View Full Version : The Ultimate: Ball hanging outside nutsack
09-17-2008, 09:49 PM
:Baahaha: :eek: I'm sure someone here wanted to see this:
A week later:
09-18-2008, 03:05 PM
Was that you? What promted this? Vasectomy? Thats scary stuff but interesting anyway.
09-18-2008, 05:34 PM
What the fuck is wrong with you!? Take that shit DOWN
09-18-2008, 06:59 PM
Would like to see you do that with your brain if any
09-18-2008, 09:18 PM
:rolleyes: I ain't me you dumbasses (no offense Magnum)! With all the crap people ask for on this forum that has nothing to do with ball busting, I figured someone wanted to see it...duh, you looked!
But it did come from the web, where all things bizarre live. There are thousands of viewers in this forum going to threads about **********, severe torture, crushing to name it.
I have more respect for my balls, thank you.
Bust on, brothers! :Baahaha: :wooow
09-19-2008, 08:48 AM
Pictures are gone now?
09-19-2008, 02:20 PM
Christ. I ignored him. ********** and opening the sac are WAAAY different from ballbusting.
09-19-2008, 05:41 PM
Ewwwwwww! Now they're back up. That's too weird. Never seen something like that before.
09-19-2008, 05:53 PM
I don't understand...Why would you click on a thread titled "Ball hanging outside nutsack" if you thought the idea was gross or didn't want to see it?
Castratrix's pet
09-19-2008, 06:19 PM
There is a very big difference between fantasy and reality, also between playing safe and playing stupid. Those pics look like someone who doesn't know the difference between fantasy and reality, and so they have played stupid. Any kind of cutting like in those pics for real is stupid because it can make you end up dead.
09-19-2008, 07:47 PM
I absolutely agree that playing safe is the way to go. Whether it's a play session, piercing, tattoo etc.
To claim that you may end up dead is...for the most part...uneducated, scare tactic language. I have known many people who have done ball exposure...NONE of them has died (or had any problems) because they did it in a safe way.
Could they/someone have an infection due to this type of play? Absolutely! But please explain that in your comment.
I'd like to know of someone you know who died from such a thing...list their name(s) please... if not someone you know...send me a newspaper link from anywhere in the world...
I'm not saying the masses should engage in extreme play but i can't stand when the uneducated cry "DEATH" with no basis...
Safety is essential and just plain smart...but really...don't cry's embarrising...
Castratrix's pet
09-19-2008, 08:37 PM
Ok, perhaps refering to it being life threatening and using words like "death" is going a bit too far. I think unless you use proper sterile technique you could risk getting an infection that could easily become life threatening. You are working very close to some major blood vessiles so you could have major bleeding. If you damage the blood supply to a testicle and tissue starts to die you could get gangrene.
What I'm really saying in all this is that if you are going to play please please play safe. Things like ball exposure seem to me like something that is very unsafe and not worth the risk. Before you play you should think about what you are really doing and how you are playing.
09-19-2008, 09:54 PM
I would be certain he did not use good sterile technique. No gloves. No sterile drape. Also, the most common prep is betadine which leaves a brown residue. (there are some clear ones in use). He may have used "clean". I know with healthy individuals, clean technique works 90% of the time. (but the other 10% sucks).
I once saw an infection so bad the entire scrotum had to be removed. Interestingly, one testicle survived. To keep it alive while the main infection was cleared, they made an incision down his leg and tucked it there until the plastic surgeons could build a new scrotum (of sorts)
09-19-2008, 10:01 PM
DEATH! Uh, yeah.
09-19-2008, 10:46 PM
What I'm really saying in all this is that if you are going to play please please play safe. Things like ball exposure seem to me like something that is very unsafe and not worth the risk. Before you play you should think about what you are really doing and how you are playing.
agreed. :)
09-20-2008, 01:05 PM
I am happy to see this pics posted. Even I would not take the risc to cut someones sac open, it is still a fantasy of mines....
I believe it is about wanting to know what is behind the cover. Being curious....y'know?
If someone has a problem with the pics he should just leave this thread....
