View Full Version : story-follow the rules!

08-12-2008, 10:43 PM
Follow the rules!

When my parents retired they decided to move to Jamaica, leaving my sister Amy, 16 and myself, Mickey, 20 to run the small neighborhood party store they opened over 20 years ago. Dad had been in the military and had a very structured and regulated way of raising his children and running his business. Amy and I ran the place together as virtually equal partners, although I actually had 51% stake for voting purposes on any conflicts. The conflicts were few because of the structured way the business was set up. Dad had left us a list of rules that were never to be violated and some that were open to discussion and possible change. Among the set in stone rules were obvious ones like absolutely no bare feet allowed on the floor at any time and to avoid repetitive problems with people without enough money we were forbidden from letting someone leave with anything if they were even a penny short, unless of course we wanted to put the money in the register for them.

Our store, D & D party store, was about 2 miles from the high school and one mile from the beach meaning we got tested on the no bare feet rule regularly and also from Amy’s schoolmates and former schoolmates of mine tested on the pay in full rule. Dad’s other main rule was to never dispute anything said by your coworker in front of a customer (for dad his only coworker was mom, and for me it’s just Amy), just do what they say and discuss it later.

Well I don’t know what Amy was thinking but she called me upfront while I was supposed to be stocking the cooler with pop and beer. When I got up front she said her friends Katie and Jen were on their way to the beach and didn’t have shoes. I immediately started to explain a rule she knew quite well when she said
“I know they can’t step on the floor with their pretty little feet but if you lay down right here lengthwise they can stand on you to reach the counter it’s only a couple of feet from the door.”

Katie and Jen were giggling standing in the doorway as I looked up but noticed they were in bikinis. They were both hot Katie was 5’4” about 110 lbs. and blonde, while Jen was very petite smoking redhead 5’1”
90 lbs. I was stunned looking at the girls and about to tell Amy off when I remembered dad’s no disputes in front of customers. I wanted to impress these two hot young girls and I guess taking both of them standing on me would be better than arguing with my sister, so I laid down with my feet towards the door and the cash register in front of my chest.

“Thanks Amy for rolling out the dork carpet for us.” Jen said as she stepped on my leg and moved up making room for Katie to step on. Jen had her feet on my upper chest and I could just get a faint hint of the dirt she had picked up walking around barefoot. Katie stepped forward and accidentally (?!!) stepped right on my balls.

“Oops, I think I may have misstepped on your dork carpet” Katie said with a laugh as I became assured that I would be impressing these girls from under their feet, what was I thinking?

Amy was laughing with them not exactly hurrying them along. After a couple of minutes of talk she finally asked them what they wanted. They asked for 2 bags of ice and 2 packs of cigarettes.

“That’s $ 13.55“ Amy said. Jen stepped on the side of my face as she reached in her pink fanny pack.
“Shit” she said “I only have 13 dollars I put all my change in a jar at home.”

“You’ll have to put something back.” I said causing Jen to put her foot back on my chest and step off my head, maybe she didn’t know she had stepped on my face.

”Shut up!!” Katie said with a devastating stomp that caught my left nut squarely. “Amy can’t you let us go?”

“No I’m sorry I have to put the exact amount of money in the register, but…….” she paused I’m sure for my benefit “…..I can put it in for you if you’ll do me a favor.”

“Sure whatever you want.”

“Okay Jen take 2 steps to your left” she did which put both of her feet on my face “ and Katie remember what we did first in gym class today if you can do 10 of those I’ll put in your change for you.”

Katie said “Are you sure you want me doing that here?”

Amy looked over the counter and said “Actually one step to your left”

“You’re evil” Jen said as she laughed hard enough for me to feel her body sway a bit on my face.

Katie said “Sorry Mickey but I need those smokes and that ice.” Then I realized one step to her left put her right on my crotch again. For reasons beyond my control or understanding I was hard as a rock under her warm dirty bare foot. “Wow, I take back that apology you dirty fucker getting hard at work in front of, or underneath actually, a customer. Okay Amy just for you.”

I realized what they did first in gym class after Katie did her first jumping jack on me. I was still hard despite, or maybe because of, the pummeling my balls took under Katie’s feet.

When Katie stepped out the door, Jen stepped off my face and started towards the door I realized there was another pair of dirty bare feet dangling over my face. “Hey Mickey I was only barefoot behind the counter…” she leaped off the counter onto my face “but since you’re here I won’t break any rules leaving out the front …. No bare feet on the floor it’s disgusting don’t you think.” As she went on about bare feet being gross she continued to grind hers on my face.

“Try hopping on his balls Amy” Katie said as if it was a new fad, and I guess it was.

“Customer’s always right!!!” Amy said as she bounced on my balls 3 times giggling as I thought my 51 %
Didn’t mean anything against this clever girl, my sister, who followed the rules to the letter. I had a feeling I would be laying in front of the counter a lot from now on and good thing I was finding out I liked being trampled and kicked in the balls, as I would be getting that a lot as well.

08-12-2008, 10:56 PM
nice story are you making another?

08-23-2008, 09:10 PM
This was just a quick story from an idea I had bounced around for a while.
I hadn't thought of a follow up but if I get some ideas I will post them.

08-23-2008, 09:40 PM
That was an awesome story! I would love for you to make a part 2, maybe add a little more detail.

08-24-2008, 07:44 PM
Yes, that was a great story. Lookig forward if there is more.