View Full Version : Male **********
04-27-2009, 06:36 PM
Hi all my first time here and have to admit i like the site alot.
Anyway i found this site the other day, and there was a poll about sex offenders and how to cure them, and i have to admit that i agreed with what most of the women were saying, Chemical ********** is in the near future. Aggresive behavior of all kinds will be modified with medication that renders the testicles useless. Think how much better society would be if male sperm was frozen and then the male was chemically *********. Sperm production would be preserved but aggression would be drastically reduced. I think that many women would welcome an estrogen-rich unisex future where they were no longer threatened by testosterone poisoned males.
Mandatory **********, being mandatory would be fair. Sperm could be banked before the procedure and then the male would know that the possibility of his sperm being used would depend on how obedient he was to the women around him. It would be highly effective. It would slash crime and it would change the world for the better.
if we geld male horses to make them more docile and obedient to the needs of their mistresses, surely the same logic dictates that the ********** of the human male in the interest of behavioural conditioning would be similarly desireable. I know that the wholesale ********** of men at the present time would be viewed as an infringement of their human rights, but in the future changes in the law and social customs could make the removal of the testicles for the purpose of social conditioning an accepted part of the growing up process in boys. The consequent establishing of a less agressive less competitive and more compliant male population benefit all human kind.
And i totaly agree with ********** boys at a young age, anyway id like to hear from other women and also men to see what there thoughts are.
05-01-2009, 06:29 AM
05-01-2009, 04:45 PM
love this
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this is how men who **** should be delt with.:bananajum
05-01-2009, 11:53 PM
Thanks for the link - it was a darn good read - quite amusing.
05-02-2009, 02:55 AM
Well most men and some women may not agree with me, but i think feminine authority will happen in the near future. and then Mandatory ********** will come into effect were say boys at the age of 13 have there balls removed to carm them down sexually and then educated in female supremacy and then made to work, here in the uk a man was arrested for having sex with a (2YR OLD GIRL) that is horrible so if we females ******** boys/men so there sex drive is dead then men like this guy cannot hurt anyone, but that goes for young boys also they do **** and there hormones are all over the place at that age, they get erection morning noon and night so take that ability away it would carm him down greatly, if we ******** male animals to carm them down, why cant we ******** human males would make the world alot safer, i have a son and i would gladly get him done, i do think we should keep some males for farming sperm for freezing and then at a sorten age he should then be *********, sorry but i just think young boys/men get off easly especialy when they commit a sexual act wether that be **** or someone that exposes himself and masturbates infront of a female that there sex drive should be killed off long term and ********** is the best way, i dont agree with chemical ********** either as its reverible the male can stop taking the medication and his sex drive returns, so i think physical ********** is a must and also maybe removal of the penis, anyway im rambling on i just feel strongly about this and i hope i havnt offended anyone, but girls surly u agree that ********** needs to be done !!!
05-02-2009, 03:14 AM
Go Girl!!!:bananajum
05-02-2009, 06:25 AM
Well most men and some women may not agree with me, but i think feminine authority will happen in the near future. and then Mandatory ********** will come into effect were say boys at the age of 13 have there balls removed to carm them down sexually and then educated in female supremacy and then made to work, here in the uk a man was arrested for having sex with a (2YR OLD GIRL) that is horrible so if we females ******** boys/men so there sex drive is dead then men like this guy cannot hurt anyone, but that goes for young boys also they do **** and there hormones are all over the place at that age, they get erection morning noon and night so take that ability away it would carm him down greatly, if we ******** male animals to carm them down, why cant we ******** human males would make the world alot safer, i have a son and i would gladly get him done, i do think we should keep some males for farming sperm for freezing and then at a sorten age he should then be *********, sorry but i just think young boys/men get off easly especialy when they commit a sexual act wether that be **** or someone that exposes himself and masturbates infront of a female that there sex drive should be killed off long term and ********** is the best way, i dont agree with chemical ********** either as its reverible the male can stop taking the medication and his sex drive returns, so i think physical ********** is a must and also maybe removal of the penis, anyway im rambling on i just feel strongly about this and i hope i havnt offended anyone, but girls surly u agree that ********** needs to be done !!!
Are You serious? You want to deprive all men of the joy of sex? (And maybe some females too, as not all women tend to be lesbian....) Talk about human rights!!
