kick him somewhere else" after the mother threatened to kick his ass, how he got an errection after his sister slapped him in the face during a fight. Normally, I would just say "meh" to this and try to glean some insight. But the therapist somehow came to the conclusion that he really wanted to fcuk his mother, and how he should be thankful for all of the genital threats and how he should indulge his desire to be tortured. Kids/adolescents have no control over that shit, to me, that is like telling a woman that she should be greatful that someone molested her and that she should indulge her need to be tied up and so on. Anyways, thought you all might be interested.

07-15-2008, 07:48 PM
This is interesting thanks.

Castratrix's pet
07-15-2008, 11:40 PM
I see none66666's point. Something doesn't sound right to me about this "therapist" and her line of thinking. I wonder if this therapist is dragging around a bunch of emotional and psychological problems of her own.