View Full Version : New UK Laws
12-09-2008, 11:38 PM
I do apologise if this has already been raised previously. I do not live in the UK however I thought I'd post a link and ask the question, How much is this going to effect those living in the UK who frequent this board and associated webpages?
I am concerned a little for the Casual and Serious ppl who have collections that may fall under these new laws.
12-10-2008, 03:44 AM
I would be affected. although the whole thing is a gray area at the moment. Im pretty sure the law has been made to prevent extreme **** porn being watched in the UK, however it does seem to have inadvertantly affected a few other fetishes.
There are a few groups campaigning against this but Im not too confident they will achieve anything as opposing this law means comming out in public about your fetish.
I guess if the law does go through successfully in January I'll probably be erasing my hard drive as being listed on a sex offenders alongside paedophiles and rapists doesnt appeal to me.
However the law only bans images and video. It does not ban stories or cartoon busts. It also doesnt ban anything thats been approved by the folks who choose the age ratings on movies.
so in conclusion i'll end up writing more stories and going to the cinema more. Either that or leave the country.
12-10-2008, 06:08 AM
this countries gettin stupider and stupider if this does come into law i will deffo be leaving the country i cant giv up my fetish coz some government ppl think they know best,if we wanna do it its up 2 us were all adults and every1s consenting so wats the problem?
09-24-2013, 12:17 AM
David Cameron is a total douchebag !
Are there any UK forum members here ?
Please confirm that David Cameron is a total douchebag !
09-24-2013, 03:21 AM
And I guess even if FemaleDom is -physically- located on servers outside UK, British ISPs will probably have to deny access to such a website.
Was considering establishing in the UK; shall have to think more about it.
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