But, hey, come over and cut my balls and dick off - if You still want to do it after a good fuck.... ;-)
05-02-2009, 09:05 AM
Yeah tipical female no brains, and thats why they will never come to power.
But steelbutterfly if thats how you feel about boys and men, what about the female sex offenders, or the hookers, or the girls'/women that cant keep there legs together, i think they should have there clits removed and then sterilized so they cant have children especially the girls/women that abuse, dont you agree if your so against sex offenders, i feel sorry for your son as you said you would ******** him (your own son) he should be taken away from you and put into care and then you should be sterilised so you cant have anymore kids, at least im seeking help for my problem.
Oh and by the way are you single ? as you must hate men and sex !!!
05-02-2009, 02:29 PM
here in the uk a man was arrested for having sex with a (2YR OLD GIRL) that is horrible so if we females ******** boys/men so there sex drive is dead then men like this guy cannot hurt anyone
Shows how little you know about the world. Where I live, police just arrested a woman who confessed to molesting her 4-year-old son. What should be done with her??
05-03-2009, 06:53 AM
Very interesting link. I makes for some quite interesting reading.
05-05-2009, 03:55 AM
Women sex offenders are very very rare, but do admit they are out there, but i dont agree with removing there clitoris or making them so they can never have children that to me is cruel, they should either be put in jail, or maybe a mental hospital, but we all know theres alot more male sex offenders, child molesters and there is a guy on here called "MALEVIRGIN" that exposes himself to minors and women and masturbates and according to his post, his therapist and doctors have made him take chemical ********** that kills his sex drive, and for me as a woman thats not the answer hes exposing himself and masturbating infront of young girls and maybe boys to, and the only answer is PHYSICAL ********** as once its been done his sex drive will be next to nothing, plus his body wont be able to make that poison testrome, but once done put on female hormones to kill whats left of his testrome etc, but still make him see his therapist, end of the day next time it could be your wife, girl friend or even worse your little girl or little boy he exposes and masturbates, if hes exposing himself to young girls or boys hes a SEX OFFENDER & PAEDOPHILE, and this is just my opinion but i think he should be banned from this site.
Im not here to offend anyone especially the men, but if we carm dogs and horse to carm them down by cutting there balls off, why cant we do it to boys and men to carm them down mentally and sexually, but mostly going to the boys and men that have sexual problems ie expose themselfs, ****, into children, beastity.......!
05-05-2009, 10:30 AM
I don't understand:
Why would sterilisation be a solution for male sex offenders and not for female?
05-05-2009, 02:23 PM
Women sex offenders are very very rare, but do admit they are out there, but i dont agree with removing there clitoris or making them so they can never have children that to me is cruel, they should either be put in jail, or maybe a mental hospital, but we all know theres alot more male sex offenders, child molesters (...)
Sorry to point that out, but You are not being consistent. Where is Your argument justifying a different treatment for male and female offenders? The number of offenders is not sufficient. Otherwise let's hack off the hands of shoplifters because there are so many of them....
Why is it cruel to cancel out sexual pleasures for a woman but not cruel regarding a man? Why is it cruel to make a woman unable of having children but not cruel doing the same to a man? Why is it ok for society to deal with female offenders by putting them in jail or a mental hospital but not ok to do so for men?
Whether You like it or not: You will have to answer those questions and give a profound reason to uphold Your position.
05-05-2009, 04:21 PM
...are not being consistent. Where is Your argument justifying a different treatment for male and female offenders?
This all goes to show female domination in its final stage.
Isn't this what we all want? At least in fantasy?
If someone's not in female domination, so what is he looking for here?
05-06-2009, 03:39 PM
We all are in female domination here, but sexual agression (of children especially) is not a kind of domination! it's just a crime. The offender may be either a man or a woman it's still a crime. It has nothing to do with female domination.
05-07-2009, 03:52 AM
We all are in female domination here, but sexual agression (of children especially) is not a kind of domination! it's just a crime. The offender may be either a man or a woman it's still a crime. It has nothing to do with female domination.
I fully agree with this. That it not what I meant.
No aggression against children! Never.
Castratrix's pet
05-07-2009, 08:32 AM
I have some questions for Steelbutterfly.
You seem to be advocating almost universal physical surgical ********** of men. Would you yourself perform castrations on men? If what you advocate became the accepted way, would you get training and would you roll up your sleeves and personally ******** men?
Have you ever watched a woman performing a ********** either on a man or on a male animal?