BTW: I don't even believe this is so absolutely dangerous...
(What about cutting someones stomach open in hospital? If I was a doc I would prefer cutting open the sac. It's way more easy! I have a friend who is a doctor in a hospital and she says that a ********** is a very, very pleasant operation (for the doc!)
BTW2: You can easyli die driving in your car.....(I could! post thousands of names.....:Baahaha: )
09-20-2008, 06:59 PM
I have a friend who is a doctor in a hospital and she says that a ********** is a very, very pleasant operation (for the doc!)
how do you mean that precisely?
she enjoys ********** men ?as a Doc?
09-21-2008, 01:04 PM
how do you mean that precisely?
she enjoys ********** men ?as a Doc?
Well, no and yes:
She doesen't enjoy it sexually (i think), but she likes this kind of surgery(is this the right word???) as a work. Same as maybe a Truck driver prefers to drive to one country instead of another.
She says it is a very comfortable kind of earning money....
09-21-2008, 01:21 PM
Well, no and yes:
She doesen't enjoy it sexually (i think), but she likes this kind of surgery(is this the right word???) as a work. Same as maybe a Truck driver prefers to drive to one country instead of another.
She says it is a very comfortable kind of earning money....
but comfortable?doing operations?
does she call that comfortable ....
I would other things consider as comfortable :-)
as long as she is doing her job well.
a girlfriend of mine once asked a surgeon"I read that all surgeons are sadists ,is that true?".
that man's answer:"haven't we all got a sadist inside of our selves?".
well I am not like that .that I know for sure.
09-21-2008, 02:03 PM
Ballbusting to the normal person probably seems disgusting to a degree. most ask why anyone would want to be kicked in the balls. So to those who are being judgemental about Thornapple posting these pics should think again. Somebody on this board probably enjoys it. I don't get turned on by this but think it interesting anyway. So, if ya don't like it just move along. BTW, thanks for the pic Thornapple.
09-21-2008, 02:24 PM
Ballbusting to the normal person probably seems disgusting to a degree. most ask why anyone would want to be kicked in the balls. So to those who are being judgemental about Thornapple posting these pics should think again. Somebody on this board probably enjoys it. I don't get turned on by this but think it interesting anyway. So, if ya don't like it just move along. BTW, thanks for the pic Thornapple.
I have no problems seeing a testicle/testicles out of the scrotum.
not at all
Castratrix's pet
09-21-2008, 04:20 PM
I have no problems seeing a testicle/testicles out of the scrotum.
not at all
The problem is not about seeing a testicle/testicles outside of the scrotum. The problem is when someone like the guy in these pictures does things that involve uneccesary risk and danger. There is a point where fantasy ends and reality begins and things like cutting open your scrotum goes way over that line.
This guy probably has little or no medical knowledge, he is not in a place that's sterile like a hospital operating room so he could get a really nasty infection.
For some guy with a femdom ********** fantasy, having a woman or a couple of women roleplay or act out a mock ********** on you is one thing. Cutting open your scrotum for real, that just goes way over the line.
Castratrix's pet
09-21-2008, 04:27 PM
Well, no and yes:
She doesen't enjoy it sexually (i think), but she likes this kind of surgery(is this the right word???) as a work. Same as maybe a Truck driver prefers to drive to one country instead of another.
She says it is a very comfortable kind of earning money....
I have wondered what a woman surgeon whose work involves urology thinks and feels when she performs a **********, prostatectomy, or penectomy that is done for medical reasons or when she performs a vasectomy. I wonder if there are any women surgeons who do these operations and actually enjoy them sexually and also get a powertrip out of doing it. The same questions about a woman veterinarian when she is neutering a male animal. I've also wondered what a woman like that would be like, her personality, what she would be like to be around or in a relationship.
09-21-2008, 04:37 PM
The problem is not about seeing a testicle/testicles outside of the scrotum. The problem is when someone like the guy in these pictures does things that involve uneccesary risk and danger. There is a point where fantasy ends and reality begins and things like cutting open your scrotum goes way over that line.
