View Full Version : Considering a new story site
03-05-2009, 08:23 AM
Currently there doesn't seem to be any good websites that cater for ballbusting stories.
I know there are several blogs and archives out there and a few active writers. But updates and original content seems to be sparse and scattered all over the internet.
What I'd want to do is create a website that has only original content, and a guaranteed update schedule (1 a week to start with at a specific time). Hopefully with a few writers so I wouldn't have to write such a large volume of regular work.
Would this sort of site appeal to you ballbusting fans? or are you happy with the current situation? Is there even still a decent interest in ballbusting stories?
just looking for feedback at the moment.
03-05-2009, 12:46 PM
I'd like to see a new story site. In fact, the first BB site I ever found was a short story site, "The Institute for Testicular Agony", back in the early days of the Internet, in the late 90s.
If you look at the forum stats, the stories that are posted on this board often get thousands of views, so it seems there is still a lot of interest for new BB stories.
03-05-2009, 02:31 PM
I dont hAVE A WHOLE SITE BUT I DID PUBLISH A STROY AT LITEROTICA.COM un der the author smokey52 its entitled rebeccas new joy. check it out
03-05-2009, 04:39 PM
read your story, was good, Rebecca sounds like a very nice lady to know.
are you thinking of writing anymore?
03-05-2009, 11:40 PM
Definitley would be interested to find a good story site all about BB, the stories out there seem to be few and far between.
Might even inspire me to write my own, if i ever have the time!
03-06-2009, 12:16 PM
I think a story site is a great idea. I'd open it up to bb fanfiction (haven't seen much of that out there) too but that's just me.
03-06-2009, 02:42 PM
what I'd be aiming to do is get in contact with several authors who perhaps write a story in their spare time once a month or once every two months. Hopefully getting enough to have a backlog so I can ensure that there is a new story to be published every Sunday, or whatever day I decide.
what I would hope is that in future this becomes what takethepitch used to be.
if anyones interested in writing a story or two or getting a previously un-shown work put into a site feel free to contact me at:
03-06-2009, 10:48 PM
Have a look at skweezme's story "Fooled" that definitley deserves to be published...possibly even made into a film ;)
03-07-2009, 01:15 AM
Thank you! Takethepitch was good.
03-07-2009, 05:57 AM
if you provide a link i'll happily read it.
03-07-2009, 09:52 AM
Here you's in this forum, probably one of the few active threads, along with this one and some of the other pic posting threads, but here it is anyway.
Alec Anaconda
03-07-2009, 02:01 PM
Do you intend to pay your contributors, donkey-fish?
‘Pay peanuts and get monkeys’ is not as true as it once was, for you can buy a damn good read for next to nothing. But you will not obtain quality free.
You have some idea of the time in takes to type in a narrative, but maybe you do not yet appreciate the effort required to move on from forum to profession standards. (
If you want ballbusting stories, take the link in my signature and use the keyword search, using
“testicles”, “balls”, “nuts” etc. Read some extracts in the “FemDom F/M” category.
You will not find the word “ballbusting”, but there is plenty going on. For example, in “Slaves of Janice” and “After Janice” I use a tremendous amount of testicular torture, but never the word “ballbusting”.
Good luck with your website.
03-07-2009, 06:57 PM
wow skweezeme, awesome story. Did you really write it one bit at a time like you posted it?
I dont intend on paying anyone as I wont be making any income from the site myself. Im happy paying hosting fees and renting a url myself if it means creating something new with original content.
I reckon theres more than 1 decent ballbusting story written a week for the net. I just think it would be better if they were all put in one place.
03-08-2009, 09:59 AM
have to say the takethepitch site was the one that appealed to me the most as it concentrated on ballbusting and not other forms of domination/humiliation. Plus it used more stories that were nt based around mistresses and slaves. Also a lot of the stories were from a womens perspective.
But thats a personal opinion, I am quiet sure many people would happily contribute there own stories to the site, although you would probably have to wade through them to get just the good ones.
03-08-2009, 04:14 PM
wow skweezeme, awesome story. Did you really write it one bit at a time like you posted it?
Glad U like it! :)
And yes, I sort of write a bit at a time. But I don't usually post until I've got an idea for how the next bit will go.
Good luck!
03-09-2009, 10:02 AM
Two things;
Firstly, Skweezme, your stories are always amazing, you really should find somewhere to archive them or something :)
Donkeyfish, I wonder if you might have more success with many different contributors? One of the things I enjoyed about takethepitch was the vast number of different writers who contributed. If you didn't like the style or the focus of one of the writers (for example, I can't stand mother/son ballbusting stories), then you could just read someone else's stories!
It's obviously more difficult to get regular content that way, but I suppose you could always "roll over" some stories from one month to the next month if you end up with a glut. Have a few regular contributors and then a bunch of reader-submitted stuff too, or something? I'd be more than happy to contribute a story if I ever get around to finishing one.
Just my 2c anyway, good luck with it!
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