View Full Version : Woman sets fire to man's privates
08-07-2009, 04:58 PM 889469
[QUOTE=acroyear;66998][URL] ouch that has to hurt. obviously dont know how bad this guy was acting , it says he fondled her after she said no. which is totally wrong. but SHE SET FIRE TO HIS PENIS AND TESTICLES CAUSING SECOND DEGREE BURNS. is this a bit excessive? i mean a slap in the face sure a kick in the balls ok but setting fire to ones genitals ? i mean i been to malia and the drinks are cheap and come in threes when u pay 4 one and its not exactly a family place- i seen girls flash there boobs and grope mens cocks its that sort of place. whats y the thoughts of you guys and girls on this . personally i am pleased the girl stood up 4 herself but dont think "HERO" is the right wordd for mutilating a young man even if they are a drunken arsehole. if he tried to **** her fair enough but fondle? surely sum1 would intervene if it looked nasty
I think this women was a little bit crazy . She meant to hurt him seriously ! 889469
so what do people think? was this too violent?
I think this women was a little bit crazy . She meant to hurt him seriously !
i think you gotta be pretty malicious to do this .
i cant imagine the pain of having your dick and testicles on fire
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