View Full Version : Who are real girls here.
09-06-2009, 02:36 AM
with all your user names its hard to see who are real girls.:bananajum
09-06-2009, 06:03 AM
with all your user names its hard to see who are real girls.:bananajum
My too I look girls but I not devin lol! why forum say girl or boy in profil?????:asleep se moderator lol hello sharon :wooow
09-06-2009, 07:38 AM
Is there any doubt ? Look at my picture.
09-06-2009, 11:52 AM
I'm a "real" girl. Well, woman actually.
I don't post here too much anymore because I got flooded with stupid messages from guys. So unless it is an intelligent message, I don't reply.
But I am the real deal. I love kicking guys in the nuts, and I love stories about guys losing their male-parts, especially their wieners (love that term!)! :)
09-06-2009, 12:01 PM
I'm a "real" girl. Well, woman actually.
I don't post here too much anymore because I got flooded with stupid messages from guys. So unless it is an intelligent message, I don't reply.
But I am the real deal. I love kicking guys in the nuts, and I love stories about guys losing their male-parts, especially their wieners (love that term!)! :)
I'm not sure why people are obsessed by who is a "real girl." I am here for fantasy and don't care...just show me the photos and stories. Then, why idiots bother women to the extent that they do is just crazy. I like chatting with a lady too but damn...this is just an internet forum. We aren't at a club or something.
09-06-2009, 01:05 PM
I'm a "real" girl. Well, woman actually.
I don't post here too much anymore because I got flooded with stupid messages from guys. So unless it is an intelligent message, I don't reply.
But I am the real deal. I love kicking guys in the nuts, and I love stories about guys losing their male-parts, especially their wieners (love that term!)! :)
I don't post here for the same reason, can't see attachments, but and love the stories about it, and the term as well ;)
09-06-2009, 01:59 PM
well, I like to know if it's a girl or boy that posts because I want to know how women think about it and also how men think about it.
09-06-2009, 02:28 PM
I'm a "real" girl. Well, woman actually.
I don't post here too much anymore because I got flooded with stupid messages from guys. So unless it is an intelligent message, I don't reply.
But I am the real deal. I love kicking guys in the nuts, and I love stories about guys losing their male-parts, especially their wieners (love that term!)! :)
I am wondering if you could let me know what turns you on when you see a guy loosing his man parts, and if there are some ways that are hotter than others??
09-06-2009, 02:54 PM
i beleive it's nice to know that some women actually like ballbusting and are not all bad acting (seen a lot of that lately...) thank you rebecca for speaking out and not letting this fantasy *imo* a male fantasy only...
09-06-2009, 04:16 PM
I'm not sure why people are obsessed by who is a "real girl." I am here for fantasy and don't care...just show me the photos and stories. Then, why idiots bother women to the extent that they do is just crazy. I like chatting with a lady too but damn...this is just an internet forum. We aren't at a club or something.
It's the 'net. So a lot of guys on here are probably not too socially adjusted and apt to do stupid shit like, say, hitting on girls like mad when they reveal themselves to be female.
I've watched a BB board or two totally ruin things by being morons about it. One was a site called Kicked In Da Nuts or something where these college age guys and gals would pay a dude $100 or whatever to let some girl kick him in the balls. The site went down when it turned into a whole slew of creepy dudes who'd heard about it from boards flooding the comments with sexual shit. Also quite a few LiveJournals had to be taken down thanks to the same effect.
People are idiots. On the internet, more so.
09-07-2009, 05:44 AM
In my point of view, anonymity is one of the most valuable aspects of the internet.
Of course we would all like to know who exactly is behind the posts, uploads or any other online action. But if you enjoy your own privacy and anonymity, respect others.
I am a software developer, I kind of know how easy it is to reveal someone's identity online. I also know the top of the iceberg and on what scale government and business **** people their privacy.
Thats why I actively develop software to reduce this abuse.
Its good to be curious, but respect people their anonymity.
09-07-2009, 07:38 AM
[QUOTE=mick_sl8ter;68394]In my point of view, anonymity is one of the most valuable aspects of the internet.
Oui mais internt est une poubelle :cussing: lol! Un mensonge avec des gens sans scupules:machine: . Je me suis inscrit sur +++ forums ils m'inondent de films xxx:( , je n'ai que des réponses fausses genre collarme tu recherche à discuter avec une maitresse et des soumis te répondent sur un tchat sois disant sans censure: c'est faux partout des modérateurs t'empêche de t'exprimer librement. je suis en recherche de réel films et non pas d'imitations. (vous devez traduire ce texte en french/english pour le lire).