This guy probably has little or no medical knowledge, he is not in a place that's sterile like a hospital operating room so he could get a really nasty infection.
For some guy with a femdom ********** fantasy, having a woman or a couple of women roleplay or act out a mock ********** on you is one thing. Cutting open your scrotum for real, that just goes way over the line.
for you it is way over line for him it is not.
for others ballbusting is for the insane.
for you probably it is not.
everybody's limits are different.
I am more worried about animals being abused.they have no way of saying no.they don't ask for strange/extreme human fantasies.
and a doctor who gets excited/thrilled from ********** a person while doing his/her job I consider it unprofessional and unethical.people want to be taken care of by a serious,sincere person.not someone who gets kicks out of "mutilating" other people .
09-22-2008, 02:06 PM
for you it is way over line for him it is not.
for others ballbusting is for the insane.
for you probably it is not.
everybody's limits are different.
exactly, everyone has to draw his own line
09-22-2008, 02:10 PM
but comfortable?doing operations?
does she call that comfortable ....
I would other things consider as comfortable :-)
as long as she is doing her job well.
a girlfriend of mine once asked a surgeon"I read that all surgeons are sadists ,is that true?".
that man's answer:"haven't we all got a sadist inside of our selves?".
well I am not like that .that I know for sure.
What is your job?
Do you like it?
I for myself can say that I like my job very much, even if others don't think that way. If a med doesn't like a OP: Is she/he right in this position?
She told me that she likes doing castrations most of all OPs because it is a simple and rather clean thing. If there is any sexuality involved in that judgement? I don't know. Some things you better not ask!
09-22-2008, 03:02 PM
What is your job?
Do you like it?
I for myself can say that I like my job very much, even if others don't think that way. If a med doesn't like a OP: Is she/he right in this position?
She told me that she likes doing castrations most of all OPs because it is a simple and rather clean thing. If there is any sexuality involved in that judgement? I don't know. Some things you better not ask!
there is quite some difference between liking a job or getting sexual kicks out of ********** a man doing her job.
which I consider rather distasteful to say the least.out of place.unethical.
she is there to help that man ,not indulge into pervers fantasies.
yes I like my job.but no more than that.
a soldier who "loves" to kill other people I consider as a sick/morbid person as well.yes.
no excuse.
hello Germany,especially you have to have some reserved attitude into this.
seen the past.
all those Nazi's love to torture people those camps.Nazi doctors.
is it in the Germans ?being sadist.
don't wanna know how your girlfriend will be in wartime.
a German Lyndie England in quadrate?
well maybe it's none of that and is she not like that at all.
I do not know either Tinchen.just like you.
09-22-2008, 09:34 PM
woo hoo - hanging balls : ) :D
I see some people here are afraid to face the real balls XD :Baahaha:
I have to admit though it's not for the faint of heart.
And as for everyone who is saying "why would you even post that" and ew it's disgusting; i ask you, why would you click on a thread named "ball hanging out of nutsack"... spare us the pretence.
This is the human body, in it's bear form, embrace it. :thumbup
09-27-2008, 02:31 AM
The first time I saw these pics I couldn't get past the first one without turning my head. Now I don't mind so much. I would never do this myself. The first time I saw these pics they brought feelings I couldn't describe. Fear mostly. It was kinda like if you take something apart and try to put it back together, like an old clock. If something doesn't go back right, you're like "oops". If this doesn't go back right you're like "OH HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Anyway, if I didn't want to see it I wouldn't have looked.
On a lighter note, it reminds me of a Nine Inch Nails song that says
"Now I'm somewhere I'm not supposed to be
And I can see things I know I really shouldn't see
Now I know why, now I know why
Things aren't as pretty......on the inside."
I'm sure he wasn't writing about something like this. lol.
09-28-2008, 03:58 AM
its just ugly
09-28-2008, 02:11 PM
I don't know that making a small incision in the sack and leting a ball hang out is any more dangerous than piercings, tattoos, body modifications etc. Any one of them can result in an infection. I have a family member that got a nasty staff infection from the hospital they had surgery in. As a matter of fact it's probably more dangerous to get in your car and drive every day than letting a ball hang out. To each their own.