Have you yourself ever performed a ********** or castrations on either men or male animals?
If you knew how to do it and you knew for certain you would get away with it, would you roll up your sleeves and personally ******** a man?
How would you perform the **********? What method would you use? Please describe your ********** proceedure?
What would it be like for the man while you are performing the ********** on him?
How long would it take you to perform the ********** operation on him?
I was just wondering what your feelings about this are and in such cases if you personally would perform castrations since you seem to so strongly advocate almost universal physical surgical ********** of men.
05-07-2009, 05:39 PM
I have to admit i like the ball busting, as far as it will go.
But 1) keep ********** in fantasy (fair enough if your into body modding, but at least that involves a surgeon)
and 2) keep it the fuck away from minors.
Like any sexual activity you have to know where to draw the line in so far as where it cuts into your personnel life. I'm not perfect but i think some poeple on this site can barely see the line anymore.
06-18-2009, 04:21 PM
Eric Menrhine
07-04-2009, 09:25 PM
Hi all my first time here and have to admit i like the site alot.
Anyway i found this site the other day, and there was a poll about sex offenders and how to cure them, and i have to admit that i agreed with what most of the women were saying, Chemical ********** is in the near future. Aggresive behavior of all kinds will be modified with medication that renders the testicles useless. Think how much better society would be if male sperm was frozen and then the male was chemically *********. Sperm production would be preserved but aggression would be drastically reduced. I think that many women would welcome an estrogen-rich unisex future where they were no longer threatened by testosterone poisoned males.
Mandatory **********, being mandatory would be fair. Sperm could be banked before the procedure and then the male would know that the possibility of his sperm being used would depend on how obedient he was to the women around him. It would be highly effective. It would slash crime and it would change the world for the better.
if we geld male horses to make them more docile and obedient to the needs of their mistresses, surely the same logic dictates that the ********** of the human male in the interest of behavioural conditioning would be similarly desireable. I know that the wholesale ********** of men at the present time would be viewed as an infringement of their human rights, but in the future changes in the law and social customs could make the removal of the testicles for the purpose of social conditioning an accepted part of the growing up process in boys. The consequent establishing of a less agressive less competitive and more compliant male population benefit all human kind.
And i totaly agree with ********** boys at a young age, anyway id like to hear from other women and also men to see what there thoughts are.
Wow. Pretty much all I can say.
With that in mind: Have you considered what a trauma it would be for a ten year old boy to have his testicles and/or penis removed, simply because someone thinks he might some day grow up to possibly be aggressive? I'm glad we're keeping this hypothetical, because I'd hate for something like this to be mandated anywhere. I was outraged when I learned that young women in Africa were being ****** to under go "female circumsision," and could not imagine how I would feel if someone knocked on my door, to tell me that my son had to be gelded. Why would anyone ever recomend that a child be ****** into such a thing? You think it would reduce aggression, but in all probability it would cause rioting, violence, and mass hysteria. On a side note, I don't think my wife would be too keen on the idea of me losing the 'ol tallywhacker. I'm pretty certain that I am in no danger of having a pshycho whith a bidurzzo kick in my door, that is suddenly a very comforting thought.
07-07-2009, 06:16 AM
Don't feed the trolls?
Obviously the OP has been violated and is out for blood. Pro tip: two wrongs never make a right.
This may be a FemDom forum, but don't confuse that for blatant feminazi supremacy. (and that's what you're looking for, really)
There have been studies that show DNA carries knowledge with it. By knowledge I mean learned ways. In your twisted mind, you think you can fixed a rare problem(although not rare enough imo) with barbaric ways but you fail to realize that you'd be greatly hindering and possibly jeopardizing the human race as a whole by limiting sperm used for procreation to that of a young male.
In doing so, almost all development would be squarely from the egg since the sperm's side would only have those short years to improve upon itself. Further more, add in that men are better than women at certain things(and yes women are better than men at others, hence that whole 'equal rights' movement you may have heard of) you'd be effectively chopping off the right side of society's body. In a way, you'd be dooming us all to just a tad better than an incestuous race. All that for what? Reminds me of Hitler really.
P.S. Just like with the situation with women drivers and accidents, more and more female sex offenders are popping out of the wood work these days. In a couple of years you'll be able to see that woman are no better(or worse) than men when it comes to sexual predators.
