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05-07-2009, 02:56 PM
Melanie came home, hung her coat up, layed down her keys, and removed her shoes, she yelled for her boyfriend, Dennis, but no response came, and while she walked up the stair , she noticed a black nylon bra lying next to a pair of cute white socks..

“what the hell” she said.. while walking up on another set of stairs, when she heard the sqeaking of a bed..filled with anger she slowly opened the door to find Dennis fucking his ex girlfriend, lindy..she stood there and watched Dennis's big prick pounding in and out of lindy's tight and moist pussy, while his balls slapped her ass with superb rythmic precision.
She was filled with hate and disgust as she heard lindy's quiet moans become louder and louder signalling a orgasm of mythic proportions , and while he grunted and filled her with his seed to the point of it spilling out, she came to and when she did, a high pitched scream escaped her throat, a scream wich only got louder as she saw Melanie hovered over Dennis with a baseball bat ,ready to swing..”hey basterd” Dennis froze not believing his ears, he heard a woosh of air before the bat hit his head, knocking him out in one blow...

“Aahhww..my fucking head” , Dennis tried to move but somehow couldn't..” what the fuck is going on..” Suddenly he remembered what has happenned...” oohwww god nooo..no , fuck ..please God, spare me, It only happenned because I was stoned, IF I survive this, I swear, i will never smoke again!!”

He tried to look around but the room was almost completely dark, a small line of light emitting from the creak under the door, suddenly the door blasted open, and Melanie and Lindy walked in.
“ soo finally awake are we?” Melanie asked, Lindy was just staring at me, tears in her eyes.
“What did I say last time you cheated, what did I say I would do if I caught you again?” Melanie whispered, Dennis started struggeling, harder and harder , fear was growing in his eyes.. he started to beg Melanie for forgivness, but none shall he get.. Lindy just stood there, not knowing what would happen next.

“Well, what did I say I would do to you?” Melanie asked and without even waiting a second, she spoke for him..” I said that If I would catch you again..I would slowly...teasingly...but definatly destroy your manhood” while she said this, she started touching him all over his body, his flat stomach and toned chest muscles..reaching lower and lower while he trashed in fear of what to come.

Even though Melanie was now playing with his big round balls, he didn't get hard, this made Melanie pissed off, “ what's the matter” she asked him “ did that slut take all of your desire?, ohw i know” and she turned around, facing Lindy and said “ get him hard, NOW” Lindy looked at her with frightened eyes, and started, very slowly, to walk in the direction of Dennis..
“I'm so sorry, she said she'll kill me if I don't co operate..” Dennis started to speak but Melanie stuffed Lindy's little white socks in his mouth and ductaped it shut, “ well well..look who rose to the ocation” Melanie said in her sexiest voice..while looking at his penis, wich was by now, rock hard in Lindy's little hands..in wich it truelly looked monsterous “ I'm really going to miss your cock Dennis, It really is quite spectacular” Melanie said while she snatched it out of Lindy's hands , looking at it, stroking him softly, teasing him , bowing her head down she licked his 10 inch penis from balls to head “ It even tastes so fucking great mmmm” suddenly she got an idea ..” it lookes so tasty Dennis..do you mind If I take a bite?” Dennis started to shake his head no , but she wasn't looking at him, not at his face anyhow.. holding his dick in both hands, she licked her lips while starting to very slowly lick his shaft between her hands, then circeling the head with her tonque before sucking his big mushroom head, she looked up , and grinned, as Dennis saw her teeth closing slowly..suddenly his whole body jerked as she was biting 1 inch below the juicy head , gnawing, snarling, and ripping her head side to side..making weird animal-like sounds... Dennis trashed and trashed while Melanie was trying to bite his dick off, just before Dennis lost his big member to her hungry and willing mouth, she stopped, and looked at him..” you didn't think it would be over so soon did you?” Melanie said with a cute giggle, “ I'm going to make this last “ with that she winked and walked to Lindy, who was frenzely masterbating while looking at the teeth marks on his now, even bigger cock.
“ So you liked what you saw slut?” Melanie asked, Lindy stopped masterbating and looked at her and said “ uhu, I always had fantasies about torturing his big dick and huge balls, but I never dreamed about seeing it for real..” It was at this moment, when there eyes met again..that Melanie started to realise how pretty Lindy was.. angelic face surrounded by short black hair, swimmers body, with small perky breasts and totally smooth pussy, Melanie herself was also truly a goddes, with a cute face, long blond hair, big tits, and also a bald pussy, both glistening from the erotic tension..lindy broke the silence by asking “ uhm..could I maybe..you know..torture his...balls?” Melanie smiled, walked over , and gave her a warm soft,passionate kiss while cupping her breast “of course you may” as she ended the kiss and walked over to Dennis, sweat was now pouring out of his head.. Melanie sat next to him, looking at his naked body, staring at that big piece of flesh wich had given her uncountable orgasms..” Lindy, it's your turn sweety” she said sweet and softly..”okay” lindy said while she grinned and stood up “ here I come”

