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View Full Version : Hasanyoneseenlasthouseremake?

06-18-2009, 04:33 PM
Any one seen the penectomy scene in the remake?

i am jacks username
06-18-2009, 05:06 PM
noihaventseenititlookslikeabadremakeofwhatwasabadf ilminthefirstplacethisisirritatingisntitcauseigott atellyouitiskindoffun

06-21-2009, 08:11 PM
noihaventseenititlookslikeabadremakeofwhatwasabadf ilminthefirstplacethisisirritatingisntitcauseigott atellyouitiskindoffun

your not funny. are you?

06-21-2009, 10:58 PM
lol maybe not so funny but maybe he got annoyed with that title

06-21-2009, 11:59 PM
your not funny. are you?

I thought it was kinda funny...

06-22-2009, 01:18 AM
Ithoughtitwaskindafunnymyself.Youknow,itskindahard totypewithoutusingthespacebar.AmItheonlyonwqhothin kathespacebarsoundslikeascifimoviedevice?Anyways,I readelsewherethatthereisnopenectomysceneintheLastH ouseonTheLeftremake.Oh,andsorryifenglishisn'tyourf irstlanguageandyoutakeoffensetothis.


06-22-2009, 06:42 AM

06-22-2009, 10:24 PM
Ithoughtitwasfunnyaswell.TotellyouthetruthI'monlyd oingthisbecauseIalwayswonderedwhatitwouldbeliketot ypewithoutaspacebar.Yay!

06-24-2009, 01:47 AM
Ithoughtitwasfunnyaswell.TotellyouthetruthI'monlyd oingthisbecauseIalwayswonderedwhatitwouldbeliketot ypewithoutaspacebar.Yay!


i am jacks username
06-24-2009, 09:42 PM
ithinkeecummingsdidntgofarenoughthisiswherethereal actionsat

06-25-2009, 05:27 AM
ithinkeecummingsdidntgofarenoughthisiswherethereal actionsat

okfairplaytoyoupeopleseemtoenjoythis.hasanyoneseen lasthouseontheleftremakethen?
theonlyreasonileftoutspacewassothefulltitlewouldap peronscreen.

i am jacks username
06-25-2009, 05:30 PM
Well why didn't you say so?

As I said, I have not seen the movie, but I looked it up in the BB movie database. This is what it had to say about the film.

"This remake of the 1972 classic is a letdown for bb fans. Almost all prior LHOTL knockoffs and re-imaginings contain busts or castrations. There are no castrations in this new version. There are two knees, but the one involving the very hot Riki Lindhome is fully off-screen and the one involving Monica Potter is terribly lit. These are still busts worthy of listing on this comprehensive database, but anyone looking to see an audience of cheering females laugh at a dude getting his cock cut or bitten off will not get any such experience out of seeing this new film in the theater."

You can read it yourself at the Database.