*Women used to be thought to be safer drivers than men when reports first came out because there were fewer females in accidents. All the naive people failed to realize the sample size. If you have 10:1 male:female drivers then you'll have 10:1 accident rates. (assume genders are equal)
As time went on and women became more plentiful behind the wheel, we come to see the truth behind it. This is just like women with sexuality. Women's rights is just a stone's throw in our past. Women becoming empowered with their sexuality, well we're still in(the tail end of) that era. How many female teachers are in jail now.
I don't come around this forum very often but wow... just WOW! Kinda makes me wonder if I should bother to come back if that's what people around here think. If you reply to me and I don't respond, it's because no amount of fantasy and pleasure is worth being associated with that kind of thinking.
07-08-2009, 02:02 AM
It's a site about femdom. If being threatened with ********** offends you, you're on the wrong board boys...
gennosuke sama
07-11-2009, 05:09 PM
donna dominaa, c'è qlk italiano?
07-12-2009, 10:26 PM
I just did a sexual offender search in my area in Illinois are it came up 60% WOMEN OFFENDERS 50% MALE OFFENDERS.
07-12-2009, 10:27 PM
*and not are
07-13-2009, 12:15 AM
hmm, 60%+50% = 110% so, You've got more than plenty.....:Baahaha:
07-13-2009, 12:41 PM
donna dominaa, c'è qlk italiano?
eccomi sama, sono italiano ....dimmi tutto
07-14-2009, 01:15 AM
donna dominaa, c'è qlk italiano?
Ci sono pure io.... cosa ti piace fare agli schiavi?
Eric Menrhine
07-22-2009, 08:54 PM
It's a site about femdom. If being threatened with ********** offends you, you're on the wrong board boys...
Negative, Chief.
The talk here, is typically about FANTASY, and occasionally VOLUNTARY **********. Neither of those presents a problem to my mind, but the moment it becomes manditory, it crosses a line that must not be crossed.
I think this bares serious thought before anyone should even consider jumping into it. I've noticed that the very one who would geld men, is opposed to similar punishments for women committing identical crimes.
Just my thoughts on this.
07-23-2009, 02:17 AM
donna dominaa, c'è qlk italiano?
:) :) :)
Fa sempre piacere l'arrivo di una connazionale in questo forum. E' evento raro pertanto prezioso. Spero Tu ci dia la possibilità di leggere qualche volta cosa ne pensa "l'altra metà del cielo.
Avevamo una "perla", Silvia. Dico avevamo perchè è da un po' che latita. Anche Lei indugiava in queste bizzarre ed affascinanti fantasie. Lo faceva con un pathos ed una emozione profonde, molto coinvolgenti.
E Tu? Che Ti porta da queste parti ? :jumpsmile
07-24-2009, 03:42 AM
Negative, Chief.
The talk here, is typically about FANTASY, and occasionally VOLUNTARY **********. Neither of those presents a problem to my mind, but the moment it becomes manditory, it crosses a line that must not be crossed.
I think this bares serious thought before anyone should even consider jumping into it. I've noticed that the very one who would geld men, is opposed to similar punishments for women committing identical crimes.
Just my thoughts on this.
It's still a fantasy for those people who want it to be mandatory... in their fantasies. That's the point I am making.
07-24-2009, 08:34 AM
Ciao dominatrice felice di leggerti, se vuoi possiamo scambiarci opinioni fantasie e se vuoi altro.
09-07-2009, 02:14 AM
do girls really ******** men?
09-07-2009, 05:56 AM
Italiano e presente. Che cosa ti piace?
09-07-2009, 10:46 AM
Italiano e presente. Che cosa ti piace?
say WHAT!!!!
09-08-2009, 05:56 PM
do girls really ******** men?
of course we do silly, it's not our usual cup of tea, but a well documented fact.;)
09-28-2009, 07:48 PM
I disagree with ********** for sex offendors (I believe that Poland is introducing it, though I doubt it'll last long before the EU shoot it down, but that's another topic). Justice is a fine balance between punishing the individual, while at the same time recognising his human dignity. Justice becomes distorted when respect for the latter is violated. Permanent and destructive acts against the body (such as **********) would constitute such a violation.
11-14-2009, 11:32 AM
Jenny, I am researching this topic and I am very interested in the documentation. If anyone knows of actual cases I would appreciate the sources.
of course we do silly, it's not our usual cup of tea, but a well documented fact.;)
Debs, very interesting post and I find the poll both amusing and helpful. My opinion is that the range of judicial punishments for the male sex offender should be as open and as wide a range as is possible. For example, any are all of these should be permissible and administered at the discretion of the judicial system.
