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View Full Version : Woman what do you think of male chastity cages

08-06-2008, 12:19 PM
What would you think of guys having to by law wear male chastity cages?

Do you think it would make guys act better and make crime go down too?

What about mixing BallBusting with guys wear male chastity cages?

Do you woman think it would be fun to having guys in male chastity cage?

Pic of me in a males chastity cage ( CB-3000).

http://www.likemynudebody.com/nude/uploads/img44b4c35163786.jpg (javascript:void(0);)

08-06-2008, 01:02 PM
very cool pic. sure, these would be a good idea. anything to control us boys and our out of control weiners and balls!!

08-06-2008, 01:52 PM
You should get your wife to get one for you. They are GREAT FUN.


08-06-2008, 02:07 PM
how does it work exactly, what does it feel like and does it hurt? where do u get one of these? do u think my wife would enjoy having that on me? How would that benefit her? do u think she would laugh at my caged up male genitalia?

08-06-2008, 02:25 PM
I have one similar, it is cool but can pinch you terribly when you're putting it on, and then (i know thats how its designed) its pretty uncomfortable to wear.

I don't mind (and in fact like) wearing it while we're playing, but as to having it underneath my clothes or on for a few hours, i hate it and find it not sexy at all.

i got mine from "extreme restraints" i believe.

08-06-2008, 10:41 PM
they would be great for like idk a punishment maybe a serial ****** or somethin kinda like a probation lol

08-19-2008, 10:16 AM
balls busted and not allowed to cum....thats intense.

08-19-2008, 04:53 PM
What happens if you get an erection though?

08-19-2008, 05:28 PM
A guy can't get a hard on in the male chastity cage. His dick try's to get hard and grow but there is no room. So it just hurts when you start to get hard and grow so you have to try to not get a hard on. But if you do it HURT so you have to try to make your dick go back solfed again.:(

Hope that ansers your Q.

So what do any of the woman think of it?

08-19-2008, 06:03 PM
So this male chastity cage (CB-3000), make it so a guy can’t get a hard on or touch his dick and can’t cum because he can’t get a hard on. You need to find the right ring size in the box you get a few different sizes. So you just need to find the ring size that makes it so you can’t get out (it should fit TIGHT). The ring can pinch some skin then it REALLY hurts so you just need to try to put in on when your ball are very lose. I think your wife would love it she can now control ever thinks about your dick. She tells you when you can cum or get a hard on and she can bust your ball with it on too. She will laugh her ass off, she can teas you as much as she like and it hurts you and all you can do is try not to get hard and do any thing she wants you to do.

I hope that helps you out, Frank

08-19-2008, 06:52 PM
So this male chastity cage (CB-3000), make it so a guy can’t get a hard on or touch his dick and can’t cum because he can’t get a hard on. You need to find the right ring size in the box you get a few different sizes. So you just need to find the ring size that makes it so you can’t get out (it should fit TIGHT). The ring can pinch some skin then it REALLY hurts so you just need to try to put in on when your ball are very lose. I think your wife would love it she can now control ever thinks about your dick. She tells you when you can cum or get a hard on and she can bust your ball with it on too. She will laugh her ass off, she can teas you as much as she like and it hurts you and all you can do is try not to get hard and do any thing she wants you to do.

I hope that helps you out, Frank

say as a woman who enjoys c.b.t that I do enjoy using the cage and leaving it on. I enjoy the power and the subservience. I wholly agree with this statement.

08-20-2008, 09:11 AM
say as a woman who enjoys c.b.t that I do enjoy using the cage and leaving it on. I enjoy the power and the subservience. I wholly agree with this statement.
Georgia is on my mind...:ibow4u:

08-20-2008, 04:38 PM
How do you pee with a chastity belt on? Is it easy/difficult? Does it make a mess? I also read somewhere that a guy has to it to pee when wearing one.

Can anyone answer these from experience?

08-21-2008, 02:06 AM
I had a friend who let me lock him up in one of these cages for a week. He was very submissive and I great fun tormenting him for the week. I think they are great fun.


08-21-2008, 06:07 AM
Yes I am aswering from experience. That is me wearing the male chastity cage in the pic and I have had it on for a day at a time with have it taken off at night.

So yes a guy can pee with model of chastity cage I have (CB-3000), it has a opening for you to pee throw. You have to sit on to pee and the odd time a little pee runs down your balls, witch is easy to wipe off.

Hope that answers your Q

08-21-2008, 06:11 AM
I love to hear of woman useing a chastity cage on guys!!!!

Would you do it agian?

I would love for you to lock me up any time :D .

Did you do any ball busting with your friend when he had it on?

Bye for now Frank

08-21-2008, 03:09 PM
this is very fun to lock guy in CB3000 :)



08-21-2008, 03:11 PM
what if u get an itch on your cock? lol :P

08-21-2008, 08:26 PM
Wow that looks like it would suck so bad! Guess I'm going to have to get put into one and find out haha

08-22-2008, 03:07 AM
what if u get an itch on your cock? lol :P

It scratched with a needle knitting
You can give a big kick or a punch in the nuts and finished the itch and this session is going in great session of cbt :) :D

10-02-2008, 11:48 AM
you can continue using the cage, after awhile you can decrease the size of the cage, over time the penis begines to schink

10-09-2008, 08:38 PM
i have been looking at these for awhile but i don't think the wife would be into it.

10-11-2008, 08:15 AM
My wife and I have involved chastity as well as FemDom for years. Real chastity is definately not for everyone but for some it can be very rewarding and can help to produce a very submissive male.

The mass market devices are generally poorly made for true long term wearability and are also generally not secure without modification. I have found I can get out of any of the CB thousand ones in under a minute at least far enough to masturbate and then get back in. Mistress Lori makes some which cost a lot and are again poorly made, very heavy tube designs. If you are going to buy any of these design you should go into it understanding that they are really toys rather than truely effective and wearable chastity devices unless of course you don't have a job, don't like to move around much, don't mind constant discomfort of the genitals and wear baggy clothing 24/7.

The best one I have ever found requires a urethral reroute piercing and a special device that should be able to be worn long term. There is one company out there that can make this style as well as other custom designs to your specifications. You can find them at http://www.steelwerksextreme.com/

At the end of the day though I have found that what works best for me is a reverse frenum ladder piercing to remind me of the commitment I made to serve my wife in chastity. My wife did my frenum piercing for me BTW, which gives it added significance. It is hard sometimes, but I have been chastised as long as a year and a half this way and am currently at 5 months. Ball Kicking is a great help too :)

10-20-2008, 07:18 AM
It scratched with a needle knitting
You can give a big kick or a punch in the nuts and finished the itch and this session is going in great session of cbt :) :D

You are so hot.

10-24-2008, 02:30 AM
I like to locked my Maso because he are so wiser with me, i can make every things with him after a long period chastity

11-08-2008, 10:10 PM
you can continue using the cage, after awhile you can decrease the size of the cage, over time the penis begines to schink

That's pretty hot. Even if you stop using a chastity belt, if you've used one long enough, the penis won't be as long as it used to be? If so, then, even without the enforced dominance of a cage, there will still be that reminder, that things can never be the same again.

Just in case I ever find myself in one, how long does it take before you notice "shrinkage"?

11-28-2008, 10:10 AM
That's pretty hot. Even if you stop using a chastity belt, if you've used one long enough, the penis won't be as long as it used to be? If so, then, even without the enforced dominance of a cage, there will still be that reminder, that things can never be the same again.

Just in case I ever find myself in one, how long does it take before you notice "shrinkage"?

Posting here makes your cock shrink. Don't look in the mirror!