View Full Version : new story

12-01-2008, 11:41 AM
Dear All,

I thought I would begin another story and write it in sections. I would love to get some feedback from anyone who thinks that I should continue....Here goes (I have just posted this in another forum as well)

….He was gasping and trying desperately to get enough breath to beg for mercy. But every time he seemed to be recovering enough she would tighten her fists in a sudden and painful way. Her grip was phenomenal it felt like his testicles were slowly loosing their shape as her hands mangled his precious man eggs. His stomach was cramping horribly and she had just pulsed his balls again. The worst part of it was that the bouncers had not heard a thing and he was in the middle of a small crowd with her hands wrapped around his balls.

……It had started as a normal nightclub argument. Looking at the girl Rob had never imagined that it would have come to this nothing about the girl had prepared him or warned him about how dangerous she was ….

…..There were a number of girls in the crowd some were laughing out loud and a few seemed very interested, one girl in particular had a hand up her dress and seemed to be rubbing herself hoping that no-one would notice with he dim lights and all the attention on the fight….

The girl was glaring at him and growled in a vicious sneer … “you better buy me a new drink or I will fix you…”

Looking back he wished he had apologised at that point…

12-03-2008, 09:46 PM
Enjoying it so far... especially the bit about the one woman seemingly finger-fucking herself over the man's predicament :)

12-04-2008, 01:01 AM
Hope the lady is bare-arms and that the "victim" can see her fore-arms (and arms) muscles tensing when she strengthens her grip...