1. chemical **********
2. surgical **********
3. surgical ********** and penectomy
4. public humiliation
5. long prison sentences
What are your views?
11-16-2009, 06:28 PM
if we geld male horses to make them more docile and obedient to the needs of their mistresses, surely the same logic dictates that the ********** of the human male in the interest of behavioural conditioning would be similarly desireable. I know that the wholesale ********** of men at the present time would be viewed as an infringement of their human rights, but in the future changes in the law and social customs could make the removal of the testicles for the purpose of social conditioning an accepted part of the growing up process in boys. The consequent establishing of a less agressive less competitive and more compliant male population benefit all human kind.
And i totaly agree with ********** boys at a young age, anyway id like to hear from other women and also men to see what there thoughts are.
to tell you the truth, I totally agree with you...mens should be treatn like male horses, yeah...where should be a difference?
11-23-2009, 10:32 PM
to tell you the truth, I totally agree with you...mens should be treatn like male horses, yeah...where should be a difference?
Like horses, I like that idea, just hold them still, spread their legs, and here we go, slice here, and there, and a little more here. grab the ball, and pull it all the way... and since there is no more use for the penis either chop, chop, chop :iluvu:
Scooter Jones
11-24-2009, 12:46 AM
Well most men and some women may not agree with me, but i think feminine authority will happen in the near future. and then Mandatory ********** will come into effect were say boys at the age of 13 have there balls removed to carm them down sexually and then educated in female supremacy and then made to work, here in the uk a man was arrested for having sex with a (2YR OLD GIRL) that is horrible so if we females ******** boys/men so there sex drive is dead then men like this guy cannot hurt anyone, but that goes for young boys also they do **** and there hormones are all over the place at that age, they get erection morning noon and night so take that ability away it would carm him down greatly, if we ******** male animals to carm them down, why cant we ******** human males would make the world alot safer, i have a son and i would gladly get him done, i do think we should keep some males for farming sperm for freezing and then at a sorten age he should then be *********, sorry but i just think young boys/men get off easly especialy when they commit a sexual act wether that be **** or someone that exposes himself and masturbates infront of a female that there sex drive should be killed off long term and ********** is the best way, i dont agree with chemical ********** either as its reverible the male can stop taking the medication and his sex drive returns, so i think physical ********** is a must and also maybe removal of the penis, anyway im rambling on i just feel strongly about this and i hope i havnt offended anyone, but girls surly u agree that ********** needs to be done !!!
Epic fail because that is a copy and pasted response from another thread you posted in, its exactly the same word for word.
and would you be upset if it was mandatory to have the ovaries and the clit removed to greatly calm you down, or is that just getting unfair.
11-25-2009, 07:57 PM
I like the idea too, on all fours, girl grabs his pig-balls from behind, knife, slices open, pulls them out, cut :wooow
11-26-2009, 11:04 PM
I like the idea too, on all fours, girl grabs his pig-balls from behind, knife, slices open, pulls them out, cut :wooow
See, we even have a volunteer :iluvu: just stay still, the click, click, click, is my mouse, not the knife in a sharpening stone :thumbup
Castratrix's pet
11-27-2009, 09:45 AM
of course we do silly, it's not our usual cup of tea, but a well documented fact.;)
Women who roll up their sleeves and actually do this for real are the absolute living epitome of The Great Goddess Herself. I would love to be ********* and forever the permanent slave of a woman who did this to me. To be the permanent slave of a woman at whose hands my balls were cut out and my manhood destroyed.
I feel especially drawn to worship women surgeons, women veterinarians, cowgirls and women on ranches and farms who ******** male livestock, and of course professional castratrices as the true living epitome of The Great Goddess Herself. Because of my sleeve fetish, when I see a woman in a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up, I instantly begin wondering what it would be like being ********* by her.
By the way Jenny69, I have often wondered what kind of woman would roll up her sleeves and really ******** a man for real and what she would really be like.
Castratrix's pet
11-27-2009, 10:07 AM
Like horses, I like that idea, just hold them still, spread their legs, and here we go, slice here, and there, and a little more here. grab the ball, and pull it all the way... and since there is no more use for the penis either chop, chop, chop :iluvu:
You have me wondering Jenny, would you yourself really ******** a man for real, you performing the **********? Maybe you already have, or you have watched a woman perform a ********** turning a man into a eunuch.
