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One from the Vaults
10-28-2009, 03:39 PM
I do Taoist martial arts... Bagua, Xing Yi and martial Tai Chi. The class I go to is fairly small, about 15 regulars only half of whom will show up in a given week. One of the ones who shows up all the time is a petite middle aged woman with a background in Tae Kwon Doe, and I often end up paired off with her for training exercises. We're both in the same relative range of skill... better than the beginners but not yet advanced... so it makes sense that we get put together, but being young fit and male I'm a substantially larger and stronger than she is, even though she's definitely in good shape, very flexible and lean, just not that large, and significantly older.

I don't know how much any of you know about martial Tai Chi, but one of the main training exercises is called push hands -- it's this give and take thing where you try to use body alignment and your opponent's strength to throw them off balance. Some people are really timid about it... she and I are both very aggressive, always trying to trick one another, and we also both have it in mind as a martial exercise, so we'll frequently try to set the other up for an attack of some kind. As I said earlier, she's a lot shorter and not nearly as strong as me, so I usually win: they say that with Tai Chi, 4 ounces moves a thousand pounds, but when all else is equal, longer/stronger arms give a pretty huge advantage. Being short though, has its own particular advantage in martial arts... my groin feels completely exposed to her all the time. That's something notable about the Taoist styles: groin strikes aren't some big taboo, they're just part of the style, and a lot of moves are explicitly about even grabbing and twisting the testicles (for instance, in our style of Bagua's 5th palm change you strike the throat of someone in front with your outside hand, reach behind with inside hand, grab/twist/pull while swivelling your body and striking to the throat with your outside hand now on that side before striking/clearing behind you. Complicated to explain, but it involves letting someone think they can sneak up behind you, grabbing them by the balls and then crushing their windpipe while they're protecting low).

Anyway, last several classes, it'd happen frequently that we'd be doing push hands or some similar exercise and one of us would try something fancy and the other would respond naturally, all in good fun. Whenever it was me trying to do something to her, she'd imply that she wanted to go for the balls but not actually do it... like either her foot would come up slightly and stop well away from me, or something similar. A few times she even said stuff like "you're lucky we're in class" or joke about how I'd "regret" doing whatever I just did. As I said above, whenever we're sparring I feel really vulnerable there because of her height, like it just seems something easy for her to strike and hard for me to block, so I kept wanting to talk to her about it, to encourage her to go for it just from a practical martial perspective (ie, this is something you could really use to your advantage and it'd help your fighting style to practice it), and to let her know that I don't mind (most guys are freaked out about it, but if anything it turns me on).

Yesterday during class while Sifu was explaining something I spaced out for a minute and started to get hard because I was thinking of ballbusting... since I wear stretchy, shiny exercise pants in the class, it would've been ridiculously obvious so I suppressed it, but was still generally turned on. Then, about twenty minutes later she and I were sparring again, and at point I caught one of her arms and used her rotation to pull her off to the side and go to take her back, when much to my surprise I felt her foot smash into my crotch! The loose, soft material of the exercise pants and my mild arousal had it that I was hanging pretty loosely, and I felt my genitals all lift up and condense between my body and her foot. The way she kicked me (lifting the heel straight up while facing away) had the sole of her foot catch the whole area evenly, and everything (cock and balls alike) just lifted and moved around. She asked if I was okay and I said I was (the impact didn't really hurt; there was a bit of nausea but I hid it), so we kept going with the push hands. I really wanted to get her back with a nice crisp toe kick to the clit, and absolutely was going to had the situation presented itself, but as it was I just faked it a couple times, brought my knee up towards her crotch once.

Anyway... it didn't turn me on or hurt that much at the time, mainly just caught me by surprise, but since then I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. It barely even hurt, but that sensation of my genitals getting lifted and squished by a kick... fuck that was luxurious... I really want to feel it again. Would you believe I've never been kicked properly? One of my ex kicked me once but it also didn't really hurt, and all the ballbusting play I've done has been with squeezing, slapping and punching. Now I really want to be, but I'm too embarrassed to ask her to do it... I talked to my girlfriend about it and asked her to but she's too timid and afraid of hurting me. She keeps implying that she might do it "in the right mood" but so far I just haven't been able to get her in that mood... oh well.

Sorry for rambly post, just figured I'd tell someone what was weighing on my mind. Anyone have any experiences getting busted in a martial arts context? It's a big fantasy of mine, and I've wrestled with female martial artists who are even into kink before, but they never went for the balls, even after I specifically told them it turns me on.

One from the Vaults
10-28-2009, 03:43 PM
One practical consideration: I only really want to be kicked when my dick is soft, because of the way things bounce around that way, and because I know that a hard kick while erect can damage the shaft of the penis. Problem is, I get hard really easily, especially when I'm thinking about ballbusting, so I need to come up with a way that I can get her to do it maybe when I'm not really expecting it? Anyone have any ideas?

