View Full Version : Scrotal Sonogram (Non-Fiction Story)
09-04-2009, 09:28 PM
I wrote this about my latest doctor’s visit. I hope you don’t mind me sharing with everyone.
Afraid that my ailment was severe, I finally gathered enough courage and went to the urologist to investigate the ongoing pain I was experiencing. The doctor diagnosed me with epididymitus, which is an inflammation of the epididymis located behind the testicle, connecting to the vas deferens.
During my visit, I also saw the radiologist. I undress into a gown, lay on a table, while she performs a sonogram. Before she began, she tells me to pull aside my penis and uttered these words, “Lay down and I only want to see your testicles.” I thought that was so hot! So, I’m holding up my penis to my stomach, the gown is covering up my privates, as I see her hand disappear below the gown and go between my legs. A thousand thoughts ran through my mind. The side of her hand rests on the inside of my thigh as she takes the sonogram unit, which its face is covered in this blue gel, and rolls it up and down my scrotum to the base of my cock. First, she does my right testicle. It goes up and down the sac, then down the side and slightly underneath, covering my balls in the gel as it moves. Then did the same with my left, still with her hand rubbing the inner part of my thigh. As the sonogram device pushes my left testicle, it pins it down, then pressure causes the testicle to spring free and roll underneath. It felt so good.
The whole time, my heart was pounding as I tried not to get an erection. I kept thinking back to my ex-g/f who used to cup my balls in her hand, then squeeze them individually between her fingers and thumb. It was pleasurable pain. The kind that makes me want to come so bad. And in both circumstances, there were my balls, naked and laid out before a woman. The whole time, the radiologist stares inside the sac with her device. When she was done, she told me to clean up the gel, and get dressed. When I got out, she gave me a weird look. It was weird and erotic all at the same time. And though I do not like doctor visits, this was definitely the best one I’ve ever had. Thanks for reading! :jumpsmile
09-05-2009, 02:29 PM
Wow, great story! Was she hot? How old? I would have been mortified in the same situation, lol. She knew you were loving every minute of it, that's why she looked at you funny.
09-05-2009, 09:33 PM
Wow, great story! Was she hot? How old? I would have been mortified in the same situation, lol. She knew you were loving every minute of it, that's why she looked at you funny.
She is mid-30's, moderately attractive in a geeky kind of way. Good body.
09-06-2009, 06:12 AM
You could have just start stroking your cock and see how she responds to that.
Maybe she would like you to fuck her. Or maybe watch your cum, or she would like some cum all over her tits.
Kind of lame that you just laid there, doing nothing. What kind of man are you ?
09-06-2009, 07:21 AM
You could have just start stroking your cock and see how she responds to that.
Maybe she would like you to fuck her. Or maybe watch your cum, or she would like some cum all over her tits.
Kind of lame that you just laid there, doing nothing. What kind of man are you ?
One that doesn't want to go to jail? :Baahaha:
Alec Anaconda
09-06-2009, 12:19 PM
One that doesn't want to go to jail
Well said, sir!
09-07-2009, 04:29 AM
Go to jail for touching your own body while you are naked in the first place ?
I dont think so, at least not in the netherlands.
I dont know about foreign laws, but here in Amsterdam if you go to the parc, pull out your cock, start stroking it in front of everyone, you will spend max. 6 hours at the police station for questioning. Then within 2 months or something you will receive a transaction deal from the public prosecuter. It will be about 300 to 500 euro's. When you pay, thats it. If you decide you don't pay, you receive a letter that you must appear in court. About half a year later, you will appear in front of a judge. Such a case will take about 5 till 10 minutes, depending on the evidence. Then the judge will either lower or raise the amount you must pay, or depending on the judge and what it is exactly you did, you might get a few days in jail. But that also depends if you do this on a regular basis.
If you touched or raped someone, it's a completely different scenario. Then you appear in front of a criminal court and you might get sentencted to years in jail. Probably up to 5 years.
If you used any violence or when you raped children, then you can get sentenced to "TBS", which means you get all sorts of therapy and they start fucking with your mind, and they send you to psychologists. This is dangerous because you don't know when they declare you 'cured'. It might take 5 years, it might also take 20 years. Or if they really love fucking with you, they might decide to never let you go.