09-30-2008, 12:31 PM
there is quite some difference between liking a job or getting sexual kicks out of ********** a man doing her job.
which I consider rather distasteful to say the least.out of place.unethical.
she is there to help that man ,not indulge into pervers fantasies.
yes I like my job.but no more than that.
a soldier who "loves" to kill other people I consider as a sick/morbid person as well.yes.
no excuse.
hello Germany,especially you have to have some reserved attitude into this.
seen the past.
all those Nazi's love to torture people those camps.Nazi doctors.
is it in the Germans ?being sadist.
don't wanna know how your girlfriend will be in wartime.
a German Lyndie England in quadrate?
well maybe it's none of that and is she not like that at all.
I do not know either Tinchen.just like you.
Did you read my posts?
I have to quote again:
"She doesen't enjoy it sexually"
So, before you compare my friend with a Perverted nazi Doctor you should better read my posts and seperate truth from your insane fantasies!
Another thing: As I mentioned in previous posts as well: I am European, and for the German Part: Don't mix up things that don't belong together. This is just your insane mind. I don't know where you are from, and after your last post I don't even want to know! But look in your own history for crimes comitted by your Parents, Grandparents and so on.
I know you would not be happy being confronted with crimes you didn't comit. So am I.
I am really In a rage abouth your last post, and now I can understand why the other female posters are leaving this place!
You are not only insuling a person you don't know (my friend) , you are also insulting me, my family, my children, and so on!
Better think about your present than abouth othr peoples past!
I don't want to read such shit in tis place anymore - I don't have to!
09-30-2008, 04:33 PM
Did you read my posts?
I have to quote again:
"She doesen't enjoy it sexually"
So, before you compare my friend with a Perverted nazi Doctor you should better read my posts and seperate truth from your insane fantasies!
Another thing: As I mentioned in previous posts as well: I am European, and for the German Part: Don't mix up things that don't belong together. This is just your insane mind. I don't know where you are from, and after your last post I don't even want to know! But look in your own history for crimes comitted by your Parents, Grandparents and so on.
I know you would not be happy being confronted with crimes you didn't comit. So am I.
I am really In a rage abouth your last post, and now I can understand why the other female posters are leaving this place!
You are not only insuling a person you don't know (my friend) , you are also insulting me, my family, my children, and so on!
Better think about your present than abouth othr peoples past!
I don't want to read such shit in tis place anymore - I don't have to!
YOU read your own post:
If there is any sexuality involved in that judgement? I don't know. Some things you better not ask!
so you are the one who is talking shit you big mouth bitch.
and if you want to leave this place go.fuck outta here.
I do not miss were suggesting that she might get off on those ********** operations.
as if that's you got any morals/ethics?
and if your insulted by my remarks.I don't give a fuck.your people have killed so many milions(2 fucking WorldWars you cunt) in the world that you should shut your fucking mouth the next centuries.
arrogant cunt.
you don't got the right to be pissed.
Tinchen, don't get provocated by him, everyone else understands you and can tell he's a complete idiot with a quick glance at his posts here. :) Godwin's law can be implemented now, the "Nazi card" is out of his sleeve.
As for the images itself, I don't see anything nice in them in a 'bb way', but it was interesting to see how the human testicles look inside. A bit disgusting indeed, but that's how our organs are.
10-01-2008, 06:04 AM
Germany and Germans were just the pawns along with all others with regards to the two world wars.
|Do some research via youtube and you'll be very surprised as to who the real backroom manipulators were and are. It is very important to separate Germans from the Nazi Order, which was given the ideal circumstances to bully and impose their will on the German populace.
YOU read your own post:
so you are the one who is talking shit you big mouth bitch.
and if you want to leave this place go.fuck outta here.
I do not miss were suggesting that she might get off on those ********** operations.
as if that's you got any morals/ethics?
and if your insulted by my remarks.I don't give a fuck.your people have killed so many milions(2 fucking WorldWars you cunt) in the world that you should shut your fucking mouth the next centuries.
arrogant cunt.
you don't got the right to be pissed.
