View Full Version : A little nervous about performing in public
02-12-2009, 12:05 AM
My wife's secret birthday party for me was un-secreted. This Tuesday night I'm going to Anti-Babes, a fetish SM show and going on stage to get whipped, spanked, etc by the girls. I'm buds with some of the organizers and the girls may take more liberties with my body than I'm sure I want to go with.
I'm a one-woman bb kind of guy and a one-woman sm kind of guy. This is like being asked to cheat on my wife on stage for me. I don't like it, but it's out of my control at this point and my wife is intent on proving her wildness by signing me up for this and giving me carte blanche for naughtiness with these girls.
So I'm very uncomfortable. Any thoughts?
02-12-2009, 03:19 AM
Much of what to expect depends on how much you trust your wife. Do you trust her to look out for you and to be able to handle the other women there who might get a little too rough with you?
Still, let us know how it all turns out
02-12-2009, 09:51 AM
It's the wish of your one-woman-mistress and your birdy-present in the same time.
you gotta take it and be thankful.
02-12-2009, 12:00 PM
Maybe it's all a cruel test and you're supposed to not do it, to prove you wouldn't want anyone else :wooow
02-12-2009, 01:09 PM
Maybe it's all a cruel test and you're supposed to not do it, to prove you wouldn't want anyone else :wooow
Sounds like a movie thing, but if that's the case, make sure you ask her REPEATEDLY about it and if she still insists, she's being a bitch in the end ;).
Sounds like a movie thing, but if that's the case, make sure you ask her REPEATEDLY about it and if she still insists, she's being a bitch in the end ;).
agreed 100%
02-17-2009, 04:59 AM
I did a search of Anti-
Babes online and it doesn't look all that rough. It appears that a lot of what is done onn stage is for the show. I would't be so worried about injury. It's more about how you do in front of an audience, and how comfortable your wife is with things like that.
02-17-2009, 08:38 AM
Yeah, I'm less concerned about injury and more concerned that some woman who isn't my wife will have her hand in my pants. (Because I don't want that, not because of what my wife will think)
02-20-2009, 05:26 AM
So when do we get to read about how it all went?
02-20-2009, 05:48 AM
Well, we had a ball. Last minute I got over my nervousness and told the girls that I was really into pain and that my balls could take a lot. I was squeezed a lot by three different girls, took knees from five of the girls, was whipped and spanked by a bunch of them, and had a few unique treatments. "Never be mayor" involved them all over me and one with a strapon in the back and they took a picture of it. "Dead man's grope" involved me pretending to be dead and them fondling, then kicking me until I moved. One of them got a toe into my left ball which ended that game. lol :)
Wife was happy about the whole thing and they didn't go too far for me so I guess I was worried about nothing. Although once one of them felt my cock accidentally, each of them had to do it which I hated. It didn't last long though so it's not that bad. (My cock is freakishly large and is the topic of conversation at parties much more than is comfortable.)
Alec Anaconda
02-20-2009, 09:59 AM
So, yf ****** you to indulge in what you enjoy.
Attractive women touch you intimately, with yf’s approval.
And you have an exceptionally colossal cock.
Life can be such a bitch.
02-20-2009, 09:32 PM
That was prett ymuch what I thought after reading. Not that I mind, glad things went for ya!
So, yf ****** you to indulge in what you enjoy.
Attractive women touch you intimately, with yf’s approval.
And you have an exceptionally colossal cock.
Life can be such a bitch.
02-25-2009, 02:52 AM
I'm glad to hear that things went well for you. Did your wife get any good photos that you can post?
02-26-2009, 05:02 PM
So, yf ****** you to indulge in what you enjoy.
Attractive women touch you intimately, with yf’s approval.
And you have an exceptionally colossal cock.
Life can be such a bitch.
Well put, think it pretty much sums up this thread.
03-19-2009, 08:32 PM
My wife's secret birthday party for me was un-secreted. This Tuesday night I'm going to Anti-Babes, a fetish SM show and going on stage to get whipped, spanked, etc by the girls. I'm buds with some of the organizers and the girls may take more liberties with my body than I'm sure I want to go with.
I'm a one-woman bb kind of guy and a one-woman sm kind of guy. This is like being asked to cheat on my wife on stage for me. I don't like it, but it's out of my control at this point and my wife is intent on proving her wildness by signing me up for this and giving me carte blanche for naughtiness with these girls.
So I'm very uncomfortable. Any thoughts?
This is hot do it
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