09-07-2009, 09:23 AM
In my point of view, anonymity is one of the most valuable aspects of the internet.
Yes but the internet is a trashcan:cussing: lol! A falsehood with immoral people:machine: . I have registered myself at +++ forums they flooded me with xxx films:( , I got nothing but fake answers at collarme ( when you kindly search to discuss with a maitresse and submissive to meet up for a chat without censorship: that is wrong everywhere the moderators prevent you from expressing yourself freely. I am in search of real films and not of imitations. (Could you translate this text in french/english for reading).
I could translate this one post to english for you, but it would be more useful if you learn to speak english :-)
Even though I was not at all intrested in speaking multiple languages, the dutch education system is less nationalistic and more realistic, so while I was in highschool I was ****** to learn: 6 years german, 4 years french, 3 years of classic greek, classic latin. Dutch children get english lessons even earlier (at elementary school)... and this is besides the other classes such as physics, chemistry, mathematics...
So in my opinion I think it is kind of lame if people can only speak one language.
In respond to your remark about moderators, that is very true. Moderators mess with the freedom of speech on the internet. But that is what is so great about this forum. There is a moderator, but she only moderates when she has no other choice. For instance when people threathen the very existence of this forum by sharing copyrighted material here. That might lead to lawsuits and closure of this forum.
09-08-2009, 05:34 PM
I'm a "real" girl. Well, woman actually.
I don't post here too much anymore because I got flooded with stupid messages from guys. So unless it is an intelligent message, I don't reply.
But I am the real deal. I love kicking guys in the nuts, and I love stories about guys losing their male-parts, especially their wieners (love that term!)! :)
I love that term too ;)
If you want to ask a girl, why you don't ask your girlfriend or a female friend of yours?
09-11-2009, 11:08 PM
with all your user names its hard to see who are real girls.:bananajum
For your own mental health, always assume the "hot chick" you are talking to is a fat 40-50ish year old man. Then you can't go wrong. The only "real women" on message boards want your money...sad, but true.
09-12-2009, 12:33 AM
For your own mental health, always assume the "hot chick" you are talking to is a fat 40-50ish year old man. Then you can't go wrong. The only "real women" on message boards want your money...sad, but true.
Oh! thats sooo not true!:(
09-13-2009, 11:24 AM
For your own mental health, always assume the "hot chick" you are talking to is a fat 40-50ish year old man. Then you can't go wrong. The only "real women" on message boards want your money...sad, but true.
Definitely not true!
09-13-2009, 02:05 PM
For your own mental health, always assume the "hot chick" you are talking to is a fat 40-50ish year old man. Then you can't go wrong. The only "real women" on message boards want your money...sad, but true.
mate i think that you are going to have some very angry women if you keep saying things like that about them.
09-13-2009, 02:34 PM
For your own mental health, always assume the "hot chick" you are talking to is a fat 40-50ish year old man. Then you can't go wrong. The only "real women" on message boards want your money...sad, but true.
Well, I wouldn't necessarily assume that, especially the part about wanting money, but it's always a good idea when dealing with anyone on the internet to remember that they might not be who they say they are. This isn't just a male-female thing though and it goes for occupation, description, age or anything.
(NASA scientist and Nobel prize winner but definitely not female)
09-13-2009, 03:29 PM
For your own mental health, always assume the "hot chick" you are talking to is a fat 40-50ish year old man. Then you can't go wrong. The only "real women" on message boards want your money...sad, but true.
I don't think that's true. We men like bb and we don't get paid to get a kick to the nuts. There're women who like to kick for fun, not for money.
09-14-2009, 11:05 AM
For your own mental health, always assume the "hot chick" you are talking to is a fat 40-50ish year old man. Then you can't go wrong. The only "real women" on message boards want your money...sad, but true.
There are definitely quite a number of real women who have read this board. Most of them have no interest in your money. But also most of the ones who have come here have left after getting tired of BS like being called a man all the time or being propositioned constantly (sometimes by the same person). So, please, try being civil so that we can not drive away the few lovely women we still have.
And to the women who read this, sorry about the assholes. Try not to let it ruin your fun.
09-15-2009, 12:28 AM
I'm totally a chick. No seriously. I have like... a uterus and stuff. Totally. For reals...
Real reason to post is Jenny69. Why can't you see attachments? After you post a few times you should be allowed. There's a setting to prevent people from signing up, not sharing and then getting attachments, but it's automatically removed after a few posts.
