View Full Version : Invitation for the Finnish

11-19-2009, 02:54 PM
This is sort of a shameless advert, but coming from the other thread, I thought of testing something for us Finns. People post their paysite ads here, so I thought this would be okay as well (non-profit test).

I've seen members from Finland here, but never seen a discussion about ballbusting in the language ever. Okay, couple of threads somewhere without any established coments. So, I just created a free forum (with a couple of ads) to see if there are any other Finns willing to join. English-speakers, just imagine if you couldn't talk about balls, nuts, nads etc. in your native language!?

Niin, olisi mukava jutella näistä asioista suomeksi ja katsoa löytyykö kiinnostusta Suomesta. Tietenkin näillä englanninkielisillä foorumeilla on eniten sisältöä, mutta myös spämmiä ja ihme riitoja, kuten täällä on nähty. Ehkäpä Suomessa on jopa naispuolisia henkilöitä, jotka olisivat kiinnostuneita.

Tiedän, että useimmat täälläkin taitavat mieluummin vain katsella kuvia ja jotain, eikä varsinaisesti osallistua keskusteluun. Mutta no.. Kuitenkin huumoria mukana. :) Sivulla on pari mainosta, kun en viitsinyt ostaa webtilaa, koska ei vielä tiedä haluaako kukaan ylipäätänsä liittyä. Joka tapauksessa, kun rekisteröityy, niin jo vähäisistä mainoksista toinen lähtee kokonaan pois.

Tervetuloa / Welcome

Ballbusting Suomi


11-20-2009, 05:56 AM
Sorry, this is the only time I'm bumping this. I posted it at 00:01 AM local time, so I figure this is the only way there's actually a chance someone reading it. :)

11-21-2009, 09:47 AM
I think you're doing something good here.

The rules do state that this forum is to be an English forum, and I often see people holding conversations in other languages. French is a common one. I think a foreign conversation every once in a while on this forum isn't a bad thing at all, but rules are rules.

I wish you luck with your forum.

11-24-2009, 08:04 AM

I remember, years ago, visiting Nokia headquarters in Helsinki and another time their factory in Oulu. A taxi driver, whom I complimented for the quality of his English speaking, replied to me that learning English and learning it well was compulsory in Finland as Finnish language was very seldom used and even understood abroad.

I must confess his English was almost better than mine. So my question is: if all Finns speak English that well, why, damn, a dedicate forum in their language? Why would they deprive us from their posts ?

11-24-2009, 09:27 AM

I remember, years ago, visiting Nokia headquarters in Helsinki and another time their factory in Oulu. A taxi driver, whom I complimented for the quality of his English speaking, replied to me that learning English and learning it well was compulsory in Finland as Finnish language was very seldom used and even understood abroad.

I must confess his English was almost better than mine. So my question is: if all Finns speak English that well, why, damn, a dedicate forum in their language? Why would they deprive us from their posts ?

Well, the world is small. I don't live very far away from that factory in question.

Yes, these forums are the best and I like them. But sometimes more of a smaller community feel and stuff related to your own country would be nice. Simply, ballbusting or related discussions in your own language would be nice to see.

However, it seems there are too few people interested. The community is that that huge even in English, and look sometimes at the front page where you see people who are logged in. You never seen them post. Most members here have 0 posts. Most just want to register, read stories, see pictures and do their "stuff." So I do not there's much new potential.

01-20-2014, 08:26 AM
Liityin juuri foorumille(olen pidempään seuraillut keskusteluja rekisteröitymättä) ja mieleeni heräsi kysymys: onko täällä enää aktiivisia suomalaisia vai ovatko kaikki lähteneet omille teilleen?