Out of curiosity Jenny, just what are your feelings about male **********? Which men should be ********* and when? How would you perform the **********, how long would it take you to perform it, and what would it be like for the man or what do you want it to be like for him while you are ********** him and his manhood is being destroyed at your hands?
I have wondered what it would be like if my fantasy really came true. What would it be like for me tied or strapped down helpless to a gelding table with a beautiful woman like yourself standing over me, watching her as she rolls up her sleeves above her elbows knowing she is going to ******** me, watching, feeling, and experiencing it as she cuts my nuts out and my manhood is destroyed at her hands. Then serving and worshipping her as Goddess. What would it be like to serve and worship her, to be the permanent eunuch slave of the woman at whose hands my testicles had been cut out and my manhood was destroyed? Do you have any thoughts on this please?
Castratrix's pet
11-27-2009, 10:20 AM
See, we even have a volunteer :iluvu: just stay still, the click, click, click, is my mouse, not the knife in a sharpening stone :thumbup
Part of me would volunteer too, but I'm also very afraid. In my fantasies though, there is no volunteering. Because women are the ones in control, women decide which men are to be ********* and when to do it, women impose it on the men, me included, whether the men want it or not.
11-27-2009, 02:10 PM
yeah, thats it...the only strange thing on the topic is the fact that I know NO GIRL that would really make HER fantasy into reality...
11-27-2009, 06:47 PM
yeah, thats it...the only strange thing on the topic is the fact that I know NO GIRL that would really make HER fantasy into reality...
The law is tough on us, not in this country I think. but it would be really nice to be able to do it once.:iluvu:
11-28-2009, 01:10 AM
I think this should be a normal it is by animals...
11-28-2009, 10:04 AM
I think this should be a normal it is by animals...
Yes, it should. ;)
11-28-2009, 12:57 PM
in a better world, men and their genitalia would belong to the women in their lives. they would have the authority to punish and ******** their guys if necessary.
11-29-2009, 10:48 PM
in a better world, men and their genitalia would belong to the women in their lives. they would have the authority to punish and ******** their guys if necessary.
I would like that:iluvu:
11-30-2009, 06:11 PM
I too, jenny :iluvu:
12-03-2009, 12:44 PM
Women who roll up their sleeves and actually do this for real are the absolute living epitome of The Great Goddess Herself. I would love to be ********* and forever the permanent slave of a woman who did this to me. To be the permanent slave of a woman at whose hands my balls were cut out and my manhood destroyed.
I feel especially drawn to worship women surgeons, women veterinarians, cowgirls and women on ranches and farms who ******** male livestock, and of course professional castratrices as the true living epitome of The Great Goddess Herself. Because of my sleeve fetish, when I see a woman in a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up, I instantly begin wondering what it would be like being ********* by her.
By the way Jenny69, I have often wondered what kind of woman would roll up her sleeves and really ******** a man for real and what she would really be like.
I agree.. I have always had a crazy out of control sex drive and would absolutely love to have my balls removed.. or worse. I would prefer it to be done.. not so quickly though. I have made multiple posts about it on here and my own little blog.
I would be all for the "eye for an eye" treatment of offenders. You **** a woman, she gets to choose the punishment if not carry it out if you are proven guilty. ********** would be bad, but a penectomy where they leave your balls would be even worse. All the urges and no way to relieve them.
12-03-2009, 03:24 PM
You have me wondering Jenny, would you yourself really ******** a man for real...
Out of curiosity Jenny, just ... manhood is being destroyed at your hands?
I have wondered what it would be like... at whose hands my testicles had been cut out and my manhood was destroyed? Do you have any thoughts on this please?
I am just about to get back from Vacations, visiting relatives in Mobile Al, Atlanta GA, and Clarksville, and Nashville TN, and a few friends in NC. This passed week occurred to me how easy would it be to get a collection of cocks in a jar :iluvu: There is so many of you who are dying to see your cocks gone hehehe I know some of you live around all the areas I drove by... :thumbup
IDK if I would do it, but I want to say I would:iluvu:
12-04-2009, 05:12 AM easy would it be to get a collection of cocks in a jar :iluvu:
There is so many of you who are dying to see your cocks gone heheheThat is fascinating, isn't it? :D
12-06-2009, 10:09 AM
Jenny, do you have your list ready?