And while I'm posting...
Rebecca, I assume if you're into stories of parts being cut off then you're aware of that is nothing but that, right?
Really, I don't see why women would ever "come out" to heathens like me on a message board. They don't get anything out of it. Although we had a lady on the board last year that had a really naughty exchange of Private Messages with me back and forth for months. I'd like to think that we both got a little thrill out of that.
(my word choice is kind of hoighty toighty at the moment. WTH?)
09-15-2009, 12:35 AM
I'm a real girl! I love that I don't get 1000 "no you're not really a girl" on this forum. I enjoy ballbusting and my ex-bf got me interested in it.
09-15-2009, 11:34 AM
I'm a real girl!
I swear all I could think was of a sexually confused Pinnochio.
(Not saying anything about you, just the sentence made me laugh and put that image in my head)
09-15-2009, 11:47 AM
I'm totally a chick. No seriously. I have like... a uterus and stuff. Totally. For reals...
Real reason to post is Jenny69. Why can't you see attachments? After you post a few times you should be allowed. There's a setting to prevent people from signing up, not sharing and then getting attachments, but it's automatically removed after a few posts.
I can see attachments now. :thumbup
You are such a EMO chick Richter;) :wooow
09-15-2009, 04:55 PM
Rebecca, I assume if you're into stories of parts being cut off then you're aware of that is nothing but that, right?
Oh yesss! I am very aware of that site. ;-) I love it! Too bad I don't understand German as there are a number of stories there in German, but I can't read them. :(
But it is one of my favourite fiction sites.
09-15-2009, 06:57 PM
It's amazing how much crossover there is between and this site. I love all of their stories too, but their forums... eh. They're alright.
A lot of it turns into political debate, and that's not what I go to these sites for. But as long as sexual organs of either gender are in peril, I will read!
09-16-2009, 01:07 PM
Rebecca, try Googling "" and then some keywords to search the site and it will match up your keywords so you only get returns in English. I use the same thing for Diana the Valkyrie's stories.
Since Eunuch Archives have so many gay stories, I usually have "-gay she" in my keywords.
Jenny, I usually pick on newbies by claiming to have administrative powers and "activating" their account.
I'm no Emo Chick! I'm a man, baby! My real name is "Stanley, spelled with a C"
C... Ctanley, is that right? Stancley... Stacnley, like the 'c' is silent, I don't know. I just think it's a funny line from the preview of Couples Retreat.
I'm a "real" girl. Well, woman actually.
I don't post here too much anymore because I got flooded with stupid messages from guys. So unless it is an intelligent message, I don't reply.
But I am the real deal. I love kicking guys in the nuts, and I love stories about guys losing their male-parts, especially their wieners (love that term!)! :)
I think Rebecca's quote: "I love kicking guys in the nuts, and I love stories about guys losing their male-parts, especially their wieners (love that term!)!" is a valid feeling of "virtually all" women. The majority of women are so socially conditioned to deny their feelings that they don't even realize it themselves. If you want to know how women really feel, spend some time eavesdropping on a group of intoxicated women. I could often overhear my wife's drunk girlfriends talking loudly around our picnic table and comments about kicking guys in the nuts was very common and seemed to put smiles on their faces. I think intelligent and educated women are more likely to openly show their interest in causing or witnessing a male getting his balls injured.
09-17-2009, 10:29 PM
I am. :)
09-18-2009, 12:29 PM
I think Rebecca's quote: "I love kicking guys in the nuts, and I love stories about guys losing their male-parts, especially their wieners (love that term!)!" is a valid feeling of "virtually all" women. The majority of women are so socially conditioned to deny their feelings that they don't even realize it themselves. If you want to know how women really feel, spend some time eavesdropping on a group of intoxicated women. I could often overhear my wife's drunk girlfriends talking loudly around our picnic table and comments about kicking guys in the nuts was very common and seemed to put smiles on their faces. I think intelligent and educated women are more likely to openly show their interest in causing or witnessing a male getting his balls injured.
I hate to do this, but I think you're mistaken.
First off, we all (women AND men) are socially conditioned to deny feelings. While those feelings may be different between the two genders, I think this remains true.
Secondly, while many women find it funny to see a guy hit in the nuts, so do most men. Moreover, we women think it's funny provided that the guy is not seriously hurt (movies notwithstanding). All humans have a streak of animal-barbarism remaining in us. That's why we may laugh right after someone is hit in the nuts. But we very quickly feel sympathy upon realizing how much pain they are in. This could be called suppression I suppose, but if so, it's the suppression of that neanderthal mentality. Personally, I think that's a good thing.
