View Full Version : Female Advice Wanted.

04-08-2009, 10:44 AM

I found this site while doing a Google search and so decided to post here now before I go on I am very genuine and also worried about the things I’m doing, so when I explain I hope I don’t offend anyone as I want to be honest and see what the guys and gals think should be done.

Ok well I’m 42 male and I’m also a virgin I do have my reason for still being a virgin but rather not go there tbh as was bad experiences.
Ok as for my sexual problem since a very young age 9 or 10 I have been touching myself and learned how to masturbate, as I grew up I would do it a lot but when I was 13 or so I started to want girls/women to see my dick when hard and for them to see me masturbate and cum, I did it at school a few times and got suspended over it twice, and a little later when I was 14/15 I exposed myself to a young girl were I made her watch me and when I cum I came on her and ended up being arrested for it, nothing really happened from then, but I was still exposing myself and masturbating to young girls, when I left school I again got arrested for the same exposing and masturbating to a young girl, I was then sent to a young offenders like school for 6 months were I had to talk about what I was doing etc, while there I met two girls we were in a mini bus and they were talking about condoms etc and some reason I can’t think of when we got back to the school we all went into the girls toilets were they put the condom on me and I masturbated while they watched.. anyway the school thing come and went and for a few year I was still masturbating to girls mostly from the parents my mom and dad knew, I also would expose myself to the girls in the street, were some girls were curious and some wasn’t and got scared I guess.

Anyway time went on were what I was doing disappeared and if I was horny I would masturbate at home or a public toilet, that’s how it went on for many years up until the past 6 or 7 yrs. Were I started playing games online mostly a game called world of warcraft, and while doing this and I really don’t know why I would pm other players especially if they were female and tell them I was horny and masturbating, now I know a lot of males have female characters, but I wasn’t thinking I just watched some girl or woman to know, anyway I met some friends online and they were also playing world of warcraft and one day (Di I will call her) over chat asked if I was ok and I said yes and she said are you horny and I told her I was and she said ill give u ten minutes meaning to masturbate and sort myself out which I did, but from that day I had a fixation and wanted her permission to masturbate and all the time when she asked I would say horny, anyway at the time the exposing myself and masturbating was back, and I ended up telling |Di the problem I had and she was willing to help by allowing me to masturbate in front of her in person or on cam as long as I didn’t do it in public, I being selfish etc said o but I didn’t stop exposing myself, a would visit Di and her family and she would ask if I was horny and if I was we went downstairs were she would watch me masturbate and cum while her daughters and husband was upstairs, anyway this went on for a while, until I was visiting and was horny so decided to use the toilet to masturbate, so went in there and was in the middle of masturbating when the door opened and there was her daughter Nicole who was 14 at the time, we both were embarrassed and she said sorry and went out, but 2/3 minutes later she returned and said she wanted to watch else she would tell her mom or dad what I’m doing, and me not wanting her to do that I masturbated and cum in front of her and she was in her uniform which turned me on, and from that day I had a fixation for her sexually, and a few times she would watch me or help me, but then that was it I needed to stop what I was doing especial with young girls as they didn’t turn me on were I thought about sex but I did enjoy them seeing me hard and masturbating, so anyway u went to my gp were she tried a few thing anti-depression pills and a shrink which I saw for the past 18months but I was still exposing myself and masturbating to girls/women, so both my gp and shrink have now passed me onto another doctor that deals in people who have serious sexual problems, ****, ****** etc
But she’s said some think needs to stop as I’m exposing myself to women but I’m also doing it to young girls as well as my own mom and she feels some think needs to be done, she asked me if I had a girl friend or boy friend etc and that’s when she knew I was single and also a virgin, and she went on to say there’s a couple of options 1 is physical ********** which she recommends as it’s a long term treatment and will take my sex drive away so I can’t get an erection to want to expose myself and to masturbate, but although she recommends that she has to try methods were its reversible were the medication will course so I can’t get sexually aroused which is called chemical ********** which is taken orally twice a day, she did say it has a feminine hormone which deduces the testrome my balls make and then reduced the my sex drive to 0 once the pill kicks in, she did say about side effects etc but she feels I’m at a stage were some think needs to be done about my sex drive and if it continues she thinks I will do more than expose and masturbate in public to young girls/women etc what that means I don’t know, anyway the drug she wants me on is called (ANDROCUR) and its purely for stopping the male sexdrive, before I take this she’s booked me into my gp for a blood test as she says the pill effects the liver so they need to monitor and she did say once blood test is done they can test to see if I am taking the drug then if I’m not, then she feels she needs to take control of my medication were then I will have to sign a form were I give her permission to take over my drug control were then I will either go to my gp or to her hospital and have an injection either once a month or two, but she says if I fail then they can come to the house and make sure I have the medication, now is this true and is she allowed to do this ?

Anyway going back to the ANDROCUR does that really stop me being able to get hard and to masturbate and cum or now, also for the people that have used it how long does it take before it kicks in and what are the side effects, I know it’s at the stage now were I don’t have a say but I would like to know, if I’m honest I don’t like exposing myself especially to young girls but when I’m at the horny mood I really don’t care how the other person feels, until I’ve made myself cum the guilt and hate I have for myself is extreme, but then I get horny again and all that goes out the window, not part of my wants my sex drive gone forever so I’m sexual dead, but I guess the selfish side wants to continue with what I’m doing, now I cant start the medication until I’ve had the blood test which is this Friday but I’m after as much into and feedback I can get.

Thanks and I’m really sorry about the long post but I’ve missed a lot out, and hope u can get the jest of what im saying as im not very good at explaing things. so sorry for that.

04-27-2009, 05:25 PM
Your 42 and still a virgin ! why is that do you have a small cock or are you ugly !

To be honest if you are still a virgin at 42 then you dont need a sex drive, so i do agree with both your therapist and your doctor that your sex drive needs to be removed but not by medication, if your exposing yourself to young girls and boys then your sex drive need to be removed permantly by physical ********** (your balls removed) and they should also cut your dick off, end of the day in my book and many of the people i think would agree with me, your a SEX OFFENDER and sex offenders should have both there balls removed and there dicks chopped off, and then thrown into jail were they can be butt fucked by fellow SEX OFFENDERS who need a bitch.

So when you see your therapist next tell her you want your balls removed and your cock so you cant get hard or jerk off anymore. and most will agree with me i would have thought.

04-28-2009, 02:29 AM
Whats your sexuality ? and do you enjoy your mommy taking control of your medication ! thats proberly the best thing you have done, you should thank her for helping to KILL YOUR DICK. go say thank you.:wooow

05-01-2009, 05:30 AM
fuck You Bitch

05-05-2009, 03:08 AM
fuck You Bitch

Lol you wish, is your mommy still making you take your medication to KILL YOUR DICK and to stop you ever MASTURBATING as mommy knows best and you should thank her for wanting to help, but mommy knows what your are now PERVERT, SEX OFFENDER & PAEDOPHILE.

But i hope next time you see your therapist or doctor, you tell them that you should have your balls cut off and maybe your dick, plus if there female they will do it ASAP, and tell them you like young girls and boys that will help get it done faster.

Your a SEX OFFENDER and the enjoyment you get when you expose yourself and masturbate and cum, should be taken away from you for good to protect you and to protect the people you have already hurt and them you could...


05-05-2009, 11:18 AM
I tatally agree with you debs pedo's and ****** should lose there dicks and that coming from a MALE too !!!:bananajum There is no excuse for this kind of behaver with kids.:bananajum