12-07-2009, 05:21 AM
Just tell me when you are in germany Jenny69 :D
12-07-2009, 08:28 AM
I am just about to get back from Vacations, visiting relatives in Mobile Al, Atlanta GA, and Clarksville, and Nashville TN, and a few friends in NC. This passed week occurred to me how easy would it be to get a collection of cocks in a jar :iluvu: There is so many of you who are dying to see your cocks gone hehehe I know some of you live around all the areas I drove by... :thumbup
IDK if I would do it, but I want to say I would:iluvu:
Do you have the list of the victims ready, please?:bananad:
12-07-2009, 06:02 PM
I am just about to get back from Vacations, visiting relatives in Mobile Al, Atlanta GA, and Clarksville, and Nashville TN, and a few friends in NC. This passed week occurred to me how easy would it be to get a collection of cocks in a jar :iluvu: There is so many of you who are dying to see your cocks gone hehehe I know some of you live around all the areas I drove by... :thumbup
IDK if I would do it, but I want to say I would:iluvu:
Take my cocks...
12-08-2009, 05:07 AM
We all are in female domination here, but sexual agression (of children especially) is not a kind of domination! it's just a crime. The offender may be either a man or a woman it's still a crime. It has nothing to do with female domination.
this is true because I was raped by both at a young age
12-08-2009, 04:44 PM
Jenny, do you have your list ready?
Just tell me when you are in germany Jenny69
Do you have the list of the victims ready, please?
Jenny, Take my cocks...I really wonder..., has anybody already offered you money?
...How much?
12-10-2009, 10:31 AM
I really wonder..., has anybody already offered you money?
...How much?
I do not really think we shall offer a money, pleasure would be on both sides anyway. Both sides would benefit, the giving side, and glad taking side as well.
12-10-2009, 12:12 PM
If she were to get money for it, it would add a whole lot of extra legal issues.. but if she does it with an elastrator or burdizzo or a few other methods for no pay there are very few legal issues.
12-12-2009, 12:16 PM
I do not really think we shall offer a money...Well, I wasn't thinking about throwing our bucks together... :D
I'm just wondering about, what kind of offers you get in Jenny's situation. :)
If she were to get money for it, it would add a whole lot of extra legal issues..I very much doubt, that it would make much difference. But then again, I'm not an expert.:Baahaha:
12-13-2009, 09:40 AM
I feel like Jany is on the move. Let's hear Jenny.
12-18-2009, 02:34 PM
I feel like Jany is on the move. Let's hear Jenny.
Unlikely that any of you guys would get that lucky to feel my hand, but if so, I wouldn't mind get my plane tickets to the party taken care off ahead of time hehehe :loveeyes
12-21-2009, 12:22 AM
Silly boys:iluvu:
Unlikely that any of you guys would get that lucky to feel my hand...
Yes, quite silly. :) But I would really like to feel more of you than just your hand. ;)
12-22-2009, 08:44 PM
Yes, quite silly. :) But I would really like to feel more of you than just your hand. ;)
Hmmm... of course I have special tools too:iluvu:
12-23-2009, 12:41 AM
Jenny..., you're fun. :thumbup:bananajum
If you weren't overseas, I guess I'd be in real trouble. :D
12-23-2009, 01:17 PM
Jenny..., you're fun. :thumbup:bananajum
If you weren't overseas, I guess I'd be in real trouble. :D
You may offer her a flight ticket, let's see.
Eric Menrhine
12-24-2009, 12:48 AM
I'm okay with ********** as long as it's voluntary. Our bodies our choice, right? I would note that tomorrow eventually comes, so while it might seem hot to some of you guys right now, you may want to consider that it might not afterwards.
12-24-2009, 10:27 AM
Eric Menrhine: may want to consider that it might not afterwards.
So YOU are very smart, are you? ;)
12-24-2009, 01:42 PM
Cut it out ladies. It's just a fantasy.
(Muah ha ha ha... cut it out.)
12-24-2009, 02:05 PM
I was in asia and a little asian lady keept scaring me about cutting of my ball and dick. took some siccors and nicked my sack and dick. she said she'd druge me , tie me up hand and foot , gag me , then, torture my balls with electricty , , damage no problem she said cause she said she would cut off take one ball , fry and eat it. so I know the next day she'll take the second ball and do the same. with the last ball,, electric tourture, then cut it off fry it in the pan while I look and eat it too. the next day she ould cut off my dick and fry and eat that too.