10-28-2009, 06:51 PM
Ah, thats some awesome stuff to hear man. My personal recommendation is to keep pushing it with your girlfriend cause getting it constantly is amazing stuff, much better than maybe one hit every once in awhile at your martial arts class. My girlfriend at first was worried about hurting me but when i told her it really doesnt hurt if she doesnt do it too hard, it just turns me on and feels good (which is true) and then i just had do it harder and harder until eventually she was really kicking me hard. My suggestion is that you maybe start talking about and watching porn together. Im not sure how open about that kind of stuff you two are, but if that is something you guys might do, do that, if it isnt, maybe bring it up. Then after a few times ask if she wants to watch something different (cause im pretty sure mostly everyone can agree regular straight up porn can get boring after awhile) and suggest something like blow job videos, or stripping videos, girls gone wild type stuff, anything thats just different, even if it isnt ballbusting/fetish. Then maybe hint that theres videos of guys getting kicked for fun, or that you stumbled across one before, just so she realizes other people out there do it, and that maybe you guys can enjoy it too.

As far as youre martial arts thing goes, thats awesome. I know how exciting trying to get someone to bust you without being able to ask them can be. All that anticipation and suspense gets your hormones going like crazy. I (along with pretty much everyone else here im sure) have been through that before, mostly in elementary/high school, and it can be great stuff to get off to for a long time afterwards if you actually do get busted (though unfortunately i was never successful, only soccer balls getting me as a kid. had to resort to getting off on near busts for a long time). But thats awesome that she actually got you. Maybe if next time you jokingly gave her a hard time about it when youre starting your exercise with something along the lines of "are you gonna resort to the low blow again this time since thats clearly the only way you can win?" or "you better not try to get me in the crotch again" *she says something* "well its not like i can really stop you or anything, its not against the rules" Just anything that will get it back in her mind and make her think about doing it again, and maybe even want to if youre giving her a hard time. Im sure you can think of something better, those are just suggestions.

Good luck with both those situations and by all means, let us know how it goes for you.

Alec Anaconda
10-29-2009, 10:25 AM
I seem to recall that there is an extreme branch of martial art where the participants apparently use painful testicular training exercises to increase their endurance to groin attacks.

I don’t know whether this works, or is just trickery, but their videos certainly look impressive.
(It could be just protection, or the old technique of ******* their balls back into their bodies.)

Perhaps you could research this.
If it’s true, then you have a legitimate reason to ask your sparing partner to bust you.

Alec Anaconda

10-29-2009, 10:53 AM
a self-defense class with a woman as your partner is a good way to "practice" your taste of ballbusting

Alec Anaconda
10-29-2009, 12:55 PM
I remember now: Shaolin monks.

10-29-2009, 03:14 PM
I've been into martial arts since I was 16 (30 years now) and during that time I've come across quite a few females that like to go for the balls. When I first started judo and before I understood anything about bb other than I new it turned me on. There was two young girls in the class about my age that would edge each other on to 'get him in the balls'
During radory (free practice) both of them would accidentally bring there knee up high when going for an inner reap and catch me in the nuts, not hard but it would happen over and over...they would both let out a little giggle when they caught me (one would be watching while the other was practising) ...it give me a rock hard erection after a few hits. Wouldn't mind taking part in a few of those sessions again... perhaps I should get back into judo!

I have a few more tales to tell if anyone is interested?

10-29-2009, 03:58 PM
This is a good thread. I hope you all continue to tell more of your experiences. :ibow4u: These are some very good stories.



One from the Vaults
10-29-2009, 10:43 PM
Perhaps you could research this.
If it’s true, then you have a legitimate reason to ask your sparing partner to bust you.

Alec Anacondahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbFnWL4npaM -- this is presumably what you're thinking of. The most popular related thing is called Iron Fist, a style which emphasizes bone density training of the hands by basically punching hard things over and over while drinking a special medicine that helps bruises to heal faster, until your hands are impervious to damage and you can smash through things. There are extensions of this type of training to every body part, for instance Iron Stomach training where you hit yourself in the gut repeatedly to strengthen it. It's not surprising that similar training exists for the testicles... but normally you wouldn't do something like that unless you are already doing other extreme strengthening exercises; the throat, for instance, is much more vulnerable/dangerous, so Shaolin monks do things like hanging themselves for a few seconds at a time until their throats are strong enough to take more, and eventually their throat is strong enough that it can be punched without much danger.

Anyway... that kind of training is unnecessary for a justification. What'd make a lot more sense would be to just for me to say that I'm worried about groin strikes because 1) It's supposed to be debilitating and I want to learn to defend against them effectively, but most combat sports don't teach you to defend against them because they're illegal and 2) I've never actually been hit hard in the groin, so I have no idea what to expect, and would rather not be totally unfamiliar with it in case it happened in a fight.

1 there means that it's important to train, and 2 means that it's okay if she makes contact and gives her explicit permission to use actual force. I don't think it'd be reasonable to just ask to be kicked and then stand there and take it, but it would be reasonable to ask her to try to do it for real, and for me to honestly try to defend it.

That all assumes that I've got a willing female sparring partner... the woman mentioned in the OP is someone I train with in a class that doesn't normally involve forceful contact (trying to pull someone off balance, yes; actually striking them, no), so first I'd need to arrange for a contact spar outside of class.

Alec Anaconda
11-21-2009, 12:22 PM
Have you made any progress yet?

One from the Vaults
11-22-2009, 01:26 AM
With the martial arts girl, no. My girlfriend has busted me a couple times on my request though... tied my hands to the bed and spanked my balls a few times before squeezing them. Has squeezed them a few other times too. She starts slow and squeezes harder until I can't take it... I'd prefer if it were more intense to begin with though.