View Full Version : my first bust

01-10-2009, 09:10 AM
I would like to share my ffirst ballbusting experience.

I simply walked by her and jokingly raised my fists just fooling around. She took one step forward eased up her skirt a little and kicked me straight full in the balls.

For two seconds I stood in shock, then a waive of pain made me double over and clutch my parts. A few seconds later a more intense wave made me drop to the floor, still clutching my testicles. My legs seemed to loose strength and buckled! Wave after wave seemed to hit me until I was in fetal possition unable to draw breath. Hyperventilating. I could feel the spasms of agony in my abdomen. At this point I could not even touch my balls, to relieve the terrible pain. Then the waves of agony seemed to reach a plateau, where I was totally imobilised in total anguish, paralysed. Almost beyond pain. This lasted some thirty minutes.

It was as though the terrible sensations in my balls radiated through out my body then returned magnified.

Anyway once I could think again, I saw i was alone and tried to move into a cupboard. As i raised to my knees I was hit by the agony and all i could do was writhe, now able to clutch my nuts. Eventually I crawled into the safe haven, and slowly recovered.

Even a day afterwards, when i tried to run, my legs buckled and i ended on the floor clutching my manhood writhing in agony.

This experience showed me just how vulnerable my balls are.

My attackers friend, was the best looking girl in the school, incredibly attractive, she showed genuine concern and appologised for her friend. She dressed very sexily, but with style. Short skirts, tight tops, high heels etc. It was allowed in the final two years.

Later on she seemed to develop a fetish about what had happened and discussed it a lot. For years she wanted to bust me but did not know how far she could go with me. I kept quiet.

On reflection I think it was an opportunity missed. She kneed her boyfriend a few times, infront of me. He complained at how she could not know how much it hurt etc. She would then smile at me.

I think it was her reaction which started my fetish.

I hope I have not bored you too much. Not very exciting, no great fights.