10-01-2008, 06:12 AM
The images aren't nice to look at, but they should provide an insight as to balls and hopefully thus ballbusting. Afterall, one never usually sees one's balls. Now at least I can relate to what I and my wonderfull BallBustresses have been felling within my scrotum. The testicles are quite resilient but looking at the vas deferens (spelling?), the tube/cord that connects to the testicle, that cleaarly needs to be treated carefully.
How this expoure came about, one is not sure. I hope that the dude recovered ok and that all is well.
10-01-2008, 11:54 AM
those photographs were very upsetting and disturbing.
they should have never been posted.
there are differences between ballbusting as a fun fetish and such extreme insanity.
it is pointless to justify existanse of such violent and vicious images here.
its like posting pictures of some woman/man being molested by a knife o and cut open in a porn website.claiming it's some one's how "okay" is that.
10-01-2008, 12:04 PM
Tinchen, don't get provocated by him, everyone else understands you and can tell he's a complete idiot with a quick glance at his posts here. :) Godwin's law can be implemented now, the "Nazi card" is out of his sleeve.
As for the images itself, I don't see anything nice in them in a 'bb way', but it was interesting to see how the human testicles look inside. A bit disgusting indeed, but that's how our organs are.
yeah I know what kind of 'man' you are .the one that crawls up a woman's ass no matter what shit she craps out.
good luck with your slimeass attitude.spineless worm.:thumbup
10-01-2008, 12:25 PM
Germany and Germans were just the pawns along with all others with regards to the two world wars.
|Do some research via youtube and you'll be very surprised as to who the real backroom manipulators were and are. It is very important to separate Germans from the Nazi Order, which was given the ideal circumstances to bully and impose their will on the German populace.
the pawns...
is that how you call them?
a bit easy isn't it?
I suggest that you do some research.
as if the Nazi's were just a small group who controlled the innocent masses.
they fucked whole Europe up with their army.
killed like 20 million Russians.6 million Jews and what more in Europe,
and you call the Germans pawns?
you know what many Germans said after the war?
"ich habe es nicht gewusst"=I didn't know that.
and they mean't that the didn't know about Jews being killed/tortured in those concentration camps.
no they didn't know that.ofcourse not.:cussing:
the jews were taken way from their homes to go on a vacation:bananawin
and they never came back...
have you ever heard of the expression "ein frisch und fröhliche krieg"?
that is a German saying,the Nazi's are not some kind of aliens who infiltrated the German people .
have you seen the speeches of Adolf Hitler?You go see that on youtube.his anger against the Jews,the extreme hate he expresses against them in his speeches.they knew those Germans ,they damn well knew.
in fact it is the other way around.
Hitler was the puppet(instrument) of the German people not the other way around.
if the Germans didn't hate the Jews , Hitler wouldn't didn't even had a chance to come so far as he did.
"wohlt ihr den totalen krieg?"and the public's reaction:"jaaaaaaaaa".
they are just an arrogant bunch of people who think they are better than all other people in the world.
der übermensch.who wants to boss around all other people.if it were not for the USA being around they still would try to rule it all.
Castratrix's pet
10-01-2008, 12:55 PM
Please everyone, I don't think this thread or really even a forum like this one is the place to be talking about things like Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany and the bad things that happened there.
I'm not saying people shouldn't talk about Hitler and the Nazis in Germany and what happened. We have to remember it and keep it from ever happening again. But what I am saying is I don't think this forum is the right place to be doing that.
Now can we please get back to stuff about ballbusting and women who do it and about women hurting men's balls?
10-01-2008, 01:40 PM
Please everyone, I don't think this thread or really even a forum like this one is the place to be talking about things like Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany and the bad things that happened there.
I'm not saying people shouldn't talk about Hitler and the Nazis in Germany and what happened. We have to remember it and keep it from ever happening again. But what I am saying is I don't think this forum is the right place to be doing that.