Lastly, we as women may not display those sadistic tendencies in the same way men do. We do it differently. Everyone should know that girls are far more vicious to one another than are boys. We don't beat each other up. We use much more subtle (and in my opinion), evil methods to bully and ostracize.
Now of course there are women who enjoy stories, pics, movies of guys getting their nuts kicked, kneed, punched, squashed etc. Some of us even like the idea of permanent damage being done to a male's genitals. I like all of it! But at the same time, I cannot condone some random, non-consenting guy from being targeted for such acts. While I find some of the youtube stuff of this nature to be entertaining, at the end of the day, I think it's wrong to do such things to someone who has not consented. THAT is by definition assault.
Well I've blathered on long enough here. I just wanted to clear that up. For every fetish, deviance or kink, there are both men and women who share it. The trick is to find someone who shares your interest.
Don't worry about who are women or men here. Don't be too picky. Take the material for what it is. Remember, the mind is the ultimate erogenous zone.
09-18-2009, 01:17 PM
Good, Rebecca.
It seems to me that ballbusting is a sexy idea for some men, touching their libido. But for women it is about power, self-defense and not sexual. Am I wrong?:confused:
09-18-2009, 02:44 PM
Good, Rebecca.
It seems to me that ballbusting is a sexy idea for some men, touching their libido. But for women it is about power, self-defense and not sexual. Am I wrong?:confused:
You're neither, and both right and wrong.
To generalize an attitude among a whole gender will always be inaccurate. Especially with regards to what is considered sexual.
I am sexually aroused by male genitals being hurt. It's certainly not the only thing that arouses me (I'm not a freak :)), but I do enjoy it. No question there are other women who are also aroused by it. Most women however are not.
And power and sex are often very connected, even in what we consider "vanilla" relationships. Many do not realise this to be the case, but I think it is definitely so. This power aspect is usually very subtle, but it exists in all sexual relations. It is simply more pronounced and obvious in the subject we here are into.
Don't look for a blanket qualification when discussing gender and sex. It will be erroneous.
09-18-2009, 03:12 PM
No! No! No! You're blowing my mind!!! Don't make blanket statements about an entire gender?! Are you telling me that all women aren't secretly like the girls in porno videos and bi and like it up the ass and are secretly into all the fetishes that I am and even though their mouth says no-no their eyes are really saying yes-yes?! AAAAAAHHH!!! My whole belief structure has been undermined.
09-19-2009, 12:16 AM
Jenny, I usually pick on newbies by claiming to have administrative powers and "activating" their account.
I'm no Emo Chick! I'm a man, baby! My real name is "Stanley, spelled with a C"
C... Ctanley, is that right? Stancley... Stacnley, like the 'c' is silent, I don't know. I just think it's a funny line from the preview of Couples Retreat.
You are too much Richter :wooow
09-19-2009, 07:14 AM
Hi Rebecca!:)
OK, ballbusting is an old, deep, useful (!), prehistoric behavior. So we sometimes have attraction about it, female or male. BB is old as manking is.
Men are stronger but BB is the symbol of the force of cunning women.
09-20-2009, 09:22 AM
You're neither, and both right and wrong.
To generalize an attitude among a whole gender will always be inaccurate.
Don't look for a blanket qualification when discussing gender and sex. It will be erroneous.
I wish more people would grasp this.
09-21-2009, 12:30 PM
I wish more people would grasp this! *grabs his crotch*
09-21-2009, 04:05 PM
soothe my sides, they might just split. Luckily, this isn't a comedy forum, otherwise the trapdoor would have been released some time ago:)
09-22-2009, 01:27 PM
Hey, my post had a crotch grab story. It wasn't three acts or iambic pentameter, but it was heartfelt. Well, groinfelt.
09-23-2009, 09:02 AM
Im a real girl,hence the name chestnuts X)
Not a woman yet though lol.
i have done some cartoons and stories on this forum.
10-09-2009, 10:53 PM
I'm a real girl. I just got an account maybe three weeks ago? I don't really remember, but here i am :)
10-09-2009, 11:44 PM
this is a question 4 any woman . wuld u bust a teenager 15-an up.?
10-10-2009, 05:41 AM
...animal-barbarism remaining in us. ...
I just wanted to point out that it surprises me how much animal there is in people (myself included). Not only the fact that the animal in a person shines through often, but how many people don't realize it.
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