Anyway, its better not to **** children , or violently **** someone in the first place, because its bad.
But pulling out your own cock and start stroking it, I mean its ridiculous if the country you live in has decided you should go to jail for that.
If you pull out my dick and start stroking it, you might get your lights punched out, except when you are a sexy lady. :D
09-07-2009, 11:36 PM
It really didn't take all those paragraphs to make us realize you're an idiot. We already knew that. Bugger off.
Go to jail for touching your own body while you are naked in the first place ?
I dont think so, at least not in the netherlands.
I dont know about foreign laws, but here in Amsterdam if you go to the parc, pull out your cock, start stroking it in front of everyone, you will spend max. 6 hours at the police station for questioning. Then within 2 months or something you will receive a transaction deal from the public prosecuter. It will be about 300 to 500 euro's. When you pay, thats it. If you decide you don't pay, you receive a letter that you must appear in court. About half a year later, you will appear in front of a judge. Such a case will take about 5 till 10 minutes, depending on the evidence. Then the judge will either lower or raise the amount you must pay, or depending on the judge and what it is exactly you did, you might get a few days in jail. But that also depends if you do this on a regular basis.
If you touched or raped someone, it's a completely different scenario. Then you appear in front of a criminal court and you might get sentencted to years in jail. Probably up to 5 years.
If you used any violence or when you raped children, then you can get sentenced to "TBS", which means you get all sorts of therapy and they start fucking with your mind, and they send you to psychologists. This is dangerous because you don't know when they declare you 'cured'. It might take 5 years, it might also take 20 years. Or if they really love fucking with you, they might decide to never let you go.
Anyway, its better not to **** children , or violently **** someone in the first place, because its bad.
But pulling out your own cock and start stroking it, I mean its ridiculous if the country you live in has decided you should go to jail for that.
If you pull out my dick and start stroking it, you might get your lights punched out, except when you are a sexy lady. :D
09-08-2009, 09:39 AM
Maybe my post was too long, but the point I tried to make is: There is a huge difference between committing sex crimes and being free in expressing your own sexuality.
Throughout history lawmakers with a false moral tried to criminalize any expression of sexuality. I and I am sure many people with me don't share this bullshit moral.
Maybe throughout the internet we could form a group and meet up all together in a city, pulling out our cocks throughout the city and start jerking off in public. (Wrubbing the clit for the females.)
And there will be so many people thoughout the city that the police can't even arrest 5% of us. And the next time we will go to another city and disrespect their bullshit moral when it comes to expressing sexuality.
If you live in a free fucking country, you should be able to go touch yourself, anywhere you fucking like. That is what I am trying to say here. :D
09-08-2009, 06:24 PM
[Breaking out the G-Dubya voice]
Now, lissen, fellers. I ain't had cause tah use this voice ever since thet there Obomber feller got electrocuted to the Pres'dency, but now you done did it.
I don't hold no truck with them there Hollandistan. I hear it's one o' them fundalestimist Muslim countries, right there across the border from Canada.
Here, in the YOO-be-Knighted States, nudity an' touchin' yerself (in public OR in private!) is illegible, and open-enders will be prosticuted to the full extent of the law. And thet means, "Git a rope!"
But, seriously -- Mick, you are very right, other countries have very different laws. I remember our beloved site operator reporting on the dangers and strange happenings of trying to film the videos on this site; in Hungary, you can get away with stuff that will get you sent straight to the dungeon in Denmark, etc. The Netherlands is the "land of compromise", no?
Well, the United States, for example, is the land of "Rush Limbaugh Says So" -- we can't change that because there aren't enough of us in the USA who want change.
Holy crap, I'm talking politics on a BB site! No, no, take Mick, not me! Not MEEEEEEE!!!!!!
09-10-2009, 11:32 PM
What was so hard about either enjoying the story or just moving on? The banter on this post is really irrelevant to the purpose of sharing my experience.
09-13-2009, 04:35 PM
FWIW, I did very much enjoy reading your true story. Thanks for posting it. :bananawin
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