Dennis was now softly crying as Lindy walked over to him with her sexy body moving slow and cupped his balls, sqeezing a little “ how does it feel baby?, does it feel good..or...NOT” and with that she started sqeezing harder and harder, watching his face ,wich now wasn't looking scared but in utter pain, she loosened her grip with her left hand, while still sqeezing as hard as she could with her right hand “ mmmm this feeels soooo good, but let's try something else shall we?” Melanie looked suprised as she saw this small girl dominating him completely, and..she thought to herself..she's really enyoing herself.

Lindy took both his balls, and made a noose out of her left thumb and indexfinger, slowly pulling his balls away from his body..almost 5 inches later, she repositioned herself, and punched his balls as hard as she could with her right hand, “ OMG, this feeels soo good, I want to punch them again!” she said grinning like a fool, and so she did, the next 5 minutes, she was punching away at his balls, wich were a reddisch color now, and slightly larger then before, Dennis was now still, moaning quietly whenever she punched him.. “ looks like you're enjoying yourself..let's take it up a notch shall we?” she winked, then let his balls drop to the matrass, and walked over to Melanie, and whispered something in her ear , Dennis could see a smile creeping on her face....this could not be good..he thought.

05-07-2009, 03:44 PM
Please continue, I like it!

05-07-2009, 04:03 PM
Great start please continue. Biting is good, but if you could work in kicks or stomping that would be great too!

05-07-2009, 04:52 PM
“ Alright” said Melanie “ I'll go and get what you want, just don't break his balls while I'm away okay “ and with that she stood up, walked past Dennis ,” ohw yeah, I forgot” and punched his balls..hard, you could hear the fleshy sound when her fist made contact with his balls “ you're right Lindy, this does feels good” and she walked out of the door, laughing..meanwhile, Lindy aproached him and sat next to him “ poor baby, do your ballsies hurt” she said with a girlisch voice, she grabbed his left nut, and leaned over, then she shifted her body, straddling him, and while he was treated to Lindy's firm ass and wet pussy, she stared at the big left nut , skin streched tight, and leaned over, placing the ball in her mouth..and starting to softly at first, bite his ball, biting harder with every second, she grabbed his other ball to , and tried to stuff it in her mouth, but his balls were to big, so she could only get half of it in..with his left ball crushed completely between her teeth, the real agony for Dennis resulted from his right ball, with only half of it in, his ball was deforming quikly, this did not bother Lindy, as she contineud the assault on his balls , biting even harder, she could feel Dennis trashing, and bucking to get away from the pure agony..finally she stopped biting, and turned around “ mmm , you do taste great, Mel was right , wait till you see what she's getting, It will really blow my mind..and break your balls” she laughed and stood up, “ look at me” she ran her hands all over her body, rubbing her boobs, sliding down slowly, and while opening her legs, she stuck a finger in her pussy, barely feeling it she said” damn, you really are a great fuck, my pussy has never been so stretched, but after tonight, your fucking days are permantly over, hahaha”

