View Full Version : 2005 the BEST YEAR FOR THIS SITE.... monika ????

08-31-2008, 04:04 AM
j am a fan of this site since 2004 and j can seay that the best shot were realysed in 2005!!!!!
J am sure that the best model that this site has ever had are ANGEL, MONIKA HELENA ( just in this order).
J am not talking only about their beauty but also about the fact that they were very confident... these 3 girls allways knewed were the camera was! Just compare the shot done with this 3 girls and you will say j m right

J wrote about this to kelly and she answeared very gently that it is not possible to do allways shot with the same content in my opinion when you reach perfection you do not have to change!!! WINNING TEAM SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED

My question is this is it possibible to buy all the shot af this 3 ladies that were not published???
In the future will we see again this ladies doing so much shot as in the 2005 ???

best regards