View Full Version : Do you want your ballbusting woman to like pain herself....
11-15-2008, 12:50 AM
I do. Early in my teenage years, there was a woman who wanted to hit my balls but I didn't like her enough to let her even thing about it. Later, a "normal," nice woman found a liking for hitting my balls. Better yet, she liked to be hurt, either through very hard intercourse and nipple biting or pain to her vulva. This was near perfect. I liked having my balls hit by a woman (who enjoyed hitting them yet respected me) and wanted to feel pain from me herself. I could be wrong but I think the high-quality women who like to hurt balls often likes to experience some pain on to her own sex organs. It's certainly hard to beat. Especially when no one I know or she knows would ever guess. It's especially fun when it is a completely normal, intercourse-driven woman who discovers that hitting balls and feeling pain are incredible turn ons. She got pregnant and our attention turned to our lovely young daugther. But it sure was hot before she was pregnant. I sure was lucky. Anyone else like women who like giving pain AND receiving pain? I can't think of a bigger, completely physical, turn-on. I liked when she hit my balls and I liked hurting her.
My ex wife and I got in a situaiton once where we were playing around and she assured me she could hold out longer if she were squeezing my balls and I were squeezing her nipples.
We stood, well, she stood and I hobbled for a good five minutes... she won, my ball popped through her grasp and flew upward into my body - hurt like a mutherfuxxxx... I went down real quick.
Alec Anaconda
11-17-2008, 02:02 PM
A liaison with a woman who shares her man’s desires has to be the best situation in the world.
Who could resist when a female friend asks,
“Are you man enough for a nipple fight?”
You know, and she knows, that a nipple fight will only be the start of the fun!
ahmad hassan
11-17-2008, 03:20 PM
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One from the Vaults
11-17-2008, 10:13 PM
I'm definitely a switch, I like the pain to go both ways.
One of my hottest fantasies is basically mutual ****... like the two fight, the winner tortures the loser, and then they fuck. She could win the fight by going for the balls, or I could outwrestle her and hold her arms down while I hurt her. Add some rope into the mix and things get really interesting.
11-23-2008, 06:50 PM
I personally wouldn't like that. It would kinda defeat the purpose in my opinion.
But hey, the world's not all about you, is it?
If a girl is willing to take the step to satisfy you in such a strange turn-on, I think the least you can do is adapt to her fantasies as well.
Busted Balz
11-23-2008, 07:49 PM
Yes....I think ball spanking one night and clit spanking on another could be fun....all depends on our mood.
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