View Full Version : Need Some Advice On Copeing With My Fetish!
Jammy james
08-20-2008, 09:26 AM
i was wondering if someone could give me some advice on copeing with a situation thats stressing me out which is related to my ballbusting and humiliation fetish... :confused:
the situation is that i have this girlfreind which happens to be my longest relationship, and i feel very comfortable around her, but she seems to moan alot about things (as women do) and she will never take me seriously and constantly thinks im taking the piss.
I enjoy having sexual intercourse with her, but it dont do it for me in terms of sexual excitement as much as my fetish's do. I once told her on fone briefly about my fetish's, but i think she took it as a joke, and she got a bit mad with me, and next day wen i saw her she acted as if i neva sed it.
I dont know wat to do, i know she does like the idea of humiliating men and soft ballbusting, but she dosn't do it in the way i want, for example if she ever gets moody with me or wants my attention she will always go for the balls, and she admited that she does like seeing me in pain because of it sometimes and it seems to make her smile.
My question is... how can i go about telling her without her thinking im joking or thinking im wierd, or if that cant be done, how can i get her to do ballbusting during sex, what ideas have the rest of you come up with for gf's???
what ever ideas u have, let me know!! ;)
08-20-2008, 10:22 AM
i was wondering if someone could give me some advice on copeing with a situation thats stressing me out which is related to my ballbusting and humiliation fetish... :confused:
the situation is that i have this girlfreind which happens to be my longest relationship, and i feel very comfortable around her, but she seems to moan alot about things (as women do) and she will never take me seriously and constantly thinks im taking the piss.
I enjoy having sexual intercourse with her, but it dont do it for me in terms of sexual excitement as much as my fetish's do. I once told her on fone briefly about my fetish's, but i think she took it as a joke, and she got a bit mad with me, and next day wen i saw her she acted as if i neva sed it.
I dont know wat to do, i know she does like the idea of humiliating men and soft ballbusting, but she dosn't do it in the way i want, for example if she ever gets moody with me or wants my attention she will always go for the balls, and she admited that she does like seeing me in pain because of it sometimes and it seems to make her smile.
My question is... how can i go about telling her without her thinking im joking or thinking im wierd, or if that cant be done, how can i get her to do ballbusting during sex, what ideas have the rest of you come up with for gf's???
what ever ideas u have, let me know!! ;)
...what your specific fetish is...but I would suggest starting out slow. Like if she is going down on you suggest using her teeth a little, like scraping them on your penis or chewing on the head and that might lead to full on biting. Or if shes stroking you, suggest that she squeezes your balls while she does it. You'll have to work slowly if shes not really into it, but remember that I'm sure she wants attention from you in different ways than you want attention from her and its not really a fair exchange unless you are both giving in your sexual matters. Be sure to reward her with something she likes that maybe you don't normally do if she does the same for you.
Jammy james
08-21-2008, 11:42 AM
...what your specific fetish is...but I would suggest starting out slow. Like if she is going down on you suggest using her teeth a little, like scraping them on your penis or chewing on the head and that might lead to full on biting. Or if shes stroking you, suggest that she squeezes your balls while she does it. You'll have to work slowly if shes not really into it, but remember that I'm sure she wants attention from you in different ways than you want attention from her and its not really a fair exchange unless you are both giving in your sexual matters. Be sure to reward her with something she likes that maybe you don't normally do if she does the same for you.
ok kool, thnx for that ;)
i read this last nite and i gave some of it a try, i told her to squeez my balls now and again, and she did, but only briefly, i didnt know wat else to say, she seemed to enjoy it to much tho, as in she didnt do it playfully she just squeezed them rely hard, crazy woman!
ill try some other things when i next see her. which will be in a few days cuz im gonna be on an away trip.
till then any1 else got any ideas?? :D
08-21-2008, 12:09 PM
i recomend sitting AFTER sex and talking to her about some things you have wanted to try make it a shareing session encourage her to share as well ... dont just make it and I WANT talk ... make it a lets share some fantasies talk ... tell her some of the things you have wanted her to do or try and ask her how she feels about them ... then have her share some wants and desires with you ..
this Meet 2 of the relationship brownie point checkmarks ... Intamacy after sex ... and Open comunication between partners .
one more thing if its something you like and something that you get pleasure from DONT let it be something that makes you feel embarrased ... as you can see there are LOTS of people that have this and other Equally intresting Fetishes ... you should never feel ashamed or embarrased to Share a desire with your lover. If she makes fun of you or is repulsed then shes not the lover you need to be with. Way to often i meet people that are not happy in there relationships becuse the people they are with dont like or approve of the things that make them happy ( example .. If you like to play video games and computer games MARRY some one that likes video games and computer games.) If they dont share your likes and hobbies there going to grow to resent them and it will become a dividing point in the relationship that will drive you apart .
So be open HONEST expressive and receptive. tell her what you want and like find out what hidden secrets she has been hiding and fantasizing about and try to share the experiance of learning more about each other.
08-22-2008, 09:47 PM
i think its a good i idea to keep goin or tell her if she enjoys it im sure she'd want to...the thing is all my gf's ive told tried it and all get into it and then they got more into it then me so i dont know...
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