Now can we please get back to stuff about ballbusting and women who do it and about women hurting men's balls?
ok I'm off.
(no matter how much anger comes at me from the insane .I just can't stand injustice :soomad )
10-02-2008, 02:30 AM
Bro Tetes,
I see this as perhaps an opportunity for all to look at what is being said and to look at the facts surface and below.
Yeah but, look at the Afghan and Iraq situation. Is that truely the will and wish of the American/British population? Or is it a Tiny Few self interest club that is playing yet another game of profit at any cost?
It is very important to dig deep into the background factors of what you are speaking off.
'When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace'.
Jimi Hendrix
By looking at the background factors, one will be able to see who are the tiny few whom history has repeatedly proved, are the tiny few who love power ahead of all other factors.
A tiny few Blacks sold blacks into slavery.
A tiny few Jewish sold Jewish into concentration camps.
A tiny few Germans lead their nation into two world wars.
A tiny few Americans conned their nation by rigging an election,
and so on and so on.
A Tiny Few. Everyone else are meerly pawns in the game.
'During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
George Orwell
The world wars kind of fucked up the whole world.
Who financed both all sides during the world wars?
Who has the love of power so great as to be ever playing such games with humanity at large?
A tiny few.
the pawns...
is that how you call them?
a bit easy isn't it?
I suggest that you do some research.
as if the Nazi's were just a small group who controlled the innocent masses.
they fucked whole Europe up with their army.
killed like 20 million Russians.6 million Jews and what more in Europe,
and you call the Germans pawns?
you know what many Germans said after the war?
"ich habe es nicht gewusst"=I didn't know that.
and they mean't that the didn't know about Jews being killed/tortured in those concentration camps.
no they didn't know that.ofcourse not.:cussing:
the jews were taken way from their homes to go on a vacation:bananawin
and they never came back...
have you ever heard of the expression "ein frisch und fröhliche krieg"?
that is a German saying,the Nazi's are not some kind of aliens who infiltrated the German people .
have you seen the speeches of Adolf Hitler?You go see that on youtube.his anger against the Jews,the extreme hate he expresses against them in his speeches.they knew those Germans ,they damn well knew.
in fact it is the other way around.
Hitler was the puppet(instrument) of the German people not the other way around.
if the Germans didn't hate the Jews , Hitler wouldn't didn't even had a chance to come so far as he did.
"wohlt ihr den totalen krieg?"and the public's reaction:"jaaaaaaaaa".
they are just an arrogant bunch of people who think they are better than all other people in the world.
der übermensch.who wants to boss around all other people.if it were not for the USA being around they still would try to rule it all.
10-02-2008, 02:42 AM
Dear Castratix's Pet,
In an ideal wolrd, I can see fully with what you are saying, but......
Once someone fires off in such a way on such a subject, it is not just of case of,
'I'm not saying people shouldn't talk about Hitler and the Nazis in Germany and what happened. We have to remember it and keep it from ever happening again. But what I am saying is I don't think this forum is the right place to be doing that.'
The forum should then never had been used to pass such remarks.
I don't think this thread or really even a forum like this one is the place to be talking about things like Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany and the bad things that happened there.
None of us can control where and when such issues and situations will arise.
What is important is that truth and intelligence prevails and the freedom to express and reveal, discuss, is not impeaded.
'The Truth is an offence, but not a sin'
Bob Marley
Forums are meerely templates. Humans are beyond templates.
Please everyone, I don't think this thread or really even a forum like this one is the place to be talking about things like Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany and the bad things that happened there.
I'm not saying people shouldn't talk about Hitler and the Nazis in Germany and what happened. We have to remember it and keep it from ever happening again. But what I am saying is I don't think this forum is the right place to be doing that.
Now can we please get back to stuff about ballbusting and women who do it and about women hurting men's balls?
10-02-2008, 08:46 AM
:D I love the pics, only thing is why did you place it back? you should have had it cut off then you would of had the pics we all wanted to see.:soomad
:Baahaha: :eek: I'm sure someone here wanted to see this:
A week later:
10-20-2008, 07:10 AM
The blood is nice.
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