“Got what you wanted “ Melanie said as she walked in the room, now naked to..she layed the items on a nearby dresser, a atlas, with a bright red wooden cover, a hammer and 4 inch nails, a red elastic band, a sharp knife, and a box.
Dennis started bucking again as he saw the items “ now now sweety, if I remember correctly, you agreed with me that if you cheated again, this was for the best, you can't control yourself, but I'm going to fix that” she said while stroking his dick, wich, suprisingly, was still rock hard.
“please get the atlas Lindy, and place it under his balls, I have another idea..lets crush his balls with our feet” Mel said smiling at Lindy, who stood up to place the atlas under his balls, when it was in the right place, Lindy stood up on the bed, and mel rolled over Dennis placing her knee on his left ball, and pushed herself over his body, then, turning sideways, she placed her feet on Dennis his face.
“ready” lindy asked , Dennis could not move, not speak, he was exhausted “I asked, are you ready?” as she grinded her pretty , small left foot into his balls, stepping on them , raising her foot a couple of inches, before crushing his balls against the wood again “ let's try this..” as she placed her left foot on his left ball, and then, her right foot on his right ball, standing on them with all of her weight, “ I can't believe there still there” she schriecked, bouncing up and down on his balls, even jumping a few inches, and landing on them, Dennis started to make weird gagging noises, so Lindy deceided it was time for something else, jumping as high as she could, using his balls as a trampoline, she jumped into the air, only to land with her knees bend on his balls, his whole body jerked, and then lied still..
“Did I break them?” lindy asked, Mel moved to take a closer look, grabbed a handfull of his pride and joy, and started feeling , “ no, they're still there” Mel said with a disapointed look on her face, “ damn, Lindy added, I was sure they wouldn' stand a chance” Lindy looked at Mel and said “ but, we can torture him some more now” they both started laughing, “alright” Lindy said,” watch this” she extended her legs, and with her bare feet, manouvered his balls on top of her left foot,and with her right foot jammed them between her bare feet, “alright Mel, would you like to join in?” Mel looked at Dennis, eyes rolled back into his skull, “ yes, i would love to” and sat down on the bed, set her both feet ontop of Lindy's, and started smashing her feet into his balls, “ one...two...three” they both sang, as they began to sing harder, Lindy was pushing up , while Melanie started to kick harder, and harder still..his balls were bright red now, and swollen severly.
“ I can't believe how much fun this is” Lindy said, she began grinding her feet togheter now, while Mel stood up, and placed her feet inches above Dennis's mangled balls, “ when I say one, pull up with all your strenght okay?” Lindy smiled and nodded..”three....two.....ONE”
as Lindy pulled up, Mel kicked down, she started screaming “ ONE...ONE..ONE..ONE...” all the while kicking down as hard as she could until on the brink of orgasm, Mel jumped, and landed, both feet, ontop of his balls, smashing them between 4 pretty bare feet, she didn't step off right away, she stood there shaking, bouncing, before finally, stepping of, Lindy removed her feet from his balls, only to stand up too, and kick them furiously while Mel dropped to her knees, and started biting his huge mushroom head again, actually drawing blood this time.. “ I can't stand this anymore” Mel said,” I want to destroy his manhood NOW” Lindy looked at her, and said “ okay” stepping on his balls for the last time, digging her toes in his swollen nut flesh,then bend down, grab his limp penis, and started leaning back, putting more weight on his balls, while stretching his large cock, Mel moved to the dresser, picked up the nails, and the hammer, Lindy let go of his dick, and sat on the bed between his legt, moving the atlas a little, she asked “ can I do his nuts, please?” Melanie smiled, and said “ yes, ofcourse you can,but I want to do his cock first”Lindy moved to the left, so Mel could sit between his legs, grabbing the hammer, she first hit his cock “ to make the meat tender” she jokingly explained, grabbing a nail, she said to Lindy” honey, can you make him hard again?” “ sure” she said , dipping her finger in her pussy, she moved her hand to his nose, and he started getting hard right away..when he was fully erect, she slammed the hammer on his glans, then quikly drove the sharp nail into his cock with her bare hands, so it would stick out, she then let go of the nail, and with both arms, slammed the hammer, right in his balls! “ oops, I think I missed” Lindy started laughing hard, while Mel tried again, this time, hitting the nail dead on, ad drove it trough his huge cock, with one strike! “ now there's a site to behold, she said, your turn sweety” as she handed her the hammer, Lindy posisitioned herself between his legs, kicking him again with her perfect naked feet, and then, grabbing the red elastic band, putting it around his balls, util it was as tight as possible, she then stared smacking them with the hammer, before nailng them both.. as they both came, he spurted out his last semen all over the two naked girls.. “ iewwl, you're gonna pay for that she said, it's all over my feet, fucking basterd, grabbing the knife, she started te slowly slice his dick away from his body, first slicing of the glans, then inch by inch, shredding his big cock, to small bits and pieces, while Lindy grabbed the hammer, she started pulverizing his huge purple nutsack, before slicing them off as well, they stood up, and opened the box..” I'm looking forward to this, I can't even remember when I gourmet for the last time..”

05-07-2009, 09:49 PM
Keep the story going, very nice!

05-08-2009, 12:26 AM
can someone maybe explain how I can get this story on eunuch.org it suits the site I think :P

05-08-2009, 07:18 AM
On the home page of Eunuch.org, at the top, thre is a button named "SUBMIT"

It leads you to a page where you must fill some fields.

(I must admit I have not tried it, not good enough a writer!)

Your story is very exciting anyway, keep writing...

05-09-2009, 01:27 AM
thank you crushee ^^, It's now on eunuch.org under the name Dennis.

so i guess this post can be deleted now.

05-11-2009, 08:34 AM
Damn Dude, pretty impressive story. I'd say leave it up for a while longer for others to enjoy.