I was really scared as hell,, but her pussy was so tight,, I didnt want to leave..
well she didnt cut anything off, but I was still never sure, I had only met her the day before!
AND she really loved ball biteing,, and scary l little lady
12-24-2009, 05:06 PM
This is my main be bound and have a woman torture my balls and then ******** me...if i would find someone into his i think i could let her do this!!
12-26-2009, 03:59 PM
(...) she said she would cut off take ONE BALL , fry and eat it. so I know the next day she'll take THE SECOND BALL and do the same. with THE LAST BALL,, electric tourture, then cut it off fry it in the pan while I look and eat it too. the next day she ould cut off my dick and fry and eat that too.
That makes THREE, doesn't it ?
12-26-2009, 05:03 PM
That makes THREE, doesn't it ?
3 - 3 = 0, anyway. :D
12-27-2009, 09:38 PM
My husband is into ********** fantasy and before we married I'd never given it much thought. But I did know that the stigma attached to ********** made it very undesirable to males.
If we can rid men of that stigma I now believe that surgical ********** of males would be a good thing. Not so much as a punishment but as both a deterent and as a cure for men who cannot control themselves. I would advocate it for both sex crimes and violence.
For men who wish to rid themselves of the frustration of unrequited sex then why not allow them to have themselves ********* as a lifestyle choice? Though for the later then chemical ********** is reasonable. For the ****** ********** then it should be surgical removal of the testes as the offenders would merely stop taking the treatment if it were chemical.
It worked very well in the sixties in Denmark, where ********** was a common cure for rapists. I'm sure it will eventually come in some form or other as women become more influencial. Yes, it has my vote.
12-29-2009, 10:12 AM
There are no females ready ******** a male, if I will find one I would voluntary right away.
12-31-2009, 09:39 AM
For men who wish to rid themselves of the frustration of unrequited sex then why not allow them to have themselves ********* as a lifestyle choice? Though for the later then chemical ********** is reasonable. For the ****** ********** then it should be surgical removal of the testes as the offenders would merely stop taking the treatment if it were chemical.
the problem is that for most people the ********** of males is something sick. Especially women find it disgusting and a man how wants to get ********* is classified as a psycho...its a pity...
01-22-2010, 06:22 PM
Yes, my wife and I strongly agree that ********** should be an automatic penalty for anyone that sexually molests a person against that person's will and consent. No banking of sperm, no dancing around the issue. either a **********, or a bullet thru the head. as for mandatory ********** of all males, that shouldn't have to be. We think that ********** should be made easily available to any man of legal age, should one feel that is in his best interest. Right now, a man has to go thru hell and high water to get a legal medical **********. That needs to be changed.
02-06-2010, 12:55 PM
(want to keep this going) Sorry Eric, but I believe we would be better w some mandatory cutting. Could start w anyone who has done a sexual crime. Then anyone who has done a felony. Then anyone whose parents (either) have done a felony.
Then we can discuss 'gelding' and what ages, gene/dna storage, or freezing of parts...
I love your tools on mine, tickets are cheap:iluvu:
jenny, if ever come to germany, would you like to emasculate me too? i would like to get my balls cut and my cock chopped or bitten off by you. i can already imagine it: sitting on the bed, shocked, looking down at the small bleeding stump, where once my prick was and you still holding the scissor in your left hand and my severed cock in the other. you laugh at me and say things to me like: you're not a boy anymore or you have to sit down if you pee now.
02-20-2010, 11:40 AM
jenny, if ever come to germany, would you like to emasculate me too? i would like to get my balls cut and my cock chopped or bitten off by you. i can already imagine it: sitting on the bed, shocked, looking down at the small bleeding stump, where once my prick was and you still holding the scissor in your left hand and my severed cock in the other. you laugh at me and say things to me like: you're not a boy anymore or you have to sit down if you pee now.
Leave me your info, you never know, maybe I will collect in the future ;)
Hmmm... of course I have special tools too:iluvu:
This indeed is a special tool. You could hack or cut it off. I wonder how many wacks it would take to get it off. :confused:
Jenny can you please tell me your fantasy. how will you cut me?
02-23-2010, 11:37 PM
I like to tied me and cut my cock slowly.
02-28-2010, 11:24 AM
Jocelyn, Augie.....mams...what age do you think these actions should be taken?
thank you
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