View Full Version : Trips to the ER?
07-11-2009, 04:24 PM
So has anyone here had to take a trip to the ER because of a ballbusting gone bad? I ask this because I was just talking about my latest ballbusting w/ the wife in the thread "convincing the wife". She is quite aggressive and so far is kicking me as hard as I am asking. She is very new to this, so I have done my best to put her fears aside, but then again, she is not a professional, so not sure how to gauge her abilities. I have had pros hook me up pretty good, but they are also good at gauging my limits. To keep from freaking out the wife, I have been very careful to not show the effects of the kicks/pain and so far this has been great.
I also worry that my balls will do the thinking for me, and I will get carried away and will get myself injured, which really wouldn't bother me TOO much, but I know it would stop her from engaging in the fun anymore.
I had an "newby" kicker once and when she told me she played soccer, I got down on my knees and I told her to kick me "lightly" and then increase it gradually since I had no idea how hard she would kick. She was very timid and wasn't kicking very hard even with my continual "a little harder...OK, a bit harder". I finally told her to imagine trying to make a goal and kick my balls like she was kicking a soccer ball. Out of nowhere, she planted her foot so deep in my balls, I think I still have some tatoo ink on there from her toe. That was it for that session and I thought I may regret what I had asked her to do, but it was one of the better kicks I have had. I am not sure how far I am able to go before I would need medical attention.
07-12-2009, 12:50 AM
i have no helpful advice, but i do have a doctor story. i found a lump on one of my balls and decided it was best to go get it checked out. i was afraid it was cancer or something. but, recently before that lump was noticed i had been pretty hard on myself with the self ball abuse and i couldnt be sure if i had just injured it and that was the lump, or what. so when i was at the doctors i had to ask if that could have been what caused it. the doctor seemed really uncomfortable.
turns out i was fine. not cancer.
07-14-2009, 01:54 PM
In all my time on ball-busting and cock-and-ball torture forums I've only heard of a very few trips to the emergency room. The three I can recall off the top of my head went like this:
1) guy has his nuts on the table, girl slams them really hard with the spine of a heavy book. Result: badly injured and swollen testicle. Lesson: avoid getting balls trapping in between two hard things
2) guy has girl tie dental floss around his nuts, tie the other end to the door and then slam the door. Result: this cuts into and substantially injures the scrotum. Lesson: don't be a fucking moron. Or, more specifically, don't use dental floss for bondage (duh) and don't use large levels of force when you don't know what effect it will have (duh).
3) girl waves guy's flaccid penis in front of the cat until it attacks it. Result: infected cuts in the head of the penis which don't heal fully for several months both due to cat's claws often carrying bacteria and the penis not healing quickly. Lesson: your genitals are not cat toys. Don't play with animals bigger than insects.
Even in all of those cases, there was no permanent injury, just a serious risk of one. So really, the overall lesson is don't get ridiculous with it. Don't try and push things constantly, and you'll be fine. Lots of people do things like kicking, kneeing, squeezing, pulling, and punching all of the time. Unless you're really trying to injure someone you're not likely to. But start doing crazy stuff and the risk increases.
07-14-2009, 04:01 PM
lol cat ..............
07-14-2009, 05:34 PM
Your testicles are sensitive organs. Remember to only play with someone you can trust. Medical fallout will be your problem, not the other party's, not as much even if she is your wife.
A hard direct impact can cause rupture. It does happen, don't fool yourself. Injuries to the nuts can cause cancer, just know that. And even if your balls recover from injury, your sperm may be compromised for life.
07-15-2009, 04:31 PM
Back in the 80s. Guy comes home, catches another dude in bed with his wife. Fight ensues. Husband grabs lover's balls. Manages to tear scrotum open. Of note, the husband also came to ER for broken arm.
Another I am aware of was Fayetteville, NC mid 80s. Talked to the urologist that took care of guy. Story was your basic coke dealer was busted. Mouthed off to cop (cuffed). Cop kicks him in the nuts. Ruptured one nut. Had to be removed. As luck would have it, other nut already had scarring from infections in the past. Therefore sterile. Jury awarded $1M to guy.
The last was a guy who said he was asleep naked in bed. Fell out. Caught is sack on "something". Didn't know what. Skin was stretched enough the outer layers had ripped. The deep tissue was intact. The story he gave did not fit the injury as it was even around the base. Most of us guessed either a rope or somebody grabbed and pulled.
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